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Deleted Sweetie Belle story by Factioneer

a guest
Dec 20th, 2013
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  1. >Another long shift is over
  2. >Your hands are blistered and your back is aching, but at least you have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve done an honest day’s work helping the Apple family run their farm
  3. >…nah, not really, fuck that shit, honest day’s works are for chumps
  4. >You need to pack this shit in and find an easier way to earn enough bits to keep the roof over your head and take Rarity out for the occasional swanky dinner to keep her sweet
  5. >Maybe you could put yourself out to stud
  6. >Such are the idle dreams that run through your head as you grab a beer from the fridge, strip out of your work clothes and climb into the shower
  7. >Ten minutes later you’ve finished the beer, you’re clean, and you have a raging hard-on from the path your thoughts have taken as you imagine selling your services to the various mares of Ponyville
  8. >Rarity’s a top-shelf piece of ass and all, but you can’t help your eye wandering occasionally to her friends
  9. >Or random mares on the street
  10. >Or the little fillies on their way to and from Cheerilee’s school house
  11. >…yeah, you’re not the best person, but whatever, it’s between you and your right hand
  12. >Speaking of which, you could really use some quality you-time right about now
  13. >You head into the bedroom and get comfy on the bed
  14. >If you were thinking a little more clearly then you might have noticed a tiny shuffling noise from your closet, but you’re preoccupied with other things
  16. >You squirt a little lotion on to your hand and start stroking yourself
  17. >You close your eyes and focus on the vivid images running through your head
  18. >You go slowly, wanting to draw this out – it’s a good way of relaxing from your shift
  19. >In your mind’s eye Cheerilee splays herself out in front of her whole class of little fillies
  20. >”Now, my little ponies… nnnf. You see how as I’m rubbing faster with my hoof, the lips are starting to open up a little more and this little part at the top has grown a teeny bit? That’s… ahhh… that’s called the clitoris. Now, I want you all to group up with your assigned partner, and take turns to locate each other’s clitoris…”
  21. >Your hand on your dick unconsciously starts moving a little faster as you get into the fantasy
  22. >The sound of soft hoof-falls padding across your bedroom carpet goes unnoticed
  23. >A dozen pairs of imaginary fillies turn to each other in your mind, and one in each pair lays down awkwardly on her back and spreads her legs to reveal a tight little pussy like so many velvety clams
  24. >You’re beating off in earnest now as you imagine the fillies, some eager and some hesitant, some giggling, some looking worried, lean in and begin to rub at their partner with a hoof to start getting them aroused
  25. >Your bedsprings move unexpectedly a little as a small weight joins yours on the mattress, but it’s not noticeable enough to pull you from your fantasy
  27. >You’re getting pretty close to cumming when something finally breaks through your focus and jerks you back to the real world
  28. >Close by is the sound of heavy breathing, and you can feel the weight of another presence sitting right by you on the bed
  29. >None of that is what pulled your attention, though
  30. >The thing that pulled your attention was a long-drawn out squeak, muffled as if somebody tried to suppress it but still rather loud
  31. >Your eyes snap open
  32. >It takes you a long moment to process what you’re seeing
  33. >Sitting right next to you is Rarity’s little sister Sweetie Belle, one hoof rubbing urgently at her crotch as she gazes at your cock standing to full attention right beside her
  34. >You blink, telling yourself that you’ve got to be seeing things
  35. >It’s like she’s stepped straight from your depraved fantasy
  36. >This can’t possibly actually be happening
  37. >Slowly she slows down and stops what she’s doing as she notices that your hand has gone still, resting at the base of your shaft
  38. >Ever so slowly, without ever turning to look at you, she starts to slink away across the bed
  39. >She obviously senses that she’s been rumbled, but still has some delusional hope that she won’t have to face the music if she can just get away without acknowledging what’s happened
  40. “Sweetie Belle.”
  41. >She stops, cringing low against the sheets
  42. >”Uhhh… hi Anon… I can expain!”
  43. “…okay, go ahead.”
  45. >She half looks up at you from under her poofy pink and purple mane and your heart melts a little bit
  46. >Even as your dick grows harder
  47. >“I… uh… oh gosh. Look, Anon, I know what you and my sister do when you think you’re alone. I’ve watched you. A few times now.”
