
suggested event chain

Nov 10th, 2018
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  1. It completely ties into the events going on, on Vegeta.
  2. They were going to involve the CL, however, they haven't been online lately so we're trying to improvise.
  3. Raktsu has been studying saiyan biology in an attempt to create a weaponized entity to take revenge upon the saiyans.
  5. Thus, the first would be something akin to the artificial birth of a Pseudo-saiyan.
  6. Swiftly following, the death of the rampaging creature would allow for more data to be extracted from the saiyans' fighting styles.
  7. Blood would be collected from the battle scenes and any corpses made would be sampled-- If not abducted and brought back to the Tsujin hideout.
  9. The killed saiyans (if any) will be cloned back to life, and applied to with cybernetics. In short, they are used to attempt continuing the plan to eradicate the saiyans. Though, it is likely that the players have the power to be themselves ICly despite not being able to control themselves. This is due to the fact that their bodies are being controlled from the inside by mechanical endoskeletons forcing/encouraging their movements.
  10. In the meantime, the Tuffles will be attempting to escape the planet.
  12. After the events subside, EC tuffle uprisings grow more frequent, despite their efforts being doomed. A few minor events here and there concerning maddened tuffles attempting to retaliate for past racial transgressions - These characters should be weak, trivial in power.
  13. (A part of this leads into a request, intended to be used in tangent with events only-- and here's that part)
  14. In due time, a massive spacecraft grows visible just above Vegeta's atmosphere. Spacepods touch down to the planet's surface, and weak scout droids warn oncoming saiyans of the craft above.
  15. This craft will be a Colossus: A Planet-Cracker weapon, capable of drilling through the core of planets for resource accumulation - Effectively destroying the planet in the process.
  16. It is used to threaten the inhabitants to surrender to the installation of an official govt. where saiyans have the power to either:
  17. A.) Rebel against the attempted Tsujin Imperial Installation
  18. or
  19. B.) Fall subject to it
  21. > If the Saiyans retaliate, spacecraft fires-- Planetary destruction underway, they can attempt to use the pods to escape but must fight the scouting droids.
  22. > If the Saiyans surrender, government is installed... Tuffle Warriors come down to secure the planet with drone assistance.
  24. (But wait, there's more!)
  25. After/If a govt. is put into place, events change towards rebellions of saiyans in pockets across the planet. Soon after, focus will shift towards other planets.
  26. This will mean, the attempted conquest of the rest of the galaxy-- Ending at Namek, and finally Earth.
  27. Earth is where things get a bit more complicated, as allegiences may change.
  28. Which is where the chain ends for a time, before androids can come into play.
  29. RookToday at 11:44 PM
  30. its interesting and i will look into the changeling
  31. ScruqadeToday at 11:44 PM
  32. If the Changeling gets involved, then a lot of this is subject to change.
  33. RookToday at 11:44 PM
  34. got it
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