
Magical Burst: Session 57 - Recap

Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. Game starts at 6:34 PM.
  3. Never tell your password to anyone.
  4. Sunday, February 22, 2015
  5. 5:57 PM - Data entered chat.
  6. 6:03 PM - Smas entered chat.
  7. 6:03 PM - Smas: Blarp
  8. 6:04 PM - Sarah Salem: Tardy
  9. 6:04 PM - Sarah Salem: See me after class.
  10. 6:04 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Hey, I was told by the /actual/ teacher that class didn't start for another 5 minutes about.
  11. 6:05 PM - Sarah Salem: Um, excuse you
  12. 6:05 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Also I have a signed pass.
  13. 6:05 PM - Sarah Salem: I'm the fucking principal.
  14. 6:05 PM - Sarah Salem: I wrote this school.
  15. 6:05 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: You /liar/.
  16. 6:06 PM - Sarah Salem: Principal Data
  17. 6:06 PM - Sarah Salem: aka
  18. 6:06 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: Then I'm the Board of Education Director
  19. 6:06 PM - Sarah Salem: The ?Big Data?
  20. 6:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Mhmm :T
  21. 6:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Also, played the Majora's Mask 3D demo.
  22. 6:06 PM - Sarah Salem: Oh hell, I have so much OC
  23. 6:06 PM - Frigs has been invited to chat.
  24. 6:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: I was unaware tha-oh yeah I had some too shit.
  25. 6:06 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·?? has been invited to chat.
  26. 6:06 PM - BROFORCE: ATLANTIS entered chat.
  27. 6:07 PM - BROFORCE: ATLANTIS has been invited to chat.
  28. 6:08 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to Read Between the Lines.
  29. 6:10 PM - Read Between the Lines: Nicole said she'd be late, but where's Frig
  30. 6:10 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Good question
  31. 6:10 PM - Insane Cat Posse: He missed AdEva last night too, cause he had plans with family :v
  32. 6:11 PM - Sarah Salem: It says he's online
  33. 6:11 PM - Read Between the Lines: it's frig
  34. 6:11 PM - Read Between the Lines: that means literally nothing
  35. 6:11 PM - Sarah Salem: Did you seriously use "Insane Cat Posse" over "Insane Clown Pussy"?
  36. 6:12 PM - Insane Cat Posse: You see, I almost used that
  37. 6:12 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Aight, since you're here Ryan-meister, I've got something to say. I'm a bit concerned for your mekton game. I witheld mentioning or griping about it for most of the weekend but, I understand that you've got a life and shit, but you also have your mekton game going on too. I'd be a bit more understanding if stuff came up that was more or less out of your control, like massive shittons of homework or something, but it's been basically going on for over a month where you've scheduled to do things voluntarily that were not your game during the time that you were going to do said game.
  39. Long story short, if you don't want to play your own game, I'm not gonna hold out on you, and keep my friday nights dedicated to something that doesn't happen. [End Rant]
  40. 6:12 PM - Sarah Salem: Well that was an interruption
  41. 6:12 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Smas, I'll take this to private, just cause I dont want to derail what hasn't even begun :v
  42. 6:14 PM - Read Between the Lines: Anyway, I'll give the other two 15 minutes, then we may as well start without them
  43. 6:14 PM - Read Between the Lines: It'd be easier for me if they didn't show anyway, but it'll just be jarring to have them drop in
  44. 6:15 PM - Read Between the Lines: while I'm in the middle of scrambling for shit to have you do, since I'm about as unprepared for this as I am for dying
  45. 6:15 PM - Read Between the Lines: I'm not ready to die yet
  46. 6:15 PM - Read Between the Lines: I still haven't beaten Neptunia
  47. 6:16 PM - Read Between the Lines: but that's not really all that unusual for me to be unprepared anyway. I'm unprepared every morning for the inevitability of waking up
  48. 6:17 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Alright, sideboard discussion is over.
  49. 6:27 PM - Sarah Salem: Toot toot
  50. 6:27 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Maybe all the gay inside their brains finally killed them
  51. 6:29 PM - Read Between the Lines: probably
  52. 6:30 PM - Read Between the Lines: but if that was the case, how are you still alive?
  53. 6:31 PM - Read Between the Lines: no use hanging around for a couple of gays though, may as well start
  54. 6:32 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Read Between the Lines: but if that was the case, how are you still alive?
  55. 6:32 PM - Insane Cat Posse: You dont understand
  56. 6:33 PM - Insane Cat Posse: I've ascended beyond the level of merely 'gay'
  57. 6:33 PM - Insane Cat Posse: I am the giga-faggot
  58. 6:34 PM - Read Between the Lines: congratulations, you a shit
  59. 6:34 PM - Read Between the Lines: rip
  63. ~~Game start~~
  64. 6:34 PM - Read Between the Lines: So last time, you guys had just finished up a game of high stakes chess with the Risako-Youma, and came to terms with her in the end, Eve having 'captured' her in a blank seed.
  65. 6:35 PM - Read Between the Lines: It was still fairly early in that day, not too long after school, so we can start then or the following day, whichever you'd prefer.
  66. 6:35 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: I'm up for either.
  67. 6:35 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Same, no preference :3
  68. 6:37 PM - Read Between the Lines: Alright then, the following day it is.
  69. 6:38 PM - Read Between the Lines: Having successfully made it through your morning without loss of life, limb or family, you arrive at school and take your respective seats in class.
  70. 6:39 PM - Read Between the Lines: The only notable thing this morning is the fact that Remi is still absent. Though you haven't heard any rumors about her being horribly maimed by a monster, so that's good. She's probably still sulking.
  71. 6:40 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri takes her seat, wincing as she sits. "Ugh..." She rubs her back painfully. She turns over to look to Sarah, "Hey, you still suffering from yesterday? I'm feeling pretty beat up."
  72. 6:41 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: For clarification, she's taking a Lingering Wound, a gash across her back.
  73. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: raises her hand and turns it from side to side in a "so-so" motion.
  74. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: after the motion, she winces and clutches her arm close to her body, apparently also in pain.
  75. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: (I'll take one as well, for lack of better options at the moment. Just a bunch of black-and-blues across my arm.)
  76. 6:42 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato sits, actually taking notes for once, before barging into the conversation "Hmm... I might be able to touch things up with my new blood powers, if mew want!"
  77. 6:43 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "S-ssh!" Eri directs toward Sato, since they're in the middle of class.
  78. 6:43 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Oh right..." She glances about, before going back to her work, trying to play it off casually
  79. 6:43 PM - Read Between the Lines: A few odd looks are thrown your way, more at the unnecessarily loud 'shhh' than anything Satoya said.
  80. 6:43 PM - Read Between the Lines: Michiyo leans dangerously far backwards in her chair, looking at all of you with an upside-down perspective. "Did thomething happen yethterday?"
  81. 6:43 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri turns to Michiyo, "Well... we solved that mystery you gave us."
  82. 6:45 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Mythtery? You mean the chethh captain buthineth?"
  83. 6:46 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods. She whispers, "She definitely youma'd. Actually... we sort of captured her. She's, different from other youma that we've ever seen."
  84. 6:47 PM - Read Between the Lines: "C-CAPTURED?"
  85. 6:47 PM - Read Between the Lines: Soshu looks over, his eyes widening. "Imagine the data we could gather from a live one..."
  86. 6:47 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "She's still dangerous...!"
  87. 6:47 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val cracks open the classroom door and peeks inside. Assured that she was in the correct room, she darts to a free desk, trying to avoid the attention of the teacher.
  88. 6:49 PM - Read Between the Lines: Let's make you fuck up
  89. 6:49 PM - Read Between the Lines: roll finesse
  90. 6:51 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: 14
  91. 6:51 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: oh, not bad
  92. 6:52 PM - Read Between the Lines: Val manages to sneak silently over to her desk while the teacher has her back turned. It's almost adorable how her ears stick up over the desks while she's crouched down and everyone watches her. Almost like the fin of a shark poking out of the water.
  93. 6:53 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato giggles as she watches her pull this off, before going back to drawing but- I mean taking notes
  94. 6:54 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri mutters, "I wonder where Eve is... She's the one who's holding onto it."
  95. 6:54 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah listens attentively, ignoring the rabbit girl while she sits straight-backed in the chair. She would take notes, but her handwriting is still illegible with her right hand.
  96. 6:54 PM - Read Between the Lines: Eve, roll fortitude
  97. 6:55 PM - Eve: 14
  98. 6:55 PM - Read Between the Lines: Little did Eri know, Eve had already managed to make it silently to her seat, being that she's so good at hiding,
  99. 6:56 PM - Read Between the Lines: She even manages to hold in the sneeze that would have given her away.
  100. 6:56 PM - Eve: ( <3 )
  101. 6:56 PM - Eve: Eve waves politely to Eri.
  102. 6:56 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val gives Eve a thumbs up for being late buddies.
  103. 6:56 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "O-oh, there you are."
  104. 6:56 PM - Eve: Eve returns the tumbs up as she nods to Eri.
  105. 6:57 PM - Read Between the Lines: Your teacher, meanwhile, seems to be discussing various ways to cook hamburger. You're not quite sure what this has to do with English, since that's the class you're supposed to be having.
  106. 6:58 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "!" Eri begins scrawling notes like mad, as she's been trying to improve her cooking skills.
  107. 6:59 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val whipers "What a neeeeerd," to Eve as she points to Eri.
  108. 7:00 PM - Eve: Eve shushes Val.
  109. 7:00 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri ignores them, focused entirely on the concepts of hamburger preperation.
  110. 7:00 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val snickers.
  111. 7:00 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: (one bite at a time)
  112. 7:01 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (terrible. I still can't believe you eat the same one for a week)
  113. 7:04 PM - Read Between the Lines: The teacher finishes her lecture on the history of hamburger and various cooking methods. There was entirely too much hamburger talk.
  114. 7:04 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Is she our hamburger helper?))
  115. 7:04 PM - Read Between the Lines: Yes
  116. 7:05 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri raises her hand after the whole talk, "Uhm, is this going to be on the english exam?"
  117. 7:06 PM - Read Between the Lines: "...yes."
  118. 7:07 PM - Read Between the Lines: "This is very important, to know the various methods and phrases for cooking and ordering hamburger. After the integration of the American refugee populace, hamburger has become exceedingly more commonplace in Japanese culture."
  119. 7:07 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods and marks the page in her notes for future steadying.
  120. 7:07 PM - Eve: "B-but..." Eve raises her hand but quickly puts it down in hesitation.
  121. 7:07 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Satoya plans a snarky comment, but holds it back, knowing that's not the best idea.
  122. 7:07 PM - Read Between the Lines: "You'll thank me when you're older. Trust your sensei."
  123. 7:08 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods enthusiastically, and sits down.
  124. 7:08 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah raises her hand as well, grimacing as she pulls at a bruise.
  125. 7:10 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Yes, Salem?"
  126. 7:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "Question: If the meat turns black, what should you do?"
  127. 7:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "It seems to happen every time I look away."
  128. 7:12 PM - Read Between the Lines: "If it turns black, then you have effectively wasted good beef and should feel ashamed."
  129. 7:12 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Rude..." Eri mutters.
  130. 7:13 PM - Sarah Salem: nods, lowering her hand with a frown and muttering, "That didn't answer my question..."
  131. 7:14 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato hmpfs as she continues to doodle, speaking under her breath "...Even /I/ know this is a waste of time."
  132. 7:15 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val begins to make a paper airplane.
  133. 7:16 PM - Read Between the Lines: Your teacher looks at the clock before sighing. "In any event, the class is now dismissed. You're free to go home and study what you learned today. On the handouts I gave you are directions to a favorite butcher of mine, pick up some chopped meat to practice with."
  134. 7:18 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri takes her handout. "Alright, I'm going to go home for a bit, I'll see you guys later. I'd like to have a special get together later, if you guys have time. Not mandatory."
  135. 7:18 PM - Read Between the Lines: Tami holds out a hand to grab Eri.
  136. 7:18 PM - Read Between the Lines: "W-wait, what? I didn't hear anything about this..."
  137. 7:18 PM - Sarah Salem: maneuvers out from under her desk while avoiding putting pressure on her arm or hand, resulting in a stumble backward as she stands.
  138. 7:19 PM - Eve: Eve nods, "I-I'll try to make it. A-and can I borrow your notes later Eri?"
  139. 7:19 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...Not like I have anything better to do!"
  140. 7:19 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Don't worry, it won't be at your house, I wouldn't do that on short notice..."
  141. 7:19 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Lets meet up at the park later, you know the spot."
  142. 7:20 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...Does it have to be the park?"
  143. 7:20 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "I don't exactly have fond memories of that place."
  144. 7:20 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... There's another place we can go..."
  145. 7:20 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri gets a sinister smile on her face.
  146. 7:21 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri shakes it off, "I just hope she doesn't mind a short notice visit. It's been a long time coming though."
  147. 7:21 PM - Read Between the Lines: Tami shivers. "I'm scared."
  148. 7:22 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Alright, I'm going home and going to get ready, see ya!" Eri grabs her bag and dashes out the door.
  149. 7:22 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Wait! Where are we meeting then?"
  150. 7:22 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri calls down the hall, "You'll see-!"
  151. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah stands around awkwardly and silently, a little confused.
  152. 7:23 PM - Eve: Eve rubs her head, "T-that was confusing..."
  153. 7:23 PM - Eve: "And a little scary..."
  154. 7:23 PM - Read Between the Lines: Suzu stands, walking over to your group with Ko. "I'll say."
  155. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: "Does anyone have an idea of where we might go?"
  156. 7:23 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Right then, no idea how we're going to meet her then!"
  157. 7:24 PM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose I could just track her down, if it was necessary."
  158. 7:25 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ko crosses her arms defensively, which is more a natural state of mind for her than anything else. "S-she has our number, she can text us about it if she wants..."
  159. 7:25 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val throws her paper plane at Eve.
  160. 7:25 PM - Eve: "W-well before th-that I was hoping to take care of my business with Santa..." Eve turns to Valentine, "S-she's staying with you ri-" Eve recoils as her face is hit with the plane.
  161. 7:25 PM - Eve: She frowns and rubs her face, "T-that was mean..."
  162. 7:27 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I thought I told you, I'm moving in with you Eve!"
  163. 7:28 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...As long as mew don't take my spot on top of the fridge!"
  164. 7:28 PM - Eve: Eve picks up the plane almost unfoiling it to read it but deciding that would be silly as she tosses it out, "W-what?"
