
Group 80: Session 8

Jan 30th, 2014
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  1. [18:27] <~Radio|GM>
  2. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> --- Group 80: The Coltifornia Campaign ---
  3. [18:27] <~Radio|GM>
  4. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> --- Session 8 ---
  5. [18:27] <~Radio|GM>
  6. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> Sing up a song of the stars for me
  7. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> That’s louder than thunder out over the sea
  8. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> The era of balefire and contraband
  9. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> Leading me here to the golden land
  10. [18:27] <~Radio|GM>
  11. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> Tell me a story and sing it for me
  12. [18:27] <~Radio|GM> Memories falling like leaves from a tree
  13. [18:28] <~Radio|GM>
  14. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> So sing up a song of the stars for me
  15. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> And promise me safety and prosperity
  16. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> Tell me a story into Luna’s night
  17. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> Sing up a song for me…
  18. [18:28] <~Radio|GM>
  19. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> ---
  20. [18:28] <~Radio|GM>
  21. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> >>> Coltamento Town
  22. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> >>> Almond Butter’s Residence
  23. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> >>> 1309 Hours
  24. [18:28] <~Radio|GM>
  25. [18:29] <~Radio|GM> The pursuance of mysterious notes and codes and dogs has lead to this, with the a small group gathered inside Almond Butter’s home. Danger Zone, Radiant_Fury, and Chasseuse sit inside the mare’s home, quietly.
  26. [18:29] <~Radio|GM> Dumisani sits close by near the entrance of the home, where a few guards look to her and give odd looks, wanting to question the rhino in the room but seeming to fear her presence.
  27. [18:29] <~Radio|GM> Limuko stands before the owner of Coltamento’s general store.
  28. [18:29] <~Radio|GM> It’s silent in Almond’s residence. Not a single sound comes from the mare’s throat as she simply turns away from the group.
  29. [18:29] <~Radio|GM>
  30. [18:29] <~Radio|GM> --- Begin Session ---
  31. [18:29] <~Radio|GM>
  32. [18:30] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow. "Did you not say zat you wished to tell us your story?"
  33. [18:30] * Radiant_Fury is getting impatient. "She did. Well?"
  34. [18:31] <~Radio|GM> Dumisani is actually with Limuko. Nevermind that.
  35. [18:31] * Radiant_Fury already /is/ impatient. Now she's getting /annoyed/.
  36. [18:32] * Limuko appeared to smile at the guard and waves to him. "But Limuko hopes you learned to be more sensible from now on." Limuko said to him, trotting around the town as he spoke to Dumisani. "Well my friend, I take it this has happened plenty of times no?"
  37. [18:34] <~Radio|GM> More silence...and then, quick as a snake's cold strike, the sound of movement and the glint of a pistol barrel. Four shots sound, muffled and dim, hardly enough to penetrate the walls of the home. Alas, Danger slumps to the ground and knows no more, stone-dead. Radiant_Fury herself feels the bullets bury deep in her belly, seeing Almond stand above her with a silenced pistol.
  38. [18:34] <~Radio|GM> ""
  39. [18:37] * Radiant_Fury howls in pain at the sudden pain. "What... the... hell... you..." She slumps to the floor. "You... BITCH! YOU MADE ME MAD, NOW BURN!" She shrieks, her horn lighting a violent blue. A column of fire erupts from it and scorches Almond Butter squarely in the face.
  40. [18:40] * Chasseuse 's face goes dark and she scowls, looking to Danger, then Radiant; both mare's gravely injured. Tears in her eyes, she glares at Almond, about ready to strike. "Why?"
  41. [18:41] <~Radio|GM> One last shot from the silenced pistol in Almond's grasp, as she lets out a loud, piercing howl at the eruption of flames around and about her. Radiant_Fury's aim is true, hitting Almond in the face as the mare's mane erupts in flames, spreading to her back and forelegs. Alas, so is Almond's, the last shot piercing through her enemy. Down, down, down to the cold ground does Radiant_Fury...
  42. [18:41] <~Radio|GM> ...fall, her last living vision that of flames and the roaring of rocket engines.
  43. [18:42] <Radiant_Fury> "I... I see... the Earth... The earth... aflame... It's beautiful..."