  48. >You just lie back, waiting for her to continue
  49. >”At first I was kinda scared. It seemed like you were hurting her. But I kept watching, and… I dunno, it seemed like she sorta… liked it… like really a lot. And I started thinking about how it’d feel to do that. And when I got to thinking about that, I… errr… touched myself. Y’know. Down there. And it felt really good.”
  50. “Mhm.”
  51. >You’re hardly even following this, it’s way too out there
  52. >Like some cheesy porno scenario
  53. >It still doesn’t feel real – it feels like you could get away with just about anything
  54. >She’s looking more ashamed and embarrassed than ever, burying her face in her hooves as tears start to flow down her cheeks
  55. “Sweetie Belle, come over here. Shhh, stop crying.”
  56. >The filly looks up at you with big trusting eyes
  57. >After a moment’s hesitation she comes across the mattress and snuggles into the nook of your arm
  58. >You stroke her soft coat gently with your other hand
  59. “Listen, it’s okay. It’s natural to be curious about stuff like that.”
  60. >”It is?”
  61. “Yep. So… I guess you snuck over here and hid because you wanted to watch me?”
  62. >She tenses up again
  63. >“…yeah…”
  64. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not mad.”
  66. >You soothe her, running your fingers through her mane
  67. >She looks up at you with a weak smile, still sniffling a little bit but her eyes shining with happiness
  68. “If you want to know about that stuff, you can just ask me. I don’t mind showing you whatever.”
  69. >”R…really?”
  70. “Really.”
  71. >”And you won’t tell Rarity?”
  72. “Heh… no. Don’t worry. This can stay between us.”
  73. >She grins excitedly
  74. >This is really way, way too good to be true
  75. >Like, literally too good to be true
  76. >You need to make the most of it before you wake up and find yourself dry-humping your pillow
  77. “Here… let’s just go on like before. Do what you were doing.”
  78. >Her blush returns with a fierce vengeance
  79. >”B…but you’re watching!”
  80. “Well, you were watching me before. It’s only fair.”
  81. >”…I guess…”
  82. >Slowly she uncurls from her place against your side
  83. >You plump up a couple of pillows behind her so she can make herself comfortable
  84. >Not meeting your eyes, she lies back against them and spreads her legs
  85. >The treasure between them is exactly how you imagined, the little pink folds nestled tenderly there amidst white fur
  86. >She goes to work with a hoof, slowly and awkwardly at first, but slowly getting into it
  87. >Her embarrassment starts to fade as her breathing speeds up
  88. >Her gaze is locked on your dick
  89. >You stroke it gently, which seems to add to her growing excitement
  90. >You really can’t give it too much attention, though
  91. >As turned on as you are by this whole situation, you could explode at the slightest provocation
  93. >Sweetie Belle has found her rhythm now and she’s rubbing with frantic speed, breathing erratically and letting out occasional squeaks as her little body shakes and quivers
  94. >Finally she comes to a climax, transfixing herself for a long moment as her eyes shut and her mouth opens in a silent gasp
  95. >When her eyes open again they are dewy and bright, and her face is glowing with excitement
  96. >”Oh my gosh, Anon, that felt so nice. SO NICE. That’s never happened before.”
  97. >You smile at her and gather her into a hug
  98. “You just had your first orgasm.”
  99. >Your hand strays toward her flank, and she gives a little shiver and nuzzles closer to you
  100. “Do you mind me touching you?”
  101. >”No.”
  102. >She answered that pretty quickly and firmly
  103. >You guess it’s fine to push further
  104. >Your fingers work their way towards the hot, unripe little prize between her legs, finding the supple folds just as soft and tight as you had imagined
  105. >She gives a squeaky little whimper and pushes against you
  106. >”A… Anon… do it like you do with Rarity.”
  107. >Your dick twitches
  108. >Did she really just say that?
  109. >She really did
  110. >It’s a terrible idea, right?
  111. >You look down at the filly, her body pressed against your chest seeming so small and fragile
  112. >Your dick twitches again
  113. “…are you sure?”
  114. >”Yes. I want you to do it just like you do with her. Put it… put it inside me.”
  115. >You sit upright and hold her up in front of you, gazing into her big emerald eyes
  116. >She looks so trusting and loving
  118. >And there’s so much desire in her eyes
  119. >…And fuck it, this isn’t really happening anyway
  120. “Here, this position will probably be easiest.”
