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Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. ; FILE: GameData.ini (SYSTEM) /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5. GameData
  6. ShellMapName = Maps\ShellMapMD\
  7. MapName =
  8. MoveHintName = SCMoveHint
  9. UseTrees = Yes
  10. UseFPSLimit = Yes
  11. FramesPerSecondLimit = 30
  12. ChipsetType = 0
  13. ;Windowed = No
  14. ;XResolution = 800
  15. ;YResolution = 600
  16. MaxShellScreens = 8
  17. UseCloudMap = Yes
  18. UseLightMap = Yes
  19. BilinearTerrainTex = Yes
  20. TrilinearTerrainTex = Yes
  21. MultiPassTerrain = Yes
  22. AdjustCliffTextures = Yes
  23. StretchTerrain = No
  24. UseHalfHeightMap = No
  25. ShowObjectHealth = Yes
  26. HideGarrisonFlags = No
  27. Use3WayTerrainBlends = 1
  28. DrawEntireTerrain = No
  29. TerrainLOD = DISABLE ; should be handled by options screen.
  30. TerrainLODTargetTimeMS = 45
  31. TextureReductionFactor = 0; 1 is half res, 2 querter res, etc.
  32. RightMouseAlwaysScrolls = Yes
  33. UseWaterPlane = Yes
  34. UseCloudPlane = Yes
  35. UseShadowVolumes = Yes
  36. UseShadowDecals = Yes
  37. UseBehindBuildingMarker = Yes
  38. DefaultOcclusionDelay = 3000 ; in ms
  39. OccludedColorLuminanceScale = 0.5
  40. WaterPositionX = 0.0
  41. WaterPositionY = 0.0
  42. WaterPositionZ = 7.0
  43. WaterExtentX = 2000.0
  44. WaterExtentY = 2000.0
  45. WaterType = 0
  47. ; when a structure is reduced to rubble, set its z-height to this if nothing else is specified.
  48. DefaultStructureRubbleHeight = 10.0
  50. ;the following are for vertex animated water
  51. VertexWaterAvailableMaps1 = Maps\nVidiaDemo\
  52. VertexWaterHeightClampLow1 = 0.0
  53. VertexWaterHeightClampHi1 = 16.3
  54. VertexWaterAngle1 = 45 ;in degrees
  55. VertexWaterXPosition1 = 2700.0
  56. VertexWaterYPosition1 = -750.0
  57. VertexWaterZPosition1 = 2.9
  58. VertexWaterXGridCells1 = 65
  59. VertexWaterYGridCells1 = 360
  60. VertexWaterGridSize1 = 10.0
  61. VertexWaterAttenuationA1 = 1.0
  62. VertexWaterAttenuationB1 = 0.0
  63. VertexWaterAttenuationC1 = 0.0
  64. VertexWaterAttenuationRange1 = 20.0
  66. ;the following are for vertex animated water
  67. VertexWaterAvailableMaps2 = Maps\CHI03\
  68. VertexWaterHeightClampLow2 = 0.0
  69. VertexWaterHeightClampHi2 = 31.2
  70. VertexWaterAngle2 = -12 ;in degrees
  71. VertexWaterXPosition2 = 282.0
  72. VertexWaterYPosition2 = -20.0
  73. VertexWaterZPosition2 = 3.0
  74. VertexWaterXGridCells2 = 100
  75. VertexWaterYGridCells2 = 200
  76. VertexWaterGridSize2 = 11.0
  77. VertexWaterAttenuationA2 = 1.0
  78. VertexWaterAttenuationB2 = 0.0
  79. VertexWaterAttenuationC2 = 0.0
  80. VertexWaterAttenuationRange2 = 20.0
  82. ;the following are for vertex animated water
  83. VertexWaterAvailableMaps3 = Maps\GLA01\
  84. VertexWaterHeightClampLow3 = 0.0
  85. VertexWaterHeightClampHi3 = 45.0
  86. VertexWaterAngle3 = -12 ;in degrees
  87. VertexWaterXPosition3 = 1424.0
  88. VertexWaterYPosition3 = -270.0
  89. VertexWaterZPosition3 = 2.0