  44. [18:43] <~Radio|GM> Almond makes no answer to Chasseuse beyond an unequine howl, turning to the mare with the face of a demon as she shakily trains her weapon on the mare.
  45. [18:47] <~Radio|GM> The guard with Limuko and Dumisani seems blissfully unaware that anything is wrong. Limuko can hear screams issuing from somewhere, in the direction of Almond's home.
  46. [18:47] * Chasseuse levitates out her knife, making sure to keep her distance to stay the flames. With not another moment's hesitation, she drives the knife forward, hoping to bury it deep into the mare's chest. Once after, she slashes twice.
  47. [18:48] * Limuko eyes widen upon hearing this. "Limuko heard screaming!" He yelled out, running towards the source of the scream.
  48. [18:48] <~Radio|GM> Elsewhere trots Zemblanity and Silk_Rose, down the cobbled streets of Coltamento town. Silk_Rose is certainly attracting attention, and she can likely find more than a few stallions - and the occasional mare! - ogling her flanks. But oh, what's this? Zemblanity hears screaming from one of the houses down the street.
  49. [18:51] * Zemblanity looks dubiously at Silk_Rose. "There's... screaming." She points in the vague direction of the screams. "I... I'm not sure if it's worth investigating..." She mulls it over. Helping could potentially indebt whoever needs help...
  50. [18:54] <~Radio|GM> Oh, the poor Danger_Zone. The bullets that pierced her weren't enough to kill, it seems. She rises back to consciousness in time to see Radiant fall, lifeblood seeping into the ground, and the burning Almond as Chasseuse engages her in combat.
  51. [18:57] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse's attacks strike against her target. The deep stab meets its mark as Almond cries out again. Chasseuse's tearing eyes and the roaring flames stray her from the target on her next attack, though, as the weapon lands squarely against the barrel of the gun the mare holds, whipping it away and dulling the blade in the process. The last attack strikes true, and the burning mare falls...
  52. [18:57] <~Radio|GM> the ground, dead.
  53. [18:58] <~Radio|GM> The guard looks to Limuko. "Screaming? I didn't hear anything." He blinks as the zebra keeps running. "Hey, get back here! Whaddya mean, screaming? C'mon! Wait up!" He dashes after Limuko.
  54. [18:59] * Zemblanity narrows her eyes a little. "Smoke... Come on, this may be worth investigating after all..."
  55. [18:59] * Limuko keeps on trotting toward where he heard the scream. He hoped that nopony like Chasseuse was hurt.
  56. [19:01] * Chasseuse takes a dead breath, looking over Radiant's corpse. "She... sh-she told me..." Chasseuse growls, depositing her weapon. "Radiant?" She frowns, looking to the mare. "Are you... alive?"
  57. [19:02] <~Radio|GM> Limuko finds the place with little difficulty. He finds a plume of smoke issuing from the doorway and window.
  58. [19:02] <~Radio|GM> Chasseuse finds that Radiant is gone.
  59. [19:04] * Limuko eyes widened upon seeing the plume of smoke coming from place, backing up a bit in fear. He does however scream into the building. "Hello! Is anypony alive in there?!"
  60. [19:04] * Chasseuse sighs, rubbing her eyes and drying her tears. Still hesitating to leave, even with the fire, she looks to Radiant's corpse, trying to gauge whether or not she can carry it out.
  61. [19:05] <~Radio|GM> Limuko comes across the grisly scene of a charred body, still burning, a silenced pistol scattered in the corner. Danger struggles to her hooves, grievously wounded, Chasseuse standing by a limp, dead Radiant.
  62. [19:06] <~Radio|GM> The guard follows Limuko in. "What the hel's all this smo- Oh, holy shit, what happened?!"
  63. [19:08] * Limuko eyes widen even more than before as he saw Chasseuse ... along with the dead body of Radiant, memories flashing in his mind as backs up to vomit someplace.
  64. [19:09] * Chasseuse growls, moving down low to try and drag out Radiant's corpse. "A-Almond... she shot Radiant..." She looks to Limuko as she moves the body. "Help. Please."
  65. [19:09] <~Radio|GM> The guard cringes at the bodies, and away from Limuko as he turns to Chasseuse. "Who shot who? What the hell happened here?"
