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a guest
Mar 23rd, 2018
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  1. command /cc <text> [<player>]:
  2. permission: Modo
  3. usage: &bUtilise /cc help
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg 1 is "v":
  6. if {ccv.%arg 2%} is false:
  7. set {ccv.%arg 2%} to true
  8. send "&6[CheckCheat] &fLancement du test, veuillez patienter..." to sender
  9. set {loc.%arg 2%} to argument-player's location
  10. make console execute command "gamemode 3 %arg 2%"
  11. make console execute command "npc create %arg 2%"
  12. make console execute command "npc gamemode 0"
  13. make console execute command "effect %arg 2% speed 10 2"
  14. set {loc1.%arg 2%} to y coordinate of arg 2
  15. push the argument-player upwards at speed 50
  16. wait 1 seconds
  17. set {loc2.%arg 2%} to y coordinate of arg 2
  18. wait 3 ticks
  19. make console execute command "/speed walk 0 %arg 2%"
  20. make console execute command "/speed fly 0 %arg 2%"
  21. wait 20 ticks
  22. if {loc1.%arg 2%} = {loc2.%arg 2%}:
  23. send "&6[CheckCheat] &fRésultats: &bDETECTED &f(VL: &b%{vl}%&f)" to sender
  24. else:
  25. send "&6[CheckCheat] &fRésultats: &bMAYBE &f(VL: &b0&f)" to sender
  26. teleport arg 2 to {loc.%arg 2%}
  27. make console execute command "effect %arg 2% clear"
  28. make console execute command "gamemode 0 %arg 2%"
  29. make console execute command "/speed walk 1 %arg 2%"
  30. make console execute command "/speed fly 1 %arg 2%"
  31. make console execute command "npc remove"
  32. set {ccv.%arg 2%} to false
  33. else:
  34. send "&6[CheckCheat] &fCe joueur est déjà entrain d'être vérif par un modérateur" to sender
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