
Unseeable Terror

May 29th, 2017
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  1. [macro, micro, crush, hoof, shoe, ponified human twilight, unaware, upskirt]
  3. “Why do you look more nervous than me?”
  5. Twilight pushed open the front doors to Canterlot High, heading straight for the statue with Sunset walking beside her, rubbing her arms.
  7. “I’m about to go through a portal to another world and you’re the one who can’t stop your nervous habits.”
  9. “Sorry, it’s just… Only ponies from the other side have ever really gone through that portal. Humans that actually belong here have ever gone through to Equestria. I don’t know if it would be as simple as you turning into a pony on the other side or maybe something else might happen. If dragons turn into dogs coming in, does that mean all dogs going out will be dragons? I’m not sure if all humans going out will be ponies or something else.”
  11. Twilight reached into Sunset’s bag, pulling out a brown book with her mark on the front cover. She flipped the book open and shifted through the pages, landing her finger on a particular page.
  13. “Dear Sunset, I would be honoured to show the Twilight from your world around ours. I’ll be by the portal to greet her and if you have any concerns about the first human to cross over to Equestria, don’t worry about it. My tests show that she is guaranteed to come out a pony like you would if you came back. Sincerely, Princess Twilight”
  15. Sunset looked towards the book before back up to Twilight.
  17. “Do you think I’ll be a Princess since we’re the same person?”
  19. Sunset started laughing, taking the book back and putting it away.
  21. “I doubt you’d have wings but I’m sure you’d have a horn.”
  23. Twilight ran her hand across her forehead, trying to imagine having a horn without being an evil demon at the same time.
  25. “By the way, what’s with your old uniform? Wouldn’t you be more comfortable wearing something more… casual?”
  27. Twilight’s attention moved from her head to her dress as she looked down, patting down her skirt from her old Crystal Prep Academy uniform.
  29. “I thought I’d wear something more formal, visiting royalty after all. Besides, my wardrobe is limited to the number of different outfits Hasbro makes to sell the same doll over and over again.”
  31. The two of them reached the statue, stopping for a moment to prepare.
  33. “Are you sure you want to go to Equestria? It can be quite dangerous sometimes.”
  35. “Not like this world doesn’t have its fair share of danger, besides, Twilight will be there with me… It sounds so weird talking about myself but, not talking about myself.”
  37. Sunset gave a small giggle before placing her hand on Twilight’s back. The slight knock caused Twilight’s glasses to slip down her nose which she quickly corrected by pushing back into position.
  39. “You ready?”
  41. “Just one last thing… Ponies don’t usually wear clothes there… right?”
  43. “It’s optional.”
  45. “If I go there, still in my uniform, then take off my uniform whilst there and look like everyone else, then come back, what would I be wearing?”
  47. There was an odd silence between the pair as each tried to work out the plot hole.
  49. “I’d recommend not risking it.”
  51. With that, Sunset gave Twilight a push, sending her through the portal to Equestria.
  54. The portal traversing experience was a bit more intense than Twilight had expected. Expecting it to be like walking through a door, she was sent rocketing through a tunnel before being launched out the other side.
  56. She didn’t have time to take in her surrounding before seeing the wall ahead of her rush up to greet her. She threw out her hand to stop her crash, coming in contact with it that stopped her abruptly. Unfortunately, the abrupt stop threw Twilight’s glasses from her nose.
  58. “What a start to a new world, with the loss of my glasses.”
  60. She reached down to pick them up, but couldn’t quite move her fingers. It felt like she just had palms and was just slapping the ground, unable to grab anything.
  62. “Sorry I’m late!”
  64. The muffled scream echoed before a pair of doors swung open with a loud bang against the walls.
  66. “I got caught up with some Princess duties and couldn’t make it here… in… time.”
  68. “That’s ok… But I could use a little help finding my glasses.”
  70. Twilight tried to look towards the sound of her guide but seemed to bump her head against something hard. She was sure she had her head somewhere she shouldn’t.
  72. “I hope no one will get confused and be unable to tell us apart.”
  74. Princess Twilight stepped a little closer, looking over her new visitor.
  76. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem. Your mane is in a different style, you’re wearing a uniform and you’re at least 30 times bigger than me.”
  78. “Oh good, I was worried WHAT!?”
  80. Twilight freaked out for a moment at the last comment, kicking out her hind legs and puncturing a giant hole in the wall. As the wall collapsed, the hole it had created caused a series of cracked to emanate from it, spreading multiple cracks along the entire wall. With the entire wall damaged, the integrity of the room became unstable and the floor gave way.
  82. Princess Twilight leapt back through the door just in time as the entire room fell away from the castle. Twilight however, felt like she had fallen from a single step, landing on the rubble of the floor.