  66. [19:10] * Limuko looks back to Chasseuse after vomiting. Resisting the urge to vomit again does Limuko nod, coming to Chasseuse's side to assist her.
  67. [19:11] * Chasseuse repeats, "Almond... ze one on fire, shot ze one I'm trying to carry out-- who lit Almond on fire after being shot." She frowns. "I stabbed ze one on fire as well."
  68. [19:12] <~Radio|GM> The guard frowns as he turns to the burning corpse as he takes a blanket from the side and begins to pat the flames out. ", damn. Almond did that? She was always so quiet..."
  69. [19:13] * Chasseuse frowns and nods. "Radiant should have a journal or somezing, confirming as much..."
  70. [19:13] <Chasseuse> "Almond's ill-intentioned activities."
  71. [19:14] * Limuko looks back at the dead body of Radiant. Even though she scared him, threatened him, and always spoke down on him, he couldn't believe that she was dead now.
  72. [19:14] <~Radio|GM> Danger falls back to the ground with a groan. She's in bad shape and needs medical attention immediately.
  73. [19:14] <~Radio|GM> The guard blinks. "She, I...a journal? Where?"
  74. [19:15] <~Radio|GM> He looks to Danger. "Look. Find whatever you can on your friend. I need to get this mare to a medic quick." Lifting Danger gently in his telekinesis, he dashes out, stopping briefly at the door to give Chasseuse a sympathetic look. "My apologies, miss." He dashes off.
  75. [19:15] * Chasseuse groans, glaring at the guard. "Let her body cool before you go rooting for her personal belongings."
  76. [19:15] * Zemblanity tentatively approaches the smoking building. She stays mostly out of sight, but curiosity was beginning to take over. Was that... a corpse that that mare was bringing out?
  77. [19:15] * Limuko points to Danger. "S-she needs help." Limuko said, still in disbelief that this had happened.
  78. [19:16] * Chasseuse continues to move Radiant's body! She'd need to... bury it, or something.
  79. [19:17] <~Radio|GM> The body nearby begins to cool, sizzling but cool enough to search. In the meantime, Zemblanity and SIlk_Rose catch sight of Chasseuse trying to move Radiant's body.
  80. [19:17] * Zemblanity bites her lip. She steps forward, towards the white mare dragging the corpse, and the guards. She flags one of them down. "Sir, what's going on here?"
  81. [19:18] * Limuko continues to assist Chasseuse.
  82. [19:19] * Chasseuse sighs, stopping once she is outside. "Limuko... we should bury her. It is partly my fault zat she is gone..."
  83. [19:19] <~Radio|GM> The guard carrying Danger stops long enough to speak to Zemblanity. "Fire, and two mares are dead. Ask them." He gestures vaguely behind him towards Chasseuse and Limuko as he runs off.
  84. [19:19] * Limuko just slowly nods to Chasseuse, still appearing a bit sick.
  85. [19:20] <~Radio|GM> A faint whimpering from inside the house alerts Chasseuse to Barry somewhere within.
  86. [19:20] * Zemblanity blinks a little. Fire? Dead? She waits a moment... It looks like these ponies knew the deceased... "Is there anything I can do to help?" She calls.
  87. [19:21] * Chasseuse frowns. "Try to... figure out where we do zat," Chasseuse looks towards the house. "Barry is still inside." With that, the mare is off, looking for Barry!
  88. [19:21] <~Radio|GM> The guard is long gone.
  89. [19:22] <~Radio|GM> CHasseuse finds Barry whimpering under a chair in the house, eyes wide and fixed upon the sizzling corpse.
  90. [19:22] * Zemblanity frowns. Clearly, her help wasn't wanted there. But seeign the mare abandon the corpse, she takes it up in her telekinesis. "You there." She says to Limuko. "Where are we taking this?
  91. [19:22] * Chasseuse sighs, reaching out to pet Barry's head. "I am sorry..."
  92. [19:24] * Limuko nearly freaks out having to carry the dead body. Limuko did NOT like seeing dead bodies, nor even touching them. It all just reminded him of how he saw his parents get killed. He then turns to Zemblanity, relieved that she was levitating the corpse. "L-Limuko was told to bury fire mare." He said, still appearing sad for her death.