  165. 7:29 PM - Eve: Eve scowls and crunches up the paper, throwing it out, "Y-you have a m-mansion don't you?"
  166. 7:30 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Yah, but it's lonely! I wanna live with choo!"
  167. 7:31 PM - Eve: "Y-you live with your brother!"
  168. 7:33 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Well now I will live with my sister!" Val says, putting her arm around Eve. "Can you imgine it, a house full of magical girls, fighting crime in the day and sleep overs every night?"
  169. 7:33 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Plus, my brother can just move in with us!"
  170. 7:33 PM - Read Between the Lines: Suzu cups her chin, thinking. "You know, I wouldn't mind moving out of my parents' house... Eeeeveee, got any space for me and Ko?"
  171. 7:33 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ko stutters, blushing. "W-why am I included there?"
  172. 7:34 PM - Eve: "B-but I'm already sleeping on the floor..."
  173. 7:34 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "We can share the fridge if mew want, you silly!"
  174. 7:34 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah steps a little to the side, wanting no part of this. Just two magical girls under the same roof already destroyed her entire house.
  175. 7:34 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Why don't we just replace your flooring with matts!"
  176. 7:35 PM - Eve: "I-I can barely afford food for 4 other people!"
  177. 7:35 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Eri can cook, she knows how to make a hamburger at least."
  178. 7:35 PM - Read Between the Lines: Suzu laces an arm around Ko, bringing them close together in a probably platonic manner. "Don't worry, we'll chip in!"
  179. 7:36 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ko eeps.
  180. 7:36 PM - Eve: "Y-you two h-have jobs?"
  181. 7:36 PM - Read Between the Lines: Suzu shakes her head with a grin. "Well no, but it can't be too hard to find one, right?"
  182. 7:37 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato joins the group hug, tearing up lightly "We're like one big family, oh I haven't had a family in years!"
  183. 7:38 PM - Eve: Eve sighs, "W-what about that m-mansion in the w-woods?"
  184. 7:38 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val gets a little teary. "Thank you Eve, this is gonna be a blast."
  185. 7:39 PM - Eve: "I-I n-never said yes!"
  186. 7:39 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Raising a paw to Eve's mouth, Satoya shushes her
  187. 7:39 PM - Eve: Eve sneezes onto Satoya's paw.
  188. 7:40 PM - Eve: "L-look, t-there'd be nowhere for you all to sleep!"
  189. 7:40 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Winston will come over with our stuff later. Trust me, he is a great roommate, he never makes a mess."
  190. 7:40 PM - Eve: "T-the butler too?"
  191. 7:41 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "How else am I going to clean my room?"
  192. 7:41 PM - Read Between the Lines: Tami drags a palm across her face. "It sounds like /everyone/ is moving into Eve's place. I should make sure Eri doesn't get any ideas..."
  196. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  198. 7:40 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: At home, Eri drops her bag by the front door and pulls out her cellphone. She texts Taya; "Hey, thanks again for helping out with the whole 'end of the world' thing; if you'd like, I was hoping to have a small little get together at your place so that I can finally tell you about the current situation in regards to... everything."
  199. 7:40 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Oh yeah, no sweat. You know, the world is sorta important, after all. Just a little. But, a get together? That sounds like more than just me and you will be involved, who else do you haeve in mind?"
  200. 7:41 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Uhm."
  201. 7:42 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... At least... 5 other people... And our party tends to get bigger."
  202. 7:42 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "That's if everyone shows though."
  203. 7:42 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Oh boy. Well, I guess I'll have to get tea ready."
  204. 7:45 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Alright, I'll start heading over that way. Hopefully the party doesn't get too big... they start getting... unruly."
  205. 7:45 PM - Read Between the Lines: "I fear for the itegrity of my home if what I saw in the temple is anything to go by."
  206. 7:47 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Sorry. I'll try and make sure nothing's irreversably destroyed. I can't guarantee your sanity though (¬_¬)"
  207. 7:48 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (Legit japanese emote action; extra authenticity!)
  208. 7:48 PM - Read Between the Lines: y smas
  209. 7:48 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (becauze)
  210. 7:49 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri packs up and heads to Taya's place. She texts along the way. [Which shall go in main]
  211. 7:56 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: After texting, Eri realizes. "... Crap, they have no clue who this person is." Eri ponders for a moment. "... Oh well."
  212. 7:57 PM - Read Between the Lines: The silence is your only response, as you have no companions currently present.
  213. 7:58 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri sighs, "... This is going to be great."
  214. 7:58 PM - Read Between the Lines: The cold wind whistles in retort.
  215. 8:01 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: While the others are busy slowly wrapping their brains around the concept of meeting up and slow cellphone response times, Eri makes her way to the location first, slowly adding warmer clothing to her attire thanks to her newfound(?) power. By the time she arrives, she's in full winter gear.
  217. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  221. 7:42 PM - Eve: Eve turns around considering for a second, "W-well, I d-don't suppose you could p-provide funds f-for feeding us all V-val?"
  222. 7:44 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I will have to ask daddy... but maybe?"
  223. 7:45 PM - Eve: Eve turns around, "S-so I w-wouldn't have to work at that embarrasing c-cafe anymore?"
  224. 7:46 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Well..."
  225. 7:46 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "We can just do it for fun now!!"
  226. 7:46 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ally slams open the classroom door. "SORRY I'M LATE SENSEI I- heeeeyy, where is everyone?"
  227. 7:46 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Ally, evfurryone is moving into Eve's house!"
  228. 7:47 PM - Read Between the Lines: Al: "Oooh, count me in!"
  229. 7:47 PM - Read Between the Lines: Al: "I also gotta start visiting Eve at the cafe~"
  230. 7:48 PM - Eve: "N-n-not you too Ally..." Eve drops to her knees with her head hung low, "G-god has abandoned me..."
  231. 7:49 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Yay, more furriends!"
  232. 7:50 PM - Eve: Eve slowly rises, head still hung low, "I-in any case...let's go find Santa..."
  233. 7:51 PM - Read Between the Lines: Al: "Yaaay, Santa! I like her when she's not a big dumb meanie ruining Christmas."
  234. 7:52 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri texts the party at large, "Hey, everything's all set up. Meet up at me at [INSERT TAYA'S ADDRESS HERE]. Also, please and don't destroy our host's house. She might get mad."
  235. 7:52 PM - Read Between the Lines: nobody knows who Taya is except you Smas
  236. 7:52 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Valentine does.
  237. 7:52 PM - Read Between the Lines: both in and out of the game
  238. 7:52 PM - Read Between the Lines: She doesn't even remember her own brother :V
  239. 7:53 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (She was the retired magic chick that showed up after Eri and Val beat Eri's second heart youma)
  240. 7:53 PM - Read Between the Lines: because nobody who isn't you knows who Taya is, I will explain for their benefit. Taya is a 20something year old retired magical girl who hired Eri and Val to look into the "recent" changes in the magical world, like youma not dropping seeds and such
  241. 7:54 PM - Read Between the Lines: and that, yes
  242. 7:54 PM - Read Between the Lines: she punched Eri, so she gets props for that.
  243. 7:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Oh yeah, now I remember her))
  244. 7:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((I liked her punching Eri))
  245. 7:54 PM - Eve: (( so did eri just put in like her address? ))
  246. 7:54 PM - Read Between the Lines: more or less, yeah
  247. 7:54 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (yeah, that was what I meant to imply)
  248. 7:54 PM - Read Between the Lines: Eri is telling everyone to meet up there.
  249. 7:56 PM - Eve: "O-oh my, i-in that c-case I guess we should go to t-this party." Eve turns to the other girls, "R-ready?"
  250. 7:57 PM - Read Between the Lines: Al: "Party? I like parties!"
  251. 7:57 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Woo, party! Sure, count me in"
  252. 7:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "Were you told where it is?" Sarah pats her pocket, signalling her lack of a phone.
  253. 7:58 PM - Eve: "Y-yes, Eri texted it."
  254. 8:00 PM - Read Between the Lines: So, going to the party?
  255. 8:01 PM - Sarah Salem: Yup.
  256. 8:01 PM - Eve: yeye
  257. 8:04 PM - Insane Cat Posse: yee
  258. 8:04 PM - Read Between the Lines: good enough
  259. 8:05 PM - Read Between the Lines: You walk your way through the cold streets, Ally in tow as an NPC friend. The NPC trio elected to stay behind to save me a headache, Tami included, saying her parents needed her at home for something.
  260. 8:07 PM - Insane Cat Posse: ((They're too busy moving into Eve's house))
  261. 8:07 PM - Read Between the Lines: Finally, you arrive at the outskirts of Tier 3, finding a sizeable, blue house with a large yard and a driveway.
  262. 8:07 PM - Read Between the Lines: Conveniently, you see Eri, just walking up the steps to the door, about to knock.
  263. 8:07 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ally shouts, waving frantically. "EEERRRIIIIIIII! OVER HEEEEREEEE!"
  264. 8:08 PM - Eve: Eve giggles and waves a bit more calmly at Eri.
  265. 8:08 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri turns, tripping over the 30 foot long scarf she has wrapping her face. She falls face first to the ground.
  266. 8:08 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "H-hey..."
  267. 8:10 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri gets up, brushing herself off. "...I've been so unlucky lately it's not even funny..."
  268. 8:11 PM - Eve: Eve rushes to Eri's side, "A-are you okay?"
  269. 8:12 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri takes a headcount, and sees that there's no Tami. She looks a little dissapointed, but continues on. "Yeah, I'm fine... I've been tripping and falling over nothing for like, months now technically."
  270. 8:12 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Aww, you feeling alright after that trip?"
  271. 8:12 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I-I'm fine I'm fine...!"
  272. 8:13 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...Lets just go in. I don't want to take too much of your time."
  273. 8:13 PM - Eve: "T-that's not normal...b-but okay if you say so."
  274. 8:13 PM - Read Between the Lines: You then hear a cawing noise. Looking up, you see a bird fly overhead. It drops a bomb on Eri's head, to further emphasize how unlucky she is.
  275. 8:13 PM - Read Between the Lines: A bomb being a fat load of poop.
  276. 8:13 PM - Read Between the Lines: Bird poop.
  277. 8:14 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri sighs.
  278. 8:14 PM - Read Between the Lines: In fact, Eri recognizes this bird... it's Petey the Pigeon, from when she was scaling the exterior of the Akechi Corp's walls!
  279. 8:14 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Stupid bird."
  280. 8:14 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Coo," crows Petey as he flies away.
  281. 8:15 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "One day I'll shoot you down...!" Eri shakes her fist angrily at the clouds as the bird leaves her view.
  282. 8:16 PM - Eve: "D-do you know w-what's causing all this b-bad luck?"
  283. 8:16 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri mutters, "You probably put a curse on me..."
  284. 8:17 PM - Eve: Eve jumps back and waves her hands in panic, "O-oh n-no I w-would never!"
  285. 8:17 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Maybe she stabbed a leprachaun?"
  286. 8:17 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "If only you had a good luck charm."
  287. 8:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Maybe you should move in with Eve, to counteract it?"
  288. 8:17 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri gets a gleam in her eye, "Maybe..." She smirks.
  289. 8:17 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Yah, Eve is so lucky!"
  290. 8:18 PM - Eve: "N-no! W-wait here." Eve digs in her pocket and hands Eri a stone coin looking similar to her activator.
  291. 8:18 PM - Eve: "I-I meant to give you this b-before. M-maybe it c-could be a good luck charm?"
  292. 8:19 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: A small question mark appears over Eri's head before it pops. "Oh!"
  293. 8:19 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri gets >YON COIN-ETH.
  294. 8:21 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Thanks Eve." Eri bows, but quickly stands straight back up when she realizes her hair is still a landing pad.
  295. 8:21 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: She then quickly knocks on the door, so that her hair can be saved.
  296. 8:22 PM - Eve: Eve nods, smiling, "Y-yes l-let's get inside."
  297. 8:22 PM - Sarah Salem: "Who is this girl, by the way?"
  298. 8:22 PM - Sarah Salem: "I don't recall coming here before."
  299. 8:23 PM - Read Between the Lines: At that moment, the front door opens. There you see a tall, turqoiuse-haired girl inside.
  300. 8:24 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Oh, I see you're all here. Eri, is this everyone?"
  301. 8:24 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Uhm, looks like it!"
  302. 8:24 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Looks like 5 was the right answer."
  303. 8:24 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: She sighs, "... I'm glad that we didn't have like, 8 or more people. I'd hate to intrude like that."
  304. 8:25 PM - Eve: Eve bows, "N-nice to meet you! S-sorry to intrude."
  305. 8:26 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya gives a short laugh. "Same to you, and it's no intrusion. Come in before you freeze."
  306. 8:26 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Yeah, this is Taya. I was going to say that you've seen her before in passing at least, probably. She was there saving the world with us."
  307. 8:26 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Satoya scampers right on in, tail flooping about
  308. 8:26 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah waves a hand slowly in greeting, watching Taya as she passes by into the house.
  309. 8:27 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri walks in too, she takes her shoes at the door. "Uhm, is there a sink I can borrow real quick?"
  310. 8:27 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Uh, sure, in the bathroom," she points to a door.
  311. 8:27 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I've just had the worst luck lately..."
  312. 8:28 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri leaves to wash her hair.
  313. 8:29 PM - Read Between the Lines: The inside of her house is apparently larger than the outside. Just as well, her walls are absolutely crammed with various knickknacks and doodads, her shelves looking equally crammed. It basically looks like an Applebees.
  314. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: takes a look around the shelves and surfaces, arm hanging limply.
  315. 8:30 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Satoya whistles, browsing about carefully. "Man, this is a whole lotta crap! I love it!"
  316. 8:31 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri returns, and sits back at the table everyone sat around before. Her winter attire has been replaced by the outfit she was given at Christmas. (Ie Hipsteri)
  317. 8:31 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val looks closer at the wall, looking for something fun to poke
  318. 8:31 PM - Read Between the Lines: "That's what happens when you've got six plus years in the business of Magi."
  319. 8:31 PM - Read Between the Lines: "And also - ...Eri."
  320. 8:32 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "This year really flew by..." Eri gives a short laugh. "...Hmm?"
  321. 8:32 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Eri. What are you wearing?"
  322. 8:32 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Don't blame me, blame those guys! They got me all this stuff!"
  323. 8:33 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri blushes, "Besides... I like the stuff they got me."
