
WA raid CD

Jul 17th, 2018
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  71. ["frameStrata"] = 3,
  72. ["desc"] = "Displays all Raid CDs, External CDs, Utility CDs, Immunity CDs, AoE CCs, Battle Rezzes, and Interrupts available by all players in your raid and the time remaining on their cooldown.\n\nCode originally by Yuqii, updated, maintained, and highly modified solely by Tehr since BRF (with permission).\n\nGet the latest update, available ONLY from:",
  73. ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN",
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  141. ["instanceType"] = "none",
  142. ["_raidCDs_cdText"] = " \n\n\n\n\nShockwave\n\n\n\nPummel\n",
  143. ["Show Settings"] = {
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  149. ["AG"] = true,
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  151. ["WShear"] = true,
  152. ["mythicDungeonBattleRezTimer"] = false,
  153. ["allCDs_inRaid"] = false,
  154. ["GSpirit"] = true,
  155. ["Cloak"] = true,
  156. ["allAoECCs"] = true,
  157. ["MindFreeze"] = true,
  158. ["raidBattleRezTimer"] = false,
  159. ["Pummel"] = true,
  160. ["BoP"] = true,
  161. ["Aegis"] = true,
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  164. ["Bomb"] = true,
  165. ["Grip"] = true,
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  225. ["BoPUtility"] = true,
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  236. ["Treants"] = true,
  237. ["Supernova"] = true,
  238. },
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  240. ["Daungore"] = {
  241. },
  242. },
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  246. ["Daungore"] = {
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  253. ["Daungore"] = {
  254. },
  255. },
  256. ["_aoeCCs_warriors"] = {
  257. ["Daungore"] = {
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  259. },
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  265. ["Daungore"] = {
  266. ["Pummel"] = 539071.294,
  267. },
  268. },
  269. ["_raidCDs_namesText"] = " \nRELOAD YOUR UI AFTER CHANGING ANY SETTINGS\nMade by Tehr of Sargeras (US) \nCrowd Control \n\n Daungore\n\nInterrupts \n\n Daungore\n",
  270. ["_aoeCCs_warlocks"] = {
  271. ["Daungore"] = {
  272. },
  273. },
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  276. },
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  302. ["_raidCDs_warriors"] = {
  303. ["Daungore"] = {
  304. ["C-Shout"] = 539071.294,
  305. },
  306. },
  307. ["_raidCDs_groupPoll_playerCounter"] = 0,
  308. ["_raidCDs_timeText"] = " \n\n\n\n\nREADY\n\n\n\nREADY\n",
  309. ["_utilityCDs_dhs"] = {
  310. ["Daungare"] = {
  311. },
  312. ["Nipit-DunModr"] = {
  313. },
  314. ["Azûrra-Antonidas"] = {
  315. },
  316. ["Снежэлла-Галакронд"] = {
  317. },
  318. ["Namrön-TheMaelstrom"] = {
  319. },
  320. ["Angrydhunter-DefiasBrotherhood"] = {
  321. },
  322. },
  323. ["DEBUG_Engine"] = true,
  324. },
  325. }
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