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a guest
Aug 12th, 2017
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  1. <*buffextras> Baldrick!Baldrick@weeee.wee set mode: +v Ingall
  2. <*buffextras> mmfy2!jef@D9F9164.4BD8241A.F5996D7.IP is now known as mmfy
  3. <*buffextras> EvilWalks! quit with message: [Ping timeout]
  4. <*buffextras> Castagnety!Castagnety@7A25C577.69F2FC02.9282CFEA.IP quit with message: [Ping timeout]
  5. <*buffextras> Castagnety!Castagnety@7A25C577.69F2FC02.9282CFEA.IP joined
  6. <*buffextras> Castagnety!Castagnety@7A25C577.69F2FC02.9282CFEA.IP quit with message: [Ping timeout]
  7. <*buffextras> ComicsStandUp! quit with message: [Ping timeout]
  8. <*buffextras> Castagnety!Castagnety@7A25C577.69F2FC02.9282CFEA.IP joined
  9. <*buffextras> Romano! joined
  10. <*buffextras> Ingall!ingall@I.can.haz.vhost.too quit with message: [Quit: ]
  11. <*buffextras> Ingall! joined
  12. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/Ingall] full-crammed-snouted unchin
  13. <*buffextras> Baldrick!Baldrick@weeee.wee set mode: +v Ingall
  14. <*buffextras> Ingall! quit with message: [Quit: ]
  15. <*buffextras> Ingall! joined
  16. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/Ingall] full-crammed-snouted unchin
  17. <*buffextras> Baldrick!Baldrick@weeee.wee set mode: +v Ingall
  18. <*buffextras> ComicsStandUp! joined
  19. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/ComicsStandUp] I like escalators because they can never break, they just become stairs.
  20. <*buffextras> Baldrick!Baldrick@weeee.wee set mode: +v ComicsStandUp
  21. <*buffextras> Baldrick!Baldrick@weeee.wee set mode: +o ComicsStandUp
  22. <Romano> sap
  23. <*buffextras> Romano! quit with message: [Quit: ]
  24. <*buffextras> EvilWalks! joined
  25. <*buffextras> CCC-Eagle! set mode: +qo EvilWalks EvilWalks
  26. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/EvilWalks] CCC's resident asshole has arrived!
  27. <*buffextras> EvilWalks! quit with message: [Ping timeout]
  28. <*buffextras> Ingall! quit with message: [Quit: ]
  29. <*buffextras> Ingall! joined
  30. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/Ingall] full-crammed-snouted unchin
  31. <*buffextras> Baldrick!Baldrick@weeee.wee set mode: +v Ingall
  32. <*buffextras> Romano! joined
  33. <*buffextras> Romano! quit with message: [Quit: ]
  34. <*buffextras> Ingall! quit with message: [Quit: ]
  35. <*buffextras> Ingall!ingall@I.can.haz.vhost.too joined
  36. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/Ingall] full-crammed-snouted unchin
  37. <*buffextras> Baldrick!Baldrick@weeee.wee set mode: +v Ingall
  38. <*buffextras> Castagnety!Castagnety@7A25C577.69F2FC02.9282CFEA.IP quit with message: [Connection timed out]
  39. <***> Playback Complete.
  40. * You are now known as _Techie_
  41. * NickServ sets mode +r _Techie_
  42. * Romano ( has joined #cryptichaven
  43. * LOOGi3 ( has joined #cryptichaven
  44. <LOOGi3> I don't suppose I'll get an invite in this chan, will i?
  45. <Romano> do the interview its easy
  46. <LOOGi3> Topic is: '| CCC Invite Interviews are currently CLOSED! |'
  47. <Romano> ha
  48. <LOOGi3> did the chan move?
  49. <Romano> sorry i have no invites
  50. <Romano> iam still a botton feeder
  51. <Romano> hehe
  52. <_Techie_> i think i may have used up all my invites
  53. <_Techie_> hrmm, i have one invite
  54. <LOOGi3> can I have it, please?
  55. <_Techie_> why should i use it on you
  56. <_Techie_> this is the first time ive ever seen you
  57. <LOOGi3> I will do various sexual favors.
  58. <LOOGi3> yeah, you heard me, various.
  59. <_Techie_> through what? a dial up modem
  60. <LOOGi3> why not
  61. <simis> super sexy cybertime!!
  62. <simis> Balls
  63. <_Techie_> simis, what do you reckon, yay or nay?
