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Aug 19th, 2019
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  1. #include "CTRPluginFramework.hpp"
  2. #include "cheats.hpp"
  4. void abort(void);
  6. namespace CTRPluginFramework
  7. {
  8. union TitleID
  9. {
  10. u64 full;
  11. u32 half[2];
  12. };
  14. void PatchProcess(FwkSettings &settings)
  15. {
  16. // This can be used to patch code.bin before the plugin is loaded to disable the home menu or other various patches that you want to create.
  17. }
  19. #define MAJOR_VERSION 6
  20. #define MINOR_VERSION 6
  21. #define REVISION_VERSION 6
  22. #define STRINGIFY(x) #x
  23. #define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY(x)
  24. #define STRING_VERSION "[OOF]"
  26. std::string vert = "" << Color::Green << "";
  27. std::string orange = "" << Color::Orange << "";
  28. std::string rouge = "" << Color::Red << "";
  29. std::string bleu = "" << Color::Blue << "";
  30. std::string cyan = "" << Color::Cyan << "";
  31. std::string turquoise = "" << Color::Turquoise << "";
  32. std::string dogerblue = "" << Color::DodgerBlue << "";
  33. std::string magenta = "" << Color::Magenta << "";
  35. const std::string about = u8"ACNL Plugin " STRING_VERSION "\n\n" \
  36. u8"Base Plugin by Brume.\nModified by\nSome codes optimized by Anto726.\nBackground Images by Rydog.\nCredits to codes by Blake";
  39. void InitMenu(PluginMenu &menu)
  40. {
  41. std::string note;
  43. std::string animnote;
  44. std::string ttinote;
  45. std::string pitnote;
  46. std::string faintnote;
  47. std::string coordnote;
  48. std::string speednote;
  49. std::string walkovernote;
  50. std::string walktroughnote;
  51. std::string moonjumpnote;
  52. std::string tpnote;
  53. std::string pickanythingnote;
  54. std::string pullanythingnote;
  55. std::string pickupseedernote;
  56. std::string dupnote;
  57. std::string seednote;
  58. std::string normnote;
  59. std::string animations;
  60. std::string assignernote;
  61. std::string emotenote;
  62. std::string stalkchangernote;
  63. std::string onlineanimnote;
  64. std::string onlineseednote;
  65. std::string bellsnote;
  66. std::string restoremovnote;
  67. std::string pick;
  68. std::string gravitynote;
  69. std::string itemchanger;
  70. std::string walkseednote;
  74. std::string vert = "" << Color::Green << "";
  75. std::string orange = "" << Color::Orange << "";
  76. std::string rouge = "" << Color::Red << "";
  77. std::string bleu = "" << Color::Blue << "";
  78. std::string cyan = "" << Color::Cyan << "";
  79. std::string turquoise = "" << Color::Turquoise << "";
  80. std::string dogerblue = "" << Color::DodgerBlue << "";
  83. animnote = "Press \uE052 + \uE000 to open a keyboard and type the ID of animation you want.";
  84. onlineanimnote = "Press \uE053 + \uE001 to open a keyboard to write Online Animation ID."
