
Neon Crescent [2]

Mar 18th, 2016
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  1. [13:25] <Sonny-C> It was the middle of the day, hot. An entire street cut off from the cities People. Something happened, something people weren't sure if they should call a murder or freak Metahuman attack
  2. [13:28] <Sonny-C> In an ally way, laid the remains of a poor street punk. As if he just fell apart like a cheap toy, the parts wriggled around as if he was alive. No one was sure just what happened, or how to fix the poor fool. Police surrounded the area, no one sure what to do
  3. [13:37] * Nichole was at the scene. She had been given reports on the situation at hand. Something about some guy being shredded into little pieces? Nothing new. Probably just some psychopath with murderous tendencies. She passed through the barricade tape into the scene of murder and witnessed something unsual. The parts. They were moving. She recoiled slightly in disgust but wasn't exactly moved... Yep....
  4. [13:37] * Nichole ...This was a metahuman attack alright.
  5. [13:42] <Sonny-C> The top half of the head stared at her, it was clear he was alive
  6. [13:43] <Sonny-C> Fellow Police officers talked behind her, some were saying to write it off as a murder and be done with it
  7. [13:44] * Nichole looked down at the head. She wasn't sure if it could talk, what, with the thing's vocal cords probably shredded also. But hell, who knew. She wasn't exactly a genius at anatomy. "Excuse me." She asked. Her manner was quiet, and her accent was quite posh, yet thick. She had to keep quiet in order to not look crazy herself. Didn't want to be the one at the scene talking to someone's dismembered head
  8. [13:44] * Nichole .
  9. [13:45] <Sonny-C> The head was split in 3 parts, no blood or even view of muscle and brain. Below the eyes and right through the middle of the mouth, chin and tongue wiggling as he tried speaking "GluGLuhGLu!"
  10. [13:54] <Nichole> "...I see." Nichole didn't know what to do at this point. Talking to a shredded image of someone's head wasn't hardly going to fix anything. She investigated the rest of the area, looking around the alleyway's bins and obstacles in order to find evidence of who attacked the individual.
  11. [13:58] <Sonny-C> "I dont see why you're bothering. We both know who did this" Someone was with her....but when she looked around, no one was there
  12. [14:05] * Nichole turned around. No one in sight. Just in case, she turned on 「Sage Seleva」 in order to defend herself from any oncoming attacks. "Come out, creep. Unless this is a game of hide and seek."
  13. [14:08] * Sonny-C stood on the wall, looking down on her.
  14. [14:08] <Sonny-C> ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ
  15. [14:09] <Sonny-C> "Quiet the interesting Stand you have there." He walked down to her level as if the road and wall were the same "And no need for name calling, I'm just here to help"
  16. [14:17] * Nichole still stood in a defensive stance, With her stand prepared to strike at any moment. "You shouldn't be here. this is NCPD authorization only."
  17. [14:23] * Sonny-C brought out a comb, brushing his odd hair. He looked her in her eyes, "Your 'Stand' looks quiet impressive, but nothing beats my「Walking On Sunshine」"
  18. [14:30] <Nichole> "Quit trying to avoid authority. You shouldn't be here. I don't care what your stand is or what it does. You're being disruptive."
  19. [14:34] * Sonny-C looked at the body parts "I would leave, but I think I can help. This clearly is something more then a usual MetaHuman attack"
  20. [14:36] <Nichole> "Anything like this is more than the usual metahuman attack. What's your point?" She stared straight into his eyes with questioning doubt. "... Did you do this?"
  21. [14:37] <Sonny-C> "No No, this isn't my Stand ability"
  22. [14:44] <Nichole> "Then why are you here?"
  23. [14:46] <Sonny-C> "Because I think I saw who did do this. And because I saw a cute girl who also seems to be a fellow Stand user"
  24. [14:48] <Nichole> "Flirting isn't going to get you anywhere. You keep telling me who you 'think' did this but you aren't spilling anything. Why should I trust you?"
  25. [14:55] <Sonny-C> "If I'm right, I'm your only possible help~" He pokes at parts of the body "Do you have any ideas so far?"
  26. [14:58] <Nichole> "Stop. touching. the evidence." She wasn't exactly happy with him, gritting her teeth slightly. She sighed. "...No. I only got a report that some guy was sliced up. Most certainly illegal metahuman activity. You keep saying you 'think' you know who it is. Stop stalling and tell me."
  27. [15:11] <Sonny-C> "...I think it may have benn two people. And not in the Stand sense. One who watched and One who did this"
  28. [15:18] <Nichole> "I don't know what you're talking about."
  29. [15:19] <Sonny-C> "The person who did this to the punk wasn't alone. I was sleeping on the underside of a cloud, the sound of screaming woke me up. By the time I got down no one was there, just the remains of a victom, a victom who is clearly alive still. What Meta does that?"
  30. 16:22 Nichole "I don't know. Tell me."
  31. 16:27 Sonny-C "None, the answer is simple."
  32. 16:27 Sonny-C "This MUST Be the work of an enemy 'Stand'!"
  33. 16:33 Nichole "...An enemy stand? So you don't know who specifically it is."
  34. 16:54 Sonny-C "...No, I dont. By the time I got there the only thing that was left was this poor soul, cut up into tiny pieces."
  35. 16:58 Nichole "Hmm. A stand with the ability to slice people up without killing them..." Nichole looked down at the remains of the man's parts shaking and squirming in place. "Were there any other witnesses there? Anyone else at the scene of crime?"
  36. 17:02 Sonny-C "There was one other man but....Something about him. I couldn't place my hand on it, even when I couldn't see him, I felt him. I dont even know if hes a stand user. All I really know, is the rush and fear he gave me!"
  37. 17:07 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  38. 17:14 Nichole "I see. Could you place a description of what he looked like?"
  39. 17:17 Sonny-C "The watcher stood in the shadows for most of the time. And I only got glimpses of the one who did this, as his Stand. Blond, darkish skin, probably from a tropical place. The Stand was red and blue. Quick flashes in and out, and by the way the man as screaming, it was his first time."
  40. 18:04 Sonny-C looks at her "So, shall we work on this together? Its clear we both want whoever was apart of it" he sticks out his hand, his Stand coming out "The names Sonny C, and this is「Walking On Sunshine」!"
  41. 18:05 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  42. 18:10 Nichole had a bit of attitude. Civilians have no authority whatsoever to bypass police investigations... but. He was a witness. And he seemed general intrigued about wanting to help as well. "Fine. The name's Nichole. This is 「Sage Seleva」." She gave a hesitant handshake and looked towards the squirming mess of a man's head again. Whoever done this is extremely deadly. Maybe help wouldn't be so bad.
  43. 18:13 Sonny-C <---TO BE CONTINUED----
  44. 18:13 Sonny-C
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