
DGA Season 1 Aftermath: Isamu

Jul 9th, 2016
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  1. “And who are you supposed to be, kid?”
  3. “My name is Isamu Iori! Fighter of villains! Defender of the innocent! Rescuer of fair maidens! And I am here to end your reign of bullying!”
  5. The beating that a then nine year old Isamu proceeded to receive from those middle-schoolers was well worth it. After all, the young hero took their attention away from the other kid, who soon made his daring escape.
  7. Just as the beating he took at the hands of the Archdemon was well-worth it, as it took the foul beasts attention away from Isamu's friend, Ryoji Shida. Isamu pulled out all the stops to be the hero and defeat the evil villain. While defeating the demon proved a little beyond his grasp, it was his efforts that helped lead to the villain's defeat. A feat he was most proud of, but the cheers and adulation he expected upon the class' triumphant return to the real world was overshadowed by some terrible news... Ryoji had been trapped within the Darkworld, and didn't return with them. Everyone was distraught by this turn of events, Isamu included. He didn't even care that the beautiful ladies of Class 2 weren't lining up to congratulate Isamu on his amazing bravery.
  9. No, his friend was gone. In a way, Isamu felt he had failed as a hero.
  11. Isamu didn't have many people to turn to. Saki Kobashi, the clever and thoughtful leader of Class 2 was too traumatised to even move... no wonder, her true love and paramour had vanished before her very eyes. And Akemi Ibushi... Isamu's closest and most beloved friend in the entire universe, was lying face down on the floor of the lounge like a plank, queitly whining to herself and refusing to budge, no matter how many times others came to her. Isamu, the hero that he was, was the only one capable of stepping in and bringing Akemi back to her feet, like King Arthur pulling Excalibur from a stone... Isamu then notes that he should start using a sword in battle, and that he should name it Excalibur.
  13. Isamu hunkers down to Akemi's level and gently strokes her hair. Akemi stops mushing her face into the cold floor to look up at Isamu, who she soon mobs with a hug and clings to like a small child would. “Where did he go...?” she whines into Isamu's ear. “He... he'll be back, right?”
  15. Isamu had no idea. Isamu, despite the front he would put up, was not a smart man. In fact, most would call him incredibly dumb. But if there was one thing Isamu had learned from Akemi herself, it was always to go with the hopeful answer. “Have no fear, Akemi Ibushi! Our good friend Ryoji Shida will be returned to us in no time! I guarantee it, on my honour as a hero!”
  17. “Oh, that's good...” Akemi replies, a more optimistic tone in her voice as Isamu carries her to her room. “He has to get back soon. He'll miss my fireworks display if he doesn't!”
  19. “Don't worry, Akemi Ibushi!” Isamu smiles. “Ryoji Shida would never miss something so important!”
  21. Akemi smiles. Isamu knew it wouldn't take long for her to bring that back. Even in the worst of situations, Akemi can't be kept down for long. She's a champion of positive emotions.
  23. “You're right, Isamu!” she exclaims, as Isamu carefully places Akemi onto the bed and she begins to tuck herself in. “Ryoji will be back first chance he gets! He has to see my fireworks, and he still needs to get married to Saki! How else am I going to be Best Girl!”
  25. “You can still have that title at my own wedding, when I finally choose the Goddess I wish to spend my days with!” Isamu boasts. “The bride may even be you, Akemi Ibushi!”
  27. Akemi giggles. “That sounds fun!”
  29. “Fun? It's a serious commitment, Miss Ibushi!” Isamu replies.
  31. “Oh...” Akemi mutters, before giving an enthusiastic salute. “In that case, it sounds as serious as it does committed!”
  33. “That's the spirit!” Isamu booms. “You'll be a bride in no time! Now, you've had a long night, Miss Ibushi. It's time you got some sleep.”
  35. “Okay, Isamu! You've got it!” Akemi nods, before closing her eyes, and drifting off incredibly quickly. Isamu stares at her for a while, before leaning down and kissing her on the forehead.
  37. “Goodnight, my tiny goddess,” he whispers, before stepping out of the room. He leans against the door, and with nobody looking, lets out a sigh.