  85. << Color::Red << "Only other players can see Animations.";
  86. ttinote = "Press \uE053 + \uE07A to open a keyboard and write the item ID you like.";
  87. animations = "Press \uE053 + \uE000 to open a keyboard and type the ID of animation you want.";
  88. faintnote = "Press \uE053 + \uE000 to faint.";
  89. emotenote = "Press \uE052 + \uE001 to open a keyboard to change emote ID.";
  90. coordnote = "Use \uE000 + \uE07D \uE07E to use this cheat.";
  91. speednote = "Press \uE001 to move fast !";
  92. walkovernote = "Press \uE052 + \uE079 to enable and \uE052 + \uE07A to disable.";
  93. walktroughnote = "Press \uE052 + \uE079 to enable and \uE052 + \uE07A to disable.";
  94. moonjumpnote = "Pess \uE052 + \uE079 to go up and \uE052 + \uE07A to go down.";
  95. tpnote = "Press \uE001 + \uE079 to save your location and \uE001 + \uE07A to restore your save.";
  96. pickanythingnote = "You can Pick Up anything with this cheat.";
  97. pullanythingnote = "You can Pull anything with this cheat.";
  98. bellsnote = "Works online for others if you are player 1 (blue bubble).";
  99. walkseednote = "X+DPad Down to open keyboard. Works only offline. Online only you will see";
  100. assignernote = "Press \uE053 + \uE07B to open a keyboard for assigning items.";
  101. seednote = "Press \uE001 + \uE07A to open a keyboard and type the item ID you want to seed.";
  102. onlineseednote = "Press \uE001 + \uE07A to open a keyboard and type the item ID you want to seed.";
  103. pickupseedernote = "Press \uE001 + \uE07A to open a keyboard and type the item ID you want to seed.\n"
  104. << Color::Red << "You need to have a full inventory.\n"
  105. << Color::Red << "And when you take something let it fall down and your item will apear.\n"
  106. << Color::Red << "If you disable this cheat, put one place in your inventory to evit crash.";
  107. dupnote = "Press \uE053 to duplicate the first item to the second place in your inventory.\n"
  108. << Color::Red << "Press \uE053 + \uE002 to duplicate the first item to all slots.";
  109. stalkchangernote = "Press \uE052 + \uE07B to stalk the first player, \uE052 + \uE07A to stalk the second and \uE052 + \uE07C to stalk the third.";
  110. restoremovnote = "Press R+Y to restore movements";
  111. gravitynote = "L+Left turn ON and L+Right turn OFF";
  112. itemchanger = "Hold X and press D-Pad Down to open the keyboard and change Island Shop Items";
  113. pick = "This version has a mode switch.\nHost Mode when you are host and Guest Mode when you are not.\nIf you want use Pickup Seeder in your town: Enable Host Mode\nZR + UP Host Mode - ZR + DOWN Guest Mode\nOptimized by Anto726";
  115. std::string InCreation = " : " << Color::Red << " Creating...";
  116. std::string beta = " : " << Color::Yellow << " BETA";
  117. std::string NoLags = " : " << Color::Green << " OK";
  118. std::string alpha = " : " << Color::Red << " ALPHA";
  120. menu += new MenuFolder("Save File Codes ", "",
  121. {
  122. new MenuEntry("Set Name to...", nullptr, NameChanger),
  123. new MenuEntry("Save Dumper", nullptr, DumpSave, "Dumps your save file."),
  124. new MenuEntry("Save Restore", nullptr, RestoreSave, "Restores a previously dumped save file."),
  125. });
  127. menu += new MenuFolder("Movement Codes", "",
  128. {
  129. new MenuEntry("Coordinate Modifier", coordinate, coordnote),
  130. new MenuEntry("Speed Hack", speed, speednote),
  131. new MenuEntry(3, "Walk Over Things", walkOver, walkovernote),
  132. new MenuEntry(3, "Walk Through Walls", walktrough, walktroughnote),
