
Raindancer - Epilogue

Aug 22nd, 2020
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  1. Ol_Dirty, April 16, 2012 / PB 167809
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >You are a pale blue pegasus by the name of Rustle
  4. >You are the second in command of a herd of feral fluffy ponies
  5. >Or rather, WERE the second in command
  6. >Your predecessor has left, presumably never to return
  7. >You guess that made you the smarty friend
  8. >You were out of your element
  9. >Not only were you placed in a position of leadership you weren't accustomed to, but you were also in a human house, surrounded by things your fluffy little brain can't hope to comprehend
  10. >Your predecessor, brave leader Raindancer, followed a runaway domesticated fluffy pony named Wiggly here, in order to keep his people safe from the coming winter
  11. >But it all went to hell
  12. >Raindancer was exceptinally sharp for a fluffy pony, like no other
  13. >But that sharpness came at a price
  14. >What he had gained in intelligence he had lost in compassion
  15. >He killed Wiggly the day you got here
  16. >He said it was to protect the herd's "integrity"
  17. >You don't even understand that word
  18. >You of course disagreed with him, saying Wiggly was a friend
  19. >Raindancer insisted that anything humans thouched would be harmful to the herd
  20. >He might've been right Only a few days later, Raindancer left the house for a while
  21. >While he was gone, the herd wouldn't listen to you, telling you they only trust "smawty fwiend"
  22. >Against Raindancer's order, the herd started eating the humans' food
  23. >They were so ecstatic over the taste, they started fighting each other over it
  24. >For some, the food was too spicy
  25. >They drowned themselves trying to extinguish to fire in their mouths
  26. >When Raindancer returned, most of his people were dead
  27. >The few who survived blamed Raindancer, saying this was as his fault for leaving them
  28. >Raindancer wouldn't have any of it
  29. >He told the herd how the humans had corrupted them
  30. >The herd insisted that Raindancer leave
  31. >Raindancer doesn't like to be challenged, especially by dumb "human friends"
  32. >Fighting ensued, three more died
  33. >After that, Raindancer left, his last words to you being "Let them forget me"
  34. >You were left with what was left the herd
  35. >A total of 9 fluffy ponies including you
  36. >The winter came and went
  37. >The pregnant mares gave birth
  38. >The ones who kept eating the human food died
  39. >Maybe it was poisonous to fluffy ponies after all, you may never know, you didn't eat one bit of it
  40. >Once all the snow melted, you led the herd back to the field you came from
  41. >Two died along the way
  42. >Better than last time
  43. >Last time lost almost half the group
  44. >When you arrived at the field, you found Raindancer's hairless corpse there
  45. >He came all the way back here just to kill himself?
  46. >Guess he was that proud of his homeland
  47. >Big black birds feasted on his body
  48. >The same kind of birds that you once shood away with big stick to save Raindancer, earning his trust and friendship
  49. >Only this time you didn't have a big stick
  50. >You had to wait for the birds to leave before moving the herd back to the field
  51. >You picked up Raindancer's half eaten naked corpse and carried it to the edge of the woods
  52. >You took some pretty flowers and dropped them on him >May angels take him to a place where fluffies never go hungry...
  53. >Memories of your days together start coming back >You wonder how did Raindancer ever become so smart
  54. >How did he ever become so hateful towards humans despite never having met one as far as you know
  55. >His prejudice toward humans and paranoia of their influence were the reason he killed Wiggly, Hayseed and the others
  56. >Was he just crazy or did he actually have a reason?
  57. >You curse yourself for not intervening back at the house
  58. >Your indecisiveness in the fight between Raindancer and the herd cost Raindancer his reason to live and the herd their innocence
  59. >By taking a stand you could have saved one or the other
  60. >Doesn't matter, no amount of contemplating will bring either back
  61. >Some time later...
  63. >The herd now lives a mostly happy life
  64. >Your numbers quickly grew to 40
  65. >All the fluffies have seemingly forgotten all about Raindancer and their time at the human house
  66. >Better that way, fluffy ponies don't cope well with such memories
  67. >You know you don't...
  68. >You wonder whether you'll ever meet a human, whether it would justify Raindancer's views
  69. >Only time will tell if you succeed in staying friendly to the herd or if the realitys of leadership change you into what Raindancer became
  70. >Best to just go a day at a time
  71. >A mare calls out to you
  72. >She needs your help giving birth
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