
Pastebin Monday

Feb 22nd, 2016
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  1. I didn’t think I’d ever be writing a pastebin on a Monday, but this is a pastebin and today is monday. At least in the time zone I’m in, where it’s 12 at the time of whiting this. Seeing as it’s 12, I haven’t slept in 26 hours because I forfeited sleeping last night to a pb. Glad I did though, I’m really happy to just play after 1-2, and very happy to have pbed. But as a result of that, I’m really tired, and making a lot of typos (I hope I correct them before finishing this). I’d really wanted sub 4:30, but at least I saved almost 3 minutes off my old pb. And I can get sub 4:30 next pb. That next pb may not be for a while though. I probably won’t do runs for a few days, and then I’ll be doing runs less often. I’m really tired, and have school for too many hours a day so I won’t do runs in the next few days. I’d also like to start practicing chapters 6 and 7 before doing more runs because those were just so bad in my pb. And then runs will be less frequent because school. I haven’t had school the past week (the morning before returning to school was the perfect time to spend 7 hours doing runs instead of sleeping) and was able to do a lot of practice and runs during this time. I’m glad I was able to do this, but school will probably interfere with running spm more then I’d like in the future. Unfortunately there isn’t much I can do about that.
  3. SGDQ:
  4. As far as I know, no one is submitting spm. And I suspect no one will. That said, if no one else does, I intend to. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s accepted. Contrary to what seems, at least to me, to be popular belief, there is much to discuss and explain in an spm run. I don’t intend to specify everything there is to be said of an spm run in this pastebin, but thudley jumps alone would be much to discuss, considering how many places they can be used.
  5. While I think the game would have a chance of being accepted, that of me being able to go to sgdq is a pixl required to complete 2-3 (slim). Sgdq is in Minneapolis, and I live a few hundred miles away in New York. While I won’t have school at the time of sgdq, I really don’t know what I will be doing then, so not really able to determine whether I can go. It would also be expensive, and I’d need to ensure my parents don’t object to my traveling to Minneapolis to play a video game for 4.5 hours.
  6. If spm is rejected, I definitely won’t go.
  9. Other random things:
  12. I’m disappointed Senator Sanders wasn’t assigned more delegates in Nevada. Hopefully Super Tuesday will go well.
  14. I get pain in my left leg and back from sitting for extended periods of time, and that made doing runs somewhat difficult. I often stand for a large portion of the run, but I can’t really do that when mashing text. Going for lsj has caused me to mash text for 8 minutes, get a 4 minute break, and then repeat. This really doesn’t help, and makes going for lsj just so much worse.
  16. I’ve been told by several people that my stream quality is bad and that my mic is too quite. I didn’t really care until I watched my own stream, and understood what was being referred to. I don’t really know how to fix that, but I’ll try to at some point.
  18. I had to interrupt writing this pastebin because of classes at school, and never finished until I got home, now, 7:30, and I still haven’t slept since 10 am yesterday (unless you count falling asleep during class).
  20. I think I corrected all the typos.
  22. If you read this, you wasted your time, but thank you?
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