
Handyman in Equestria CH 3

Jul 24th, 2013
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  1. >You awaken in your bed, seems you've actually managed to waked up early for once...
  2. >A yawn and a stretch later, you take your attention to the clock...
  3. “Christ, 10am?”
  4. >When was the last time you were up at this hour?
  5. >You swing your legs to side of the bed and plant your feet on the floor, trying to shake the grogginess from your head...
  6. >...
  7. >Why is your right foot wet?
  8. >You look down, noticing a small pool of what appears to be vomit on the floor...
  9. >Seems Rainbow Dash left you a present last nigh.
  10. “You'll pay for this, Dash...”
  11. >Figures, since she left in such a hurry last night
  12. >Wait... Last night...
  13. “Fuck me...”
  14. >You bury your face in your hands at remembering the 'tip' Luna gave you for that bottle of wine
  15. >Wait, why are you sweating over this?
  16. >Damnit, this is why you hate when business is so slow...
  17. >Too much down time always gave you headaches, literally and figuratively
  18. >Thankfully you remember that your raw materials should be coming later today, so at least you could get your head right over a couple projects
  19. >Still, first things first...
  21. >You remember that your foot has been soaking in your best pal's generosity. You go and grab the mop and get it cleaned up
  22. >Well, the wood seems to be fine. The lacquer is a little discolored, but it's an easy fix
  23. “I'll let you live this time, Dash...”
  24. >You continue your usual morning routine; shower, brushed teeth, shave, etc, emerging from the bathroom a new man
  25. >Stress seams to have washed off with the grime. Gonna be a good day, you think to yourself
  26. >It's been weeks since you were up early enough for a proper breakfast. Might as well make a day of it
  27. >You head to the front of the workshop, gathering your affects and lighting a cigarette on your workbench lamp
  28. >Good to go, you head to the door and open it to something that takes you a bit off guard...
  29. >“Oh! … H-Hey Anon!”
  30. >You're met by mint colored pony, hoof raised ready to knock on the now open door
  31. >Her large golden eyes are staring at you with light shock
  32. “Morning, Lyra. What brings you by?”
  33. >She drops her hoof back to the ground and turns her head slightly, her face looking a little curious
  34. >”Bon Bon told me you wanted me to come by today...”
  35. >That's right... You told Bon Bon you would make up for blowing Lyra off for dinner...
  36. >Well played Bonny...
  38. “Oh... Right.... Almost forgot. I have a little free time this morning and was planning on getting some pancakes at Bon Bon's. Wanna join me?”
  39. >What the hell? You could use the company, you suppose...
  40. >Her golden eyes almost pop out of her skull at the offer. A wide grin coming across her face
  41. >She starts to skip in place
  42. >”I'd love to! Now?!”
  43. “Unless your busy- Hey!”
  44. >She takes the bottom of your shirt in her mouth, pulling you towards the city circle
  45. >Seems she's excited... But when wasn't she? You've always known Lyra to be a ball of energy
  46. >The two of you walk to the city circle, Lyra almost fizzing with excitement
  47. >It takes no time at all before your destination is within spitting distance
  48. >Lyra charges into Bon Bon's shop with glee
  49. >”Bonny!...”
  50. >Lyra shouts into the seemingly empty shop before both of you notice Bon Bon emerge from the back
  51. >”Hey Lyra. How'd it go at...”
  52. >It takes her a second to notice you standing behind her
  53. >Odd since you tend to stand out anywhere you go
  54. >”...the concert last night?...”
  55. >Please Bonny... Like you didn't see right through that verbal pivot
  56. >You shoot her a deadpan look, which she returns with a devious smirk
  57. >”Didn't I tell you about it last night?”
  58. >Seems Lyra is as oblivious as always. It was a cute little quirk of hers
  59. >”Oh that's right... So, what brings you two here?”
  60. >She smiles warmly
  61. “I thought I'd get some breakfast and invited Lyra along. You still serving?”
