
The Story of Big Macintosh, Midnight Cowboy

May 29th, 2011
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  1. The Story of Big Macintosh, Midnight Cowboy
  2. by SB
  4. The Story of Big Macintosh, Midnight Cowboy by anonymous Big Macintosh had been the de facto head of the Apple family branch in Ponyville for most of his adult life. He was well-known for being a hard worker, strong, disciplined, and fully dedicated to maintaining Sweet Apple Acres. Granny Smith, the family matriarch, hadn’t been able to do any real labor in the fields or orchards since Macintosh was very young, and now the most she could do was help bake up apple goodies for sale in town. Mac knew from colthood that the Apple family prided itself on never shirking responsibility, so when his parents went and left him alone with two young sisters, only one of whom was old enough to handle the tougher work around the farm, and an elderly grandmother to care for, Mac took on the burden without a word, and got into the habit of perpetually wearing a yoke around his neck. But even for such a strong young pony, the stress of managing an entire farm with only one other worker while simultaneously caring for Granny and acting as a surrogate parent for little Apple Bloom was almost too much to bear. It wasn’t until a few years later, when Applejack had fully grown, that things finally eased up. True, there was always something to do around Sweet Apple Acres, but the two of them managed the workload well enough to have a little free time here and there, while still putting food on the table.
  6. But Big Macintosh and Applejack weren’t just hard workers at home. They were also well-liked around town for always being willing to lend a hoof to whatever needed doing. Mac would haul cartloads of anything from carrots to cobblestones to earn a little extra money, and Applejack could frequently be seen helping some unfortunate pony wrangle critters or do some odd job for no reward other than their thanks. Macintosh also had another job that not many knew about, least of all his family. In a town as squeaky-clean as Ponyville, the closest thing to a seedy underbelly were the mares who knew about Mac’s other part-time profession. Big Macintosh was a stud pony for hire.
  8. It had started when he was a young stallion, full of hormones, and nearly run ragged by the responsibilities of farm living. Though he always kept to himself, spoke very little, and soldiered through the toughest workloads without complaint, he was always very tense. Even in his dreams he was constantly working. It seemed there was no end to what needed to be done, never enough time in the day, and never enough days in the seasons. The first few Applebuck Seasons in particular before AJ was full- grown nearly broke him, and he always ended up collapsed down at the base of the final tree, sleeping fitfully. So Mac took any opportunity he could to get away from the farm. When the rain was too severe to work outside or the cold and snow made planting impossible, Mac would gallop into town to find something, anything, to take his mind off his responsibilities. The Apples weren’t wealthy, and most of what they made went right back into keeping up the farm, so Mac never developed a taste for nice restaurants. He’d hang around the cheaper hay bars and sometimes chat up with a few other guy ponies, but after swapping stories, Mac couldn’t help but feel depressed hearing their tales of love come and gone, and past flings with pretty young fillies. Here he was in the prime of his life, his every natural urge directed at finding a young, sweet girl pony to spend a little time with, and Mac was alone.
  10. So Big Macintosh started making his trips into town with purpose. He was going to find a pony to be with him no matter what. And surprisingly, for him at least, it didn’t take long. Mac’s first experience wasn’t with somepony as young as he would have liked. In fact she was much older, with the first bits of gray starting to appear in her ashy blond mane. But Mac’s hormones weren’t in a picky mood, and she was surprisingly feisty and limber. It was this first encounter where Big Macintosh learned how truly well his name suited him. The older mare was squealing even as he’d barely started, and he was unfortunately unable to fit his entire length in. After they’d finished, she asked if he’d be interested in meeting a few friends of hers, friends whom she assured would be very eager to see Big Macintosh’s unique equipment.
  12. And so that was the start of Macintosh being passed around town on the whispers of single mares. It wasn’t about money for him, at least to start, but after a roll in the hay with Mac, most were not only willing to pay, they tipped. For Mac, at least at first, it seemed to be exactly what he needed to relieve the stress of home life. But as the months rolled on, the initial thrill wore off. One night stands with strange mares weren’t really what he’d set out to accomplish, and now he just felt stuck in a new routine, albeit one nearly any stallion would envy. And the money was nice to have, Mac admitted. It meant nicer birthday presents for AJ and Apple Bloom, a new weather vane for the barn, and anything the family’s regular income just couldn’t cover. And Mac didn’t have much trouble coming up with excuses for where it came from if the family ever asked, which they usually didn’t.