  39. It's tough work being a hero. It doesn't always involve fighting off hordes of shadowy ninjas and slaying dragons... sometimes it simply involves helping comfort and cheer up a beloved ally in a tough time. Isamu knows how much Akemi cared for Ryoji. In fact, he was the first one she came to. Shortly before she left for the class camping trip, she told Isamu of how she was in love with Ryoji, and how much she wanted to one day become his wife. Of course, Ryoji soon found love elsewhere, with another beautiful and kind goddess, and Isamu needed to support Akemi in that trying time. It didn't take much effort on his part, Akemi did a good enough job of keeping her own emotions in check to begin with. Still, Isamu knew that by helping her reach her more positive mindset, he did his duty as a hero. He did it then, and he did the same for Akemi tonight. Despite the unfortunate events, Isamu was proud of himself.
  41. That is, until he began to hear sobbing coming from Akemi's room. He presses his ear up against the door. Yes, there was no doubt about it, Akemi was crying from inside... but why? Well, Isamu knew why she was crying. It was obvious. But why did she pretend to be fine? Why did she pretend to go to sleep? Isamu can't go in now to confront her, that would be wrong. But why did Akemi, of all people, deceive Isamu like that.
  43. Perhaps, she was just trying to make Isamu feel better? To make him feel useful? To make him feel like he helped? To make him feel like he was actually a hero... when in fact, he wasn't?
  45. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. Isamu thought long and hard on what in his words had failed him. What prevented his speech from cheering up the most cheerful young woman in the entire school. After a week of careful consideration, Isamu had come to a conclusion. His words had no effect on Akemi, because she could tell that he was disingenuous. He didn't know for a fact if Ryoji would be back soon, he didn't know for a fact if Ryoji would be able to make it to the firework's display... and he certainly wasn't anywhere close to choosing the fair maiden that he would settle down with.
  49. Isamu knew that for Akemi to believe the rest of his words, that last part had to change. Still, that was something easier said than done. Isamu believes in the true beauty of all women, so to choose one above all else... it would be a difficult task. But it was about time he chose, if not for Akemi's sake, then for his own. After all, Rini Tozawa, Hikaru Shirai and even Saki Kobashi had all been taken off the market... if Isamu didn't act soon, there may not be any more Goddesses for him to choose from. During his daily training session down by the school tracks, he debated within himself the pros and the cons of every girl in school, trying to decide which Goddess he should chase.
  51. “Hey Isamu, get your crap off the track! It's my time to train!”
  53. Never mind, it seems that the Goddess has come to Isamu... Rei Arisato. Simply put, one of the most beautiful women Isamu had the honour to lay eyes upon. Silky Golden hair, piercing blue eyes, the body of an athlete, and a buttocks forged by the gods themselves. Any time Isamu laid eyes on her, he felt truly blessed.
  55. The only problem was... she didn't seem to like him very much.
  57. “Ah, it's the lovely Miss Arisato!” Isamu exclaims. “Are you here to congratulate me on my daring stand against the fearful Archdemon?”
  59. “What?” Rei asks, crossing her arms. “No! You're stupid little heroic stunt did nothing but get yourself killed! Why would I congratulate you on being a reckless idiot!”
  61. Isamu scratches the back of his head. He was under the impression that recklessness was Rei's way of life. “I understand, Miss Arisato. You were worried about my safety! Fear not, though! For it would take so much more than a mere Archdemon to-”
  63. “Shut up!” Rei replies, her cheeks turning a slight red. “I wasn't worried about you! I'm just calling out your stupid move for what it was! Stupid!”
  65. “It certainly helped out our friend Ryoji Shida!” Isamu points out.
  67. “Oh, it did?” Rei asks. “Well, where's Ryoji now? A lot of good you did, you weird loser.”
  69. Isamu chooses to ignore the end of that last sentence. “You know, Miss Arisato, you've always done a fantastic job when it came to battling villains as well. Your skills are tremendous! In fact, I feel the only way to go is for the two of us to be wed!”
  71. “Yeah, I know my skills are... wait, what?” Rei shakes her head. “The hell are you talking about?”
  73. “Miss Arisato, I am in need of a bride!” Isamu falls to a knee. “And I have chosen you to be that bride! What say you? Do you answer the call to adventure?”
  75. “Why in the hell would I?” Rei scoffs. “Stand up, you look ridiculous. You're not even holding a ring, you're just down on one knee for no reason.”
