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NieR Automata: Final Message to the World

a guest
May 20th, 2017
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  1. I did my best.
  2. I saw this through to the end.
  3. It was hard for me as well.
  4. I've had my share of hardship.
  5. I've walked the same road as you.
  6. You and I are the same.
  7. We're not that different, you and I.
  8. I won't give up!
  9. It'd be amazing if you cleared this alone.
  10. I'm serious, even if it's just a game!
  11. I love this game!
  12. I'm confident in my shooting abilities.
  13. I'm not a strong shooter.
  14. Shooters are tough.
  15. The bullets rain down without pause.
  16. I bet you're having a tough time right now.
  17. I thought it was some kind of mistake.
  18. I thought it would never end.
  19. Sometimes you just feel trapped.
  20. You'd love to go home already, wouldn't you?
  21. Your eyes get tired, don't they?
  22. You did your best.
  23. You're holding up well.
  24. You are one who knows fear.
  25. I may not have the right to say this.
  26. Tomorrow is my day off.
  27. Wait, tomorrow's MONDAY!?
  28. There's always next time!
  29. If you give up, you're done for.
  30. The struggle must continue.
  31. Your shoulders are tense. Relaaaaax.
  32. Some wars never end.
  33. Step up as many times as it takes!
  34. Do not avert your eyes from difficulties.
  35. Good results must be earned.
  36. You were so close to winning that last fight.
  37. It's sad, but things don't always work out.
  38. 2B and 9S put their lives on the line.
  39. Limits exist to be broken!
  40. I'm not done yet!
  41. Cut your way through!
  42. Throw yourself into a battle with no end.
  43. Push yourself beyond your limits.
  44. Your growth hinges on your resolve.
  45. You must decide what it means to exist.
  46. Sometimes you forget what it means to live.
  47. You can't fight on an empty stomach.
  48. My voice may not reach you.
  49. Are you really giving up here?
  50. Any juice left in your batteries?
  51. Do you like this game?
  52. Can you see the light of hope?
  53. I'm sure *you* can handle this.
  54. That all you've got?
  55. Are you tired?
  56. You must be exhausted.
  57. Haven't you just about had enough?
  58. I know what you want to say.
  59. Let's calm down for a moment.
  60. How many continues is this?
  61. Have you realized how weak you are?
  62. You were zoning out there!
  63. There's no trick to this.
  64. What are you doing?
  65. Having fun?
  66. What if you get cornered?
  67. Not everyone in this world plays fair.
  68. This world is ride with hardship.
  69. This is an unwinnable fight.
  70. What you're playing now is a mere game.
  71. It's just a game in the end, right?
  72. You're thinking this is impossible, right?
  73. Shitty world, shitty game!
  74. Lose, lose, and lose some more!
  75. I've always heard games are "just for fun."
  76. Does this battle have meaning?
  77. The real world is naught but hardship.
  78. You're surrounded by enemies.
  79. Do you care for this worthless world?
  80. Is there an answer at the end of this battle?
  81. You are alone.
  82. Is this the fight you wanted?
  83. Do you think help is on the way?
  84. Are you at your wit's end?
  85. Feel like running away?
  86. Who are you?
  87. Help isn't coming.
  88. How long do you plan to continue?
  89. You'll die many times before it's over.
  90. You're weak!
  91. There is nothing but despair.
  92. Haven't given up yet?
  93. You're tough.
  94. Are you alone?
  95. The fight was everything.
  96. Can you really keep going?
  97. Oh, come on! No one told me about this!
  98. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.
