
9 Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-28 0225 +Anthony B.

Jan 27th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-28 0225 +Anthony B.
  4. __
  7. +Anthony B. __ [This is *VERY LONG* and very QUICKLY typed. Some/much of it is characteristically repetitive. *I have not had a chance to read over it before sending it.* Simply read as much as you want and feel free to disagree with any or all of it. It is now out there. *YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!*]
  9. __
  11. Most people who comment on my Google Plus (or have given support elsewhere) have at one time or another been accused of being Lesta.
  13. *But that is just a cheap and obvious misdirection.*
  15. Keep in mind that none of these people are accusing ME of being you or Terran or Mitch Conner etc.
  17. No, they simply throw a sporadic comment *your way* hoping that it will seem innocent and just for purposes of "troublemaking".
  19. But this is being done so that *the real person* they want associated with me can slip in unnoticed. After all - several people are accused of being Lesta.
  21. However, there are a few distinctions to be made.
  23. First of all: why has anyone even accused you? You've answered the question yourself: *it's because you respond to my posts from time to time.*
  25. So here is a question for you: Do you see John le Bon (JLB) responding to my Google Plus posts?
  27. _Ever?_
  29. So maybe it's not about who is replying to my posts. Maybe that's just a convenient way to accuse a number of people so that the intended recipient slips by unnoticed (though it has *always* been obvious to me).
  31. __
  33. Over my past 150+ videos John le Bon (JLB) has only left the *occasional* comment. So if JLB is not commenting (or even +1ing) my Google Plus posts and does not often comment on my YouTube videos where is it coming from? How can it be that these accusers think we might be the same person?
  35. (These are rhetorical questions - I know the answers.)
  37. There's another significant distinction: *the situation is completely reversed when it comes to John le Bon (JLB).*
  39. What I mean is this: People might accuse you or Terran or Mitch Conner of being Lesta but it isn't seriously insisted and it isn't *persistent.*
  43. _Magically, it goes only in the other direction._
  45. When it comes to JLB *I am consistently and relentlessly accused of being him* [you may not see the true frequency of it] but these same accusers do not ever go to JLB's channel and *accuse him* of being Lesta.
  47. _Funny that._
  49. That's significant because it reveals the game being played. And it is being played by low IQ amateurs and I hate amateurs - especially low IQ amateurs.
  51. To be convincing they would need to be going to JLB's channel and accusing him of being Lesta (after all - we're supposed to be the SAME person! - and so talking to Lesta in their mind MUST be the SAME as talking to John le Bon and talking to John le Bon MUST be the SAME as talking to Lesta).
  53. But it doesn't happen that way *because* they KNOW we're not the same person. They are only trying to have other people [unfamiliar with me] think that Lesta is also John le Bon.
  55. These people are really stupid (they genuinely have low IQs). Just recently "BzTruetalk" posted a video and pointed out a comment I wrote to him where I said it was funny how he ("BzTruetalk") is telling me to read about the "Delphi Technique" *when he constantly accuses me of practicing it.*
  57. "BzTruetalk" is just so retarded that he STILL does not understand that his answer to my comment *proves he is dishonest.* "BzTruetalk" responded to my comment by posting a video saying "I only ever talk about the Delphi Technique to John le Bon - so is Lesta admitting he is John le Bon?!"
  59. *If I have to explain:* "BzTruetalk" is a retard who tells everyone that John le Bon (JLB) is Lesta Nediam and vice-versa. THEREFORE if "Bztruetalk" talks about the "Delphi Technique" to John le Bon then in his mind he MUST ALSO be talking about the "Delphi Technique" to Lesta. After all - are we not supposed to be the same person?! (This proves that "BzTruetalk" does not believe what he is saying - which means he is dishonest - and so anyone who supports him is likely also dishonest or VERY STUPID.)
