
Serebii Teambat Idea

Jun 30th, 2012
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  1. Official Serebii Teambats
  3. Welcome to the Official Serebii Teambat! This thread was inspired by those done on smogon. For those of you who haven't seen a teambat, this is how it works: There's teams of people...who build a team to beat whatever the team of whatever the other team(s) build. Please read the introduction for further information.
  6. • Quick Menu
  7. • Introduction
  8. • Teambat Schedule
  9. • Sign Ups
  12. •Introduction
  13. In a teambat you will be assigned to one team with various other competitors and together you create a team, within your community, based on specific restrictions given to you in a specified amount of time. Some restrictions may be for all teams (such as no using any of the top 10 Pokemon in X month's usage stats) and some may be for only one team (like if you're assigned a Pokemon; Terrakion could be assigned to team 1 and Scizor to team 2). After you build your team, you go fight the other team!
  15. The team assigning will be randomized and posted here. For the battle, one member is chosen by their team to battle for their team and they may consult their actions with their teammates. After the battle, they are to PM me the battle logs via Pokemon Aesoft. It can be very stressful during these teambats as you have a limited amount of time and your teammates may not be the most reliable, but that's part of the fun! Sometimes unique, potentially tier-changing discoveries may be found in these teambats!
  18. These teambats' purpose will be to introduce new players to veteran players as they teambuild together. If you feel you need an introduction to the tier designated in this teambat, do not hesitate to ask one of the better battlers of serebii, but the teambats will take place in xats that will be established. The xat owners will consist of myself and the current team leader; the moderators will consist of the members. At no time will you EVER allow a member that isn't in your team into your respective xats, whether they are not a member at all or if they are a member of the opposing team. This is to eliminate any form of scouting. Teambats can be as large as the number of people that want to participate in them. Due to the unknown number of potential signups, we will have 2-5 teams consisting of at most 5-7 people a piece.
  19. • The Schedule
  20. Each team will have one week to build their team, then another to battle. So this Serebii Overused TeamBat will take place over the period of Two Weeks.
  23. • Sign Ups
  24. Use this form below to sign-up. Sign ups will end TUESDAY, JULY 3RD, at 11:59 PM EST (GMT -4) . The teams, along with the restrictions for the teambat, will be announced within 24 hours after signups have been closed. In the first section, put your username AS IT APPEARS ON THE FORUM. Failure to do that will result in me overlooking your application, and if you insist on doing so then you may be banned from the next teambat (if there is one). This round we are doing OU.
  26. [CODE]Serebii Username:
  27. PO Username:
  28. Xat Screen Name or Name you use most commonly:[/CODE]
  31. For example:
  33. [CODE]Serebii Username: Dewhinifier
  34. PO username: Urban Dew
  35. Xat Screen Name or Name you use most commonly: Dew (this must be added, otherwise the xat owners wont know who to member)[/CODE]
  40. Thanks to Theebay707 and Barbeller for helping me write the thread and brainstorm the idea!!
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