  324. 8:34 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Riiiight... anyway, take a seat, I'll back in a second."
  325. 8:34 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Satoya does just that, finding something comfortable to plop down onto.
  326. 8:35 PM - Read Between the Lines: She points to a short table covered by a blanket, a kotatsu, like you see in all the animes.
  327. 8:35 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah takes a seat crosslegged near one of the shelves, looking along it with mild interest.
  328. 8:36 PM - Eve: Eve leads Ally to the table and sits down next to it.
  329. 8:37 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val gives up on looking at the fancy walls and sits down on the most fluffy looking object in the room
  330. 8:37 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ally gazes around the house with wide, unblinking eyes. It's like she's physically trying to restrain herself from touching /all/ the things.
  331. 8:38 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "So... yeah." Eri chimes up, over her slight embarrassment. "Basically, this is a sort of... group meeting? Just to kinda make sure that everyone's on the same page. I /was/ going to have a sort of Q and A session for the others but..." Eri waves over to Ally. "She'd probably be the only one with questions."
  332. 8:39 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "It was also to kind of fullfill my promise to Taya as well; a two birds with one stone kind of deal." Eri scratches her head nervously.
  333. 8:39 PM - Eve: "T-that's actually a-a very good idea... w-we should have thought of this b-before."
  334. 8:40 PM - Sarah Salem: "On the same page how, exactly?" Sarah shifts, laying her arm in her lap.
  335. 8:40 PM - Read Between the Lines: Al: "Lots of fun stuffs to talk about! Maybe you should invite the nerds next time, so they can get in on all this magicy wagicy talk."
  336. 8:41 PM - Read Between the Lines: Al: "If you all talked about the stuff you learned, then everyone would know more of the same stuff together!"
  337. 8:42 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Yeah, exactly." Eri nods.
  338. 8:43 PM - Eve: "R-right, s-so who's first?"
  339. 8:43 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya enters the living room again, carrying a tray of cookies and cups of tea.
  340. 8:44 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Uhm, I'll go and speak my piece first, since Taya's here."
  341. 8:45 PM - Read Between the Lines: "You /are/ the one who wanted to meet up. So, let's hear it."
  342. 8:45 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "So yeah, uhm... where to start..." Eri thinks. "Really, a bunch of stuff's happened in the past few months that it feels like it'd take everyone's evening, and I don't want to do that, so I'll try and keep it brief."
  343. 8:45 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato nods and listens, having nothing to add.
  344. 8:45 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "So, I guess I'll start where I kind of cliff hanged you last time, months ago."
  345. 8:46 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Remember, when I said I was going to investigate Akechi Corp after that whole cupcake company, church stealing deal?"
  346. 8:47 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Was I dead during that? I furget..."
  347. 8:47 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "After a sort of embarrassing attempt to infiltrate the building, I did finally manage to get some sort of justice for those who suffered."
  348. 8:47 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri tacks on, "...I believe you died right around then."
  349. 8:48 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...She got better." Eri turns to the presumably confused Taya.
  350. 8:48 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah checks her nails, avoiding saying anything on the matter.
  351. 8:48 PM - Read Between the Lines: "...I've heard worse. Or better? I don't know what to think of it, but continue."
  352. 8:48 PM - Eve: Eve coughs uncomfortably, "S-so how'd y-you get jus-justice?"
  353. 8:48 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I managed to get the whole company fired, Wild 13 it was. Or at least, everyone involved in /that/ particular scheme."
  354. 8:49 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... And Akechi Corp were the people who hired us to save the world, so they can't be /all/ bad, like I initially thought..."
  355. 8:49 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... Though I still hold my reservations."
  356. 8:49 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val's ears droop.
  357. 8:50 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato leans over to pat Val's droopy ears.
  358. 8:50 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: (EXCEPT FOR THE DOCTORS... they are all evil)
  359. 8:50 PM - Eve: (( how many innnocents must you kill Val? ))
  360. 8:50 PM - Eve: "W-well even m-most bad guys wouldn't want the world t-to end right?"
  361. 8:50 PM - Read Between the Lines: "So Akechi /isn't/ all that shady?"
  362. 8:51 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Unless they planned ahead and got a space ship..."
  363. 8:51 PM - Eve: "I-I don't think anyone h-has anything like that..."
  364. 8:51 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I did learn that the company does have several other projects that concern the general public though, from my understanding. I wouldn't say they're bad... but I wouldn't say they're good either."
  365. 8:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "Personally, I think they're leaning 'good'. Akechi isn't bad, at least. He just has questionable methods at times."
  366. 8:52 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...I'll reserve my judgement."
  367. 8:52 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I /do/ have a chance to talk to him at some point, the CEO, so I'll probably make my final judgement then."
  368. 8:53 PM - Read Between the Lines: "What, are you going for an interview?" Taya asks, cocking her head.
  369. 8:53 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ally raises a hand, going, "Oh, oh oh oh! Question!"
  370. 8:53 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri takes a cup of tea, and takes a prolonged sip. She puts it back down, "...Yeah, something like tha- oh, Ally, what?"
  371. 8:53 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ally continues, "If you needed a job, you should work with Evevee at the cosplay cafe!"
  372. 8:54 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Cosplay... cafe?"
  373. 8:54 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...That'd be a fun job~
  374. 8:54 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Yessy, the cosplay cafe!"
  375. 8:54 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... Sure, count me in."
  376. 8:54 PM - Eve: Eve shakes her head, "N-no! I-it's embarassing enough h-having Val see me..."
  377. 8:55 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Yissssssssssssssssss"
  378. 8:56 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I can be literally anyone though..." Eri shuffles her appearance, both in body and in clothing, to match everyone's in the room in a quick cycle. "... so I'd probably fit in just fine."
  379. 8:56 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...I dont even know what cosplay is!"
  380. 8:56 PM - Eve: "M-maybe y-you could take my place? A-and give me y-your paycheck?"
  381. 8:56 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri shakes her head no.
  382. 8:56 PM - Eve: Eve drops her head in despair, "F-figures..."
  383. 8:56 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya stares blankly at this engagement. "Right. Well. You were saying?"
  384. 8:56 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Anyways... other big stuff..."
  385. 8:57 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Turns out that the contractors are part of a group of 13 figures."
  386. 8:57 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Called 'Guardians'. That's a pretty big deal, I think."
  387. 8:58 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "You were part of putting the Guardian of... Entropy...?" Eri pauses, trying to remember properly, "Yeah, the Guardian of Entropy to sleep."
  388. 8:59 PM - Eve: "W-which Eno w-wanted to revive, right?"
  389. 8:59 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Basically, from what I gather, they're like, gods, kind of. They have like, super domain over whatever element they're a part of. Like Entropy and... yeah."
  390. 9:00 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Uhm, yeah. Enomatia, I don't remember what his domain was, or if it was ever mentioned... but he was in on the whole 'end the world' thing."
  391. 9:02 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Also, turns out Hakurobe's not a complete di-... despicable being. We sort of teamed up with him and Yariff to put an end to that plot."
  392. 9:03 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri tacks on, "Yariff's the Guardian of... balance. Or something like that. Really similar."
  393. 9:03 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri rubs her head, "Everything from around then's a little hazy."
  394. 9:03 PM - Eve: Eve raises her hand, "Sh-should we do s-something about Eno?"
  395. 9:03 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya sips her tea silently, thinking on this. "So, there are 13 'gods'? Called Guardians. And they each control something different..."
  396. 9:05 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "There's one for Time as well, but I've never personally met it. I snapped a picture of that door, from back in the temple."
  397. 9:05 PM - Read Between the Lines: "And to top it off, the three contractors are ones as well... Time is one, you say? Hm."
  398. 9:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri takes out her phone, brushes past the pile of dog pictures, and gets to the picture of the door with the various emblems on it. "There's probably some sort of clue as to who or what the various elements are from here, since they seemed to react to our elements... which I guess in turn all come back to relate to these basic 13 in some way?"
  399. 9:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "Time is a precocious metal behemoth. I believe he may hate me."
  400. 9:07 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Getting on the wrong side of a god doesn't seem a very clever idea."
  401. 9:07 PM - Eve: "W-well you did kinda mess w-with some things..."
  402. 9:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "I didn't mess with anything I didn't cause in the first place. Mostly."
  403. 9:09 PM - Sarah Salem: "I blame him. I want my arm back." She wiggles the slightly-larger stump, to punctuate.
  404. 9:10 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri gives Sarah a sad look, but continues. "So yeah. Apparently it's all supposed to be hush-hush, but... fuck that. All the secret stuff going on is what nearly caused the end of the world in the first place."
  405. 9:11 PM - Eve: Eve scooches over to Sarah and whispers to her, "M-maybe I c-could try t-to help out with y-your arm sometime? I-I don't think I could heal it instantly b-but maybe over time?"
  406. 9:11 PM - Sarah Salem: Seeing no need to whisper, Sarah replies, "That would certainly help it along. It has already gained a tiny bit of length back." She feels the stump, grimacing. "Miniscule, really."
  407. 9:12 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya ignores their exchange, continuing to repeat information she's taken in. "So, that monster we put to sleep - Entropy, you said? - was one of these gods slash Guardians, too."
  408. 9:12 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri looks to Eve and Sarah as their conversation volume turns up.
  409. 9:12 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "They aren't unbeatable, as you saw, so I wouldn't /exactly/ call them gods myself... They're just beings with immense power."
  410. 9:13 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri mutters to herself, "Though, there's plenty of religions with weaker dieties..."
  411. 9:15 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Soo... Akechi isn't /all/ bad, possibly. There are 13 beings controlling individual aspects of the universe. Known ones include Time and Entropy, as well as the three contractors, one of which is 'balance,' as you said, that being Yarif."
  412. 9:16 PM - Read Between the Lines: "And the 13 symbols on that door are indictive of the remaining Guardians."
  413. 9:17 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Yeah. 'Balance' should have a se-Oh yeah! There were two other ones that we know for sure as well, Life and Death." Eri points to Satoya. "She met those ones."
  414. 9:18 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "And I guess it's supposed to be super rare for people to meet Guardians, or figure out their identities... so I guess we're lucky? Or unlucky to get wrapped up in all of that, depending on how you look at it..."
  415. 9:19 PM - Eve: "I-it does seem sort of o-odd that they chose to visit Sato."
  416. 9:20 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Well... I sorta did die, come back to life, and then un-die even harder."
  417. 9:20 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I'm sure that kind of put them for a loop to say the least." Eri nods.
  418. 9:21 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "And yeah, other than that Guardian business, and in regards to Eno... he was also involved in that murder plot, if you remember a bit back."
  419. 9:22 PM - Read Between the Lines: "You said before, Enomatia wanted to revive the Guardian we put to sleep? And was Entropy the reason time was all... fucked? And /now/ you're telling me Eno was involved in the murder of his /own/ contractees?"
  420. 9:23 PM - Read Between the Lines: "But, why? What could he gain out of it?"
  421. 9:23 PM - Read Between the Lines: "And why was he so concerned about it, then? I guess it could have just been for show..."
  422. 9:24 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods. "I won't claim to understand his reasonings behind any of this, but that's what we figured out."
  423. 9:24 PM - Eve: "M-maybe we s-should c-confront him."
  424. 9:24 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... I want to say he's innocent, I really do, him being my contractor and all, but he was the one who fit the bill."
  425. 9:26 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "And yeah, I agree. There is a whole side to this that we don't know about, mostly because Eno's been hiding or recoloring the truth about a lot of these things..."
  426. 9:27 PM - Read Between the Lines: "There could be a lot of misunderstandings with this whole thing... have you spoken with Eno since the incident?"
  427. 9:27 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "We have not. He seems to be hiding..."
  428. 9:27 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Should we really confront him? I mean... If he's pushing all of this, if we make him mad, that might not be a good idea."
  429. 9:29 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... Yeah. God fighting seems a bit dangerous, honestly. But there's strength in numbers right...?" Eri gives a small smile, but a look of concern covers most of her face.
  430. 9:29 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... Well, I'm sure we'll figure that one out eventually."
  431. 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "Personally, I do not plan on pursuing this at all." Sarah states evenly, picking underneath her nails with her thumb.
  432. 9:30 PM - Read Between the Lines: "But, there is another thing to consider."
  433. 9:30 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Hmm?"
  434. 9:31 PM - Read Between the Lines: "If Eno was powerful enough on his own to do anything, why wouldn't he have done it in the first place? If what you say is true about his awakening Entropy and being manipulative with the murders, that seems a bit underhanded, considering the full power of a Guardian, if Entropy is anything to go by."
  435. 9:31 PM - Eve: "S-so maybe Eno isn't very powerful at all?"
  436. 9:31 PM - Read Between the Lines: "It's something to consider, at the least."
  437. 9:31 PM - Eve: "A-actually doesn't the f-fact that he's hiding imply h-he's scared?"
  438. 9:32 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...That's what I was thinking. Even with 'full' power, I doubt that if he was ganged up on by two or more other 'Gods' that he'd win."
  439. 9:34 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri hmms on it.
  440. 9:34 PM - Sarah Salem: stands, stretching her legs. "I think I will leave the mysteries to the rest of you. I have some other things to attend to, and this doesn't particularly concern me."
  441. 9:35 PM - Eve: "B-but Sarah, t-this is like an official t-team meeting."
  442. 9:35 PM - Sarah Salem: She yawns, covering her mouth, and then heads for the door. "You will have to excuse me."
  443. 9:35 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ally frowns, whimpering like a depressed dog. "You're leaving, Sarah?"
  444. 9:35 PM - Sarah Salem: Turns, hand on the doorknob. "Yes, and?"
  445. 9:35 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ally's face when: ;_;
  446. 9:35 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Where yah goin?"
  447. 9:35 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "But, we're a team! We gotta stick together!"
  448. 9:35 PM - Eve: "W-well you're part of the t-team right?"
  449. 9:36 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri sighs, "It's fine. She can leave if she wants."
  450. 9:36 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Like I said, it /was/ optional to come. And I didn't want to waste everyone's evening with mass ponderings."
  451. 9:36 PM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose you could consider me part of the 'team'." Her hand turns on the doorknob.
  452. 9:36 PM - Eve: "R-right."
  453. 9:36 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya shrugs. "Sorry if we're not holding your interest, Sarah was it? And sorry if the tea wasn't to your liking, seeing as you didn't have any." She says, without a hint of sarcasm, but more as a general concern.