  99. Who needs sleep anyway?
  100. You'd think so, wouldn't you?
  101. I like 2B!
  102. I like 9S!
  103. I like A2!
  104. I like Emil!
  105. I'm a Popola fan!
  106. I'm a Devola fan!
  107. Negative.
  111. One thing is certain:
  112. In any case,
  113. On the other hand,
  114. In other words,
  115. Actually,
  116. Don't make excuses;
  117. On top of that,
  118. Instead,
  119. In the end,
  120. On the contrary,
  121. Specifically,
  122. But,
  123. But
  124. But...
  125. If not,
  126. Otherwise,
  127. If not, then
  128. What's more,
  129. However,
  130. Moreover,
  131. If so,
  132. Therefore,
  133. Well,
  134. Or, rather,
  135. Namely,
  136. At least
  137. Then, after that,
  138. Doing so,
  139. If you don't,
  140. Not really, but...
  141. If that's the case,
  142. If that's not so, then
  143. Er, I mean,
  144. Otherwise,
  145. Wait, no, I mean
  146. That being said,
  147. That reminds me,
  148. So, then,
  149. Then
  150. And, also,
  151. As an alternative
  152. For that purpose,
  153. As a result,
  154. After that,
  155. And also,
  156. In that case,
  157. So,
  158. Despite that,
  159. Because of that,
  160. All the same,
  161. At the same time,
  162. Even so,
  163. And thus we can say,
  164. In addition,
  165. And yet,
  166. Nevertheless,
  167. In addition to that,
  168. Not only that,
  169. But that's not all;
  170. That aside,
  171. Putting that aside,
  172. Because of this,
  173. The feeling is:
  174. As such,
  175. So
  176. While it may be so,
  177. Or
  178. But even so,
  179. But still,
  180. Still,
  181. In which case,
  182. I mean,
  183. If that's true,
  184. Given that,
  185. In spite of that,
  186. That said,
  187. To give an example
  188. By the way,
  189. Incidentally,
  190. What I mean is...
  191. Though,
  192. And thus,
  193. Nonetheless,
  194. What I mean to say is,
  195. If that weren't the case,
  196. Now then,
  197. But, even so,
  198. Or should I say,
  199. Or rather,
  200. Yet,
  201. Anyway,
  202. Either way,
  203. At any rate,
  204. Having said that,
  205. Be that as it may,
  206. In particular,
  207. With that in mind,
  208. And yet, still,
  209. Why? Because
  210. Despite this,
  211. If that's the truth,
  212. Notwithstanding,
  213. Conversely,
  214. Which leads us to:
  215. And remember,
  216. Also,
  217. Or, you could play
  218. Rather,
  219. Just remember,
  220. Thus,
  221. Basically,
  225. I'm rooting for you.
  226. you should do your best, too!
  227. show me what you're made of!
  228. never surrender!
  229. keep going!
  230. don't give up here!
  231. we've got this!
  232. I'm in your corner.
  233. you've got us with you.
  234. effort will be rewarded.
  235. I want to help you.
  236. you're not the only one.
  237. believe in yourself.
  238. don't lose your nerve!
  239. break a leg!
  240. you can do it if you try!
  241. push through in one go!
  242. there's nothing to worry about!
  243. full steam ahead!
  244. it's all right.
  245. everything will be fine!
  246. I can keep going.
  247. never give up the struggle!
  248. survive!
  249. I'll give it all I've got!
  250. let's enjoy this!
  251. the night has just begun.
  252. don't give in to temptation!
  253. take your time remembering.
  254. how about trying to go a little farther?
  255. keep trying for just a biiiit longer!
  256. we should be able to get further.
  257. rely on your own strength!
  258. hang on just a bit longer!
  259. it'll work out if you stay calm.
  260. you'll be fine if you stay calm.
  261. just do better next time.
  262. stay optimistic.
  263. let's calm down
  264. try to stay cool.
  265. try to relax.
  266. take it one step at a time.
  267. it's OK to take a break.
  268. take a breather.
  269. don't push yourself.
  270. let's see how this really ends.
  271. suffering makes people grow.
  272. the whole world is rooting for you.
  273. fight for what's important to you!
  274. scream if you need to!
  275. it's a game. Go wild!
  276. if you won't do it, who will?
  277. don't throw your life away.
  278. there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
  279. give it one more go.
  280. keep going for now.
  281. there's still a long way to go.
  282. I feel the same.
  283. I've got my eyes on you.
  284. it's not like you hate it, right?
  285. can you avert your eyes and walk away?
  286. solitude makes people stronger.
  287. let's live in solitude.
  288. feed on despair and survive!
  289. let's sacrifice ourselves.
  290. I feel a finger cramp coming on.
  291. I'm starving.
  292. let's have some candy.
  293. don't stay up too late.
  294. let someone else play for you.
  295. there's no way you can do it.
  296. you'll reach the end of your rope.
  297. you're worthless.
  298. you lost. Let it go.
  299. it's already over.
  300. it's just a game. Face reality already!
  301. surrender.
  302. just forget it.
  303. it's meaningless.
  304. you're wasting your time.
  305. why not head home?
  306. turn the power off.
  307. you're not needed.
  308. give up the game.
  309. disappear.
  310. you can just put down the controller.
  311. you're worthless.
  312. go look for something else to enjoy.
  313. it's stupid to continue this nonsense.
  314. why not just stop already?
  315. this game is crap anyway.
  316. I hate PlatinumGames!
  317. just stop playing if you're that bad.
  318. even in video games, you're useless.
  319. it's time to return to the real world.
  320. you need to know when to give up.
  321. I've given up.
  322. wallow in despair!
  323. I'm better than you!
  324. goodbye.
  325. become the wind, like Emil!
  326. get wild, like 2B!
  327. glory to mankind!
  328. it's fun!
  329. let's share in our joy!
  330. let us share in our joy!
  331. rules exist so we can know our freedoms!
  332. put your back into, you $&*@#!
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