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Apr 4th, 2016
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  1. /* All source code is (c) Unauthorized use/reverse engineering/copying is prohibited. */
  2. function q() {
  3. return function() {}
  4. }
  5. VERSION = 4136;
  6. var t, ba;
  7. (function() {
  8. function b(j) {
  9. return j < 10 ? "0" + j : j
  10. }
  12. function c(j) {
  13. f.lastIndex = 0;
  14. return f.test(j) ? '"' + j.replace(f, function(n) {
  15. var o = k[n];
  16. return typeof o === "string" ? o : "\\u" + ("0000" + n.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
  17. }) + '"' : '"' + j + '"'
  18. }
  20. function d(j, n) {
  21. var o, s, w = g,
  22. p, r = n[j];
  23. if (r && typeof r === "object" && typeof r.toJSON === "function") r = r.toJSON(j);
  24. if (typeof l === "function") r =, j, r);
  25. switch (typeof r) {
  26. case "string":
  27. return c(r);
  28. case "number":
  29. return isFinite(r) ? String(r) : "null";
  30. case "boolean":
  31. case "null":
  32. return String(r);
  33. case "object":
  34. if (!r) return "null";
  35. g += h;
  36. p = [];
  37. if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(r) === "[object Array]") {
  38. s = r.length;
  39. for (j = 0; j < s; j += 1) p[j] = d(j, r) || "null";
  40. n = p.length === 0 ? "[]" : g ? "[\n" + g + p.join(",\n" + g) + "\n" + w + "]" : "[" + p.join(",") + "]";
  41. g = w;
  42. return n
  43. }
  44. if (l && typeof l === "object") {
  45. s = l.length;
  46. for (j = 0; j < s; j += 1) {
  47. o = l[j];
  48. if (typeof o === "string")
  49. if (n = d(o, r)) p.push(c(o) + (g ? ": " : ":") + n)
  50. }
  51. } else
  52. for (o in r)
  53. if (, o))
  54. if (n = d(o, r)) p.push(c(o) + (g ? ": " : ":") + n);
  55. n = p.length === 0 ? "{}" : g ? "{\n" + g + p.join(",\n" + g) +
  56. "\n" + w + "}" : "{" + p.join(",") + "}";
  57. g = w;
  58. return n
  59. }
  60. }
  61. if (typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== "function") {
  62. Date.prototype.toJSON = function() {
  63. return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ? this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + b(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + b(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + b(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + b(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + b(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" : null
  64. };
  65. String.prototype.toJSON = Number.prototype.toJSON = Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function() {
  66. return this.valueOf()
  67. }
  68. }
  69. var e = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
  70. f = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
  71. g, h, k = {
  72. "\u0008": "\\b",
  73. "\t": "\\t",
  74. "\n": "\\n",
  75. "\u000c": "\\f",
  76. "\r": "\\r",
  77. '"': '\\"',
  78. "\\": "\\\\"
  79. },
  80. l;
  81. if (typeof t !== "function") t = function(j, n, o) {
  82. var s;
  83. h = g = "";
  84. if (typeof o === "number")
  85. for (s = 0; s < o; s += 1) h += " ";
  86. else if (typeof o === "string") h = o;
  87. if ((l = n) && typeof n !== "function" && (typeof n !== "object" || typeof n.length !== "number")) throw new Error("JSON.stringify");
  88. return d("", {
  89. "": j
  90. })
  91. };
  92. if (typeof ba !==
  93. "function") ba = function(j, n) {
  94. function o(s, w) {
  95. var p, r, y = s[w];
  96. if (y && typeof y === "object")
  97. for (p in y)
  98. if (, p)) {
  99. r = o(y, p);
  100. if (r !== undefined) y[p] = r;
  101. else delete y[p]
  102. }
  103. return, w, y)
  104. }
  105. e.lastIndex = 0;
  106. if (e.test(j)) j = j.replace(e, function(s) {
  107. return "\\u" + ("0000" + s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
  108. });
  109. if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(j.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
  110. ""))) {
  111. j = eval("(" + j + ")");
  112. return typeof n === "function" ? o({
  113. "": j
  114. }, "") : j
  115. }
  116. throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse");
  117. }
  118. })();
  120. function ca(b) {
  121. this.p = b;
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  123. this.bc = null;
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  165. ca.prototype.alert = function(b, c, d, e) {
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  174. color: "#000",
  175. fontWeight: "bold"
  176. },;
  177. f.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(b));
  178. var g;
  179. if (c) {
  180. if (d) {
  181. f.appendChild(this.document.createElement("br"));
  182. var h = this.document.createElement("form");
  183. = "inline";
  184. h.onsubmit = function(k) {
  185. return function() {
  186. try {
  187. c(g.value)
  188. } catch (l) {
  189. x && A("ErrorLog", "Issue " + l, C)
  190. }
  191. da(k);
  192. return false
  193. }
  194. }(this);
  195. f.appendChild(h);
  196. g = this.document.createElement("input");
  197. if (e) g.value = e;
  198. = "4px";
  199. = "4px";
  200. u({
  201. type: "text",
  202. size: 32
  203. }, g);
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  219. textDecoration: "underline"
  220. },;
  221. e.onclick = function(k) {
  222. return function() {
  223. try {
  224. c(g.value)
  225. } catch (l) {
  226. x &&
  227. A("ErrorLog", "Issue " + l, C)
  228. }
  229. da(k)
  230. }
  231. }(this);
  232. e.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode("OK"))
  233. } else {
  234. f.appendChild(this.document.createElement("br"));
  235. e = this.document.createElement("span");
  236. u({
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  238. textDecoration: "underline",
  239. fontSize: "19px",
  240. fontWeight: "bold",
  241. color: "#c00"
  242. },;
  243. e.onclick = function(k) {
  244. return function() {
  245. c(false);
  246. da(k)
  247. }
  248. }(this);
  249. e.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode("Cancel"));
  250. f.appendChild(e);
  251. f.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(" | "));
  252. e = this.document.createElement("span");
  253. u({
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  256. fontSize: "19px",
  257. fontWeight: "bold",
  258. color: "#0c0"
  259. },;
  260. e.onclick = function(k) {
  261. return function() {
  262. c(true);
  263. da(k)
  264. }
  265. }(this);
  266. e.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode("Yes"))
  267. }
  268. f.appendChild(e)
  269. }
  270. b = {
  271. msg: b,
  272. cb: c
  273. };
  274. if (d) b.isprompt = true;
  275. b = {
  276. element: f,
  277. closecb: function() {
  278. c && c(false)
  279. },
  280. initcb: function() {
  281. if (g) try {
  282. g.focus()
  283. } catch (k) {}
  284. }
  285. };
  286. ea(this, b)
  287. };
  289. function ea(b, c) {
  290. b.bc == null ? b.Kd(c) : b.ze.push(c)
  291. }
  292. ca.prototype.Kd = function(b) {
  293. = "block";
  294. = "block";
  295. var c = this.document.createElement("div");
  296. = "right";
  297. = "16px";
  298. this.Ja.appendChild(c);
  299. var d = this.document.createElement("img");
  300. D(d, "", 12, 12);
  301. d.onclick = function(e) {
  302. return function() {
  303. b.closecb && b.closecb();
  304. da(e)
  305. }
  306. }(this);
  307. = "2px";
  308. d.title = "Close window";
  309. c.appendChild(d);
  310. this.hc.onclick = d.onclick;
  311. this.bc = b.element;
  312. this.Ja.appendChild(this.bc);
  313. b.initcb && b.initcb()
  314. };
  316. function da(b) {
  317. if (b.bc != null) {
  318. = "none";
  319. for ( = "none"; b.Ja.firstChild;) b.Ja.removeChild(b.Ja.firstChild);
  320. b.bc = null;
  321. b.ze.length > 0 && b.Kd(b.ze.shift())
  322. }
  323. }
  325. function fa(b) {
  326. for (; b.bc != null;) da(b)
  327. }
  328. ca.prototype.Lc = function() {
  329. return this.bc != null
  330. };
  331. PermalinkInfo = {
  332. create: function(b, c, d) {
  333. function e(k, l) {
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  338. fontSize: "15px"
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  340. j = j.insertCell(-1);
  341. n.appendChild(b.createTextNode(k));
  342. k = b.createElement("input");
  343. k.type = "text";
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  345. k.size = 32;
  346. k.value = l;
  347. u({
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  351. },;
  352. j.appendChild(k)
  353. }
  354. var f = b.createElement("div");
  355. = "center";
  356. var g = b.createElement("h3");
  357. g.appendChild(b.createTextNode("Share a link to this channel with friends."));
  358. f.appendChild(g);
  359. g = b.createElement("h3");
  360. g.appendChild(b.createTextNode("Email, facebook, anywhere."));
  361. f.appendChild(g);
  362. g = b.createElement("form");
  363. = "center";
  364. f.appendChild(g);
  365. g.onsubmit = function() {
  366. return false
  367. };
  368. var h = b.createElement("table");
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  372. g.appendChild(h);
  373. g = "" + encodeURIComponent(d) + "&server=" + encodeURIComponent(c);
  374. e("Mibbit link:", g);
  375. if (d.substring(0, 1) == "#") d = d.substring(1, d.length);
  376. e("IRC:// link:", "irc://" + c + "/" + encodeURIComponent(d));
  377. return f
  378. }
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  399. if (! {
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  414. document.body.removeChild(Adverts.R);
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  437. document.createElement("iframe");
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  475. x && A("Adverts.create", "using an iframe", K)
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  499. if (!e) this.Od = window.setInterval(function(f) {
  500. return function() {
  501. for (var g in f.c) f.c.hasOwnProperty(g) &&
  502. ja(f.c[g]) && la(f, g)
  503. }
  504. }(this), 1E4)
  505. }
  506. ga.prototype.fe = function() {
  507. window.clearInterval(this.Od)
  508. };
  510. function ia(b) {
  511. b.yc = [];
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  513. }
  514. ga.prototype.clear = function() {
  515. na(this);
  516. for (var b in this.c) this.c.hasOwnProperty(b) && oa(this, this.c[b]);
  517. this.c = {};
  518. delete this.V
  519. };
  521. function pa(b, c) {
  522. for (var d = 0; d < b.yc.length; d++)
  523. if (qa(c, b.yc[d].dg)) return b.yc[d];
  524. return false
  525. }
  526. ga.prototype.z = function() {
  527. na(this);
  528. for (var b in this.c)
  529. if (this.c.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
  530. this.c[b].z();
  531. oa(this, this.c[b])
  532. }
  533. for (; this.B.firstChild;) this.B.removeChild(this.B.firstChild);
  534. ia(this);
  535. for (b in this.c) this.c.hasOwnProperty(b) && ra(this, this.c[b]);
  536. u({
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  542. padding: this.a.ulistPaneRounding +
  543. "px"
  544. },
  545. };
  547. function sa(b, c, d) {
  548. b.xe.push({
  549. type: c,
  550. Ke: d
  551. })
  552. }
  553. ga.prototype.size = function() {
  554. for (var b = 0, c = 0; c < this.yc.length; c++) b += this.yc[c].Rc;
  555. return b
  556. };
  558. function oa(b, c) {
  559. b.V ? sa(b, "remove", c) :
  560. }
  562. function la(b, c) {
  563. if (b.V) sa(b, "refresh", c);
  564. else {
  565. oa(b, b.c[c]);
  566. ra(b, b.c[c])
  567. }
  568. }
  570. function ra(b, c) {
  571. if (b.V) sa(b, "add", c);
  572. else {
  573. c.lf = pa(b, c);
  574. c.lf.kd(c)
  575. }
  576. }
  577. ga.prototype.kd = function(b) {
  578. var c = {};
  579. = function(d) {
  580. return function(e) {
  581. ta(d, e);
  582. return false
  583. }
  584. }(this);
  585. c.Bg = function(d) {
  586. return function(e) {
  587. if (!d.V || d.V != e) ua(e, true)
  588. }
  589. }(this);
  590. c.Ag = function(d) {
  591. return function(e) {
  592. if (!d.V || d.V != e) ua(e, false)
  593. }
  594. }(this);
  595. = function(d) {
  596. return function() {
  597. if (d.Ab == "icon") d.Ab = "flag";
  598. else if (d.Ab == "flag") d.Ab = "time";
  599. else if (d.Ab == "time") d.Ab = "icon";
  600. var e = {};
  601. e[d.Ab] = true;
  602. for (var f in d.c) d.c.hasOwnProperty(f) && va(d.c[f], e)
  603. }
  604. }(this);
  605. b = new wa(, b, this.d, this.a, c);
  606. c = {};
  607. c[this.Ab] =
  608. true;
  609. va(b, c);
  610. typeof this.c[b.yb] != "undefined" &&;
  611. ra(this, b);
  612. this.c[b.yb] = b
  613. };
  614. = function(b) {
  615. if (typeof this.c[b] == "undefined") return false;
  616. this.V && this.V == this.c[b] && delete this.V;
  617. oa(this, this.c[b]);
  618. delete this.c[b];
  619. return true
  620. };
  622. function za(b, c, d) {
  623. if (typeof b.c[c] == "undefined") return false;
  624. b.c[c].setActive(d);
  625. la(b, c);
  626. return true
  627. }
  629. function Aa(b, c) {
  630. if (typeof b.c[c] == "undefined") return false;
  631. var d = b.c[c];
  632. d.Sa = true;
  633. d.Ha = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1E3);
  634. if (d.a.userListBoldOnChat) = "bold";
  635. Ba(d, d.description);
  636. la(b, c);
  637. return true
  638. }
  640. function Ca(b, c, d, e) {
  641. if (typeof b.c[c] == "undefined") return false;
  642. Da(b.c[c], d, e);
  643. la(b, c);
  644. return true
  645. }
  647. function Ea(b, c, d) {
  648. if (typeof b.c[c] == "undefined") return false;
  649. var e = b.c[c];
  650. e.h = d;
  651. e.Sb.firstChild.nodeValue = d;
  653. e.yb = d;
  654. ra(b, e);
  655. b.c[e.yb] = e;
  656. return true
  657. }
  659. function Fa(b, c, d) {
  660. if (typeof b.c[c] == "undefined") return false;
  661. b.c[c].ac(d);
  662. return true
  663. }
  665. function ta(b, c) {
  666. if (b.V && b.V == c) {
  667. (new Date).getTime() - b.Ng < b.a.doubleClickTime && b.a.doubleClickToPM && b.fd(c.yb, "usermenu0");
  668. na(b);
  669. b.fd(c.yb, "closed")
  670. } else {
  671. b.Ng = (new Date).getTime();
  672. na(b);
  673. b.V = c;
  674. var d = b.d.createElement("div");
  675. c.B.onmouseout = function(h) {
  676. return function(k) {
  677. k || (k = event);
  678. for (k = k.relatedTarget || k.toElement; k != null && k != document.body;) {
  679. if (k == c.B) return;
  680. k = k.parentNode
  681. }
  682. h.Db && window.clearTimeout(h.Db);
  683. h.Db = window.setTimeout(function() {
  684. na(h)
  685. }, h.a.userListMenuAutoCloseTime)
  686. }
  687. }(b);
  688. c.B.onmouseover =
  689. function(h) {
  690. return function() {
  691. if (h.Db) {
  692. window.clearTimeout(h.Db);
  693. delete h.Db
  694. }
  695. }
  696. }(b);
  697. u({
  698. background: b.a.userListMenuBackground,
  699. borderBottom: "1px solid #444",
  700. padding: "2px"
  701. },;
  702. for (var e = b.fd(c.yb, "getoptions"), f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
  703. var g = b.d.createElement("div");
  704. g.onclick = function(h, k) {
  705. return function() {
  706. h.fd && h.fd(c.yb, k);
  707. na(h)
  708. }
  709. }(b, e[f].id);
  710. g.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode(e[f].desc));
  711. u({
  712. cursor: "pointer",
  713. color: b.a.userListMenuColor,
  714. overflow: "hidden",
  715. whiteSpace: "nowrap",
  716. fontSize: b.a.userListMenuFontSize +
  717. "px",
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  719. textDecoration: "none",
  720. paddingLeft: "2px",
  721. paddingRight: "2px"
  722. },;
  723. if (f != e.length - 1) = "1px solid #aaa";
  724. if (b.a.userListMenuBackgroundHover) {
  725. g.onmouseover = function(h, k) {
  726. return function() {
  727. = k
  728. }
  729. }(g, b.a.userListMenuBackgroundHover);
  730. g.onmouseout = function(h, k) {
  731. return function() {
  732. = k
  733. }
  734. }(g, b.a.userListMenuBackground)
  735. }
  736. d.appendChild(g)
  737. }
  738. c.B.appendChild(d);
  739. window.setTimeout(function(h, k) {
  740. return function() {
  741. var l = k.B.offsetTop +
  742. k.B.offsetHeight,
  743. j = h.clientHeight;
  744. if (k.B.offsetTop < h.scrollTop) h.scrollTop = k.B.offsetTop;
  745. if (l > h.scrollTop + j) h.scrollTop = l - j
  746. }
  747. }(b.B, c), 50);
  748. = b.a.userListSelected
  749. }
  750. }
  752. function na(b) {
  753. if (b.V) {
  754. ua(b.V, false);
  755. b.V.B.removeChild(b.V.B.lastChild);
  756. b.V.B.onmouseover = null;
  757. b.V.B.onmouseout = null;
  758. if (b.Db) {
  759. window.clearTimeout(b.Db);
  760. delete b.Db
  761. }
  762. delete b.V
  763. }
  764. for (; b.xe.length > 0;) {
  765. var c = b.xe.shift();
  766. if (c.type == "add") ra(b, c.Ke);
  767. else if (c.type == "remove") oa(b, c.Ke);
  768. else c.type == "refresh" && la(b, c.Ke)
  769. }
  770. }
  772. function ma(b, c, d, e) {
  773. this.dg = c.def;
  774. this.title = c.title;
  775. this.og = c.hideOnEmpty;
  776. this.Yg = c.startHidden;
  777. this.a = e;
  778. this.Xg = d;
  779. this.Rc = 0;
  780. this.xb = [];
  781. this.vb = true;
  782. this.Y = b.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
  783. this.pd = b.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
  784. if (this.title != "") {
  785. this.Pd = b.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
  786. u({
  787. fontFamily: this.a.userGroupFontFamily,
  788. fontSize: this.a.userGroupFontSize + "px",
  789. color: this.a.userGroupColor,
  790. background: this.a.userGroupBackground,
  791. textAlign: "center",
  792. cursor: "pointer",
  793. userSelect: "none",
  794. MozUserSelect: "none",
  795. WebkitUserSelect: "none"
  796. },;
  797. this.Pd.onclick = function(f) {
  798. return function() {
  799. f.vb = !f.vb;
  800. = f.vb ? "block" : "none";
  801. Ga(f);
  802. return false
  803. }
  804. }(this);
  805. this.He = b.ownerDocument.createTextNode(this.title);
  806. this.Pd.appendChild(this.He);
  807. this.pd.appendChild(this.Pd)
  808. }
  809. this.pd.appendChild(this.Y);
  810. this.update();
  811. if (this.Yg) {
  812. this.vb = false;
  813. = "none"
  814. }
  815. b.appendChild(this.pd)
  816. }
  818. function Ga(b) {
  819. if (b.He) b.He.nodeValue = b.vb ? b.title : b.title + " (" + b.Rc + ")"
  820. }
  821. ma.prototype.update = function() {
  822. Ga(this);
  823. = this.Rc == 0 && this.og ? "none" : "block"
  824. };
  825. = function(b) {
  826. this.Y.removeChild(b.B);
  827. for (var c = 0; c < this.xb.length; c++)
  828. if (this.xb[c] == b) {
  829. this.Rc--;
  830. this.xb.splice(c, 1);
  831. break
  832. }
  833. this.update()
  834. };
  835. ma.prototype.kd = function(b) {
  836. var c = Ha(this.xb, this.Xg, b, 0, this.xb.length);
  837. this.Rc++;
  838. if (c == this.xb.length) {
  839. this.Y.appendChild(b.B);
  840. this.xb.push(b)
  841. } else {
  842. this.Y.insertBefore(b.B, this.xb[c].B);
  843. this.xb.splice(c, 0, b)
  844. }
  845. this.update()
  846. };
  848. function wa(b, c, d, e, f) {
  849. this.a = e;
  850. = f;
  851. this.d = d;
  852. this.yb = b;
  853. this.h = c.nick;
  854. this.P = c.icon;
  855. this.description = c.desc;
  856. =;
  857. this.Ic = c.countrycode;
  858. if (typeof c.localtime != "undefined") this.te = parseInt(c.localtime) - (new Date).getTime();
  859. this.Ge = c.timezone;
  860. this.dc = {
  861. icon: true,
  862. country: false,
  863. time: false
  864. };
  865. this.wc = false;
  866. =;
  867. this.Ha = -1;
  868. if (c.idleTime != -1) this.Ha = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1E3) - c.idleTime;
  869. Ia(this);
  870. = {
  871. owner: c.modes.owner,
  872. admin: c.modes.admin,
  873. op: c.modes.op,
  874. halfop: c.modes.halfop,
  875. voice: c.modes.voice
  876. };
  877. = {};
  878. this.B = this.d.createElement("div");
  879. this.K = this.d.createElement("div");
  880. this.B.appendChild(this.K);
  881. this.z()
  882. }
  884. function Ia(b) {
  885. b.Sa = b.Ha == -1 ? false : (new Date).getTime() / 1E3 - b.Ha < b.a.userListChattingTime
  886. }
  888. function va(b, c) {
  889. b.dc = c;
  890. if ( = b.dc.time ? "inline" : "none";
  891. if (b.Wa) = b.dc.flag ? "inline" : "none";
  892. if (b.ja) = b.dc.icon ? "inline" : "none"
  893. }
  895. function ua(b, c) {
  896. = c ? b.a.userListHover : "transparent"
  897. }
  898. wa.prototype.z = function() {
  899. for (; this.K.firstChild;) this.K.removeChild(this.K.firstChild);
  900. this.K.onmouseover = function(c) {
  901. return function() {
  903. }
  904. }(this);
  905. this.K.onmouseout = function(c) {
  906. return function() {
  908. }
  909. }(this);
  910. delete;
  911. delete this.Wa;
  912. delete this.ja;
  913. delete this.Xb;
  914. delete this.Ka;
  915. = this.d.createElement("img");
  916. u({
  917. marginRight: "2px",
  918. verticalAlign: this.a.userListIconAlign,
  919. display: this.dc.time ? "inline" : "none"
  920. },;
  921. = function(c) {
  922. return function() {
  924. return false
  925. }
  926. }(this);
  927. Ja(this);
  928. this.Wa = this.d.createElement("img");
  929. u({
  930. marginRight: "2px",
  931. verticalAlign: this.a.userListIconAlign,
  932. display: this.dc.flag ? "inline" : "none"
  933. },;
  934. this.Wa.onclick = function(c) {
  935. return function() {
  937. return false
  938. }
  939. }(this);
  940. if (this.Ic) this.Wa.title = this.Ic;
  941. D(this.Wa, this.Ic ? "" + this.Ic.toLowerCase() + ".png" : "", this.a.userListIconWidth, this.a.userListIconHeight);
  942. if (this.P && this.a.userListShowIcons) {
  943. this.ja =
  944. this.d.createElement("img");
  945. = "2px";
  946. = this.dc.icon ? "inline" : "none";
  947. this.ja.onclick = function(c) {
  948. return function() {
  950. return false
  951. }
  952. }(this);
  953. Ka(this, this.P)
  954. } else delete this.ja;
  955. this.K.onclick = function(c) {
  956. return function(d) {
  957. if (!d) d = window.event;
  958. d = ? : d.srcElement;
  959. if (!(d == || d == c.Wa || d == c.ja)) {
  961. return false
  962. }
  963. }
  964. }(this);
  965. this.Sb = this.d.createElement("span");
  966. u({
  967. fontFamily: this.a.userListFontFamily,
  968. fontSize: this.a.userListFontSize +
  969. "px",
  970. cursor: "pointer",
  971. whiteSpace: "nowrap"
  972. },;
  973. this.Sb.appendChild(this.d.createTextNode(this.h));
  974. if (this.a.userListShowPrefixChars) {
  975. this.Xb = this.d.createElement("span");
  976. u({
  977. fontFamily: this.a.userListFontFamily,
  978. fontSize: this.a.userListFontSize + "px",
  979. color: this.a.userListColorNormal,
  980. fontWeight: "bold",
  981. cursor: "pointer"
  982. },
  983. } else if (this.a.userListShowSingleMode) {
  984. this.Ka = this.d.createElement("img");
  985. = this.a.userListModeIconAlign;
  986. D(this.Ka, "",
  987. this.a.userListModeIconWidth, this.a.userListModeIconHeight)
  988. }
  989. this.ja && this.K.appendChild(this.ja);
  990. this.Wa && this.K.appendChild(this.Wa);
  991. && this.K.appendChild(;
  992. this.Xb && this.K.appendChild(this.Xb);
  993. if (this.Ka && this.a.userListShowModesLeft) {
  994. this.K.appendChild(this.Ka);
  995. = this.a.userListModeSpacing + "px"
  996. }
  997. this.K.appendChild(this.Sb);
  998. if (this.Ka && !this.a.userListShowModesLeft) {
  999. this.K.appendChild(this.Ka);
  1000. = this.a.userListModeSpacing + "px"
  1001. }
  1002. =
  1003. "nowrap";
  1004. = this.a.userListPadding + "px";
  1005. Ba(this, this.description);
  1006. = {};
  1007. for (var b = 0; b < L.length; b++) Da(this, L[b],[L[b]]);
  1008. = "hidden";
  1009. this.tb()
  1010. };
  1012. function La(b, c, d) {
  1013. d = d.split(",");
  1014. for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
  1015. var f = d[e];
  1016. if (f == "chatting") {
  1017. if (b.Sa != c.Sa) return b.Sa && !c.Sa ? -1 : 1
  1018. } else if (f == "active") {
  1019. if ( != return && ! ? -1 : 1
  1020. } else if (f == "owner" || f == "admin" || f == "op" || f == "halfop" || f == "voice")
  1021. if ([f] !=[f]) return[f] && ![f] ? -1 : 1
  1022. }
  1023. if (b.h.toLowerCase() > c.h.toLowerCase()) return 1;
  1024. if (b.h.toLowerCase() < c.h.toLowerCase()) return -1;
  1025. return 0
  1026. }
  1028. function Ha(b, c, d, e, f) {
  1029. var g = f - e;
  1030. if (g == 0) return f;
  1031. if (g == 1) {
  1032. if (La(d, b[e], c) > 0) return f;
  1033. return e
  1034. }
  1035. if (g == 2) return La(d, b[e], c) > 0 ? La(d, b[f - 1], c) > 0 ? f : f - 1 : e;
  1036. g = Math.floor((e + f) / 2);
  1037. var h = La(d, b[g], c);
  1038. if (h < 0) return Ha(b, c, d, e, g);
  1039. else if (h == 0) return g;
  1040. else if (h > 0) return Ha(b, c, d, g, f)
  1041. }
  1043. function qa(b, c) {
  1044. c = c.split(",");
  1045. for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
  1046. var e = c[d],
  1047. f = true;
  1048. if (e.substring(0, 1) == "!") {
  1049. e = e.substring(1, e.length);
  1050. f = false
  1051. }
  1052. if (e == "chatting") {
  1053. if (b.Sa != f) return false
  1054. } else if (e == "active") {
  1055. if ( != f) return false
  1056. } else if (e == "owner" || e == "admin" || e == "op" || e == "halfop" || e == "voice")
  1057. if ([e] != f) return false
  1058. }
  1059. return true
  1060. }
  1062. function ja(b) {
  1063. Ja(b);
  1064. var c =,
  1065. d = b.Sa;
  1066. Ia(b);
  1067. if (b.a.userListBoldOnChat) c.fontWeight = b.Sa ? "bold" : "normal";
  1068. Ba(b, b.description);
  1069. return d != b.Sa
  1070. }
  1072. function Ja(b) {
  1073. function c(k) {
  1074. return ("00" + k).substr(-2)
  1075. }
  1076. if (
  1077. if (typeof b.te == "undefined" || typeof b.Ge == "undefined") {
  1078. = "";
  1079. D(, "", 16, 16)
  1080. } else {
  1081. var d = new Date(b.te + (new Date).getTime()),
  1082. e = d.getUTCHours() + ":" + c(d.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + c(d.getUTCSeconds()),
  1083. f = "+",
  1084. g = b.Ge;
  1085. if (g < 0) {
  1086. f = "-";
  1087. g = -g
  1088. }
  1089. var h = Math.floor(g / 60);
  1090. g = g - 60 * h;
  1091. = e + " UTC" + f + c(h) + c(g);
  1092. d = d.getUTCHours();
  1093. if (d > 22 || d < 8) D(, "", b.a.userListIconWidth,
  1094. b.a.userListIconHeight);
  1095. else if (d >= 8 && d < 12) D(, "", b.a.userListIconWidth, b.a.userListIconHeight);
  1096. else if (d >= 12 && d < 18) D(, "", b.a.userListIconWidth, b.a.userListIconHeight);
  1097. else d >= 18 && d <= 22 && D(, "", b.a.userListIconWidth, b.a.userListIconHeight)
  1098. }
  1099. }
  1100. wa.prototype.tb = function() {
  1101. var b =;
  1102. if (this.a.userListBoldOnChat) b.fontWeight = this.Sa ? "bold" : "normal";
  1103. b.color = ? this.wc && this.a.userListColorTyping != "" ? this.a.userListColorTyping : this.a.ciUserListColorNormal && && ? : this.a.userListColorNormal : this.a.userListColorInactive
  1104. };
  1106. function Ka(b, c) {
  1107. b.P = c;
  1108. if (b.ja) {
  1109. = b.a.userListIconAlign;
  1110. if ( {
  1111. c = b.a["ulicon_" +];
  1112. if (Ma && typeof DATA_URLS != "undefined" && DATA_URLS[c]) c = DATA_URLS[c];
  1113. D(b.ja, c, b.a.userListIconWidth, b.a.userListIconHeight)
  1114. } else D(b.ja, b.P.src, b.a.userListIconWidth, b.a.userListIconHeight);
  1115. if (b.P.title) b.ja.title = b.P.title
  1116. }
  1117. }
  1119. function Ba(b, c) {
  1120. var d = b.description = c;
  1121. if (b.Ha != -1) {
  1122. d = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1E3) - b.Ha;
  1123. d = d < 60 ? "(" + d + "s) " + c : d < 3600 ? "(" + Math.floor(d / 60) + "m) " + c : "(" + Math.floor(d / 3600) + "h) " + c
  1124. }
  1125. b.K.setAttribute("title", d)
  1126. }
  1127. = function(b) {
  1128. this.wc = b;
  1129. this.tb()
  1130. };
  1131. wa.prototype.setActive = function(b) {
  1132. = b;
  1133. this.tb()
  1134. };
  1136. function Da(b, c, d) {
  1137.[c] = d;
  1138. if (b.a.userListShowPrefixChars) {
  1139. var e = "";
  1140. if (b.a.userListShowSingleMode)
  1141. for (f = 0; f < L.length; f++) {
  1142. c = L[f];
  1143. if ([c]) {
  1144. d = Na(b, c, true);
  1145. if (d.length > 0) e = d.substring(0, 1);
  1146. break
  1147. }
  1148. } else
  1149. for (var f = 0; f < L.length; f++) {
  1150. c = L[f];
  1151. if ([c]) {
  1152. d = Na(b, c, true);
  1153. if (d.length > 0) e += d.substring(0, 1)
  1154. }
  1155. }
  1156. if (b.Xb.firstChild) b.Xb.firstChild.nodeValue = e;
  1157. else b.Xb.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode(e))
  1158. } else if (b.a.userListShowSingleMode) {
  1159. d = "";
  1160. e = "none";
  1161. for (f = 0; f < L.length; f++) {
  1162. c = L[f];
  1163. if ([c]) {
  1164. if (e == "none") e = c;
  1165. if (d != "") d += ", ";
  1166. d += Oa(b, c)
  1167. }
  1168. }
  1169. f = Na(b, e);
  1170. D(b.Ka, f, b.a.userListModeIconWidth, b.a.userListModeIconHeight);
  1171. b.Ka.title = d
  1172. } else {
  1173. if (d && ![c]) {
  1174.[c] = b.d.createElement("img");
  1175.[c].style.verticalAlign = b.a.userListModeIconAlign;
  1176. f = Na(b, c);
  1177. D([c], f, b.a.userListModeIconWidth, b.a.userListModeIconHeight);
  1178.[c].title = Oa(b, c);
  1179.[c].style.paddingLeft = b.a.userListModeSpacing + "px";
  1180. e = null;
  1181. var g = false;
  1182. for (f = 0; f < L.length; f++) {
  1183. if (g &&[L[f]]) e =[L[f]];
  1184. if (L[f] == c) g = true
  1185. }
  1186. e != null ? b.K.insertBefore([c], e) :
  1187. b.K.appendChild([c])
  1188. }
  1189. if (!d &&[c]) {
  1190. b.K.removeChild([c]);
  1191. delete[c]
  1192. }
  1193. }
  1194. }
  1196. function Na(b, c) {
  1197. var d = "";
  1198. if (c == "owner") d = b.a.iconModeOwner;
  1199. else if (c == "admin") d = b.a.iconModeAdmin;
  1200. else if (c == "op") d = b.a.iconModeOp;
  1201. else if (c == "halfop") d = b.a.iconModeHalfop;
  1202. else if (c == "voice") d = b.a.iconModeVoice;
  1203. return d
  1204. }
  1206. function Oa(b, c) {
  1207. if (c == "owner") return E.g("ModeOwner");
  1208. else if (c == "admin") return E.g("ModeAdmin");
  1209. else if (c == "op") return E.g("ModeOp");
  1210. else if (c == "halfop") return E.g("ModeHalfop");
  1211. else if (c == "voice") return E.g("ModeVoice");
  1212. return ""
  1213. }
  1214. var L = ["owner", "admin", "op", "halfop", "voice"];
  1216. function Pa(b, c, d, e, f) {
  1217. this.p = b;
  1218. this.d = b.ownerDocument;
  1219. this.a = c;
  1220. = e;
  1221. this.Ad = f;
  1222. this.Aa = [];
  1223. this.ib = this.zf = this.Dd = 10;
  1224. this.h = "";
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  1242. this.ha.appendChild(d);
  1243. d.appendChild(this.ea);
  1244. this.ta = this.d.createElement("div");
  1245. this.Hb = this.d.createElement("span");
  1246. = "pointer";
  1247. this.Hb.onclick = function(g) {
  1248. return function() {
  1250. }
  1251. }(this);
  1252. this.Hb.appendChild(this.d.createTextNode(""));
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  1259. u({