  90. VertexWaterXGridCells3 = 75
  91. VertexWaterYGridCells3 = 360
  92. VertexWaterGridSize3 = 10.0 ;11.0
  93. VertexWaterAttenuationA3 = 1.0
  94. VertexWaterAttenuationB3 = 0.0
  95. VertexWaterAttenuationC3 = 0.0
  96. VertexWaterAttenuationRange3 = 20.0
  98. ;the following are for vertex animated water
  99. VertexWaterAvailableMaps4 = Maps\USA06\
  100. VertexWaterHeightClampLow4 = 0.0
  101. VertexWaterHeightClampHi4 = 16.3
  102. VertexWaterAngle4 = 45 ;in degrees
  103. VertexWaterXPosition4 = 2700.0
  104. VertexWaterYPosition4 = -750.0
  105. VertexWaterZPosition4 = 2.9
  106. VertexWaterXGridCells4 = 65
  107. VertexWaterYGridCells4 = 360
  108. VertexWaterGridSize4 = 10.0
  109. VertexWaterAttenuationA4 = 1.0
  110. VertexWaterAttenuationB4 = 0.0
  111. VertexWaterAttenuationC4 = 0.0
  112. VertexWaterAttenuationRange4 = 20.0
  114. DownwindAngle = -0.785 ; Northeast! AKA "Away and to the right"
  115. DrawSkyBox = Yes
  116. SkyBoxPositionZ = -100.0 ; lowers center of skybox under terrain
  117. SkyBoxScale = 8.4 ; good for default 96 x 96 map, make 17.5 for 256x256
  118. CameraPitch = 37.5
  119. CameraYaw = 0.0
  120. CameraHeight = 232.0
  121. MaxCameraHeight = 310.0
  122. MinCameraHeight = 120.0
  123. CameraAdjustSpeed = 0.3 ; between 0 and 1 - this is how fast the camera snaps to the desired height
  124. ScrollAmountCutoff = 50.0 ; arbitrary units - above this value, we don't update height while scrolling
  125. EnforceMaxCameraHeight = No ; Obey max camera height while scrolling?
  126. TerrainHeightAtEdgeOfMap = 100.0
  127. UnitDamagedThreshold = 0.7
  128. UnitReallyDamagedThreshold = 0.35
  129. GroundStiffness = 0.8
  130. StructureStiffness = 0.3
  131. ; acceleration due to gravity, in dist/sec^2
  132. ; note that our distance units are roughly one foot, so
  133. ; this corresponds to earth-normal gravity (32 ft/sec^2)
  134. ;Gravity = -32.0
  135. ; this "feels" better... (srj)
  136. Gravity = -64.0
  138. PartitionCellSize = 40.0
  140. ParticleScale = 1.0 ;
  142. AutoFireParticleSmallPrefix = FireS
  143. AutoFireParticleSmallSystem = FireFactionSmall
  144. AutoFireParticleSmallMax = 2
  145. AutoFireParticleMediumPrefix = FireM
  146. AutoFireParticleMediumSystem = FireFactionMedium
  147. AutoFireParticleMediumMax = 1
  148. AutoFireParticleLargePrefix = FireL
  149. AutoFireParticleLargeSystem = FireFactionLarge
  150. AutoFireParticleLargeMax = 1
  151. AutoSmokeParticleSmallPrefix = SmokeS
  152. AutoSmokeParticleSmallSystem = SmokeFactionSmall
  153. AutoSmokeParticleSmallMax = 4
  154. AutoSmokeParticleMediumPrefix = SmokeM
  155. AutoSmokeParticleMediumSystem = SmokeFactionMedium
  156. AutoSmokeParticleMediumMax = 2
  157. AutoSmokeParticleLargePrefix = SmokeL
  158. AutoSmokeParticleLargeSystem = SmokeFactionLarge
  159. AutoSmokeParticleLargeMax = 1
  160. AutoAflameParticlePrefix = Aflame
  161. AutoAflameParticleSystem = FireBuildingSmall
  162. AutoAflameParticleMax = 4
  164. HistoricDamageLimit = 5000 ; how long to retain historical-damage for weapons that need it, in msec