  62. >She gives you smile with a trace of approval in it. Seems you managed to get back on her good side
  63. >Looks like you could count on her business in the future. Lyra seemed like she was in a better mood too. Mission accomplished, you suppose.
  65. >”The store is closed for the day, but I don't mind whipping something up for you two. I was about to make something for myself anyway. Come into the kitchen. I'd rather keep the counters clean till tomorrow”
  66. >Lyra tugs you into the back of the shop, following Bon Bon closely
  67. >You follow in tow, making your way into a slightly cramped breakfast nook in the back f the kitchen
  68. “Closing up for the day already? You got plans today or something?”
  69. >Bon Bon is rummaging through the fridge at this point, pulling out some ingredients
  70. >”I do, but not until later. I'm just not expecting much as far as business goes, so I'm taking the day off”
  71. >Lyra plops herself next to you in the nook
  72. >”We're actually going to a party at Berry Punch's place tonight. You wanna come?!”
  73. >Bon Bon shoots you a nonchalant look, tossing the ingredients into a mixing bowl and going at them with a whisk
  74. >Play it cool...
  75. ”I'd love to, but the shop is running low on inventory and I need to get it stocked up tonight”
  76. >Lyra's wide smile shrinks a bit, but lingers as her head drops a little
  77. >”Oh...”
  78. >Bon Bon looks a little annoyed, stirring the batter with more vicious strokes than before
  79. >Having things go back to how sour they were before is something you would prefer to avoid. >Suddenly, inspiration comes to you
  80. “You have another concert coming up in a couple days, don't you? I remember seeing a flier at the tavern about it”
  82. >Lyra seems to perk right back up at the question, still a little down though.
  83. >”Yeah. Day after tomorrow”
  84. “What time?”
  85. >”It's a midnight show at the amphitheater.”
  86. >An opening appears
  87. “Well I'm out of orders for right now. Count on me coming this time, alright?”
  88. >You ruffle her hair a little bit as she giggles
  89. >Critical Hit!
  90. >”Sounds good!”
  91. >Seems Bon Bon takes this positively as well
  92. >”Anonymous appearing at a public event? I must still be asleep...”
  93. "Could be. You're kind typically bursts into flames in sunlight, don't they?"
  94. >Her cheeks puff a bit at the jab, but it's quickly replaced with a shit eating grin
  95. >"Ha! You're one to talk... So what's got you up at this hour? The tavern doesn't open for a couple hours"
  96. >Her comment is dipped, drenched and dripping with sarcasm
  97. “Well you finally managed to stop breaking your shelving. It's left me with more free time than I know what to do with”
  98. >This was familiar territory for the two of you. Banter seemed to be your way of keeping each other on your toes.
  99. >”Well maybe if they were built a little sturdier...”
  100. “I'll be sure to cast the next order in pig iron”
  101. >Lyra bursts into laughter
  102. “You two... Are hilarious! Haha!”
  103. >The two of you join her chuckling
  104. >Bon Bon then produces a couple pancakes. Big thick and fluffy. She could be a little grating at times, but damn could this mare cook
  105. >She sits down across from you and Lyra
  106. >”Feel free you two.”
  108. >No arguments here, you dig in
  109. >Christ, Mary and Joseph, this was good. It's been weeks since you've had something this good.
  110. >”So will you be performing any new music this time, Lyra?”
  111. >”Mmhm! I shtill got shome work to do on the shet, but it'sh gonna be all new shtuff”
  112. “Nice. Can't wait to hear it”
  113. >Lyra beams at your comment
  114. >Fucking Lyra was adorable some times, cheeks stuffed to the rafters with pancake
  115. >She was a sincere and light hearted p0ny, often bringing you out of your own little funks when you were in a bad mood. She had that quality that tended to brighten up those around her.
  116. >”Juft y' ait An'n! Y're gung lv i'!”