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  1263. "px",
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  1278. this.da.xc = e.xc;
  1279. this.v = {
  1280. content: this.La,
  1281. Gb: null
  1282. };
  1283. this.z();
  1284. this.C()
  1285. }
  1286. Pa.prototype.uc = function(b) {
  1287. for (this.h = b; this.Hb.firstChild;) this.Hb.removeChild(this.Hb.firstChild);
  1288. this.Hb.appendChild(this.d.createTextNode(b + " :"));
  1289. this.C()
  1290. };
  1291. Pa.prototype.z = function() {
  1292. try {
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  1295. margin: this.a.chatInputSpacing + "px",
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  1298. },;
  1299. u({
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  1310. color: this.a.colorInText,
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  1312. border: "1px solid " + this.a.chatInputBarBorder
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  1314. u({
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  1330. this.a.chatInputShowNick ? "block" : "none";
  1331. Ra(this);
  1332. if (this.wb) {
  1333. this.p.removeChild(this.wb);
  1334. delete this.wb
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  1336. if (this.fb) {
  1337. this.p.removeChild(this.fb);
  1338. delete this.fb
  1339. }
  1340. if (this.rb) {
  1341. this.p.removeChild(this.rb);
  1342. delete this.rb
  1343. }
  1344. if (this.nb) {
  1345. this.p.removeChild(this.nb);
  1346. delete this.nb
  1347. }
  1348. if (this.pb) {
  1349. this.p.removeChild(this.pb);
  1350. delete this.pb;
  1351. delete this.mb
  1352. }
  1353. delete this.sf;
  1354. Sa(this)
  1355. } catch (b) {
  1356. x && A("RichInputElement.redraw(2)", t(b), C)
  1357. }
  1358. };
  1359. Pa.prototype.C = function() {
  1360. try {
  1361. if (this.Ad) this.zf = this.mb.offsetHeight;
  1362. if (this.v.content == this.La) {
  1363. this.uf = this.ta.offsetWidth;
  1364. if (window.getComputedStyle) {
  1365. var b = window.getComputedStyle(this.ta, null).getPropertyValue("width");
  1366. if (b.substring(b.length - 2, b.length) == "px") this.uf = parseFloat(b.substring(0, b.length - 2))
  1367. }
  1368. }
  1369. b = false;
  1370. if (this.v.content == this.La && this.ea.offsetHeight != 0 && this.ea.offsetHeight != this.Dd) {
  1371. this.Dd = this.ea.offsetHeight;
  1372. this.ib = this.ha.offsetHeight;
  1373. if (window.getComputedStyle) {
  1374. var c = window.getComputedStyle(this.ea,
  1375. null).getPropertyValue("height");
  1376. if (c.substring(c.length - 2, c.length) == "px") this.Dd = parseFloat(c.substring(0, c.length - 2));
  1377. var d = window.getComputedStyle(this.ha, null).getPropertyValue("height");
  1378. if (d.substring(d.length - 2, d.length) == "px") this.ib = parseFloat(d.substring(0, d.length - 2))
  1379. }
  1380. b = true
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  1382. if (this.a.chatInputShowNick && this.h != "") = this.a.chatInputSpacing * 2 + this.uf + "px";
  1383. = 2 + this.ib + "px";
  1384. return b
  1385. } catch (e) {
  1386. x && A("RichInputElement.layout", "Exception: " + t(e), C)
  1387. }
  1388. return false
  1389. };
  1391. function Ta(b, c) {
  1392. b.xf.nodeValue = c ? "TYPING" : ""
  1393. }
  1394. Pa.prototype.Va = function() {
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  1396. b += this.a.chatInputPadding * 2;
  1397. b += this.a.chatInputSpacing * 2;
  1398. b += 2;
  1399. if (this.Ad) {
  1400. b += this.zf;
  1401. b += this.a.chatInputSpacing;
  1402. b += 2
  1403. }
  1404. return b
  1405. };
  1406. Pa.prototype.Ub = function(b) {
  1407. window.setTimeout(function(c) {
  1408. return function() {
  1409. c.da.Ub(b)
  1410. }
  1411. }(this), 100)
  1412. };
  1414. function Ra(b) {
  1415. if (b.v && b.v.content != b.La) {
  1416. Ua(b, {
  1417. content: b.La,
  1418. Gb: null
  1419. });
  1420. b.ea.focus();
  1421. window.setTimeout(function(c) {
  1422. return function() {
  1423. Va(c.da, c.Mg)
  1424. }
  1425. }(b), 10)
  1426. }
  1427. }
  1429. function Wa(b) {
  1430. var c = b.d.createTextNode(" | ");
  1431. b.mb.appendChild(c)
  1432. }
  1434. function Xa(b, c) {
  1435. b.v == b.Aa[c] ? Ra(b) : Ua(b, b.Aa[c]);
  1436. b.Aa[c].Gb.blur()
  1437. }
  1439. function Ua(b, c) {
  1440. if (c.content) {
  1441. if (b.v) {
  1442. = "none";
  1443. if (b.v.Gb != null) = b.a.colorInMenu;
  1444. &&
  1445. }
  1446. b.v = c;
  1447. if (b.v.Gb != null) = b.a.colorInMenuActive;
  1448. = "block";
  1449. b.v.content != b.La && u({
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  1452. background: b.a.chatInputBackground,
  1453. height: b.ib + 2 * b.a.chatInputPadding + "px"
  1454. },;
  1455. b.v && b.v.Zc && b.v.Zc()
  1456. }
  1457. }
  1459. function Ya(b, c) {
  1460. if (b.Aa[c])
  1461. if (b.v == b.Aa[c]) Ra(b);
  1462. else {
  1463. if (b.v.content == b.La) b.Mg = Za(b.da);
  1464. Ua(b, b.Aa[c])
  1465. }
  1466. }
  1468. function $a(b, c, d) {
  1469. var e = null;
  1470. if (d == "/togglemenu smilies") e = "smilies";
  1471. if (d == "/togglemenu colors") e = "colors";
  1472. if (d == "/togglemenu pastebin") e = "pastebin";
  1473. if (d == "/togglemenu minify") e = "minify";
  1474. b.sf && Wa(b);
  1475. b.sf = true;
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  1477. f.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode(c));
  1478. = b.a.colorInMenu;
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  1483. = "underline"
  1484. };
  1485. f.onmouseout = function() {
  1486. = "none"
  1487. };
  1488. if (b.Aa[e]) b.Aa[e].Gb = f;
  1489. f.onclick = function(g) {
  1490. return function() {
  1491., c);
  1492. f.blur();
  1493. return false
  1494. }
  1495. }(b);
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  1497. }
  1499. function ab(b, c) {
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  1512. d.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode(E.g("InputMenuClose")));
  1513. d.onclick = function(e) {
  1514. return function() {
  1515. Ra(e);
  1516. return false
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  1549. f.onclick = function(g, h) {
  1550. return function() {
  1551. try {
  1552. g.Ub(h)
  1553. } catch (k) {
  1554. x && A("smiley click", k, C)
  1555. }
  1556. Ra(g)
  1557. }
  1558. }(b, e.code);
  1559. b.wb.appendChild(f)
  1560. }
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  1562. b.p.appendChild(b.wb);
  1563. b.wg = function(g) {
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  1567. g.Md[h].style.height = g.ib + 2 * g.a.chatInputPadding - 2 + "px"
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  1569. }
  1570. }(b);
  1571. ab(b, b.wb)
  1572. }
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  1587. styleFloat: "left"
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  1589. = db[c].color;
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  1591. = "1px solid #000"
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  1593. d.onmouseout = function() {
  1594. = "1px solid #fff"
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  1596. d.onclick = function(e, f) {
  1597. return function() {
  1598. eb(e, f);
  1599. Ra(e)
  1600. }
  1601. }(b, db[c]);
  1602. b.fb.appendChild(d)
  1603. }
  1604. b.p.appendChild(b.fb);
  1605. = function(e) {
  1606. return function() {
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  1610. }
  1611. }
  1612. }(b);
  1613. ab(b, b.fb)
  1614. }
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  1630. d.onclick = function(e) {
  1631. return function() {
  1632. Ra(e);
  1634. return false
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  1636. }(b);
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  1646. c.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode("Paste text above, then click:"));
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  1648. c.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode(" | "));
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  1650. ab(b, b.rb)
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  1674. fontSize: b.a.chatInputFontSize +
  1675. "px"
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  1678. d.setAttribute("placeholder", "");
  1679. = "#eee";
  1680. c.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode("URL:"));
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  1682. var e = b.d.createElement("span");
  1683. e.onclick = function(g) {
  1684. return function() {
  1685. try {
  1686. Ra(g);
  1688. } catch (h) {}
  1689. return false
  1690. }
  1691. }(b);
  1692. c.onsubmit = e.onclick;
  1693. u({
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  1695. marginLeft: "4px",
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  1700. e.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode("Minify"));
  1701. c.appendChild(e);
  1702. c.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode(" | "));
  1703. b.nb.appendChild(c);
  1704. b.p.appendChild(b.nb);
  1705. var f = function() {
  1706. return function() {
  1707. d.value = "";
  1708. d.focus()
  1709. }
  1710. }();
  1711. = function() {
  1712. window.setTimeout(f, 100)
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  1714. ab(b, b.nb)
  1715. }
  1717. function eb(b, c) {
  1718. if (b.lh) window.setTimeout(function(d) {
  1719. return function() {
  1720. try {
  1721. d.execCommand("foreColor", false, c.color)
  1722. } catch (e) {
  1723. alert(e)
  1724. }
  1725. }
  1726. }(b.d), 200);
  1727. else = c.color;
  1728. if ( c.code == 1 ? :
  1729. }
  1730. var db = [{
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  1773. code: 14,
  1774. color: "#808080"
  1775. }, {
  1776. code: 15,
  1777. color: "#c0c0c0"
  1778. }];
  1780. function Sa(b) {
  1781. b.v = {
  1782. content: b.La,
  1783. Gb: null
  1784. };
  1785. b.nh = null;
  1786. bb(b);
  1787. cb(b);
  1788. fb(b);
  1789. gb(b);
  1790. b.Aa.smilies = {
  1791. content: b.wb,
  1792. Zc: b.wg
  1793. };
  1794. b.Aa.colors = {
  1795. content: b.fb,
  1796. Zc:
  1797. };
  1798. b.Aa.pastebin = {
  1799. content: b.rb,
  1800. Zc:,
  1801. mf:
  1802. };
  1803. b.Aa.minify = {
  1804. content: b.nb,
  1805. Zc:
  1806. };
  1807. if (b.Ad) {
  1808. b.mb = b.d.createElement("div");
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  1822. for (var c = [], d = 0; d < b.a.ioCustomMenus.length; d++) c.push({
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  1824. command: b.a.ioCustomMenus[d].command
  1825. });
  1826. if (c.length == 0) {
  1827. b.a.ioSmilies && c.push({
  1828. title: E.g("MenuSmilies"),
  1829. command: "/togglemenu smilies"
  1830. });
  1831. b.a.ioColors && c.push({
  1832. title: E.g("MenuColors"),
  1833. command: "/togglemenu colors"
  1834. });
  1835. b.a.ioPastebin && c.push({
  1836. title: E.g("MenuPasteBin"),
  1837. command: "/togglemenu pastebin"
  1838. });
  1839. b.a.ioMinify && c.push({
  1840. title: "Minify URL",
  1841. command: "/togglemenu minify"
  1842. })
  1843. }
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  1845. 0; d < c.length; d++) $a(b, c[d].title, c[d].command);
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  1850. = "100%";
  1851. b.p.appendChild(b.pb);
  1852. c = b.pb.insertRow(-1);
  1853. c.insertCell(-1).appendChild(b.mb);
  1854. c = c.insertCell(-1);
  1855. = "right";
  1856. d = b.d.createElement("div");
  1857. u({
  1858. color: b.a.colorInMenuSep,
  1859. margin: b.a.chatInputSpacing + "px",
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  1863. fontFamily: b.a.chatInputMenuFontFamily,
  1864. fontSize: b.a.chatInputMenuFontSize + "px"
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  1866. = "auto";
  1867. var e = b.d.createElement("span");
  1868. = b.a.colorInMenu;
  1869. = "4px";
  1870. d.appendChild(e);
  1871. b.xf = b.d.createTextNode("");
  1872. e.appendChild(b.xf);
  1873. if ( {
  1874. var f = b.d.createElement("span");
  1875. f.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode("Menu"));
  1876. = b.a.colorInMenu;
  1877. = "pointer";
  1878. f.onmouseover = function() {
  1879. return function() {
  1880. = "underline"
  1881. }
  1882. }(b);
  1883. f.onmouseout = function() {
  1884. return function() {
  1885. =
  1886. "none"
  1887. }
  1888. }(b);
  1889. f.onclick = function(g) {
  1890. return function() {
  1892. }
  1893. }(b);
  1894. d.appendChild(f)
  1895. }
  1896. c.appendChild(d)
  1897. }
  1898. }
  1900. function Qa(b, c, d, e, f) {
  1901. function g(j) {
  1902. return function() {
  1903. hb(j);
  1904. return false
  1905. }
  1906. }
  1908. function h(j) {
  1909. return function(n) {
  1910. return ib(j, n)
  1911. }
  1912. }
  1914. function k(j) {
  1915. return function(n) {
  1916. var o;
  1917. n = n;
  1918. if (!n) n = window.event;
  1919. if (j.dd && n.keyCode != 9) j.dd = false;
  1920. if (n.keyCode == 9) {
  1921. if (j.Rb) {
  1922. var s = j.Q.value,
  1923. w = Za(j),
  1924. p = s.substring(0, w);
  1925. s = s.substring(w, s.length);
  1926. if (j.dd) {
  1927. p = p.substring(0, p.length - ([j.tabIndex] +;
  1928. j.tabIndex++;
  1929. if (j.tabIndex == j.tabIndex = 0;
  1930. w = p +[j.tabIndex] +;
  1931. j.Q.value = w + s;
  1932. Va(j, w.length)
  1933. } else if ((w =
  1934. p.match(new RegExp("[" + + "]+$"))) && w.length == 1) {
  1935. w = w[0].toLowerCase();
  1936. p = p.substring(0, p.length - w.length);
  1937. = p == "" ? ": " : " ";
  1938. var r = [];
  1939. for (nick in j.Rb) j.Rb.hasOwnProperty(nick) && nick.substring(0, w.length).toLowerCase() == w && r.push(j.Rb[nick]);
  1940. if (r.length !== 0)
  1941. if (r.length == 1) {
  1942. j.Q.value = p + r[0] + + s;
  1943. Va(j, p.length + (r[0] +
  1944. } else {
  1945. r.sort(j.fg);
  1946. for (var y = r[0].length, z = 0; z < r.length - 1; z++)
  1947. for (; y > 0;) {
  1948. if (r[z].substring(0, y).toLowerCase() == r[z + 1].substring(0, y).toLowerCase()) break;
  1949. y--
  1950. }
  1951. if (y > w.length) {
  1952. w =
  1953. p + r[0].substring(0, y).toLowerCase();
  1954. j.Q.value = w + s;
  1955. Va(j, w.length)
  1956. } else {
  1957. j.dd = true;
  1958. = r;
  1959. j.tabIndex = 0;
  1960. w = p +[j.tabIndex] +;
  1961. j.Q.value = w + s;
  1962. Va(j, w.length)
  1963. }
  1964. }
  1965. }
  1966. }
  1967. } else if (!n.shiftKey && !n.altKey && n.keyCode == 38) {
  1968. if (j.Kb < j.history.length - 1) {
  1969. j.Kb++;
  1970. j.Q.value = j.history[j.Kb];
  1971. Va(j, j.Q.value.length)
  1972. }
  1973. } else !n.shiftKey && !n.altKey && n.keyCode == 40 && jb(j);
  1974. ib(j, n);
  1975. return o
  1976. }
  1977. }
  1979. function l(j) {
  1980. return function() {
  1981. j.history[j.Kb] = j.Q.value;
  1982. j.xc && j.xc(j.Q.value)
  1983. }
  1984. }
  1985. = e;
  1986. this.history = [];
  1987. this.Kb = 0;
  1988. this.maxLength = d;
  1989. this.Q = c;
  1990. this.Rb = {};
  1991. = "\\_\\|a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\[\\]\\\\`\\^\\{\\}";
  1992. this.fg = f;
  1993. this.dd = false;
  1994. = [];
  1995. this.tabIndex = 0;
  1996. this.xc = null;
  1997. c.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
  1998. c.setAttribute("spellcheck", "true");
  1999. if (b.addEventListener) {
  2000. b.addEventListener("submit", g(this), false);
  2001. c.addEventListener("keydown", k(this), false);
  2002. c.addEventListener("keypress", h(this), false);
  2003. c.addEventListener("keyup", l(this), false)
  2004. } else {
  2005. b.attachEvent("onsubmit", g(this));
  2006. c.attachEvent("onkeydown", k(this));
  2007. c.attachEvent("onkeypress", h(this));
  2008. c.attachEvent("onkeyup", l(this))
  2009. }
  2010. }
  2012. function kb(b, c) {
  2013. b.Rb[c.toLowerCase()] = c
  2014. }
  2016. function lb(b, c) {
  2017. delete b.Rb[c.toLowerCase()]
  2018. }
  2020. function hb(b) {
  2021. b.dd = false;
  2022. b.history[0] = b.Q.value;
  2023. b.Q.value = "";
  2024. if ( && b.history[0] == b.history[1]) b.history[0] = "";
  2025. else {
  2026. b.history.length >= b.maxLength && b.history.pop();
  2027. b.history.unshift("")
  2028. }
  2029. b.Kb = 0;
  2030. return false
  2031. }
  2033. function jb(b) {
  2034. if (b.Kb > 0) {
  2035. b.Kb--;
  2036. b.Q.value = b.history[b.Kb]
  2037. }
  2038. }
  2039. Qa.prototype.Ub = function(b) {
  2040. var c = this.Q.value,
  2041. d = Za(this);
  2042. this.Q.value = c.substring(0, d) + b + c.substring(d, c.length);
  2043. Va(this, d + b.length)
  2044. };
  2046. function Va(b, c) {
  2047. try {
  2048. if (typeof b.Q.selectionStart != "undefined") b.Q.setSelectionRange(c, c);
  2049. else if (b.Q.createTextRange) {
  2050. var d = b.Q.createTextRange();
  2051. d.move("character", c);
  2053. }
  2054. } catch (e) {}
  2055. }
  2057. function Za(b) {
  2058. try {
  2059. if (typeof b.Q.selectionStart != "undefined") return b.Q.selectionStart;
  2060. else if (b.Q.createTextRange) return document.selection.createRange().getBookmark().charCodeAt(2) - 2
  2061. } catch (c) {}
  2062. return v.length
  2063. }
  2065. function ib(b, c) {
  2066. if (!c) c = window.event;
  2067. if (c.keyCode == 9 || !c.shiftKey && !c.altKey && c.keyCode == 38 && c.charCode == 0 || !c.shiftKey && !c.altKey && c.keyCode == 40 && c.charCode == 0) {
  2068. if (c.stopPropagation) {
  2069. c.stopPropagation();
  2070. c.preventDefault()
  2071. } else {
  2072. c.cancelBubble = true;
  2073. c.returnValue = false
  2074. }
  2075. return false
  2076. }
  2077. return true
  2078. }
  2080. function mb(b, c, d) {
  2081. this.a = c;
  2082. this.p = b;
  2083. this.document = b.ownerDocument;
  2084. = nb(d);
  2085. = false;
  2086. this.oh = ? "#00f" : "#ff8";
  2087. = ? "#222" : "#eee";
  2088. = "100";
  2089. this.Jc = "";
  2090. = 0;
  2091. this.N = this.document.createElement("div");
  2092. u({
  2093. textAlign: "left",
  2094. whiteSpace: "pre",
  2095. margin: "1px"
  2096. },;
  2097. this.z(true);
  2098. this.N.onmouseover = function(e) {
  2099. return function() {
  2100. e.expand(true)
  2101. }
  2102. }(this);
  2103. this.N.onmouseout = function(e) {
  2104. return function() {
  2105. e.expand(false)
  2106. }
  2107. }(this);
  2108. this.p.appendChild(this.N);
  2109. this.Y = this.N;
  2110. = 10;
  2111. = ob ? "none" : "block";
  2112. pb(this, "Mibbit")
  2113. }
  2114. mb.prototype.Va = function() {
  2115. if (ob) return Adverts.height;
  2116. return + 2
  2117. };
  2118. mb.prototype.z = function(b) {
  2119. if (!(!b && ob)) {
  2120. = this.a.infobarFontFamily;
  2121. = this.a.infobarFontSize + "px";
  2122. = this.a.infobarPadding + "px";
  2123. = this.a.infobarColor;
  2124. = this.a.infobarBorder ? "1px solid " + this.a.infobarBorder : "0";
  2125. = this.a.infobarBorder ? "0px" : "1px";
  2126. = this.a.infobarBackground;
  2127. = ob ? "none" : "block"
  2128. }
  2129. };
  2130. mb.prototype.C = function() {
  2131. try {
  2132. if (this.N && this.N.offsetHeight != 0 && this.N.offsetHeight != {
  2133. if (! = this.N.offsetHeight;
  2134. return true
  2135. }
  2136. } catch (b) {
  2137. x && A("Infobar.layout", b, C)
  2138. }
  2139. return false
  2140. };
  2142. function pb(b, c, d) {
  2143. if (c == "") c = "NO TOPIC SET";
  2144. b.Jc = c;
  2145. = (new Date).getTime();
  2146. b.clear();
  2147. var e = b.document.createElement("span");
  2148. if (d) {
  2149. d.reset();
  2150. d.r += c;
  2151. d.A(e)
  2152. } else e.appendChild(b.document.createTextNode(c));
  2153. b.N.appendChild(e)
  2154. }
  2155. mb.prototype.expand = function(b) {
  2156. function c(d, e, f) {
  2157. try {
  2158.[e] = f
  2159. } catch (g) {}
  2160. }
  2161. if ( = b) {
  2162. u({
  2163. overflow: "auto",
  2164. height: "auto",
  2165. background: this.a.infobarBackgroundHighlight
  2166. },;
  2167. u({
  2168. color: this.a.infobarColorHighlight,
  2169. textAlign: "left"
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  2171. c(this.Y, "whiteSpace", "pre-wrap");
  2172. c(this.Y, "whiteSpace", "-moz-pre-wrap");
  2173. c(this.Y, "whiteSpace", "-pre-wrap");
  2174. c(this.Y, "whiteSpace", "-o-pre-wrap");
  2175. c(this.Y, "wordWrap", "break-word");
  2176. = this.a.infobarBorderHighlight ? "1px solid " + this.a.infobarBorderHighlight :
  2177. "0";
  2178. = this.a.infobarBorderHighlight ? "0px" : "1px"
  2179. } else {
  2180. u({
  2181. overflow: "hidden",
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  2184. padding: "0"
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  2188. textAlign: "left",
  2189. whiteSpace: "pre"
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  2191. c(this.Y, "wordWrap", "normal");
  2192. = this.a.infobarBorder ? "1px solid " + this.a.infobarBorder : "0";
  2193. = this.a.infobarBorder ? "0px" : "1px"
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  2196. mb.prototype.clear = function() {
  2197. for (; this.N.firstChild;) this.N.removeChild(this.N.firstChild)
  2198. };
  2199. var ob = false;
  2201. function qb(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, j, n, o) {
  2202. this.u = b;
  2203. this.D = l;
  2204. = d;
  2205. this.we = n;
  2206. this.collapsed = false;
  2207. this.ab = true;
  2208. this.$d = this.Zd = false;
  2209. this.title = f;
  2210. this.content = e;
  2211. this.d = c.ownerDocument;
  2212. = k;
  2213. this.fc = this.Cc = false;
  2214. this.H = h;
  2215. = (new Date).getTime();
  2216. this.hd = j.Bb;
  2217. this.J = c;
  2218. = "pointer";
  2219. = "none";
  2220. = "none";
  2221. this.xa = this.d.createElement("span");
  2222. u({
  2223. display: "block",
  2224. position: "relative",
  2225. paddingRight: "4px"
  2226. },;
  2227. this.xa.onclick = function(s) {
  2228. return function(w) {
  2229. if (!w) w =
  2230. window.event;
  2231. w = ? : w.srcElement;
  2232. w != s.Nb && w != s.I && j.Xf(;
  2233. return false
  2234. }
  2235. }(this);
  2236. this.L = this.d.createElement("span");
  2237. u({
  2238. textDecoration: "none",
  2239. verticalAlign: "top",
  2240. position: "relative"
  2241. },;
  2242. if (this.H.P) {
  2243. this.kc = this.d.createElement("img");
  2244. b = - 2;
  2245. c = - 2;
  2246. if (this.H.Tb && this.H.Kc)
  2247. if (this.H.Tb < c) {
  2248. c = this.H.Tb;
  2249. b = this.H.Kc
  2250. }
  2251. u({
  2252. width: b + "px",
  2253. height: c + "px",
  2254. display: "inline",
  2255. marginRight: "3px",
  2256. verticalAlign: "top"
  2257. },;
  2258. D(this.kc, this.H.P, b, c);
  2259. this.L.appendChild(this.kc)
  2260. }
  2261. this.Lf =
  2262. this.d.createTextNode(f);
  2263. this.L.appendChild(this.Lf);
  2264. this.J.title = g;
  2265. this.xa.appendChild(this.L);
  2266. this.J.appendChild(this.xa);
  2267. if (o) {
  2268. this.Nb = this.d.createElement("span");
  2269. = this.d.createTextNode(" << ");
  2270. this.Nb.appendChild(;
  2271. this.L.appendChild(this.Nb);
  2272. this.Nb.onclick = function(s) {
  2273. return function() {
  2274. s.Jd(!s.collapsed);
  2275. return false
  2276. }
  2277. }(this)
  2278. }
  2279. if (j.$e) {
  2280. this.I = this.d.createElement("img");
  2281. u({
  2282. cursor: "pointer",
  2283. width: "12px",
  2284. height: "12px",
  2285. marginLeft: "3px",
  2286. verticalAlign: "top"
  2287. },;
  2288. this.I.title =
  2289. "Close tab";
  2290. this.I.onclick = function(s) {
  2291. return function() {
  2292. j.$e(;
  2293. return false
  2294. }
  2295. }(this);
  2296. D(this.I, "", 12, 12);
  2297. = "0";
  2298. this.I.onmouseover = function() {
  2299. D(this, "", 12, 12)
  2300. };
  2301. this.I.onmouseout = function() {
  2302. D(this, "", 12, 12)
  2303. };
  2304. this.L.appendChild(this.I)
  2305. }
  2306. this.z()
  2307. }
  2308. qb.prototype.Jd = function(b) {
  2309. this.u.Jd(, b);
  2310. = this.collapsed ? " >> " : " << "
  2311. };
  2313. function rb(b, c) {
  2314. b.title = c;
  2315. b.Lf.nodeValue = b.title
  2316. }
  2318. function sb(b) {
  2319. if (b.u.$a == "list") {
  2320. u({
  2321. styleFloat: "none",
  2322. cssFloat: "none",
  2323. marginRight: "0px",
  2324. textAlign: "left",
  2325. marginBottom: "1px"
  2326. },;
  2327. = "none";
  2328. = "none";
  2329. if (b.I) {
  2330. b.L.removeChild(b.I);
  2331. b.L.insertBefore(b.I, b.L.firstChild);
  2332. = "0px";
  2333. = "4px"
  2334. }
  2335. } else {
  2336. u({
  2337. styleFloat: "left",
  2338. cssFloat: "left",
  2339. marginRight: b.D.Kf + "px",
  2340. textAlign: "center",
  2341. marginBottom: "0px"
  2342. },;
  2343. = "left";
  2344. = "left";
  2345. if (b.I) {
  2346. b.L.removeChild(b.I);
  2347. b.L.appendChild(b.I);
  2348. = "4px";
  2349. = "0px"
  2350. }
  2351. }
  2352. b.z()
  2353. }
  2354. qb.prototype.z = function() {
  2355. = + "px";
  2356. = + "px";
  2357. = this.D.fontSize + "px";
  2358. = this.D.fontSize + "px";
  2359. = this.D.fontSize + "px";
  2360. = this.D.fontSize + "px";
  2361. = this.D.fontFamily;
  2362. = this.D.fontWeight;
  2363. = this.D.padding + "px";
  2364. = this.D.padding + "px";
  2365. = this.D.padding + "px";
  2366. if (this.H.P) {
  2367. var b =
  2368. - 2,
  2369. c = - 2;
  2370. if (this.H.Tb && this.H.Kc)
  2371. if (this.H.Tb < c) {
  2372. c = this.H.Tb;
  2373. b = this.H.Kc
  2374. }
  2375. = b + "px";
  2376. = c + "px";
  2377. D(this.kc, this.H.P, b, c)
  2378. }
  2379. tb(this,
  2380. };
  2381. var vb = {};
  2383. function wb(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
  2384. b = (c ? "l" : "r") + "-" + (d ? "1" : "0") + "-" + e + "-" + f + "-" + g + "-" + h + "-" + k;
  2385. if (vb[b]) return vb[b];
  2386. try {
  2387. var l = document.createElement("canvas");
  2388. if (!l.getContext) return false;
  2389. l.setAttribute("width", e);
  2390. l.setAttribute("height", f);
  2391. var j = l.getContext("2d");
  2392. j.fillStyle = k;
  2393. j.fillRect(0, 0, e, f);
  2394. var n = j.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, f * 2);
  2395. n.addColorStop(0, h);
  2396. n.addColorStop(0.1, h);
  2397. n.addColorStop(1, "#000");
  2398. j.fillStyle = d ? h : n;
  2399. var o = Math.min(e, f) / 3;
  2400. j.beginPath();
  2401. if (c) {
  2402. j.moveTo(o, 0.5);
  2403. j.lineTo(e - 0.5, 0.5);
  2404. j.lineTo(e -
  2405. 0.5, f);
  2406. j.lineTo(0.5, f);
  2407. j.lineTo(0.5, o);
  2408. j.bezierCurveTo(0.5, o / 3, o / 3, 0.5, o, 0.5)
  2409. } else {
  2410. j.moveTo(e - 0.5 - o, 0.5);
  2411. j.lineTo(0.5, 0.5);
  2412. j.lineTo(0.5, f);
  2413. j.lineTo(e - 0.5, f);
  2414. j.lineTo(e - 0.5, o);
  2415. j.bezierCurveTo(e - 0.5, o / 2, e - 0.5 - o / 2, 1, e - 0.5 - o, 0.5)
  2416. }
  2417. j.fill();
  2418. j.beginPath();
  2419. if (c) {
  2420. j.moveTo(0.5, f);
  2421. j.lineTo(0.5, o);
  2422. j.bezierCurveTo(0.5, o / 2, o / 2, 0.5, o, 0.5);
  2423. j.lineTo(e - 0.5, 0.5)
  2424. } else {
  2425. j.moveTo(e - 0.5, f);
  2426. j.lineTo(e - 0.5, o);
  2427. j.bezierCurveTo(e - 0.5, o / 2, e - 0.5 - o / 2, 0.5, e - 0.5 - o, 0.5);
  2428. j.lineTo(0.5, 0.5)
  2429. }
  2430. j.strokeStyle = g;
  2431. j.lineWidth = 1;
  2432. j.lineCap = "butt";
  2433. j.stroke();
  2434. var s = l.toDataURL();
  2435. return vb[b] = s
  2436. } catch (w) {}
  2437. return false
  2438. }
  2440. function tb(b, c) {
  2441. function d(l) {
  2442. var j = l.indexOf(" ");
  2443. if (j != -1) l = l.substring(0, j);
  2444. j = "ffffff";
  2445. if (l.charAt(0) == "#") {
  2446. if (l.length == 7) j = l.substring(1, l.length);
  2447. if (l.length == 4) j = l.substring(1, 2) + l.substring(1, 2) + l.substring(2, 3) + l.substring(2, 3) + l.substring(3, 4) + l.substring(3, 4)
  2448. } else if (l.length == 6) j = l;
  2449. return j
  2450. }
  2451. = c;
  2452. var e = d(b.H.background),
  2453. f = d(b.D.background),
  2454. g = d(b.H.border),
  2455. h = wb(b, true, c, 200,, b.H.border, b.H.background, b.D.background),
  2456. k = wb(b, false, c, 200,, b.H.border, b.H.background, b.D.background);
  2457. if (b.u.$a == "top" && h && k) {
  2458. = "transparent url('" + k + "') no-repeat scroll right top";
  2459. = "transparent url('" + h + "') no-repeat scroll left top"
  2460. } else {
  2461. e = "/img/tab?" + (b.u.$a == "list" ? "vertical&" : "") + "color=" + e + (g ? "&bcolor=" + g : "") + (f ? "&bgcolor=" + f : "") + (c ? "&selected=true" : "");
  2462. if ( != 20) e += "&height=" +;
  2463. = "transparent url(" + e + "&right=true) no-repeat scroll right top";
  2464. = "transparent url(" + e + ") no-repeat scroll left top"
  2465. }
  2466. =
  2467. c ? b.D.color : b.fc ? b.D.Pb : b.Cc ? b.D.Ob : b.D.Zf;
  2468. if (b.I) = b.u.qg ? "inline" : c ? "inline" : "none";
  2469. = b.u.$a == "list" ? c ? "4px" : "0px" : "0px"
  2470. }
  2471. qb.prototype.close = function() {
  2472. if ( {
  2473. this.hd && this.hd(, false);
  2474. = "none";
  2475. tb(this, false)
  2476. }
  2477. };
  2478. = function() {
  2479. if ( return false;
  2480. = "block";
  2481. tb(this, true);
  2482. this.hd && this.hd(, true);
  2483. = (new Date).getTime();
  2484. xb(this);
  2485. return true
  2486. };
  2487. = function(b) {
  2488. if (! {
  2489. if (!this.fc && b) {
  2490. var c =;
  2492. c == 0 && this.u.M(true);
  2493. this.fc = true;
  2494. = this.D.Pb
  2495. }
  2496. if (!this.Cc) {
  2497. this.u.Dc == 0 && this.u.M(true);
  2498. this.u.Dc++;
  2499. this.Cc = true;
  2500. if (!this.fc) = this.D.Ob
  2501. }!this.ab && this.we && yb(this.u.l[this.we], b)
  2502. }
  2503. };
  2505. function xb(b) {
  2506. b.fc &&;
  2507. if (b.Cc) {
  2508. b.u.Dc--;
  2509. if (b.u.Dc == 0) b.u.M(false);
  2510. else == 0 && b.u.M(true)
  2511. }
  2512. b.Cc = false;
  2513. b.fc = false
  2514. }
  2515. qb.prototype.Va = function() {
  2516. return this.D.padding * 2 + this.L.offsetHeight
  2517. };
  2519. function yb(b, c) {
  2520. if (c) b.$d = true;
  2521. else b.Zd = true;
  2522. if (b.$d) = b.D.Pb;
  2523. else if (b.Zd) = b.D.Ob
  2524. }
  2526. function zb(b) {
  2527. b.Zd = false;
  2528. b.$d = false;
  2529. = b.D.color
  2530. }
  2532. function Ab(b, c, d, e, f) {
  2533. this.a = c;
  2534. this.d = b.ownerDocument;
  2535. this.l = {};
  2536. = 0;
  2537. this.q = [];
  2538. = this.Dc = 0;
  2539. this.Ea = b;
  2540. this.$a = "top";
  2541. this.Qd = e;
  2542. = f;
  2543. = "left";
  2544. this.X = this.d.createElement("div");
  2545. = "hidden";
  2546. = "90";
  2547. this.zc = this.d.createElement("ul");
  2548. u({
  2549. listStyleType: "none",
  2550. listStyleImage: "none",
  2551. listStylePosition: "outside",
  2552. margin: "0",
  2553. padding: "0",
  2554. verticalAlign: "bottom",
  2555. overflow: "hidden"
  2556. },;
  2557. c = this.d.createElement("div");
  2558. =
  2559. "relative";
  2560. this.X.appendChild(this.zc);
  2561. c.appendChild(this.X);
  2562. b.appendChild(c);