  84. She got up from the floor, trying to dust off her shirt with her new hooves, unable to tell whether she was doing it right or if it was really dirty enough to need dusting. She got up slowly, worried she’d hit her head on something again.
  86. Standing on her hooves, she felt nothing pressing against her. Princess Twilight meanwhile stood at the doorway to the now, open air, getting a full view of a giant pony standing where a part of her castle once was.
  88. “I must have banged my head because I think I heard you say-“
  90. Twilight was stopped mid-sentence as she tried to stand on her hind legs, smashing her head into the room above, breaking away the ceiling and dropping crystal pieces on her head.
  92. “Go to your left!”
  94. Princess Twilight shouted at her, trying to get her away from her castle before she took the whole thing down.
  96. Twilight, unable to see, took the advice and turned 90 degrees. Never walking on hooves before, she was thrown off balance and fell back. Her rear was caught by the castle which gave her a moment to regain her balance.
  99. Princess Twilight had a front row view of Twilight turned around, exposing her open skirt and panty covered flank before speeding towards her. It came crashing into the side of castle, shaking the entire structure. The entire door frame was now filled with the white fabric surrounding the giant’s rear to which Princess Twilight attempted to avert her gaze. Her lack of focused stopped her from noticing the floor beneath her crumble as she fell through.
  101. As she tumbled, she was unable to spread her wings as the pieces of the floor constantly hit them as she spread them, making her unable to flap them. Princess Twilight hit the ground and tumbled down the steep level of it, finally stopped when she was wedged into a corner. She hadn’t been able to make it out as she fell but she had slipped into a small shelter and could see the rest of the debris fall past the opening of the shelter, away from her.
  103. She was relieved, but something felt wrong. There was a smell that she hadn’t ever smelt before. Relief quickly turned into fear as the opening to the shelter began to close on her and the weight above her began to press on her. She tried to get out but she was already wedged when it began to fall, she couldn’t move.
  106. Twilight finally managed to get her balance back, pressing all four hooves to the ground and stepped forward, one hoof at a time. She noticed there seemed to be some rubble in both of her shoes, but now wasn’t the time to stop and empty them, nor did she think she could even do it in her current form.
  108. “Am I clear now?”
  110. Twilight stood there, waiting for Princess Twilight to reply, but nothing came but the sudden noise of screaming.
  112. Twilight hadn’t noticed it, but she veered as she walked, stepping right into the town’s centre. Most with some sense ran immediately whilst others stopped to take in the giant pony. Her shirt and skirt stood out but her hooves were the real danger the ponies worried about. Her bare, fore hooves looked big enough to crush any of their building with ease but her shoe encased, hind hooves looked like they were strong enough to crush boulders the size of their buildings.
  114. “What is going on?”
  116. Twilight took one step forward, crushing a building under her fore hoof. Her hoof quickly retracted before she reached out with her other fore hoof, bumping it into another building and causing half of it to collapse.
  118. There was too much around her and she took up too much space. Quickly thinking in her head, the solution was obvious. Twilight pushed herself back up onto her hind hooves. Now standing on her shoe and taking up less space vertically than horizontally, she lifted her right hoof to take a step forward.
  120. Unfortunately, she had absolutely no balance on a single hoof and began to fall like a tree. She tried to regain her balance by dropped her hoof back down, but it only caused her to stumble backwards, stopping on building after building, cart after cart until she finally fell backwards onto one of the streets.
  122. Pegesi with an air view could see the trail of giant hoof prints leading from the town centre towards the giant pony that now lay on her back, hind and fore legs propped up by the surrounding buildings that caved in a little to their weight. A lucky trio were huddled together in front of their flower store, standing between the last of the giant hoof prints and the open legs of the fallen giant.
  125. “Twilight!? Twilight!?”
  127. Starlight was charging down the corridors, turning down one to see a large hole in the floor up ahead. She galloped towards the damaged floor, finding the open door to the outside. Among the rubble was giant hoof prints, leading away from the castle. Following them with her eyes, Starlight’s attention fell on the giant pony that laid on Ponyville.
  130. Twilight lifted herself up, sitting up right and rubbing the back of head from the impact of her fall. She still couldn’t make out where she was or the large crowd that had gathered between her legs.
  132. They quickly fell into a panic again as she pushed herself forward, falling onto her hooves and stood up. One of her fore hooves came down on a building whilst the other, where the crowd just recently had gathered. They had all spread in a cone shape away from her, running for distance rather than shelter. There was little doubt that a house would protect them from those giant soles.
  134. “Twilight!? What did you do?”
  136. Twilight suddenly stopped, being able to just make out a pink glow right in front of her eyes. She squinted, hoping to make out a clearer image but it was futile.
