
Pastebin Monday and GDQ recap

Jan 14th, 2019
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  1. AGDQ was a ton of fun, got to couch the THPS2X run and I got to re-watch it today and I think I did an alright job, hoping more for Tony in SGDQ. I got to see more people than I really figured I'd imagine I'd see, I know so many people that it's a bit mind boggling. It was good to meet ThePackle in person, along with seeing people like Saint, Dime and BT (all of which had hype ass runs check em out) and getting to know others that I never got the chance to really talk with at previous events. There were some people I wish that were there like Konasumi, and someone else, you know who you are. Definite highlights of the week include the THPS2X run and running into someone who actually watched my THUG run at Smash The Record on the last day of GDQ.
  3. Moving onto Monday, just traveled for about 14 hours in total and got a bit of downtime before going to work tonight. I'm pretty tired cause I'm running on an unknown amount of sleep and coffee so I don't really have many thoughts for today.
  5. Speedplans for the future include working on THPSHD and getting that down to an 18, maybe THUG2 All Story Goals and mayhaps Payday 2 ILs depending on other people. It's a game I've put a ton of time into and speedrunning it could be interesting. Events I have in mind coming up are SGDQ for a few days at least, Dreamhack Montreal, and NASA 2019 for a day or two.
  7. hi
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