  2563. if (this.qd = d) {
  2564. this.gc = this.d.createElement("div");
  2565. this.Ea.appendChild(this.gc);
  2566. u({
  2567. position: "absolute",
  2568. right: "0px",
  2569. top: Bb + "px",
  2570. width: "40px",
  2571. height: + "px",
  2572. textAlign: "right",
  2573. paddingTop: this.Qd + "px",
  2574. background: this.a.tabBackgroundColor
  2575. },;
  2576. this.Ra = this.d.createElement("div");
  2577. = "none";
  2578. this.gc.appendChild(this.Ra);
  2579. = this.d.createElement("span");
  2581. u({
  2582. color: "#eee",
  2583. fontSize: "15px",
  2584. fontWeight: "bold",
  2585. cursor: "pointer",
  2586. textDecoration: "none"
  2587. },;
  2588. = function(g) {
  2589. return function() {
  2590. var h = Cb(g);
  2591. h > 0 && Db(g, h - 1)
  2592. }
  2593. }(this);
  2594. this.db = this.d.createElement("a");
  2595. this.db.appendChild(this.d.createTextNode(">"));
  2596. u({
  2597. color: "#eee",
  2598. fontSize: "15px",
  2599. fontWeight: "bold",
  2600. cursor: "pointer",
  2601. textDecoration: "none"
  2602. },;
  2603. this.db.onclick = function(g) {
  2604. return function() {
  2605. var h = Cb(g);
  2606. h + 1 < Eb(g) && Db(g, h + 1)
  2607. }
  2608. }(this);
  2609. this.Ra.appendChild(;
  2610. this.Ra.appendChild(this.d.createTextNode(" "));
  2611. this.Ra.appendChild(this.db);
  2612. = "40px"
  2613. }
  2614. Fb(this, this.$a == "list");
  2615. this.z()
  2616. }
  2618. function Gb(b) {
  2619. for (i in b.l) b.l.hasOwnProperty(i) && b.l[i].close()
  2620. }
  2622. function Hb(b, c, d) {
  2623. if (!b.l[c]) return false;
  2624. var e = b.l[c];
  2625. delete b.l[c];
  2626. b.l[d] = e;
  2627. = d;
  2628. return true
  2629. }
  2631. function Ib(b, c) {
  2632. if (!b.l[c]) return false;
  2633. var d = c + ".dead" +;
  2634. Hb(b, c, d);
  2635. rb(b.l[d], b.l[d].title + " (dead)");
  2636. b.l[d].I.onclick = function(e) {
  2637. return function() {
  2638. Jb(e, d)
  2639. }
  2640. }(b);
  2642. return true
  2643. }
  2644. Ab.prototype.Jd = function(b, c) {
  2645. x && A("setCollapse", "Channel " + b + " : " + c, M);
  2646. var d = this.l[b];
  2647. if (d.collapsed = c) d.Ud = false;
  2648. c || zb(d);
  2649. for (var e = 0; e < this.q.length; e++)
  2650. if (this.q[e].we == b) {
  2651. x && A("setCollapse", "CH " + this.q[e].id, M);
  2652. this.q[e] = c ? "none" : "block";
  2653. this.q[e].ab = !c;
  2654. if (this.q[e].va && c) {
  2655. this.q[e].close();
  2656. d.Ud = this.q[e];
  2658. }
  2659. }
  2660. if (!c && d.Ud) {
  2661. Gb(this);
  2663. }
  2664. };
  2666. function Kb(b, c, d) {
  2667. if (!d) return true;
  2668. if ((b = b.l[d]) && b.collapsed) return false;
  2669. return true
  2670. }
  2672. function Lb(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, j, n, o) {
  2673. x && A("addTab", "Adding " + c + " : " + n + " " + o, M);
  2674. try {
  2675. b.l[c] && x && A("addTab", "We already have a tab of that ID! " + c, C);
  2676. if (n) {
  2677. var s = b.l[n];
  2678. if (s && s.collapsed) l = true
  2679. }
  2680. if (l) = "none";
  2681. else Gb(b);
  2682. var w = b.d.createElement("li");
  2683. u({
  2684. listStyleType: "none",
  2685. margin: "0",
  2686. padding: "0",
  2687. display: "block",
  2688. position: "relative",
  2689. whiteSpace: "nowrap"
  2690. },;
  2691. = "4px";
  2692. var p = {};
  2693. p.Bb = g;
  2694. if (j) p.$e = function(z) {
  2695. return function(B) {
  2696. var H = true;
  2697. if (h) H = h(B);
  2698. H && Jb(z, B)
  2699. }
  2700. }(b);
  2701. p.Xf =
  2702. function(z) {
  2703. return function(B) {
  2704. if (typeof z.l[B] != "undefined") {
  2705. Gb(z);
  2706. z.l[B].open()
  2707. }
  2708. }
  2709. }(b);
  2710. var r = new qb(b, w, c, d, e, f, k, !l, b.ka, p, n, o);
  2711. sb(r);
  2712. x && A("addTab", "setting hidden? " + c + " : " + n + " " + b.l[n], M);
  2713. if (n)
  2714. if ((s = b.l[n]) && s.collapsed) {
  2715. x && A("addTab", "setting hidden " + c, M);
  2716. = "none";
  2717. r.ab = false
  2718. }
  2719. Mb(b, r);
  2720. if (b.Ra && b.size() > 1) = "block";
  2721. return r
  2722. } catch (y) {
  2723. x && A("addTab", "exception " + y, C)
  2724. }
  2725. }
  2727. function Mb(b, c) {
  2728. for (var d, e, f = 0; f < b.q.length; f++) {
  2729. var g = b.q[f];
  2730. if (g.ab) e = g;
  2731. if ( > {
  2732. d = g.J;
  2733. break
  2734. }
  2735. }
  2736. if (e && == "none") = "none";
  2737. d ? b.zc.insertBefore(c.J, d) : b.zc.appendChild(c.J);
  2738. b.l[] = c;
  2739. b.q.push(c);
  2740. b.q.sort(function(h, k) {
  2741. if ( > return 1;
  2742. if ( < return -1;
  2743. return 0
  2744. })
  2745. }
  2747. function Nb(b, c) {
  2748. b.zc.removeChild(c.J);
  2749. for (var d = 0; d < b.q.length; d++)
  2750. if (b.q[d] == c) {
  2751. b.q.splice(d, 1);
  2752. break
  2753. }
  2754. delete b.l[]
  2755. }
  2757. function Jb(b, c) {
  2758. c = b.l[c];
  2759. if (!c) return false;
  2760. c.content.parentNode.removeChild(c.content);
  2761. xb(c);
  2762. Nb(b, c);
  2763. if ( {
  2764. c = 0;
  2765. var d;
  2766. for (i in b.l)
  2767. if (b.l.hasOwnProperty(i))
  2768. if (b.l[i].se > c) {
  2769. c = b.l[i].se;
  2770. d = b.l[i]
  2771. }
  2772. d &&
  2773. }
  2774. if (b.Ra && b.size() < 2) = "none";
  2775. return true
  2776. }
  2778. function Db(b, c) {
  2779. for (var d = 0, e = 0; d < b.q.length; d++) {
  2780. var f = b.q[d];
  2781. if (f.ab) = e < c ? "none" : "block";
  2782. f.ab && e++
  2783. }
  2784. }
  2786. function Cb(b) {
  2787. for (var c = 0, d = 0; c < b.q.length; c++) {
  2788. var e = b.q[c];
  2789. if (e.ab && == "block") return d;
  2790. e.ab && d++
  2791. }
  2792. return 0
  2793. }
  2795. function Eb(b) {
  2796. for (var c = 0, d = 0; d < b.q.length; d++) b.q[d].ab && c++;
  2797. return c
  2798. }
  2799. Ab.prototype.size = function() {
  2800. return this.q.length
  2801. };
  2802. Ab.prototype.M = function(b) {
  2803. if (this.Ra) {
  2804. var c = > 0;
  2805. if (b) {
  2806. = c ? this.ka.Pb : this.ka.Ob;
  2807. = c ? this.ka.Pb : this.ka.Ob
  2808. } else {
  2809. =;
  2810. =
  2811. }
  2812. }
  2813. };
  2814. Ab.prototype.z = function() {
  2815. this.qg = this.a.tabIndividualCloses;
  2816. this.ka = {
  2817. fontFamily: this.a.tabFontFamily,
  2818. fontSize: this.a.tabFontSize,
  2819. fontWeight: "bold",
  2820. padding: this.a.tabPadding,
  2821. color: this.a.tabTextColor,
  2822. Pb: this.a.tabTextColorActivityMe,
  2823. Ob: this.a.tabTextColorActivity,
  2824. Zf: this.a.tabTextColorInactive,
  2825. Kf: this.a.tabSpacing,
  2826. td: this.a.tabTextColorArrows,
  2827. background: this.a.tabBackgroundColor
  2828. };
  2829. = this.a.tabBackgroundColor;
  2830. this.gc && u({
  2831. top: Bb + "px",
  2832. height: + "px",
  2833. paddingTop: this.Qd + "px",
  2834. background: this.a.tabBackgroundColor
  2835. },;
  2836. if (this.qd)
  2837. if ( > 0) {
  2838. = this.ka.Pb;
  2839. = this.ka.Pb
  2840. } else if (this.Dc > 0) {
  2841. = this.ka.Ob;
  2842. = this.ka.Ob
  2843. } else {
  2844. =;
  2845. =
  2846. }
  2847. for (i in this.l)
  2848. if (this.l.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
  2849. this.l[i].D = this.ka;
  2850. sb(this.l[i])
  2851. }
  2852. var b = 0;
  2853. for (i in this.l)
  2854. if (this.l.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
  2855. var c = this.l[i].Va();
  2856. if (c > b) b = c
  2857. }
  2858. if (b != 0 && b != {
  2859. = b;
  2860. Fb(this, this.$a == "list")
  2861. }
  2862. };
  2864. function Ob(b) {
  2865. Fb(b, b.$a == "top");
  2866. b.a.useTabList = b.$a == "list"
  2867. }
  2869. function Fb(b, c) {
  2870. if (!(O && c)) {
  2871. if (typeof Q != "undefined" && b == Q) Pb = Bb + (c ? 0 : b.Qd +;
  2872. b.$a = c ? "list" : "top";
  2873. = c ? "auto" : + "px";
  2874. = c ? "auto" : "hidden";
  2875. = c ? Pb + "px" : "";
  2876. = c ? Qb + "px" : "";
  2877. = c ? "0px" : "";
  2878. = c ? F.tabListWidth + "px" : "auto";
  2879. = c ? "absolute" : "static";
  2880. = c ? "0px" : b.Qd + "px";
  2881. = c ? "auto" : + "px";
  2882. = c ? "0px" : b.qd ? "40px" : "0px";
  2883. = c ? "auto" :
  2884. + "px";
  2885. if (b.Pc) {
  2886. = c ? "none" : "left";
  2887. = c ? "none" : "left";
  2888. = (c ? "0" : b.ka.Kf) + "px";
  2889. = c ? "1px" : "0px";
  2890. = c ? "left" : "center"
  2891. }
  2892. for (var d = 0; d < b.q.length; d++) {
  2893. sb(b.q[d]);
  2894. b.q[d] = Pb + "px";
  2895. b.q[d] = (c ? F.tabListWidth : 0) + "px";
  2896. b.q[d] = b.q[d].ab ? "block" : "none"
  2897. }
  2898. if (b.qd) = c ? "none" : "block"
  2899. }
  2900. }
  2902. function D(b, c, d, e) {
  2903. = d + "px";
  2904. = e + "px";
  2905. d = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE");
  2906. if (parseFloat(d[1]) >= 5.5 && {
  2907. b.src = "/icons/blank.gif";
  2908. = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + c + "', sizingMethod='scale')"
  2909. } else b.src = c
  2910. }
  2912. function R() {
  2913. this.r = "";
  2914. this.Qc = {};
  2915. this.A = function(b) {
  2916. b.appendChild(b.ownerDocument.createTextNode(this.r));
  2917. this.r = ""
  2918. }
  2919. }
  2921. function Rb(b, c) {
  2922. b.Qc = c
  2923. }
  2924. R.prototype.reset = function() {
  2925. this.o && this.o.reset();
  2926. this.r = ""
  2927. };
  2929. function Sb(b, c) {
  2930. b.r += c
  2931. }
  2933. function Tb(b, c, d) {
  2934. this.o = b;
  2935. this.A = function(e) {
  2936. var f = this.r.match(Ub);
  2937. if (f)
  2938. for (var g = 0; g < f.length; g++)
  2939. if (f[g].length == 1) this.o.r += f[g];
  2940. else if (f[g].substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "irc://" && d && d.ircLink) {
  2941. this.o.A(e);
  2942. var h = e.ownerDocument.createElement("span");
  2943. u({
  2944. textDecoration: "underline",
  2945. cursor: "pointer",
  2946. outline: "none",
  2947. color: c ? c.colorIRCLinks : "red"
  2948. },;
  2949. h.appendChild(e.ownerDocument.createTextNode(f[g]));
  2950. h.onclick = function(p) {
  2951. return function() {
  2952. d.ircLink(p);
  2953. h.blur();
  2954. return false
  2955. }
  2956. }(f[g]);
  2957. e.appendChild(h)
  2958. } else {
  2959. var k =
  2960. false,
  2961. l = null;
  2962. if (this.Qc && this.Qc.links && this.Qc.links[f[g]]) l = this.Qc.links[f[g]];
  2963. if (d && d.mediaCheck) {
  2964. var j = d.mediaCheck(f[g]);
  2965. if (j && j.P) {
  2966. this.o.A(e);
  2967. h = e.ownerDocument.createElement("img");
  2968. u({
  2969. border: "2px dotted #cc6",
  2970. cursor: "pointer",
  2971. width: j.le + "px",
  2972. height: + "px"
  2973. },;
  2974. h.src = j.P;
  2975. h.onclick = function(p, r, y) {
  2976. return function() {
  2977. d[y](p, r);
  2978. return false
  2979. }
  2980. }(j.match, f[g], j.Cb);
  2981. h.title = j.vd + " (" + f[g] + ")";
  2982. e.appendChild(h);
  2983. if (j.wd || l && || l && l.idata) {
  2984. var n = e.ownerDocument.createElement("img");
  2985. =
  2986. "16px";
  2987. = "16px";
  2988. = "2px";
  2989. n.src = "";
  2990. if (l && {
  2991. n.title = "Getting info...";
  2992. =;
  2993. = + "_i"
  2994. } else {
  2995. var o = "";
  2996. for (var s in l.idata)
  2997. if (l.idata.hasOwnProperty(s) && s != "thumb") o = o + s.toUpperCase() + ": " + l.idata[s] + " \n";
  2998. n.title = o;
  2999. h.title = o;
  3000. if (l.idata.thumb) h.src = l.idata.thumb
  3001. }
  3002. e.appendChild(n)
  3003. }
  3004. k = true
  3005. }
  3006. }
  3007. if (!k) {
  3008. this.o.A(e);
  3009. k = f[g];
  3010. h = e.ownerDocument.createElement("a");
  3011. h.href = l && l.url ? l.url : k;
  3012. if (c && c.openLinksInExtra) h.onclick = function(p) {
  3013. return function() {
  3014. d.web(p);
  3015. return false
  3016. }
  3017. }(f[g]);
  3018. k = f[g];
  3019. var w = k.indexOf("?");
  3020. if (w != -1) k = k.substring(0, w);
  3021. k = k.match(/^(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i);
  3022. n = e.ownerDocument.createTextNode(l && l.display ? l.display : f[g]);
  3023. w = h;
  3024. if (k && c && c.parseReplaceImages) {
  3025. n = e.ownerDocument.createElement("img");
  3026. = c.parseReplaceImagesWidth + "px";
  3027. = c.parseReplaceImagesHeight + "px";
  3028. n.src = l && || l && l.idata ? "" : Vb + "/" + c.parseReplaceImagesWidth + "x" + c.parseReplaceImagesHeight + "/" + f[g];
  3029. w =
  3030. n;
  3031. h.onclick = function(p) {
  3032. return function() {
  3033. d.showImage(p);
  3034. return false
  3035. }
  3036. }(f[g])
  3037. }
  3038. = "none";
  3039. = c ? ? c.colorLinksWait : c.colorLinks : "blue";
  3040. = "_blank";
  3041. h.title = l && l.hover ? l.hover : f[g] + " (new window)";
  3042. o = false;
  3043. if (d && d.mediaCheck)
  3044. if (j = d.mediaCheck(f[g])) {
  3045. h.onclick = function(p) {
  3046. return function() {
  3047. d[j.Cb](p);
  3048. return false
  3049. }
  3050. }(f[g]);
  3051. n = f[g];
  3052. o = n.lastIndexOf("/");
  3053. if (o != -1) n = n.substring(o + 1, n.length);
  3054. n = e.ownerDocument.createTextNode(n);
  3055. h.title = f[g] + " (View next to chat)";
  3056. o = e.ownerDocument.createElement("img");
  3057. = "16px";
  3058. = "16px";
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  3060. = "2px";
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  3063. }
  3064. h.appendChild(n);
  3065. e.appendChild(h);
  3066. o && e.appendChild(o);
  3067. if (l && || l && l.hover || l && l.idata) {
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  3069. = "16px";
  3070. = "16px";
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  3072. = "2px";
  3073. if (l && {
  3074. n.title = "Getting info...";
  3075. =;
  3076. = + "_i"
  3077. } else if (l && l.idata) {
  3078. o =
  3079. "";
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  3081. if (l.idata.hasOwnProperty(s) && s != "thumb") o = o + s.toUpperCase() + ": " + l.idata[s] + " \n";
  3082. n.title = o;
  3083. h.title = o;
  3084. if (l.idata.thumb && k && c && c.parseReplaceImages) w.src = l.idata.thumb
  3085. } else n.title = h.title;
  3086. e.appendChild(n)
  3087. }
  3088. }
  3089. }
  3090. this.o.A(e);
  3091. this.r = ""
  3092. }
  3093. }
  3094. Tb.prototype = new R;
  3095. var Vb = "",
  3096. Ub = /((http[s]?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|irc:\/\/)([0-9a-zA-Z\$\-\#\~\_\.\+\!\*\'\[\]\{\}\|\\\^\`\,\/\%\;\:\@\&\?\=]+))|(.+?)/gi;
  3098. function Xb(b, c) {
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  3101. this.a = c;
  3102. b = "";
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  3106. }
  3107. this.Lg = new RegExp(b + "(.+?)", "g");
  3108. this.A = function(e) {
  3109. var f = this.r.match(this.Lg);
  3110. if (f)
  3111. for (var g = 0; g < f.length; g++)
  3112. if (f[g].length == 1) this.o.r += f[g];
  3113. else {
  3114. this.o.A(e);
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  3116. if (f[g] == this.$c[h].code) {
  3117. var k = e.ownerDocument.createElement("img");
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  3119. = this.a.sizeSmiliesToText ?
  3120. "1em" : this.a.iconSmileysHeight ? this.a.iconSmileysHeight + "px" : "";
  3121. = this.a.sizeSmiliesToText ? "1em" : this.a.iconSmileysWidth ? this.a.iconSmileysWidth + "px" : "";
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  3124. = "none";
  3125. h.appendChild(e.ownerDocument.createTextNode(f[g]));
  3126. h.onclick = function(l, j) {
  3127. return function() {
  3128. var n = == "none";
  3129. = n ? "inline" : "none";
  3130. = n ? "none" : "inline";
  3131. return false
  3132. }
  3133. }(k, h);
  3134. k.onclick = h.onclick;
  3135. e.appendChild(k);
  3136. e.appendChild(h);
  3137. break
  3138. }
  3139. }
  3140. this.o.A(e);
  3141. this.r = ""
  3142. }
  3143. }
  3144. Xb.prototype = new R;
  3146. function Yb(b, c, d) {
  3147. this.o = c;
  3148. this.vf = b;
  3149. this.Cg = d;
  3150. this.A = function(e) {
  3151. this.r.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9\_\|\-\[\]\\\`\^\{\}]*)([a-zA-Z0-9\_\|\-\[\]\\\`\^\{\}]*)([^a-zA-Z0-9\_\|\-\[\]\\\`\^\{\}]*)/g, function(f) {
  3152. return function(g, h, k, l) {
  3153. if (k && f.vf.hasOwnProperty(k.toLowerCase()) && f.vf[k.toLowerCase()]) {
  3154. h && Sb(f.o, h);
  3155. f.o.A(e);
  3156. g = e.ownerDocument.createElement("span");
  3157. f.Cg(k.toLowerCase(), g);
  3158. g.appendChild(e.ownerDocument.createTextNode(k));
  3159. e.appendChild(g);
  3160. l && Sb(f.o, l)
  3161. } else {
  3162. k = (h ? h : "") + (k ? k : "") + (l ? l : "");
  3163. k !== "" &&
  3164. Sb(f.o, k)
  3165. }
  3166. }
  3167. }(this));
  3168. this.o.A(e);
  3169. this.r = ""
  3170. }
  3171. }
  3172. Yb.prototype = new R;
  3174. function Zb(b, c, d) {
  3175. this.o = c;
  3176. this.A = function(e) {
  3177. var f = this.r.match($b);
  3178. if (f)
  3179. for (var g = 0; g < f.length; g++)
  3180. if (f[g].length == 1) this.o.r += f[g];
  3181. else {
  3182. this.o.A(e);
  3183. var h = e.ownerDocument.createElement("span");
  3184. u({
  3185. color: d.colorChannels,
  3186. cursor: "pointer",
  3187. textDecoration: "underline",
  3188. outline: "none"
  3189. },;
  3190. h.onclick = function(k) {
  3191. return function() {
  3192. b(k);
  3193. return false
  3194. }
  3195. }(f[g]);
  3196. h.appendChild(e.ownerDocument.createTextNode(f[g]));
  3197. e.appendChild(h)
  3198. }
  3199. this.o.A(e);
  3200. this.r = ""
  3201. }
  3202. }
  3203. Zb.prototype = new R;
  3204. var $b = /(\#([\S]+))|(.+?)/g;
  3206. function ac(b) {
  3207. this.o = b;
  3208. this.A = function(c) {
  3209. var d = this.r.match(bc);
  3210. if (d)
  3211. for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
  3212. if (d[e].length == 1) this.o.r += d[e];
  3213. else {
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  3216. h = d[e].substring(d[e].length - 1, d[e].length);
  3217. if (d[e].length > 2)
  3218. if (g == "_" && h == "_") f = "underline";
  3219. else if (g == "*" && h == "*") f = "bold";
  3220. else if (g == "/" && h == "/") f = "italic";
  3221. if (f == "none") this.o.r += d[e];
  3222. else {
  3223. this.o.A(c);
  3224. g = c.ownerDocument.createElement("span");
  3225. if (f == "italic") = "italic";
  3226. if (f == "underline") = "underline";
  3227. if (f == "bold") = "bold";
  3228. g.appendChild(c.ownerDocument.createTextNode(d[e]));
  3229. c.appendChild(g)
  3230. }
  3231. }
  3232. this.o.A(c);
  3233. this.r = ""
  3234. }
  3235. }
  3236. ac.prototype = new R;
  3237. var bc = /([\/\_\*a-zA-Z0-9]+)|(.+?)/g;
  3239. function cc(b) {
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  3242. this.Ca = this.Ga = null;
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  3256. 12: "#0000ff",
  3257. 13: "#ff00ff",
  3258. 14: "#808080",
  3259. 15: "#c0c0c0"
  3260. };
  3261. this.e = function(c) {
  3262. var d = c;
  3263. if (this.jb || this.kb || this.Ga !== null || this.Ca !== null) {
  3264. d = c.ownerDocument.createElement("span");
  3265. if (this.jb) = "bold";
  3266. if (this.kb) = "underline";
  3267. if (this.Ga) =
  3268. this.Ga;
  3269. if (this.Ca) = this.Ca;
  3270. c.appendChild(d)
  3271. }
  3272. this.o.A(d)
  3273. };
  3274. this.reset = function() {
  3275. this.kb = this.jb = false;
  3276. this.Ca = this.Ga = null;
  3277. this.r = this.Jg = "";
  3278. this.o && this.o.reset()
  3279. };
  3280. this.A = function(c) {
  3281. for (var d = this.r, e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
  3282. var f = d.charAt(e);
  3283. if (f == "\u0003") {
  3284. f = "";
  3285. var g = 0,
  3286. h = 0,
  3287. k = false;
  3288. if (e + 1 < d.length) {
  3289. for (e++; e < d.length; e++) {
  3290. var l = d.charAt(e);
  3291. if (l >= "0" && l <= "9")
  3292. if (!k && g == 2 || k && h == 2) {
  3293. e--;
  3294. break
  3295. } else {
  3296. f += l;
  3297. if (k) h++;
  3298. else g++
  3299. }
  3300. else if (l == ",") {
  3301. if (k) {
  3302. e--;
  3303. break
  3304. }
  3305. f += l;
  3306. k = true
  3307. } else {
  3308. e--;
  3309. break
  3310. }
  3311. }
  3312. this.e(c);
  3313. f = f.split(",");
  3314. g = true;
  3315. if (typeof f[0] != "undefined" && f[0] !== "") {
  3316. this.Ga =[parseInt(f[0], 10) & 15];
  3317. g = false
  3318. }
  3319. if (typeof f[1] != "undefined" && f[1] !== "") {
  3320. this.Ca =[parseInt(f[1], 10) & 15];
  3321. g = false
  3322. }
  3323. if (g) this.Ga = this.Ca = null
  3324. }
  3325. } else if (f == "\u0002") {
  3326. this.e(c);
  3327. this.jb = !this.jb
  3328. } else if (f == "\u001f") {
  3329. this.e(c);
  3330. this.kb = !this.kb
  3331. } else if (f == "\u000f") {
  3332. this.e(c);
  3333. this.reset()
  3334. } else this.o.r += f
  3335. }
  3336. this.e(c);
  3337. this.r = ""
  3338. }
  3339. }
  3340. cc.prototype = new R;
  3342. function dc(b) {
  3343. this.o = b;
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  3345. this.Ca = this.Ga = null;
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  3359. 12: "#0000ff",
  3360. 13: "#ff00ff",
  3361. 14: "#808080",
  3362. 15: "#c0c0c0"
  3363. };
  3364. this.e = function(c) {
  3365. var d = c;
  3366. if (this.jb || this.kb || this.Ga !== null || this.Ca !== null) {
  3367. d = c.ownerDocument.createElement("span");
  3368. if (this.jb) = "bold";
  3369. if (this.kb) = "underline";
  3370. if (this.of) =
  3371. "italic";
  3372. if (this.Ga) = this.Ga;
  3373. if (this.Ca) = this.Ca;
  3374. c.appendChild(d)
  3375. }
  3376. this.o.A(d)
  3377. };
  3378. this.reset = function() {
  3379. this.of = this.kb = this.jb = false;
  3380. this.Ca = this.Ga = null;
  3381. this.r = this.Jg = "";
  3382. this.o && this.o.reset()
  3383. };
  3384. this.A = function(c) {
  3385. for (var d = this.r, e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
  3386. var f = d.charAt(e);
  3387. if (f == "\u001b") {
  3388. e++;
  3389. if (e < d.length && d.charAt(e) == "[") {
  3390. f = "";
  3391. for (e++; e < d.length;) {
  3392. var g = d.charAt(e);
  3393. if (g == "m") break;
  3394. f += g;
  3395. e++
  3396. }
  3397. }
  3398. } else this.o.r += f
  3399. }
  3400. this.e(c);
  3401. this.r = ""
  3402. }
  3403. }
  3404. dc.prototype = new R;
  3406. function ec(b, c, d) {
  3407. this.a = c;
  3408. this.p = b;
  3409. this.d = b.ownerDocument;
  3410. this.hf = d;
  3411. this.e = [];
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  3413. u({
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  3415. tableLayout: "fixed",
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  3421. this.fa.setAttribute("cellpadding", "0");
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  3424. = {
  3425. tb: function(e) {
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  3448. pc: function(e) {
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  3455. e.appendChild(e.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" "))
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  3457. }
  3458. }
  3459. ec.prototype.clear = function() {
  3460. for (; this.fa.rows.length > 0;) {
  3461. this.fa.deleteRow(0);
  3462. this.e.shift()
  3463. }
  3464. };
  3465. ec.prototype.z = function() {
  3466. = this.a.chatOutputBackground;
  3467. var b = this.e;
  3468. for (this.e = []; this.fa.rows.length > 0;) this.fa.deleteRow(0);
  3469. for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
  3470. if (b[c].Ef) fc(this, b[c].id, b[c].Ef, b[c].Cb);
  3471. else b[c].Ye ? gc(this, b[c].id, b[c].Ye) : this.jd(b[c].id)
  3472. };
  3474. function hc(b, c) {
  3475. for (var d = c + " ", e = 0; e < b.e.length; e++)
  3476. if (b.e[e].id.substring(0, d.length) == d || b.e[e].id == c) {
  3477. b.fa.deleteRow(e);
  3478. b.e.splice(e, 1);
  3479. e--
  3480. }
  3481. }
  3483. function ic(b, c, d) {
  3484. for (var e = c + " ", f = 0; f < b.e.length; f++)
  3485. if (b.e[f].id.substring(0, e.length) == e || b.e[f].id == c) u(d, b.e[f]
  3486. }
  3488. function jc(b) {
  3489. var c = 1 + (b.a.chatOutputShowTimes ? 1 : 0) + (b.a.chatOutputShowNicks ? 1 : 0);
  3490. if (b.a.chatOutputMaxLines != 0)
  3491. for (; b.fa.rows.length > 0;) {
  3492. if (b.fa.rows[0].cells.length == c && b.fa.rows.length < b.a.chatOutputMaxLines) break;
  3493. b.fa.deleteRow(0);
  3494. b.e.shift()
  3495. }
  3496. }
  3497. ec.prototype.jd = function(b) {
  3498. var c = this.fa.insertRow(-1);
  3499. this.e.push({
  3500. id: "" + b
  3501. });
  3502. b = c.insertCell(-1);
  3503. if (kc) = "15px";
  3504. b.colSpan = 1 + (this.a.chatOutputShowTimes ? 1 : 0) + (this.a.chatOutputShowNicks ? 1 : 0);
  3505. = "1px solid red";
  3506. jc(this)
  3507. };
  3509. function gc(b, c, d, e) {
  3510. function f(l, j, n) {
  3511. try {
  3512.[j] = n
  3513. } catch (o) {}
  3514. }
  3515. var g = b.fa.insertRow(-1);
  3516. if (e) = "none";
  3517. var h, k;
  3518. if (b.a.chatOutputRTL) {
  3519. e = g.insertCell(-1);
  3520. if (b.a.chatOutputShowNicks) k = g.insertCell(-1);
  3521. if (b.a.chatOutputShowTimes) h = g.insertCell(-1)
  3522. } else {
  3523. if (b.a.chatOutputShowTimes) h = g.insertCell(-1);
  3524. if (b.a.chatOutputShowNicks) k = g.insertCell(-1);
  3525. e = g.insertCell(-1)
  3526. }
  3527. b.e.push({
  3528. id: "" + c,
  3529. Ye: d,
  3530. jg: e,
  3531. Jh: g
  3532. });
  3533. if (b.a.chatOutputShowTimes) {
  3534. = b.a.chatOutputTimeWidth + "px";
  3535. = "hidden";
  3536. d && d.pc ? d.pc(h) :
  3537. }
  3538. if (b.a.chatOutputShowNicks) {
  3539. = b.a.chatOutputNickWidth + "px";
  3540. = "hidden";
  3541. f(k, "wordWrap", "break-word");
  3542. d && d.oc ? d.oc(k) :
  3543. }
  3544. if (kc) = "15px";
  3545. f(e, "whiteSpace", "pre-wrap");
  3546. f(e, "whiteSpace", "-moz-pre-wrap");
  3547. f(e, "whiteSpace", "-pre-wrap");
  3548. f(e, "whiteSpace", "-o-pre-wrap");
  3549. f(e, "wordWrap", "break-word");
  3550. d ? d.tb(e) :;
  3551. jc(b)
  3552. }
  3554. function fc(b, c, d, e) {
  3555. var f = b.fa.insertRow(-1);
  3556. b.e.push({
  3557. id: "" + c,
  3558. Ef: d,
  3559. Cb: e
  3560. });
  3561. f = f.insertCell(-1);
  3562. if (kc) = "15px";
  3563. f.colSpan = 1 + (b.a.chatOutputShowTimes ? 1 : 0) + (b.a.chatOutputShowNicks ? 1 : 0);
  3564. u({
  3565. borderTop: "1px solid " + b.a.chatPaneBorder,
  3566. borderBottom: "1px solid " + b.a.chatPaneBorder,
  3567. padding: "3px"
  3568. },;
  3569. var g = b.d.createElement("div");
  3570. if (kc) = "15px";
  3571. f.appendChild(g);
  3572. d(g);
  3573. d = b.d.createElement("div");
  3574. if (kc) = "15px";
  3575. = "right";
  3576. g = b.d.createElement("img");
  3577. D(g, "", 12, 12);
  3578. g.border = 0;
  3579. = "4px";
  3580. = "pointer";
  3581. g.title = E.g("ChatOutputRemove");
  3582. g.onclick = function(h) {
  3583. return function() {
  3584. try {
  3585. hc(h, c);
  3586. h.hf && h.hf();
  3587. e && e()
  3588. } catch (k) {}
  3589. return false
  3590. }
  3591. }(b);
  3592. d.appendChild(g);
  3593. f.appendChild(d);
  3594. jc(b)
  3595. }
  3597. function lc(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, j) {
  3598. u({
  3599. overflow: "hidden",
  3600. fontFamily: d.chatFontFamily,
  3601. paddingBottom: d.chatPaddingBottom + "px",
  3602. paddingTop: d.chatPaddingTop + "px",
  3603. paddingLeft: "3px",
  3604. fontSize: d.chatFontSize + "px",
  3605. color: h,
  3606. background: d.chatBackground,
  3607. verticalAlign: "bottom"
  3608. },;
  3609. if (d.chatBackgroundLines != "") = "1px solid " + d.chatBackgroundLines;
  3610. c.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  3611. if (d.chatOutputRTL) = "rtl";
  3612. var n;
  3613. if (!d.chatOutputShowNicks) {
  3614. n = c.ownerDocument.createElement("span");
  3615. if (d.chatBackgroundHighlight) {
  3616. n.onmouseover =
  3617. function(s) {
  3618. return function() {
  3619. e && ic(s, e.toLowerCase(), {
  3620. background: d.chatBackgroundHighlight
  3621. })
  3622. }
  3623. }(b);
  3624. n.onmouseout = function(s) {
  3625. return function() {
  3626. e && ic(s, e.toLowerCase(), {
  3627. background: d.chatBackground
  3628. })
  3629. }
  3630. }(b)
  3631. }
  3632. if (g) n.onclick = function() {
  3633. g(e)
  3634. };
  3635. u({
  3636. fontFamily: d.nickFontFamily,
  3637. fontSize: d.nickFontSize + "px",
  3638. color: f
  3639. },;
  3640. e && n.appendChild(c.ownerDocument.createTextNode(d.chatOutputNickLeft + e + d.chatOutputNickRight))
  3641. }
  3642. n && !d.chatOutputRTL && c.appendChild(n);
  3643. if (l) try {
  3644. k.reset();
  3645. j && Rb(k, j);
  3646. k.r += l;
  3647. k.A(c)
  3648. } catch (o) {
  3649. x &&
  3650. A("Renderer", "Render error " + o, C)
  3651. } else = "1em";
  3652. n && d.chatOutputRTL && c.appendChild(n)
  3653. }
  3654. ec.prototype.oc = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
  3655. u({
  3656. overflow: "hidden",
  3657. fontFamily: c.nickFontFamily,
  3658. paddingBottom: c.chatPaddingBottom + "px",
  3659. paddingTop: c.chatPaddingTop + "px",
  3660. paddingRight: "3px",
  3661. fontSize: c.nickFontSize + "px",
  3662. background: c.nickBackground,
  3663. color: e
  3664. },;
  3665. if (f) b.onclick = function() {
  3666. f(d)
  3667. };
  3668. if (c.chatBackgroundLines != "") = "1px solid " + c.nickBackground;
  3669. if (c.nickBorderRight)
  3670. if (c.chatOutputRTL) = "1px solid " + c.nickBorderRight;
  3671. else = "1px solid " + c.nickBorderRight;
  3672. b.setAttribute("align", c.chatOutputRTL ? "left" : "right");
  3673. b.setAttribute("valign", c.nickVerticalAlign);
  3674. if (c.chatOutputRTL) = "rtl";
  3675. b.appendChild(b.ownerDocument.createTextNode(d ? d : " "));
  3676. if (c.chatBackgroundHighlight) {
  3677. b.onmouseover = function(g) {
  3678. return function() {
  3679. d && ic(g, d.toLowerCase(), {
  3680. background: c.chatBackgroundHighlight
  3681. })
  3682. }
  3683. }(this);
  3684. b.onmouseout = function(g) {
  3685. return function() {
  3686. d && ic(g, d.toLowerCase(), {
  3687. background: c.chatBackground
  3688. })
  3689. }
  3690. }(this)
  3691. }
  3692. };
  3693. ec.prototype.pc = function(b, c, d) {
  3694. function e(j, n, o) {
  3695. for (j = "" + j; j.length < n;) j = o + j;
  3696. return j
  3697. }
  3699. function f(j, n) {
  3700. n = n.replace(/%H/g, e(j.getHours(), 2, "0"));
  3701. n = n.replace(/%I/g, e(j.getHours() % 12 || 12, 2, "0"));
  3702. n = n.replace(/%k/g, e(j.getHours(), 2, " "));
  3703. n = n.replace(/%l/g, e(j.getHours() % 12 || 12, 2, " "));
  3704. n = n.replace(/%M/g, e(j.getMinutes(), 2, "0"));
  3705. n = n.replace(/%p/g, j.getHours() > 11 ? "PM" : "AM");
  3706. n = n.replace(/%P/g, j.getHours() > 11 ? "pm" : "am");
  3707. n = n.replace(/%S/g, e(j.getSeconds(), 2, "0"));
  3708. n = n.replace(/%Y/g, j.getFullYear());
  3709. n = n.replace(/%y/g,
  3710. e(j.getYear() % 100, 2, "0"));
