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a guest
Feb 17th, 2020
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  1. every 5 seconds:
  2. if {robberstopholo} is set:
  3. set {_1st::Place} to 0
  4. set {_2nd::Place} to 0
  5. set {_3rd::Place} to 0
  6. set {_4th::Place} to 0
  7. set {_5th::Place} to 0
  8. if {_1st} is not set:
  9. set {_1st} to "None"
  10. if {_2nd} is not set:
  11. set {_2nd} to "None"
  12. if {_3rd} is not set:
  13. set {_3rd} to "None"
  14. if {_4th} is not set:
  15. set {_4th} to "None"
  16. if {_5th} is not set:
  17. set {_5th} to "None"
  18. loop {toprobbers::*}:
  19. if loop-value is more than {_1st::Place}:
  20. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  21. set {_5th::Place} to {_4th::Place}
  22. set {_4th} to {_3rd}
  23. set {_4th::Place} to {_3rd::Place}
  24. set {_3rd} to {_2nd}
  25. set {_3rd::Place} to {_2nd::Place}
  26. set {_2nd} to {_1st}
  27. set {_2nd::Place} to {_1st::Place}
  28. set {_1st} to loop-index
  29. set {_1st::Place} to loop-value
  30. else if loop-value is more than {_2nd::Place}:
  31. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  32. set {_5th::Place} to {_4th::Place}
  33. set {_4th} to {_3rd}
  34. set {_4th::Place} to {_3rd::Place}
  35. set {_3rd} to {_2nd}
  36. set {_3rd::Place} to {_2nd::Place}
  37. set {_2nd} to loop-index
  38. set {_2nd::Place} to loop-value
  39. else if loop-value is more than {_3rd::Place}:
  40. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  41. set {_5th::Place} to {_4th::Place}
  42. set {_4th} to {_3rd}
  43. set {_4th::Place} to {_3rd::Place}
  44. set {_3rd} to loop-index
  45. set {_3rd::Place} to loop-value
  46. else if loop-value is more than {_4th::Place}:
  47. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  48. set {_5th::Place} to {_4th::Place}
  49. set {_4th} to loop-index
  50. set {_4th::Place} to loop-value
  51. else if loop-value is more than {_5th::Place}:
  52. set {_5th} to loop-index
  53. set {5th::Place} to loop-value
  54. delete {1st::{Player}
  55. delete {2nd::Player}
  56. delete {3rd::Player}
  57. delete {4th::Player}
  58. delete {5th::Player}
  59. set {1st::Player} to "%{_1st}%" to parsed as offlineplayer
  60. set {2nd::Player} to "%{_2nd}%" to parsed as offlineplayer
  61. set {3rd::Player} to "%{_3rd}%" to parsed as offlineplayer
  62. set {4th::Player} to "%{_4th}%" to parsed as offlineplayer
  63. set {5th::Player} to "%{_5th}%" to parsed as offlineplayer
  64. create hologram "&b&l&nRobbers&r&3&l&nTop&r;&8&m-------------------;&71## &f%{_1st::Player}% &8» &a%{_1st::Place}%;&72## &f%{_2nd::Player}% &8» &a%{_2nd::Place}%;&73## &f%{_3rd::Player}% &8» &a%{_3rd::Place}%;&74## &f%{_4th::Player}% &8» &a%{_4th::Place}%;&75## &f%{_5th::Player}% &8» &a%{_5th::Place}%;&8&m-------------------;;&7&nUpdates Every 5 Seconds&r" at block above above above above {robberstopholo} for 5 seconds
  66. on load:
  67. loop all players:
  68. if {Toprobbers::%uuid of loop-player%} is not set:
  69. set {Toprobbers::%uuid of loop-player%} to 0
  71. command /holo [<text>] [<text>]:
  72. trigger:
  73. if player is op:
  74. if arg 1 is not set:
  75. send ""
  76. send "&7Usage: &f/Holo set <robberstop>"
  77. send ""
  78. else if arg 1 is "set":
  79. if arg 2 is "robberstop":
  80. set {robberstopholo} to location of player
  81. send "&b&lHOLO: &fRobberstop holo &7has been set"
  82. else:
  83. send "&4&lSORRY! &cYou do not have permission to execute this command"
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