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Get Smart In Tamil Pdf Download

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Sep 17th, 2018
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  39. A highly intellectual but socially awkward spy is tasked with preventing a terrorist attack from a Russian spy agency.
  40. American Maxwell Smart works for a Government spy agency in an administrative capacity. When the agency's head office is attacked, the Chief decides to assign Maxwell as a spy and partners him with sexy Agent 99, much to her chagrin. The duo nevertheless set off to combat their attackers by first parachuting off an airplane and landing in Russian territory - followed closely by an over seven feet tall, 400 pound goon, known simply as Dalip. The duo, handicapped by Maxwell's antics, will eventually have their identities compromised, and may be chalked up as casualties, while back in America their attackers have already planted a bomb that is set-up to explode in a concert.
  41. Hey was this supposed to be funny? Painful, uninteresting, boring but not funny. If the producers and writers of this movie were surgeons malpractice suits would be flying, if they were OJ's lawyers he'd be almost up for parole, if they were the president of the United States - why they'd be George Bush. Save your money and wait till it comes on cable then you can watch the first twenty minutes or so and grab your remote change the channel and curse under your breath something to the effect of what is this SH-T? ...OOPs I need more lines of comments, I'd only wish the reviewers could have said as much to the creators of this film, something like can we be a little more funnier or maybe a bit more interesting or perhaps even have a point.
  42. This is the first film that if I had the time I would have gone to the cinema again, it was that good.<br/><br/>It was the first spy film from the U.S. where I wasn&#39;t sneering at it thinking it was another rip-off of Bond. When I went to see the film, I had no idea it had been based on a TV show in the 60&#39;s.<br/><br/>Maxwell Smart in this movie is not your typical spy/hero, he is a lot older, not classically handsome and he is very bumbling but that&#39;s why I like him. He is so different from the other heroes that he is a long needed breath of fresh air, he is brilliantly played by the very funny and talented Steve Carrell.<br/><br/>The cast are just as wonderful and I really couldn&#39;t imagine any other actors playing the roles other than the ones cast in the movie. Anne Hathaway (Agent 99) plays a really kick ass agent who starts off very hard and we see a more tender side to her when she spends time with Max. Dwayne Johnson (Agent 23), I really loved his scenes particularly the one where he stapled a sheet of paper to another agent&#39;s head and the other showing him destroying an agent&#39;s cell phone in a conference. Did not see it coming that he would turn out to be the villain. Alan Arkin as the Chief was just as hilarious especially when he tackled the Vice-president to the floor and then hitting another agent in the face when he called him Grandpa. Terrance Stamp (Siegfried) was very dry and witty as a villain for KAOS and I have to mention the other actors that had smaller parts but still managed to be unforgettable in the film like Bruce (Masi Oka) and Lloyd (Nate Torrence), the Q&#39;s of Get Smart and Larabee (David Koechner) and Agent 91 (Terry Crews).<br/><br/>There was so many funny scenes that had me in fits of laughter throughout the film and I really enjoyed the action sequences. The plot wasn&#39;t too long or hard to follow and I never lost interest in the movie at all.<br/><br/>I can&#39;t wait for Get Smart 2, I just hope the main people are in it again.
  43. In this distressingly generic spy spoof, it's not Maxwell who's clueless, but the filmmakers.
  44. CONTROL is a secret, but inept, U.S. government spy agency based in Washington, D.C.. that does battle against its equally inept nemesis known as KAOS (or sometimes CHAOS). Despite being capitalized, CONTROL and KAOS are not acronyms and do not stand for anything. <a href="/name/nm0465728/">Bernie Kopell</a>, who played the original Siegfried, has a cameo as an irate motorist who says that Max shouldn&#39;t run out in the middle of the street because he might get hit by a car. <a href="/name/nm0827767/">Leonard Stern</a>, the executive producer of the TV series, appears as an airplane pilot. Yes, it appears in a museum exhibit in the beginning of the movie and gets called into use toward the end. The way it gets used plays on the idea of &quot;why would you use a shoe phone when you have a cell phone?&quot;<a href="/name/nm0271156/">Barbara Feldon</a> played the original CONTROL agent known as &quot;99&quot;. On the MTV movie blog site, it was announced that Feldon couldn&#39;t make the trip to Montreal on the day that they were shooting what could have been her cameo. The reason she couldn&#39;t make the trip was not given, but rumor has it that she was in ill health. That information is classified. Agent 99&#39;s real name is not revealed in the movie, but some viewers think it would have been a lovely tribute to Barbara Feldon to at least have had her first name be &quot;Barbara&quot;. In a single episode of the old 1960s show Get Smart, Agent 99 claims her name is Susan Hilton. However, at the end of the episode, she confesses that Susan isn&#39;t her real name. None of the old TV shows or movies reveal her true name. a5c7b9f00b
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