  454. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah gives a respectful nod to the older magical girl. "I would have eaten if I could, my apologies. For once, I don't mean to offend."
  455. 9:37 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri speaks up on her behalf, "Oh yeah, she can't eat normal food."
  456. 9:38 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Oh, you have /that/ problem? I knew a girl with that once... you should have told me, I probably have something laying around that could have helped."
  457. 9:38 PM - Eve: Eve raises her hand, "R-really?"
  458. 9:38 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri mutters, "Eve has it too."
  459. 9:39 PM - Read Between the Lines: " you /all/ push yourselves like complete idiots? First time I saw Eri doing that, I decked her right on the spot."
  460. 9:39 PM - Eve: "I-I usually don't."
  461. 9:39 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I've held back since then..." Eri hangs her head low.
  462. 9:39 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah takes her hand off the knob, tearing a piece of skin off, examining it, and then pocketing it. "Not particularly, no."
  463. 9:39 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato coughs, looking around awkwardly and refusing to answer.
  464. 9:39 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Yeah, Eve's usually good about it. Sarah's probably the worst off, honestly..."
  465. 9:39 PM - Eve: Eve rubs her head, "I-I'm not usually on the front l-lines or anything s-so..."
  466. 9:40 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah's tongue, teeth, pallor, and blood smell were probably all clearly visible during this.
  467. 9:40 PM - Sarah Salem: Or smellable, I guess?
  468. 9:40 PM - Read Between the Lines: "We're lucky we don't get any youma in here, or my place would go up like a nuke..."
  469. 9:41 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "E-heh.."
  470. 9:42 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Speaking of, that reminds me. I guess some people can get more powers? Me and Sarah've probably got the most experience out of everyone here in regards to that; I kind of figured out how to make things explode..."
  471. 9:42 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri lifts her hand and generates a small ball of energy, but fizzling it out.
  472. 9:42 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Oh, yeah, that's a thing. Your magic sort of... matures? I guess you'd call it. Like, unlocking a deeper potential."
  473. 9:42 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah rolls her eyes, clocking up through several different ages to show off the power.
  474. 9:42 PM - Eve: "R-really? T-that's cool..."
  475. 9:43 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "It also comes with a costume upgrade!"
  476. 9:43 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...Mine was a pair of devil horns though..."
  477. 9:43 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...though that could just be because of the seeds I ate a while back."
  478. 9:44 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri speaks up, "Oh, and yeah, I kicked that habit, in case you were wondering Taya."
  479. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: "I glow and have a tiara while using these. I don't think it's particularly relevant."
  480. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: "Either way, I'll take my leave now. Goodbye, everyone."
  481. 9:44 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "See ya Sarah, thanks for showing up."
  482. 9:44 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri waves this time.
  483. 9:44 PM - Read Between the Lines: "See you around. Don't go pushing yourself. I'd hate to be around when that happens."
  484. 9:44 PM - Eve: Eve waves, "S-see you later."
  485. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah nods to them impassively, then exits the building.
  486. 9:45 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "So, yeah. And in regards to that, kinda, I guess a person's magic can suddenly shift around too? A while back, after a bit of soul searching, I kind of... changed?"
  487. 9:46 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "It's hard to describe... but I kind of lost my initial edge, but I've got a couple new powers that I don't quite understand yet."
  488. 9:46 PM - Eve: "D-did you do yoga?"
  489. 9:47 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri blank faces Eve. "... Yes I stretch every day with the dogs."
  490. 9:47 PM - Eve: "G-good job! T-that's very good for your h-health."
  491. 9:47 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "No! It was a sort of... personal, mind deal..."
  492. 9:47 PM - Eve: "O-oh."
  493. 9:48 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Sorry, I kind of gave that line to you a bit too straight. It's sometimes hard to tell when I'm joking..."
  494. 9:48 PM - Eve: "...S-so /do/ you d-do yoga?"
  495. 9:48 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... That's a secret."
  496. 9:48 PM - Read Between the Lines: "I suppose it's possible. The changing powers thing, that is. Magic is certainly fickle."
  497. 9:49 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I know that I'm not the only one that it's happened to. Ramona... she changed as well, but hers was /way/ more drastic."
  498. 9:50 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I only knew her for a while, but it was like she completely changed, when it happened to her. I wonder what happened..."
  499. 9:50 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Ramona?"
  500. 9:51 PM - Read Between the Lines: "I almost feel the need to stretch a few ears and give you guys some shadows tailing you, just to make sure you don't act like complete idiots anymore. That seems to be very common."
  501. 9:52 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri scoffs. "That's, kind of rude."
  502. 9:52 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri takes another sip of her tea in silence.
  503. 9:52 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "I have done nothing wrong! ...Recently-ish."
  504. 9:53 PM - Read Between the Lines: "...oh! I'll be right back with something for you, Eve."
  505. 9:53 PM - Eve: "R-right, t-thank you Ma'am!"
  506. 9:53 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "So... what else. I pretty much worked through the list..."
  507. 9:53 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods to Taya. "Ok, this'll give me a moment to think. I'm sure I missed something."
  508. 9:53 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya gets up and heads into her kitchen.
  509. 9:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((It's magical milk from a questionable source))
  510. 9:54 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (data no)
  511. 9:54 PM - Sarah Salem: (( (The source is magical monster goats with 8 legs and 3 heads) ))
  512. 9:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((What?))
  513. 9:54 PM - Eve: (( ;_; ))
  514. 9:54 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (... nevermind.)
  515. 9:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Were you expecting horse milk or something))
  516. 9:55 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: ( I blame appy and his stupidly anime bullshit game for any different answer )
  517. 9:55 PM - Eve: (( Yes ))
  518. 9:56 PM - Eve: "S-she does kinda have a point..."
  519. 9:57 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "So... lets see... We talked about gods, companies, element changing, finicky magic."
  520. 9:57 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... Anything else missing on the list?"
  521. 9:57 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri turns her question to the others.
  522. 9:58 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya returns shortly later, carrying a cup of what appears to be milk. She asks Eve, "You're fine with milk in your tea, right? This'll let you drink it fine."
  523. 9:58 PM - Sarah Salem: ((It begins))
  524. 9:58 PM - Insane Cat Posse: ((Dan why did you listen to him))
  525. 9:58 PM - Read Between the Lines: yes
  526. 9:58 PM - Eve: Eve nods at Taya. "O-oh of course, t-thankyou Miss. W-where did y-you get this milk?" Eve pours some milk into the tea.
  527. 9:58 PM - Read Between the Lines: She shrugs. "I know a girl, she can get most anything."
  528. 9:58 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "You know a lot of girls..."
  529. 9:58 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato gasps as she sees the milk. "Can I get a bowl of that purrlease?"
  530. 9:58 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri speaks aloud, "She's more cat than human."
  531. 9:58 PM - Insane Cat Posse: She frowns teasingly, her tail drooping slightly. "I am just as much of a purrson as anyone else here!"
  532. 9:58 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...I just have some bonus cat, like a fluffy lil cherry on a sundae of adorable!"
  533. 9:58 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "You can become other things too now, right?"
  534. 9:59 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato nods, her little bell jingling, as she flicks it, becoming a foxgirl. "Anything fluffy and cute!"
  535. 9:59 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri stares at Satoya. She then slowly stretches out and pats Sato's head.
  536. 9:59 PM - Insane Cat Posse: She makes a cute purring noise as she hugs Eri.
  537. 10:01 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val, who has been napping the entire time, wakes up with a yawn and a strech.
  538. 10:02 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: The half of her head that was leaning against the sofa has a noticable frizz to the hair.
  539. 10:02 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Are you /sure/ I shouldn't give you girls shadows?"
  540. 10:02 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I-I'm sure..."
  541. 10:03 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Oh, I was wondering why you were so quiet Val."
  542. 10:03 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I knew this was boring...." Eri sighs in defeat.
  543. 10:03 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...But it's nice to be able to sit around and talk about these things."
  544. 10:04 PM - Eve: "I-I think i-it's a lovely i-idea!"
  545. 10:04 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val rubs her eyes "Sorry, all you guys talkin' about important stuff just makes me slip off to sleep."
  546. 10:05 PM - Read Between the Lines: "They /are/ pretty important, though most of the present company seems... less than interested."
  547. 10:05 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "It's nice compared to the usual chaos, just, sittin' n' talkin'."
  548. 10:05 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "So, yeah. I think that /pretty/ much covers everything that wasn't redundant, unimportant, or embarrassing."
  549. 10:05 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri suddenly claps her hands. "Oh yeah!" Eri coughs, "...sorry."
  550. 10:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I just remembered /one/ last thing, and then I'm done."
  551. 10:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Youma. We found out what happens if they sit around for too long, 'feeding'."
  552. 10:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "They become surprisingly... human, all things considered."
  553. 10:07 PM - Read Between the Lines: "...human, youma?"
  554. 10:07 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods.
  555. 10:08 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I kind of saw a sort of half human, half youma during the murder crisis, which I asked Yariff about I think afterwards."
  556. 10:08 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Well, that puts a big wrench in a lot of things... Now we'll have a /lot/ more problems..."
  557. 10:08 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... I kinda forgot what we talked about, since that became a heavy discussion...."
  558. 10:09 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "But more or less, youma kind of live off human energy, basically people's... souls, I guess? And the more they consume, the more it becomes a part of them. They're basically like, soul frankensteins or zombies."
  559. 10:09 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Once they get enough, they begin to become increasingly more and more human."
  560. 10:09 PM - Read Between the Lines: "So wait, you /talked/ with a /YOUMA/?"
  561. 10:10 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: " can too..."
  562. 10:10 PM - Read Between the Lines: "What happened afterwards? I hope you killed the damn thing."
  563. 10:10 PM - Eve: "I-I have her w-with me right now."
  564. 10:10 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Y-YOU /WHAT/?"
  565. 10:10 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "She... it wanted to live, and agreed to be captured."
  566. 10:11 PM - Read Between the Lines: "YOU BROUGHT A YOUMA INTO MY HOUSE?!"
  567. 10:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((I left the house with the only sane magical girl))
  568. 10:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Darn.))
  569. 10:11 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Y'know, hearing someone say it out loud makes it sound dumb."
  570. 10:11 PM - Eve: "W-well...sorta...b-but she's t-trapped!"
  571. 10:11 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods, "... Basically, she's in a form that's basically a seed, but she can be summoned back and forth from it at will, from what I've seen."
  572. 10:13 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "We kept it 'alive'..." Eri air quotes around alive, "because quite frankly, it's one of a kind."
  573. 10:14 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "And she's really good at checkers!"
  574. 10:14 PM - Read Between the Lines: "I can not even fathom how stupid that is. Granted, it's unique, but it's a damn youma."
  575. 10:14 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I was hoping to bring it to Yariff to get his opinion on it."
  576. 10:15 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Well, as long as it's far, far away from me and my place when you let it out."
  577. 10:15 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Oh, and one last thing, for real this time... It's possible that there's more than one kind of seed out there in the world."
  578. 10:15 PM - Read Between the Lines: "What do you mean by 'one more seed'?"
  579. 10:16 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Oblivion seeds are the most common, obviously, but there are special kinds of seeds as well. The kind we have in our possession currently works as a special case, where it's both an Oblivion seed, and a sort of familiar seed."
  580. 10:16 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "At least, from my understanding."
  581. 10:17 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "However, there's one other kind of seed that me and Yariff possibly thinks exists."
  582. 10:18 PM - Eve: "R-really? W-what kind?"
  583. 10:18 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Another kind? You mean, besides Oblivion?"
  584. 10:19 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I... don't have a real good name for it, but basically, it's the opposite of an Oblivion seed. Instead of being composed of negative emotions, it's presumably made by overwhelmingly positive, warm emotions instead."
  585. 10:19 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri scratches her head nervously, "It sounds cheesy, but Yariff agreed that it's entirely possible, albiet, unlikely."
  586. 10:19 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "He wanted me to bring him one if I ever find one."
  587. 10:20 PM - Eve: "D-do you think we could make a w-wish with those?"
  588. 10:21 PM - Eve: "A-assuming they e-exist."
  589. 10:21 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Gimme two Oblivions and I can find out~"
  590. 10:21 PM - Read Between the Lines: "So, an... Aether seed?"
  591. 10:21 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...That works." Eri smiles at Taya. "I think that's probably a good name."
  592. 10:22 PM - Read Between the Lines: it's a good name because it's a name I've literally /told/ you about before you sod
  593. 10:22 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: ha. it wouldn't be the first time someones forgot something today.
  594. 10:22 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...It sounds familiar. Maybe that's what Yariff called it?"
  595. 10:23 PM - Read Between the Lines: I can only hope you were pretending not to remember eno, yarif and haku's elements too, because I've made them all clear
  596. 10:23 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri sighs, "Again, my memory's a bit hazy... it's been like that since the time jumps."
  597. 10:24 PM - Eve: "H-hey, d-do you think th-that would mean making a w-wish with an oblivion s-seed would always t-turn out bad somehow?"
  598. 10:24 PM - Eve: "A-and making a w-wish with an aether seed w-would turn out good?"
  599. 10:24 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya shakes her head instantly at the suggestion.
  600. 10:25 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Of course not. I've personally seen wishes made with O-seeds granted just fine. If they were seeds of evil or something, they wouldn't be so widely sought after."
  601. 10:25 PM - Eve: Eve nods, "I-I see."
  602. 10:25 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... I was going to keep that to myself, but I personally think there's some kind of trick to the oblivion seeds. I'm sure they don't all go bad, like Taya's said. Just all the ones I've come across..."
  603. 10:25 PM - Eve: "W-well Sato i-is only two away, s-so we'll see."
  604. 10:26 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri shakes her head, "Yeah, we'll see."
  605. 10:26 PM - Read Between the Lines: "...Two seeds away from a wish?"
  606. 10:26 PM - Read Between the Lines: "You're on the home stretch. What are you going to wish for, if you don't mind my asking?"
  607. 10:27 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Yeah, I'm kinda curious as well..." Eri turns to look to Satoya, "We've been kind of helping you this whole time... and I did kind of fulfill your first wish with Eve's help too."
  608. 10:28 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...I was thinking, well, trying to bring my parents back."
  609. 10:29 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri grimaces, and turns to face away from her. "I-I... don't think that's possible..."
  610. 10:29 PM - Insane Cat Posse: She sighs, her ears drooping "Y-You... You think so?"