  77. Isamu gasps in shock. “Miss Arisato, I offer you marriage, and you ask why? Why else other than to be wed to the greatest hero in all the land. A strong, brave man who will protect you for the rest of your-”
  79. “Protect?!” Rei laughs. “Why would I need you to protect me? To say that I'm one hundred times more powerful than you would be an understatement!”
  81. “Ah, you underestimate me, Rei Arisato!” Isamu laughs. “In fact... I challenge you!”
  83. Rei blinks. “What?”
  85. “I challenge you to combat! Should I win, you must accept my hand in marriage!”
  87. Rei sighs. “And if I win, will you leave me alone so I can train in peace?”
  89. Isamu ponders over it for a moment. “If that is what it takes to have you accept the challenge, then so be it!”
  91. Rei shakes her head as she pulls out her sword. “Whatever. I hope you're prepared for humiliation.”
  93. Isamu laughs. “A true hero is prepared for any situation, no matter how unlikely!”
  95. As Rei stands on the other side of the track, he prepares his spear. This is it, he was going to find himself a bride, the only way that felt right, through combat. Through a heroic display of power and skills, that is how he would win a Goddess to himself.
  97. Isamu lunges with his spear, but Rei easily deflect the attack. Isamus lunges forward again, poking his spear at her in rapid succession, but again she easily blocks every move without even shifting her position.
  99. “I must say Miss Arisato, you are incredibly capable with that sword!” Isamu mentions, impressed. “You know, you should name it Excalibur!”
  101. Rei squints her eyes at him. “Why?”
  103. “Because that was the name of King Arthur's sword, and-”
  105. “No, why would I name a sword at all?” Rei asks. “It's just a sword. A hunk of steel.”
  107. Isamu gasps. “No! A sword is much more than that. A hero's weapon is his closest companion, and to give that weapon a name shows your appreciation and the bond you share with your blade. For instance, this spear is titled Zeus' Bolt!”
  109. “That's a dumb name,” Rei replies. “And what a childish thing to do.”
  111. “It is not childish!” Isamu protests.
  113. “Everything you do is childish!” Rei replies. “At first, it was just annoying. Then I felt embarrassed for you. Now, you're just creepy.”
  115. “Miss Arisato, why must you be so cruel?” Isamu asks.
  117. Rei shakes her head. “I'm not being cruel, just honest! Unlike the other's, I'm not going to stand here and coddle you and let you indulge in your weird delusions! You aren't a hero, and you aren't going to get a girl acting like you do! You're weaker than all of us, and if you try to pull what you did during the Endless Night a second time, you will die!”
  119. “S-silence!” Isamu stammers, shaken by her words. “Prepare to see the power of Zeus' Bolt! A power granted by the gods of Mount Olympus! Lightning Spear Atta-”
  121. Rei, with one swift motion, slices Isamu's spear in half.
  123. “Ah, Zeus' Bolt!” Isamu cries, falling to his knees to tend to his fallen comrade. “What have you done?”
  125. “Saved myself from the world's worst marriage,” Rei sighs. “And hopefully given you a much needed wake-up call.”
  127. “What?” Isamu mutters, looking up at Rei, who is now standing over him.
  129. “You heard me,” Rei mutters. “You need to stop with your weird and pathetic hero nonsense. You don't know the first thing about training and getting strong, but you still want to talk big and act like you've accomplished everything? Here's a newsflash for you, Isamu; I'm dying.”
  131. Isamu pauses, lost for words.
  133. “Oh what, you don't have any big fancy speeches to give?” Rei mocks him. “Did I make it a little too real for you. Too bad, Isamu. I'm going to die, there's nothing I can do about it, but you know what I do? I train. I keep pushing myself harder, so that I can become better, faster, stronger, all in the name of being the best and being able to deal as much of a blow to the Darkworld before I go. You just want to wear a cape, shout a lot, and hope everyone will treat you like some kind of hero... and everyone has gone along with it. You know why that is, Isamu?”