  14. But it still didn’t feel right. Mac’s stirrings had told him that all he needed was a little release, but after it was over, despite the praise and assurances from satisfied clients, Mac didn’t feel special. He felt cheap. This wasn’t storybook love like mom used to read to him when he was Apple Bloom’s age. It wasn’t even the childish sort of puppy love he’d heard from the other pony’s stories, those who’d spent more time as kids playing than working. But while finding a few hours to sneak away for a quick fling wasn’t too difficult, his schedule always felt too demanding to commit to a real relationship. On top of this, Mac was also a very shy pony, which anyone outside his family would find difficult to believe. But he’d begun his search for love with the false confidence of raging hormones, and with regular sex keeping his head clear, Mac receded back to his normal big, insecure self. It was mostly the lady ponies in on the secret who handled the scheduling for his visits. Usually he’d tell a client the next time he’d be away from the farm, they’d pass the news along, and he’d get an invitation to come to some mare’s home to help with a trivial task. In fact the only times Mac really asserted himself were when he had to refuse two clients. The first was Mrs. Cake, part owner of Sugarcube Corner, the biggest bakery in town. Mac had considered the offer, but ultimately rejected it because he knew she was married, and Mac reassured himself that he did have his morals. The other was an effeminate male unicorn who had somehow heard the news from someone at the local spa, but while Mac tried not to be prejudiced toward anypony, there were some things he wasn’t willing to do for any amount of money.
  16. One cool spring evening, Big Macintosh was ripping up weeds in the cornfield when one of the local mailponies fluttered over. Mac flipped through a few bills and letters from relatives from all over Equestria when he came across a plain white envelope with no return address, the usual indicator of a coded request. The contents were pretty standard, specifying a time Mac had set aside already, in this case a rainy afternoon the next day when there would be no work to do, but the address was new. Mac’s eyes scrolled down the page to the signature at the bottom, written in shimmering purple ink and excellent calligraphy. His throat clenched a bit, and the little sprig of wheat he’d been chewing nearly fell out of his mouth. Rarity, one of his sister’s friends. This could be bad, he thought. Even if he had to refuse, he needed to say it in person, to explain the situation. He made his plans, rehearsed his speech, and the next morning when the pegasus ponies were bringing out the rainclouds, he suggested to Granny Smith that she and the girls spend the day inside working on a quilt. Slipping out quietly, he trotted into town just as the first drops of rain started to fall. Mac turned down the empty streets until he arrived at the round building with the address from the letter. He walked over and knocked on the door.
  18. “It’s open,” came a reply from somewhere inside. Mac nudged the door in and stepped inside, dripping a bit from the rain.
  20. “Ma’am?” It was pitch dark inside the studio. Macintosh couldn’t see the other pony anywhere.
  22. “Please lock the door behind you, and remember to wipe your hooves on the doormat.” The voice was coming from an adjacent room where a light suddenly flicked on. Mac ran his hooves over a fine straw mat next to the door and nudged it closed with his flank. He stepped slowly toward the lit room and tried to remember what he had planned to say.
  24. “Ma’am I need to talk about this. Are you…uh, decent?”
  26. “I beg your pardon?”
  28. “I mean, um, are you dressed?” He stepped fully into the side room just as Rarity came out from behind a screen.
  30. “I am for now,” she teased. “We’ll see for how long, won’t we?” She posed for him in a lacy white dress with silver threading.
  32. “Well uh, miss, I just came here to, uhm, that is…” He stammered. Every word he’d rehearsed disappeared. He couldn’t recall one word. “I wanted to, I mean I didn’t want to, um…”
  34. Rarity was a little puzzled by this reaction. “Too frilly? Too white? Oh I knew I should have worn something in black. Heavens what could I have been thinking?” Before he could blink she had dashed back behind the screen, frantically trying on other outfits. “No, no, no, NO! None of these will do! Why did I wait so long to choose an outfit? I have nothing at all suitable to wear. I—“ She stopped mid- sentence. Mac was staring at the screen, now even more unnerved than before. Rarity stepped back out, this time without any outfit. “Well I suppose I do have this one rather ravishing little number. I call it Simply Rarity. How do you like it?” Macintosh only stared for a few silent moments before his train of thought finally righted itself.