  611. 10:30 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... call me negative, or whatever, but... calling back the dead doesn't seem possible..."
  612. 10:31 PM - Eve: Eve stands up aggresively, "S-sure it is! I-it's a wish isn't it?"
  613. 10:31 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I-I'll... just be quiet."
  614. 10:32 PM - Eve: Eve's face softens, "S-sorry Eri I-I didn't mean t-to snap..."
  615. 10:32 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "But what if these seeds do have a sick twist, like genies do in movies?"
  616. 10:32 PM - Eve: "Y-you're just concerned, i-it's actually q-quite thoughtful of y-you."
  617. 10:33 PM - Eve: "P-perhaps it i-is something we sh-should consider Sato."
  618. 10:33 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri looks up and smiles sadly at Eve. "... I wouldn't mind wishing the same thing, if I wasn't scared of the consequences..."
  619. 10:34 PM - Eve: Eve nods at Eri and returns her smile, "I-I know...I-I'm sorry."
  620. 10:35 PM - Eve: "M-maybe we s-should consult with l-life and d-death before something like that..."
  621. 10:35 PM - Eve: "B-but how would we find t-them?"
  622. 10:35 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Bringing back the dead is... a big wish. You're messing with powers you really shouldn't on an extent you /definitely/ shouldn't. It's a nice thought, but... just remember, now that we know the Guardians are things, stuff might not work as you expect."
  623. 10:35 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato let out a sigh. "I just... Its all I really want in life, now that I have Hiroe back from the edge of death."
  624. 10:38 PM - Read Between the Lines: "If you were to ask me, bringing the dead back is one of the greediest and most disgusting things anyone can wish for. Let sleeping dogs lie, as the expression goes."
  625. 10:39 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...That's sorta, one of my powers..."
  626. 10:40 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods, "It's a bit funny really. Her job's basically to force those sleeping dogs to get back up..."
  627. 10:40 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Satoya is pretty disgusting though))
  628. 10:40 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Let's be honest with ourselves))
  629. 10:40 PM - Insane Cat Posse: ((:c))
  630. 10:40 PM - Eve: "I-I don't a-agree at all."
  631. 10:40 PM - Eve: "N-nobody w-wants to die."
  632. 10:41 PM - Read Between the Lines: She shrugs. "Sorry to say, it's just how I feel. I guess your magic is a different kind from wishing the dead back anyway, right? If you could resurrect your parents, you would have done so already."
  633. 10:41 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "I mean... I guess."
  634. 10:42 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "If it worked, I probably would have asked for her help back then..."
  635. 10:42 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri sighs, and nibbles on a cookie silently.
  636. 10:43 PM - Read Between the Lines: "And of course, nobody wants to die. But, they've moved on, and so should you. You don't know what happens /after/ they die, do you? I'm under the impression that the 'better place' deal is a firm reality. There has to be somewhere that these souls travel after they're gone from their bodies. Assuming it isn't into the gut of a youma."
  637. 10:43 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri grimaces at the notion.
  638. 10:44 PM - Eve: "I-I guess..."
  639. 10:44 PM - Eve: "B-but what if you're wrong."
  640. 10:45 PM - Eve: "A-and it's just oblivion..."
  641. 10:45 PM - Eve: "T-that's not fair."
  642. 10:45 PM - Eve: "S-so what's so wrong with giving them a l-little more time?"
  643. 10:45 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Then I'm wrong. But people still have to die, eventually. It's necessary for new life to occur."
  644. 10:45 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri smiles, "T-that's... a bit selfless of you."
  645. 10:45 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Uh...guys... I think I should tell you all my wish before Sato uses her seeds."
  646. 10:45 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Val...?"
  647. 10:46 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val looks at the floor , her face a little pink "For all my friends to have thier wishes come true."
  648. 10:48 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...There has to be a rule against that, like, you can't wish for more wishes, can mew?"
  649. 10:48 PM - Eve: Eve turns to Valentine, "T-that's very kind...b-but would that work?"
  650. 10:49 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Well, I already have everything I need and you guys each have something you want more than anything..."
  651. 10:49 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri turns to Taya, "Has anything like that happened before?"
  652. 10:49 PM - Read Between the Lines: "I've only ever seen individual wishes granted, though a wish is a wish. I don't see why it wouldn't work."
  653. 10:50 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "W-well... my wish is probably a little different from Eve's and Sato's it seems, so I wonder how that'd work..."
  654. 10:50 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...How many seeds do mew need Val?"
  655. 10:51 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Well, I have 1."
  656. 10:51 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri blinks, realizing something.
  657. 10:51 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "D-do... do we have 13?"
  658. 10:51 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I kinda lost count...."
  659. 10:52 PM - Eve: "S-sato, how many do you have?"
  660. 10:52 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "I have 11."
  661. 10:52 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "But if Sato's got 11, you have 1, and Eve's got that one... though I'd rather not use it..."
  662. 10:52 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Maybe we should put our money together and get the last one?"
  663. 10:53 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...we /do/ have 13..." Eri's eyes glaze over, something seemingly impossible in her mind having come reality.
  664. 10:53 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...I vote we do it."
  665. 10:54 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I bet we can buy one at the Attic."
  666. 10:55 PM - Eve: "D-do we have that much?"
  667. 10:55 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Or find a girl willing to sell at the bar!"
  668. 10:55 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...We could pool our money!"
  669. 10:55 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...I'm broke..."
  670. 10:55 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "I have 19 dollars to contribute!"
  671. 10:55 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I bet if we pull our money together and believe, we can achieve anything," Val says with a sparkle in her eye.
  672. 10:56 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (The dream is shattered by harsh reality as its become clear that everyone's actually dirt poor)
  673. 10:56 PM - Eve: "...149 here."
  674. 10:57 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Hey Val... could we ask your brother for help?"
  675. 10:57 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I have 1000 monies I can spare, maybe we can sell some useless loot?"
  676. 10:58 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya sits back, sipping her tea. She smiles lightly. "It's nice to see you girls actually working together."
  677. 10:58 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Loot like Sarah?" Sato suggests excitedly.
  678. 10:59 PM - Sarah Salem: (( ;-; ))
  679. 10:59 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: (sarah is rad loot to sell)
  680. 10:59 PM - Read Between the Lines: that would imply that sarah is rad
  681. 10:59 PM - Sarah Salem: (( I would be worth so much goddamn money. ))
  682. 10:59 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Thx boo))
  683. 10:59 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Sarah's not a tool."
  684. 10:59 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Yeah, Val said useless loot, not a tool!"
  685. 10:59 PM - Eve: "How much i-is arcanium worth?" Eve pulls out the arcanium coin in the shape of her activator.
  686. 10:59 PM - Read Between the Lines: "What's 'arcanium'?"
  687. 11:00 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...!"
  688. 11:00 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Oh, uhm... haha, woops."
  689. 11:00 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I knew something slipped my mind."
  690. 11:01 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Arcanium's a magic metal, which you can probably tell from the name. It's super rare, but I guess the Akechi corporation's got a fair bit of it."
  691. 11:02 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "From my understanding, you can make unique magic items in an almost, alchemical way. Mix a little of this, mold it like that... and bam, you'll get a shape shifting sword, an energy enhancing bracelet that fights off entropy..."
  692. 11:02 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "The magic bangles that we were wearing were made of the stuff."
  693. 11:02 PM - Read Between the Lines: "So that's how they worked. I was wondering how an enchanted bracelet would help you use magic..."
  694. 11:02 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "And I think the weapons they gave you guys had small amounts of it too, so you could hurt familiars and stuff."
  695. 11:03 PM - Read Between the Lines: "That stuff sounds incredibly valuable, but simultaneously entirely worthless."
  696. 11:03 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Unless you know the proper combinations and recipes, it'd basically be scrap."
  697. 11:03 PM - Eve: "B-but it's p-probably worth a lot t-to the right people r-right?"
  698. 11:03 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... Also, Guardians apparently have magic items made purely of the stuff."
  699. 11:03 PM - Read Between the Lines: "The Guardians do?"
  700. 11:04 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I managed to tip Yariff's magic fate scale things when we were together." Eri smiles. "Yeah, I remember Yariff's and Life and Death's..."
  701. 11:04 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "A scale, a heart, and a... scythe?"
  702. 11:04 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Respectively."
  703. 11:04 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "And I mean, a balance scale, not like, a fish scale."
  704. 11:04 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Hmmm..."
  705. 11:05 PM - Read Between the Lines: "That sounds pretty important. But either way, the stuff is still worthless to pretty much anyone who doesn't have the recipes. Sure, you could experiment with it yourself, but you'd only have so much to work with."
  706. 11:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods in agreement. "I know a couple of the recipes, actually. Saw one or two of them when we stole a case of the stuff months back..."
  707. 11:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "We gave it back though!"
  708. 11:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Or rather, Sarah did."
  709. 11:06 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...I didn't really know where she got it, initially."
  710. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: (( c;))
  711. 11:07 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "But it was Akechi's supply, I think."
  712. 11:07 PM - Eve: "T-that's concerning..."
  713. 11:07 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... I swear I'm different from before..."
  714. 11:07 PM - Read Between the Lines: "So, Akechi seems to have a steady supply of the stuff."
  715. 11:08 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods in agreement.
  716. 11:08 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Come to think of it, those instruments you played back in the temple, were those made of the stuff too?"
  717. 11:08 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...Oh yeah!"
  718. 11:08 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri digs in her pocket and pulls out the mouth piece.
  719. 11:08 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "My xylophone!"
  720. 11:08 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: She gives it a toot.
  721. 11:08 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato does the same, and pulls out the mallets
  722. 11:09 PM - Sarah Salem: ((And then you wake up Entropy and get game over))
  723. 11:09 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Thanks, everyone))
  724. 11:09 PM - Eve: (( rip ))
  725. 11:09 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (gg no re)
  726. 11:11 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: After playing a note or two, Eri condenses the horn and puts it back in her pocket. "Yeah, I think these instruments are magical in that they can summon the instrument, and sort of... guide the user on how to play?"
  727. 11:11 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Despite how it looked, I have absolutely no clue how to play a horn." Eri sheepishly laughs.
  728. 11:12 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I like the shape though... the sun motif is pretty cool..."
  729. 11:13 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Interesting... there's certainly been a lot to happen this last year. I'll have to take all this into consideration for the future, seeing as things only seem to be getting more dangerous."
  730. 11:13 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri sighs, "...Geez. I've talked for entirely too long. Now /that's/ for sure everything that I wanted to say, though it's a shame that Sarah couldn't stick around."
  731. 11:14 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Yeah, some people can't sit still I guess."
  732. 11:14 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "So uhm, any other questions guys? I think I've discussed everything I know and now my mouth's getting dry..."
  733. 11:14 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri takes another sip of her tea, finishing it off.
  734. 11:14 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Nyope, I'm good!"
  735. 11:15 PM - Eve: "N-no I-I think I've covered e-everything, b-besides t-this I-I guess..." Eve pulls out the NAVI Mr. A gave her, "I-I haven't used it yet."
  736. 11:15 PM - Eve: Eve jiggles the NAVI around a bit, "I-I'm not sure how to even t-turn this thing on."
  737. 11:15 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "You know, Ally's been remarkably silent... " Eri glances over with some concern.
  738. 11:16 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ally is passed out on the floor, her shirt covered in cookie crumbs, and a large snot bubble expanding and contracting from her nose.
  739. 11:16 PM - Read Between the Lines: Her shirt is pulled up slightly, revealing midriff.
  740. 11:17 PM - Eve: Eve pulls it back down.
  741. 11:18 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri tsks, and is about to illusion it before Eve assists for her, "Looks like we think alike."
  742. 11:18 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I would be embarrassed if I just passed out like that..."
  743. 11:18 PM - Read Between the Lines: Taya snorts. "You certainly keep interesting company."
  744. 11:18 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato tsks lightly "Why does that stuff always happen to us? Its like there's some lonely perv controlling what happens to us."
  745. 11:19 PM - Eve: "I-indeed."
  746. 11:19 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Only god knows..." Eri mutters.
  747. 11:19 PM - Read Between the Lines: "You don't seem to mind it though. Maybe you just like these things, and can't help but notice them."
  748. 11:20 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "It's less liking, and more just used to it by now..."
  749. 11:20 PM - Eve: "W-we are all the purest o-of maidens I a-assure you..."
  750. 11:20 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...don't even get me started about the beach..."
  751. 11:20 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri goes red.
  752. 11:20 PM - Eve: "W-well, me and Eri anyways."
  753. 11:21 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "...Pure maidens don't own fuzzy handcuffs!"
  754. 11:21 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...Guess that makes me the only one." Eri shrugs, winking at Eve.
  755. 11:22 PM - Eve: "T-they're to apprehend c-criminals!"
  756. 11:22 PM - Eve: "I-I don't want them t-to be uncomfortable..."
  757. 11:22 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "And compared to you two, I'm single, so technically, I'm the purest of maidens, hah!"
  758. 11:22 PM - Read Between the Lines: "I don't even want to know anymore."
  759. 11:22 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Just, stop, before this gets any worse."
  760. 11:23 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Oh...?" Eri turns to Taya, a devilish grin on her face, "Is there someone /you've/ got in your life?"
  761. 11:24 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: The devilish grin recedes, "If you don't mind sharing, that is."
  762. 11:25 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "... It's a complicated deal, having someone you care about and having to be the savior of the universe at the same time, so maybe I'm just a little curious as to how you handle it..."
  763. 11:25 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Nope. I roll solo. Last time I was with anyone was when I ran with my group a few years ago. Then..." her face darkens. "'s not a fun conversation topic."
  764. 11:26 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "S-sorry..." Eri turns away.
  765. 11:26 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I should have been more thoughtful..."
  766. 11:26 PM - Eve: Eve holds Ally's hand and looks down, "M-maybe we should switch topics."
  767. 11:27 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val uses her magic to put a happy aura in the room.
  768. 11:29 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods, looking to Val, "Yeah, guess you're right... So, Taya, I've basically more or less laid out everything I figured out in the past while, so... do you mind sharing a story or two with us as well?"
  769. 11:30 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Mm, a story of mine? Like what?"
  770. 11:30 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I'm sure there's a couple happy, goofy ones in there, to get off the serious subjects we've got going on... I know that I've already got entirely too many embarrassing ones." Eri smiles with her goofy grin.
  771. 11:30 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Can Eri smile now?))