  93. [19:24] <~Radio|GM> Barry droops his tail and ears, looking wonderfully sad, though the hound doesn't shrink from Chasseuse's pats, still watching the corpse.
  94. [19:24] * Zemblanity gives a firm nod. "Anything I can do to help. Let's move this, then."
  95. [19:26] * Limuko raises a hoof into the air to wait, rushing to a corner to vomit once more.
  96. [19:26] * Chasseuse gestures for Barry to follow. "Come," she sighs. "zere is not much left here for you."
  97. [19:28] * Zemblanity narrows her eyes at the zebra's vomiting, and manages to support most of this strange mare's corpse.
  98. [19:30] <~Radio|GM> Barry whimpers as he gingerly steps up and follows Chasseuse, giving her hoof a gentle lick.
  99. [19:31] * Limuko eventually tries to relax, breathing in and out slowly. He looks back to Zemblanity carrying Radiant's body, deciding to at least hold his guts to assist her carry the corpse somewhere to bury her.
  100. [19:31] * Chasseuse turns around, leading Barry back out... trying to find Radiant and Limuko.
  101. [19:35] * Zemblanity stands near the corpse, levitating to help Limuko move it. She's dressed in mostly black, looking a little out of place in the middle of a city.
  102. [19:35] <~Radio|GM> The only place available to bury the body is on the outskirts of town, near the banks of the Foalsom on a dry plain.
  103. [19:36] * Chasseuse sighs, joining Limuko's side as she follows.
  104. [19:37] * Zemblanity looks to Chasseuse. "Was this the only body? I'm still trying to piece this all together."
  105. [19:37] * Limuko assisted carrying Radiant's body, a sad look on his face present as he sees Chasseuse come. Even his zebra hormones just weren't in the mood to work on the conzebra right now.
  106. [19:38] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "And ze ozer mare, ze one zat Radiant set aflame. And... Danger Zone, alzough she is not dead, yet."
  107. [19:38] * Zemblanity 's eyes widen. "And who is treating her?"
  108. [19:39] * Chasseuse shrugs. "Ze guards are taking her to a doctor."
  109. [19:40] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow, tear-stained eyes still clear. "And... who are you? Why are you 'elping us?"
  110. [19:41] * Zemblanity turns to look back at the burning building. As long as the injured are cared for... "Just a curious bystander. Your friend looked... uncomfortable carrying this body."
  111. [19:42] * Chasseuse nods, looking down as she walks. "Zen I zank you."
  112. [19:42] <Limuko> "L-L-Limuko doesn't really like seeing dead bodies." He admits.
  113. [19:43] <~Radio|GM> The guard from earlier, who had been carrying Danger Zone, trotsover to the group. Ears drooping, he sighs. "Fellas. I'm sorry all of you are going through all this. And, as grisly as all this is..." He produces a number of shovels, one for each. "We might as well do it right, y'know?"
  114. [19:44] * Chasseuse nods, her horn lighting green as she levitates one of the shovels closer.
  115. [19:45] * Limuko nods as well. He's never really buried somepony before, but takes the shovel nonetheless.
  116. [19:45] * Zemblanity takes one in her own orange magical aura. "Who was she to you all?"
  117. [19:46] <~Radio|GM> The guard sighs as he takes a shovel himself, piercing it into the dusty, dry ground s he works with the others. "The other one's gonna be alright."
  118. [19:47] <Limuko> "She ... fire mare was mean ... but Limuko never knew why. Even if so, Limuko doesn't like ponies being killed." He said as he begun to work on burying.
  119. [19:49] * Chasseuse frowns, shovel digging into the ground. "A friend... I suppose. I did not know her for long." Chasseuse sighs, mumbling to herself. "...and it is my fault zat she is dead. Sh-she told me zat Almond was not to be trusted..."
  120. [19:54] * Zemblanity looks back at the building once more. "Almond..." She says slowly, breaking ground as well. "What started this?"
  121. [19:57] * Chasseuse sighs, shovel turning up dirt. "A z'reat against Dusty, ze town leader. And a ponynapping. We investigated... and it led to zis."
  122. [19:58] * Zemblanity looks down at Fury's body. "Whatever she knew was worth covering up, then?"