  133. new MenuEntry("Moon Jump", MoonJump, moonjumpnote),
  134. new MenuEntry("Disable Gravity", disable_gravity, gravitynote),
  135. new MenuEntry("Can Walk When Talk", walktalk),
  136. new MenuEntry("Restore Movements", rest_mov, restoremovnote),
  137. new MenuEntry("Players Teleporter", nullptr, playerteleporter),
  138. new MenuEntry("Room Teleporter", nullptr, roomtp),
  139. });
  141. MenuFolder *inventory = new MenuFolder("Inventory");
  142. {
  144. *inventory += new MenuEntry("Text To Items", text2item, ttinote),
  145. *inventory += new MenuEntry("Duplication", duplication, dupnote),
  146. *inventory += new MenuEntry("Commands", nullptr, commands),
  147. *inventory += new MenuFolder("Options For Items", "",
  148. {
  149. new MenuEntry("Infinite Items", InfiniteItems),
  150. new MenuEntry("Eat", CanEat),
  151. new MenuEntry("Timer", CanTimer),
  152. new MenuEntry("Show Off", CanShowOff),
  153. new MenuEntry("Put In The Wallet", CanPutAway),
  154. new MenuEntry("Open", CanOpen),
  155. new MenuEntry("Write Letter", CanLetter),
  156. });
  157. *inventory += new MenuFolder(+"Options For Letters", "",
  158. {
  159. new MenuEntry("Modify", CanModify),
  160. new MenuEntry("Throw", CanThrow),
  161. });
  162. }
  164. menu += inventory;
  166. menu += new MenuFolder("Animations Hacks", "",
  167. {
  168. new MenuEntry("Animations Hack", Animations, animnote),
  169. new MenuEntry("Animations Hack" + beta, anim, animations),
  170. new MenuEntry("This Animations Hack X+Right" + beta, animationsTest),
  171. new MenuEntry("Online Animations", onlineanim, onlineanimnote),
  172. new MenuEntry("Fall On", fallon),
  173. });
  175. menu += new MenuFolder("Seeder Codes", "",
  176. {
  177. new MenuEntry(1, "Pick Anything", canpickupanything, pickanythingnote),
  178. new MenuEntry(1, "Pull Anything", canpullanything, pullanythingnote),
  179. new MenuEntry("Drop Anywhere", drop_anywhere),
  180. new MenuEntry("Online Seeder", Seeder, onlineseednote),
  181. new MenuEntry("Offline Seeder", offSeeder, seednote),
  182. new MenuEntry("Walking Seeder", walking_seeder, walkseednote),
  183. new MenuEntry(2, "PickUp Seeder", pickseeder, pickupseedernote),
  184. new MenuEntry("Everything Seeder", EverythingSeeder),
  185. });
  187. menu += new MenuFolder("Cash Codes", "",
  188. {
  189. new MenuEntry("Wallet", nullptr, wallet),
  190. new MenuEntry("Bank", nullptr, bank),
  191. new MenuEntry("Meow Coupons", nullptr, coupon),
  192. new MenuEntry("Badges", nullptr, badges),
  193. });
  195. MenuFolder *player = new MenuFolder("Player");
  196. {
  197. *player += new MenuFolder("Dream Code Modifier", "",
  198. {
  199. new MenuEntry("Dream Code Modifier", nullptr, comodifier),
  200. });
  201. }
  203. menu += player;
  206. menu += new MenuFolder("Players Stalker", "",
  207. {
  208. new MenuEntry("Player 1", stalking_1),
  209. new MenuEntry("Player 2", stalking_2),
  210. new MenuEntry("Player 3", stalking_3),
  211. new MenuEntry("Stalk Changer", stalkchanger, stalkchangernote),
  212. });
  214. menu += new MenuFolder("Weather and Seasons", "",
  215. {
  216. new MenuEntry("Weather Changer", nullptr, weather),
  217. new MenuEntry("Season Changer", nullptr, season),
  218. new MenuEntry(4, "Dark Ice World", dark_ice_world),
  219. new MenuEntry(4, "Solar Eclipse", solar_eclipse),
  220. });
  222. menu += new MenuFolder("Music Options", "",
  223. {
  224. new MenuEntry("Change Speed", nullptr, music_speed),
  225. new MenuEntry("Disable Music", disable_music),