  61. The comment from "BzTruetalk" is an admission that he DOES NOT believe John le Bon (JLB) is ALSO Lesta Nediam. But yet he posts video after video about it. (Just recently "Cognitive Dissonance" wrote "BzTruetalk" a comment praising him and calling him a "truth seeker" [hahahaha what a dopey retard] and so "BzTruetalk" probably thought he had the attention of a massive time-wasting troll and so thought he would infect him with the belief JLB is also Lesta Nediam - so that "Cognitive Dissonance" would then spread the canard about JLB and Lesta being the same person. Poor little "Bz" is just that obvious.)
  63. Why would someone like "Bz" try to have others believe something he himself does not believe (aside from the fact dishonest people just do dishonest things)? *Why would someone spend their time looking for ways to associate two people who are NOT the same person?*
  65. Here's another question: *Why would John le Bon (JLB) be okay with it?* He IS okay with it. He has even said so (which further supports the idea it's coming from JLB himself or his camp).
  67. After more than 6 months of this it is pretty clear that the attempted ASSOCIATION of JLB/Lesta is coming from the John le Bon (JLB) camp. *It's coming from either JLB himself or those he is connected to.*
  69. I also find it interesting that John le Bon (JLB) spends a goodly amount of his time talking to "Jeff C".
  71. The thing about "Jeff C" (now "New World Agenda" / "NWA") is that YOU COULD NOT PAY ME ENOUGH MONEY TO TALK TO "Jeff C". That guy is a literal retard. I don't think I could handle more than a few minutes of talking to him before hanging up. He is as dum dum as dum dum gets. He is unbelievably slow. I can sense the neurons in his head firing (and misfiring). *Yet John le Bon (JLB) seems happy to talk for HOURS and HOURS with a functional retard who is a compulsive and pathological liar.* A liar who relentlessly misrepresents reality. A liar who abuses his audience by spreading his foolish ignorance. You could not pay me enough money to talk to "Jeff C". I'd rather talk to my neighbour's cat.
  73. There was another time when John le Bon had a call with "Jeff C" and let "Jeff C" talk uninterrupted for seemingly tens of minutes which allowed "Jeff C" to rattle off all kinds of lies about me. Lies that I had to go and make a video to correct. I was not happy about that. Sure, John le Bon is a good host - he can be wonderful to listen to - and he certainly doesn't often interrupt his guest. But that isn't always a good thing. *One must NEVER allow a KNOWN liar to have the floor and say whatever they want unchallenged.* John le Bon (JLB) when talking to "Jeff C" KNEW he was a liar and so a better host - a great host - would be versatile and know WHEN it is appropriate to interrupt a guest. Sometimes interrupting a guest is the sign of a better host. It's not always true that letting other people speak uninterrupted is a sign of being a good host etc.
  75. So I don't know. I'm just going to f_kcing say it because I am p!ssed and dismayed at what is going on: *I see John le Bon (JLB) working with "Jeff C" in a similar way to how I see Reds Rhetoric and Jeranism working together.*
  77. These are two pairs of people you just would not expect to get along for very long IF there wasn't some kind of GAME being played.
  79. Let me put it another way: *do you think "Jeff C" would talk to Lesta? Really?* (Supposing I was using my voice etc.)
  81. I have asked "Jeff C" questions in the past and he has not answered them. He has ignored them all. I don't think "Jeff C" would ever allow himself to have a phone call with me. If he did - I certainly would be holding him to account for a great many things. Yet "Jeff C" spent hours and hours talking to John le Bon and I didn't hear anyone getting held to account. I didn't hear any of the questions I would have asked "Jeff C".
  83. It's curious that "Jeff C" is one of the people responsible for promoting the idea that John le Bon (JLB) and Lesta Nediam are the same person. If he really believed I am also John le Bon then what was he doing talking to John le Bon?
  85. _And so on and so forth._
  87. I had until recently let all of this slide because I wanted to see what would come of it. I wanted to see how it would unfold. Now that I have an idea of what's going on it is time for me to respond.