  166. AmmoPipScaleFactor = 1.5
  167. ContainerPipScaleFactor = 1.5
  168. AmmoPipScreenOffset = X:-1.0 Y:0.0 ; note that this is a multiplier to boundingspheresize, NOT an absolute offset
  169. ContainerPipScreenOffset = X:1.0 Y:0.0 ; note that this is a multiplier to boundingspheresize, NOT an absolute offset
  170. AmmoPipWorldOffset = X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:10.0 ; added to position prior to world->screen xform
  171. ContainerPipWorldOffset = X:0.0 Y:0.0 Z:10.0 ; added to position prior to world->screen xform
  173. LevelGainAnimationName = LevelGainedAnimation
  174. LevelGainAnimationTime = 4.0
  175. LevelGainAnimationZRise = 15.0
  177. GetHealedAnimationName = GetHealedAnimation
  178. GetHealedAnimationTime = 4.0
  179. GetHealedAnimationZRise = 15.0
  181. MaxTerrainTracks = 100 ; how many vehicles can generate tread marks on the terrain.
  182. TimeOfDay = AFTERNOON
  183. Weather = NORMAL
  184. MakeTrackMarks = Yes
  185. ForceModelsToFollowTimeOfDay = Yes
  186. ForceModelsToFollowWeather = Yes
  188. InfantryLightMorningScale = 100f ; amount to scale map lighting to make infantry easier to see.
  189. InfantryLightAfternoonScale = 100f ; amount to scale map lighting to make infantry easier to see.
  190. InfantryLightEveningScale = 200f ; amount to scale map lighting to make infantry easier to see.
  191. InfantryLightNightScale = 200f ; amount to scale map lighting to make infantry easier to see.
  193. TerrainLightingMorningAmbient = R:128 G:100 B:77
  194. TerrainLightingMorningDiffuse = R:230 G:180 B:153
  195. TerrainLightingMorningLightPos = X:-0.96 Y:0.05 Z:-0.29
  196. TerrainLightingEveningAmbient = R:64 G:59 B:51
  197. TerrainLightingEveningDiffuse = R:153 G:128 B:102
  198. TerrainLightingEveningLightPos = X:-1.0 Y:0.0 Z:-0.2
  199. TerrainLightingNightAmbient = R:26 G:26 B:39
  200. TerrainLightingNightDiffuse = R:51 G:51 B:77
  201. TerrainLightingNightLightPos = X:-1.0 Y:1.0 Z:-2.0
  203. TerrainObjectsLightingMorningAmbient = R:128 G:102 B:77
  204. TerrainObjectsLightingMorningDiffuse = R:230 G:179 B:153
  205. TerrainObjectsLightingMorningLightPos = X:-0.96 Y:0.05 Z:-0.29
  206. TerrainObjectsLightingEveningAmbient = R:64 G:59 B:51
  207. TerrainObjectsLightingEveningDiffuse = R:153 G:128 B:102
  208. TerrainObjectsLightingEveningLightPos = X:-1.0 Y:0.0 Z:-0.2
  209. TerrainObjectsLightingNightAmbient = R:26 G:26 B:39
  210. TerrainObjectsLightingNightDiffuse = R:51 G:51 B:77
  211. TerrainObjectsLightingNightLightPos = X:-1.0 Y:1.0 Z:-2.0
  213. TerrainLightingAfternoonAmbient = R:56 G:52 B:44
  214. TerrainLightingAfternoonDiffuse = R:255 G:255 B:255
  215. TerrainLightingAfternoonLightPos = X:-0.81 Y:0.38 Z:-0.45
  216. TerrainObjectsLightingAfternoonAmbient = R:56 G:52 B:44
  217. TerrainObjectsLightingAfternoonDiffuse = R:255 G:255 B:255
  218. TerrainObjectsLightingAfternoonLightPos = X:-0.81 Y:0.38 Z:-0.45
  220. TerrainLightingAfternoonAmbient2 = R:0 G:0 B:0
  221. TerrainLightingAfternoonDiffuse2 = R:60 G:60 B:120
