
save buenos aires

Nov 15th, 2016
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  1. Game idea. You pilot a nuclear missile attack submarine targeting Buenos Aires. You get a launch order, it checks out, but you have an attack of conscience.
  2. Your crew agree, even if the rest of the world burns, it's better not to launch. Unfortunately, there are several failsafes. The launch system has only the barest electrical connection to the rest of the ship, and if at any time sensors detect conditions incapable of supporting life on board, the missile will launch automatically.
  3. You must buy Buenos Aires as much time as possible. Your crew are willing to die to save millions, to a lesser extent willing to kill for samea, but a few more minutes of precious life is a net gain for all.
  4. Enemies come in at least two forms. One, if it gets a clear shot, tries to kill you. The other is capable of shooting down your ICBM. Score is almost strictly time based. If your sub is blown up near a missile defense sub, time stops and your score is set.
  5. If you kill any other sub, your score drops slightly. If you blow up too far far from a missile defender, your score is set to 0 as the failsafes successfully launch the missile.
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