
Anon's excellent adventures in Tartarus pt3

Apr 25th, 2012
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  1. Wherein Unamazing introduces nothing new about Tartarus.
  3. >You are Anonymous, a human marooned in Tartarus.
  4. >You don't know how you got here, and you don't know how to get out.
  5. >and staring you in the face is a dog who may have the answer to one of those questions.
  6. Start talking.
  7. >To his credit, he manages to maintain his composure. "Whattya wanna know?" he asks, in a casual manner.
  8. >you take a moment to think. There was a lot of questions that needed answering.
  9. First off: Why were you stalking me?
  10. >He hesitates for a second, looking ready to make some sort of quip.
  11. >however, he deigns against it.
  12. >"Ya look like another one'a yer kind that captured down here."
  13. >Huh. That explains what they were screaming when you rushed their asses like a madman.
  14. There were other humans?
  15. >"At least two. Maybe more, if da legends and rumors and shit are anythin' t' go bye."
  16. >He fidgets.
  17. >"Look, we don't die wiffout air in dis place, but breathin's still gonna make dis easier." he says. "So why don'tcha get offa me?"
  18. And let you run away before telling me what I wanna know, or attack me again? Fat chance, Fido.
  19. >"Dat's Fido." he retorts, pointing a finger to the third dog who had attacked you. "I'm Buddy."
  20. >You roll your eyes, but nonetheless you ease up on the pressure a little.
  21. Elaborate.
  22. >"Well, his name's Remu--"
  23. >You smack across the face, annoyed.
  24. You know what I was talking about.
  25. >"Sweet Father, none of ya crazy bastards can take a joke, can ya?"
  26. >You're getting more and more rustled by this idiot.
  27. Do I /look/ like I'm in a joking mood?
  28. >"All right, all right. So yer not the first one t' come here, y'know dat, right?"
  29. >areyoushittingme.png
  30. /Yes/...
  31. >"What're you gettin' yer tail inna twist about?"
  32. >you punch him this time.
  33. >"Ow! Dammit, all right!" he yelps.
  34. /Talk./
  35. >"Fine! Shit, you insane dicks're somethin' else..."
  36. >before you can hit him again, he regains his composure and begins
  37. >"We only know of two fer sure. Some say dere's three, others four, but whatever."
  38. >So there were other humans in your situation after all...
  39. >"The first one came here wif da Boss. 'E's da one who fucked up the Boss's plan to bring th' dog Father back to the land of the livin'."
  40. >Good on him, then.
  41. >"We had captured his sorry ass. Tortured him for probably a year. Then one day, he up 'n' escaped."
  42. How?
  43. >You figure you'd want to know. After all, you WERE stuck down here with these mutts. >Knowledge is power.
  44. >"We dunno. some say he got out himself, others say another human came'n busted him out. All we know is that he's gone now."
  45. >Interesting... He may still be out there.
  46. And the other?
  47. >"Dat guy... I'm glad 'e's gone."
  48. >intredasting.png
  49. And why is that?
  50. >To your surprise, he visibly shudders.
  51. >"He was... he was scary as shit. Huge bastard, probbly da height o' dat tree." he says, indicating the tree with a finger.
  52. >you estimate it to be roughly eight or nine feet.
  53. >dafuq
  54. >"And he had dis tough as balls grey armor, and he kept screamin' somethin' bout de 'Emprah' or some shit... he went on a goddamn crusade against us."
  55. >hold the shitting phone
  56. >Did he just describe a fucking Spess Mehren?
  57. >what_the_fuck_am_I_listening_to.png
  58. >you raise an incredulous eyebrow at the dog.
  59. What'd you do to deserve that, I wonder?
  60. >"Well, we DID kinda kidnap dis broad who was apparently his friend. One of Discord's kids, I think. Dunno why he liked her so much."
  61. And what happened?
  62. >"Here's da part I'll never believe, even though I was there fer it."
  63. Go on...
  64. >"He pretty much stormed the Dog Father's base, took us all on, and damn near won. Ended probably a couple hundred dogs that day, at da least. Took on both the Father an' th' Boss, before freein' his bud and gettin' da fuck out."
  65. And how'd he do this?
  66. >He shrugs as best he can with you pinning him.
  67. >"Opened a portal or some shit. I'unno. Got knocked out before it ended."
  68. >So. The two previous encounters both escaped this "Dog Father"'s wrath. That explained why they were following you.
  69. >"So, uh... dat gonna be all?"
  70. No. How do I leave?
  71. >"Die again. That'll be tough, tho. Tartarus don't let go'a its victims easy."
  72. >Are_you_fucking_Kidding_me.jpg
  73. Besides that?
  74. >"You wanna try and get past Cerberus? Cuz if we knew another way, you think we'd still be in this shithole?"
  75. >A fair point.
  76. Figures.
  77. >you rise, placing one foot on the Dog's chest.
  78. Now all I need to do is figure out how to make sure I don't have to deal with you.
  79. >"Gonna kill us again, aren't ya?" he grumbles.
  80. >lolwut
  81. No need to do that, you're already dead.
  82. >"Oh. Well...ask nicely?" Buddy offers, with an innocent smile-- an attempt at one, at any rate.
  83. >you laugh humorlessly.
  84. In Tartarus? How stupid do you think I am?
  85. >"Woulda worked on the first guy..."
  86. Yeah, no. Good night.
  87. >And with that, you swing your foot forward, and it connects with his chin, knocking him out.
  88. >You then gaze around to find that, to your pleasant surprise, all of the dogs are still out cold.
  89. >Bueno.
  90. >I'mouttahere.gif
  91. >Turning back to the forest, you begin a steady jog.
  92. >Sounded like you'd be here a while, whether you liked it or not.
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