  3711. n = n.replace(/%m/g, e(j.getMonth() + 1, 2, "0"));
  3712. n = n.replace(/%b/g, g[j.getMonth()].substring(0, 3));
  3713. n = n.replace(/%B/g, g[j.getMonth()]);
  3714. n = n.replace(/%a/g, h[j.getDay()].substring(0, 3));
  3715. n = n.replace(/%A/g, h[j.getDay()]);
  3716. n = n.replace(/%d/g, e(j.getDate(), 2, "0"));
  3717. n = n.replace(/%e/g, e(j.getDate(), 2, " "));
  3718. return n = n.replace(/%%/g, "%")
  3719. }
  3720. u({
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  3723. paddingBottom: c.chatPaddingBottom + "px",
  3724. paddingTop: c.chatPaddingTop + "px",
  3725. paddingLeft: "2px",
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  3727. "px",
  3728. color: c.timeColor,
  3729. background: c.timeBackground
  3730. },;
  3731. if (c.chatBackgroundLines != "") = "1px solid " + c.timeBackground;
  3732. if (c.timeBorderRight)
  3733. if (c.chatOutputRTL) = "1px solid " + c.timeBorderRight;
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  3735. b.setAttribute("align", c.chatOutputRTL ? "right" : "left");
  3736. b.setAttribute("valign", c.nickVerticalAlign);
  3737. if (c.chatOutputRTL) = "rtl";
  3738. var g = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September",
  3739. "October", "November", "December"
  3740. ],
  3741. h = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
  3742. if (d) {
  3743. var k = new Date;
  3744. k.setTime(d);
  3745. d = new Date;
  3746. var l = "";
  3747. l = k.getYear() == d.getYear() && k.getMonth() == d.getMonth() && k.getDate() == d.getDate() ? f(k, c.formatTime) : f(k, c.formatDate);
  3748. b.appendChild(b.ownerDocument.createTextNode(l))
  3749. } else b.appendChild(b.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" "))
  3750. };
  3752. function mc(b, c, d) {
  3753. this.element = b;
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  3755. this.a = c;
  3756. this.Bh = d;
  3757. this.Bd = false
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  3761. if (b.Bd) = c ? "none" : "block"
  3762. }
  3764. function oc(b, c, d, e) {
  3765. b.clear();
  3766. if (!e) {
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  3775. fontWeight: "bold",
  3776. background: "#ccc"
  3777. },;
  3778. var g = b.d.createElement("span");
  3779. u({
  3780. color: "#222",
  3781. cursor: "pointer",
  3782. textDecoration: "underline"
  3783. },;
  3784. g.onclick = function(k) {
  3785. return function() {
  3786. k.clear();
  3787. d();
  3788. return false
  3789. }
  3790. }(b);
  3791. g.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode("Close"));
  3792. if (c) {
  3793. var h = b.d.createElement("a");
  3794. = "#222";
  3795. h.href = c;
  3796. = "_blank";
  3797. h.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode("Pop out"));
  3798. h.onclick = function(k) {
  3799. return function() {
  3800. k.clear();
  3801. d();
  3802. return true
  3803. }
  3804. }(b);
  3805. f.appendChild(h);
  3806. f.appendChild(b.d.createTextNode(" | "))
  3807. }
  3808. f.appendChild(g);
  3809. b.element.appendChild(f)
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  3819. if (e) = "0px";
  3820. b.element.appendChild(b.Hc);
  3821. return b.Hc
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  3823. mc.prototype.clear = function() {
  3824. for (; this.element.firstChild;) this.element.removeChild(this.element.firstChild)
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  3839. pc(b, "" + encodeURIComponent(c) + "&embedded=true", d)
  3840. }
  3841. mc.prototype.Ae = function(b) {
  3842. try {
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  3844. } catch (c) {}
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  3847. function rc(b, c, d, e) {
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  3861. = "center";
  3862. b.innerHTML = '<object style="margin:auto" width="' + d + '" height="' + e + '"><param name="movie" value="' + c + '&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="' + c + '&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="' +
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  3866. function sc(b, c, d) {
  3867. b.Bd = false;
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  3896. uc(c)
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  3898. }(this)) : this.T.addEventListener("load", function(c) {
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  3900. uc(c)
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  3912. = "on";
  3913. b.loaded = true;
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  3915. } catch (c) {
  3916. x && A("PasteBin", "Can't set designMode", C)
  3917. } else x && A("PasteBin", "Can't find doc...", C)
  3918. }
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  3921. if (b) {
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  3923. window.setTimeout(function(c) {
  3924. return function() {
  3925. c.loaded || uc(c)
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  3927. }(this), 100)
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  3930. tc.prototype.vb = function() {
  3931. return == "block"
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  3933. tc.prototype.value = function() {
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  3942. b = b.replace(/<.*?>/g, "");
  3943. b = b.replace(/&nbsp;/gi, " ");
  3944. b = b.replace(/&lt;/gi, "<");
  3945. b = b.replace(/&gt;/gi, ">");
  3946. return b = b.replace(/&amp;/gi, "&")
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  3984. },;
  3985. e.appendChild(c.createTextNode("Mibbit help"));
  3986. e = {
  3987. help: "Display this help",
  3988. clear: "Clear the chat output in this channel",
  3989. "query nick [msg]": "Open a PM to a user, with an optional message",
  3990. "ignore nick": "Ignore the user in this channel",
  3991. "unignore nick": "Unignore the user in this channel",
  3992. ulshow: "Show the user list",
  3993. ulhide: "Hide the user list",
  3994. "showurl url": "Show a url/media next to the chat",
  3995. pastebin: "Show the pastebin",
  3996. "server addr [nick]": "Connect to another server"
  3997. };
  3998. for (var f in e)
  3999. if (e.hasOwnProperty(f) && e.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
  4000. var g = d.insertRow(-1),
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  4004. = "green";
  4005. = "2px";
  4006. g = g.insertCell(-1);
  4007. g.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4008. g.appendChild(c.createTextNode(e[f]));
  4009. = "#444"
  4010. }
  4011. c = c.createElement("div");
  4012. = "none";
  4013. = "5px";
  4014. c.appendChild(d);
  4015. b.appendChild(c)
  4016. }
  4018. function wc(b, c, d) {
  4019. return function(e) {
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  4021. overflow: "hidden",
  4022. fontFamily: "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",
  4023. paddingBottom: "1px",
  4024. paddingTop: "1px",
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  4028. e.setAttribute("valign", "top");
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  4035. u({
  4036. fontSize: c.chatFontSize + "px",
  4037. width: "100%",
  4038. background: "#bbb",
  4039. border: "1px solid #222"
  4040. },;
  4041. var h = g.insertRow(-1);
  4042. = "1px solid #222";
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  4044. k.colSpan = "2";
  4045. u({
  4046. fontWeight: "bold",
  4047. fontSize: "17px",
  4048. color: "#6cb12a",
  4049. padding: "2px",
  4050. background: "url("
  4051. },;
  4052. h = f.createElement("img");
  4053. = "4px";
  4054. D(h, "", 16, 16);
  4055. k.appendChild(h);
  4056. k.appendChild(f.createTextNode("Whois " + b.nick + "?"));
  4057. var l = g.insertRow(-1),
  4058. j = l.insertCell(-1);
  4059. j.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4060. = "1px solid #222";
  4061. = "64px";
  4062. h = f.createElement("img");
  4063. = "4px";
  4064. D(h, "" + (b.mibbituser ? "_green" : "") + ".png", 64, 64);
  4065. j.appendChild(h);
  4066. j = l.insertCell(-1);
  4067. j.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4068. var n = f.createElement("table");
  4069. j.appendChild(n);
  4070. var o = {
  4071. nick: "Nickname",
  4072. user: "Username",
  4073. host: "Hostname",
  4074. realip: "IP",
  4075. realhost: "Host",
  4076. idd: "Identified",
  4077. realname: "Real name",
  4078. away: "Away message",
  4079. server: "Server",
  4080. ssl: "SSL",
  4081. modes: "Modes",
  4082. help: "Help",
  4083. operator: "Operator",
  4084. serverinfo: "Server info",
  4085. idle: "Idle time",
  4086. channels: "Channels",
  4087. client: "IRC Client",
  4088. browser: "Browser",
  4089. backend: "Backend",
  4090. connectip: "Connect IP"
  4091. };
  4092. for (var s in o)
  4093. if (o.hasOwnProperty(s) && b.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
  4094. var w = o[s],
  4095. p = n.insertRow(-1),
  4096. r = p.insertCell(-1);
  4097. p = p.insertCell(-1);
  4098. r.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4099. = "nowrap";
  4100. p.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4101. r.appendChild(f.createTextNode(w + ":"));
  4102. = "#464";
  4103. = "right";
  4104. = "2px";
  4105. d.reset();
  4106. d.r += b[s];
  4107. d.A(p)
  4108. }
  4109. if (b.mibbituser) {
  4110. k.colSpan =
  4111. "3";
  4112. = "1px solid #222";
  4113. = "45%";
  4114. r = l.insertCell(-1);
  4115. r.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4116. var y = f.createElement("table");
  4117. r.appendChild(y);
  4119. function z(P, N) {
  4120. var I = y.insertRow(-1),
  4121. J = I.insertCell(-1);
  4122. I = I.insertCell(-1);
  4123. J.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4124. J.appendChild(f.createTextNode(P + ":"));
  4125. = "#464";
  4126. = "right";
  4127. = "2px";
  4128. = "nowrap";
  4129. I.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4130. = "#000";
  4131. I.appendChild(f.createTextNode(N))
  4132. }
  4134. function B(P,
  4135. N) {
  4136. var I = y.insertRow(-1),
  4137. J = I.insertCell(-1);
  4138. I = I.insertCell(-1);
  4139. J.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4140. J.appendChild(f.createTextNode(P + ":"));
  4141. = "#464";
  4142. = "right";
  4143. = "2px";
  4144. = "nowrap";
  4145. I.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4146. = "#000";
  4147. P = f.createElement("a");
  4148. P.href = N;
  4149. = "_blank";
  4150. = "blue";
  4151. P.appendChild(f.createTextNode(N));
  4152. I.appendChild(P)
  4153. }
  4154. b.mibbitusername && z("Mibbit username", b.mibbitusername);
  4155. z("On Mibbit for", b.onlinetime);
  4156. &&
  4157. z("Country",;
  4158. if (b.ct && {
  4159. function H(P) {
  4160. return ("00" + P).substr(-2)
  4161. }
  4162. k = new Date(parseInt(b.ct));
  4163. k = H(k.getUTCHours()) + ":" + H(k.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + H(k.getUTCSeconds());
  4164. l = "+";
  4165. if ( < 0) {
  4166. l = "-";
  4167. =
  4168. }
  4169. j = H(Math.floor( / 60));
  4170. n = H( - 60 * j);
  4171. z("Local time", k + " UTC" + l + j + n)
  4172. }
  4173. b.embed && z("Mibbit client", "Widget");
  4174. b.premium && z("Premium", "Yes");
  4175. if (b.profile) {
  4176. k = {
  4177. sex: "Sex",
  4178. age: "Age",
  4179. location: "Location",
  4180. homepage: "Web site"
  4181. };
  4182. l = ba(b.profile);
  4183. for (s in k)
  4184. if (k.hasOwnProperty(s) && l.hasOwnProperty(s)) s == "homepage" ?
  4185. B(k[s], l[s]) : z(k[s], l[s]);
  4186. if (l.avatar) h.src = l.avatar
  4187. }
  4188. }
  4189. s = f.createElement("div");
  4190. = "none";
  4191. = "5px";
  4192. s.appendChild(g);
  4193. e.appendChild(s)
  4194. }
  4195. }
  4197. function xc(b, c) {
  4198. return function(d) {
  4199. d.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4200. u({
  4201. overflow: "hidden",
  4202. fontFamily: "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",
  4203. paddingBottom: "1px",
  4204. paddingTop: "1px",
  4205. paddingLeft: "3px",
  4206. fontSize: "13px",
  4207. borderTop: "1px solid #c8c8ff"
  4208. },;
  4209. var e = d.ownerDocument,
  4210. f = e.createElement("table");
  4211. u({
  4212. border: "1px solid #222",
  4213. background: "#bbb",
  4214. width: "100%"
  4215. },;
  4216. f.border = 0;
  4217. f.setAttribute("border", "0");
  4218. f.setAttribute("cellpadding", "0");
  4219. f.setAttribute("cellspacing", "0");
  4220. var g = f.insertRow(-1);
  4221. =
  4222. "1px solid #222";
  4223. g = g.insertCell(-1);
  4224. u({
  4225. fontWeight: "bold",
  4226. fontSize: "17px",
  4227. color: "#ff0",
  4228. padding: "2px",
  4229. background: "url("
  4230. },;
  4231. var h = e.createElement("img");
  4232. = "4px";
  4233. D(h, "", 16, 16);
  4234. g.appendChild(h);
  4235. g.appendChild(e.createTextNode("Global message from Mibbit"));
  4236. h = e.createElement("span");
  4237. = "13px";
  4238. = "#ddd";
  4239. h.appendChild(e.createTextNode(" (" + (new Date).toString() +
  4240. ")"));
  4241. g.appendChild(h);
  4242. g = f.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1);
  4243. = "4px";
  4244. = "15px";
  4245. c.reset();
  4246. c.r += b;
  4247. c.A(g);
  4248. e = e.createElement("div");
  4249. = "none";
  4250. = "5px";
  4251. e.appendChild(f);
  4252. d.appendChild(e)
  4253. }
  4254. }
  4256. function yc(b, c, d) {
  4257. return function(e) {
  4258. try {
  4259. u({
  4260. overflow: "hidden",
  4261. fontFamily: c.chatFontFamily,
  4262. paddingBottom: c.chatPaddingBottom + "px",
  4263. paddingTop: c.chatPaddingTop + "px",
  4264. paddingLeft: "3px",
  4265. fontSize: c.chatFontSize + "px",
  4266. color: c.colorBan,
  4267. background: c.chatBackground
  4268. },;
  4269. if (c.chatBackgroundLines != "") = "1px solid " + c.chatBackgroundLines;
  4270. e.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  4271. var f = e.ownerDocument;
  4272. if (d) {
  4273. var g = f.createElement("img");
  4274. D(g, "", 12, 12);
  4275. = "4px";
  4276. g.border = 0;
  4277. g.title = "Remove ban";
  4278. = "pointer";
  4279. g.onclick = function(o) {
  4280. return function() {
  4281. d(o);
  4282. return false
  4283. }
  4284. }(b.mask);
  4285. e.appendChild(g)
  4286. }
  4287. var h = f.createElement("span");
  4288. h.appendChild(f.createTextNode(b.mask + " "));
  4289. e.appendChild(h);
  4290. var k = f.createElement("span");
  4291. = "#888";
  4292. k.appendChild(f.createTextNode(b.who + " "));
  4293. e.appendChild(k);
  4294. var l = new Date;
  4295. l.setTime(b.ctime * 1E3);
  4296. var j = f.createElement("span");
  4297. = "#9c9";
  4298. j.appendChild(f.createTextNode("(" + l + ") "));
  4299. e.appendChild(j)
  4300. } catch (n) {
  4301. x && A("BanListRenderer", n, C)
  4302. }
  4303. }
  4304. }
  4306. function zc(b, c) {
  4307. this.URL = b;
  4308. this.hb = c;
  4309. this.onerror = q();
  4310. this.s = Ac();
  4311. this.Yc = null;
  4312. this.Xc = this.$b = 0;
  4313. = this.Ff = null;
  4314. this.Lb = [];
  4315. this.Za = null;
  4316. this.Of = this.Pf = this.fh = this.Nf = this.Mf = this.Wc = 0
  4317. }
  4319. function Ac() {
  4320. if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest;
  4321. else if (window.ActiveXObject) try {
  4322. return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
  4323. } catch (b) {
  4324. try {
  4325. return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
  4326. } catch (c) {}
  4327. }
  4328. alert("Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance");
  4329. return false
  4330. }
  4332. function Bc(b) {
  4333. function c(d, e) {
  4334. try {
  4335. b.setRequestHeader(d, e)
  4336. } catch (f) {}
  4337. }
  4338. if (!zc.jh) {
  4339. c("User-Agent", null);
  4340. c("Accept", null);
  4341. c("Accept-Language", null);
  4342. c("Content-Type", "M;");
  4343. c("Cookie", null);
  4344. c("Connection", "keep-alive");
  4345. c("Keep-Alive", null)
  4346. }
  4347. }
  4348. zc.prototype.G = function(b) {
  4349. b = t(b) + "\n";
  4350. var c = encodeURIComponent(b).replace(/%../g, "x").length;
  4351. if (c > 64E3) this.onerror("That packet will never get through! Too big. (MAX_POST_LEN=64000)");
  4352. else {
  4353. this.Lb.push({
  4354. data: b,
  4355. size: c,
  4356. stime: (new Date).getTime()
  4357. });
  4358. this.Yc || this.Za || this.Na(200)
  4359. }
  4360. };
  4362. function Cc(b) {
  4363. if (!(b.Yc || b.Lb.length === 0)) try {
  4364. b.Yc = "Sending...";
  4365. b.s.abort();
  4366. b.s.onreadystatechange = function(h) {
  4367. return function() {
  4368. h.Pe()
  4369. }
  4370. }(b);
  4371. try {
  4372. b.s.onerror = function(h) {
  4373. return function() {
  4374. h.Qe()
  4375. }
  4376. }(b)
  4377. } catch (c) {}
  4378."POST", b.URL + "-s" + (b.Pa == "" ? "" : "-" + b.Pa), true);
  4379. Bc(b.s);
  4380. b.Xc = "";
  4381. for (var d = b.$b = 0, e = 0; e < b.Lb.length; e++) {
  4382. if (d + b.Lb[e].size > 64E3) break;
  4383. var f = b.Lb[e].data;
  4384. f = '{"seq":' + b.Wc + "," + f.substring(1, f.length);
  4385. b.Wc++;
  4386. b.Xc += f;
  4387. b.$b++;
  4388. d += b.Lb[e].size
  4389. }
  4390. b.onerror("Sending " + b.$b + " packets... Length=" +
  4391. b.Xc.length + " Size=" + d);
  4392. b.s.send(b.Xc);
  4393. b.Ff = (new Date).getTime();
  4394. = window.setTimeout(function(h) {
  4395. return function() {
  4396. h.onerror("Timer: retrying...");
  4397. h.Na(5E3)
  4398. }
  4399. }(b), 12E4);
  4400. b.Mf++
  4401. } catch (g) {
  4402. b.onerror("flushSend error: " + g);
  4403. b.Na(5E3)
  4404. }
  4405. }
  4406. zc.prototype.Na = function(b) {
  4407. this.onerror("Retry(" + b + ")");
  4408. this.Za && window.clearTimeout(this.Za);
  4409. if ( {
  4410. window.clearTimeout(;
  4411. = null
  4412. }
  4413. if (this.s) try {
  4414. this.s.abort()
  4415. } catch (c) {}
  4416. this.s = Ac();
  4417. this.Yc = null;
  4418. this.Za = window.setTimeout(function(d) {
  4419. return function() {
  4420. d.Za = null;
  4421. Cc(d)
  4422. }
  4423. }(this), b)
  4424. };
  4425. zc.prototype.Qe = function() {
  4426. this.onerror("xhrError was called!");
  4427. this.Na(5E3)
  4428. };
  4429. zc.prototype.Pe = function() {
  4430. this.onerror("xhrChange...");
  4431. try {
  4432. if (this.s.readyState == 4) {
  4433. if (this.s.status == 200) {
  4434. try {
  4435. this.hb.psh && this.hb.psh(this.$b)
  4436. } catch (b) {}
  4437. this.Pf += this.$b;
  4438. for (var c = 0; c < this.$b; c++) this.Lb.shift();
  4439. this.$b = 0;
  4440. window.clearTimeout(;
  4441. = null;
  4442. var d = (new Date).getTime() - this.Ff;
  4443. this.hb.recv(this.s.responseText);
  4444. this.Nf++;
  4445. this.fh += d;
  4446. this.Of += this.Xc.length
  4447. } else throw new Error("Server status " + this.s.status);
  4448. this.Yc = null;
  4449. Cc(this)
  4450. }
  4451. } catch (e) {
  4452. this.onerror("xhrChange Exception " +
  4453. e);
  4454. this.Na(5E3)
  4455. }
  4456. };
  4457. zc.prototype.reset = function() {
  4458. this.onerror("reset called");
  4459. this.Wc = 0;
  4460. this.Lb = []
  4461. };
  4463. function Dc(b, c) {
  4464. this.URL = b;
  4465. this.Pa = "";
  4466. this.Fh = (new Date).getTime();
  4467. this.Le = false;
  4468. this.onerror = q();
  4469. this.hb = c;
  4470. this.O = [];
  4471. = [];
  4472. this.s = Ec();
  4473. this.Td = false;
  4474. this.Be = = this.rc = null;
  4475. this.wa = [];
  4476. this.Zb = 0;
  4477. this.Nd = null;
  4478. this.Ce = 0;
  4479. this.Za = null;
  4480. this.Sc = this.Oa = false;
  4481. this.$g = this.ah = = this.dh = = 0
  4482. }
  4483. Dc.prototype.reset = function() {
  4484. this.Pa = ""
  4485. };
  4486. Dc.prototype.stop = function() {
  4487. if (this.Oa != false) {
  4488. this.Gh = (new Date).getTime();
  4489. this.Oa = false;
  4490. try {
  4491. for (var b in this.O) this.O.hasOwnProperty(b) && this.O[b].close && this.O[b].close();
  4492. this.rc && this.s.abort();
  4493. var c = Ec();
  4494."POST", this.URL + "-s" + (this.Pa == "" ? "" : "-" + this.Pa), false);
  4495. c.send('{"cmd":"shutdown"}\n')
  4496. } catch (d) {
  4497. this.onerror("Shutdown failed " + d)
  4498. }
  4499. }
  4500. };
  4502. function Fc(b, c) {
  4503. if (c != b.Sc) {
  4504. for (var d in b.O)
  4505. if (b.O.hasOwnProperty(d)) try {
  4506. c ? b.O[d].Sc() : Gc(b.O[d])
  4507. } catch (e) {}
  4508. b.Sc = c;
  4509. try {
  4510. b.hb.ooh(c)
  4511. } catch (f) {}
  4512. }
  4513. }
  4515. function Ec() {
  4516. if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest;
  4517. else if (window.ActiveXObject) try {
  4518. return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
  4519. } catch (b) {
  4520. try {
  4521. return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
  4522. } catch (c) {}
  4523. }
  4524. alert("Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance");
  4525. return false
  4526. }
  4527. Dc.prototype.start = function() {
  4528. this.onerror("Starting...");
  4529. if (this.Oa) this.onerror("Already running...");
  4530. else {
  4531. this.Oa = true;
  4532. Hc(this)
  4533. }
  4534. };
  4536. function Hc(b) {
  4537. if (b.Ce > 5) b.onerror("Session changes not sticking!");
  4538. else if (!b.rc) {
  4539. b.onerror("Sending new request...");
  4540. b.s = Ec();
  4541. try {
  4542. b.rc = "Requesting...";
  4543. b.Td = false;
  4544. b.s.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
  4545. return function() {
  4546. e.Pe()
  4547. }
  4548. }(b);
  4549. try {
  4550. b.s.onerror = function(e) {
  4551. return function() {
  4552. e.Qe()
  4553. }
  4554. }(b)
  4555. } catch (c) {}
  4556."POST", b.URL + "-r" + (b.Pa == "" ? "" : "-" + b.Pa), true);
  4557. Bc(b.s);
  4558. b.s.send("{}");
  4559. b.Be = (new Date).getTime();
  4560. = window.setTimeout(function(e) {
  4561. return function() {
  4562. e.onerror("Recv timed out");
  4563. Fc(e, false);
  4564. e.Na()
  4565. }
  4566. }(b),
  4567. 15E4);
  4569. } catch (d) {
  4570. b.onerror("Exception when sending request: " + d);
  4571. Fc(b, false);
  4572. b.Na()
  4573. }
  4574. }
  4575. }
  4576. Dc.prototype.Na = function() {
  4577. this.Za && window.clearTimeout(this.Za);
  4578. if ( {
  4579. window.clearTimeout(;
  4580. = null
  4581. }
  4582. this.rc = null;
  4583. if (this.Oa) {
  4584. if (this.s) try {
  4585. this.s.abort()
  4586. } catch (b) {}
  4587. this.s = Ec();
  4588. this.Za = window.setTimeout(function(c) {
  4589. return function() {
  4590. c.Za = null;
  4591. Hc(c)
  4592. }
  4593. }(this), 5E3)
  4594. }
  4595. };
  4596. Dc.prototype.Qe = function() {
  4597. this.onerror("xhrError was called!");
  4598. Fc(this, false);
  4599. this.Na()
  4600. };
  4601. Dc.prototype.Pe = function() {
  4602. try {
  4603. this.onerror("xhrChange " + this.s.readyState);
  4604. if (this.s.readyState == 4) {
  4605. window.clearTimeout(;
  4606. = null;
  4607. this.onerror("xhrChange status=" + this.s.status);
  4608. if (this.s.status == 200) {
  4609. this.rc = "Parsing response...";
  4610. this.dh++;
  4611. += (new Date).getTime() - this.Be;
  4612. var b = this.s.responseText,
  4613. c = this.Tg !== "";
  4614. try {
  4615. Ic(this, b)
  4616. } catch (d) {}
  4617. var e = this.Tg !== "";
  4618. if (!c && !e) {
  4619. this.onerror("Could not get session ID!");
  4620. this.stop()
  4621. }
  4622. Fc(this, true)
  4623. } else throw new Error("Status " + this.s.status);
  4624. this.rc = null;
  4625. this.Oa && window.setTimeout(function(g) {
  4626. return function() {
  4627. Hc(g)
  4628. }
  4629. }(this), 10)
  4630. } else if (this.s.readyState == 1) this.Td = true
  4631. } catch (f) {
  4632. b = (new Date).getTime() - this.Be;
  4633. this.onerror("xhrChange " + f + " " + this.Td + " " + b);
  4634. if (!this.Td || b < 5E3) Fc(this, false);
  4635. this.Na()
  4636. }
  4637. };
  4639. function Jc(b, c, d) {
  4640. b.O[c] = d;
  4641. if (typeof[c] != "undefined") {
  4642. for (;[c].length > 0;) d.Ya([c].shift());
  4643. delete[c]
  4644. }
  4645. }
  4647. function Kc(b, c) {
  4648. if (!b.O[c]) return false;
  4649. b.O[c].close && b.O[c].close();
  4650. delete b.O[c];
  4651. delete[c];
  4652. return true
  4653. }
  4655. function Ic(b, c) {
  4656. if (b.Oa) {
  4657. if (c) {
  4658. var d = c.split("\n");
  4659. b.$g += c.length;
  4660. for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++)
  4661. if (d[c] !== "") {
  4662. b.ah++;
  4663. var e;
  4664. try {
  4665. e = eval("(" + d[c] + ")")
  4666. } catch (f) {
  4667. b.onerror("parseResponse " + f + " " + d[c])
  4668. }
  4669. if (e)
  4670. if (typeof e.seq == "undefined") try {
  4671. b.hb.gph(e)
  4672. } catch (g) {
  4673. b.onerror("ProcessPackets.gph " + g)
  4674. } else b.wa.push(e)
  4675. }
  4676. }
  4677. Lc(b)
  4678. }
  4679. }
  4681. function Lc(b) {
  4682. for (var c = 0; b.wa.length > 0;) {
  4683. if (c > 10) {
  4684. window.setTimeout(function(j) {
  4685. return function() {
  4686. Lc(j)
  4687. }
  4688. }(b), 50);
  4689. return
  4690. }
  4691. if (b.wa[0].seq != b.Zb) {
  4692. for (b.wa.sort(function(j, n) {
  4693. return j.seq - n.seq
  4694. }); b.wa.length > 0 && !b.wa[0].sessionid && b.wa[0].seq < b.Zb;) {
  4695. b.onerror("Packet discarded:" + b.Zb + " : " + b.wa[0].seq);
  4696. b.wa.shift()
  4697. }
  4698. if (b.wa.length == 0) break
  4699. }
  4700. if (b.Nd && (new Date).getTime() - b.Nd > 1E4) {
  4701. b.Nd = null;
  4702. b.onerror("Blocked timeout, packet loss:" + b.Zb + " : " + b.wa[0].seq)
  4703. } else {
  4704. var d = b.wa[0];
  4705. if (!d.sessionid && d.seq != b.Zb) {
  4706. b.onerror("Waiting for packet no: " +
  4707. b.Zb);
  4708. b.Nd = (new Date).getTime();
  4709. break
  4710. }
  4711. }
  4712. d = b.wa.shift();
  4713. c++;
  4714. b.Zb = d.seq + 1;
  4715. try {
  4716. if (d.sessionid) {
  4717. b.Ce++;
  4718. b.Pa = d.sessionid;
  4719. try {
  4720. b.hb.ssh(b.Pa, d)
  4721. } catch (e) {
  4722. b.onerror("ProcessPackets.ssh " + e)
  4723. }
  4724. b.Le || b.Na()
  4725. } else b.Ce = 0;
  4726. if (d.allchannels == "true")
  4727. for (var f in b.O) b.O.hasOwnProperty(f) && b.O[f].Ya(d);
  4728. else if (
  4729. if (d.cmd == "close") Kc(b,;
  4730. else if (b.O[]) try {
  4731. b.O[].Ya(d)
  4732. } catch (g) {} else {
  4733. var h = false;
  4734. if (![]) {
  4735. h = true;
  4736.[] = []
  4737. }
  4739. if (h) b.hb.nch(,
  4740. d) || delete[]
  4741. } else try {
  4742. b.hb.gph(d)
  4743. } catch (k) {
  4744. b.onerror("ProcessPackets.gph " + k)
  4745. }
  4746. } catch (l) {
  4747. b.onerror("ProcessPackets " + l + " " + d)
  4748. }
  4749. }
  4750. }
  4752. function Mc(b, c) {
  4753. b.Ig = b.start;
  4754. b.Le = true;
  4755. b.start = function() {
  4756. if (!this.Oa) {
  4757. this.Oe = function(f) {
  4758. return function() {
  4759. f.onerror("websocket failed");
  4760. f.start = this.Ig;
  4761. f.Le = false;
  4762. c.G = c.Hg;
  4763. try {
  4764. f.zb.onopen = q();
  4765. f.zb.onmessage = q();
  4766. f.zb.onclose = q();
  4767. f.zb.close()
  4768. } catch (g) {}
  4769. f.Oa = false;
  4770. Fc(f, false);
  4771. f.start()
  4772. }
  4773. }(this);
  4774. this.Ua = window.setTimeout(function(f) {
  4775. return function() {
  4776. f.Oe()
  4777. }
  4778. }(this), 5E3);
  4779. this.Ne = [];
  4780. this.Lh = [];
  4781. try {
  4782. this.zb = new WebSocket("ws" + (window.location.protocol.toLowerCase() == "http:" ? "" : "s") + "://" + +
  4783. "/mibbit")
  4784. } catch (d) {
  4785. try {
  4786. this.zb = new MozWebSocket("ws" + (window.location.protocol.toLowerCase() == "http:" ? "" : "s") + "://" + + "/mibbit")
  4787. } catch (e) {
  4788. this.Oe();
  4789. if (this.Ua) {
  4790. window.clearTimeout(this.Ua);
  4791. delete this.Ua
  4792. }
  4793. }
  4794. }
  4795. this.zb.onopen = function(f) {
  4796. return function() {
  4797. f.onerror("Using a websocket");
  4798. f.Oa = true;
  4799. Fc(f, true)
  4800. }
  4801. }(this);
  4802. this.zb.onmessage = function(f) {
  4803. return function(g) {
  4804. if (f.Ua) {
  4805. window.clearTimeout(f.Ua);
  4806. delete f.Ua
  4807. }
  4808. Ic(f,;
  4809. f.Pa != "" && setTimeout(function() {
  4810. return function() {
  4811. for (; f.Ne.length >
  4812. 0;) c.G(f.Ne.shift())
  4813. }
  4814. }(), 0)
  4815. }
  4816. }(this);
  4817. this.zb.onclose = function(f) {
  4818. return function() {
  4819. f.onerror("websocket closed");
  4820. Fc(f, false);
  4821. f.Oa = false;
  4822. if (f.Ua) {
  4823. window.clearTimeout(f.Ua);
  4824. delete f.Ua;
  4825. f.Oe()
  4826. } else f.start()
  4827. }
  4828. }(this)
  4829. }
  4830. };
  4831. c.Hg = c.G;
  4832. c.G = function(d) {
  4833. return function(e) {
  4834. this.Ua && wsAttempted.push(e);
  4835. if (d.Sc) {
  4836. e = t(e) + "\n";
  4837. e = '{"seq":' + this.Wc + "," + e.substring(1, e.length);
  4838. this.Wc++;
  4839. c.Mf++;
  4840. d.zb.send(e);
  4841. c.Nf++;
  4842. c.Pf++;
  4843. c.Of += e.length
  4844. } else d.Ne.push(e)
  4845. }
  4846. }(b)
  4847. }
  4849. function Nc() {
  4850. = = null;
  4851. this.Rf = true;
  4852. = false;
  4853. this.Uf = {};
  4854. = {};
  4855. this.j = {};
  4856. this.i = {};
  4857. this.lg = function(b, c) {
  4858. try {
  4859. var d = "IRCClient:" + b + ":" + c;
  4860. x && A("embedChannel", d, K);
  4861. var e = new Oc(null, "IRCClient:" + b, this, F);
  4862. = true;
  4863. this.j["IRCClient:" + b] = e;
  4864. var f = document.getElementById("chats"),
  4865. g = document.createElement("div");
  4866. f.appendChild(g);
  4867. fulltitle = c + " (channel)";
  4868. var h = !(c.substring(0, 1) == "#" || c.substring(0, 1) == "&" || c.substring(0, 1) == "!"),
  4869. k = new Pc(d, g, c, "IRCClient:" + b, e, h, F);
  4870. k.b.U.Te = false;
  4871. k.b.U.Ue =
  4872. this.Rf;
  4873. e.b = k.b;
  4874. this.i[d] = k;
  4875. e.i[d] = k;
  4876. var l = h ? {
  4877. background: F.tabColorPM,
  4878. border: F.tabBColorPM
  4879. } : {
  4880. background: F.tabColorChannel,
  4881. border: F.tabBColorChannel
  4882. },
  4883. j = Lb(Q, d, g, c, fulltitle, function() {
  4884. return function(o, s) {
  4885. k.b.Bb(s)
  4886. }
  4887. }(this), function(o) {
  4888. return function() {
  4889. !e.ya || !F.confirmServerClose ? Qc(o, b) : o.ce(b)
  4890. }
  4891. }(this), l, false, true);
  4892. F.focusNewJoins && this.i[d].b.Bb(true);
  4893. this.i[d].W = j;
  4894. Jc(S, d, this.i[d]);
  4895. Jc(S, "IRCClient:" + b, e)
  4896. } catch (n) {
  4897. x && A("embedChannel", "Exception " + n, C)
  4898. }
  4899. };
  4900. this.Ya = function(b) {
  4901. x && A("IRCClient.recv",
  4902. "p.cmd=" + b.cmd, M);
  4903. try {
  4904. if (b.cmd == "connected") {
  4905. T && T.Wb({
  4906. cmd: "connected"
  4907. });
  4908. if (!
