

Oct 4th, 2019
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  5. WATTPAD USER :: @MingiCanHaveMySoul
  6. NAME :: Moon Hayun
  7.    ↳OTHER NAMES :: n/a
  8. NICKNAMES :: Yuna | Oon | Hay
  9. BIRTHDAY :: 24th June 1999
  10.    ↳AGE :: 20
  11. BIRTHPLACE :: Jeonju, South Korea
  12. HOMETOWN :: Jeonju, South Korea
  13. ETHNICITY :: Korean
  14. SEXUALITY :: Heterosexual
  15. FACE CLAIM :: Kwon Eunbin (CLC)
  16.    ↳BACKUP :: Jang Yeeun (CLC)
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  19. 𝗚𝗘𝗧 𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗗
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  23. + Sensitive | when it comes to people asking about her past experiences of bullying, she will get a little antsy and upset. She just doesn't like thinking of those times and does what she can to forget about it.
  24. + Conceited | sometimes she may come off as very vain and excessively proud of herself however, this is only to try to boost her self confidence. This is because she knows that if she doesn't do this then she would be very harsh on herself on herself and would belittle herself which she doesn't want.
  25. + Rude | she fears being outcasted so she sometimes joins the other bullies when they pick on others. In order not to feel left out, she picks on others to make her feel stronger.
  26. + Kind-hearted | contrary to what was said above, she is sympathetic and takes people's feelings into consideration. She is very caring and very generous. If someone were to need help, she would not hesitate to help them. This is what she is really like to hang out with.
  29. + Relaxing to piano covers of songs
  30. + Photography
  31. + Cycling
  32. + Swimming
  33. + Compliments
  34. + Helping people where she can
  36. DISLIKES ::
  37. + Over-sleeping
  38. + Being ill
  39. + Food that has a sweet taste
  40. + Being bored
  41. + Disrespectful people
  42. + Being too hot
  44. SLOT :: Insomnia
  45.    ↳BACKUP :: n/a
  46. TRIVIA :
  47. + Instead of being model, she previously wanted to become a cheerleader and an actress.
  48. + She has a weird habit of checking her pockets over 5 or 6 times for no reason since she knows where all her stuff is.
  49. + She hates the colour orange. It makes her feel sick.
  50. + Her favourite movies are Inception and Shutter Island.
  51. + Although her favourite movies both have Leonardo Dicaprio in it, he favourite actor is actually Mark Ruffalo. She loves his role in the Marvel movies and also in the Now You See Me movies.
  52. + Her favourite play is An Inspector Calls because of the gripping drama which all happens in one day. Also because of the many twists and turns it takes.
  53. + Her favourite artists are Dean, Taemin, A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, Daniel Ceasur and Chungha.
  56. Q1) She was bullied because many people were jealous of her good looks so they wanted to shatter her confidence. Instead of helping her, people just joined in and she became the laughing stock of the school. She became the school's target for bullying.
  57. Q2) The reason behind the sudden stop to all of the bullying was because they threatened to sue each and every kid who so much as spoke in the wrong tone towards Hayun. People obviously didn't want to lose money and so consequently left her alone.
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  60. 𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗞 𝗜𝗧
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  64. Hayun was born and raised in Jeonju, South Korea. She is an only child. From basically when she could walk, she has been a model for her parents. From baby modelling to child modelling to modelling clothes targetted to an older demographic. In school, she had a tough time. She was constantly ridiculed, belittled and bullied just because of her beauty and how envious people were of her because she was a model. She found it difficult to trust people because she had no idea who will turn around and tell people her deepest secrets. At home wasn't any better. She wasn't bullied or ridiculed but she was ignored. Her parents only really talked to her if a business opportunity came up. They never asked "How was your day?" or "Are you hungry?". It was always just work work work with them. She felt rejected and unloved. This caused her to take her anger out on the weaker people that were in her school. She displaced all her anger onto them knowing that they couldn't do anything because they were too scared.
  65. FAMILY :: Moon Haneul (Father | 43) | Moon Hari (Mother | 40)
  66. RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILY :: Her parents see her as business prospect because of her beauty and her facial expressions and that is the main reason they use her as a model frequently in their modelling agency.
  67. ANY HEALTH ISSUES :: Anxiety
  68. REQUESTED SCENES :: (sorry, I really can't think of any. I will pm you if I can think of some though)
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  74. LOVE INTEREST :: Jaemin (NCT Dream)
  75.    ↳BACKUP :: Rocky (Astro)
  76. SEXUALITY :: Heterosexual
  78. + Fun | he is very fun to be around and you won't be bored when you are with him since he is a very entertaining person.
  79. + Childlike | he is childlike in the fact that he is very bubbly and fun but he is not childish where it gets annoying.
  80. + Charming | he is a very charming guy and has a way with his words and the way he acts that just draws people to him.
  81. + Athletic | he is very athletic and has been this way from a young age.
  82. + Lovable | Jaemin is a very loveable guy since he is very funny and humble and quite excitable
  83. + Candid | He is very straight to the point and doesn't like to beat around the bush when he has something to tell you. However, he does know how to say things so it doesn't hurt your feelings.
  84. + Fair | no matter where he is or what he is doing, he always wants everyone to have equal oppurtunities and for things to be fair because he wants everyone to be able to achieve what they want.
  85. + Considerate | He doesn't like inconveniencing others with jobs that he knows he could easily do himself.
  87. HOW DID YOU MEET :: She got bullied a lot in Grade 10 and he was someone who would often back her up and stand up for her as she couldn't stand up for herself. She was being cornered by these two bullies when Jaemin came and pushed them away and shouted at them while he dragged her away from the scene. She was really grateful and decided that he would be a great person to have as a friend and that is how they met each other.
  88. THEIR INSTAGRAM USER :: jae.min
  90. + Him taking her to see her favourite artist in concert a couple weeks after he tells her that she has never been to a concert.
  91. + Jaemin gets angry at her after spotting her being rude to some random kid in the hallway for no reason. He ignores her and when she tries to talk to him, he shouts at her. After calming down, he tells her about what he saw and say that he doesn't like how she is acting like those bullies from when they first met. She realises what she is doing and apologises but Jaemin makes her look for the person and apologise to him as well.
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  97. INSTAGRAM USER* :: Mn_Hay
  98. WHAT DO THEY POST :: selfies + deep blue aesthetic
  99. HOW DO THEY FEEL ABOUT THE CREATOR* :: She would really love to meet the creator because she admires them and is really inspired by him taking action and doing something to raise awareness.
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