  135. “Why, it's because of my heroic aura and-”
  137. “It's because they think it's funny,” Rei cuts him off. “You're a big joke to them, Isamu. Nothing more. You're completely useless, you're nothing but dead weight in a combat situation, and because of your showboating and refusal to put in any real effort to train, you're actually a liability! Do you know how scared we all were when you were brought in to fight that thing? I thought you were dead when it hit you with that laser thing! Even if you came back, you still weren't able to do any lasting damage to it! Not dying isn't an achievement, especially when you scare me into thinking you had! You're just a joke, a joke I never found funny... and it's about time you asked yourself something.”
  139. “W-what?” Isamu asks.
  141. “When the hell are you going to grow up?”
  143. Isamu looks down at the ground and begins to sniffle. Rei raises an eyebrow, the tone in her voice shifting. “Isamu... are you... crying?”
  145. “N-no!” Isamu yells, tears beginning to stream down his face. “It... it's just heroic leakage! That's all! I... I...”
  147. Isamu runs off crying.
  149. He doesn't know why Rei's speech got to him like that, he was given the same speech countless times throughout middle school and junior high. Maybe it was hearing it from one of the supposed princesses he lived to save... or maybe it was hearing it from someone Isamu wanted to call a friend... or maybe it's because this time he realised that they were right. He's been sewing more material onto this cape every year since he was six years old. It's been ten years since the hero in Isamu was born... maybe it's time to put him to rest. After all, that battle with the Archdemon did prove something... Isamu really did have potential. Maybe if he were to take things more seriously, truly commit himself to training... REAL training, he could truly become useful.
  151. Isamu looks back to the running track, where he ran from. Instead of seeing Rei jogging along, as he expected, he sees her sitting on the ground, her knees pressed up to her face. Even from this distance, Isamu can tell that she herself is crying. He would return to her if he didn't feel so dejected. Even so, he had made an agreement with Miss Arisato during the challenge. While he likely wouldn't have expected her to uphold her end of the arrangement had he won, he will still uphold his and leave her alone.
  153. A hero will always stay true to his word.
  155. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  157. “Isamu, get down!”
  159. In the weeks that passed, the words Rei said to him had stuck with Isamu. While he continued his heroic ways, and kept up the same attitude, he found himself occasionally hit with a bout of self-doubt. He still believed himself a hero, and he still knew that the right thing to do was to stand up for the innocents... but perhaps there was more to it than that. Some important effort he's been neglecting. Isamu found himself wondering if he just wanted to look like a hero... or if he truly wanted to be one.
  161. The group were in the Darkworld, and had been mobbed by a group of goblin like creatures. Isamu had his spear raised to the goblin horde, but Ken soon got in his way. He understood why. Ken was a good man who believed in justice, and he didn't have faith that Isamu could take them all on his own. It made sense not to have faith... Isamu's skills are quite unbelievable. As Ken did battle with one group of goblins, Isamu turned his attention to the single most helpless girl in the school... the frail, yet beautiful Hoshi Sanada. As a group of about six goblins slowly lumbered towards Hoshi, Isamu saw his opportunity to defend an innocent soul.
  163. “Stand back, Miss Sanada!” Isamu booms as he leaps in front of her, his spear raised. “I warn you foul goblins, you do not want to stand in the path of this hero! After the tragic destruction of my previous spear, I had it replaced! This new weapon was not blessed by the gods of mount Olympus, but rather the gods of Valhalla. Prepare to meet Odin's Bolt!”
  165. “Isamu...” Hoshi mutters from behind.
  167. “I said to stand back, Miss Sanada! I will protect you! And I will bring my spear down upon these creatures as if it were the hammer of Thor himself. Prepare yourselves, monsters!”
  169. Isamu lunges forward with his spear, as something very strange happens. As he did battle with his spear in the past, he always imagined a bolt of lighting forming around the shaft and shooting from the tip... but this time, he seemed that it was actually happening. In fact, he also felt his movement with the weapon to be smoother, more graceful, as if he was allowing the spear itself to guide him along. Within a matter of seconds, all six of the goblins had been vanquished. Huh... perhaps the spear really was blessed by the gods.
  171. “I... did it?” Isamu mutters, before catching himself. “I mean... I did it!”
  173. He stands in a triumphant pose, as he turns to face Hoshi, who for some unknown reason is holding her hands up in some strange pose. She nervously drops her hands to her sides as Isamu sees her, and the lightning from the spear disappears. “Have no fear, Hoshi Sanada! The goblins have been vanquished! While you may be a helpless and fair maiden, you have a true hero by your side, prepared to protect you at every turn!”