  226. new MenuEntry("Echoed Music", echo_music),
  227. });
  229. menu += new MenuFolder("Island Funny Codes", "",
  230. {
  231. new MenuEntry("Region Spoofer", nullptr, region),
  232. new MenuEntry("Lloid Modifier (B+Up)", Lloid_Modifier),
  233. new MenuEntry("Island Shop Items Changer", island_items_changer, itemchanger),
  234. new MenuEntry("Island Shop sells Bells", stelline, bellsnote),
  235. new MenuEntry("Items Cost 0 Medals", items_zero_medals),
  236. new MenuEntry("Perfect Fruits Island Shop", perfect_fruits_island, bellsnote),
  237. new MenuEntry("Sold-Out Island Shop", sold_out, bellsnote),
  238. new MenuEntry("Unlock Club Tortimer", unlock_club),
  239. new MenuEntry("Private Island", private_island),
  240. new MenuEntry("Island Bin is a Locker", island_bin_locker),
  241. new MenuEntry("More Than 3 Number On Island", morenumberisland),
  242. });
  244. menu += new MenuFolder("Size and Position Tweaks", "",
  245. {
  246. new MenuEntry("Head Position", nullptr, headposition),
  247. new MenuEntry("Head Size", nullptr, headsize),
  248. new MenuEntry("Tool Position", nullptr, toolposition),
  249. new MenuEntry("Tool Size", nullptr, toolsize),
  250. new MenuEntry("Player Size", nullptr, size_modifier),
  251. new MenuEntry("Big Effects", big_fx),
  252. new MenuEntry("Huge Bugs and Fish", huge_bugs),
  253. });
  254. menu += new MenuFolder("Shop Codes", "",
  255. {
  256. new MenuEntry("Nookling Upgrades", nullptr, nook),
  257. new MenuEntry("Shops Always Open", shop_open),
  259. });
  261. menu += new MenuFolder("Fun", "",
  262. {
  263. new MenuEntry("Change Fruit Symbol (X+Up)", fruitsymbol),
  264. new MenuEntry("Moving Furnitures", moving_furn_online),
  265. new MenuEntry("Open Closet/Switch Music", open_closet),
  266. new MenuEntry("Disable Grass Shine", disable_grass_shine),
  267. new MenuEntry("Game Speed Changer", nullptr, game_speed),
  268. new MenuEntry("Chat Bubbles stay on-screen", chatbubbles),
  269. new MenuEntry("Rotating Furnitures", rotating_furn),
  270. new MenuEntry("Invisible Furnitures", invisible_furn),
  271. new MenuEntry("Darkness and Deformed Textures Inside", deform_textures),
  272. new MenuEntry("Unbreakable Flowers", unbreakableflower),
  273. new MenuEntry("Items Assigner", itemassign, assignernote),
  274. new MenuEntry("Disable Clock Appearing", stop_clock_appearing),
  275. new MenuEntry("Emote Mod", emote, emotenote),
  276. new MenuEntry("Instant Pickup", instant_pickup),
  277. new MenuEntry("Famous Everything", famous_everything),
  278. new MenuEntry("Faint", Faint, faintnote),
  279. });
  280. }
  283. int main()
  284. {
  285. std::string namenote = "" << Color::DodgerBlue << "Ariana Grande Plugin!";
  286. /*extern Region g_region;
  288. TitleID tid = { Process::GetTitleID() };
  290. if (tid.half[0] == 0x86400)
  291. g_region = EUR;
  292. else if (tid.half[0] == 0x86300)
  293. g_region = USA;
  294. else
  295. OSD::Notify("Don't forget to add your own TID or else the plugin won't run!");
  296. abort();
  298. if (g_region = EUR)
  299. OSD::Notify("Brume Plugin Extended EUR");
  300. abort();
  301. if (g_region = USA)
  302. OSD::Notify("Brume Plugin Extended USA");
  303. abort();*/
  304. PluginMenu *menu = new PluginMenu(namenote, MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, REVISION_VERSION, about);
  306. menu->SynchronizeWithFrame(true);
  308. InitMenu(*menu);
  310. menu->Run();
  312. return (0);
  313. }
  314. }
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