  123. [19:59] <Limuko> "Mr. Dusty ... he's in danger ... is he?" He said in worry.
  124. [19:59] * Chasseuse nods. "Yes... so we should take ze journal and notes she 'as regarding it before burying her."
  125. [20:02] * Zemblanity stands off to the side. "I'll leave you two to it, then."
  126. [20:04] * Chasseuse continues to dig... she'll look through Radiant's body as... late as she can.
  127. [20:05] <Limuko> While he was sad, he couldn't exactly waste Radiant's stuff. He took the leather armor, fresh veges, dirty water, flare gun, flares, the memory orb, and the journal, giving the journal to Chasseuse. "Limuko believes you wanted this?"
  128. [20:06] * Chasseuse nods, storing the journal. Watching Limuko, she raises an eyebrow. "May I have ze memory orb...?"
  129. [20:07] * Limuko nods to Chasseuse, really having no use for the memory orb since he wasn't a unicorn.
  130. [20:08] * Chasseuse stores the orb too, then continues to dig.
  131. [20:09] * Limuko also takes the caps. Even in morning, he can still be greedy.
  132. [20:11] * Zemblanity resumes digging once they've looted the corpse. "Bury the mare with her weapon, will you?"
  133. [20:14] * Limuko then blinks, realizing that he probably shouldn't take the flare guns after all, but takes the ammo at least. He puts them back onto Radiant, still sad for her death.
  134. [20:18] * Zemblanity smiles faintly at Limuko and starts covering the body once it's in the hole.
  135. [20:20] <~Radio|GM> Soon the body is covered, Radiant laid to rest.
  136. [20:22] * Chasseuse sighs and sits back next to Barry, opening the journal with her telekinesis.
  137. [20:22] * Limuko appears to have tears flow down his face. "Goodbye ... fire mare."
  138. [20:23] * Chasseuse 's tears begin to fall, and a frown finds itself on Chasseuse's face.
  139. [20:23] * Zemblanity begins to trot away. She doesn't have any words at the moment, and instead finds that guard from before.
  140. [20:24] <~Radio|GM> The guard is trotting back to Coltamento with the group. "Yes?"
  141. [20:26] * Zemblanity inquires about the possibility of work, and as to what Almond Butter was actually /doing/ out here.
  142. [20:29] * Limuko just stands silently, tears still weeping as he stared at Radiant's grave.
  143. [20:33] <~Radio|GM> "Hell if I know about work. But Almond was a guard here, same as me. Why?"
  144. [20:36] * Chasseuse sighs, wiping her eyes. "Let's... go, Limuko. You still 'ave a mission near here, yes?"
  145. [20:36] * Zemblanity furrows her brow. "Clearly it wasn't the only thing she was doing. I'm sure those ponies will be looking for a reason for their friend's death."
  146. [20:39] * Limuko slowly nods. "Y-yes ... Limuko had wanted to go to Spurvine and Neighpa Valley ..." Limuko said, but not in his cheerful self.
  147. [20:41] * Chasseuse nods. "Right...Should we do that then?" Chasseuse asks, unsure what to do with a cloudy mind.
  148. [20:42] <Limuko> "... Limuko guesses so." He said, forcing a smile. "Limuko wants to head to Spurvine first. He heard of something he was ... looking for." His voice betrayed his smile, not sounding enthusiastic as before.
  149. [20:43] * Chasseuse raises an eyebrow. "And zat would be?"
  150. [20:45] <Limuko> "I-it's city where a university was close by. Limuko heard tales of gold being there by store pony. Limuko wanted to check it out."
  151. [20:47] * Zemblanity takes another look back at Chasseuse and Limuko. "And their other friend?"
  152. [20:49] <Limuko> "Limuko is not so sure about her."
  153. [20:52] * Zemblanity frowns a little. "Well... She's injured... did you both intend to continue without her?"
  154. [20:53] * Chasseuse looks down. "She's... not a friend, per say."
  155. [20:54] * Zemblanity raises a brow. "Perhaps you'd like to explain the situation... over lunch. You've been through a lot today, it's the least I could do."
  156. [20:54] * Chasseuse smiles a little. "Zank you... I zink zat would be nice."
