
Medusa the Gorgon

Feb 19th, 2018
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  1. Name: Casimir Kuzchoski
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Age: 17
  4. Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
  5. Occupation: Student
  6. Height: 5′7
  7. Weight: 150 lbs.
  8. Hair Color: Serpent Hair, mostly green. However, different patterns exist.
  9. Hair Type: Serpent, long. Serpents are almost always looking around.
  10. Eye Color: Pale Green
  11. Skin Color: Pale
  12. Nationality: Polish
  13. School: North European Hero Core Training College
  14. Year: 1
  15. Distinguishing Features: Serpent Hair, Strikingly Attractive, androgynous, and Eyes perpetually closed.
  16. Hero Profile
  17. Hero/Villain Name: Medusa
  18. Costume: None Yet
  19. Quirk: Petrification, Venomous, 360 Vision
  20. Weapons: Fangs
  21. Gadgets/Tech: N/A
  22. Extra:
  23. Likes: History, Video Games, MMORPGs.
  24. Dislikes Any real-life activity that requires teamwork.
  25. Habits:
  26. Fears: Never connecting with someone, mirrors.
  27. Family: N/A
  29. Romantic Interests: None
  30. Allies: N/A
  31. Rivals: N/A
  32. Enemies: N/A
  33. Physical Weaknesses: Is short, doesn't weight a lot, easily mistaken for a girl.
  34. Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Easily mistaken for a girl, afraid of crowds and afraid of being alone.
  36. Quirk: Gorgon
  38. Description: Possesses the powers of the mythological Gorgons, able to turn someone to stone with a prolonged stare. Those who merely glance at the Quirk wielder are merely stunned. Not petrified. Has a head of hair made out of serpents, which are venomous and provide a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view.
  39. Strengths: Can distract and off-set a larger group of people, Can turn someone to stone if eye contact is made.
  40. Weaknesses: Doesn't work well on Body-Morphers, if they look into a mirror they are stunned, and if using the serpents to see everywhere prone to getting dizzy fast.
  42. Quirk
  44. Quirk Strength: 4
  46. Quirk Control: 0
  48. Quirk Utility: 1
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