  89. *The people who are accusing me of being John le Bon (JLB) themselves know I am not John le Bon.* Just that alone disqualifies them from being "truthers". Anyone who lies and misrepresents has no place here.
  91. And so why do they do it? As I say - if it was just "troublemaking" then they would *continue* to accuse you, Terran, Mitch Conner etc. of being me EQUALLY. But that isn't happening.
  93. The only person being consistently accused of being Lesta is John le Bon (JLB). _No, that's wrong._ SCRATCH THAT. *The only person accused of being John le Bon (JLB) is Lesta.* _That's correct._ And the people who are accusing me of being John le Bon (JLB) *KNOW VERY WELL* that we are NOT the same person (because if they thought it was true they'd be accusing JLB just as much of being Lesta as they accuse Lesta of being JLB and so on).
  95. *If I were "Jeff C" and I were interested in the truth then a question I would have for John le Bon (JLB) would be: "So tell us, ARE YOU Lesta Nediam?" or simply, "DO YOU use ANY puppet accounts?" and so forth.* But those questions never got asked.
  97. If I am ever in a position to talk to "Jeff C" then one of the things I would talk to him about is WHERE he got the "funny notion" that Lesta was ANYONE ELSE and why SPECIFICALLY Lesta could have been John le Bon (JLB).
  99. "Jeff C" doesn't go accusing John le Bon of being Lesta. The people accusing ME of being John le Bon don't accuse JLB of being Lesta because to do so is awkward. Because they are responsible for starting the rumour! It's like if I accused you of being me and then writing comments on my own posts accusing me of being you! (To be convincing that's what would have happened but as I say - these people are low IQ amateurs.)
  101. Ever since I turned up at this place my chief mistake has been to overestimate these people. At every turn people have written rubbish to me such as "you've been debunked!" but it ALWAYS turns out to be rubbish. All these people can do is lie and misrepresent. They have got NOTHING. There is no truth inside of them. The "truth community" is a MAGNET for pathological LIARS. Though despite what many say - there IS a genuine truth community (it is SILENT - it is the people who watch and read and pay attention but DO NOT COMMENT). I thought I was up against some GOOD people. INTELLIGENT people. I though this was a place for collaboration. Oh my - was I wrong! _This place is a human centipede of truth._
  103. The people I am up against are spastics. Even if I were to hand them *the advantage of being able to read my private messages* they STILL don't have a chance against me. Even if I were to hand them *the advantage of being able to see what's on my various PCs* - these idiots STILL don't have a chance.
  105. The reason they don't stand a chance is because they are all having to defend a bad idea. *It's always a bad idea to defend a bad idea.* 2016 is going to be a very bad year for liars, cheats and serial misrepresenters like "BzTruetalk" and his hero "Kim Hoaxashian".
  107. __
  109. _Anyway - back to what I started off by saying!_
  111. *If from the outset ONLY John le Bon (JLB) and Lesta Nediam had been the only accusation (pairing) then it would have been too obvious what is going on.*
  113. And so the accusers had to throw accusations at other people. Such as yourself, such as Terran etc. *But that was never serious.*
  115. __
  117. If people were to stop accusing John le Bon (JLB) of being Lesta Nediam *then that would support the idea it is just random nonsense and NOT coming from JLB and pals.*
  119. For example: if "Bztruetalk" were ALSO posting videos to his channel creating and encouraging the false belief that YOU and I were the same person then that would support the idea it's just random nonsense.
  121. If "BzTruetalk" went through a phase of calling me JLB and then stopped doing it - then that would support the idea that it is just random nonsense.
