

Dec 17th, 2019 (edited)
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NSW Stadiums & Bushfires


NSW_Stadiums #LetsGetItDone #GianormousBlowout

Remember the ruckus caused by @GladysB and her idiot minister @AndrewConstance, about knocking down perfectly good stadiums and rebuilding for no other reason than catering for some large, elitist arses so they can be comfortably seated whilst watching some dead and dying forms of football.

So now we have a ~$100m blowout on top of $780m original cost that Gladys has repeatedly lied about mainly to disguise the number of contracts and who the contractors are. Let’s guess. They’re big donors to the #LNP?

Notwithstanding that NSW couldn't deliver an infrastructure project if their lives depended on it. However we now in the midst of the worst bushfires in our history clearly made worse by climate change , it's no great leap to imagine how $880m could be spent in combating/ameliorating the effects of climate change including bushfires.

What’s really galling is that the, RFS and it's volunteers aside from the budgets cut, have had to supply their own gear which some have started crowd funding campaign to buy equipment including an effective masks as the ones supplied are just cheap, ineffective junk. Some have had to purchase water as well.

I’m surely not the only one who is extremely angry about the way this government treats its electors with alacrity.

They were re-elected this year with the infantile slogan of “Let’s get it done”. I think the ones that are getting “done” is us their electors. We have and are continued to be played for mugs

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