  157. [20:55] * Limuko nods, appearing to brighten up a bit. "Limuko would certainly enjoy lun-" and it was at that moment did his zebra hormones began to work on him now, blushing madly at how close he was to the two mares.
  158. [20:55] * Zemblanity removes her cloak and stores it. She looks a lot less intimidating and personable without it. "Then allow me."
  159. [20:57] <Limuko> "Y-y-yes, thank you kind mare." Limuko said, smiling as he tried to hide his blush.
  160. [20:58] * Zemblanity smiles at him genuinely. "Zemblanity... Zem, if you must abbreviate. And there's no need to thank me, Limuko, was it?"
  161. [20:59] * Limuko nods. "Indeed. Limuko's name should be quite easy to remember since he speaks it so much." He said, adjusting a bit to the presence of the mares ... actually seeming to enjoy their presence in a way.
  162. [21:00] <Chasseuse> "Chasseuse," the mare greets.
  163. [21:02] * Zemblanity bows her head slightly. "The pleasure is mine. Guard, could you take us somewhere to eat? These two deserve a nice meal after their ordeal..."
  164. [21:05] <~Radio|GM> The guard nods. "Of course. Follow me." Onwards he trots, leading the group to a small eatery at the corner of town. "The Spork. As diners go, it's as good as they come." Indeed, it does seem to be the converted dining car of a pre-war locomotive, a ridiculously large spork adorning the roof of the diner.
  165. [21:06] <Limuko> "They do not serve only meat here, no? Limuko is not fan of eating meat he is afraid."
  166. [21:10] * Zemblanity smiles at the locomotive. It reminded her of home, almost. Without hesitation, she steps inside.
  167. [21:11] * Chasseuse makes sure Barry is still behind her, then follows after Zemblanity.
  168. [21:12] <~Radio|GM> The guard shakes his head at Limuko. "Hell no. They'd go out of business if that's the only thing they sold. We've got lots of ponies in Coltamento, and a lot of them tend to be picky eaters. It's a god thing the chef is so accommodating."
  169. [21:12] * Limuko sighed in relief, going inside the locomotive as well.
  170. [21:17] * Zemblanity takes a long, slow sniff as she enters the dining car. There was something about food cooking that always put her at ease...
  171. [21:20] <~Radio|GM> Where ponies once sat to dine by the windows, ponies sit to dine by the windows. Not much has changed, it seems, and the dining cart is doing exactly what it was meant to do. At the far end of the dining cart stands a booth, a menu, and a crew of chefs and cooks working furiously to craft their wares.
  172. [21:21] * Limuko appeared amazed at the place, his mouth drooling a bit as he smelled the cooking.
  173. [21:22] * Zemblanity smiles and finds herself a seat, motioning for the others to follow.
  174. [21:23] * Chasseuse 's smile fades just as quick as it appears. Sullenly, she trots over to the booth and takes her seat.
  175. [21:23] * Limuko sits as well, his face still a bit red at the presence of the mares. He takes notice of Chasseuse's smile fading as he looked at her in worry.
  176. [21:25] * Zemblanity browses the menu and crosses her hooves, looking at both Limuko and Chasseuse. "So... where would you like to begin?"
  177. [21:27] <Limuko> "Ehh." Limuko said as he looked at his menu.
  178. [21:28] * Chasseuse shrugs. "I suppose at ze beginning." She sighs. "We all crossed at Trotter's fort, and from zere found jobs on ze bounty board. Radiant's was to assist in finding a missing mare, and I took one to find a local's dog."
  179. [21:28] <~Radio|GM> In bursts an orange mare wearing an apron, whizzing in expertly on a pair of old roller skates on her back hooves, stopping in front of the group with a flourish as she executes a perfect sit spin, before lifting her hooves up to the ceiling with alacrity, beaming at the group. "Welcome to the Spork~! Have you decided what you'd like yet?"
  180. [21:29] * Chasseuse glances at her menu, checking for anything fresh...
  181. [21:29] * Zemblanity leans forward on the table and opens her mouth to speak, but she pauses and looks down at the menu again. "I'll have the..." She smiles. "What do you recommend?"