  123. *But it hasn't stopped. It is the only thing that has remained consistent.* And after six months THAT is when we know it's intentional. It's when people are no longer accusing you or Terran of being Lesta - but yet the SAME PEOPLE continue to accuse Lesta of being John le Bon (JLB) - that is when we know it's intentional. That's when we know it's a "psy-op" _so to speak._
  125. __
  127. What we see after six months is a consistent pattern emerging. *The only person - _from the outset to the present_ - who has been associated with Lesta Nediam has been John le Bon (JLB).* Yet JLB does not comment on my Google Plus. He has NEVER commented on my Google Plus let alone dished out a +1.
  129. *AND SO IS IT John le Bon HIMSELF RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS RUMOUR?* _I cannot say with certainty._ *But it is CERTAINLY coming from that camp.* I know that there are people in the camp of JLB who hate me (they may think I don't know about them or that I have long forgotten about them - *but I have not*). I may have a terrible memory - but I am a fastidious note-keeper. And if you think I have written a lot of public posts - then you should see my private notes. I keep everything in a digital format that can be searched instantly.
  131. There is another side to the coin. This is an issue I will be exploring in the future. It is how people are influenced without knowing it is happening. *It may be that JLB has no clue what's going on* (though as time goes on I find that increasingly more difficult to believe).
  133. Furthermore - the only person who is using language and phraseology that is the same, similar or equivalent to Lesta Nediam is John le Bon (JLB). I have pointed out some examples in a recent video.
  135. But it's not just John le Bon. *I have only used him here an example because an effort IS being made to associate us as the same person.* The people accusing me KNOW I'm not JLB. They perhaps think that the tactic will force me to reveal something about myself - that's not going to happen. Lesta exists on the mental realm only - in the land of thoughts and ideas. Lesta is a text-based entity. The sound of Lesta's voice is the sound of *your own voice.* _This is all by design._
  137. There are some other people with popular channels who have also started to sound more and more like Lesta (though it is applied to their "specialty" on YouTube).
  139. __
  141. *Whatevs!* Everything I write and post is put into the *public domain* for anyone (friend *and* foe) to do whatever the f_kc they want with it.
  143. But to think I don't notice what's going on? _That's an insult._
  145. Could it be that these people don't know they are being influenced by me? As I say - that's possible. Some of the channels might be getting a script from someone who IS influenced by me. And so the people who are sounding like me (at least to my ear) may not even know where their influence is coming from. It is not possible to accuse anyone of anything.
  147. Such people may simply be reading what they are given to read and post about. *They may not even know my name.*
  149. So I can't DIRECTLY accuse anyone of anything. In time if we see a lot of "Lesta lookalike channels" then the influence will be undeniable. A year ago there just wasn't the "crazy colours" of Lesta. There just wasn't the same "ideas and vocabulary" in action. Feel free to disagree but show me some evidence. I know this: *I don't watch very many people's videos.* I read even fewer people's posts (in fact - I don't know of anyone who uses Google Plus the way I do). I also don't visit external websites or blogs. _I stopped doing that years ago._
  151. So I am not being influenced by the people who I am now suggesting are sounding (and appearing) increasingly like me.
  153. __
  155. *You are free to reject everything I've just written.* I have written it how it SEEMS to me at this point in time. *And even if I was spot on with everything I've outlined we would never get a confession from any of these people.* People like "Jeff C" have been busted in outright lies in the past and he just denies denies denies. The fact ANYONE talks to him suggests there is something "odd" going on. No good, honest and intelligent person would waste a second of their time talking to a devious trickster like "Jeff C".
  157. __
  160. Anyway! Things are going to change. 2015 was my "meet and greet" and "warm up" year. *In 2016 I am going to be more focused on what I am doing.* And I won't be putting up with any sh!t. I suggest that if people don't like me or my style they should just get the f_kc out of my way. No one will be spared.
  162. I'm going to STOMP on some people's toes. It's going to HURT them. I expect there will be a backlash from what I call the "Truther Mafia". *And that is how I plan on drawing them out into the open.* ))
  164. Well! That's what you get for leaving Lesta a comment. ))
  168. __________________________________________
  169. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  172. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  175. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  178. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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