  36. “Miss what I’m tryin’ to say is I don’t think we can do this.” He gulped a bit as he continued to stare at the white unicorn. That hadn’t been easy to get out in one breath. Silence followed until he gathered up enough words to continue. “I know you’re a friend of AJ’s, and this just doesn’t feel right. I’m sorry.”
  38. The unicorn lowered her eyes a bit, coy smile fading. “I don’t see why that should be any problem. Why does it matter?”
  40. “It’s just that, well lemme ask you where you heard about me. I mean about this.”
  42. “Oh, well, I just happened to overhear a little gossip between two ponies at the spa a few weeks ago. I couldn’t resist asking for details from one of them when I caught her alone later. From what she said I gathered you’re quite the popular stallion around town, and you have a certain something even more impressive than those big muscles. It didn’t take long until my instincts got the better of me, and now you’re here, and I’d very much like to see for myself if what I’d heard was true or not.”
  44. “Ms. Rarity I hate to say no to a pretty little lady, but I just ain’t comfortable with doing anything with a friend of Applejack’s. The last thing I want is for any of this to get back to her and my family.”
  46. “Why Mr. Macintosh I am deeply offended! Just because I happen to overhear a little gossip here or there doesn’t mean that I myself care anything for discussing my private affairs. I was told that you were the absolute best male in town, and I didn’t intend to call you over for a friendly bit of chit-chat.” She trotted over to his face and locked eyes. “I don’t intend for anyone else to hear a word of this. It would be completely scandalous! But you’re not leaving until I get what I want, and I want you, you big brute.”
  48. Macintosh’s resolve withered in her gaze. Between her forceful insistence and his increasing attention to her graceful, pliant frame, he caved. “All right,” he sighed, “If you promise AJ won’t know, I’ll do it.” Closing his eyes he took a small step forward as her horn brushed against his cheek. “Your hair smells nice.”
  50. Rarity was flattered, but for once neglected to respond to a compliment. She bent down further and ran her forehoof along the green apple half on Mac’s flank. “I think I know what I’m after. So what do I need to do to see your namesake?” Mac rolled his eyes a bit. Literally everypony made that joke in some form or another.
  52. “You could stroke it a bit.” But Rarity had a better idea. He felt her head dip below his belly, and felt her soft tongue start to work slowly. Rarity kept her eyes closed, feeling it pulse with Mac’s heartbeat, sensing the swelling caused by her gentle tongue-bath. After about a minute, Rarity stopped and opened her eyes, coming face to face with the most fearsome cock she’d ever seen on any pony. The girls at the spa hadn’t been exaggerating.
  54. “BIG Macintosh indeed! I—“ She just stared. The thing was enormous! It stopped just between the big red pony’s front legs, and was as thick as one of hers. Rarity thought the real feat was how he managed to keep it concealed most of the time. Now she was nervous. There was no way she was going to be able to take that whole thing, but would it be worth trying? Just seeing it in cold reality was making her wetter than she’d ever been. She glanced up and met Mac’s eyes again, and though his demeanor hadn’t changed, he now seemed more powerful, intimidating. Rarity wasn’t sure what she’d gotten herself into, but she intended to see it through. Setting herself down on a pile of soft pillows, she raised her tail at Mac. “Take me you beautiful stallion.”
  56. Mac tried to clear his mind. Who she was didn’t matter right now. She was a sexy, receptive female, and he was a horny male. She was eager, he was ready, what else was there to worry about? Mac sidled over and placed his forehooves over her shoulders, feeling for her opening with his ponyhood. Rarity suppressed a squeal as she felt the head press against her lips. Mac took his time, guiding it inside her slowly, just an inch at a time. The first thing to do was see just how deep this filly was. Rarity writhed as he penetrated deeper, but it finally came to a halt at just over the halfway mark. Mac wasn’t disappointed by this. It was about average for most of his clients. Finding a mare big enough to take his whole length was just under learning to fly on his list of things he never expected to accomplish.