  121. >You set her down on all fours and position yourself behind her
  122. >She gamely flicks her tail up and presents herself for you
  123. >You marvel at how the petals of her young sex remain tightly sealed even though her legs are spread wide
  124. >Viewing her from this angle, what you’re about to try seems preposterous
  125. >Your dick is like half as long as she is, and her body is so tiny and slim that it’d surely break under the slightest strain
  126. >But she seems so up for it…
  127. >And you can’t pretend that something about all of that doesn’t turn you on massively
  128. >And again, fuck it, this isn’t really happening.
  129. >You slather lotion on your dick and position yourself against the velvety-soft lips of her tight entrance
  130. >She pushes back against you immediately with a little whine, over-eager
  131. “Shhh. Take it easy. Let me, I know what I’m doing.”
  132. >You get back in position and slowly push against her
  133. >Again and again your dick slips away from the target as she pants in frustration
  134. >With one hand firmly holding her steady and the other positioning your cock, you finally succeed in staying in place long enough to get the tip into her entrance
  135. >She gives a squeak at the unaccustomed sensation
  137. >You look down at your dick – always a pretty sizeable endowment, now looking ridiculously huge by comparison – with its tip crammed improbably into the filly’s tiny slit, and raw lust almost overtakes you
  138. >It’s all you can do not to blow your load right there
  139. >You hold yourself back, the last strand of rationality in your brain telling you that you need to be careful.
  140. “Is this… nng… is this really okay, Sweetie?”
  141. >”I… think so. It’s supposed to hurt a little bit at first, right?”
  142. “Yeah. A bit.”
  143. >”Okay. I can be brave. Go on. I want it inside me. All of it. Like Rarity.”
  144. >Your head swims, Sweetie’s words urging you on to do what you were so desperately burning to do anyway
  145. >Steadying her hips with both hands, your fingertips easily meeting and overlapping around her belly, you begin to push deeper
  146. >It’s hard going, and at first you’re not getting anywhere
  147. >It was tough enough to get this far, but now it seems like all the gentle pressure in the world isn’t getting you anywhere
  148. “I might need to be a little rough. Is that okay?”
  149. >”Y…yes. Just DO IT.”
  150. >Her desperation is the last straw
  151. >You put all your strength into a mighty thrust, feeling resistance give way as you begin to slide further in to her impossibly tight passage
  152. >You follow through in one smooth motion, unable to stop yourself even if you wanted as passion overtakes you
  153. >With one brutal thrust you’re inside her up to the hilt
  154. >It’s unimaginably tight
  156. >The sensation is incredible, enough to make you lose your head completely
  157. >Hips moving involuntarily now, you slide most of the way back out and thrust inwards again and again, not even registering as Sweetie’s gasps and squeaks turn into cracked screams
  158. >It’s only moments before you erupt inside her
  159. >Your dick slides out of her with a barely audible pop, spilling prodigious amounts of thick white goo
  160. >You lie back, still lost in euphoria, riding the crest of the most intense orgasm you’ve ever felt
  161. “Holy shit…”
  162. >It’s only slowly that you come back to yourself enough to hear Sweetie Belle’s crying
  163. >Shit.
  164. >You sit up, and immediately a sick feeling enters your stomach as you see the pool of thick blood that is forming beneath Sweetie where she lies, curled in on herself, on your sheets
  165. >Some blood would be understandable of course, but not this
  166. >This is way too much
  167. >Sweetie uncurls and looks up at you, eyes brimming with tears, full of love and hurt
  168. >“Anon… it hurts… it really hurts.”
  170. >This really just happened
  171. >You feel like throwing up
  172. >You swallow bile with an effort and put out a hand to stroke her face
  173. “…sorry. I… think I went too far.”
  174. >”No!”
  175. >She still sounds determined.
  176. >”I said… I said do it just like with Rarity, and you did. Anon. Thank you.”
  177. >She crawls weakly towards you and snuggles into your side again
  178. >Blood is smearing her beautiful coat now, beginning to thicken and cake in the curls of her lovely mane
  179. >Her eyes close peacefully
  180. >”Anon… I love you…”
  181. >The blood keeps coming and coming, forming a dark pool that spreads slowly across half the bed as, outside, the sun goes down and Luna spreads her tapestry of stars across Equestria’s sky
  182. >Sweetie Belle’s breathing gets shallower and shallower as she sleeps nuzzled against you, a warm soft little bundle of life, slowly ebbing away
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