  175. Hoshi nods, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead. “Y-yes... of course... thank you, Isamu.”
  177. Soon, the Darkworld fades away, and the group are transported back to the real world. As they arrive, Isamu breathes a sigh of relief as he continues to speak to Hoshi. “I must admit, Miss Sanada, I had found myself struggling with a recent bout of self-doubt...”
  179. Hoshi looks on at Isamu, concerned. “You... you have?”
  181. Isamu clenches his fist and looks up to the sky. “Yes, it's true! Shameful, but true! I had feared that I may not be the hero that I could be! That I wasn't as strong as I thought I was! That... that you people didn't need me...”
  183. “O-of course we need you!” Hoshi smiles. “You're Isamu... you're the best kind of hero, the kind that instils hope in others, encourages others around you to get stronger. The kind that makes even the frailest of little girls believe that even she can help people...”
  185. “Of course, I understand that now!” Isamu laughs. “But even the greatest of hero's find themselves facing their own fears, and I have conquered mine in record time, Miss Sanada! My fears were no match for the mighty Isamu Iori! And now I shall continue my work as a brave and unrewarded hero!”
  187. “Unrewarded...?” Hoshi mumbles. “I-Isamu... please, close your eyes.”
  189. Isamu would never go against with what a beautiful princess tells him to do. He closes his eyes, before feeling something soft and gentle against his lips. It's brief, but pleasant. He opens his eyes to see Hoshi standing before him still, her face red with embarrassment. “T-there you go... a kiss from a princess... it's exactly what you wanted, right?”
  191. Isamu smiles wide and nods. “Yes, Miss Sanada... it is. Thank you.”
  193. His first kiss from a princess... his first kiss ever, as a matter of fact. That one reward let Isamu know that he was on the right path. He would continue to be a hero, no matter what certain people may say.
  195. And to be a hero means to help others, no matter what they may have said to him.
  197. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  199. Isamu found her down by the running tracks, just as he expected. She wasn't training at all, instead sitting on the grass nearby and crying into her knees. This seems to be the place that she comes to let loose with her emotions. A place that means a lot to her. Isamu pauses, wondering what the best way to approach her would be. He picks a few small flowers from the grass, and holds them in his hand like a tiny bouquet.
  201. He swaggers up to Rei and presents the bouquet. “For you, my lady,” he smiles.
  203. Rei looks up at Isamu, before burying her face back into her knees. “Go away...”
  205. “But Miss Arisato, how can I leave when there is a fair maiden in need of help. A princess who needs saved?”
  207. “Go away,” Rei repeats. “I'm not a fair maiden, I'm not a princess, and I don't need saved... least of all from a goofball like you.”
  209. “Your words don't wound me anymore, Miss Arisato.” Isamu holds the flowers closer to Rei's face as he leans down to match her level. “I understand now that you are the one in pain. And it's up to me, as the brave and honourable hero to save you from this pain!”
  211. Rei snaps, and slaps the bouquet from Isamu's hand. “J-just piss off, Isamu! I don't like you! You're just a stupid weird creep with your dumb hobbies, and I can't stand you!”
  213. “You don't mean that-”
  215. “No, I do!” Rei yells. “Stop trying to be so optimistic! It's tearing me apart! How can you do it? How can you be so detached from reality? How can you refuse to grow up and accept the world for what it is? Why do people love you so much?! Why do you get to be happy?!”
  217. “Miss Arisato...” Isamu sighs, as he notices the tears streaming from her eyes.
  219. “I'm not a delicate princess, you idiot!” Rei screams. “I'm tough, I'm aggressive, and I can kill you with a flick of the wrist! And... and... a princess would never be as awful as me. A princess would never chase her only friend in the whole world away... a princess would never become a sad, horrible drunk like me! I'm not a princess... I'm the villain!”
  221. Rei turns to run off, as Isamu lets out another sigh. He takes a deep breath, before calling out after her. “You're a lot stronger than I am.”