  58. Preliminary work complete, Mac paused for a moment before preparing to start his groove. “You alright?” No response other than heavy panting. Rarity’s mind was miles away. Mac pulled back out slowly, less than a quarter of his cock still inside her, then slammed himself back in, careful not to hurt the poor unicorn. She screamed with pleasure. He’d surprised her with that, as she’d thought he was going to take it slow. Now however he continued his rhythm, slowly withdrawing and quickly pounding back inside. Rarity moaned and clenched her pussy on every outward stroke, then squealed and shrieked on every inward thrust. Mac was turning her insides to butter. She’d never had a fucking like this before.
  60. “Come on! Come on! I’m—“ She couldn’t get the words out in time. Mac felt her hips shudder as her orgasm hit, but he kept up his pace. She said this is what she’d wanted, and he intended to give her his fullest. After a few more minutes her moaning weakened, her pants came quicker. She was delirious now, just along for the ride, but Mac wasn’t quite finished. He finally switched his rhythm, speeding up his outward strokes, now becoming more forceful with every thrust. “Mmmmuh...guhh...” Mac couldn’t tell what she was trying to say, but he was nearing the edge. With a last few slow thrusts, Mac began to pump her full of his seed. Several large spurts quickly filled her insides to capacity, and the excess splurted out around the edge of Mac’s cock, splattering onto several of the pillows below. Mac waited until his spurting cock subsided before pulling out slowly, the head giving a loud “plop” as it vacated her. Rarity’s eyes rolled back. For a minute she forgot where she was. Her shaking legs finally collapsed and she fell on her side trying to catch her breath. Mac was sure she’d be walking funny for a day or two. Rarity was thinking more along the lines of a week.
  62. When she’d had time to recover, Rarity started straightening up the room with her magic. She wasn’t sure what to do with the pillows, but finally decided that trying to get them cleaned in town might be awkward, so she just tossed them into the front room for now to gather up later with the trash. Mac didn’t even want to wait around for his fee, so while she was busy collecting the outfits she’d left behind her screen, Mac stepped out the door and bumped into something, roughly knocking it to the ground. The thing groaned. Mac’s heart froze. Lying on the floor directly below him, her head on the pile of sticky pillows, was Applejack. She looked up at him, the horror in her eyes matching his. Neither could speak. After what seemed like an eternity, a sudden shriek snapped them back to reality. Rarity was standing in the doorway, staring down at Applejack, her cheeks flush. “What in the world are you doing here?!” she demanded. Applejack jumped up on all four hooves at this, but her eyes were glued to the floor.
  64. “I was just comin’ over to ask to borrow some cloth for quiltin’. The lights weren’t on but the door was open, and I was just gonna leave a note, and I heard this noise, and I…I’m sorry. I saw ya’ll in there. I didn’t mean to look and I shoulda just snuck back out. I’m sorry.” She glanced at Rarity. “But why didn’t neither of ya’ll tell me you were together? It don’t make any sense. I wouldn’t have been bothered by it. Woulda rather been told than find out the…well, the way I did.” She blushed again. Rarity’s mind started racing to come up with an excuse, but before she could say anything, Mac piped up.
  66. “AJ, we need to talk. I need to tell you some things.” All the guild he’d felt over the years sneaking around his family’s backs came welling up. “I can’t keep this up anymore. Rarity and me aren’t dating and we’re not lovers.” He sighed. “The truth is I’m a…I’m a prostitute. I do those things for money. I’m sorry you had to find out that way. I’m sorry for shaming our family like that. I’m done now. If you’ll just please not tell Granny or Apple Bloom, I’m done for good.”