  4909. if (Rc) {
  4910. ob = true;
  4911. Adverts.Ee(true)
  4912. }
  4913. var c = "IRCClient:" +;
  4914. if ( && == this.lg(,;
  4915. else if (!this.j[c]) {
  4916. var d = true;
  4917. if (Rc) d = false;
  4918. var e = document.getElementById("chats"),
  4919. f = document.createElement("div");
  4920. = d ? "none" : "block";
  4921. e.appendChild(f);
  4922. var g = new Oc(f, c, this, F);
  4923. this.j[c] = g;
  4924. var h =;
  4925. if ( h =;
  4926. this.j[c].Sg = h;
  4927. var k = Lb(Q, c, f, h, "IRC server " +
  4929. function() {
  4930. return function(w, p) {
  4931. g.b.Bb(p)
  4932. }
  4933. }(this),
  4934. function(w) {
  4935. return function() {
  4936. !g.ya || !F.confirmServerClose ? Qc(w, : w.ce(
  4937. }
  4938. }(this), {
  4939. background: F.tabColorServer,
  4940. border: F.tabBColorServer
  4941. }, d, true, false, true);
  4942. this.j[c].W = k;
  4943. Jc(S, c, this.j[c]);
  4944. !Rc && && Sc(this.j[c].b, "//" + encodeURIComponent(, true)
  4945. }
  4946. } else if (b.cmd == "confailed") != "" && this.If(, b.reason);
  4947. else if (b.cmd == "blacklisted") {
  4948. x && A("IRCClient.recv", "BLACKLISTED", C);
  4949. alert("Your IP address is listed in a blacklist. You may have a virus, trojan or be running an open proxy.\nYou will now be redirected to for more information.");
  4950. window.location = ""
  4951. } else if (b.cmd == "checkconnect") x && A("IRCClient.recv", "checkconnect " + b.allowed, M);
  4952. else if (b.cmd == "disconnected") {
  4953. T && T.Wb({
  4954. cmd: "disconnected"
  4955. });
  4956. Adverts.Ee(false);
  4957. x && A("IRCClient.recv", b, M);
  4958. b.force || this.Jf(, b.reason);
  4959. var l = "IRCClient:" +;
  4960. if (this.j[l]) {
  4961. Kc(S, l);
  4962. this.j[l].closed(!!b.reason &&
  4963. !b.force);
  4964. delete this.j[l]
  4965. }
  4966. Tc("ircdisconnect")
  4967. } else if (b.cmd == "keyaccept") {
  4968. try {
  4969. Q.yg.parentNode.removeChild(Q.yg)
  4970. } catch (j) {}
  4971. = true;
  4972. x && A("server", "PREMIUM", C);
  4973. Adverts.fe();
  4974. ob = false
  4975. } else if (b.cmd == "sysmsg") x && A("server",, K);
  4976. else if (b.cmd == "status") {
  4977. Uc("irc", b.connections, b.pending, b.pendingDNS, b.hostname, b.pendingSettings, b.readyToConnect);
  4978. x && A("server", "Status: " + t(b), K)
  4979. } else if (b.cmd == "linkinfo") {
  4980. x && A("IRCClient.recv", "Link info: " + b, K);
  4981. d = document.getElementById(b.linkid);
  4982. var n = document.getElementById(b.linkid +
  4983. "_i");
  4984. if (d && n) {
  4985. c = "";
  4986. if (b.followed) c = b.followed;
  4987. else
  4988. for (var o in b.idata)
  4989. if (b.idata.hasOwnProperty(o) && o != "thumb") c = c + o.toUpperCase() + ": " + b.idata[o] + " \n";
  4990. d.title = c;
  4991. = F.qh;
  4992. n.title = c;
  4993. if (b.idata.thumb) d.src = b.idata.thumb
  4994. } else x && A("IRCClient.recv", "Link not found :/ " + b.linkid, C)
  4995. } else x && A("IRCClient.recv", b, M)
  4996. } catch (s) {
  4997. x && A("IRCClient.recv", "exception " + b + ":" + s, C)
  4998. }
  4999. };
  5000. this.Gg = function() {
  5001. x && A("IRCClient.notifyServersDisconnect", "notifyServersDisconnect", K);
  5002. Tc("ircdisconnect");
  5003. try {
  5004. for (rname in this.j) this.j.hasOwnProperty(rname) &&
  5005. this.j[rname].ic()
  5006. } catch (b) {
  5007. x && A("IRCClient.notifyServersDisconnect", "exception ", C)
  5008. }
  5009. };
  5010. this.wh = function() {
  5011. Tc("ircdisconnect");
  5012. for (rname in this.j) this.j.hasOwnProperty(rname) && this.j[rname].closed(false);
  5013. this.j = {}
  5014. };
  5015. this.kf = 0;
  5016. this.Og = function(b) {
  5017. var c = "GLOB" + this.kf;
  5018. this.kf++;
  5019. var d = function(e) {
  5020. return function() {
  5021. for (rname in e.j) e.j.hasOwnProperty(rname) && Vc(e.j[rname], c)
  5022. }
  5023. }(this);
  5024. for (rname in this.j) this.j.hasOwnProperty(rname) && Wc(this.j[rname], c, b, d)
  5025. };
  5026. this.Ch = function(b) {
  5027. for (rname in this.j)
  5028. if (this.j.hasOwnProperty(rname)) {
  5029. Xc(this.j[rname],
  5030. b);
  5031. this.j[rname].sg || this.j[rname].Ya(b)
  5032. }
  5033. };
  5034. this.uh = function() {
  5035. for (rname in this.j)
  5036. if (this.j.hasOwnProperty(rname)) return true;
  5037. return false
  5038. };
  5039. this.Dh = function(b) {
  5040. Yc = b;
  5041. for (var c in this.j)
  5042. if (this.j.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
  5043. this.j[c].b.C();
  5044. U(this.j[c].b)
  5045. }
  5046. for (c in this.i)
  5047. if (this.i.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
  5048. this.i[c].b.C();
  5049. U(this.i[c].b)
  5050. }
  5051. };
  5052. this.Yf = function(b) {
  5053. x && A("closedchannel", "Added ignore for : " + b, K);
  5054.[b] = true
  5055. };
  5056. this.$f = function(b) {
  5057. x && A("closedchannel", "Removed ignore for : " + b, K);
  5058. delete[b]
  5059. };
  5060. this.Uc =
  5061. function(b) {
  5062. x && A("IRCClient.prefsUpdated", "prefsUpdated", K);
  5063. for (var c in this.i)
  5064. if (this.i.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
  5065. this.i[c].Uc(b);
  5066. var d = this.i[c].za,
  5067. e = this.i[c].W;
  5068. e.H = {
  5069. background: d ? F.tabColorPM : F.tabColorChannel,
  5070. border: d ? F.tabBColorPM : F.tabBColorChannel
  5071. };
  5072. tb(e,
  5073. }
  5074. if ( == null)
  5075. for (c in this.j)
  5076. if (this.j.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
  5077. this.j[c].Uc(b);
  5078. d = this.j[c].W;
  5079. d.H = {
  5080. background: F.tabColorServer,
  5081. border: F.tabBColorServer
  5082. };
  5083. tb(d,
  5084. }
  5085. }
  5086. }
  5088. function Qc(b, c) {
  5089. var d = "IRCClient:" + c;
  5090. if (b.j[d].ya) V.G({
  5091. channel: "IRCClient",
  5092. cmd: "disconnect",
  5093. data: c
  5094. });
  5095. else if (b.j[d]) {
  5096. b.j[d].closed(false);
  5097. delete b.j[d]
  5098. }
  5099. }
  5100. Nc.prototype.ce = function(b) {
  5101. window.confirm("Are you sure you want to disconnect from " + b + "?") && Qc(this, b)
  5102. };
  5103. Nc.prototype.If = function(b, c) {
  5104. c && alert(b + ": " + c)
  5105. };
  5106. Nc.prototype.Jf = function(b, c) {
  5107. c && alert(b + ": " + c)
  5108. };
  5110. function Zc(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l) {
  5111. try {
  5112. if (!(d == "" || c == "")) {
  5113. b = {
  5114. channel: "IRCClient",
  5115. cmd: "connect"
  5116. };
  5117. if (c.substring(0, 1) == "!") {
  5118. b.proxied = true;
  5119. c = c.substring(1, c.length)
  5120. }
  5121. c = c.replace(/\s+/g, "").replace(/\.+/g, ".").replace(/^\./, "").replace(/\.$/, "").toLowerCase();
  5122. d = d.replace(/\s+/g, "");
  5123. e = e.replace(/\s+/g, "");
  5124. f = f.replace(/\n/g, "");
  5125. f = f.replace(/\r/g, "");
  5126. = c;
  5127. b.nick = d;
  5128. b.pass = e != null && e ? e : "";
  5129. b.authmethod = k;
  5130. if (!f || f == null) f = "";
  5131. b.joinchannels = f;
  5132. if (l) b.charset = l;
  5133. if (h) b.forced = true;
  5134. x && A("connect", t(b), K);
  5135. V.G(b)
  5136. }
  5137. } catch (j) {
  5138. x &&
  5139. A("irc.connectServer", "exception " + j, C)
  5140. }
  5141. }
  5143. function $c(b, c, d) {
  5144. try {
  5145. if (d.cmd == "typing") return false;
  5146. if (b.i[c]) return false;
  5147. for (ii in S.O)
  5148. if (S.O.hasOwnProperty(ii))
  5149. if (ii.toLowerCase() == c.toLowerCase()) {
  5150. S.O[ii].Ya(d);
  5151. return false
  5152. }
  5153. if ([c]) {
  5154. x && A("newCHandler", "Ignored : " + c, K);
  5155. return false
  5156. }
  5157. if (d.cmd == "part") return false;
  5158. if (d.cmd == "infobar") return false;
  5159. if (d.channeltype == "log") return true;
  5160. var e = !!b.Uf[c],
  5161. f = d.channeltype == "pm";
  5162. if (f && !F.allowIncommingPMs) {
  5163. x && A("newCHandler", "Ignored PM : " + c, K);
  5164. return false
  5165. }
  5166. if (f && F.blurPMs) e = true;
  5167. if (!f && !F.focusNewJoins) e =
  5168. true;
  5169. if (f && d.userInitiated) e = false;
  5170. fulltitle = f ? c + "(pm)" : c + " (channel)";
  5171. var g = c,
  5172. h = c.indexOf(":", 10);
  5173. if (h) g = g.substring(0, h);
  5174. var k = b.j[g],
  5175. l = document.getElementById("chats"),
  5176. j = document.createElement("div");
  5177. if (e) = "none";
  5178. l.appendChild(j);
  5179. if (!e)
  5180. if (Kb(Q, c, g)) Gb(Q);
  5181. else Q.l[g] && Q.l[g].Jd(false);
  5182. var n = new Pc(c, j, d.localchannel, g, k, f, F);
  5183. b.i[c] = n;
  5184. k.i[c] = n;
  5185. var o = Lb(Q, c, j, d.localchannel, fulltitle, function() {
  5186. return function(w, p) {
  5187. n.b.Bb(p)
  5188. }
  5189. }(b), function(w) {
  5190. return function(p) {
  5191. w.i[p] && ad(w.i[p]);
  5192. return true
  5193. }
  5194. }(b), {
  5195. background: f ? F.tabColorPM : F.tabColorChannel,
  5196. border: f ? F.tabBColorPM : F.tabBColorChannel
  5197. }, e, true, g, false);
  5198. if (f || F.focusNewJoins) e || b.i[c].b.Bb(true);
  5199. b.i[c].W = o;
  5200. e &&;
  5201. Jc(S, c, b.i[c]);
  5202. f && Tc("newpm");
  5203. bd && f && bd.Fg(c, d.localchannel)
  5204. } catch (s) {
  5205. x && A("newCHandler", "Exception " + s, C)
  5206. }
  5207. return true
  5208. }
  5210. function cd(b, c) {
  5211. if (!Rc && b.j["IRCClient:" + c.server]) {
  5212. b = b.j["IRCClient:" + c.server].b;
  5213. pb(b.Ia, "Lag: " + (c.timeout ? "-" : c.lag + "ms"), b.Rd)
  5214. }
  5215. }
  5217. function dd(b, c) {
  5218. try {
  5219. var d = c.split(" ");
  5220. b = {
  5221. channel: "IRCClient",
  5222. cmd: "connect"
  5223. };
  5224. = d[0];
  5225. b.nick = ed();
  5226. if (fd) b.nick = fd;
  5227. if (d[1]) b.nick = d[1];
  5228. b.pass = "";
  5229. b.authmethod = "";
  5230. b.joinchannels = "";
  5231. x && A("connect", "to " + + " nick=" + b.nick + " pass=" + b.pass + " authmethod=" + b.authmethod, K);
  5232. V.G(b)
  5233. } catch (e) {
  5234. x && A("irc.connectServer", "exception " + e, C)
  5235. }
  5236. }
  5238. function gd(b, c) {
  5239. b = {};
  5240. var d = false,
  5241. e = false;
  5242. if (^(ircs?:\/\/)$/i) != -1) return null;
  5243. b.ssl =^(ircs:)/i) != -1;
  5244. b.port = b.ssl ? 9999 : 6667;
  5245. c = c.match(/^ircs?:\/\/([^\/\s]+)?(\/[^\s]*)?$/i);
  5246. if (!c || !c[1]) return null;
  5247. var f = c[1],
  5248. g = "";
  5249. if (typeof c[2] != "undefined") g = c[2];
  5250. c = f.match(/^([^\:]+)(\:\+?\d+)?$/);
  5251. if (!c) return null;
  5252. = c[1].toLowerCase();
  5253. if (typeof c[2] != "undefined") {
  5254. d = true;
  5255. b.port = c[2].substr(1);
  5256. if (b.port.substring(0, 1) == "+") {
  5257. b.port = b.port.substr(1);
  5258. b.ssl = true
  5259. }
  5260. } else if (".") !=
  5261. -1) d = true;
  5262. if (!d) {
  5263. c = hd[];
  5264. if (!c) return null;
  5265. if (b.ssl && c.Gf) {
  5266. =;
  5267. b.port = c.Gf.port
  5268. } else if (!b.ssl && c.t) {
  5269. =;
  5270. b.port = c.t.port
  5271. } else return null
  5272. }
  5273. if (g) {
  5274. c = g.match(/^\/([^\?\s\/,]*)?\/?(,[^\?]*)?(\?.*)?$/);
  5275. if (!c) return null;
  5276. = typeof c[1] != "undefined" ? decodeURIComponent(c[1]) : "";
  5277. if ([\x07,\s]/) != -1) return null;
  5278. if (typeof c[2] != "undefined")
  5279. for (d = c[2].toLowerCase().split(","); d.length;) {
  5280. g = d.pop();
  5281. if (g != "")
  5282. if (g == "isnick") e = true;
  5283. else if (g == "isserver") b.isServer =
  5284. true;
  5285. else if (g == "needpass") b.needPass = true;
  5286. else if (g == "needkey") e || (b.needKey = true)
  5287. }
  5288. if (!e && "#&+".indexOf(, 1)) == -1) = "#" +;
  5289. if (typeof c[3] != "undefined")
  5290. for (c = c[3].substr(1).split("&"); c.length;) {
  5291. d = c.pop().split("=");
  5292. g = d[0].toLowerCase();
  5293. if (g == "msg") b.msg = decodeURIComponent(d[1]);
  5294. else if (g == "pass") {
  5295. b.needPass = true;
  5296. b.pass = decodeURIComponent(d[1])
  5297. } else if (g == "key") {
  5298. if (!e) {
  5299. b.needKey = true;
  5300. b.key = decodeURIComponent(d[1])
  5301. }
  5302. } else if (g == "charset") b.charset = decodeURIComponent(d[1])
  5303. }
  5304. }
  5305. return b
  5306. }
  5307. var hd = {
  5308. mibbit: {
  5309. server: {
  5310. host: "",
  5311. port: 6667
  5312. },
  5313. serverssl: {
  5314. host: "",
  5315. port: 6697
  5316. }
  5317. },
  5318. moznet: {
  5319. server: {
  5320. host: "",
  5321. port: 6667
  5322. },
  5323. serverssl: {
  5324. host: "",
  5325. port: 6697
  5326. }
  5327. },
  5328. hybridnet: {
  5329. server: {
  5330. host: "",
  5331. port: 6667
  5332. }
  5333. },
  5334. slashnet: {
  5335. server: {
  5336. host: "",
  5337. port: 6667
  5338. }
  5339. },
  5340. dalnet: {
  5341. server: {
  5342. host: "",
  5343. port: 6667
  5344. }
  5345. },
  5346. undernet: {
  5347. server: {
  5348. host: "",
  5349. port: 6667
  5350. }
  5351. },
  5352. webbnet: {
  5353. server: {
  5354. host: "",
  5355. port: 6667
  5356. }
  5357. },
  5358. quakenet: {
  5359. server: {
  5360. host: "",
  5361. port: 6667
  5362. }
  5363. },
  5364. ircnet: {
  5365. server: {
  5366. host: "",
  5367. port: 6667
  5368. }
  5369. },
  5370. freenode: {
  5371. server: {
  5372. host: "",
  5373. port: 6667
  5374. }
  5375. },
  5376. serenia: {
  5377. serverssl: {
  5378. host: "",
  5379. port: 9999
  5380. }
  5381. },
  5382. efnet: {
  5383. server: {
  5384. host: "",
  5385. port: 6667
  5386. }
  5387. },
  5388. hispano: {
  5389. server: {
  5390. host: "",
  5391. port: 6667
  5392. }
  5393. }
  5394. },
  5395. id = ["UTF-8", "Big5", "ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-2", "ISO-8859-3", "ISO-8859-4", "ISO-8859-5", "ISO-8859-6", "ISO-8859-7", "ISO-8859-8", "ISO-8859-9", "ISO-8859-13", "ISO-8859-15", "windows-1250", "windows-1251", "windows-1252", "windows-1253", "windows-1254",
  5396. "windows-1255", "windows-1256", "windows-1257", "windows-1258"
  5397. ];
  5399. function Pc(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
  5400. function k(p) {
  5401. return function(r) {
  5402. p.W &&;
  5403. if (T) T.alert(r ? E.g("AlertsMyName") : E.g("AlertsGeneral"))
  5404. }
  5405. }
  5407. function l(p) {
  5408. return function(r) {
  5409. p.t.send({
  5410. cmd: "text",
  5411. chan: this.f,
  5412. data: "/join " + r
  5413. })
  5414. }
  5415. }
  5417. function j(p) {
  5418. return function(r) {
  5419. if (p.wc) {
  5420. if (r == "" || r.substring(0, 1) == "/" && r.substring(0, 2) != "//")
  5421. } else if (r != "" && (r.substring(0, 1) != "/" || r.substring(0, 2) == "//"))
  5422. }
  5423. }
  5425. function n(p) {
  5426. return function(r, y) {
  5427. if (y.substring(0, 8) == "usermenu") {
  5428. y = parseInt(y.substring(8, y.length));
  5429. if (p.a.usermenus[y]) {
  5430. var z = p.a.usermenus[y].command;
  5431. z = z.replace(/\$nick/g, r);
  5432. var B = p.b.U.F[r.toLowerCase()];
  5433. if (B) {
  5434. if (B.user) z = z.replace(/\$user/g, B.user);
  5435. if ( z = z.replace(/\$host/g,
  5436. }
  5437. if ((new jd({
  5438. command: z,
  5439. match: p.a.usermenus[y].title
  5440. })).execCommand({
  5441. f: p.f,
  5442. h: p.t.Xa
  5443. }, [], function() {
  5444. return function(H) {
  5445. p.Ba(H)
  5446. }
  5447. }(), function() {
  5448. return function() {
  5449. p.b.focus()
  5450. }
  5451. }(), "", 0, 0)) return
  5452. }
  5453. } else if (y == "banu") {
  5454. if ((B = p.b.U.F[r.toLowerCase()]) && B.user) {
  5455. p.t.send({
  5456. cmd: "text",
  5457. chan: p.f,
  5458. data: "/mode " + p.f + " +b " + B.user +
  5459. "@*"
  5460. });
  5461. p.t.send({
  5462. cmd: "text",
  5463. chan: p.f,
  5464. data: "/kick " + r
  5465. })
  5466. }
  5467. } else if (y == "banh") {
  5468. if ((B = p.b.U.F[r.toLowerCase()]) && {
  5469. p.t.send({
  5470. cmd: "text",
  5471. chan: p.f,
  5472. data: "/mode " + p.f + " +b *@" +
  5473. });
  5474. p.t.send({
  5475. cmd: "text",
  5476. chan: p.f,
  5477. data: "/kick " + r
  5478. })
  5479. }
  5480. } else if (y == "ignore") kd(p.b, r, true);
  5481. else if (y == "unignore") kd(p.b, r, false);
  5482. else if (y == "getoptions") {
  5483. z = [];
  5484. for (y = 0; y < p.a.usermenus.length; y++) z.push({
  5485. id: "usermenu" + y,
  5486. desc: p.a.usermenus[y].title
  5487. });
  5488. if (p.Ed)
  5489. if (p.b.U.F[r.toLowerCase()]) {
  5490. B = p.b.U.F[r.toLowerCase()];
  5491. if (B.mibbituser ==
  5492. "true")
  5493. if (B.user != "Mibbit" && B.user != "cgiirc") B.user && z.push({
  5494. id: "banu",
  5495. desc: "Ban " + B.user + "@*"
  5496. });
  5497. else && z.push({
  5498. id: "banh",
  5499. desc: "Ban *@" +
  5500. });
  5501. else {
  5502. B.user && z.push({
  5503. id: "banu",
  5504. desc: "Ban " + B.user + "@*"
  5505. });
  5506. && z.push({
  5507. id: "banh",
  5508. desc: "Ban *@" +
  5509. })
  5510. }
  5511. }
  5512. ld(p.b, r) ? z.push({
  5513. id: "unignore",
  5514. desc: E.g("UMenu_Unignore")
  5515. }) : z.push({
  5516. id: "ignore",
  5517. desc: E.g("UMenu_Ignore")
  5518. });
  5519. return z
  5520. }
  5521. p.b.focus()
  5522. }
  5523. }
  5525. function o(p) {
  5526. return function(r) {
  5527. p.ra.jc = r
  5528. }
  5529. }
  5531. function s(p) {
  5532. return function() {
  5533. try {
  5534. if (!p.ya) return false;
  5535. p.Ba(p.b.n.ea.value)
  5536. } catch (r) {
  5537. x &&
  5538. A("submit", r, C)
  5539. }
  5540. return false
  5541. }
  5542. }
  5543. x && A("ChatChannel", "ch=" + b + ", chan=" + d + ", sname=" + e + ", sobj=" + f, K);
  5544. = b;
  5545. this.f = d;
  5546. this.Mb = e;
  5547. this.t = f;
  5548. = g;
  5549. this.ya = true;
  5550. this.a = h;
  5551. this.Ed = this.wc = false;
  5552. x && A("ChatChannel", "New chat channel for " + d, K);
  5553. this.Yb = 0;
  5554. this.ra = new md;
  5555. = g ? this.a.tabColorPM : this.a.tabColorChannel;
  5556. b = {};
  5557. b.Id = s(this);
  5558. b.xc = j(this);
  5559. b.hh = n(this);
  5560. b.eb = l(this);
  5561. b.M = k(this);
  5562. = function(p) {
  5563. return function(r, y, z) {
  5564. y = new jd({
  5565. command: r,
  5566. match: y
  5567. });
  5568. x && A("processCommand", r, K);
  5569. y.execCommand({
  5570. f: p.f,
  5571. h: z ? z : p.t.Xa
  5572. }, [], function() {
  5573. return function(B) {
  5574. p.Ba(B)
  5575. }
  5576. }(), function() {
  5577. return function() {
  5578. p.b.focus()
  5579. }
  5580. }(), "", 0, 0)
  5581. }
  5582. }(this);
  5583. this.df =;
  5584. b.De = o(this);
  5585. b.Qg = function(p) {
  5586. return function(r) {
  5587. r != "" && V.G({
  5588. cmd: "paste",
  5589. channel: "PasteBin",
  5590. returnchannel:,
  5591. data: r
  5592. })
  5593. }
  5594. }(this);
  5595. b.Pg = function(p) {
  5596. return function(r) {
  5597. r != "" && V.G({
  5598. cmd: "minify",
  5599. channel: "LinkManager",
  5600. returnchannel:,
  5601. url: r
  5602. })
  5603. }
  5604. }(this);
  5605. = function(p) {
  5606. return function(r) {
  5607. p.t.send({
  5608. cmd: "text",
  5609. chan: p.f,
  5610. data: "/mode " + p.f + " -b " + r
  5611. });
  5612. p.b.focus()
  5613. }
  5614. }(this);
  5615. if (this.a.ircNickClick) b.Dg =
  5616. function(p) {
  5617. return function(r) {
  5618. if (r) {
  5619. Za(p.b.n.da) == 0 ? p.b.n.Ub(r + ": ") : p.b.n.Ub(r + " ");
  5620. p.b.focus()
  5621. }
  5622. }
  5623. }(this);
  5624. b.Hf = function(p) {
  5625. return function(r) {
  5626. if (W) {
  5627. if (!Rc) {
  5628. var y = PermalinkInfo.create(p.b.d, p.Mb.substring(10, p.Mb.length), p.f);
  5629. r("Link to channel", function() {
  5630. ea(W, {
  5631. element: y
  5632. })
  5633. })
  5634. }
  5635. p.Ed && r("Set topic", function() {
  5636. W.alert("Set topic for " + p.f, function(H) {
  5637. H && H != p.b.U.Jc && p.Ba("/topic " + H)
  5638. }, true, p.b.U.Jc)
  5639. })
  5640. }
  5641. for (var z = 0; z < p.a.channelmenus.length; z++) {
  5642. var B = p.a.channelmenus[z];
  5643. r(B.title, function(H) {
  5644. return function() {
  5645. var P =
  5646. new jd({
  5647. command: H.command,
  5648. match: H.title
  5649. });
  5650. x && A("setupoptions", "Running ch menu... " + H.command, K);
  5651. P.execCommand({
  5652. f: p.f,
  5653. h: p.t.Xa
  5654. }, [], function() {
  5655. return function(N) {
  5656. p.Ba(N)
  5657. }
  5658. }(), function() {
  5659. return function() {
  5660. p.b.focus()
  5661. }
  5662. }(), "", 0, 0)
  5663. }
  5664. }(B))
  5665. }
  5666. }
  5667. }(this);
  5668. b.Cf = function(p) {
  5669. return function(r) {
  5670. V.G({
  5671. cmd: "plugin",
  5672. channel:,
  5673. data: r
  5674. })
  5675. }
  5676. }(this);
  5677. = function(p) {
  5678. return function() {
  5679. p.t.yd("Change nickname", function() {
  5680. return function(r) {
  5681. r && p.t.send({
  5682. cmd: "text",
  5683. data: "/nick " + r
  5684. })
  5685. }
  5686. }())
  5687. }
  5688. }(this);
  5689. this.b = new X(c, !, this.a,
  5690. b, true, g ? this.a.tabColorPM : this.a.tabColorChannel);
  5691. this.b.f =;
  5692. this.b.uc(this.t.Xa);
  5693. pb(this.b.Ia, nd, this.b.Rd);
  5694. try {
  5695. this.b.n.ea.maxLength = 361
  5696. } catch (w) {}
  5697. if (! && od) {
  5698. this.b.U.Cd = od;
  5699. this.b.U.Ac = true
  5700. }! && this.a.noUListInChannels && pd(this.b, false);
  5701. if ( {
  5702. this.b.$[this.f.toLowerCase()] = this.f;
  5703. this.b.$[this.b.h.toLowerCase()] = this.b.h;
  5704. kb(this.b.n.da, this.f);
  5705. kb(this.b.n.da, this.b.h)
  5706. }
  5707. }
  5709. function qd(b) {
  5710. !Rc && ! && rd.match(">" + b.t.Sg + ">" + b.f, {
  5711. f: b.f,
  5712. h: b.t.Xa
  5713. }, function(c) {
  5714. return function(d) {
  5715. c.Ba(d)
  5716. }
  5717. }(b), function() {
  5718. return q()
  5719. }(b), function(c) {
  5720. return function() {
  5721. c.b.focus()
  5722. }
  5723. }(b))
  5724. }
  5725. Pc.prototype.Ba = function(b) {
  5726. if (this.Yb > 3) x && A("ChatChannel", "Max recurse. Bad alias? (" + b + ")" + this.Yb, C);
  5727. else {
  5728. this.Yb++;
  5729. if (b) {
  5730. var c = b.toLowerCase(),
  5731. d = b;
  5732. if (d.toLowerCase().substring(0, 4) == "/me ")
  5733. if ( || sd(this.b)) {
  5734. var e = d.substring(4);
  5735. if (e = td.apply(e, false, this.df)) {
  5736. c = {
  5737. cmd: "emote",
  5738. idd: true,
  5739. local: true,
  5740. emote: ud(this.ra, e),
  5741. nick: this.b.h
  5742. };
  5743. this.t.send({
  5744. cmd: "text",
  5745. chan: this.f,
  5746. data: "/me " + ud(this.ra, e)
  5747. });
  5748. this.b.Ma(c);
  5750. this.Yb--;
  5751. return false
  5752. }
  5753. } else {
  5754. this.Yb--;
  5755. return false
  5756. }
  5757. else if (d.substring(0,
  5758. 2) == "//" || d.substring(0, 1) != "/") {
  5759. if (d.substring(0, 2) == "//") d = d.substring(1, b.length);
  5760. if ((d = td.apply(d, false, this.df)) && ( || sd(this.b))) {
  5761. c = {
  5762. cmd: "msg",
  5763. nick: this.b.h,
  5764. local: true,
  5765. idd: true,
  5766. msg: ud(this.ra, d)
  5767. };
  5768. if (d.substring(0, 1) == "/") d = "/" + d;
  5769. if (this.a.parseChannels && d.match(/^([\s]*)\#([\S]+)([\s]*)$/g)) {
  5770. x && A("CHANNEL", "Matched regexp...", C);
  5771. var f = {
  5772. he: false
  5773. };
  5774. f.Zg = window.setTimeout(function(k) {
  5775. return function() {
  5776. k.t.send({
  5777. cmd: "text",
  5778. chan: k.f,
  5779. data: ud(k.ra, d)
  5780. });
  5781. f.he = true
  5782. }
  5783. }(this), 5E3);
  5784. c.channelclick = function(k) {
  5785. return function(l) {
  5786. if (!f.he) {
  5787. window.clearTimeout(f.Zg);
  5788. f.he = true;
  5789. var j = Y(k.b, "^^ " + l + " was not sent to this channel. Please use /join to join channels.", {}, k.a.colorSystem, null, false, k.b.k);
  5790. k.b.e("error", j)
  5791. }
  5792. k.b.w.eb(l)
  5793. }
  5794. }(this)
  5795. } else this.t.send({
  5796. cmd: "text",
  5797. chan: this.f,
  5798. data: ud(this.ra, d)
  5799. });
  5800. this.b.Ma(c);
  5802. }
  5803. this.Yb--;
  5804. return false
  5805. }
  5806. if (c.substring(0, 7) == "/style ") {
  5807. b = b.substring(7, b.length);
  5808. e = b.split(" ");
  5809. this.ra.reset();
  5810. for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
  5811. if (e[c] == "bold") this.ra.bold = true;
  5812. if (e[c] == "underline") this.ra.Ie = true;
  5813. var g = parseInt(e[c]);
  5814. if (!isNaN(g))
  5815. if (this.ra.jc ===
  5816. null) this.ra.jc = g;
  5817. else this.ra.rd = g
  5818. }
  5819. } else if (c == "/style") this.ra.reset();
  5820. else if (c == "/redraw") this.b.z();
  5821. else if (c == "/mute") {
  5822. vd = false;
  5823. e = Y(this.b, "Sounds off", {}, this.a.colorSystem, null, false, this.b.k);
  5824. this.b.e("sounds", e)
  5825. } else if (c == "/unmute") {
  5826. vd = true;
  5827. e = Y(this.b, "Sounds on", {}, this.a.colorSystem, null, false, this.b.k);
  5828. this.b.e("sounds", e)
  5829. } else if (c.substring(0, 7) == "/splay ") wd(b.substring(7, b.length));
  5830. else if (c.substring(0, 6) == "/echo ") this.b.Ma({
  5831. cmd: "msg",
  5832. nick: "*",
  5833. local: true,
  5834. idd: true,
  5835. msg: b.substring(6,
  5836. b.length)
  5837. });
  5838. else if (W && ! && c == "/permalink") {
  5839. e = PermalinkInfo.create(this.b.d, this.Mb.substring(10, this.Mb.length), this.f);
  5840. W && ea(W, {
  5841. element: e
  5842. })
  5843. } else if (c.substring(0, 7) == "/umode ") this.t.send({
  5844. cmd: "text",
  5845. chan: this.f,
  5846. data: "/mode " + this.b.h + " " + b.substring(7, b.length)
  5847. });
  5848. else if (c.substring(0, 7) == "/query ") {
  5849. e = b.substring(7, b.length);
  5850. g = null;
  5851. c = e.indexOf(" ");
  5852. if (c != -1) {
  5853. g = e.substring(c + 1, e.length);
  5854. e = e.substring(0, c)
  5855. }
  5856. c = {
  5857. channeltype: "pm",
  5858. userInitiated: true
  5859. };
  5860. = this.Mb + ":" + e.toLowerCase();
  5861. c.localchannel =
  5862. e;
  5863. $c(G,, c);
  5864. g && this.t.i[].Ba(g)
  5865. } else if (c.substring(0, 8) == "/minify ") {
  5866. e = b.substring(8, b.length);
  5867. V.G({
  5868. channel: "LinkManager",
  5869. cmd: "minify",
  5870. url: e,
  5871. returnchannel:
  5872. })
  5873. } else if (c.substring(0, 8) == "/server ") dd(G, b.substring(8, b.length));
  5874. else if (c == "/debug") xd();
  5875. else if (c == "/notify on") {
  5876. = true;
  5877. e = Y(this.b, "Notifications on", {}, this.a.colorSystem, null, false, this.b.k);
  5878. this.b.e("notify", e)
  5879. } else if (c == "/notify off") {
  5880. = false;
  5881. e = Y(this.b, "Notifications off", {}, this.a.colorSystem,
  5882. null, false, this.b.k);
  5883. this.b.e("notify", e)
  5884. } else if (c == "/togglemenu smilies") Ya(this.b.n, "smilies");
  5885. else if (c == "/togglemenu colors") Ya(this.b.n, "colors");
  5886. else if (c == "/togglemenu pastebin") Ya(this.b.n, "pastebin");
  5887. else if (c == "/togglemenu minify") Ya(this.b.n, "minify");
  5888. else if (c == "/ulshow") pd(this.b, true);
  5889. else if (c == "/ulhide") pd(this.b, false);
  5890. else if (c == "/help") yd(this.b, vc);
  5891. else if (c.substring(0, 8) == "/remove ") {
  5892. hc(, b.substring(8, b.length));
  5893. U(this.b)
  5894. } else if (c == "/clear") zd(this.b);
  5895. else if (c.substring(0,
  5896. 9) == "/showurl ") {
  5897. e = b.substring(9, b.length);
  5898. Sc(this.b, e)
  5899. } else if (c.substring(0, 8) == "/ignore ") {
  5900. e = b.substring(8, b.length);
  5901. kd(this.b, e, true)
  5902. } else if (c.substring(0, 10) == "/unignore ") {
  5903. e = b.substring(10, b.length);
  5904. kd(this.b, e, false)
  5905. } else if (c == "/pastebin") Xa(this.b.n, "pastebin");
  5906. else if (c.substring(0, 6) == "/bbon ") {
  5907. g = (new Date).getTime();
  5908. e = b.substring(6, b.length);
  5909. this.b.U.Xd[e] = true;
  5910. this.b.e("bb", Y(this.b, "Bridgebot on: " + e, {}, this.a.colorNotice, null, false, this.b.k, g))
  5911. } else if (c.substring(0, 7) == "/bboff ") {
  5912. g =
  5913. (new Date).getTime();
  5914. e = b.substring(7, b.length);
  5915. delete this.b.U.Xd[e];
  5916. this.b.e("bb", Y(this.b, "Bridgebot off: " + e, {}, this.a.colorNotice, null, false, this.b.k, g))
  5917. } else if (c == "/hints") {
  5918. g = (new Date).getTime();
  5919. var h = Ad(od, 20);
  5920. for (c = 0; c < h.length; c++) {
  5921. e = "Hint: " + h[c];
  5922. this.b.e("hints", Y(this.b, e, {}, this.a.colorNotice, null, false, this.b.k, g))
  5923. }
  5924. } else {
  5925. rd.match(b, {
  5926. f: this.f,
  5927. h: this.t.Xa
  5928. }, function(k) {
  5929. return function(l) {
  5930. k.Ba(l)
  5931. }
  5932. }(this), function(k) {
  5933. return function() {
  5934. k.t.send({
  5935. cmd: "text",
  5936. chan: k.f,
  5937. data: b
  5938. })
  5939. }
  5940. }(this), function(k) {
  5941. return function() {
  5942. k.b.focus()
  5943. }
  5944. }(this));
  5946. }
  5947. }
  5948. this.Yb--
  5949. }
  5950. };
  5951. = function(b) {
  5952. if (this.t.ya && ( || sd(this.b))) {
  5953. b != this.wc && V.G({
  5954. cmd: "typing",
  5955. channel:,
  5956. typing: b
  5957. });
  5958. var c = this.b;
  5959. c.c && Fa(c.c, c.h, b)
  5960. }
  5961. this.wc = b
  5962. };
  5963. Pc.prototype.remove = function(b) {
  5964. this.ya = false;
  5965. this.b.close();
  5966. Kc(S,;
  5967. Bd(this.t,;
  5968. if (b) this.W && Ib(Q,;
  5969. else this.W && Jb(Q,
  5970. };
  5971. Pc.prototype.ic = function() {
  5972. this.b.ic()
  5973. };
  5975. function ad(b) {
  5976. if (! && sd(b.b)) {
  5977. b.t.send({
  5978. cmd: "text",
  5979. chan: b.f,
  5980. data: "/part " + b.f
  5981. });
  5983. }
  5984. b.remove(false)
  5985. }
  5986. Pc.prototype.Ya = function(b) {
  5987. if (this.ya) try {
  5988. this.b.Ma(b);
  5989. if (b.nick == this.b.h && (b.cmd == "usermode" || b.cmd == "join") || b.cmd == "nicklist") {
  5990. var c = sd(this.b);
  5991. if (c) this.Ed = || ||
  5992. }
  5993. b.nick == this.b.h && b.cmd == "join" && qd(this);
  5994. if (b.cmd == "changenick" && b.nick.toLowerCase() == this.f.toLowerCase()) {
  5995. var d = this.Mb + ":" + b.newnick.toLowerCase();
  5996. (Q.l[d] ? true : false) && Ib(Q, d);
  5997. if (this.W) {
  5998. c = Q;
  5999. var e =;
  6000. if (c.l[e]) {
  6001. var f = c.l[e];
  6002. Nb(c, f);
  6003. = d;
  6004. Mb(c, f)
  6005. }
  6006. rb(this.W, b.newnick.toLowerCase())
  6007. }
  6008. delete this.b.$[this.f.toLowerCase()];
  6009. Kc(S,;
  6010. this.f = b.newnick.toLowerCase();
  6011. = d;
  6012. this.b.f =;
  6013. Jc(S,, this);
  6014. this.b.$[this.f.toLowerCase()] = this.f
  6015. }
  6016. if (this.a.showChannelTabUsers && this.b.c) {
  6017. var g = this.b.c.size();
  6018. rb(this.W, this.f + " (" + g + ")")
  6019. }
  6020. } catch (h) {
  6021. x && A("recv", h + "( " + b + " )", C)
  6022. }
  6023. };
  6024. Pc.prototype.Uc = function(b) {
  6025. x && A("ChatChannel", "prefsUpdated: " + b, K);
  6026. if (b && b == "CGMlayout") {
  6027. this.b.C();
  6028. U(this.b)
  6029. } else {
  6030. Cd(this.b);
  6031. this.b.z();
  6032. U(this.b);
  6033. = ? this.a.tabColorPM : this.a.tabColorChannel;
  6034. if (this.b.c) rb(this.W, this.f + (this.a.showChannelTabUsers ? " (" + this.b.c.size() + ")" : ""))
  6035. }
  6036. };
  6037. var nd = "For the latest news checkout the blog:";
  6039. function Oc(b, c, d, e) {
  6040. function f(k) {
  6041. return function() {
  6042. k.W &&;