  117. >Bits of her breakfast are shooting from her mouth
  118. “Swallow, Lyra. I'm fine with my breakfast without sampling some of yours”
  119. >You wipe the bits of syrupy fluff of you're face
  120. >Bon Bon tries not to laugh. She's not doing a very good job
  121. >Lyra blushes slightly before following it with a massive gulp
  122. >”Sorry...”
  123. >She takes on a more demure expression
  124. “No sweat.”
  125. >You give her hair another tussle
  126. >The three of you continue chatting about this and that. Lyra would occasionally pull something cute, including when she tried to mimick the way you would use a fork in lieu of her magic. No luck, though
  127. >You and Bon Bon both laughed pretty hard at that one
  128. >Bon Bon would occasionally take a jab at you, not that you weren't able to go toe to toe with her
  129. >Lyra always seemed to get a kick out of you two going at it
  131. >After some more playful banter, Bon Bon takes a look at the clock
  132. >”Oh! It's that late already?”
  133. >You take a look, noticing it was already 1 oclock!
  134. >Shit! The order is going to be here soon!
  135. “Oh man! I gotta get back to the shop!”
  136. >Lyra shoots her ears up at you, looking at you with a little disappointment in her eyes
  137. >”So soon?”
  138. “Sorry guys. I got some materials coming today, so I gotta get back”
  139. >”Alright... You sure you can't come to Berry's tonight”
  140. >You pause a second before giving Lyra a scratch behind the ears
  141. “Sorry. I promise I'll be at the show, though. Day after tomorrow at midnight, right?”
  142. >She smiles, blushing a little
  143. >”Right. See you then?”
  144. "Wouldn't miss it”
  146. >You turn to Bon Bon pulling a cigarette out
  147. “See you guys later. Bon Bon, what do I owe you for breakfast”
  148. >”On the house. I'll see you at the concert, alright?”
  149. >The look says it all, she wasn't playing around here...
  150. “You got it. Thanks for the grub, Bonny. Later Lyra!”
  151. >They both wave as you make your escape
  152. >You make your way to the front door and exit to the city circle.
  153. >Seems in spite of getting off on the wrong foot in an extremely sticky way, today is looking to be a good one
  154. >You rush yourself back to the workshop, noticing a small note on the front of the door
  155. >Shit, did you miss him?
  156. >'Anon. Saw you weren't home. Order's in the back. Let me know if you want to put some hours in at the gym. Later, pal! -Roy D Rage'
  157. >You pocket the note and breathe a sigh of relief
  158. “Thank god...”
  159. >Making your way around your workshop, you see a a myriad of planks and blocks of different woods placed next to your back door
  160. >Looks like everything is there. Time to get this stuff inside...
  161. >If this were Earth, you'd be pissed that he just left your merchandise out in the open, but there was never cause for concern around here for stuff like that
  162. >Canterlot was like something from a fairy tale... Or Canada...
  164. >You tart hauling bundles of blocks and planks into the workshop
  165. >It takes some doing, but you finally manage to get everything inside and organized in your store room
  166. “Right. Time to get to work...”
  167. >You were a little giddy. It's been too long since you were able to do one of these 'make whatever you feel like' kind of nights
  168. >You head to a large bookcase, made by you of course and leaf through a number of records before stopping at one that catches you attention
  169. >It was a gift from a cellist you worked for. Seems her stage fell apart the day before a show and needed some emergency repairs
  170. >She gave you her band's latest album as additional thanks on top of your fee
  171. >You plop it on the nearby record player
  172. >Dulcet tones fill the walls of the workshop as you gear up for a long night
  173. “Let's get crackin'”
  174. >You start out with the easy stuff; shelving and side tables
  175. >Small, simple and in pretty high demand for the most part
  176. >For reasons that escape you, p0nies always seem to manage to get into some sort of shenanigans. Furniture never had a long shelf life around here, not that you were complaining
  177. >You remember that parasprite outbreak from a few years ago...