  138. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are or what is going on.”
  140. “Twilight? It’s me, Starlight.”
  142. “I-I-I don’t know any Starlight.”
  144. Starlight examined her a bit more closely, noticing the mane style and the clothing.
  146. “Who are you?”
  148. Please if you could help me find my glasses, I can explain afterwards.”
  150. Twilight poked around at the ground in search for her glasses, only making more prints into the roads and knocking over more buildings.
  152. “Oh, I think I found them.”
  154. Twilight tried to close both hooves around them, but the use of hooves was something she still wasn’t used to. Eventually, she managed to pinch them between both hooves and lifted them up onto her nose.
  156. It clearly wasn’t her glasses but a wall of a recently demolished building. To makes matters worse, a mare had been caught under the wall and Twilight had managed to pinch her tail to the wall as she lifted it up to her nose. She now clung to the debris to avoid falling, screaming as Twilight tried to wear it like her glasses.
  158. Dust fell from the wall and its close proximity to Twilight’s nose easily agitated it. Twilight’s nose began to twitch, shaking the mare from her grip just as Twilight’s hoof came up to cover her nose. The mare was caught but then placed before the giant nostrils as Twilight sneezed, blasting the mare in a thick spray.
  160. The wall crumbled over the bridge of her nose and crumbled on the ground as Twilight lowered her hoof to wipe it along the ground. Luckily Starlight was able to act quickly enough, peeling the mare from the sticky hoof just before the hoof slammed on the ground and slid backwards, wiping away the traces of her sneeze.
  162. “Twilight, sit still, don’t move… I’ll find you glasses.”
  164. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea, thank you.”
  166. Twilight’s hind legs bent as she sat down, her rear falling on yet another building and crushing it. Starlight covered her face, feeling that that one was her fault in some way. Twilight’s skirt had fallen down around it all, hiding the destruction, helping Starlight to forget about that one and just find the glasses before any more homes get destroyed.
  168. “Ok… Where did you have them last?”
  170. Twilight ran her hoof through her mane, trying to think.
  172. “Just as I came through the portal.”
  174. “Portal?” Starlight looked back to the castle then back to Twilight. “Oh you’re that Twilight. Now things make more sense. Just hold still for a couple more minutes and don’t move.”
  176. As Starlight took of back to the castle, neither was aware of the team of Pegesi heading their way. Twilight sat still, still unable to see much but a blur, only moving her hoof to rub her nose from her previous sneeze.
  178. Things seemed to be a bit quieter when she didn’t move. Thoughts were rushing through her head. Was Twilight being serious when she stated how much larger she was and if so, what exactly had she done?
  180. Her train of thought was broken as the flies began to circle around her head. She tried to move her head away, but they only came closer to her, some ever bouncing off of her as if they were trying to attack her.
  182. “Stop it!”
  184. Twilight shouted, swinging her hoof out and slapping one away. The rest seemed to grow angry at her retaliation as they began to bounce off everyone around her body. She tried to swipe at them, but as soon as she lifted her other hoof, she began to fall over.
  186. “Stop!”
  188. She shouted again as she stopped herself from falling, but the flies kept attacking. She got up on her hooves and began to run. The noises that were just recently so quite had started up again as she ran through Ponyville, causing more destruction and forcing ponies to relocate from the path of her giant hooves.
  190. The Wonderbolt’s plan had worked as she took off. Two Wonderbolts were already making their way towards her with a rope between. Twilight didn’t seem them coming up the street as she ran towards them.
  192. Twilight’s hooves made contact with the rope. It did nothing to stop her as she caught the rope on her fore hooves, taking it and the two Wonderbolts with her as she ran.
  194. Smashing through the regular building was nothing to Twilight at her current size, but one thing she hadn’t dealt with before was the Town Hall, the largest of all the buildings. This one rose up to the joints in her legs and as her hooves began to smash through the Hall, Twilight stopped, freaking out at what she had just destroyed.
  196. The momentum of her running however didn’t stop with her as her body continued forward. Her chest burst through the Town Hall as she fell on her chin.
  198. She felt a little embarrassed, having tripped too awkwardly but she would have been much more embarrassed has she realised that her hind legs still stood up right. With her tail raised, she exposed her under skirt to the town.
  200. The Wonderbolts flew it, circling around her hind hooves and tying the rope around them. They couldn’t pull her legs together but they managed to stop them from spreading open enough to walk.
  202. Twilight tried to get back up, but her legs were caught in a small gap. She moved her right hind leg against her left in order to pull it out, but the Wonderbolts seized the opportunity and tightened the rope, tying her legs together.