  6043. T && T.alert("Server stuff !")
  6044. }
  6045. }
  6047. function g(k) {
  6048. return function(l) {
  6049. k.send({
  6050. cmd: "text",
  6051. chan: this.f,
  6052. data: "/join " + l
  6053. })
  6054. }
  6055. }
  6057. function h(k) {
  6058. return function() {
  6059. try {
  6060. if (!k.ya) return false;
  6061. k.Ba(k.b.n.ea.value)
  6062. } catch (l) {
  6063. x && A("IRCServerTab", "onsubmit " + l, C)
  6064. }
  6065. return false
  6066. }
  6067. }
  6068. this.Mb = this.f = c;
  6069. this.Xa = "unknown";
  6070. this.Ed = false;
  6071. this.ya = true;
  6072. this.ed = 1;
  6073. this.a = e;
  6074. this.Hh = new R;
  6075. this.k = new Zb(function(k) {
  6076. return function(l) {
  6077. k.send({
  6078. cmd: "text",
  6079. chan: k.f,
  6080. data: "/join " +
  6081. l
  6082. })
  6083. }
  6084. }(this), new Tb(new cc(new R), this.a), this.a);
  6085. = d;
  6086. this.i = {};
  6087. c = {};
  6088. c.Id = h(this);
  6089. c.eb = g(this);
  6090. c.M = f(this);
  6091. = function(k) {
  6092. return function() {
  6093. k.yd("Change nickname", function() {
  6094. return function(l) {
  6095. l && k.send({
  6096. cmd: "text",
  6097. data: "/nick " + l
  6098. })
  6099. }
  6100. }())
  6101. }
  6102. }(this);
  6103. if (b) {
  6104. = this.a.tabColorServer;
  6105. this.b = new X(b, false, this.a, c, false, this.a.tabColorServer);
  6106. pb(this.b.Ia, nd, this.b.Rd)
  6107. }
  6108. }
  6109. Oc.prototype.Ba = function(b) {
  6110. if (b) {
  6111. var c = b.toLowerCase();
  6112. if (c.substring(0, 7) == "/query ") {
  6113. var d = b.substring(7, b.length);
  6114. c = null;
  6115. var e = d.indexOf(" ");
  6116. if (e != -1) {
  6117. c = d.substring(e + 1, d.length);
  6118. d = d.substring(0, e)
  6119. }
  6120. e = {
  6121. channeltype: "pm",
  6122. userInitiated: true
  6123. };
  6124. = this.Mb + ":" + d.toLowerCase();
  6125. e.localchannel = d;
  6126. $c(G,, e);
  6127. if (c)(d = this.i[]) && d.Ba(c)
  6128. } else if (c == "/debug") xd();
  6129. else if (c == "/help") yd(this.b, vc);
  6130. else if (c == "/clear") zd(this.b);
  6131. else if (c == "/redraw") this.b.z();
  6132. else if (c == "/mute") {
  6133. vd = false;
  6134. c = Y(this.b, "Sounds off", {}, this.a.colorSystem, null, false, this.b.k);
  6135. this.b.e("sounds", c)
  6136. } else if (c == "/unmute") {
  6137. vd = true;
  6138. c = Y(this.b, "Sounds on", {}, this.a.colorSystem, null, false, this.b.k);
  6139. this.b.e("sounds", c)
  6140. } else if (c.substring(0, 7) == "/splay ") wd(b.substring(7, b.length));
  6141. else if (c.substring(0, 6) == "/echo ") this.b.Ma({
  6142. cmd: "msg",
  6143. nick: "*",
  6144. local: true,
  6145. idd: true,
  6146. msg: b.substring(6, b.length)
  6147. });
  6148. else if (c.substring(0, 7) == "/umode ") this.t.send({
  6149. cmd: "text",
  6150. chan: this.f,
  6151. data: "/mode " + this.b.h + " " + b.substring(7, b.length)
  6152. });
  6153. else if (c.substring(0, 8) == "/server ") dd(G, b.substring(8, b.length));
  6154. else if (c.substring(0, 9) == "/showurl ") {
  6155. c = b.substring(9, b.length);
  6156. Sc(this.b, c)
  6157. } else rd.match(b, {
  6158. f: "",
  6159. h: this.Xa
  6160. }, function(f) {
  6161. return function(g) {
  6162. f.Ba(g)
  6163. }
  6164. }(this), function(f) {
  6165. return function() {
  6166. f.send({
  6167. cmd: "text",
  6168. chan: f.f,
  6169. data: b
  6170. })
  6171. }
  6172. }(this))
  6173. }
  6174. };
  6175. Oc.prototype.close = q();
  6176. Oc.prototype.send = function(b) {
  6177. = this.f;
  6178. V.G(b)
  6179. };
  6180. Oc.prototype.Ya = function(b) {
  6181. this.ya = true;
  6182. try {
  6183. var c = false;
  6184. if (b.cmd == "whoisreply")
  6185. if (b.user) c = Dd(this, b);
  6186. else {
  6187. c = true;
  6188. this.b.Ma({
  6189. cmd: "log",
  6190. nick: "",
  6191. message: b.nick + " is away (" + b.away + ")"
  6192. })
  6193. }
  6194. if (b.cmd == "channellist" || b.cmd == "whowas" || b.cmd == "who" || b.cmd == "invite") c = Dd(this, b);
  6195. b.cmd == "whoisreply" && Xc(this, {
  6196. cmd: "userdetails",
  6197. nick: b.nick,
  6198. user: b.user,
  6199. host:
  6200. });
  6201. if ((b.cmd == "notice" || b.cmd == "ctcp") && this.a.noticesToActiveTab) c = Dd(this, b);
  6202. if (b.cmd == "error" && this.a.errorsToActiveTab) c = Dd(this, b);
  6203. if (b.cmd == "infobar" ||
  6204. b.cmd == "away" || b.cmd == "part" || b.cmd == "changenick" || b.cmd == "init") {
  6205. b.cmd == "infobar" && this.b.Ma(b);
  6206. Xc(this, b);
  6207. c = true
  6208. }
  6209. b.cmd == "nickprompt" && this.yd(b.reason, function(e) {
  6210. return function(f) {
  6211. f && e.send({
  6212. cmd: "text",
  6213. data: "/nick " + f
  6214. })
  6215. }
  6216. }(this));
  6217. if (b.cmd == "changenick") b.nick == this.Xa && Ed(this, b.newnick);
  6218. else if (b.cmd == "init") Ed(this, b.nick);
  6219. else if (b.cmd == "closedchannel") {
  6220. x && A("closedchannel", "cc cmd for : " + b.chan, K);
  6222. }
  6223. c || this.b.Ma(b)
  6224. } catch (d) {
  6225. x && A(this.f + " (recv)", d + " (" + b + ")", C)
  6226. }
  6227. };
  6229. function Ed(b, c) {
  6230. b.Xa = c;
  6231. b.b.uc(b.Xa)
  6232. }
  6234. function Dd(b, c) {
  6235. for (ch in b.i)
  6236. if (b.i.hasOwnProperty(ch))
  6237. if (b.i[ch] {
  6238. b.i[ch].Ya(c);
  6239. return true
  6240. }
  6241. return false
  6242. }
  6244. function Wc(b, c, d, e) {
  6245. || Fd(b.b, c, new xc(d, b.b.Me), e);
  6246. for (ch in b.i) b.i.hasOwnProperty(ch) && Fd(b.i[ch].b, c, new xc(d, b.b.Me), e)
  6247. }
  6249. function Vc(b, c) {
  6250. || hc(, c);
  6251. for (ch in b.i) b.i.hasOwnProperty(ch) && hc(b.i[ch], c)
  6252. }
  6254. function Xc(b, c) {
  6255. for (ch in b.i) b.i.hasOwnProperty(ch) && b.i[ch].Ya(c)
  6256. }
  6258. function Bd(b, c) {
  6259. x && A(b.f, "Removing channel: " + c, K);
  6260. delete b.i[c];
  6261. delete[c]
  6262. }
  6263. Oc.prototype.ic = function() {
  6264. this.ya = false;
  6265. this.b.ic();
  6266. for (ch in this.i) this.i.hasOwnProperty(ch) && this.i[ch].ic()
  6267. };
  6268. Oc.prototype.closed = function(b) {
  6269. this.ya = false;
  6270. Kc(S, this.f);
  6271. var c = (new Date).getTime();
  6272. this.b.e(Y(this.b, "- - - - Disconnected - - - -", {}, "red", null, false, this.k, c));
  6273. this.b.close();
  6274. if (b) this.W && Ib(Q, this.f);
  6275. else this.W && Jb(Q,;
  6276. for (ch in this.i) this.i.hasOwnProperty(ch) && this.i[ch].remove(false);
  6277. for (ch in this.i) this.i.hasOwnProperty(ch) && Bd(this, ch)
  6278. };
  6279. Oc.prototype.Uc = function() {
  6280. Cd(this.b);
  6281. this.b.z();
  6282. = this.a.tabColorServer
  6283. };
  6284. Oc.prototype.yd = function(b, c) {
  6285. b = window.prompt("Please choose a new nickname (" + b + ")");
  6286. c(b)
  6287. };
  6289. function Gd() {
  6290. this.Ec = []
  6291. }
  6292. Gd.prototype.clear = function() {
  6293. this.Ec = []
  6294. };
  6295. Gd.prototype.load = function(b) {
  6296. this.Ec = [];
  6297. for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) this.Ec.push(new jd(b[c]))
  6298. };
  6299. Gd.prototype.match = function(b, c, d, e, f) {
  6300. try {
  6301. for (var g = 0; g < this.Ec.length; g++)
  6302. if (this.Ec[g].exec(b, c, d, f)) return
  6303. } catch (h) {
  6304. x && A("aliases", "Issue running match " + h, K)
  6305. }
  6306. e && e()
  6307. };
  6308. Gd.prototype.prompt = function(b, c) {
  6309. c && c("")
  6310. };
  6312. function jd(b) {
  6313. this.od = b.match;
  6314. = b.command.split(/\s\|\s/)
  6315. }
  6317. function Hd(b, c, d, e) {
  6318. if (c == "") return e;
  6319. return c + (d ? " " : "") + e
  6320. }
  6321. jd.prototype.execCommand = function(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
  6322. for (var k = g; k <; k++) {
  6323. g =[k].split(/\s/);
  6324. var l = f,
  6325. j = true;
  6326. f = "";
  6327. for (var n = h; n < g.length; n++) {
  6328. var o = g[n];
  6329. if (!(n == 0 && o.toLowerCase() == "/say"))
  6330. if (o.match(/^\#?\$?\$\d+$/)) {
  6331. h = o.match(/^\#?\$?\$(\d+)$/)[1];
  6332. if (h > c.length || h < 1) {
  6333. if (o.match(/^\#?\$\$/)) {
  6334. l = "";
  6335. break
  6336. }
  6337. return false
  6338. }
  6339. l = Hd(this, l, j, (o.substring(0, 1) == "#" ? "#" : "") + c[h - 1]);
  6340. j = true
  6341. } else if (o.match(/^\$\d+\-\d+$/)) {
  6342. o = o.match(/^\$(\d+)\-(\d+)$/);
  6343. h = o[1];
  6344. o = o[2];
  6345. if (h > c.length || o > c.length || o < h ||
  6346. h < 1 || o < 1) return false;
  6347. for (h = h; h <= o; h++) {
  6348. l = Hd(this, l, j, c[h - 1]);
  6349. j = true
  6350. }
  6351. } else if (o.match(/^\$\d+\-$/)) {
  6352. h = o.match(/^\$(\d+)\-$/)[1];
  6353. if (h > c.length || h < 1) return false;
  6354. for (h = h; h <= c.length; h++) {
  6355. l = Hd(this, l, j, c[h - 1]);
  6356. j = true
  6357. }
  6358. } else if (o == "#") {
  6359. l = Hd(this, l, j, b.f);
  6360. j = true
  6361. } else if (o.match(/^\$me([\.\,\!\?]?)/i)) {
  6362. h = o.match(/^\$me([\.\,\!\?]?)/i);
  6363. l = Hd(this, l, j, b.h + h[1]);
  6364. j = true
  6365. } else if (o == "$?") {
  6366. f = function(w) {
  6367. return function(p) {
  6368. l = Hd(w, l, j, p);
  6369. w.execCommand(b, c, d, e, l, k, n + 1)
  6370. }
  6371. }(this);
  6372. Gd.prototype.prompt(this.od, f);
  6373. return true
  6374. } else if (o ==
  6375. "$+") j = false;
  6376. else {
  6377. if (o.substring(0, 2) == "\\u" || o.substring(0, 2) == "\\x") try {
  6378. l = Hd(this, l, j, String.fromCharCode(parseInt(o.substring(2, o.length), 16)))
  6379. } catch (s) {} else l = Hd(this, l, j, o);
  6380. j = true
  6381. }
  6382. }
  6383. l != "" && d(l);
  6384. h = 0
  6385. }
  6386. e && e();
  6387. return false
  6388. };
  6389. jd.prototype.exec = function(b, c, d, e) {
  6390. var f = b.split(/\s/);
  6391. if (this.od && f.length > 0 && (f[0].toLowerCase() == this.od.toLowerCase() || b.toLowerCase() == this.od.toLowerCase())) {
  6392. f.shift();
  6393. this.execCommand(c, f, d, e, "", 0, 0);
  6394. return true
  6395. }
  6396. return false
  6397. };
  6399. function Id(b, c, d, e) {
  6400. this.a = e;
  6401. this.window = b;
  6402. this.zd = false;
  6403. this.rh = 0;
  6404. this.nd = false;
  6405. = 0;
  6406. this.jf = c;
  6407. this.We = d;
  6408. this.Wb = function(f) {
  6409. window != window.parent && window.parent.postMessage && window.parent.postMessage(t(f), "*")
  6410. };
  6411. this.alert = function(f) {
  6412. if (this.a.windowAlertMaxFlashes == 0) return false;
  6413. if (this.nd) return false;
  6414. if (this.zd) return false;
  6415. this.window.document.title = "* " + f + " *";
  6416. this.nd = true;
  6417. = 0;
  6418. var g = true,
  6419. h = this.window.setInterval(function(k) {
  6420. return function() {
  6421. if (k.zd) {
  6422. k.window.document.title = k.jf;
  6423. k.nd = false;
  6424. k.window.clearInterval(h)
  6425. } else if ( > k.a.windowAlertMaxFlashes) {
  6426. k.window.document.title = "[ " + f + " ]";
  6427. k.nd = false;
  6428. k.window.clearInterval(h)
  6429. } else {
  6431. k.window.document.title = g ? k.We : "* " + f + " *";
  6432. g = !g
  6433. }
  6434. }
  6435. }(this), this.a.windowAlertPeriod);
  6436. return true
  6437. };
  6438. this.xg = 0;
  6439. this.Fc = function(f) {
  6440. this.xg++;
  6441. var g = function(k) {
  6442. return function() {
  6443. k.zd = true;
  6444. k.window.document.title = k.jf;
  6445. return true
  6446. }
  6447. }(this),
  6448. h = function(k) {
  6449. return function() {
  6450. k.zd = false;
  6451. k.window.document.title = k.We;
  6452. return true
  6453. }
  6454. }(this);
  6455. if (f.addEventListener) {
  6456. f.addEventListener("focus",
  6457. g, false);
  6458. f.addEventListener("blur", h, false)
  6459. } else {
  6460. f.attachEvent("onfocus", g);
  6461. f.attachEvent("onblur", h)
  6462. }
  6463. }
  6464. }
  6466. function Jd() {
  6467. this.hasFocus = true;
  6468. this.Qb = null;
  6469. this.Gd = {};
  6470. this.Jb = [];
  6471. this.Ib = {};
  6472. this.Bf = 0;
  6473. this.Fg = function(d, e) {
  6474. if (!this.hasFocus)
  6475. if (!this.Gd[d]) {
  6476. this.Gd[d] = e;
  6477. this.Jb.push(e);
  6478. this.update()
  6479. }
  6480. };
  6481. = function(d, e) {
  6482. if (!this.hasFocus) {
  6483. if (this.Ib[d]) this.Ib[d].rf++;
  6484. else this.Ib[d] = {
  6485. rf: 1,
  6486. ng: e
  6487. };
  6488. this.Bf++;
  6489. this.update()
  6490. }
  6491. };
  6492. this.update = function() {
  6493. this.Qb != null && this.Qb.cancel();
  6494. var d = "";
  6495. if (this.Jb.length > 0) {
  6496. d += this.Jb.length + " New PM" + (this.Jb.length == 1 ? "" : "s");
  6497. if (this.Jb.length < 4) {
  6498. d += " (";
  6499. for (var e = 0; e < this.Jb.length; e++) {
  6500. if (e >
  6501. 0) d += ", ";
  6502. d += this.Jb[e]
  6503. }
  6504. d += ")"
  6505. }
  6506. }
  6507. var f = "";
  6508. for (e in this.Ib)
  6509. if (this.Ib.hasOwnProperty(e))
  6510. if (!this.Gd[e]) {
  6511. if (f != "") f += ", ";
  6512. f += this.Ib[e].ng + "(" + this.Ib[e].rf + ")"
  6513. }
  6514. if (f != "") {
  6515. if (d != "") d += ", ";
  6516. d += "New chat from " + f
  6517. }
  6518. if (window.webkitNotifications && F.desktopNotifications)
  6519. if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() == 0) {
  6520. this.Qb = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification("", "Mibbit", d);
  6522. } else x && A("Notifications", "NO PERMISSION TO DISPLAY NOTIFICATIONS")
  6523. };
  6524. this.reset =
  6525. function() {
  6526. this.Qb != null && this.Qb.cancel();
  6527. this.Qb = null;
  6528. this.Gd = {};
  6529. this.Jb = [];
  6530. this.Ib = {};
  6531. this.Bf = 0
  6532. };
  6533. this.Fc = function(d, e, f) {
  6534. if (d.addEventListener) {
  6535. d.addEventListener("focus", e, false);
  6536. d.addEventListener("blur", f, false)
  6537. } else {
  6538. d.attachEvent("onfocus", e);
  6539. d.attachEvent("onblur", f)
  6540. }
  6541. };
  6542. var b = function(d) {
  6543. return function() {
  6544. d.hasFocus = true;
  6545. d.reset();
  6546. x && A("Notifications", "onfocus")
  6547. }
  6548. }(this),
  6549. c = function(d) {
  6550. return function() {
  6551. d.hasFocus = false;
  6552. x && A("Notifications", "onblur")
  6553. }
  6554. }(this);
  6555. this.Fc(window, b, c)
  6556. }
  6558. function md() {
  6559. this.Ie = this.bold = false;
  6560. this.rd = this.jc = null
  6561. }
  6562. md.prototype.reset = function() {
  6563. this.Ie = this.bold = false;
  6564. this.rd = this.jc = null
  6565. };
  6567. function ud(b, c) {
  6568. var d = "";
  6569. if (b.bold) d += "\u0002";
  6570. if (b.Ie) d += "\u001f";
  6571. var e = "";
  6572. if (b.jc != null) e += b.jc;
  6573. if (b.rd != null) e += "," + b.rd;
  6574. if (e != "") d += "\u0003" + e;
  6575. b = d.substring(d.length - 1, d.length);
  6576. e = c.substring(0, 1);
  6577. if (b >= "0" && b <= "9" && e >= "0" && e <= "9") d += " ";
  6578. d += c;
  6579. return d
  6580. }
  6582. function X(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
  6583. try {
  6584. this.Af = h;
  6585. this.Fd = this.ue = = false;
  6586. this.p = b;
  6587. this.a = d;
  6588. this.d = b.ownerDocument;
  6589. this.w = e;
  6590. this.aa = this.a.extraContentWidth;
  6591. this.U = new Kd(this);
  6592. this.h = "unknown";
  6593. this.$ = {};
  6594. this.ed = 0;
  6595. this.Lc = true;
  6596. this.Ve = f;
  6597. Cd(this);
  6598. = new R;
  6599. this.ob = new cc(new R);
  6600. this.ob = new Tb(this.ob, this.a);
  6601. if (!Rc) this.ob = new Zb(e.eb, this.ob, this.a);
  6602. this.ob = new ac(this.ob);
  6603. d = {};
  6604. = function(n) {
  6605. n = n.substring(6, n.length);
  6606. var o = "",
  6607. s = n.indexOf("/");
  6608. if (s != -1) {
  6609. o = n.substring(s + 1, n.length);
  6610. n = n.substring(0,
  6611. s);
  6612. if ("#&+".indexOf(o.substring(0, 1)) == -1) o = "#" + o
  6613. }
  6614. try {
  6615. s = "mib_" + Ld;
  6616. if (fd) s = fd;
  6617. var w = "",
  6618. p = "",
  6619. r = F.defaultCharset;
  6620. if (Md) {
  6621. var y = Md.rg;
  6622. if (y)
  6623. for (var z = 0; z < y.length; z++)
  6624. if (y[z].Sf == n) {
  6625. s = y[z].h;
  6626. w = y[z].Kg;
  6627. p = y[z].Tf;
  6628. r = y[z].charset;
  6629. break
  6630. }
  6631. }
  6632. Zc(G, n, s, w, o, false, false, p, r)
  6633. } catch (B) {}
  6634. };
  6635. this.Me = new Zb(e.eb, new Tb(new R, this.a, d), this.a);
  6636. this.Wf = new Zb(e.eb, new Tb(new cc(new R)), this.a);
  6637. f = {};
  6638. u(this.a, f);
  6639. f.yh = false;
  6640. this.Rd = new ac(new Zb(e.eb, new Tb(new cc(new R), f, d), this.a));
  6641. u({
  6642. border: "0",
  6643. fontSize: "13px",
  6644. position: "absolute",
  6645. textAlign: "left",
  6646. overflow: "hidden"
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  6649. left: 0,
  6650. right: 0,
  6651. top: Pb,
  6652. bottom: Qb
  6653. };
  6654. if (!O && this.a.useTabList) = this.a.tabListWidth;
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  6656. top: + "px",
  6657. bottom: + "px",
  6658. left: + "px",
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  6661. this.S = Nd(this);
  6662. u({
  6663. display: "block",
  6664. overflow: "auto",
  6665. overflowX: "hidden"
  6666. },;
  6667. if (kc) = "15px";
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  6670. u({
  6671. padding: "0",
  6672. margin: "0",
  6673. position: "absolute",
  6674. top: "0px",
  6675. left: "0px",
  6676. right: "0px",
  6677. overflow: "hidden"
  6678. },;
  6679. this.Ia = new mb(this.Fb, this.a, g);
  6680. b.appendChild(this.Fb);
  6681. if (c) {
  6682. this.oa = true;
  6683. this.X = this.d.createElement("div");
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  6686. right: "0px",
  6687. overflow: "auto",
  6688. overflowX: "hidden",
  6689. textAlign: "left"
  6690. },;
  6691. b.appendChild(this.X);
  6692. this.c = new ga(this.X, e.hh, this.a)
  6693. }
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  6697. overflow: "hidden",
  6698. bottom: "0px",
  6699. left: "0px",
  6700. right: "0px"
  6701. },;
  6702. e.zg = function(n) {
  6703. return function(o) {
  6704. n.w.Pg(o)
  6705. }
  6706. }(this);
  6707. e.Ld =
  6708. function(n) {
  6709. return function() {
  6710. n.Ld(true)
  6711. }
  6712. }(this);
  6713. = function(n) {
  6714. return function() {
  6715. n.Ld(false)
  6716. }
  6717. }(this);
  6718. e.Rg = function(n) {
  6719. return function() {
  6720. n.w.Qg(n.Tc.value())
  6721. }
  6722. }(this);
  6723. if (c) {
  6724. e.qf = function(n) {
  6725. return function() {
  6726. Od(n, !
  6727. }
  6728. }(this);
  6729. this.Z = this.d.createElement("div");
  6730. u({
  6731. position: "absolute",
  6732. right: "0px",
  6733. overflow: "auto",
  6734. overflowX: "hidden",
  6735. textAlign: "left"
  6736. },;
  6737. = "none";
  6738. = false;
  6739. b.appendChild(this.Z)
  6740. }
  6741. e.ig = function(n) {
  6742. return function(o, s) {
  6743. var w = n.c.c[o],
  6744. p = n.c.c[s];
  6745. if (n.a.chatInputTabSort ==
  6746. "idle" && w && p) {
  6747. if (w.Ha > p.Ha) return -1;
  6748. if (w.Ha < p.Ha) return 1
  6749. } else {
  6750. if (o < s) return -1;
  6751. if (o > s) return 1
  6752. }
  6753. return 0
  6754. }
  6755. }(this);
  6756. this.xd = this.d.createElement("form");
  6757. = "inline";
  6758. this.xd.setAttribute("accept-charset", "UTF-8");
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  6760. this.n = new Pa(this.ha, this.a, this.xd, e, this.a.showInputOptions && this.Ve);
  6761. b.appendChild(this.ha);
  6762. this.qb = Nd(this);
  6763. this.Tc = new tc(this.qb);
  6764. b.appendChild(this.qb);
  6765. = Nd(this);
  6766. = "white";
  6767. var k = function(n) {
  6768. return function(o) {
  6769. n.w.Cf &&
  6770. n.w.Cf(o)
  6771. }
  6772. }(this);
  6773. this.Fa = new mc(, this.a, k);
  6774. b.appendChild(;
  6775. this.ub = this.d.createElement("div");
  6776. u({
  6777. padding: "0",
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  6784. verticalAlign: "middle"
  6785. },;
  6786. this.ub.onclick = function(n) {
  6787. return function() {
  6788. e.Id();
  6789. hb(n.n.da);
  6790. n.focus()
  6791. }
  6792. }(this);
  6793. this.ub.appendChild(document.createTextNode(E.g("SendButton")));
  6794. b.appendChild(this.ub);
  6795. if (O) {
  6796. this.onresize = function(n) {
  6797. return function() {
  6798. Pd(n)
  6799. }
  6800. }(this);
  6801. window.attachEvent ?
