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Dec 7th, 2017
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  1. " This script tests a color scheme for some errors. Load the scheme and source
  2. " this script. e.g. :e colors/desert.vim | :so test_colors.vim
  3. " Will output possible errors.
  5. func! Test_check_colors()
  6. call cursor(1,1)
  7. let err={}
  9. " 1) Check g:colors_name is existing
  10. if !search('\<\%(g:\)\?colors_name\>', 'cnW')
  11. let err['colors_name'] = 'g:colors_name not set'
  12. else
  13. let err['colors_name'] = 'OK'
  14. endif
  16. " 2) Check for some well-defined highlighting groups
  17. " Some items, check several groups, e.g. Diff, Spell
  18. let hi_groups = ['ColorColumn', 'Diff', 'ErrorMsg', 'Folded',
  19. \ 'FoldColumn', 'IncSearch', 'LineNr', 'ModeMsg', 'MoreMsg', 'NonText',
  20. \ 'Normal', 'Pmenu', 'Todo', 'Search', 'Spell', 'StatusLine', 'TabLine',
  21. \ 'Title', 'Visual', 'WarningMsg', 'WildMenu']
  22. let groups={}
  23. for group in hi_groups
  24. if search('\c@suppress\s\+'.group, 'cnW')
  25. " skip check, if the script contains a line like
  26. " @suppress Visual:
  27. let groups[group] = 'Ignoring '.group
  28. continue
  29. endif
  30. if !search('hi\%[ghlight] \+'.group, 'cnW')
  31. let groups[group] = 'No highlight definition for '.group
  32. continue
  33. endif
  34. if !search('hi\%[ghlight] \+'.group. '.*fg=', 'cnW')
  35. let groups[group] = 'Missing foreground color for '.group
  36. continue
  37. endif
  38. if search('hi\%[ghlight] \+'.group. '.*guibg=', 'cnW') &&
  39. \ !search('hi\%[ghlight] \+'.group. '.*ctermbg=', 'cnW')
  40. let groups[group] = 'Missing bg terminal color for '.group
  41. continue
  42. endif
  43. call search('hi\%[ghlight] \+'.group, 'cW')
  44. " only check in the current line
  45. if !search('guifg', 'cnW', line('.')) || !search('ctermfg', 'cnW', line('.'))
  46. " do not check for background colors, they could be intentionally left out
  47. let groups[group] = 'Missing fg definition for '.group
  48. endif
  49. call cursor(1,1)
  50. endfor
  51. let err['highlight'] = groups
  53. " 3) Check, that it does not set background highlighting
  54. " Doesn't ':hi Normal ctermfg=253 ctermfg=233' also set the background sometimes?
  55. let bg_set='\(set\?\|setl\(ocal\)\?\) .*\(background\|bg\)=\(dark\|light\)'
  56. let bg_let='let \%([&]\%([lg]:\)\?\)\%(background\|bg\)\s*=\s*\([''"]\?\)\w\+\1'
  57. let bg_pat='\%('.bg_set. '\|'.bg_let.'\)'
  58. let line=search(bg_pat, 'cnW')
  59. if search(bg_pat, 'cnW')
  60. exe line
  61. if search('hi \U\w\+\s\+\S', 'cbnW')
  62. let err['background'] = 'Should not set background option after :hi statement'
  63. endif
  64. else
  65. let err['background'] = 'OK'
  66. endif
  67. call cursor(1,1)
  69. " 4) Check, that t_Co is checked
  70. let pat = '[&]t_Co\s*[<>=]=\?\s*\d\+'
  71. if !search(pat, 'ncW')
  72. let err['t_Co'] = 'Does not check terminal for capable colors'
  73. endif
  75. " 5) Initializes correctly, e.g. should have a section like
  76. " hi clear
  77. " if exists("syntax_on")
  78. " syntax reset
  79. " endif
  80. let pat='hi\%[ghlight]\s*clear\n\s*if\s*exists(\([''"]\)syntax_on\1)\n\s*syn\%[tax]\s*reset\n\s*endif'
  81. if !search(pat, 'cnW')
  82. let err['init'] = 'No initialization'
  83. endif
  85. " 6) Does not use :syn on
  86. if search('syn\%[tax]\s\+on', 'cnW')
  87. let err['background'] = 'Should not issue :syn on'
  88. endif
  90. " 7) Does not define filetype specfic groups like vimCommand, htmlTag,
  91. let hi_groups = ['vim', 'html', 'python', 'sh', 'ruby']
  92. for group in hi_groups
  93. let pat='\Chi\%[ghlight]\s*\zs'.group.'\w\+\>'
  94. if search(pat, 'cnW')
  95. let line = search(pat, 'cW')
  96. let err['filetype'] = get(err, 'filetype', 'Should not define: ') . matchstr(getline('.'), pat). ' '
  97. endif
  98. call cursor(1,1)
  99. endfor
  100. let g:err = err
  102. " print Result
  103. call Result(err)
  104. endfu
  106. fu! Result(err)
  107. let do_roups = 0
  108. echohl Title|echomsg "---------------"|echohl Normal
  109. for key in sort(keys(a:err))
  110. if key is# 'highlight'
  111. let do_groups = 1
  112. continue
  113. else
  114. if a:err[key] !~ 'OK'
  115. echohl Title
  116. endif
  117. echomsg printf("%15s: %s", key, a:err[key])
  118. echohl Normal
  119. endif
  120. endfor
  121. echohl Title|echomsg "---------------"|echohl Normal
  122. if do_groups
  123. echohl Title | echomsg "Groups" | echohl Normal
  124. for v1 in sort(keys(a:err['highlight']))
  125. echomsg printf("%25s: %s", v1, a:err['highlight'][v1])
  126. endfor
  127. endif
  128. endfu
  130. call Test_check_colors()
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