  204. With her legs tied to a single position, Twilight could no longer keep her balance as she slowly fell to her right, falling sideways onto another row of buildings.
  207. “There they are.”
  209. Starlight brushed the dust off the lens of the giant pair of glasses she had found before lifting it from the dirt. As she carried the glasses out from under the castle, she was greeted with the view of Twilight, tied down as Wonderbolts flew back and forth, raining grappling hooks down on her.
  211. “Stop! Stop! Stop! What’s going on here!?”
  213. Starlight came running up to Twilight’s face, glasses in tow.
  215. “Stand back ma’am, Wonderbolt duties. We’re apprehending this unicorn for using destructive magic.”
  217. Starlight quickly tried running ideas through her head, her eyes darting from left to right as she thought.
  219. “You can’t arrest Princess Twilight though.”
  221. All the Wonderbolts stopped in the air and began to look at each other. Spitfire flew down to Starlight and stared at Twilight’s face.
  223. “Oh… It is Princess Twilight… Excuses us but, there was just too much destruction to ignore.”
  225. “That’s not a problem; we… were… experimenting… It was my job to ensure that no pony was hurt and… no pony is… hurt.”
  227. “And the destruction?”
  229. “Nothing an Alicorn couldn’t fix, right?”
  231. Spitfire looked around, there didn’t seem to be any casualties.
  233. “Ok, but please control your tests to not involve the town.”
  235. Spitfire spun her hoof in a circle above her head. The other Wonderbolts quickly flew down, pulling up the ropes before taking off back to Canterlot.
  237. “That was a close one…”
  239. Starlight placed the glasses on Twilight’s nose. Finally able to see again, Twilight stood up and looked around and immediately panicked.
  241. “Wh-what happened? Did I do all this? Why am I so big?”
  243. “Calm down, I’m sure Twilight can explain everything to you. Where is she?”
  245. “I-I don’t know… This world is full of magic, don’t you have, like, shrinking spells of something.”
  247. “Uh… yes…”
  250. It was a bit hard for Starlight to sneak Twilight back towards the castle. She had shrunk her down to a normal ponies size, but even in a crowd, her outfit and the fact that every pony watched her destroy half the town made her stick out. They had made it back to the castle through the undamaged parts of town, since every pony had gone to the destruction to check it out.
  252. “Should I stay here and help rebuild?”
  254. “I doubt it, you don’t know how to use your horn yet and you might just cause more damage than repair it.”
  256. Twilight lowered her head, rubbing her left fore leg with her right.
  258. “Don’t worry about town, I’ll find Twilight and the two of us will fix things up. But until then, I think you should return, maybe come back another time when Twilight figures out why you came here so large.”
  260. “If you say so. Please tell Princess Twilight I am sorry about everything”
  262. Starlight had pulled the portal from the wreckage and placed it in another room away from the damaged section of the castle. Twilight stepped through the portal and was rushed through, back home.
  265. The portal threw her out just like it had the first time through. Again, her glasses were knocked off. As she tapped at the floor for them, she could feel her fingers again; finally back to her usual self. She made contact with the hard plastic frame and grabbed it before she felt a heavy pressure on her waist.
  267. She felt a force like she was rocketing into the sky before she came to a halt, falling onto a soft padding. Twilight threw her glasses on quickly to see Sunset’s giant face staring back at her.
  269. “Oh no… Something went wrong didn’t it?”
  271. Twilight only nodded her head in agreement, taken aback by her friend’s large stature.
  273. “Hang on, I’ll get this fixed.”
  275. Sunset attempted to go back through the portal, but just pressed up against a solid wall. Before she could say anything, her bag started to vibrate. Sunset carefully placed Twilight down on the plinth of the statue and checked her bag for her book. She quickly flicked through the pages and stopped on the new entry.
  277. “I think the portal was damaged in the fall. It seems to have just broken down. I’ll have Twilight fix it once I can find her.”
  279. Sunset looked back to Twilight, sitting on the statue, a fraction of anyone else’s size.
  281. “Well this is very unfortunate. I’m gonna have to watch over you until Twilight fixes the portal and then fixes you.”
  283. Sunset picked up Twilight carefully, placing her back in her palm before throwing her bag over her back and heading home. Twilight sat back on Sunset’s palm, taking in what had just happened to her. As she tried to relax a little, although extremely nervous at her new size, she felt the rocks from the castle in her shoes still.
  285. She pulled off her left shoe, tilting it and emptying the rocks onto her palm before throwing them over Sunset’s palm. Twilight put her shoe back on before taking off her right shoe, tipping the rocks and a strangling purple on onto her palm.
  287. Looking in closely, she noticed it was Princess Twilight, now a smaller human on the palm of a small human on the palm Sunset Shimmer.
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