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May 4th, 2016
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  1. The main page consists of a title, background, and a hamburger navigation panel that leads to six applications: golf, mini-browser, GPS, food, weather, and wildlife. By using split panels and buttons, I was able to create the well-known hamburger navigation panel which is used in many default Windows 10 apps to navigate to other pages of the application.
  2. The golf application uses buttons to keep track of the score, which is displayed at the bottom through the addition of the variables corresponding to the hole number. There are two golf courses which need to be totaled together, so I made global variables that can be accessed by both pages to calculate the total score.
  3. The mini-browser application uses the WebView feature to create a browser and also uses an AppBarButton to be able to browse backwards and forwards, and view the social media sites of Mohonk Mountain House.
  4. The hiking application uses the Geolocation feature to track the person’s location and place it on the screen the use of push pins. An AppBarButton is also used to allow the choice for users to track their current position, locate the Mohonk Mountain House, or choose out of the three hiking trails based on their difficulties displayed.
  5. The food application displays a variety of options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner through the use of images. Adjacent to those images are the number of servings the user can choose by increasing or decreasing by the use of buttons. The numbers of servings are stored by using a global arraylist
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