  222. TerrainLightingAfternoonLightPos2 = X:0.79 Y:0.62 Z:-0.00
  223. TerrainObjectsLightingAfternoonAmbient2 = R:0 G:0 B:0
  224. TerrainObjectsLightingAfternoonDiffuse2 = R:60 G:60 B:80
  225. TerrainObjectsLightingAfternoonLightPos2 = X:0.79 Y:0.62 Z:-0.00
  227. TerrainLightingAfternoonAmbient3 = R:0 G:0 B:0
  228. TerrainLightingAfternoonDiffuse3 = R:30 G:30 B:20
  229. TerrainLightingAfternoonLightPos3 = X:0.81 Y:-0.48 Z:-0.34
  230. TerrainObjectsLightingAfternoonAmbient3 = R:0 G:0 B:0
  231. TerrainObjectsLightingAfternoonDiffuse3 = R:30 G:30 B:20
  232. TerrainObjectsLightingAfternoonLightPos3 = X:0.81 Y:-0.48 Z:-0.34
  234. AudioOn = Yes
  235. MusicOn = Yes
  236. SoundsOn = Yes
  237. SpeechOn = Yes
  238. VideoOn = Yes
  240. DebugAI = No
  241. DebugAIObstacles = No
  243. MaxRoadSegments = 4000
  244. MaxRoadVertex = 3000
  245. MaxRoadIndex = 5000
  246. MaxRoadTypes = 100
  248. ValuePerSupplyBox = 75
  250. BuildSpeed = 1.0
  251. MinDistFromEdgeOfMapForBuild = 30.0 ; buildings may not be constructed this close to a map edge
  252. SupplyBuildBorder = 20.0 ; min dist you can put a supply center from a supply source
  254. ;Terrain height at structure footprint must be within this much to
  255. ;be considerd "flat" and therefore buildable
  256. AllowedHeightVariationForBuilding = 10.0
  258. MinLowEnergyProductionSpeed = 0.5
  259. MaxLowEnergyProductionSpeed = 0.8
  260. LowEnergyPenaltyModifier = 1.0
  261. MultipleFactory = 1.0
  262. RefundPercent = 50.0%
  263. StealthFriendlyOpacity = 50.0%
  265. CommandCenterHealRange = 500.0 ; command center heals your/ally stuff this close to the command center
  266. CommandCenterHealAmount = 0.01 ; command center heals close by stuff this amount per logic frame
  267. MaxLineBuildObjects = 50 ; line build style objects can be in a line no longer than this count of objects
  268. MaxTunnelCapacity = 10 ; How many can be in a player's tunnel network. Limit 10 for UI currently
  270. StandardMinefieldDensity = 0.004 ; in mines per square foot
  271. StandardMinefieldDistance = 40 ; in feet. should generally be larger than typical tank shot range.
  273. HorizontalScrollSpeedFactor = 1.6; ; Factor applied to the maximum RMB scroll speed. Larger allows faster scrolling.
  274. VerticalScrollSpeedFactor = 2.0; ; Split to account for aspect ratio induced speed limits. Room to mouse drag.
  275. KeyboardScrollSpeedFactor = 2.0; ; Factor applied to the maximum keyboard scroll speed. Larger allows faster scrolling.
  276. MovementPenaltyDamageState = REALLYDAMAGED ; Point at which we slow movement
  278. MaxParticleCount = 2500 ; the maximum number of particles that can exist at one time (to 5000 for demo)
  279. MaxFieldParticleCount = 30 ; the number of field type particles rendered to the screen, beyond which this type will begin skipping
  280. ; a field particle is one of Priority AREA_EFFECT and isGroundAligned = Yes
  281. ; Typically these are puddles, toxic contamination, radiation, decontamination, etc.
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