  182. [21:34] <~Radio|GM> The menu is divided into two parts, one vegetarian and one meat. The menu is further divided into four parts, denoted "Noodles!", "Salads!", "Stir Fry!", and "Other Stuff!"
  183. [21:34] * Chasseuse looks down the salad section.
  184. [21:34] * Zemblanity is surprised by the menu's... enthusiasm...
  185. [21:35] <~Radio|GM> If the menu could talk, it would ask Chasseuse whether she wanted meat or vegetarian.
  186. [21:35] * Chasseuse looks at the vegetarian section.
  187. [21:35] <Limuko> "Hmm." Limuko was interested into the noodles, never having the chance to have that before.
  188. [21:45] <~Radio|GM> The Vegetarian Salads section offers a number of possible toppings that include Maredarin orange slices, daisies, tomatoes, cactus fruit, and peppers. It quite pointedly points out that these items were "fairly and ethically traded, cause we know you're asking why we have such nice things".
  189. [21:46] <~Radio|GM> The Noodles section has much of the same options, including corn and other legumes, along with a choice between "thick" or "thin" noodles. Beyond that and the same disclaimer as the Salads section, it doesn't explain if there's any other difference between the two types.
  190. [21:47] <~Radio|GM> Atop the menu is written the instructions: "Just tell your waiter what kind of items you want from the choices listed below, and we'll serve 'em up for you on the double!"
  191. [21:48] <Limuko> "Ah, Limuko would be curious of this tomato Noodles. Aaaand perhaps Limuko would like to try out thick." He said with a smile.
  192. [21:50] <~Radio|GM> The orange skate-bound mare beams as she jots Limuko's order down on a pad. "Of course! How about you other ponies?"
  193. [21:51] <~Radio|GM> She turns to Zemblanity, eyes twinkling. "Oh! You want my recommendation, I say try a stir fry. They're always really good with radhog or brahmin! If that isn't your thing, eggplant is always a good idea!"
  194. [21:51] * Chasseuse nods, looking up from her menu. "Could I 'ave a salad wiz orange slices and daisies?"
  195. [21:52] <~Radio|GM> The mare jots that down. "You got it!"
  196. [21:53] * Zemblanity considers this for a moment. "The stiry fry does sound good... Eggplant, too. I'll take it."
  197. [21:53] <Limuko> "Limuko is not sure what a stiry fry is." And neither does his player. Perhaps Limuko should ask him to Google it.
  198. [21:56] <~Radio|GM> The mare gasps. "Ooh, you're going to love it! It's basically where you heat up a pan, throw in some oil,, then throwing in seasoning and toppings. It's really good! The Maredarin zebras really know their cooking."
  199. [21:58] <Limuko> "It is zebras like Limuko whom make this dish?" He asked. "Well then, Limuko would like to try food from his people."
  200. [22:00] <~Radio|GM> The mare nods. "Mhm. But they're a really" She blinks, pausing as she tries to remember the word.
  201. [22:05] * Zemblanity smiles. "Esoteric." She turns her attention back to Chasseuse and Limuko, though. "Please, do continue."
  202. [22:06] * Chasseuse nods, but waits until the waitress leaves.
  203. [22:06] <Limuko> Has does Limuko ... who seems to really be enjoying his time being with the two mares. Perhaps his hormones were taking over him now?
  204. [22:10] <~Radio|GM> The mare nods. "Yeah! Esoteric! My point is, they keep to themselves a lot, so not even other zebras really know a whole lot about them. They're really smart, though, and apparently they've come up with a lot of new things since the bombs fell a long time ago."
  205. [22:11] * Zemblanity looks up at her horn and undoes her head wrap, letting her mane fall down. She errantly brushes at it with a hoof. No sense in keeping it up now.
  206. [22:13] <~Radio|GM> The mare hums happily to herself, getting everypony's orders. "Anything else?"
  207. [22:13] <Zemblanity> "Sparkle Cola."
  208. [22:14] <Chasseuse> "A water, please."
  209. [22:29] <~Radio|GM> The mare takes everypony's orders. And with that, she speeds away, drawing a close upon this pleasant little scene after such tragedy.
  210. [22:30] <~Radio|GM> -- End Session --
  211. [22:30] <~Radio|GM> Everyone gains 300 XP!
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