  772. 11:31 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (sometimes :v)
  773. 11:32 PM - Eve: (( only solemnly tho ))
  774. 11:32 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato giggles lightly "If we need a stupid story, there's the time me and Ally got banned from the mall, purrmanently."
  775. 11:32 PM - Eve: Eve grimaces, "D-don't remind me..."
  776. 11:32 PM - Read Between the Lines: Ally snorts in her sleep at the mention of her name. "Snrrrk. Bunbunnsss... snrrrk."
  777. 11:33 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "The time at the hotsprings was pretty funny too, in hindsight... It was so... stereotypically awful that it kind of went back around to the great side of the spectrum."
  778. 11:34 PM - Sarah Salem: (( >Sarah getting drilled through by a water tentacle))
  779. 11:34 PM - Sarah Salem: (( >Satoya getting tossed around like a ragdoll))
  780. 11:34 PM - Read Between the Lines: "...hotsprings."
  781. 11:34 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...There was a youma there."
  782. 11:35 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Youma are drawn to entirely too many conveniently inconvenient places."
  783. 11:36 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "In the end, it was worth it though... the hotspring we were in was actually magical, it got rid of my horrible sandpapery skin."
  784. 11:36 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "The sandpaper skin was awful..."
  785. 11:36 PM - Read Between the Lines: "That's a thing? Hm. I may have to recommend the place to a few friends."
  786. 11:37 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Also, we got our own mansion out of that deal too!"
  787. 11:37 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...Though it was haunted..."
  788. 11:37 PM - Eve: "A-and it's hard t-to get to."
  789. 11:37 PM - Read Between the Lines: "You girls are certainly lucky, by the sound of it. Entirely too lucky."
  790. 11:37 PM - Read Between the Lines: "And unlucky."
  791. 11:37 PM - Read Between the Lines: "I don't know which anymore."
  792. 11:38 PM - Read Between the Lines: "I'll ask for details about the springs later, but, if you want a good story of mine... there was the time one of the old crew I ran with rode a horse-like youma to joust another youma. That was pretty awesome."
  793. 11:38 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "That /does/ sound awesome..."
  794. 11:39 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Then there was the time where we were exploring an Egyptian tomb that was full of familiars... got a lot of nice loot from there."
  795. 11:40 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Wait, a /real/ tomb?"
  796. 11:40 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Yep. Found and cracked it ourselves."
  797. 11:40 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri's jaw slacks open. "A-awesome..."
  798. 11:40 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Man, I wanna grow up to be that cool!"
  799. 11:41 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Well, we /did/ find a real haunted house, and ghost-busted the crap out of it... so that's /kinda/ similar... though not as cool and ancient..."
  800. 11:42 PM - Read Between the Lines: "The tomb was pretty badass, until the whole... have you girls ever played a pen and paper game?"
  801. 11:42 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "No, those sound stupid."
  802. 11:42 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "Oh, oh, pen and paper game, like tic tac toe?"
  803. 11:42 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Well there's this campaign called 'Tomb of Horrors' or something like that. Basically, it's 'You're Fucked: The Game'. That's what the Egypt tomb was like, once we got to the real loot inside."
  804. 11:43 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Hmm... maybe we should try and play that at some point? Though, it might hit a little too close for home to me..."
  805. 11:44 PM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato looks between everyone, lost and confused.
  806. 11:45 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "O-oh, before I forget!" Eri straightens up a bit, "I don't mean to sound like a stinge, what with everything you've done to host us here... but you mentioned before that you might give me and Val something for helping you get caught up with the world? I mean, I'm sure this wasn't what you had in mind..."
  807. 11:46 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Yeah, I did mention that, didn't I? As you can see, I've collected a number of artifacts over the years, from all sorts of places."
  808. 11:47 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri looks at the vast wall of things.
  809. 11:47 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Vals eye's buldge.
  810. 11:48 PM - Read Between the Lines: "And anything I don't have, I can probably get with a few connections. I've traveled the world, after all. Like the one time we went to the cratered, radioactive mess that was America, to kill a youma hiding in a bunker for a job we were hired to do. Turns out, the bunker was loaded with a live nuke. Now /that/ was exciting."
  811. 11:48 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...!"
  812. 11:48 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "A-amazing..."
  813. 11:48 PM - Eve: "T-that's scary..."
  814. 11:48 PM - Insane Cat Posse: "You have a nuke?"
  815. 11:49 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Of course not! It started ticking once we got near it. Motion sensors or something set it to detonate."
  816. 11:49 PM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Can I have one?"
  817. 11:49 PM - Read Between the Lines: "You're /already/ nukes, considering how much you force your magic."
  818. 11:50 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I also /technically/ have nuke power, Val... But ssh..."
  819. 11:50 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I... don't like to think about that."
  820. 11:53 PM - Eve: "H-how did you escape?"
  821. 11:53 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods, wanting to hear more of the story.
  822. 11:56 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Well, our friend Greene was with us. He was a tech head, pretty badass for a nonmagical, and entirely too prepared for absolutely fucking /everything/. We skated out with rocket-powered rollerskates he made, at which point another girl in the party made us a ramp out of trees with her power. From there, we boosted up and latched onto a helicopter that was waiting for us."
  823. 11:57 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Oh, that sounds familiar..." Eri laughs. "... we've got a group of friends who are basically in the same field."
  824. 11:58 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Of course, by the end of it, we were being shot at by some of the more... radical, inhabitants, of the American wastes. The chopper couldn't stick around and was pulling away quickly. I guess we were expendable once we got the job done? Considering how they were pulling away. But anyway, I latched onto one of the skids, where everyone else behind me kinda... grabbed onto the leg of the one above them. When all was said and done, it was basically like a barrel of monkeys. You know, those little monkey toys that hook together?"
  825. 11:58 PM - Eve: "W-wouldn't that hurt your leg?"
  826. 11:59 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Well, her leg's still attached so that's something at least." Eri leans over to make sure that Taya does indeed have two legs.
  827. 12:01 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Oh yeah, it hurt like hell. We ended up climbing up each other like a human ladder. Ah, good times..." she seems to regard the memory almost fondly.
  828. 12:01 PM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri shuffles, "Honestly... I've been meaning to get contracted in that sort of way. I'd rather not just fight for myself, but rather... for the rest of the world. Or at least my friends..."
  829. 12:02 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "That sounds awesome though... almost straight out of an action movie."
  830. 12:02 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "...with more magic, of course."
  831. 12:03 AM - Eve: "K-kind of s-scary though huh?"
  832. 12:03 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Absolutely terrifying. But that's what made it fun."
  833. 12:03 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "That sounds so BADASS! Did you wear any sunglasses?"
  834. 12:04 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri grimaces, facing the ground, "And here we are, getting attacked by giant crabs and tentacle monsters and movie monster knock-offs..."
  835. 12:04 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Greene always had a pair of what he called 'augmented reality' shades on. They were a pretty cool shade of dark blue."
  836. 12:04 AM - Eve: "D-did they do anything c-cool?"
  837. 12:05 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I WANNA BE A COOL SPY LIKE YOU!" Val says, practically jumping out of her skin.
  838. 12:05 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri mutters to herself quietly in the corner about how her life is really just a crappy harem anime with no handsome protagonist, half listening to the real conversation.
  839. 12:06 AM - Eve: (( Shosuke is obvs the handsome protag ))
  840. 12:06 AM - Read Between the Lines: totes
  841. 12:06 AM - Eve: (( idk what Eri's thinking ))
  842. 12:06 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: He doesn't show up enough
  843. 12:06 AM - Read Between the Lines: Shosuke is open game now that Satoya's not interested
  844. 12:06 AM - Read Between the Lines: and Tami digs the d too
  845. 12:06 AM - Read Between the Lines: it'll be perf
  846. 12:06 AM - Eve: (( Rin's gunna go after him ))
  847. 12:07 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: damnit dan
  848. 12:07 AM - Insane Cat Posse: No man, you're one letter off
  849. 12:07 AM - Insane Cat Posse: Tami digs the e
  850. 12:08 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (E for everyone?)
  851. 12:08 AM - Insane Cat Posse: (E for Eri)
  852. 12:08 AM - Eve: (( c; ))
  853. 12:08 AM - Read Between the Lines: E for Erione
  854. 12:09 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: (yes yes, I figured ryan ;T Just wanted to throw in my horrible not-joke in there too)
  855. 12:10 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "You know, I've got some augmented reality shades too... but I doubt they're the same thing."
  856. 12:10 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I avoid wearing them though, because I end up spewing nonsense... 80s lingo I think?"
  857. 12:10 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri digs out the Performance Analyzers.
  858. 12:10 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Compared to what you're wearing already, it wouldn't seem much different."
  859. 12:11 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "H-hey!"
  860. 12:12 AM - Read Between the Lines: She holds up her hands in surrender, "Just making a point."
  861. 12:12 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Anyway, I don't know if his shades did anything actually. He liked to lie about a lot of his inventions for no particular reason."
  862. 12:12 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Hmm... maybe our tech group and yours are different after all..."
  863. 12:13 AM - Read Between the Lines: "So, yeah. You wanted a reward, right? What are you looking for?"
  864. 12:13 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Yeah... I don't really know myself."
  865. 12:14 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Oh!"
  866. 12:14 AM - Insane Cat Posse: "Wait... You wouldn't have seeds by any chance?"
  867. 12:14 AM - Insane Cat Posse: "Cause, if Eri asks for one, Val can have her wish!"
  868. 12:14 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val nods "That would be handy!"
  869. 12:14 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val's eyes scan the room.
  870. 12:14 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Ha, no. I sell my seeds as I get them."
  871. 12:14 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "W-well, that'd be a good deal too, but I doubt she'd have one on hand... and there it is."
  872. 12:15 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Handy, but unrealistic. Hmm... you know, I might still have those rocketskates, if you want those."
  873. 12:15 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Well, I did have an idea... do you by chance have any sort of magic weapons?"
  874. 12:16 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Magical weapons, hm? I probably have a few around."
  875. 12:16 AM - Insane Cat Posse: "Ooh, like a bazooka!"
  876. 12:17 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "When I mentioned our tech, some people we know at school kind of know about magic too... and they sometimes build us gadgets that can be used to help fight youma. One of them's a suit of armor, and it can turn a relatively mundane ma-Sato no! That'd be /too/ dangerous...!"
  877. 12:17 AM - Insane Cat Posse: She lets out a soft aww in response.
  878. 12:19 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Well, the short of it is, I've been looking for a weapon to go with the armor."
  879. 12:19 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Interesting. Magitech armor? Very nice. I'd love to see it sometime. So, what kind of armor is it?"
  880. 12:20 AM - Sarah Salem: ((Edgy black knight stuff))
  881. 12:20 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I've brought it with me..."
  882. 12:21 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri digs in her bag once more, and pulls out... a knight's helmet. Oddly enough, it has a pair of samurai armor horns coming out of the front of it as well as the stereotypical flair that old knight helmets have in the back.
  883. 12:22 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri puts it on, and she's suddenly covered in a black tinted hybrid of samurai and knight armor.
  884. 12:22 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I'm looking for armor to go with my look sword."
  885. 12:22 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: *looking*
  886. 12:23 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Basically, either something european or eastern would do." Eri says, muffled inside the helmet.
  887. 12:24 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Armor to go with a sword, and a sword to go with armor. Seems to me like you should just combine your assets."
  888. 12:24 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri looks over to Val, "Are you by chance talking about that Arcanium shape-shifting sword?"
  889. 12:25 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "I know that Sarah picked one up, I think, but you picked one up too?"
  890. 12:26 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Yes I do... would you like to trade?"
  891. 12:26 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I get two things from her and you get my sword?"
  892. 12:26 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Uhm... I'd like to keep the armor that I got, since it's not actually for me... but yeah, that sounds perfect...!"
  893. 12:30 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri nods in agreement.
  894. 12:30 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val takes the sword from her pack and hands it over to Eri.
  895. 12:33 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Yes...! I'll be bringing this over to PASS later!"
  896. 12:33 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri thinks, and transforms the sword into a heavy hilt, and drops it with a small *thunk* in her bag.
  897. 12:31 AM - Eve: Eve gives Val a thumbs up at her new rewards.
  898. 12:28 AM - Read Between the Lines: "So in that case, you'll be taking both the rewards, then?" Taya asks Val.
  899. 12:31 AM - Read Between the Lines: "You want the rocketskates maybe?"
  900. 12:34 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val looks around.
  901. 12:34 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Could I get something more combat useful?"
  902. 12:34 AM - Read Between the Lines: "You seem to like shades, so I can probably dig up the AR shades..."
  903. 12:34 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val's eyes grow large.
  904. 12:34 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Go on."
  905. 12:36 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Well, they've got blue lenses, sleek silver frames, and... screw it, I'll go find them. Probably buried in a closet somewhere."
  906. 12:37 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val has a cheshire cat grin on her face.
  907. 12:39 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri takes off the helmet and tosses it into her bag too.
  908. 12:39 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Now it's almost complete..."
  909. 12:40 AM - Read Between the Lines: Taya leaves for several minutes, returning with a set of shades exactly as she described. She hands them to Val.
  910. 12:41 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val puts them on her face as soon as possible.
  911. 12:44 AM - Read Between the Lines: The shades bleep to life, and Val sees a little notification reading a wifi access point.
  912. 12:44 AM - Read Between the Lines: Roll Finesse!
  913. 12:45 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: 15
  914. 12:46 AM - Read Between the Lines: The notification reads the wifi as a locked password. Though you don't have the password, an input pops up in your vision, seemingly displayed in 3D some ways away from your face, through the shades. Nobody else is able to see the windows, however, but you notice the password stars in the input box pop up one by one after cycling rapidly through a series of characters.
  915. 12:46 AM - Read Between the Lines: The wifi access password is cracked, and the glasses connect to the internet. You can now browse the web.
  916. 12:47 AM - Read Between the Lines: Looks like you got some wicked hacking shades.
  917. 12:47 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "So Val, how are they?"
  918. 12:48 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: A single tear can be seen rolling down her cheek. "These are the best god damn shades I have ever seen in my life."
  919. 12:49 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "They must be some pretty good glasses then..."
  920. 12:50 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Greene was a techno wiz, alright."
  921. 12:50 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val wipes the tear away and just nods.
  922. 12:51 AM - Read Between the Lines: "I never did bother to try out those shades myself, though. Always figured he was just full of shit about what they did."
  923. 12:51 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val slowly takes them off, realizing the power she now has.
  924. 12:51 AM - Eve: "W-what do they do Val?"