  68. Big Macintosh had never felt so small in his life. He hung his head, looking up into his sister’s eyes, awaiting her judgment. But she didn’t say anything to him. Instead she turned back to Rarity. “Is that right? Did ya’ll pay my brother to come over here?” The unicorn nodded. Applejack started to tear up before closing her eyes tight. “I’m not mad,” she said, “I’m just disappointed. In both of ya’ll.” She grimaced at her brother. “We’re gonna talk about this back home, and I ain’t made up my mind about tellin’ Granny yet. But you,” she indicated Rarity. “I’ll have a word with you later, sugarcube. Meanwhile I don’t want anypony else to hear about this. You best keep quiet.” Applejack turned and led her brother out of Rarity’s house like a scolded puppy, picking up a bolt of cloth she’d laid near the door. The rain had stopped outside, but the clouds hadn’t been cleared away, so they walked home under a cold gray sky without a sound.
  70. When they arrived, AJ went in and handed the cloth to her sister and their granny, then said she had something to go check on. She’d already told Mac to go upstairs, and when she arrived, he was slumped down on the floor, ego fully deflated. His younger sister was about to give him the lecture of his life, and he knew he deserved it. “AJ, I know what you think of me. I know I let you down. But I didn’t mean for none of this to happen. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but for Granny and Apple Bloom’s sake, I don’t want them to find out about this. I never meant to hurt you.” He pleaded with with his eyes.
  72. “For their sake? Not yours? I got a hard time believin’ that, brother. You know, it was embarassin’ enough to walk in and see my own flesh and blood plowin’ a little filly like that, and worse being that it was someone I knew. But to find out you been lyin’ to us all this time?”
  74. “I…I never told a lie. I just never said what it was I was doing. I was too ashamed.”
  76. “Well too bad, but omittin’ the truth ain’t no better than lyin’, and if you were too ashamed to tell us you shoulda known what you were doin’ was wrong.”
  78. “I know that, AJ. You know I do. I just—“
  80. “I don’t think I do know. I’m not sure if I know anything about you. I thought Big Macintosh was the pride of the Apple family, and come to find out he doesn’t have any pride of his own!” Applejack continued her verbal onslaught. Macintosh felt every word cut like a saw. He couldn’t even defend himself. He told her about how it had started, told her how long he’d been sneaking around, some of the fillies he’d been with, what he’d been doing with the money. Applejack felt sick inside hearing how he’d used it to buy the very hat she was wearing, the rocking chair Granny sat in outside, and the ribbon Apple Bloom wore in her mane. AJ stopped him before he could make her any angrier. Mac stood up, thinking she was finished berating him. “You know, “ she said, her scowl melting away, “the worst part was just seein’ you bent over that snooty tramp, with that…thing…” She pointed at his crotch. “Just seein’ you actin’ like some kind of animal. Then findin’ out you’ve been with all these different fillies around town and I—“
  82. She was crying. Mac didn’t know what to do or what to say. Suddenly she rushed up and pressed her head against his neck, still sobbing. Unable to think of anything better, Mac put one foreleg over her shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze. “I’m sorry, AJ. I love you. I never wanted to hurt you like this.” That made her smile.
  84. “You love me, huh? You know you don’t say that enough you big softie.” Her smile lilted. She brushed his leg aside and stepped back. “I’d like to ask you somethin’.”
  86. “Sure. What?”
  88. Applejack steeled herself. She looked Big Macintosh dead in the eyes. “How much?”
  90. “How what?” He wasn’t clear.
  92. “How much to…I mean dangit, what’s your price?” Her cheeks reddened again, and Mac wasn’t sure if she was kidding.
  94. “You’re not bein’ serious are you? I mean—“
  96. “I am absolutely bein’ serious. And if you think you’re too good for it, then we’ll just see what Granny has to say about all this.” Mac couldn’t believe his ears. Forget what she’d said earlier, now Macintosh was the one staring at his sibling as though he’d never really known her. Applejack could see he wasn’t very taken with the idea. “Look Macintosh, I ain’t never been with a boy, and I always thought you’d never been with a girl. I just figured since you were always working so hard and I never saw you ask a filly out, you didn’t have time, and I didn’t want to be the first one to get involved with somepony and slackin’ off. But now I find out you’ve been sneakin’ away anytime you felt like it, and I’m still a virgin! Hell I’m older than mama was when she had you!” If Macintosh thought she may have been joking before, now he knew she was deadly serious. “And I’ve decided…as much as you’ve shamed this family already, there shouldn’t be no harm in doin’ this too. It’ll just be one more dirty little secret.”