  64. * simis is a nasty bastard who doesn't trust anyone :)
  65. <LOOGi3> :: nowplaying :: [ Aziz Ansari - Using My BlackBerry While Driving, from the album Intimate Moments For A Sensual Evening ] [ 3.73mb | 255kbps | foobar20001.1.5 ]
  66. <simis> but my favorite word IS booger
  67. <simis> so he might be alright
  68. Lincoln LOOGi3
  69. <_Techie_> who else is around for a judgement call?
  70. <_Techie_> i dont mind using the invite, but i dont want to just waste it
  71. <LOOGi3> how big is the site
  72. <_Techie_> i dont know, i dont actually use it
  73. <simis> a little over 3 megs
  74. <LOOGi3> Well, this site is like Coldstone Creamery. I gotta have it
  75. <simis> Ritter's ftw
  76. <simis> how long ya been torrenting in the private tracker world LOOGi3?
  77. <simis> got a couple good references?
  78. <Romano> do it
  79. * EvilWalks ( has joined #cryptichaven
  80. * CCC-Eagle sets mode +q #cryptichaven EvilWalks
  81. * CCC-Eagle gives channel operator status to EvilWalks
  82. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/EvilWalks] CCC's resident asshole has arrived!
  83. <simis> and just like clockwork....
  84. <LOOGi3> simis: yeah, do you want some proofs or such?
  85. <simis> interviewer arrives
  86. <LOOGi3> I can trade (is trading allowed?) some btn invites maybe or
  87. <simis> _Techie_ might :)
  88. <LOOGi3> something. ._.
  89. <simis> I gotta go grab some food
  90. <simis> should be back in about 30 minutes though
  91. * mmfy grabs simis' stash while he goes out
  92. <simis> if no one has got ya before then, give me a holler :)
  93. <simis> hey!!! stop touching that, is all I have til tomorrow :p
  94. <LOOGi3> thanks Simis.
  95. <_Techie_> LOOGi3, cant trade, but if i get a good judgement of character from one of the older members im happy to invite
  96. <LOOGi3> older members of this site or other sites
  97. <EvilWalks> what?
  98. <EvilWalks> o_O
  99. * simis (simis@hey.quit.snoopin) has left #cryptichaven
  100. * simis (simis@hey.quit.snoopin) has joined #cryptichaven
  101. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/simis] <CeilingKitten1> I thought Black Sabbath was a jewish holy day gone wrong
  102. * Baldrick gives channel half-operator status to simis
  103. <LOOGi3> oh, i'm looking for an invite, Mr.EvilWalks
  104. <simis> Mr.?!?!? lol
  105. <_Techie_> i have an invite but i want a judgement call
  106. <simis> :)
  107. <EvilWalks> An invite to where?
  108. <_Techie_> here
  109. <EvilWalks> Who the fuck is LOOGi3?
  110. <simis> aight, a'Krogering I go.....
  111. <EvilWalks> !user LOOGi3
  112. <Baldrick> No User loogi3 in my database.
  113. <simis> Mario's brother?
  114. <LOOGi3> to this site, EvilWalks
  115. * EvilWalks has kicked LOOGi3 from #cryptichaven (This channel is for CCC members only, no exceptions.)
  116. <_Techie_> hehe
  117. <simis> lol
  118. <_Techie_> that solves my invite problem
  119. <simis> well he knows we're a 'friendly' bunch now anyway :D
  120. <EvilWalks> What was he doing in here?
  121. <DJLeeT> Å
  122. * simis is really gone now.....
  123. <DJLeeT> ^*
  124. <EvilWalks> So how did LOOGi3 get in here?
  125. <simis> not a clue, did ya lode the +I bychance?
  126. <simis> yep, the 'i' is gone
  127. <simis> he probably just wasn't aware of the invite channel
  128. * simis is out the door.....for real this time
  129. * EvilWalks sets mode +i #cryptichaven
  130. * DJLeeT ( has left #cryptichaven
  131. * DJLeeT ( has joined #cryptichaven
  132. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/DJLeeT] I'm Rick James Bitch!
  133. * Baldrick gives channel operator status to DJLeeT
  135. * Romano has quit (Quit: )
  136. * EvilWalks ( has joined #cryptichaven
  137. * CCC-Eagle sets mode +q #cryptichaven EvilWalks
  138. * CCC-Eagle gives channel operator status to EvilWalks
  139. <Baldrick> [Setinfo/EvilWalks] CCC's resident asshole has arrived!
  140. <EvilWalks> Was anyone logging when that LOOGi3 retard joined?
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