  925. 12:51 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val gives off a semi-evil sounding laugh.
  926. 12:51 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "V-val?"
  927. 12:52 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "For once I'm kind of scared..."
  928. 12:52 AM - Read Between the Lines: "So they /do/ have a function?"
  929. 12:52 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "They just let me look at the web, not much else," Val's grin keeps growing.
  930. 12:54 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "That's a bit limited, but that grin's making me uncomfortable." Eri mutters.
  931. 12:54 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Maybe she just likes to browse on the go?" Taya shrugs.
  932. 12:55 AM - Eve: "Y-yeah..."
  933. 12:55 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val takes them off and slips them in the collar of her shirt so that they hang infront of her and in a safe spot.
  934. 12:57 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Well, that was one thing. Can you think of anything else Val?"
  935. 12:57 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "What else do you got for me, Tay?"
  936. 12:58 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I don't know, show me some exoctic finds."
  937. 12:59 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Exotic finds, eh? Hmmm... I've been around, sure, buuut..."
  938. 1:00 AM - Read Between the Lines: "I've got to have something around here I won't mind parting with."
  939. 1:01 AM - Eve: Eve stands up and stretches, "I-I'm glad you guys are getting y-your loot, b-but I think I'll t-try and go find Santa now, I-I'll catch up with you later!"
  940. 1:01 AM - Eve: With that Eve leaves before anyone can follow her.
  941. 1:02 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Oh, alright then, goodbye!"
  942. 1:02 AM - Read Between the Lines: Taya turns back to Val. "How's about... a pair of rings that let you always know where the other is when you're wearing one?"
  943. 1:02 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "That sounds handy."
  944. 1:02 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Maybe... " Eri thinks on it for a moment.
  945. 1:03 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Oh! If you get that, you can give one half to your brother! I'm sure he worries about you a lot."
  946. 1:03 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Hmmm... sounds perfect! That way I know exactly where you guys are, always."
  947. 1:04 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Yeah, I guess that works too..."
  948. 1:05 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Consider them yours." She tosses you a pair of engraved silver rings. One has a blue gem in it, while the other has an orange one. Fanciful silver lines work their way around the face of the rings. They're quite shiny.
  949. 1:09 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "I'll keep them to myself until I can think of who to give the other to."
  950. 1:09 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "That's probably smart..." Eri yawns and stretches.
  951. 1:09 AM - Read Between the Lines: "I remember those things helped us out in a pickle once. Hope you get the same mileage with them as I did."
  952. 1:10 AM - Read Between the Lines: "I'm sure you can figure out a use for them. In any case, I think that about covers what you wanted to do, right? I should probably clean up, I promised a friend I'd meet her soon."
  953. 1:11 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Thank you for this awesome stuff!"
  954. 1:11 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Right; sorry for intruding..." Eri gets up and stretches out. "It was nice to finally get to talk about all that stuff. I woulda got to you sooner but... things kept piling up, as you heard."
  955. 1:12 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Yes, yes. Stop by anytime, always nice to have guests. Just don't show up with any more Changes, or I'll have to punch you for each new one I see."
  956. 1:14 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: "Kay..." Eri gets up, and thinks about something for a moment, before shaking the thought from her head. "Well, thanks for looking out for us; I'll try and keep in contact-! That stuff about doing missions seemed interesting."
  957. 1:14 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: Eri packs her belongings and waves to the other two remaining members. "Ok, you guys coming?"
  958. 1:15 AM - Insane Cat Posse: Sato nods with a yawn, getting up and stretching.
  959. 1:16 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: Val slips on her shades.
  960. 1:16 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: "Yah."
  964. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  966. 9:45 PM - Read Between the Lines: You exit, closing the door behind you. It's still quite cold. You sure hope Anna doesn't find out you're so lightly dressed.
  967. 9:48 PM - Read Between the Lines: Walking calmly down the street, you hold back a shiver, hand tucked into your sweater's front pocket. You're all on your own now. Any plans?
  968. 9:49 PM - Sarah Salem: Let's see
  969. 9:50 PM - Sarah Salem: I guess Sarah can check in with Anna first off, since they didn't go home together.
  970. 9:52 PM - Read Between the Lines: Heading calmly home, you stop at the door, about to open it when curiously enough, you hear voices inside. Three voices, one of which is Anna.
  971. 9:52 PM - Read Between the Lines: Could it be? Does Anna have friends over, like a /not/ nerd?
  972. 9:52 PM - Sarah Salem: ((But that's not even uncommon))
  973. 9:52 PM - Read Between the Lines: But she's a nerd
  974. 9:53 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah hesitates opening the door, her latent social retardation rearing its head once more.
  975. 9:53 PM - Sarah Salem: After more than a few seconds of consideration, she decides to take the plunge, pushing her front door open into the main room.
  976. 9:55 PM - Read Between the Lines: In the livingroom, you find Anna with her friends Tsuki and Mayako, sitting on the (not broken anymore) couch and watching something on TV. It appears to feature lots of green-clad men carrying the wizard-boomsticks and featuring lots of red, white and blue.
  977. 9:56 PM - Read Between the Lines: Mayako seems far more invested in the movie than Tsuki and Anna, not that they're disinterested themselves. Anna looks over at your entrance. "Oh, welcome home Sarah."
  978. 9:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hello, Anna." Sarah responds quietly, removing her shoes at the door and attempting to sneak up the stairs without engaging the others.
  979. 9:58 PM - Read Between the Lines: "O-oh, Sarah, before you go!"
  980. 9:59 PM - Sarah Salem: flinches a few steps up, freezing in place. Busted. "Yes?"
  981. 10:00 PM - Read Between the Lines: Anna gets up, quickly crossing past the TV. Tsuki's eyes follow her, while Mayako's remain glued to the TV, even going so far as to lean around Anna as she jogs past. Anna roots around in her pocket for a moment, before pulling out a small, brass-colored flipphone.
  982. 10:01 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Here, I figured since you uh, returned the one you borrowed, you'd be needing your own. You probably need a way to get in touch with the other girls when you can't... you know," she taps the side of her head twice, giving you a knowing look.
  983. 10:05 PM - Sarah Salem: nods understandingly, taking the phone from Anna and flipping it open, inspecting it. "Does it work the same way?"
  984. 10:06 PM - Read Between the Lines: She nods. "I made sure not to get any of the... fancier, models. I also put in all the numbers from my phone already, so you should be able to get in touch with most anyone."
  985. 10:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, good. I think Eri also wanted you to have this," The phone disappears from Sarah's hand, her magical earring appearing in its place, dangling from a thumb and forefinger.
  986. 10:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "It's used to get into contact with her from wherever, from what she told me. I don't particularly have a use for it."
  987. 10:09 PM - Read Between the Lines: She takes the earring, examining it. "I see. Well, thank her for me when you see her. I'll take care of it, then."
  988. 10:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "Alright, I will." Sarah keeps quiet about the fact that Anna could just put the jewelry on and thank Eri directly. She peers around Anna at the devilbox that Mayako is so fixated on, trying to understand what it shows.
  989. 10:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "Why is your friend so attentively watching the heresy-square? Has it stolen her soul?"
  990. 10:12 PM - Read Between the Lines: Anna glances behind her at the TV before turning back to you as she sighs. "No, Sarah. We're watching an old American movie, and Mayako loves anything American."
  991. 10:13 PM - Read Between the Lines: The TV currently displays two tanned, muscular men in tattered, dirty and torn clothing, laying in the mud and covered in blood, clutching each other in a most (un)homoerotic manner.
  992. 10:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "I think you should check her soul, regardless." Sarah appears to be a little worried. "Those two men seem rather friendly with each other. Are they also magical?"
  993. 10:14 PM - Read Between the Lines: "No, Sarah, they are not. What makes you say that? ...can guys even make contracts?"
  994. 10:15 PM - Sarah Salem: "Not that I know of. But if magical girls like other girls usually, then magical men must also. That's reasonable."
  995. 10:16 PM - Read Between the Lines: "I - wait a second. You think they're...?"
  996. 10:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hm?" Sarah cocks her head.
  997. 10:18 PM - Read Between the Lines: "N-nevermind. Well, that was all I wanted to give you, so you're free to go. Or you can stick around and watch if you want, though you certainly don't seem very interested in 'having your soul stolen'."
  998. 10:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "I could never subject myself to that." Sarah hugs her sister close for a moment, then heads up the stairs to her room without another word.
  999. 10:20 PM - Read Between the Lines: You are immediately assailed as you open your door.
  1000. 10:20 PM - Read Between the Lines: Assailed by an eyeball. With limbs.
  1001. 10:21 PM - Read Between the Lines: Gekko hangs from your bangs, looking directly into your eyes with an expression only describable as a "stupid smile." As best as an eye can smile, at least.
  1002. 10:23 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah smiles, pulling the eye off of her hair and settling him in her palm. "Hello, Gekko. Enjoying the sssssnow?" She looks a little bemused at the accidental lengthening of the 's', but ignores it.
  1003. 10:24 PM - Read Between the Lines: He nods vigoriously, pointing to the open window, where a pile of snow has built up inside your room.
  1004. 10:25 PM - Sarah Salem: "Gekko. Really?"
  1005. 10:25 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah sighs, moving over and shutting the window with a shiver.
  1006. 10:25 PM - Read Between the Lines: Gekko proceeds to swan dive off your hand into the pile of fluffy snow, further scattering it everywhere as you shut the window.
  1007. 10:26 PM - Sarah Salem: One facepalm later, Sarah begins to accelerate the snow's progression through time, melting it rapidly.
  1008. 10:27 PM - Read Between the Lines: Gekko watches it melt before his eye, looking on sadly.
  1009. 10:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "Apologies."
  1010. 10:29 PM - Sarah Salem: She sets about rearranging some things in her pockets, dropping things off in both her real-world room, and the constructed room that is in some kind of pocket-space.
  1011. 10:30 PM - Read Between the Lines: Gekko watches this curiously for a moment before leaping onto your bed to continue watching from a more comfortable and higher vantage point.
  1012. 10:31 PM - Sarah Salem: It doesn't take long, and could have been instant if Sarah decided to flex her powers more than usual.
  1013. 10:32 PM - Sarah Salem: After she's done, she gives Gekko one last pat, then exits her room, heading down the stairs for the front door once again.
  1014. 10:34 PM - Read Between the Lines: It would seem the credits are rolling on their heretic box film.
  1015. 10:36 PM - Sarah Salem: averts her eyes from the screen regardless, not wanting her soul to be incomplete.
  1016. 10:35 PM - Read Between the Lines: Mayako excitedly discusses various parts of the movie with Tsuki and Anna. "-and then the part where Gene was like, 'I am nobody's guard dog. I kill for my own reasons'? Then he was like 'PCHOOOO' with the jetpack, and..."
  1017. 10:37 PM - Read Between the Lines: Anna turns towards you as you walk by, leaving poor Tsuki to suffer through Mayako's ranting.
  1018. 10:37 PM - Read Between the Lines: Anna asks, "Leaving, Sarah?"
  1019. 10:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, um, yes. Is that okay?" Sarah is caught a little off-guard, being deep in thought.
  1020. 10:39 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Of course. It's not like you're under house arrest."
  1021. 10:40 PM - Sarah Salem: shrugs in her signature gesture. "Thank you. I'll be back later, maybe a little late."
  1022. 10:41 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Be careful then. You know how things are these days..."
  1023. 10:42 PM - Sarah Salem: "Confusing and cold?"
  1024. 10:43 PM - Read Between the Lines: "...that's one way of putting it."
  1025. 10:44 PM - Sarah Salem: shrugs once more, then exits the door, avoiding speaking to the other two. "Bye, Anna."
  1026. 10:54 PM - Read Between the Lines: You head out the door, but before you can close it, you feel two arms wrap your neck and most of your face in an impossibly long scarf.
  1027. 10:55 PM - Sarah Salem: groans instantly, being caught in the wooly web.
  1028. 10:55 PM - Read Between the Lines: Turning around with your new scarf-helmet, you see Anna, who gives you a quick hug before shutting the door on you.
  1029. 10:57 PM - Sarah Salem: sighs and adjusts the scarf off of her head, it mostly just covering the bottom of her face with the two ends hanging almost to the floor.
  1030. 10:57 PM - Sarah Salem: She steps out onto the sidewalk and feels around with her mind, looking for a certain pink-haired fiery 'friend' of hers.
  1031. 10:58 PM - Read Between the Lines: You feel the mental tug response indictive of a hit, somewhere up on Tier 2.
  1032. 11:00 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah nods to herself, a forming habit, and makes for the elevators, in no real rush.
  1033. 11:00 PM - Sarah Salem: She's come to enjoy the biting cold of winter time.
  1034. 11:02 PM - Read Between the Lines: You sit in the furthest corner of the elevator, away from as many people as possible. The trip up is pretty much uneventful, except for the boy and girl couple who wouldn't stop making out in the seat in front of you. It was rather unconfortable to watch. But, the elevator arrives at the second Tier, and the passengers depart.
  1035. 11:03 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah shudders at the blatant lewdness, being reminded uncomfortably of Remi, then reaches out once again to pinpoint Princess's location.
  1036. 11:04 PM - Read Between the Lines: You get a much more solid hit now, and can easily track it.
  1037. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: And track it she does, following the path in her mind to where Princess has holed up today.
  1038. 11:07 PM - Read Between the Lines: Walking through the snow-covered Tier 2 streets, though it is no longer snowing, you stop at the location of Princess' mind. An extravagant mansion, with a French architectual flaire to it. Not that Sarah would know what that is.
  1039. 11:09 PM - Read Between the Lines: You now stand outside the wrought iron gate, seeing a large button that's probably a witchcraft signaling device to the home's tennant informing them of visitors.
  1040. 11:10 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah presses the button, her curiosity strongly overpowering the inherent distrust of everything ever.
  1041. 11:11 PM - Read Between the Lines: You hear a short buzz, followed by an irritatingly familiar, french voice. "Ah, mon cherie, is that Sarah I see?"
  1042. 11:12 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah grimaces, knowing exactly who that voice belongs to, and looks around for the source.
  1043. 11:12 PM - Sarah Salem: She scoots up to the gate and peers in, looking around for filthy Frenchies.
  1044. 11:13 PM - Read Between the Lines: The voice seems to come from a speaker located under the button. More heathen "technology." You can not see the filthy Frenchie through the gates, but she continues to speak, "Oh, non, I shall come out to greet you. It has been quite some time, oui?"