  6802. window.attachEvent("onresize", this.onresize) : window.addEventListener("resize", this.onresize, false);
  6803. window.setTimeout(function(n) {
  6804. return function() {
  6805. n.C();
  6806. Pd(n)
  6807. }
  6808. }(this), 100)
  6809. }
  6811. function l(n) {
  6812. return function() {
  6813. n.focus()
  6814. }
  6815. }
  6816. = new ec(this.S, this.a, l(this));
  6817. for (b = 0; b < 40; b++) gc(, this.ed++, Y(this));
  6818. this.z();
  6819. U(this);
  6820. T && T.Fc(this.n.ea)
  6821. } catch (j) {
  6822. x && A("ChatGuiModule", j, C)
  6823. }
  6824. }
  6825. var Yc;
  6826. X.prototype.z = function() {
  6827. if (this.Lc) {
  6828. = false;
  6829. this.c && this.c.z();
  6831. this.n.Ad = this.a.showInputOptions && this.Ve;
  6832. this.n.z();
  6833. this.Ia.z();
  6834. u({
  6835. background: this.a.sendButtonBackground,
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  6837. color: this.a.sendButtonColor,
  6838. fontFamily: this.a.chatInputFontFamily,
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  6842. MozBorderRadius: this.a.chatInputRounding + "px",
  6843. WebkitBorderRadius: this.a.chatInputRounding + "px"
  6844. },
  6846. var b = {
  6847. background: this.a.chatPaneBackground,
  6848. border: "1px solid " + this.a.chatPaneBorder
  6849. };
  6850. b.borderRadius = this.a.chatPaneRounding + "px";
  6851. b.MozBorderRadius = this.a.chatPaneRounding + "px";
  6852. b.WebkitBorderRadius = this.a.chatPaneRounding + "px";
  6853. b.padding = this.a.chatPaneRounding + "px";
  6854. u(b,;
  6855. u(b,;
  6856. u(b,;
  6857. this.C()
  6858. } else = true
  6859. };
  6861. function Nd(b) {
  6862. b = b.d.createElement("div");
  6863. u({
  6864. position: "absolute",
  6865. overflow: "hidden",
  6866. display: "none",
  6867. left: "0px",
  6868. right: "0px"
  6869. },;
  6870. return b
  6871. }
  6873. function Qd(b, c) {
  6874. b.Ta = c;
  6875. b.a.hideULonEC && pd(b, !c);
  6876. b.C();
  6877. U(b)
  6878. }
  6879. X.prototype.Ld = function(b) {
  6880. this.Tc.Kd(b);
  6881. this.C();
  6882. U(this)
  6883. };
  6885. function pd(b, c) {
  6886. if (!b.Tc.vb()) {
  6887. c && && Od(b, false);
  6888. if (b.c) {
  6889. b.oa = c;
  6890. b.Hd = c;
  6891. b.C();
  6892. U(b)
  6893. }
  6894. }
  6895. }
  6897. function Od(b, c) {
  6898. if (!b.Tc.vb()) {
  6899. if (c && b.oa) {
  6900. b.Hd = true;
  6901. b.oa = false
  6902. }
  6903. if (!c && !b.oa && b.Hd) b.oa = true;
  6904. = c;
  6905. if ( {
  6906. for (; b.Z.firstChild;) b.Z.removeChild(b.Z.firstChild);
  6907. var d = function(f) {
  6908. return function() {
  6909. Od(f, false)
  6910. }
  6911. }(b);
  6913. function e(f, g, h) {
  6914. var k = f.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
  6915. u({
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  6927. k.appendChild(f.ownerDocument.createTextNode(g));
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  6934. k.onmouseout = function() {
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  6936. border: "1px solid #888",
  6937. background: "#ccc"
  6938. },
  6939. };
  6940. k.onclick = function() {
  6941. d();
  6942. h && h()
  6943. };
  6944. f.appendChild(k)
  6945. }
  6946. e(b.Z, b.Hd ? "Hide userlist" : "Show userlist", function(f) {
  6947. return function() {
  6948. pd(f, !f.Hd)
  6949. }
  6950. }(b));
  6951. e(b.Z, b.a.needSendButton ? "Hide send button" : "Show send button", function(f) {
  6952. return function() {
  6953. f.a.needSendButton = !f.a.needSendButton;
  6954. Rd(f.a)
  6955. }
  6956. }(b));
  6957. b.w.Hf && b.w.Hf(function(f) {
  6958. return function(g, h) {
  6959. e(f,
  6960. g, h)
  6961. }
  6962. }(b.Z), b.Z)
  6963. }
  6964. b.C();
  6965. U(b);
  6966. b.focus()
  6967. }
  6968. }
  6970. function U(b) {
  6971. b.S.scrollTop = b.S.scrollHeight
  6972. }
  6974. function Sd(b) {
  6975. return b.S.scrollTop + b.S.clientHeight >= b.S.scrollHeight - b.a.chatFontSize
  6976. }
  6977. X.prototype.focus = function() {
  6978. try {
  6979. this.n.ea.focus()
  6980. } catch (b) {}
  6981. };
  6983. function Td() {}
  6984. X.prototype.jd = function() {
  6985. if (!this.ld) {
  6986. this.ld = true;
  6988. }
  6989. };
  6991. function sd(b) {
  6992. if (b.c) return b.c.c[b.h];
  6993. return null
  6994. }
  6996. function zd(b) {
  6998. for (var c = 0; c < 40; c++) gc(, b.ed++, Y(b));
  6999. U(b)
  7000. }
  7001. X.prototype.e = function(b, c, d) {
  7002. var e = Sd(this);
  7003. if (!d && !this.Lc && this.a.showMarkers) this.ld || this.jd();
  7004. gc(, b + " " + this.ed++, c, d);
  7005. !d && e && U(this)
  7006. };
  7008. function yd(b, c) {
  7009. Fd(b, b.ed++, c)
  7010. }
  7012. function Fd(b, c, d, e) {
  7013. var f = Sd(b);
  7014. fc(, c, d, e);
  7015. f && U(b)
  7016. }
  7017. X.prototype.Gc = function() {
  7018. if (this.c) {
  7019. this.$ = {};
  7020. this.n.da.Rb = {};
  7021. this.U.Gc();
  7022. this.c.clear();
  7023. Cd(this)
  7024. } else {
  7025. delete this.$[this.h.toLowerCase()];
  7026. lb(this.n.da, this.h)
  7027. }
  7028. };
  7029. X.prototype.close = function() {
  7030. this.c && this.c.fe();
  7031. if (this.onresize) window.detachEvent ? window.detachEvent("onresize", this.onresize) : window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onresize, false)
  7032. };
  7034. function ld(b, c) {
  7035. return typeof b.U.Eb[c] != "undefined"
  7036. }
  7038. function kd(b, c, d) {
  7039. var e = null;
  7040. if (b.c) e = b.c.c[c];
  7041. if (d) {
  7042. b.U.Eb[c] = true;
  7043. if (e) {
  7044. e.yf = e.P;
  7045. Ka(e, {
  7046. name: "ignored",
  7047. title: "Ignored"
  7048. })
  7049. }
  7050. } else {
  7051. delete b.U.Eb[c];
  7052. e && e.yf && Ka(e, e.yf)
  7053. }
  7054. }
  7055. X.prototype.Bb = function(b) {
  7056. (this.Lc = b) && && this.z();
  7057. b && this.ue && this.C();
  7058. if (b) {
  7059. if (this.n.C() || this.Ia.C()) this.C()
  7060. } else if (this.ld) {
  7061. this.ld = false;
  7062. hc(, "--MARKER--")
  7063. }
  7064. try {
  7065. if (b) {
  7066. U(this);
  7067. window.setTimeout(function(d) {
  7068. return function() {
  7069. d.focus()
  7070. }
  7071. }(this), 200)
  7072. } else window.focus()
  7073. } catch (c) {
  7074. x && A("activecb", c, C)
  7075. }
  7076. };
  7077. X.prototype.C = function() {
  7078. if (this.Lc) {
  7079. this.ue = false;
  7080. try {
  7081. this.n.C();
  7082. this.Ia.C();
  7083. var b = true;
  7084. if (O) b = false;
  7085. var c = this.n.Va() + 2 + this.a.cgmMargins * 2,
  7086. d = this.Ia.Va(),
  7087. e = this.a.cgmMargins + d,
  7088. f = this.a.cgmMargins + 2 + this.a.userListWidth;
  7089. if (b) {
  7090. if (!this.Da) {
  7091. this.Da = this.d.createElement("div");
  7092. this.Da.onmousedown = function(j) {
  7093. return function(n) {
  7094. if (!n) n = window.event;
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  7096. = n.clientX;
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  7098. j.Ta && nc(j.Fa, true);
  7099. document.onmousemove = function() {
  7100. return function(o) {
  7101. if (!o) o = window.event;
  7102. j.a.userListWidth =
  7103. j.hg + ( - o.clientX);
  7104. if (j.a.userListWidth < 0) j.a.userListWidth = 0;
  7105. o = document.body.clientWidth - 2 - 2 - j.a.cgmMargins * 3;
  7106. if (j.Ta) o -= j.aa + 2 + j.a.cgmMargins;
  7107. if (!O && j.a.useTabList) o -= j.a.tabListWidth;
  7108. if (j.a.userListWidth > o) j.a.userListWidth = o;
  7109. j.C();
  7110. return false
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  7112. }();
  7113. document.onmouseup = function() {
  7114. j.Fd = false;
  7115. document.onmousemove = null;
  7116. document.onmouseup = null;
  7117. nc(j.Fa, false);
  7118. j.C();
  7119. U(j);
  7120. j.focus();
  7121. Rd(j.a, "CGMlayout")
  7122. };
  7123. return false
  7124. }
  7125. }(this);
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  7127. u({
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  7129. cursor: "move"
  7130. },;
  7131. this.Da.onmouseover = function() {
  7132. = "#888"
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  7134. this.Da.onmouseout = function() {
  7135. = "transparent"
  7136. }
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  7138. = this.a.cgmMargins + "px";
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  7152. overflow: "hidden"
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  7155. Ud(this, this.Fb, 1, 1, 0, 1);
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  7157. if (!O && this.a.useTabList) g += this.a.tabListWidth;
  7158. if (!this.Af || !this.Af.Eg) Adverts.Ug(g, this.a.cgmMargins + Pb);
  7159. u({
  7160. position: "absolute",
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  7165. right: (this.a.needSendButton ? f : 0) + "px"
  7166. },;
  7167. Ud(this, this.ha, 0, 1, 1, 1);
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  7170. = this.a.userListWidth -
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  7172. Ud(this, this.ub, 0, 1, 1, 0);
  7173. if (this.Tc.vb()) {
  7174. = e + "px";
  7175. = c + "px";
  7176. Ud(this, this.qb, 1, 1, 0, 1);
  7177. = "none";
  7178. if (this.oa) = "none";
  7179. if ( = "none";
  7180. if (this.Ta) = "none"
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  7313. O && Pd(this)
  7314. } catch (l) {
  7315. x && A("ChatGuiModule.layout", l, C)
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  7320. function Pd(b) {
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  7348. function Ud(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
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  7351. if (e) = b;
  7352. if (f) = b;
  7353. if (g) = b
  7354. }
  7355. X.prototype.ic = function() {
  7356. try {
  7357. var b = (new Date).getTime();
  7358. this.e("system", Y(this, "You have disconnected from the server", {}, "red", "system", false,, b));
  7359. this.Gc()
  7360. } catch (c) {
  7361. x && A("disconnected", "disconnected error... " + c, C)
  7362. }
  7363. };
  7364. var Vd = [{
  7365. Df: "parseYouTubes",
  7366. Cb: "youtube",
  7367. vd: "Show YouTube video",
  7368. P: "",
  7369. le: 42,
  7370. ke: 30,
  7371. match: /youtube\.com\/watch\?.*v\=([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]*)/i,
  7372. wd: true
  7373. }, {
  7374. Df: "parseGoogleViewer",
  7375. Cb: "gview",
  7376. vd: "gview",
  7377. match: /.*\.(pdf|ppt|doc|xls|xlsx|pptx|pages|ai|psd|dxf|svg|eps|ps|ttf|xps)/i,
  7378. re: "View next to chat",
  7379. wd: false
  7380. }];
  7382. function Wd(b, c) {
  7383. for (var d = 0; d < Vd.length; d++) {
  7384. var e = Vd[d],
  7385. f = c.match(e.match);
  7386. if (f) return {
  7387. le: e.le,
  7388. ke:,
  7389. P: e.P,
  7390. Cb: e.Cb,
  7391. vd: e.vd,
  7392. wd: e.wd,
  7393. match: f,
  7394. enabled: b.a && b.a[e.Df],
  7395. re:
  7396. }
  7397. }
  7398. return false
  7399. }
  7401. function Sc(b, c, d) {
  7402. var e = Wd(b, c);
  7403. if (e) {
  7404. Qd(b, true);
  7405. e.Cb == "youtube" && rc(b.Fa, e.match[1], c, function(f) {
  7406. return function() {
  7407. Qd(f, false)
  7408. }
  7409. }(b))
  7410. } else {
  7411. Qd(b, true);
  7412. e = function(f) {
  7413. return function() {
  7414. Qd(f, false)
  7415. }
  7416. }(b);
  7417. if (d) e = q();
  7418. pc(b.Fa, c, e, d)
  7419. }
  7420. }
  7422. function Cd(b) {
  7423. b.k = Xd(b, b.w);
  7424. if (b.a.parseSimple) b.Vc = new ac(b.Vc);
  7425. if (b.a.parseSmilies) b.Vc = new Xb(b.Vc, b.a);
  7426. if (b.a.parseLinks) b.Vc = new Tb(b.Vc, b.a, Yd(b));
  7427. x && A("createRenderer", "Created a new renderer", K)
  7428. }
  7430. function Yd(b) {
  7431. var c = {};
  7432. = function(d) {
  7433. return function(e, f) {
  7434. if (e[1]) {
  7435. Qd(d, true);
  7436. rc(d.Fa, e[1], f, function() {
  7437. Qd(d, false)
  7438. })
  7439. }
  7440. }
  7441. }(b);
  7442. c.web = function(d) {
  7443. return function(e) {
  7444. Qd(d, true);
  7445. pc(d.Fa, e, function() {
  7446. Qd(d, false)
  7447. })
  7448. }
  7449. }(b);
  7450. c.gview = function(d) {
  7451. return function(e) {
  7452. Qd(d, true);
  7453. qc(d.Fa, e, function() {
  7454. Qd(d, false)
  7455. })
  7456. }
  7457. }(b);
  7458. c.showImage = function(d) {
  7459. return function(e) {
  7460. Qd(d, true);
  7461. sc(d.Fa, e, function() {
  7462. Qd(d, false)
  7463. })
  7464. }
  7465. }(b);
  7466. c.mediaCheck = function(d) {
  7467. return function(e) {
  7468. e = Wd(d, e);
  7469. if (!e.enabled) return false;
  7470. return e
  7471. }
  7472. }(b);
  7473. c.ircLink =
  7474. function(d) {
  7475. d = d.substring(6, d.length);
  7476. var e = "",
  7477. f = d.indexOf("/");
  7478. if (f != -1) {
  7479. e = d.substring(f + 1, d.length);
  7480. d = d.substring(0, f);
  7481. if ("#&+".indexOf(e.substring(0, 1)) == -1) e = "#" + e
  7482. }
  7483. try {
  7484. var g = ed();
  7485. if (fd) g = fd;
  7486. var h = f = "",
  7487. k = F.defaultCharset;
  7488. if (Md) {
  7489. var l = Md.rg;
  7490. if (l)
  7491. for (var j = 0; j < l.length; j++)
  7492. if (l[j].Sf == d) {
  7493. g = l[j].h;
  7494. f = l[j].Kg;
  7495. h = l[j].Tf;
  7496. k = l[j].charset;
  7497. break
  7498. }
  7499. }
  7500. Zc(G, d, g, f, e, false, false, h, k)
  7501. } catch (n) {}
  7502. };
  7503. return c
  7504. }
  7506. function Xd(b, c) {
  7507. var d = new R;
  7508. if (b.xh) d = new dc(d);
  7509. if (b.a.parseSimple) d = new ac(d);
  7510. if (b.a.parseNicks) d = new Yb(b.$, d, function(e) {
  7511. return function(f, g) {
  7512. Zd(e, f, g)
  7513. }
  7514. }(b));
  7515. if (b.a.parseColor) d = new cc(d);
  7516. if (b.a.parseSmilies) d = new Xb(d, b.a);
  7517. if (b.a.parseChannels && c.eb) d = new Zb(c.eb, d, b.a);
  7518. if (b.a.parseLinks) d = new Tb(d, b.a, Yd(b));
  7519. return d
  7520. }
  7522. function Zd(b, c, d) {
  7523. try {
  7524. var e = c == b.h.toLowerCase();
  7525. = e ? b.a.nickHighlightMe : b.a.nickHighlight;
  7526. = e ? "bold" : "normal";
  7527. if (b.a.chatBackgroundHighlight) {
  7528. var f =,
  7529. g = b.a;
  7530. d.onmouseover = function() {
  7531. return function() {
  7532. c && ic(f, c.toLowerCase(), {
  7533. background: g.chatBackgroundHighlight
  7534. })
  7535. }
  7536. }();
  7537. d.onmouseout = function() {
  7538. return function() {
  7539. c && ic(f, c.toLowerCase(), {
  7540. background: g.chatBackground
  7541. })
  7542. }
  7543. }()
  7544. }
  7545. } catch (h) {}
  7546. }
  7548. function Y(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, j, n) {
  7549. e || (e = b.a.colorChat);
  7550. var o = b.a,
  7551. s = b.w.Dg,
  7552. w =,
  7553. p = n ? n : g ? b.a.nickColorMe : j ? b.a.nickColorGuest : l ? b.a.nickColorNotice : b.a.nickColor;
  7554. return {
  7555. tb: function(r) {
  7556. lc(w, r, o, f, p, s, e, h, c, d)
  7557. },
  7558. oc: function(r) {
  7559. w.oc(r, o, f, p, s)
  7560. },
  7561. pc: function(r) {
  7562. w.pc(r, o, k)
  7563. }
  7564. }
  7565. }
  7566. X.prototype.Ma = function(b) {
  7567. this.U.Ma(b)
  7568. };
  7569. var Bb = 94,
  7570. Pb = 120,
  7571. Qb = 0,
  7572. O = false;
  7573. X.prototype.Ae = function(b) {
  7574. this.Fa.Ae(b)
  7575. };
  7576. X.prototype.uc = function(b) {
  7577. this.h = b;
  7578. this.n.uc(b)
  7579. };
  7581. function Kd(b) {
  7582. this.b = b;
  7583. this.a = b.a;
  7584. = this.Ue = this.Te = true;
  7585. this.Ac = false;
  7586. = true;
  7587. this.F = {};
  7588. this.Eb = {};
  7589. this.Xd = [];
  7590. this.Jc = ""
  7591. }
  7592. Kd.prototype.Gc = function() {
  7593. this.F = {};
  7594. this.Eb = {}
  7595. };
  7596. Kd.prototype.Ma = function(b) {
  7597. try {
  7598. var c = (new Date).getTime(),
  7599. d =;
  7600. if (d) {
  7601. var e = d.indexOf(":", 10);
  7602. d = d.substring(e + 1, d.length)
  7603. }
  7604. if (b.cmd == "whoisreply") yd(this.b, new wc(b, this.a, this.b.Me));
  7605. else if (b.cmd == "motd" && this.a.showMOTD) {
  7606. var f = Y(this.b, b.motd, {}, "#888", null, false, this.b.k, c);
  7607. f.tb = function(N) {
  7608. var I = N.a;
  7609. return function(J) {
  7610. u({
  7611. overflow: "hidden",
  7612. fontFamily: "monospace",
  7613. paddingBottom: "1px",
  7614. paddingTop: "1px",
  7615. paddingLeft: "3px",
  7616. fontSize: I.chatFontSize + "px",
  7617. color: "#888",
  7618. background: I.chatBackground
  7619. },
  7621. J.setAttribute("valign", "top");
  7622. N.ob.reset();
  7623. N.ob.r += b.message;
  7624. N.ob.A(J)
  7625. }
  7626. }(this.b);
  7627. this.b.e("motd", f);
  7628. this.Ac && $d(this.Cd, b.message, this.b.$)
  7629. } else if (b.cmd == "infobar")
  7630. if (b.type == "announcement") this.b.Ia.Eh(b.message);
  7631. else {
  7632. if (b.type == "topic") {
  7633. pb(this.b.Ia, b.topic, this.b.Rd);
  7634. this.b.C()
  7635. }
  7636. }
  7637. else if (b.cmd == "whowas") {
  7638. var g = ">>> " + b.nick + " was " + b.user + "@" + + " " + b.realname;
  7639. this.b.e("whowas", Y(this.b, g, {}, this.a.colorNotice, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7640. } else if (b.cmd == "who") {
  7641. g = ">>> " + b.nick + " (" + b.user +
  7642. "@" + + " " + b.realname + ") " + b.serv + " (" + b.hops + " hops) " + b.chan + " " + b.flag;
  7643. this.b.e("who", Y(this.b, g, {}, this.a.colorNotice, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7644. } else if (b.cmd == "channellist") {
  7645. g = + " (" + b.users + ") " + b.topic;
  7646. this.b.e("channellist", Y(this.b, g, {}, this.a.colorNotice, null, false, this.b.Wf, c))
  7647. } else if (b.cmd == "invite") {
  7648. this.b.e(b.nick, Y(this.b, "%%% " + b.nick + " " + E.g("InviteText") + " " + b.localchannel, {}, this.a.colorInvite, null, false, this.b.k, c));
  7649. this.b.w.M && this.b.w.M()
  7650. } else if (b.cmd == "notice" && this.Ue) {
  7651. if (!ld(this.b,
  7652. b.nick)) {
  7653. this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, b.notice, {}, this.a.colorNotice, b.nick, b.nick == this.b.h, this.b.k, c, true));
  7654. this.b.w.M && this.b.w.M(b.notice.indexOf(this.b.h) != -1)
  7655. }
  7656. } else if (b.cmd == "ctcp" && this.a.showCTCP) {
  7657. if (!ld(this.b, b.nick)) {
  7658. this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b,, {}, this.a.colorNotice, b.nick, b.nick == this.b.h, this.b.k, c, true));
  7659. this.b.w.M && this.b.w.M( != -1)
  7660. }
  7661. } else if (b.cmd == "ban") this.a.showBans && this.b.e("::ban", Y(this.b, "--- " + + " " + E.g("BanText") + " " +
  7662. b.nick, {}, this.a.colorBan, null, false, this.b.k, c));
  7663. else if (b.cmd == "unban") this.a.showBans && this.b.e("::ban", Y(this.b, "--- " + + " " + E.g("UnbanText") + " " + b.nick, {}, this.a.colorBan, null, false, this.b.k, c));
  7664. else if (b.cmd == "typing") this.b.c ? Fa(this.b.c, b.nick, b.typing) : Ta(this.b.n, b.typing);
  7665. else if (b.cmd == "topic") {
  7666. this.Jc = b.topic;
  7667. this.b.e("::topic", Y(this.b, b.topic, {}, this.a.colorTopic, null, false, this.b.k));
  7668. if (b.nick) {
  7669. var h = new Date;
  7670. this.b.e("::topic", Y(this.b, E.g("TopicText") + " " + b.nick + " " + E.g("TopicText2") +
  7671. " " + h, {}, this.a.colorTopicWho, null, false, this.b.k))
  7672. }
  7673. this.Ac && ae(this.Cd, b.topic, this.b.$)
  7674. } else if (b.cmd == "topicwho") {
  7675. h = new Date;
  7676. h.setTime( * 1E3);
  7677. this.b.e("topic", Y(this.b, E.g("TopicText") + " " + b.creator + " " + E.g("TopicText2") + " " + h, {}, this.a.colorTopicWho, null, false, this.b.k))
  7678. } else if (b.cmd == "away") {
  7679. if (this.b.c && this.b.c.c[b.nick]) {
  7680. var k = this.b.c.c[b.nick];
  7681. if (b.reason) {
  7682. Ba(k, b.reason);
  7683. za(this.b.c, b.nick, false);
  7684. this.a.showAwaysBacks && this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, "--- " + b.nick + " " + E.g("AwayText") +
  7685. " (" + b.reason + ")", {}, this.a.colorAway, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7686. } else {
  7687. Ba(k, b.nick);
  7688. za(this.b.c, b.nick, true);
  7689. this.a.showAwaysBacks && this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, "--- " + b.nick + " " + E.g("BackText"), {}, this.a.colorBack, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7690. }
  7691. }
  7692. } else if (b.cmd == "msg") {
  7693. if (this.b.c) {
  7694. Fa(this.b.c, b.nick, false);
  7695. Aa(this.b.c, b.nick)
  7696. }
  7697. if (!ld(this.b, b.nick)) {
  7698. b.msg.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.b.h.toLowerCase()) != -1 && Tc("mentionednick");
  7699. Tc("newmsg");
  7700. T && T.Wb({
  7701. ae: "newmsg"
  7702. });
  7703. && bd &&, d);
  7704. var l =
  7705. c;
  7706. if (b.dtime) l = c - b.dtime;
  7707. b.local || (b.msg = td.apply(b.msg, true,, b.nick));
  7708. if (b.msg) {
  7709. c = false;
  7710. if (this.Xd[b.nick])
  7711. if (b.msg.substring(0, 3) == "[**") {
  7712. e = b.msg.indexOf(" ");
  7713. if (e != -1) {
  7714. this.Ma({
  7715. cmd: "emote",
  7716. nick: b.msg.substring(3, e),
  7717. emote: b.msg.substring(e + 1, b.msg.length - 2),
  7718. vh: "#844"
  7719. });
  7720. return
  7721. }
  7722. } else if (b.msg.substring(0, 1) == "[") {
  7723. e = b.msg.indexOf("]");
  7724. if (e != -1) {
  7725. b.nick = b.msg.substring(1, e);
  7726. b.msg = b.msg.substring(e + 2, b.msg.length);
  7727. c = "#844"
  7728. }
  7729. }
  7730. var j = this.b.k;
  7731. if (b.channelclick) {
  7732. e = {};
  7733. e.eb = b.channelclick;
  7734. j = Xd(this.b,
  7735. e)
  7736. }
  7737. this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, b.msg, typeof == "undefined" ? {} :, b.nick == this.b.h ? this.a.colorChatMe : this.a.colorChat, b.nick, b.nick == this.b.h, j, l, false, !b.idd, c));
  7738. this.b.w.M && this.b.w.M(b.msg.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.b.h.toLowerCase()) != -1)
  7739. }
  7740. }
  7741. this.Ac && $d(this.Cd, b.msg, this.b.$)
  7742. } else if (b.cmd == "emote") {
  7743. if (this.b.c) {
  7744. Fa(this.b.c, b.nick, false);
  7745. Aa(this.b.c, b.nick)
  7746. }
  7747. b.local || (b.emote = td.apply(b.emote, true,, b.nick));
  7748. if (b.emote && !ld(this.b, b.nick)) {
  7749. b.emote.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.b.h.toLowerCase()) !=
  7750. -1 && Tc("mentionednick");
  7751. Tc("newmsg");
  7752. T && T.Wb({
  7753. ae: "newmsg"
  7754. });
  7755. && bd &&, d);
  7756. this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, b.nick + " " + b.emote, {}, b.nick == this.b.h ? this.a.colorEmoteMe : this.a.colorEmote, null, b.nick == this.b.h, this.b.k, c, false, !b.idd));
  7757. this.b.w.M && this.b.w.M(b.emote.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.b.h.toLowerCase()) != -1)
  7758. }
  7759. this.Ac && $d(this.Cd, b.emote, this.b.$)
  7760. } else if (b.cmd == "rmsg") {
  7761. b.local || (b.msg = td.apply(b.msg, true,, b.nick));
  7762. b.msg && !ld(this.b, b.nick) && this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(),
  7763. Y(this.b, b.msg, {}, this.a.colorChatRecent, b.nick, false, this.b.k, c - b.dtime))
  7764. } else if (b.cmd == "remote") {
  7765. b.local || (b.emote = td.apply(b.emote, true,, b.nick));
  7766. b.emote && !ld(this.b, b.nick) && this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, b.nick + " " + b.emote, {}, this.a.colorEmoteRecent, null, false, this.b.k, c - b.dtime))
  7767. } else if (b.cmd == "mode") this.a.showUserModes && this.b.e("::mode", Y(this.b, "+++ " + b.msg, {}, this.a.colorUserMode, null, false, this.b.k, c));
  7768. else if (b.cmd == "usermode") {
  7769. function n(N, I, J, ka) {
  7770. return J + " " + E.g("ModeChange1") +
  7771. " " + E.g(N ? "ModeGiven" : "ModeTaken") + " " + I + " " + E.g(N ? "ModeTo" : "ModeFrom") + " " + ka
  7772. }
  7773. if (typeof b.owner != "undefined") {
  7774. this.b.c && Ca(this.b.c, b.nick, "owner", b.owner);
  7775. this.a.showUserModes && this.b.e("::mode", Y(this.b, "+++ " + n(b.owner, E.g("ModeOwner"),, b.nick), {}, this.a.colorUserMode, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7776. }
  7777. if (typeof b.admin != "undefined") {
  7778. this.b.c && Ca(this.b.c, b.nick, "admin", b.admin);
  7779. this.a.showUserModes && this.b.e("::mode", Y(this.b, "+++ " + n(b.admin, E.g("ModeAdmin"),, b.nick), {}, this.a.colorUserMode, null,
  7780. false, this.b.k, c))
  7781. }
  7782. if (typeof b.halfop != "undefined") {
  7783. this.b.c && Ca(this.b.c, b.nick, "halfop", b.halfop);
  7784. this.a.showUserModes && this.b.e("::mode", Y(this.b, "+++ " + n(b.halfop, E.g("ModeHalfop"),, b.nick), {}, this.a.colorUserMode, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7785. }
  7786. if (typeof b.op != "undefined") {
  7787. this.b.c && Ca(this.b.c, b.nick, "op", b.op);
  7788. this.a.showUserModes && this.b.e("::mode", Y(this.b, "+++ " + n(b.op, E.g("ModeOp"),, b.nick), {}, this.a.colorUserMode, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7789. }
  7790. if (typeof b.voice != "undefined") {
  7791. this.b.c && Ca(this.b.c,
  7792. b.nick, "voice", b.voice);
  7793. this.a.showUserModes && this.b.e("::mode", Y(this.b, "+++ " + n(b.voice, E.g("ModeVoice"),, b.nick), {}, this.a.colorUserMode, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7794. }
  7795. } else if (b.cmd == "nicklist") {
  7796. var o = [];
  7797. for (j = 0; j < b.nicks.length; j++) {
  7798. l = b.nicks[j];
  7799. var s = be(this, l.mibbituser, l.device),
  7800. w = {};
  7801. if ( w = ba(;
  7802. if (this.a.ciUserIcon && w.userIcon) s = {
  7803. title: "Custom icon",
  7804. src: w.userIcon
  7805. };
  7806. var p = l.nick;
  7807. if (l.mibbitaway) p = l.mibbitaway;
  7808. var r = {};
  7809. r.admin = !!l.admin;
  7810. r.op = !!l.op;
  7811. r.halfop = !!l.halfop;
  7812. r.voice = !!l.voice;
  7813. r.owner = !!l.owner;
  7814. = !l.mibbitaway;
  7815. if (this.b.c) {
  7816. var y = -1;
  7817. if (l.hasOwnProperty("idletime")) y = parseInt(l.idletime);
  7818. this.b.c.kd({
  7819. id: l.nick,
  7820. ci: w,
  7821. countrycode:,
  7822. localtime: l.ct,
  7823. timezone:,
  7824. nick: l.nick,
  7825. icon: s,
  7826. desc: p,
  7827. modes: r,
  7828. idleTime: y
  7829. })
  7830. }
  7831. this.b.$[l.nick.toLowerCase()] = l.nick;
  7832. kb(this.b.n.da, l.nick);
  7833. if (this.F[l.nick.toLowerCase()]) u({
  7834. device: l.device,
  7835. mibbituser: l.mibbituser,
  7836. embed: l.embed,
  7837. host:
  7838. }, this.F[l.nick.toLowerCase()]);
  7839. else this.F[l.nick.toLowerCase()] = {
  7840. device: l.device,
  7841. mibbituser: l.mibbituser,
  7842. embed: l.embed,
  7843. host:
  7844. }
  7845. }
  7846. this.b.c && Td(this.b, this.b.c.size() + " " + E.g("UserCount"))
  7847. } else if (b.cmd == "userinfo") {
  7848. var z = ? : b.nick;
  7849. s = be(this, b.mibbituser, b.device);
  7850. w = {};
  7851. if ( w = ba(;
  7852. if (this.a.ciUserIcon && w.userIcon) s = {
  7853. title: "Custom icon",
  7854. src: w.userIcon
  7855. };
  7856. p = b.nick;
  7857. if (b.mibbitaway) p = b.mibbitaway;
  7858. if (b.status) p = b.status;
  7859. if (this.b.c) {
  7860. y = -1;
  7861. if (b.hasOwnProperty("idletime")) y = parseInt(b.idletime);
  7862. var B = this.b.c.c[z];
  7863. if (B) {
  7864. B.Ic =;
  7865. B.te = parseInt(b.ct) - (new Date).getTime();
  7866. B.Ge =;
  7867. B.P = s;
  7868. B.description =
  7869. p;
  7870. B.Ha = Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1E3) - y;
  7871. = w;
  7872. = !b.mibbitaway;
  7873. if (b.hasOwnProperty("awaystate")) = !b.awaystate;
  7874. la(this.b.c, z);
  7875. B.z()
  7876. }
  7877. }
  7878. this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()].device = b.device;
  7879. this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()].embed = b.embed;
  7880. this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()].mibbituser = b.mibbituser
  7881. } else if (b.cmd == "join") {
  7882. Tc("userjoin");
  7883. T && T.Wb({
  7884. ae: "userjoin"
  7885. });
  7886. z = ? : b.nick;
  7887. s = be(this, b.mibbituser, b.device);
  7888. w = {};
  7889. if ( w = ba(;
  7890. if (this.a.ciUserIcon && w.userIcon) s = {
  7891. title: "Custom icon",
  7892. src: w.userIcon
  7893. };
  7894. p = b.nick;
  7895. if (b.mibbitaway) p = b.mibbitaway;
  7896. if (b.status) p = b.status;
  7897. if (this.b.c) {
  7898. y = -1;
  7899. if (b.hasOwnProperty("idletime")) y = parseInt(b.idletime);
  7900. r = {};
  7901. r.admin = false;
  7902. r.op = false;
  7903. r.halfop = false;
  7904. r.voice = false;
  7905. r.owner = false;
  7906. = !b.mibbitaway;
  7907. if (b.hasOwnProperty("awaystate")) = !b.awaystate;
  7908. this.b.c && this.b.c.kd({
  7909. id: z,
  7910. ci: w,
  7911. countrycode:,
  7912. localtime: b.ct,
  7913. timezone:,
  7914. nick: b.nick,
  7915. icon: s,
  7916. desc: p,
  7917. modes: r,
  7918. idleTime: y
  7919. });
  7920. Td(this.b, this.b.c.size() + " " + E.g("UserCount"))
  7921. }
  7922. if (this.a.showJoinsParts) {
  7923. g = "*** " + b.nick +
  7924. " " + E.g("JoinText") + (b.localchannel ? " " + b.localchannel : "");
  7925. if (this.a.showJoinInfo) {
  7926. g += " " + b.user + "@" + + " ";
  7927. if (b.mibbituser) {
  7928. if (b.device) g += " [" + b.device + "]";
  7929. g += b.embed ? " (Widget)" : " (Mibbit)"
  7930. }
  7931. }
  7932. this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, g, {}, this.a.colorJoin, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7933. }
  7934. this.b.$[z.toLowerCase()] = b.nick;
  7935. kb(this.b.n.da, b.nick);
  7936. this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()] = {
  7937. user: b.user,
  7938. host:,
  7939. device: b.device,
  7940. embed: b.embed,
  7941. mibbituser: b.mibbituser
  7942. }
  7943. } else if (b.cmd == "userdetails") {
  7944. if (this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()])
  7945. if (this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()]) {
  7946. this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()].user =
  7947. b.user;
  7948. this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()].host =
  7949. } else this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()] = {
  7950. user: b.user,
  7951. host:
  7952. }
  7953. } else if (b.cmd == "part") {
  7954. if (this.b.c && this.b.c.c[ ? : b.nick]) {
  7955. Tc("userpart");
  7956. T && T.Wb({
  7957. cmd: "userpart"
  7958. });
  7959. z = ? : b.nick;
  7961. Td(this.b, this.b.c.size() + " " + E.g("UserCount"));
  7962. delete this.b.$[z.toLowerCase()];
  7963. lb(this.b.n.da, b.nick);
  7964. delete this.F[z.toLowerCase()];
  7965. delete this.Eb[b.nick];
  7966. if (this.a.showJoinsParts) {
  7967. if (b.quit) g = "*** " + b.nick + " " + E.g("QuitText") + " (" + b.message + ")";
  7968. else {
  7969. g =
  7970. "*** " + b.nick + " " + E.g("LeftText");
  7971. g += b.localchannel ? " " + b.localchannel : ".";
  7972. if (b.message) g += " (" + b.message + ")"
  7973. }
  7974. if (this.a.showPartInfo) {
  7975. g += " " + b.user + "@" + + " ";
  7976. if (b.mibbituser) {