  178. >A wince hits your face as you recall the amount of orders that came up overnight
  179. >You made a fortune, truth be told, but Christ... That was a long week...
  180. >You continue working, losing any sense of time in the medley of sawing, sanding, planing and pounding
  181. >The only breaks you afford yourself are for cigarettes and changing records and one break to polish off the rest of that casserole from the other night
  183. >finishing with the last screw on your third set of shelves, you take a second to look at what you've managed so far
  184. >3 nightstands, 5 coffee tables and 3 bookshelves
  185. >Simple and low markup. You figure these should sell quick enough
  186. >Lighting another cigarette, you turn your attention to the window...
  187. “Fuck, it got dark in a hurry”
  188. >The clock tells you it's about midnight...
  189. >You've made some good headway. No use in stopping here.
  190. >You pause, holding your elbow in one hand and bringing the free hand to your mouth
  191. “... We'll need a showroom piece...”
  192. >Out of nowhere, you attention is grabbed by a loud knock at your door
  193. “Dafuq is this at this hour?”
  194. >You walk to the door, opening it to see none other than your favorite bartender
  195. >”Evening Anon! I figured you'd still be working”
  196. “Barley! Good to see you! What's the matter? Someone break a bar stool again?”
  197. >He laughs
  198. >”Haha! Nah, nothing like that. The taverns actually closed for the night. Thought I'd come by and see my favorite customer, is all”
  199. >He mothions his head to his saddle bag, the top of a bottle poking out
  200. >This fucking guy...
  202. “Well it's good to see you. I'm working on some inventory, but make yourself at home”
  203. >Barley walks in pulling the bottle out of his bag and setting it on your counter
  204. >The bottle looks familiar
  205. >... wait...
  206. “Barley, this is your top shelf whiskey. You sure this is alright?”
  207. >He continues to pull out some glasses and pops the bottle
  208. >”It's just a for show really. No one ever orders the stuff. Besides, it's more for me than you, I just figured you could use some company”
  209. >You smirk, knowing where this is going
  210. “You and Hops going at it again?”
  211. >”Yeah... She wanted me to come with her to her mother's for the night, but I wasn't having it. I hate her mother.”
  212. >You grab one of the glasses, the amber liquid smells fantastic
  213. “Sounds rough”
  214. >”You'll understand when you're older, kid”
  215. “Not if I can help it. Cheers”
  216. >Barley laughs heartily at your jab as you return to your work
  217. >For some reason you can't seem to think of a good high end piece for display...
  218. >...
  219. >”You alright, kid?”
  220. “Yeah, I'm just trying to think of a piece to display in the shop for a quick turnaround...”
  221. >”What about something like that couch I ordered?”
  222. “Things like that I prefer to do to order. P0nies can be really picky for anything upholstered...”
  223. >...
  224. “How is that couch, by the way
  225. >Barley adorns a wide smile
  226. >”Great! Comfy as can be. Celestia knows it's gotten some mileage! Haha!”
  227. “Fuck, Barley. How deep in the dog house are you?”
  228. >He's outright balling in laughter by now
  230. >”It's rough, kid. But it'll be fine. I'll give her a romantic dinner and it'll be fine. Marriage is just like that.”
  231. >You raise your glass one more time
  232. “I'll take your word for it”
  233. >You swill the contents of your glass in one go before it hits you like a brick, almost causing you to choke on the alcohol
  234. “That's it!”
  235. >Barley looks at you a little concerned
  236. “A dining room set would be perfect. It would display nicely and I can take my time and work on the chiseling...”
  237. >You walk into the storeroom, grabbing a number of cherry wood blocks and planks
  238. “It'll sell for a decent amount, too.”
  239. >Barley starts to smirk a bit
  240. >”You oughta use it to do a dinner with that mare you were with the other night, the one from Ponyville... What was her name again? The one with the hair?”
  241. >Here it comes...
  242. “Rainbow Dash, and she's just a friend.”