  98. Macintosh had certainly never thought of his sister in that way, but she’d put him in a no-win scenario. He tried begging one last time. “Applejack please, this isn’t right. You don’t want this.” She stamped her hoof.
  100. “Damn it, Macintosh, if the next words outta your mouth aren’t ‘roll over’ I’m going downstairs right now and tellin’ Granny. I’ll just send Apple Bloom over to Scootaloo’s for a few hours. You don’t have any standing to try to tell me right or wrong anymore, and you sure can’t tell me what I want.” Applejack bent down between his legs to see he’d already started to fill out. She grinned. Maybe Mac wasn’t quite as reluctant as he’d put on. Unlike Rarity, AJ had no experience in this department, so she simply gave his erection a few rough strokes with her hoof. As it reached the size she’d seen at Rarity’s home, AJ pressed her snout against the enormous shaft. “I think I can still smell that tramp’s scent on you.”
  102. “Do you want me to wash up first?”
  104. “I thought I told you to keep quiet. Nah, there ain’t no need for that. Get on over here.” She’d seated herself on Macintosh’s straw-stuffed mattress, facing him rather than the wall behind it. Mac swallowed hard and ambled over.
  106. “R-roll over?” He wished desperately that now she’d call this off, say it really was just a big joke, maybe call him sick for going so far as to stand right in front of his own sister with an aching erection. But Applejack just gave another wicked grin.
  108. “I changed my mind.” Macintosh was overcome with relief, for a brief moment. “I want you to face me the whole time.” His jaw dropped.
  110. This was the moment of truth. Mac’s mind raced one last time to try to find a way out of this predicament, but Applejack was getting impatient. “Well any day now, sugarcube.”
  112. “I’m…I’m not trying to brag or anything, but I’m…I mean I’ve been told I’m kind of…”
  114. “Brother I know you’re a mite bigger than most ponies. I said I’ve never been with a boy. I didn’t say I’d never seen what they have to show before. But are you gonna stop makin’ excuses? Fuck.” It was more a command than an expletive. Macintosh gave a final gulp and steered his cock toward her opening. Now the most he could hope was she’d get a little of him inside and beg him to take it out. More than anything he was afraid of her screaming loud enough for everypony downstairs to hear. His head pushed against her lips, and clenching his eyes shut, Mac thrust himself inside her. AJ gritted her teeth, tried to keep from making any loud sounds, but the initial pain was so intense. When she looked down and saw how little of his length was actually inside her, she whimpered. But this is what she’d wanted. She couldn’t quit now. “K-keep…keep going.” Mac obliged. Truthfully, seeing her hurt like this, part of him had wanted to take it rough, make her beg him to stop, and to apologize for putting him through this. But his soft nature wouldn’t allow it. Mac saw his sister in pain and it only made him feel worse, so he decided to ease in slowly and gently, to give her time to accommodate him. When he finally hit bottom she was crying, eyes closed. Mac was amazed at how deep he was now. Applejack had taken in nearly two-thirds of his gigantic cock, more than almost any other mare he’d ever been with. He instantly felt disgusted with himself for acknowledging that. Now that she was stretched out a bit, all he wanted was to get it over with.
  116. Mac had no desire at all to use the same rhythm he used to woo clients on his own kin, so he settled on measured, medium-length strokes. Simple in and out motion. Applejack opened her tear- streaked eyes to look down at the cock presently pummeling her insides. “Don’t treat me so gentle” she managed to squeak out between grunts. “I’m a big filly. I can take it.” Mac didn’t feel like arguing right now. He quickened his pace and lengthened his strokes. Big Macintosh always insisted that no matter the things he did, he still had his morals. He was still an old-fashioned pony with good, strong principles. But he had a hard time convincing himself right now. The worst part of all was that he knew he was enjoying this. He hated himself for it, but it was true. But it intrigued him. Here was somepony he’d known nearly all his life, someone who really did care for him, loved him even, looked up to him. A pony who’d spent her whole life trying to be like him, thinking he was the best guy in the world, and telling everyone as much. And didn’t this make her happy? Was it so wrong if it’s what she’d wanted, what she’d insisted?