  7977. if (b.device) g += " [" + b.device + "]";
  7978. g += b.embed ? " (Widget)" : " (Mibbit)"
  7979. }
  7980. }
  7981. this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, g, {}, this.a.colorPart, null, false, this.b.k, c))
  7982. }
  7983. }
  7984. if (b.nick == this.b.h) {
  7985. this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, "!!! You left " + b.localchannel, {}, this.a.colorPart, null, false, this.b.k, c));
  7986. this.b.Gc()
  7987. }
  7988. } else if (b.cmd == "kick") {
  7989. if (this.b.c &&
  7990. this.b.c.c[b.nick]) {
  7991. Tc("userpart");
  7992. T && T.Wb({
  7993. ae: "userpart"
  7994. });
  7996. Td(this.b, this.b.c.size() + " " + E.g("UserCount"));
  7997. delete this.b.$[b.nick.toLowerCase()];
  7998. lb(this.b.n.da, b.nick);
  7999. delete this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()];
  8000. delete this.Eb[b.nick];
  8001. b.reason ? this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, "*** " + b.nick + " " + E.g("KickText") + " " + b.kicker + " (" + b.reason + ")", {}, this.a.colorKick, null, false, this.b.k, c)) : this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, "*** " + b.nick + " " + E.g("KickText") + " " + b.kicker, {}, this.a.colorKick,
  8002. null, false, this.b.k, c))
  8003. }
  8004. if (b.nick == this.b.h) {
  8005. this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, "!!! You have been kicked from " + b.localchannel, {}, this.a.colorKick, null, false, this.b.k, c));
  8006. this.b.Gc()
  8007. }
  8008. } else if (b.cmd == "init") {
  8009. this.b.uc(b.nick);
  8010. if (!this.b.c) {
  8011. this.b.$[b.nick.toLowerCase()] = b.nick;
  8012. kb(this.b.n.da, b.nick)
  8013. }
  8014. } else if (b.cmd == "changenick") {
  8015. if (this.b.c && this.b.c.c[b.nick]) {
  8016. o = this.b.c.c[b.nick];
  8017. o.description == b.nick && Ba(o, b.newnick);
  8018. Ea(this.b.c, b.nick, b.newnick)
  8019. }
  8020. if (ld(this.b, b.nick)) {
  8021. delete this.Eb[b.nick];
  8022. this.Eb[b.newnick] = true
  8023. }
  8024. if (this.b.$[b.nick.toLowerCase()]) {
  8025. this.b.$[b.newnick.toLowerCase()] = b.newnick;
  8026. kb(this.b.n.da, b.newnick);
  8027. this.b.e(b.nick.toLowerCase(), Y(this.b, "*** " + b.nick + " " + E.g("NickText") + " " + b.newnick, {}, this.a.colorChangeNick, null, false, this.b.k, c));
  8028. if (b.nick.toLowerCase() != b.newnick.toLowerCase()) {
  8029. delete this.b.$[b.nick.toLowerCase()];
  8030. lb(this.b.n.da, b.nick)
  8031. }
  8032. }
  8033. if (this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()]) {
  8034. this.F[b.newnick.toLowerCase()] = this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()];
  8035. delete this.F[b.nick.toLowerCase()]
  8036. }
  8037. b.nick ==
  8038. this.b.h && this.b.uc(b.newnick)
  8039. } else if (b.cmd == "log" && this.Te) {
  8040. this.b.e("::log", Y(this.b, b.message, {}, this.a.colorSystem, b.nick, false,, c));
  8041. this.b.w.M && this.b.w.M()
  8042. } else if (b.cmd == "error") {
  8043. this.b.e("::error", Y(this.b, b.msg, {}, this.a.colorSystem, "", false,, c));
  8044. this.b.w.M && this.b.w.M()
  8045. } else if (b.cmd == "pastereply") b.error ? this.b.e("::paste", Y(this.b, b.error, {}, this.a.colorNotice, "PasteBin", false, this.b.k, c, true)) : this.b.n.Ub("" + b.url + " ");
  8046. else if (b.cmd == "minifyreply") this.b.n.Ub("" +
  8047. b.uniq + " ");
  8048. else if (b.cmd == "removechat") {
  8049. if (this.a.allowChatRemoval) {
  8050. hc(, b.chatid);
  8051. U(this.b)
  8052. }
  8053. } else if (b.cmd == "banlist") {
  8054. h = new Date;
  8055. h.setTime(b.ctime * 1E3);
  8056. var H = Y(this.b, null, {}, this.a.colorBan, null, false, this.b.k);
  8057. H.tb = yc(b, this.a,;
  8058. this.b.e("banlist", H)
  8059. } else b.cmd == "plugin" && this.b.Ae(
  8060. } catch (P) {
  8061. x && A("cmh.process", t(b) + "|" + P, C)
  8062. }
  8063. };
  8065. function be(b, c, d) {
  8066. b = {
  8067. name: "user",
  8068. title: ""
  8069. };
  8070. if (c)
  8071. if (d)
  8072. if (d == "ipod") b = {
  8073. name: "ipod",
  8074. title: "iPod Mibbitian"
  8075. };
  8076. else if (d == "iphone") b = {
  8077. name: "iphone",
  8078. title: "iPhone Mibbitian"
  8079. };
  8080. else {
  8081. if (d == "wii") b = {
  8082. name: "wii",
  8083. title: "Wii Mibbitian"
  8084. }
  8085. } else b = {
  8086. name: "mibbituser",
  8087. title: "Mibbitian"
  8088. };
  8089. return b
  8090. }
  8092. function ce() {
  8093. = []
  8094. }
  8095. ce.prototype.load = function(b) {
  8096. = [];
  8097. for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) try {
  8099. reg: b[c].reg,
  8100. replacement: b[c].replacement,
  8101. replacein: b[c].replacein,
  8102. replaceout: b[c].replaceout,
  8103. block: b[c].block,
  8104. cmd: b[c].cmd
  8105. })
  8106. } catch (d) {}
  8107. };
  8108. ce.prototype.apply = function(b, c, d, e) {
  8109. for (var f = 0; f <; f++)
  8110. if (c &&[f].replacein || !c &&[f].replaceout) {
  8111. var g = new RegExp([f].reg, "g");
  8112. !Rc && d &&[f].cmd && g.test(b) && d([f].cmd,[f].reg, e);
  8113. x && A("filters.apply", "d=" + b + " isin=" + c + " block=" +[f].block, K);
  8114. if ([f].block) {
  8115. x && A("filters.apply", "block d=" + b + " rg=" + g + " match=" + g.test(b), K);
  8116. if (g.test(b)) return false
  8117. } else b = b.replace(g,[f].replacement)
  8118. }
  8119. return b
  8120. };
  8122. function u(b, c) {
  8123. for (v in b)
  8124. if (b.hasOwnProperty(v)) c[v] = b[v]
  8125. }
  8127. function nb(b) {
  8128. if (!b) return true;
  8129. try {
  8130. if (b.substring(0, 1) == "#") {
  8131. b = b.substring(1, b.length);
  8132. var c, d, e;
  8133. if (b.length == 6) {
  8134. e = parseInt(b.substring(0, 2), 16);
  8135. d = parseInt(b.substring(2, 4), 16);
  8136. c = parseInt(b.substring(4, 6), 16);
  8137. return e + d + c > 384
  8138. } else if (b.length == 3) {
  8139. e = parseInt(b.substring(0, 1), 16);
  8140. d = parseInt(b.substring(1, 2), 16);
  8141. c = parseInt(b.substring(2, 3), 16);
  8142. return e + d + c > 24
  8143. }
  8144. }
  8145. } catch (f) {}
  8146. return true
  8147. }
  8149. function de() {
  8150. if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
  8151. var b = /MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
  8152. if (b != null) return parseFloat(b[1])
  8153. }
  8154. return -1
  8155. }
  8157. function ee() {
  8158. = [];
  8159. this.Wd = [];
  8160. this.Qa = {}
  8161. }
  8163. function ae(b, c, d) {
  8164. $d(b, c, d);
  8165. if (c = c.match(/[^\s\#\!\@\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\-\=\{\}\[\]\:\;\"\'\,\.\/\<\>\?\~\|\\]+/g))
  8166. for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
  8167. var f = c[e].toLowerCase();
  8168. if (!d || !d[f])
  8169. if (" the and for are but not you all any can had her was one our out day get has him his how man new now old see two way who boy did its let put say she too use lol ftw hey that with have this will your from they know want been good much some time very when come here just like long make many more only over such take than them well were what book cool there their which ".indexOf(" " + f +
  8170. " ") == -1 && f.length >= 3 && !f.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
  8171. fe(b, f,;
  8172. > 15 &&
  8173. }
  8174. }
  8175. }
  8177. function fe(b, c, d) {
  8178. if (c) {
  8179. for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++)
  8180. if (d[b] == c) return;
  8181. d.push(c)
  8182. }
  8183. }
  8185. function $d(b, c, d) {
  8186. if (c = c.match(/[^\s\#\!\@\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\-\=\{\}\[\]\:\;\"\'\,\.\/\<\>\?\~\|\\]+/g))
  8187. for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++)
  8188. if (!d || !d[c[e].toLowerCase()]) {
  8189. var f = c[e];
  8190. f = f.toLowerCase();
  8191. if (!(" the and for are but not you all any can had her was one our out day get has him his how man new now old see two way who boy did its let put say she too use lol ftw hey that with have this will your from they know want been good much some time very when come here just like long make many more only over such take than them well were what book cool there their which ".indexOf(" " + f +
  8192. " ") != -1 || f.length < 3 || f.match(/^[0-9]+$/))) {
  8193. b.Wd.push(f);
  8194. if (b.Qa[f]) b.Qa[f]++;
  8195. else b.Qa[f] = 1;
  8196. if (b.Wd.length > 500) {
  8197. f = b.Wd.shift();
  8198. b.Qa[f]--;
  8199. b.Qa[f] == 0 && delete b.Qa[f]
  8200. }
  8201. }
  8202. }
  8203. }
  8205. function Ad(b, c) {
  8206. for (var d = [], e = 0; e < Math.min(, 15); e++) d.push([e]);
  8207. var f = {};
  8208. for (e = 0; e < c; e++) {
  8209. var g;
  8210. g = null;
  8211. var h = 0;
  8212. for (var k in b.Qa)
  8213. if (b.Qa.hasOwnProperty(k) && !f[k])
  8214. if (b.Qa[k] > h) {
  8215. h = b.Qa[k];
  8216. g = k
  8217. }
  8218. g = g;
  8219. if (g == null) break;
  8220. f[g] = b.Qa[g];
  8221. fe(b, g, d)
  8222. }
  8223. return d
  8224. }
  8225. var vd = true;
  8227. function Tc(b) {
  8228. F.sounds[b] && F.sounds[b].enabled && wd(F.sounds[b].sound)
  8229. }
  8231. function ge(b) {
  8232. if (b.substr(0, 7) == "http://" || b.substr(0, 8) == "https://") return b;
  8233. if (b.substr(0, 27) == "//") return "" + b.substr(27);
  8234. if (b.substr(0, 8) == "/sounds/") return "" + b;
  8235. return b
  8236. }
  8238. function wd(b) {
  8239. try {
  8240. if (vd) {
  8241. var c = "",
  8242. d = b.lastIndexOf(".");
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  8246. c = e;
  8247. b = b.substring(0, d)
  8248. }
  8249. }
  8250. if ("Audio" in window) {
  8251. var f = new Audio;
  8252. if (c == "") {
  8253. c = f.canPlayType && f.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/no/, "") ? ".ogg" : f.canPlayType && f.canPlayType("audio/mpeg;").replace(/no/, "") ? ".mp3" : f.canPlayType && f.canPlayType('audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2"').replace(/no/, "") ? ".m4a" : ".mp3";
  8254. x && A("Sounds", "Picked " + c + " for file " +
  8255. b, K)
  8256. }
  8257. f.src = ge(b + c);
  8258. f.autoplay = true;
  8259. &&
  8260. } else {
  8261. if (c == "") c = ".mp3";
  8262. var g = document.getElementById("current_sound");
  8263. g && g.parentNode.removeChild(g);
  8264. g = document.createElement("bgsound");
  8265. = "current_sound";
  8266. g.setAttribute("src", ge(b + c));
  8267. g.setAttribute("loop", 1);
  8268. document.appendChild(g)
  8269. }
  8270. }
  8271. } catch (h) {
  8272. x && A("Sounds", "Source " + b + " " + h, C)
  8273. }
  8274. }
  8275. var Ma = true,
  8276. he = false,
  8277. kc = false,
  8278. Rc = false,
  8279. ie = "WebSocket" in window ? true : false,
  8280. je = 12E4,
  8281. ke = 9E5,
  8282. le = 2E4,
  8283. me = null,
  8284. ne = [],
  8285. oe = 6,
  8286. F, V, S, pe, Ld, fd, qe = false,
  8287. re, Md, rd, td, W, od, G, x = false,
  8288. M = "FINE",
  8289. K = "INFO",
  8290. C = "WARNING",
  8291. se = {
  8292. FINE: "#aaa",
  8293. INFO: "#00f",
  8294. WARNING: "#f00"
  8295. };
  8297. function A(b, c, d) {
  8298. d == C && V.G({
  8299. cmd: "clientlog",
  8300. m: "WARNING :" + b + " : " + c
  8301. })
  8302. }
  8303. var te = {},
  8304. ue, Q, T, bd, ve = "",
  8305. Z;
  8306. window.onerror = function(b, c, d) {
  8307. x && te && A("onerror", b + " " + c + " :" + d, C)
  8308. };
  8310. function we(b) {
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  8314. return true
  8315. }
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  8318. if (!b) b = window.event;
  8319. return we(b)
  8320. }
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  8327. if (c.q[d].va) {
  8328. if (d == 0) break a;
  8329. Gb(c);
  8330. c.q[d - 1].open();
  8331. break
  8332. }
  8333. } else if (b.keyCode == 39) a: {
  8334. c = Q;
  8335. for (d = 0; d < c.q.length; d++)
  8336. if (c.q[d].va) {
  8337. if (d == c.q.length - 1) break a;
  8338. Gb(c);
  8339. c.q[d + 1].open();
  8340. break
  8341. }
  8342. }
  8343. else b.keyCode == 38 && Ob(Q)
  8344. } catch (e) {}
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  8346. }
  8347. return we(b)
  8348. }
  8349. document.onkeydown = ye;
  8350. document.onkeypress = xe;
  8352. function ze(b) {
  8353. V.Pa = b;
  8354. V.reset();
  8355. x && A("sessionSetHandler", "mysession=" + Ld + " s=" + b, K);
  8356. if (Ld) {
  8357. W.alert("Connection to Mibbit was lost.");
  8358. G.Gg();
  8359. Uc("")
  8360. }
  8361. Ld = b;
  8362. (new Date).getTime();
  8363. b = new Date;
  8364. var c = -b.getTimezoneOffset();
  8365. b = {
  8366. cmd: "clientinfo",
  8367. localtime: b.getTime() + c * 6E4,
  8368. tzoffset: c
  8369. };
  8370. x && A("sessionSetHandler", "ic = " + t(b), K);
  8371. V.G(b);
  8372. Ae()
  8373. }
  8375. function Be(b) {
  8376. x && A("ooHandler", "oo=" + b, K);
  8377. var c = document.getElementById("connlogo"),
  8378. d = document.getElementById("serverstatus");
  8379. = b ? "#aaa" : "#f00";
  8380. = b ? "inline" : "none";
  8381. b = b ? ve : E.g("MibbitDisconnected");
  8382. if (d.firstChild) d.firstChild.nodeValue = b;
  8383. else d.appendChild(document.createTextNode(b))
  8384. }
  8386. function Ce(b) {
  8387. try {
  8388. x && A("globalCHandler", t(b), K);
  8389. if (b.cmd == "serverstatus") {
  8390. var c = document.getElementById("serverstatus"),
  8391. d = b.status,
  8392. e = d.lastIndexOf(" ");
  8393. if (e) d = d.substring(0, e);
  8394. if (c.firstChild) c.firstChild.nodeValue = d;
  8395. else c.appendChild(document.createTextNode(d));
  8396. ve = d
  8397. } else if (b.cmd == "global") G.Og(b.msg);
  8398. else if (b.cmd == "ping") {
  8399. var f = (new Date).getTime();
  8400. f = Math.floor((f - b.ts) / 2);
  8401. De("lag: " + f + "ms");
  8402. ne.push(f);
  8403. ne.length > oe && ne.shift()
  8404. } else b.cmd == "lagtime" && cd(G, b)
  8405. } catch (g) {
  8406. x && A("globalCHandler", "Exception " +
  8407. g, C)
  8408. }
  8409. }
  8411. function Ae() {
  8412. x && A("checkLag", "Checking lag...", K);
  8413. me && window.clearTimeout(me);
  8414. me = window.setTimeout(function() {
  8415. me = null;
  8416. De("(TIMEOUT)")
  8417. }, le);
  8418. V.G({
  8419. cmd: "ping",
  8420. ts: (new Date).getTime()
  8421. });
  8422. return false
  8423. }
  8425. function Ee() {
  8426. for (var b = 0, c = 0; c < ne.length; c++) b += ne[c];
  8427. return b = Math.floor(b / ne.length)
  8428. }
  8430. function De(b) {
  8431. me && window.clearTimeout(me);
  8432. me = null;
  8433. var c = document.getElementById("laginfo");
  8434. c.onclick = Ae;
  8435. if (c.firstChild) c.firstChild.nodeValue = b;
  8436. else c.appendChild(document.createTextNode(b))
  8437. }
  8439. function Uc(b, c, d, e) {
  8440. var f = document.getElementById("clientstatus"),
  8441. g = document.getElementById("clientstatus" + b);
  8442. if (!g) {
  8443. g = document.createElement("span");
  8444. = "clientstatus" + b;
  8445. f.appendChild(g)
  8446. }
  8447. for (; g.firstChild;) g.removeChild(g.firstChild);
  8448. if (c + d + e > 0) {
  8449. g.appendChild(document.createTextNode(b.toUpperCase() + ": " + c + " "));
  8450. if (d + e > 0) {
  8451. b = document.createElement("span");
  8452. = "#880";
  8453. g.appendChild(b);
  8454. b.appendChild(document.createTextNode("+" + (d + e)))
  8455. }
  8456. }
  8457. }
  8459. function Fe(b, c) {
  8460. if (b.substring(0, 10) == "IRCClient:") return $c(G, b, c);
  8461. x && A("newCHandler", "New channel " + b + " (" + t(c) + ")", K);
  8462. return false
  8463. }
  8465. function Ge(b, c, d, e) {
  8466. if (b) {
  8467. b = document.createElement("span");
  8468. = "#666";
  8469. b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | "));
  8470. c.appendChild(b)
  8471. }
  8472. b = document.createElement("span");
  8473. u({
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  8476. color: "#aaa"
  8477. },;
  8478. b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(d));
  8479. c.appendChild(b);
  8480. b.onclick = e
  8481. }
  8483. function He(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
  8484. if (g && g.type == "Premium") {
  8485. qe = true;
  8486. Ie(true)
  8487. } else qe = false;
  8488. c = document.getElementById("loginstatus");
  8489. if (b) {
  8490. fd = d;
  8491. re = f;
  8492. Md = g;
  8493. x && A("lioHandler", "prefs=" + e, M);
  8494. F.reset();
  8495. F.load(e);
  8496. rd.load(F.aliases);
  8497. for (td.load(F.filters); c.firstChild;) c.removeChild(c.firstChild);
  8498. c.appendChild(document.createTextNode(d));
  8499. Ge(true, c, E.g("Menu_Logout"), function() {
  8500. Je(pe)
  8501. })
  8502. } else {
  8503. fd = null;
  8504. re = {};
  8505. x && A("lioHandler", "Logged out, reset defaultPrefs", M);
  8506. F.reset();
  8507. Rd(F);
  8508. for (Ie(false); c.firstChild;) c.removeChild(c.firstChild);
  8509. Ge(false, c, E.g("Menu_Login"), uGui.Vg);
  8510. Ge(true, c, E.g("Menu_Register"), uGui.Wg);
  8511. Jb(Q, ".XAccount");
  8512. Jb(Q, ".XChannels");
  8513. Jb(Q, ".XPrefs");
  8514. Jb(Q, ".XLogs");
  8515. Jb(Q, ".XProfile")
  8516. }
  8517. uGui.Je(b);
  8518. fa(W)
  8519. }
  8520. var Ke = false;
  8522. function Le() {
  8523. Ke = true;
  8524. Ie(qe)
  8525. }
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  8530. b.type = "text/javascript";
  8531. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b);
  8532. b = de();
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  8535. kc = true;
  8536. if (b < 7) he = true
  8537. }
  8538. try {
  8539. if (top.location != location) {
  8540. alert("The official Mibbit website is at Please update your links.");
  8541. top.location.href = document.location.href
  8542. }
  8543. } catch (c) {}
  8544. if (he) O = true;
  8545. od = new ee;
  8546. b = document.createElement("div");
  8547. = "errorlog";
  8548. document.body.appendChild(b);
  8549. W = new ca(b);
  8550. Nc.prototype.If = function(g, h) {
  8551. h && W.alert(g + ": " + h)
  8552. };
  8553. Nc.prototype.Jf = function(g, h, k) {
  8554. if (h) W.alert(g + ": " + h + (k ? "\r\n\r\n" + k : ""))
  8555. };
  8556. Nc.prototype.ce = function(g) {
  8557. W.alert("Are you sure you want to disconnect from " + g + "?", function(h) {
  8558. h && Qc(G, g)
  8559. })
  8560. };
  8561. Oc.prototype.yd = function(g, h) {
  8562. W.alert("Please pick a new nick: ", function(k) {
  8563. k && h(k)
  8564. }, true)
  8565. };
  8566. Gd.prototype.prompt =
  8567. function(g, h) {
  8568. W.alert("Alias " + g + ":", h, true)
  8569. };
  8570. rd = new Gd;
  8571. td = new ce;
  8572. G = new Nc;
  8573. F = new Ne;
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  8575. td.load(F.filters);
  8576. Q = new Ab(document.getElementById("tabs"), F, true, 6, 20);
  8577. Ie(false);
  8578. uGui.Je(false);
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  8580. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Nintendo Wii") != -1) F.needSendButton = true
  8581. } catch (d) {}
  8582. T = new Id(window, "Mibbit", "[ Mibbit ]", F);
  8583. T.Fc(window, "window");
  8584. T.Fc(window.document, "doc");
  8585. bd = new Jd;
  8586. He(false);
  8587. Oe(F, function() {
  8588. function g(h, k) {
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  8590. = F.tabColorGeneral;
  8591. k || (k = {});
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  8593. F.tabColorGeneral;
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  8595. h.H = k;
  8596. tb(h,
  8597. }
  8598. }
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  8602. icon: "/icons/house.png",
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  8605. });
  8606. g(".XChannels");
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  8611. });
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  8615. icon: "/icons/user_green.png"
  8616. });
  8617. g(".XAccount");
  8618. g(".XLogs");
  8619. g(".Log");
  8620. window.webkitNotifications && F.desktopNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() != 0 && W.alert("Desktop notifications are set in your prefs. Would you like to enable them for this chat backend?",
  8621. function(h) {
  8622. h && window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(q())
  8623. }, false)
  8624. });
  8625. Oe(F, function() {
  8626. uGui.Je(fd != null)
  8627. });
  8628. Oe(F, function(g) {
  8629. G.Uc(g)
  8630. });
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  8663. };
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  8672. }
  8673. }
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  8675. if ( == null) = "";
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  8687. host: "",
  8688. target: b
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  8693. = b.substring(0, e)
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  8701. b =":");
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  8708. }
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  8718. }, false);
  8719. Re(document.getElementById("ircconnectform2"), Z, function() {
  8720. Jb(Q, ".Connect")
  8721. }, "f_nick2");
  8722. Gb(Q);
  8724. }
  8725. S = new Dc("/j/mibbit", {
  8726. nch: Fe,
  8727. gph: Ce,
  8728. ooh: Be,
  8729. ssh: ze
  8730. });
  8731. V = new zc("/j/mibbit", {
  8732. recv: function(g) {
  8733. return function(h) {
  8734. Ic(g, h)
  8735. }
  8736. }(S),
  8737. psh: null
  8738. });
  8739. if (typeof VERSION == "undefined" || $("debug") != null) {
  8740. S.onerror = function(g) {
  8741. x && A("rcomms", g, M)
  8742. };
  8743. V.onerror = function(g) {
  8744. x && A("scomms", g, M)
  8745. }
  8746. }
  8747. if (("WebSocket" in window || "MozWebSocket" in window) && $("nowebsocket") == null) {
  8748. x && A("init", "Using Websocket...", K);
  8749. Mc(S, V)
  8750. }
  8751. pe = new Se(He, true);
  8752. Jc(S, "LoginManager", pe);
  8753. S.start();
  8754. De("-");
  8755. window.setInterval(Ae, je);
  8756. window.setInterval(function() {
  8757. V.G({
  8758. cmd: "clientlog",
  8759. m: "avg lag:" +
  8760. Ee() + (ie ? " WS" : "")
  8761. })
  8762. }, ke);
  8763. pe.Fe = function(g) {
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  8766. F.reset();
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  8770. h.appendChild(document.createTextNode(fd));
  8771. Ge(true, h, E.g("Menu_Logout"), function() {
  8772. Je(pe)
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  8777. for (g = document.getElementById("loginstatus"); g.firstChild;) g.removeChild(g.firstChild);
  8778. g.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Please wait..."))
  8779. }
  8780. };
  8781. pe.Yd = function(g) {
  8782. W.alert(g ?
  8783. "Your password has been changed successfuly" : "Invalid password. Please make sure it is 4-16 characters")
  8784. };
  8785. pe.Nc = function(g, h) {
  8786. x && A("loginCallback", "s=" + g + ", msg=" + h);
  8787. g || W.alert("Invalid login: " + h)
  8788. };
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  8792. window.clearInterval(loadingtimer)
  8793. }
  8794. window.onbeforeunload = function() {
  8795. if (F.confirmUnload) return "Any Chat Connections will be closed!"
  8796. };
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  8799. S.stop()
  8800. }
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  8815. pw: g,
  8816. msg: e
  8817. })
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  8835. Adverts.R && Adverts.Ee(!f)
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  8838. return true
  8839. }, {
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  8842. }, true, true);
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  8844. var h = (new Date).getTime();
  8845. ue.e("::log", Y(ue, f, {}, se[g], e, false,, h))
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  9170. return 0
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  9595. this.Qf = c;
  9596. = 31536E7;
  9597. = b;
  9598. this.qe = this.Vb = = false;
  9599. this.ih = this.Vd = this.Sd = null;
  9600. this.Se = true;
  9601. this.Fe = this.Yd = this.Xe = this.Ah = this.Nc = this.Oc = null;
  9602. window.setInterval(function(d) {
  9603. return function() {
  9604. if (d.qe) {
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  9613. f = unescape(e.substring(f + 5, g == -1 ?
  9614. e.length : g));
  9615. !d.qc && f != "" && !d.Vb && bf(d, f)
  9616. } else if (d.Vb) {
  9617. x && A("loginManager", "Logout", K);
  9618. Je(d)
  9619. }
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  9635. e[f].authmethod : "";
  9636. if (Md) {
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  9639. for (var s = 0; s < o.length; s++)
  9640. if (o[s].addr == g) {
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  9642. if (l == "") l = o[s].pass;
  9643. if (n == "") n = o[s].authmethod;
  9644. if (j == "") j = o[s].charset;
  9645. break
  9646. }
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  9652. if (j == "") j = F.defaultCharset;
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  9654. } else if (e[f].cmd == "reload") {
  9655. x && A("loginManager", "Requesting a reload... " + d.Sd, K);
  9656. !d.qc && d.Vd && cf(d, d.Vd)
  9657. }
  9658. }
  9659. }
  9660. }
  9661. }(this), 500)
  9662. }
  9663. Se.prototype.Sc = function() {
  9664. x && A("loginManager", "ONLINE", K);
  9665. this.qe = true;
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  9667. channel: "LoginManager",
  9668. cmd: "guest"
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  9672. V.G(b)
  9673. };
  9675. function Gc(b) {
  9676. x && A("loginManager", "OFFLINE", K);
  9677. b.qe = false;
  9678. b.qc = false;
  9679. = false;
  9680. df(b, false)
  9681. }
  9682. Se.prototype.Ya = function(b) {
  9683. try {
  9684. if (b.cmd == "loginreply") {
  9685. this.qc = false;
  9686. this.Oc && this.Oc(false);
  9687. if ( == "failure") {
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  9690. document.cookie = "uid=; expires=" + c.toGMTString() + "; path=/";
  9691. this.Nc && this.Nc(false, b.reason);
  9692. &&
  9693. } else if ( == "success") {
  9694. this.Nc && this.Nc(true);
  9695. var d = {};
  9696. if (b.profile) d = ba(b.profile);
  9697. c = {};
  9698. if (b.account) c = ba(b.account);
  9699. var e = b.uid,
  9700. f = b.aid,
  9701. g = b.username,
  9702. h = b.prefs;
  9703. b = d;
  9704. c = c;
  9705. this.Vb = true;
  9706. this.Sd = e;
  9707. this.Vd =
  9708. f;
  9709. this.ih = g;
  9710. this.a = h;
  9711. if (this.Qf) {
  9712. var k = new Date;
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  9715. document.cookie = "uid=; expires=" + k.toGMTString() + "; path=/;";
  9716. k = new Date(k.getTime() +;
  9717. document.cookie = typeof VERSION == "undefined" ? "uid=" + this.Sd + (this.Se ? "; expires=" + k.toGMTString() : "") + "; path=/;" : "uid=" + this.Sd + (this.Se ? "; expires=" + k.toGMTString() : "") + "; path=/;"
  9718. }
  9719. &&,
  9720. f, g, h, b, c)
  9721. }
  9722. } else if (b.cmd == "chgusernamereply") this.Xe && this.Xe(b.success);
  9723. else if (b.cmd == "chgpasswordreply") this.Yd && this.Yd(b.success);
  9724. else if (b.cmd == "loggedout") df(this, true);
  9725. else if (b.cmd == "settings") {
  9726. this.qc = false;
  9727. this.Fe && this.Fe(b.prefs)
  9728. }
  9729. } catch (l) {}
  9730. };
  9732. function df(b, c) {
  9733. b.Vb = false;
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  9738. document.cookie = "uid=; expires=" + c.toGMTString() + "; path=/;"
  9739. }
  9740. &&
  9741. }
  9743. function bf(b, c) {
  9744. if (!b.Vb) {
  9745. b.qc = true;
  9746. b.Oc && b.Oc(true);
  9747. V.G({
  9748. channel: "LoginManager",
  9749. cmd: "continue",
  9750. uid: c
  9751. })
  9752. }
  9753. }
  9755. function cf(b, c) {
  9756. b.qc = true;
  9757. V.G({
  9758. channel: "LoginManager",
  9759. cmd: "loadprefs",
  9760. settings: c
  9761. })
  9762. }
  9764. function Je(b) {
  9765. b.Vb && V.G({
  9766. channel: "LoginManager",
  9767. cmd: "logout"
  9768. })
  9769. }
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  10175. x && A("UserPrefs", "Loading prefs (" + b + ")", K);
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  10177. try {
  10178. this.autoconnects = [];
  10179. for (var e in d) {
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  10181. if (e == "autoconnects" && f) {
  10182. this.autoconnects = f;
  10183. x && A("UserPrefs", "Loading autos (" + this.autoconnects + ") " + this.autoconnects.length, K)
  10184. } else if (e == "sounds") u(f, this[e]);
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  10187. this[e] = f
  10188. }
  10189. }
  10190. } catch (g) {
  10191. x && A("UserPrefs", g, C)
  10192. }
  10193. c || Rd(this)
  10194. } catch (h) {
  10195. x && A("UserPrefs", h, C)
  10196. }
  10197. };
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  10200. function Oe(b, c) {
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  10203. }
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  10208. b.Mc[d](c)
  10209. } catch (e) {
  10210. x && A("UserPrefs", e, C)
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  10267. var d = gf(this);
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  10270. jf(this, d.insertRow(-1), "Sex",
  10271. "sex");
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  10281. d.onclick = function() {
  10282. return function() {
  10283. pe.Vb && V.G({
  10284. channel: "LoginManager",
  10285. cmd: "profile",
  10286. profile: re
  10287. });
  10288. Jb(Q, ".XProfile")
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  10294. c.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode("This profile data is public and will be shown in a /whois."));
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  10347. value: typeof re[e] == "undefined" ? "" : re[e]
  10348. }, h);
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  10350. return function() {
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  10402. try {
  10403. var h;
  10404. var k = Q;
  10405. if (k.l[b]) {
  10406. Gb(k);
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  10408. h = true
  10409. } else h = false;
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  10419. = F.tabColorGeneral;
  10420. Lb(Q, b, j, c, d, null, n, g, f, e);
  10421. return j
  10422. }
  10423. } catch (o) {
  10424. x && A("showUserTab", "e=" + o)
  10425. }
  10426. }
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  10452. Kc: 16,
  10453. Tb: 16,
  10454. P: ""
  10455. });
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  10478. Kc: 16,
  10479. Tb: 16,
  10480. P: ""
  10481. });
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  10504. }
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  10507. function af() {
  10508. var b = Pe(".XLogs", "Logs", "Logs", true, false);
  10509. if (b) var c = new ef(b);
  10510. logHandler.Kh = c;
  10511. logHandler.load()
  10512. };
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