  223. Rei pauses, as she turns around, shocked to hear those words come from Isamu's mouth. “I... what?”
  225. “You heard me,” Isamu replies. “You've always been stronger than me, and I've always respected you for it. Just because I live for saving beautiful women, it doesn't mean I think you can't save yourself. I call you all Goddesses for a reason... you're all powerful in your own way. I've always respected you for how headstrong you are, and how you'd never let anything stand in your path. In fact... I need your help.”
  227. “What?”
  229. “I need you to help me, Miss Arisato,” Isamu explains. “In the Darkworld, I recently saved Hoshi Sanada from several creatures... during that battle I realised that there was an untapped power within me, one that I need to hone if I am to become a true hero. And you need my help, as well.”
  231. “N-no I don't!” Rei protests. “Why would I need the help of someone like you?”
  233. “I can't protect you from any physical danger, Miss Arisato... but there's more to being a hero than that. In this case, it's being a friend to someone in desperate need of one. I can help you... if you're willing.”
  235. Rei stares at Isamu, her expression shifting from anger, to reluctance, to sadness, then to full sobbing as she charges at Isamu. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him tight, crying into his shoulder. “I-if you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you,” she mutters.
  237. “I understand,” Isamu smiles, placing his hands on her back. “Your secret is safe with me!”
  239. “I've messed up so m-much, I don't know what I'm going to do...” Rei blubbers and whines in Isamu's shirt. He simply holds her tighter, letting her release all of her emotions as he smiles.
  241. She may not like it, but Isamu is here to save her. Sometimes, a hero isn't truly appreciated... but Isamu feels that Rei will come around to the idea in time.
  243. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  245. “Hark! If it isn't Akemi Ibushi!”
  247. Isamu approaches his best friend as she wanders through the courtyard. She smiles brightly as he approaches. “Oh, hi Isamu!”
  249. Isamu lets out a forlorn sigh. “I fear I must apologise from the bottom of my heart, Miss Ibushi! I was so caught up in my recent training, that I missed your firework's display!”
  251. Akemi shakes her head and waves her arms. “Don't worry about it Isamu! The display went great!”
  253. Isamu clenches his fist. “Still, I wish I were there to see it. It's not becoming of a hero to disappoint his closest companion like I did!”
  255. Akemi laughs. “Oh, Isamu! You couldn't disappoint me if you tried!”
  257. Isamu smiles, before taking a deep breath. It's about time he addressed something very important. “Miss Ibushi... on the night that Ryoji Shida disappeared... you were crying in your room after I left, weren't you?”
  259. Akemi bites her bottom lip. “Oh... you knew about that?”
  261. “I'm afraid so,” Isamu sighs.
  263. Akemi lets out a sigh of her own. “I'm sorry, Isamu... it's just that something really sad happened to me, and I needed to let all that sadness out. I can't start to feel happy until I let myself be sad first, you know? I just... I didn't want you to feel sad too. I'm really sorry I lied to you... I've never done it before, and I swear I'll never do it again!”
  265. “You do?”
  267. “Cross my heart!” Akemi laughs, as she makes the motion across her flat chest with her fingers. “I just wanted you to feel like you helped, and that you were the hero for me... because you always are! I didn't want to ruin your track record!”
  269. “That's very thoughtful of you, Miss Ibushi.”
  271. “Well, you're always thoughtful!” Akemi smiles. “Oh... but now I have to apologise to you properly! Do you want to get some ice-cream?”
  273. Isamu nods. “Always. You lead the way, Miss Ibushi!”
  275. “No! The hero has to lead the way!” Akemi protests, as she hops onto Isamu's back. She points forward in the direction of the time. “Upwards!”
  277. “You mean onwards.”
  279. “Oh, yes. Onwards!”
  281. Isamu smiles as he charges towards the town. Sometimes being a hero involves tremendous deeds, feats of strength, bravery in the face of almost certain death. Sometimes it involved standing up for the weak and innocent. Sometimes it involved being a shoulder to cry on, to be a force to lift another's spirits. And sometimes... it was as simple as being a friend.
  283. There were many ways to be a true hero, and Isamu felt happy knowing that he accomplished them all. He had grown up, as many had oft suggested... but rather than become a boring a adult, Isamu had grown into a greater hero than he had even thought possible.
  285. And the ballad of Isamu the mighty had only begun.
  287. THE END
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