  1045. 11:14 PM - Read Between the Lines: With that, the speaker goes silent, and the gate rolls open on its own.
  1046. 11:14 PM - Read Between the Lines: Perhaps an invisible demon is assigned to open it on command.
  1047. 11:15 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah stumbles back from it, surprised again at the strange automation, then cautiously walks through, checking from side to side for ghosts or ghouls.
  1048. 11:15 PM - Read Between the Lines: They are suspiciously absent, though the gate does close as you pass through.
  1049. 11:15 PM - Read Between the Lines: You walk up to the mansion's doors, and they open, almost on cue. Standing there is... nothing?
  1050. 11:16 PM - Read Between the Lines: You hear a squwak.
  1051. 11:17 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah once again moves carefully, looking for any spectral entities that might control the entrance.
  1052. 11:17 PM - Sarah Salem: She narrows her eyes and puts her hand on her activator, expecting a youma.
  1053. 11:17 PM - Read Between the Lines: There is indeed a special entity by the doors, though it is no Youma. It is a penguin. You failed to notice it before, as it is quite short.
  1054. 11:18 PM - Read Between the Lines: *SQUWAK*, goes the penguin.
  1055. 11:19 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah stares at it, still suspicious, then bends low, letting go of her pocket watch to poke the strange, monochrome creature.
  1056. 11:20 PM - Read Between the Lines: It tips backwards from the poke, rapidly flailing its wings to regain its balance. When it is safely on its two feet, it tilts its head at you for a moment before turning around and waddling into the foyer.
  1057. 11:21 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Ah, tsk tsk, Wolfgang. What did I tell you about leaving the door open?"
  1058. 11:22 PM - Read Between the Lines: With a poof, a certain large-breasted baguette girl pops in front of you, several feet away. She smiles, patting the penguin's head and closing the doors behind you.
  1059. 11:23 PM - Sarah Salem: "...Hello, Celestine." Sarah gives a forced smile, still not on friendly terms with the drunken girl.
  1060. 11:24 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Now, what brings you to ma masion? Could it be you desired to speak with moi?"
  1061. 11:26 PM - Sarah Salem: "I did not know you lived here. I was following Princess's location." she forces out stiffly.
  1062. 11:27 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Ahh, oui oui, you have come to see Princess? She is a delight, as ever. She lives here now, since her employer originally wanted to... terminate, her contract. But I assisted her in regaining her job, so it is all well."
  1063. 11:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "I see. That's nice to hear, she is valuable to have around, despite our differences. Where can I find her?"
  1064. 11:30 PM - Read Between the Lines: "In her room, most likely. She has just returned from an extended trip outside of Japan. Wolfgang, if you would guide her to Princess?"
  1065. 11:31 PM - Read Between the Lines: The penguin squwaks in response, waddling off to a staircase where it stops at each stair, before hopping up each step one at a time with a flap of its flippery wings.
  1066. 11:32 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah resists the urge to pat the penguin's head, and nods a short goodbye to Celestine.
  1067. 11:33 PM - Sarah Salem: She then follows the little bird up the grand staircase, hand in her pocket.
  1068. 11:34 PM - Read Between the Lines: It takes approximately five minutes for the penguin to fully hop up each individual step, its time having only been extended by tripping at the final step, rolling down the entire staircase, then hopping up them again.
  1069. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah sighs and waits for the penguin at the top of the steps once it falls, then follows the goofy, flightless bird to her destination.
  1070. 11:41 PM - Read Between the Lines: At last, the penguin reaches the top of the stairs, and waddles down the hall. Finally, it stops at a door, pecking incessantly at it. You can clearly see visible pockmarks at approximately the penguin's height across the door's face. It seems this is a common occurence.
  1071. 11:43 PM - Sarah Salem: keeps her lone hand in her pocket, turning her watch over in her palm as she waits for Princess to answer.
  1072. 11:44 PM - Read Between the Lines: She does indeed answer, her hair a frazzled mess of bedhead, as she emerges dressed in a pink nightgown.
  1073. 11:45 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Hm. It's a cunt."
  1074. 11:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hm. It's a mess." Sarah mimics in turn.
  1075. 11:46 PM - Read Between the Lines: "Cute, cunt. You want something?" She turns around and walks into her room without shutting the door in your face.
  1076. 11:47 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah steps inside, taking this as an 'invitation' from Princess. "I had some questions, yes. Is this a bad time?"
  1077. 11:48 PM - Read Between the Lines: "It's always a bad time, so may as well get it over with. What do you want?"
  1078. 11:49 PM - Read Between the Lines: She strips off her nightgown, not caring that you're in the room, as she digs through her dresser drawers for something to wear clothed in only her pantsu.
  1079. 11:51 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah turns to give her some privacy, reddening a little at Princess' lack of modesty. "I remember before, your face had that 'black stuff' on it. At the hot springs." She coughs, then continues. "I have seen that on another girl, who apparently was afflicted with it through some kind of mishap with Oblivion Seeds."
  1080. 11:51 PM - Sarah Salem: "Can you shed any light on that?"
  1081. 11:52 PM - Read Between the Lines: She pauses mid-dig, turning around to face you, despite the fact that you've turned away.
  1082. 11:54 PM - Read Between the Lines: "/That/ shit. I'm pretty sure I still have it, though the ninja cunt did whatever she does to hide it. It came up after I munched a few Seeds. In fact, you were part of the problem at the time."
  1083. 11:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "The factory? I recall, yes." Sarah thinks back to the dire situation, almost fondly regarding it. "That wasn't so bad, really. But really, what /is/ it?"
  1084. 11:59 PM - Read Between the Lines: "You still /are/ a problem. But I asked Mr. A's people to do a little digging on it. From what I've been told, they called it 'Corruption'. Something about becoming 'less human'."
  1085. 12:01 AM - Read Between the Lines: She walks over to you, still mostly unclothed, and grabs your shoulders to forcibly turn you around to face her. Her face looks the same as ever, flushed and angry, but her eyes waver slightly. "Look me in the eyes. Tell me. Am I still human?"
  1086. 12:02 AM - Sarah Salem: Sarah, still pink in the cheeks, struggles a little with the stronger girl's hold as she's caught off guard, trying to avoid looking her in the eyes. "W-What?"
  1087. 12:02 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Am I. Still. /Human/."
  1088. 12:04 AM - Sarah Salem: attempts to duck out of the grasp, grimacing with an eye closed as Princess manhandles her sore arm. "What else would you /be/?" she says in a strained voice.
  1089. 12:04 AM - Read Between the Lines: "That's what I'd like to know."
  1090. 12:05 AM - Read Between the Lines: She returns to the dressers, finally pulling out a baby blue dress that is entirely unfitting on a rage-filled person like her, but which looks absolutely adorable, you find, as she puts it on. It goes well with her pink hair.
  1091. 12:06 AM - Read Between the Lines: You could never imagine someone so angry as her wearing something so cheerful, but it works well.
  1092. 12:07 AM - Sarah Salem: relaxes as she's released, and takes a seat on the bed, nursing her arm. "You look just a little less... intense, in that."
  1093. 12:07 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Uhhuh."
  1094. 12:08 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Answer me something. Why?"
  1095. 12:08 AM - Sarah Salem: "Why?"
  1096. 12:09 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Why do you keep on trying to be nice? Not just you. All of you cunts."
  1097. 12:11 AM - Sarah Salem: shrugs. "I do not particularly enjoy fighting you, since you're clearly capable of beating me. My sister also thinks I am not very good at making friends." she lays back on the sheets, legs still dangling off. "Those are my reasons. The others are just 'friendly', I think."
  1098. 12:13 AM - Sarah Salem: After a short pause, she continues. "I think you and I are a little similar, as well."
  1099. 12:13 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Similar?"
  1100. 12:16 AM - Sarah Salem: "Stubborn, possibly unfriendly, some other things." Sarah turns her head, still laying down, and looks at Princess while she speaks. "...Fear of weakness."
  1101. 12:19 AM - Read Between the Lines: She clenches her fists, sitting on her bed and summoning her icy firecat. It forms at her feet from a puddle which rises through the carpet before it takes shape, catching alight once complete. It hops up and nuzzles into her, and she unclenches her fists to pet it.
  1102. 12:20 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Mmm." She adds nothing else, continuing to pet firecat.
  1103. 12:22 AM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose now might be the proper time to tell you; I know about your past."
  1104. 12:23 AM - Read Between the Lines: She stops petting firecat. "How /much/ about it?" each word is spoken slowly, drawing it out in a deliberate and quiet though clearly aggravated manner.
  1105. 12:25 AM - Sarah Salem: "Your home life. The orphanage. Your signing on with Mr. Akechi." Sarah leaves off the part where she ensured it through time shenanigans. Princess doesn't need another potential reason to beat her to a pulp.
  1106. 12:26 AM - Read Between the Lines: The sound Princess makes following this is not so much within any normal range of human enunciation, but more of a guttural, animalistic growl.
  1107. 12:26 AM - Read Between the Lines: "How, and why?" she continues in the same manner as before.
  1108. 12:29 AM - Sarah Salem: Sarah winces, expecting to get punched soon. "It started out as an accident, and then an experiment. I somehow manifest in the minds of other people while sleeping, and can 'dream' their memories."
  1109. 12:29 AM - Sarah Salem: "I wound up in yours, and curiosity took hold of me."
  1110. 12:30 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Then you know everything."
  1111. 12:32 AM - Sarah Salem: "I... suppose, yes. I ended up going rather deep. I apologize for prying like I did."
  1112. 12:32 AM - Sarah Salem: She sounds genuinely sorry for invading Princess' privacy, at the very least.
  1113. 12:35 AM - Read Between the Lines: She glares at you, harder than you've ever seen her glare before. You physically feel the temperature rise and sweat start to bead on your face, but in the same instant, it dies as though having reached a tipping point.
  1114. 12:37 AM - Sarah Salem: Resisting the urge to wipe her forehead, Sarah looks up. "Are you... okay, Princess?"
  1115. 12:38 AM - Read Between the Lines: "...I don't know, anymore."
  1116. 12:39 AM - Sarah Salem: Sarah pushes herself to a sitting position, maneuvering her shoes off to draw her legs up onto the bed, and turning to fully face Princess, waiting for her to continue.
  1117. 12:42 AM - Read Between the Lines: "I have been through so much shit, like you wouldn't fucking believe. Because of it, I can't stand anyone. When I look anybody in the face, all I can see is my mother. I can't even look in the mirror without hating myself."
  1118. 12:44 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Magic just let me push around the people who pushed /me/. So I use it how I damn well please."
  1119. 12:47 AM - Sarah Salem: "I cannot exactly relate on 'going through shit', but I suppose our reasons for using magic are similar." She pauses again, watching Princess for her reactions carefully. "I do believe it, though. I saw it firsthand, after all. Usually from your point of view."
  1120. 12:48 AM - Read Between the Lines: "So that's how it worked? Hmph."
  1121. 12:50 AM - Read Between the Lines: "...though, maybe you're right. Maybe we're not so different."
  1122. 12:51 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Gimme your phone."
  1123. 12:52 AM - Read Between the Lines: Firecat, meanwhile, makes himself nice and cozy in your lap.
  1124. 12:53 AM - Sarah Salem: Sarah pulls out the dated brass phone from it's tucked place in her back pocket, tossing it over lightly.
  1125. 12:53 AM - Sarah Salem: She then puts her hand experimentally close to the burning cat, testing the heat.
  1126. 12:53 AM - Read Between the Lines: It is a lukewarm temperature.
  1127. 12:54 AM - Read Between the Lines: Meanwhile, Princess blips away with your phone. "Fucking hell, do you have to have a goddamn fossil like this for a phone?"
  1128. 12:56 AM - Sarah Salem: "I don't understand how to use the other ones, I apologize. What did you need it for?" Sarah relaxes once more, patting the little kitty-cat with less apprehension. It is, after all, still a cat.
  1129. 12:59 AM - Read Between the Lines: She tosses it back to you after a moment of clicking. "You've got my number now. Don't bug me for meaningless bullshit like that fucking cat does."
  1130. 1:01 AM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, alright." Sarah fumbles the phone for a moment, but securely grasps it in the end. "I doubt Satoya ever has anything meaningful to say."
  1131. 1:02 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Not in the slightest. One of my greatest regrets is giving her my number."
  1132. 1:04 AM - Sarah Salem: shrugs noncommitally. "She is honestly not /horrible/ to be around. Only sometimes."
  1133. 1:04 AM - Sarah Salem: "At least, if she treats you the same way she did me, before I..." Sarah trails off, looking around awkwardly. "Um."
  1134. 1:07 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Yeah, that. She's still a pain in the fucking ass. I'm pretty sure she wants to bang me, considering how often she keeps prying into my business. Then she invited me on that damn trip or some shit. Better not be anytime soon, I'm still unpacking from my business outside the country."
  1135. 1:08 AM - Sarah Salem: " 'Bang' you? I don't follow."
  1136. 1:09 AM - Read Between the Lines: "She wants to /fuck/ me. Is that any clearer for you? Would you like a fucking diagram?"
  1137. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: sighs, covering her face with her hand to hide the embarassment. "How eloquent. Do you mind if I ask what you were doing out in the world?"
  1138. 1:11 AM - Read Between the Lines: "Business for Akechi."
  1139. 1:12 AM - Sarah Salem: "I presume I won't get a further answer than that?"
  1140. 1:13 AM - Read Between the Lines: "The business was between me and Mr. A. It's none of yours. For now."
  1141. 1:13 AM - Sarah Salem: "For now? That sounds ominous." Sarah lowers the hand back to the cats back, skritching behind its little fiery ears.
  1142. 1:13 AM - Read Between the Lines: Kitty seems to enjoy this most thoroughly.
  1143. 1:14 AM - Read Between the Lines: After enjoying it a moment longer, he shakes your hand off to stand, strecthing with the accompanying sounds of crackling ice, before hopping off your lap to wander randomly as cats are wont to do.
  1144. 1:14 AM - Read Between the Lines: With that, I think we can call it a night.
  1146. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  1150. 1:17 AM - Sarah Salem: ((Toot toot, see you guys for now. Even though we basically didn't associate))
  1151. 1:17 AM - Ninjas Give Terrible Recaps: ((you monster))
  1152. 1:17 AM - It's Val Day! (????)?*:·??: (byyye)
  1153. 1:17 AM - Read Between the Lines: rip
  1154. 1:17 AM - Read Between the Lines: logging now, game over~
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