

Feb 23rd, 2014
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  1. You are the literally the biggest asswiping, dicksucking, cunt spewing, excretement munching faggot-assed bitch-faced castrated faggot thas has ever lived. You have teamrevealed multiple times, and every time I explain it to you, you try to give me shit and feign ignorance, when it's just pure stupidity every damn time. This time however, you were just pure shit. Pure shit that needs to be burned in hell, but that would be a punishment for hell too. I fucking explained to your low-life ass self that you teamrevealed and confirmed it via hax. Not only do you continue to be an asshole and fake ignorance, you also decide to be overly and bluntly retarded and stupid. Time and time again, you give me shit, and then you have the nerve to say I'm a bad mafia admin? Please, I know how to my damn job, and part of it is enforcing the rule and making sure ass fucking cunt faggot shitheads like you aren't breaking rules every fucking game every fucking day. I have an ego? Please, you think you know so much when you don't know shit (by the way, shit is what comes out of your ass and what you are made of, you fucking waste of a life). I've had enough of all your faggotry, and I have had enough of you. You want to be an asshole and then rage about your mafiaban in other channels like I'm not there or an auth isn't there? Go suck your own castrated dick, you fucking piece of shit covered semen fucker. I have had it with you. I hope you fucking die or at least stay the fuck off of PO, because no one wants to deal with such an arrogant ass fuck faced bitch cock blower like you.
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