Guest User


a guest
Mar 19th, 2016
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  1. Prefix: '&7[&cSTAFF&7]: '
  2. Backend: Config
  3. MySQL:
  4. Host: localhost
  5. Port: '3306'
  6. Username: BungeeBan
  7. Password: SafePassword
  8. Database: BungeeBan
  9. Table:
  10. Ban: Bans
  11. Mute: Mutes
  12. Warn: Warns
  13. UUID: UUIDCache
  14. Messages:
  15. NoPermissions: '&cYou are not allowed to use this.'
  16. Cooldown: '&cPlease wait a bit before using this again.'
  17. NoPlayer: '&cYou have to be a Player to use this.'
  18. PlayerNotFound: '&cThis player could not be found in the database.'
  19. CannotReportThisPlayer: '&cYou are not allowed to report this player.'
  20. PlayerOffline: '&cThis player is offline.'
  21. Ban:
  22. Banner: ''
  23. Broadcast:
  24. - '&3[By]&7 globally banned &a[Banned]&7 with reason:&c [Reason]'
  25. Kick:
  26. - '&cYou are banned from the Server'
  27. - '&cReason: &e[Reason]'
  28. - '&cBy: &e[By]'
  29. - '&cEnd: &e[End]'
  30. UnBan:
  31. Broadcast:
  32. - '&a[Unbanned]&7 has been globally unbanned'
  33. Unbanner: ''
  34. Mute:
  35. Muter: ''
  36. Broadcast:
  37. - '&a[Muted]&7 has been muted by &3[By]&7 with reason:&c [Reason]'
  38. MuteMessage:
  39. - '&7You have been muted with reason: &c[Reason]&7 by:&3 [By]&7 it will end in:&b[End]'
  40. UnMute:
  41. Broadcast:
  42. - '&a[Unmuted]&7 has been unmuted by &3[By]'
  43. Unmuter: ''
  44. Report:
  45. Reporter: '&3The player has been reported. Thanks for the report.'
  46. Broadcast:
  47. - '&a[Reported]&7 has been reported on&c [Server]&7 by &3[By] with reason:&c [Reason]'
  48. CannotReportSelf: '&cYou can not report yourself.'
  49. Kick:
  50. Broadcast:
  51. - '&3[By]&7 kicked &a[Kicked]&7 with reason:&c [Reason]'
  52. Kicker: ''
  53. Kick:
  54. - '&cYou have been kicked from the Server!'
  55. - '&cReason: &e[Reason]'
  56. - '&cBy: &e[By]'
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