  118. No, no, of course it was. How could he even consider anything else? They were brother and sister. No matter what she said, no matter how either of them felt, Mac knew this wasn’t right. But what could he do now? He couldn’t undo the last several minutes. The situation was already too far gone. As Applejack bucked and jerked beneath him, Mac was only a few moments away from painting her insides with his sticky goo. He could feel it coming. AJ had done her best to suppress her moaning, but now gave one last powerful grunt as she felt the first of his hot load impact her insides. Before he could pull out AJ threw her hind hooves against his flank like a vice, digging sharply into the green apple halves emblazoned on either side. She held him there until she felt his orgasm subside, and when she relaxed to let go her legs felt like jelly.
  120. Mac just stood there for a moment, looking over the damage. AJ rolled on her side and attempted to put her hooves on the floor. “I’m goin’ to take a bath. You can clean up in here and take one after. I gotta get back downstairs.” She slipped out of the room. After taking care of the mess, Mac sat on his haunches and let his mind wander a bit. After a few minutes, he went to check if AJ had finished in the bathroom, and not finding anypony there, he filled a washtub with cold water and sat down to soak. He wanted to think over the day’s events, and try to figure out where everything had gone wrong, but of course it wasn’t just today, and Mac found he couldn’t concentrate on it at all without being reminded of Applejack. He pushed his thoughts aside, tried to focus on finishing his bath and nothing else. When he’d scrubbed himself clean, Mac dumped the water out and headed back downstairs and out the front door, seeing AJ, Apple Bloom, and Granny out of the corner of his eye. He plucked a new spring of wheat to chew on, perched his forelegs over the fence, and just stood there watching the sun arc through the sky.
  122. Big Macintosh had had rough nights before, but he’d never spent this long trying to get to sleep. Sitting on his bed, Mac stared out the window, counting the apple trees illuminated in the moonlight. But nothing was working. He gave up his counting, closed his eyes, and hoped eventually he’d just drift off listening to the sounds of crickets and creaking floorboards. Something brushed his flank. Half-opening one eye, he saw Applejack curling herself up against him. “You awake?”
  124. “Yeah, what are you doing in here?”
  126. “Can’t sleep. Thought I’d try what always used to work when I was a filly.” Mac remembered a much younger AJ sneaking into his room on several occasions, snuggling up to her big brother, confident that he’d protect her from the monsters in her dreams. He’d give her grief sometimes, telling her that big ponies weren’t afraid to sleep alone, but in truth the only thing that kept his own fears at bay was the thought that somepony was depending on him. He had to be a big pony. He couldn’t afford to be afraid of the dark. Could things ever be like that again? Well here they both were, AJ asleep against him, softly snoring. Mac tried to forget about what had happened in this very spot just hours ago. This was nice. Closing his eyes again, feeling Applejack’s warmth and rhythmic breathing, sleep finally took him.
  128. ===================
  130. Applejack awoke in Mac’s room alone, her brother having left without disturbing her yet again. There was nopony occupying the little bed she’d dragged in there a few weeks earlier, the one she’d intended to sleep in until he insisted on taking it. AJ stretched out on Mac’s bed, blinking in the bright morning light as she looked out the window. What time was it? AJ had always been used to getting up at the crack of dawn, but lately she’d been sleeping in later and later. She wouldn’t be surprised if it was nearly noon already. Groggily she got to her hooves, heading downstairs to look for something to eat. Pinkie had dropped off some sweets last night. Applejack never thought she’d actually try a cupcake with hot sauce, but after the first one, she’d started craving them. Macintosh was outside tending to the apple trees. Apple Bloom was probably out there trying to help. AJ knew she was still capable of doing a little applebucking, but she knew it wasn’t worth arguing with Macintosh about it. He’d insisted she keep inside ever since she started showing, and after a trip to visit the nurse ponies, he put his hoof down on the issue. “Don’t you worry about me,” he’d said. “I can handle it out here.” So AJ would sit out in the shade with her snacks and watch him work. She was always impressed with his strength. Mac only needed one hoof to completely clear out a tree. AJ figured he could probably uproot one with a double- hoof buck. AJ spotted Apple Bloom running around placing empty buckets under the trees. If she couldn’t do any of the real labor, she was still determined to help in some way.