  243. >Barley takes a second to look around
  244. >“She leave already?”
  245. “Yeah, she probably wanted to get back to her boyfriend.”
  246. >Barley looks a little concerned by now, refilling his glass
  247. >”Shame, Anon. I was hoping you were finally going to bag yourself a mare of your own”
  248. >You bring out the last of the raw materials for the table
  249. >”I mean, you've always shown up at the tavern as a solo act. You still haven't found someone? Stallions shouldn't be cooking for themselves at your age”
  250. >The probing elicits a little irritation
  252. “I'm not a stallion, Barley... Besides, my work comes first.”
  253. >You're both silent for a second. You pour yourself a short shot and down it before sitting at your workbench and begin some rough sketches
  254. >Barley seems to employ a stern grin
  255. >”You aint dead, either.”
  256. >Barley picks himself from his prone position and takes the glasses in his bag
  257. >”My advice, kid... It's not so bad, having someone around that can you can lean on. You're a good egg, but you're not going to be young forever
  258. >You don't say anything...
  259. >Barley walks to the door
  260. >He leaves the bottle on the counter
  261. “You forgot the booze”
  262. >”Keep it. You need it more than I do from the looks of it. I got a crate of the stuff”
  263. >A smirk comes across your mouth. This fuckin' guy...
  264. “I doubt that, Pal. My regards to Hops.”
  265. >Barley chuckles
  266. >”Wise ass... Have a good one, kid.”
  267. >As the door closes, you take a second to reflect on what he said, leaning back in your chair
  268. >Maybe he had a point. You were still in your prime, but you knew full well you weren't getting any younger...
  269. >It would be nice having someone around, you suppose.
  270. >You think back to Luna's little gift from the night before...
  271. >Royalty seemed a stretch... Sounded complicated
  272. >Lyra?
  273. >That means dealing with Bon Bon more than you felt you wanted to...
  274. >...It'd be nice to get some more of those pancakes, though. You were kind of peckish.
  276. >...
  277. >Fuck it. You'll figure it out later...
  278. >You bring yourself back over the sketches, continuing to pour over dimensions and conceptual designs
  279. >Time seems to fly by as you prepare what you are comfortable will be an impressive set
  280. >A couple more details are added before your head rests on the top of the workbench
  281. >You were exhausted... It had been a long day
  282. >Sleep takes you right then and there
  283. >...
  284. >...
  285. >It's not long before the peace is broken...
  286. >More knocking?
  287. >You lift yourhead slowly, pages which were stuck to your face fall back onto the table
  288. >The clock reads 6am... What the fuck is this at such an ungodly hour?
  289. >More knocking, getting louder and louder the longer you try and ignore it...
  290. “This better be fucking good...”
  291. >You trundle over to the door and open it.
  292. >Two white stallions adorned in gold armor are standing at attention
  293. >Well this just got interesting
  294. >You rub your eyes quickly before greeting them
  295. “Something I can do for you?”
  296. >”We have a letter from her Majesty, Princess Celestia.”
  297. >...
  298. “Pardon?”
  300. >”We're ordered to escort you to the castle, sir. We have no other information”
  301. >A knot forms in your stomach as concern takes over your mind.
  302. >Fuck... Was there something wrong with the table?”
  303. “Sure.... Give me a minute, will ya?
  304. >”Of course. We will need to leave shortly, however.”
  305. “I understand. I'll be right out”
  306. >You close the door and head over to your bench. Looks like the next project is going to have to wait.
  307. >You grab your smokes and your passport
  308. >Swill of Barley's finest for seasoning. God knows you could use something for a pick me up.
  309. >Right. Let's go see what this is all about
  310. >You exit the workshop, both stallions meeting you completely straight faced
  311. >”Please follow us, sir.”
  312. >If you were in any trouble, you're be going to the castle in cuffs
  313. >Still the feeling of anxiety for what the issue could be doesn't leave you
  314. >...
  315. >You could really go for some pancakes right now...
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