
[F4M] P.A.Files Pt.4 The Wife Calls [phone call] [playful]

Feb 6th, 2019
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  1. [F4M] [Script Offer] The P.A. Files: Part 4 - The Wife Calls [telephone call] [initially reserved] [nervous] [gradually more confident] [lightly playful] [reassuring]
  4. The Personal Assistant is sat at her desk when the phone rings in her boss' office. Disappointed with this distraction to her busy day, but knowing that her boss has been called away from the office, she answers. It's his wife…
  7. General mood and expression can be found in [these], with notes included in (these). These are only suggestions, if any artists wish to change anything (intonation, pacing etc), feel free. Comments or suggestions are always welcome, and of course the script is open to all who may want to fill.
  11. Script:
  13. (Note: In the initial sections, she is unsure whether the wife suspects her of cheating with her husband. A sense of nerves and uncertainty should be used in these.)
  15. [optional telephone ring] [professional] Hello, Head of Recruitment. [pause] I'm sorry, he's not currently in the office, would you like to leave a message? [pause] Oh, sure. Just let me get a pen, and…wait. Could you repeat that, please? [pause] [stumbling] Oh…you're his, you're his wife. Oh. Ok, so…errr, yeah. So, what should I tell him? He shouldn't be too…[pause]
  17. [nervous] Oh, yeah…sorry. Sorry. I've only been here a few…[pause]…Yeah. Yeah, that's right. I'm pretty new here, and…[pause]…How long? [pause] Well, I've only been here a couple of weeks now, and…[pause]…No, no…no I'm sure…yeah. I started a few weeks ago now, on…[pause]…on the 16th. [pause] Yeah. The 16th. [pause]
  19. [calmer] He didn't? Didn't tell you? [pause] Well, he has been real busy, and…well, I guess it just slipped his mind, you know? [pause] Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure he did. Forget to tell you. [pause] Yeah. I mean...Why would he keep it from you, I mean…[pause]…Yeah, I know how guys can be, right? He probably just forgot.[pause]
  21. [calm] So, was there anything urgent? I could try and find him if you need him right now, and…[pause]…Oh, ok. You sure? I could have him call you if you…[pause]…Oh, ok. [slightly nervous] Well, I guess…yeah, I guess I can talk. [pause] Yeah, it's…it's ok…is anything, I mean is there anything…wrong? [longer pause]
  23. (Note: Still unsure of the intentions of the call, she is slightly nervous still. This progressively improves as the remaining conversation carries out, and becomes warmer in tone as she feels safer in the call).
  25. [uncertain] How has he been? I'm…I'm sorry, what do you…I mean…in what way? [pause] Oh, in general? Oh, sure. Well, I guess things have been a bit crazy around here, what with me starting, and the new monthly reports being due, and…[pause]…Oh, well, yeah. I guess he has been a little…tense at times, yeah. [pause]
  27. [calmer] Well, I'm just getting to know him, you know. [pause] Yeah, I mean I know him pretty well I guess, we've been…getting closer, you know? Since I started? [pause] Yeah. We're pretty close, I mean things are going kinda well so far…[pause]…yeah. But I don't know him…fully yet, no. I mean I want to, you know? Get…closer to him. [pause] Closer. Yeah, here at work. I mean, that's my job, right? [pause]
  29. [calm] Hey, are you ok? I mean, you're sounding a little…concerned…about something. [pause] [nervous] Yeah. What is it? Is it…is it something…[pause]…Hmmm? Is he distracted? Wha…I mean…how…is he?…[pause]…Oh, does he look distracted when he's here? At work? [pause] Oh. I see, when he's here. Well, he can look a little…distant at times, but…[pause]
  31. [calmer] Oh, he does? Look distracted? At home? Ah, ok. Well, I guess he has a lot to think about lately, you know? [pause] Yeah. There's lots going on here, and well…I guess that could be on his mind, yeah. But I'm sure there's nothing you need go worry about. [pause] Oh, I know. I understand. You're going to worry if things seem different, aren't you? I mean, you're his wife, right? [pause]
  33. [calm, reassuring] Look. I know I'm kinda new here, and well…I'm only just finding my feet you know? But, well…I think I know him pretty well, and I know how it must be…getting a new Personal Assistant, lots of new responsibilities, and…things to do at work, you know? And, yeah. He seems to be performing pretty well. [pause] Yeah. I mean, his performance levels are not a concern, you know? [laugh] [pause]
  35. [calm, reassuring] I'm sure, yeah. [pause] Look. I know how things can get, well…a little awkward sometimes. At home. But, trust me. It's good. I mean, he's good. I mean, I've only been here a few weeks now, but at times he's been…really good, you know? [pause] Yeah. Very good. And I'm getting to know him better all the time, you know? I'm here. Here to look after things. To look after him, ok? [pause]
  37. [calm] Yeah. I'll take care of things here. You have nothing to worry about, ok? Here, at work? [pause] Oh, it's ok. There's no need to thank me. That's what I'm here for. To take care of him. And I will, ok? [pause] I'll take real good care of him, you don't need to worry. Things will be fine, I'm sure. I'll get him in good shape for you, ok? [giggle] [pause]
  39. [reassuring] There, that's it. He'll come round in time, I'm sure. There's just so much that's new for him to get used to, that's all. [pause] Hey, ask him about his new chair. When you see him. [pause] Yeah. We're getting a new chair. For his office. Yeah, a bigger one. Ask him about it. It might just…break the ice, you know? Get you talking again. [pause] Yeah. Hey, you'll be fine, ok? You will. He will. You both will. [pause]
  41. [calm] Ok. You good? [pause] Yeah? Ok. Great. Now, I'm sure you have…[pause]…yeah, that's it. Things to do. Do you want me to leave a message with him? [pause] Oh, ok. You sure? [pause] Oh, sure. I guess. No message. No, no. I won't tell him you called. [pause] Yeah! You can surprise him about the chair! [giggle] I can just imagine the look on his face, when you ask him. [pause] Ok. Bye. No, no…it's fine. Yeah. Sure. Ok. You too. Yeah. Ok. Bye. Bye. [pause] [elongated exhale] [sweetly sinister giggle]
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