
Discord Chat Spammer (Batch)

Nov 20th, 2019
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text 3.75 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then
  2. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  3. ::Discord Chat Spammer Via Batch ::
  4. ::Created by RU$$ [] ::
  5. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  6. @echo off
  7. @setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  8. @title When all else fails, chat-nukes shall triumph! -- Because fuck you Ezra.
  9. set SendKeys=CScript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0"
  10. Rem | Batch Section
  12. set "SentAttacks=1"
  13. set "Message=Null"
  14. set "WaitTime=1"
  15. goto Main
  16. :Main
  17. cls
  18. Echo _____ _ _ _____
  19. Echo ^| __ \(_) ^| ^|/ ____^|
  20. Echo ^| ^| ^| ^|_ ___ ___ ___ _ __ __^| ^| (___ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __
  21. Echo ^| ^| ^| ^| / __^|/ __/ _ \^| '__/ _` ^|\___ \^| '_ \ / _` ^| '_ ` _ \^| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '__^|
  22. Echo ^| ^|__^| ^| \__ \ (_^| (_) ^| ^| ^| (_^| ^|____) ^| ^|_) ^| (_^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| ^| __/ ^|
  23. Echo ^|_____/^|_^|___/\___\___/^|_^| \__,_^|_____/^| .__/ \__,_^|_^| ^|_^| ^|_^|_^| ^|_^| ^|_^|\___^|_^|
  24. Echo ^| ^|
  25. Echo ^|_^|
  26. Echo(
  27. Echo(
  28. Echo Welcome to the menu.
  29. Echo 1. BruteForce - No Mercy Chat Nuker
  30. Echo 2. SoftHands - Custom Intervuals
  31. Echo 3. AboutBot - Readme.txt
  32. Echo 4. Exit - Exits The Bot
  33. Echo.
  34. SET "INPUT="
  35. SET /P INPUT=Please select an option:
  37. IF /I '!INPUT!'=='1' (
  38. CLS
  39. Echo // DiscordSpammer - BruteForce //
  40. Echo(
  41. SET /P "Message=Message to spam: "
  42. CLS
  43. Echo // DiscordSpammer - BruteForce //
  44. timeout /t 5 /nobreak
  45. CLS
  46. Echo // DiscordSpammer //
  47. Echo(
  48. GOTO BruteForce
  49. )
  50. IF /I '!INPUT!'=='2' (
  51. CLS
  52. Echo // DiscordSpammer - SoftHands //
  53. Echo(
  54. SET /P "WaitTime=Wait time (seconds) between messages: "
  55. CLS
  56. Echo // DiscordSpammer - SoftHands //
  57. Echo(
  58. SET /P "Message=Message to spam: "
  59. CLS
  60. Echo // DiscordSpammer - BruteForce //
  61. timeout /t 5 /nobreak
  62. CLS
  63. Echo // DiscordSpammer - SoftHands //
  64. Echo(
  65. GOTO SoftHands
  66. )
  67. IF /I '!INPUT!'=='3' GOTO AboutBot
  68. IF /I '!INPUT!'=='4' EXIT
  69. goto Main
  71. :BruteForce
  72. Rem | Start BruteForce Attack
  73. !SendKeys! "!Message! {ENTER}"
  74. Echo Attacks Sent: !SentAttacks!
  75. set /a SentAttacks="!SentAttacks!+1"
  76. goto BruteForce
  78. :SoftHands
  79. Rem | Start SoftHands Attack
  80. !SendKeys! "!Message! {ENTER}"
  81. Echo Attacks Sent: !SentAttacks!
  82. set /a SentAttacks="!SentAttacks!+1"
  83. timeout /t !WaitTime! /nobreak >NUL
  84. goto SoftHands
  86. :AboutBot
  87. Rem | Start About Bot
  88. CLS
  89. Echo // DiscordSpammer //
  90. Echo(
  91. Echo The DiscordSpammer was programmed by D.RU$$. Take actions on those pesky Discord dweebs.
  92. Echo The bot has currently two kinds of attacks, BruteForcer, And SoftHands. The BruteForcer
  93. Echo is designed to take the full precautions towards annihilating your foes. This attack
  94. Echo will spam discord as fast as possible under batch's capabilities. The SoftHands attack
  95. Echo will allow you to set the time in-between messages to set a steady spam speed of your choice.
  96. Echo To use the bot, select an option, select speed and or message, then initiate the attack.
  97. Echo(
  98. Pause
  99. goto Main
  101. Rem | JScript Section
  102. @end
  103. var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
  104. WshShell.SendKeys(WScript.Arguments(0));
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