  132. Rarity might visit today. All of her friends had taken it in turn to come check up on her while she spent so much time at home. They’d never really had the conversation Applejack had planned to have after she left that day. They’d nervously avoided one another for over a week at first, and then when they did end up meeting, neither ever broached the subject. But after the news had come out, Rarity was the first of her friends to stop by and see her. That’s when AJ finally let the truth slip out. She’d been shocked at first, and her initial candor almost brought AJ to tears. “Honestly, I always gave you ‘country folk’ the benefit of the doubt about that sort of thing.” But she’d apologized immediately after, embracing her friend, promising no one else would have to find out.
  134. Apple Bloom had been very excited to hear the news. “I’m gonna be an auntie!” The little pony bounded up and down the orchard as Applejack smiled. “And Big Macintosh is gonna be an uncle!” AJ’s smile faded for a moment before she caught herself. Apple Bloom hadn’t been given “the talk” yet, so AJ was thankful she didn’t have to lie to her about how it had happened, but she couldn’t afford to leave any clues, so she just smiled and nodded.
  136. Mac had nearly gone white when he’d heard. He’d been anxious about the possibility for a while. AJ had been waking up feeling sick to her stomach, and seemed to be craving things she wouldn’t normally eat, but he’d prayed it was all just a horrible coincidence. When she started noticeably gaining weight, he tried to get her to stay inside more, but still held a glimmer of hope in the back of his mind that this would all blow over. But once it was official, Big Macintosh stepped up. No matter whose fault, this was the harsh reality. Applejack was pregnant, and he was the father. They agreed that latter was best left unsaid, but they knew there was no hiding the former. AJ broke the news to her friends, and all were extremely supportive. Mac told AJ that he’d take over her duties at Sweet Apple Acres. She’d protested at first, but Mac found enough backbone to get her to see his way. He could handle it. He had to be a big pony.
  138. Mac finished bucking the last tree in this part of the orchard. The rest could wait until after lunch. He collected the filled buckets and hauled them into the barn. Applejack followed him in carrying the last one. “You know you’re not supposed to exert yourself. I can take care of this.”
  140. “It’s just one. And I can’t help it. Watchin’ you do everything around here just makes me feel useless.”
  142. “Your job is to take care of that.” He pointed at her swollen belly. “And my job is to take care of you. Don’t make it any harder than it is.” She smiled, unaffected by his scolding. “Anyway, I talked with Caramel earlier.”
  144. “You didn’t?”
  146. “I did. I told him the whole thing. He said he’d be willing to claim it’s his.”
  148. “Now why did you have to go and do a thing like that? And Caramel and me? As if that’d ever happen! Who’s gonna believe it?”
  150. “It’s better than nothing.”
  152. “Yeah, well, I don’t think Granny’ll buy it.”
  154. “Granny’s not a problem. She hardly seems to notice much of anything these days.”
  156. “She hasn’t asked why I’ve been staying in your room?”
  158. “I told her it was because you needed somepony nearby, and,” he shot her a stern look, “that’s the truth.”
  160. “So Caramel…does that mean he’ll be stayin’ with us?”
  162. “Well he is kinda lookin’ for a place to stay anyway.”
  164. “I knew it. I just knew it. And you’re enough of a softie to go along with it.” Mac frowned. “But anyway there might still be a hitch.”
  166. “Huh?”
  168. “Well you know, what it if looks like…well, you.” Mac had honestly not considered that possibility.
  170. “I guess all we can do is hope it doesn’t. But it’s not worth worrying about anymore. Whatever happens I’m gonna be there for you, but I want you to find a nice young colt, and it doesn’t have to be Caramel. I just want…I guess I want things to be as normal around here as they can be.”
  172. “Too late for that. But like you said, it ain’t worth worryin’ about. Just wait and see what happens.”
  174. The End
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