
Max Box is hired by Valve!

May 23rd, 2015
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  1. [b]-rep[/b] Removed me to hide the fact that he's hired by Valve.
  2. Come on, guys, it's freaking obvious!
  3. He's hired by Valve and allowed to hack. Valve has made an exception on Max Box to make VAC never ban him.
  4. Max Box is hired by Valve to show a lot of videos of him hacking, saying that it's VAC undetectable, but then in a few months, when hundreds, maybe thousands of people are using LMAOBOX, Valve strikes and enables VAC3 which will ban everyone using LMAOBOX, except for Max Box. Nobody knows about this, except for Valve employees, the owner of LMAOBOX, and Max himself, of course.... and now, me, of course, but this is just a theory, a very accurate theory that is most likely 100% correct.
  6. Max Box is gathering tons of hackers in the LMAOBOX community, and when the time is right, Valve strikes, enables the new Valve Anti-Cheat which has been ready for a long time now, and [b][i]BOOM!!![/i][/b] Everyone using the hack that's supposed to be "VAC undetectable" gets banned.
  8. Valve does so to scare people off so people will never attempt to hack Team Fortress 2 again, and also to punish everyone who hacked, except Max Box, of course, to thank him for his help.
  9. Valve pays Max Box supposedly a few hundred bucks every month to keep doing his thing, making videos and all that about LMAOBOX to gather more hackers into our community.
  11. Oh, and one more thing: You know how LMAOBOX is so cheap, right? The premium version! The donator version! $20, just $20. 20 bucks is not a lot. Many third-party programs require a monthly fee and totals much, much more than just $20 for a lifetime!
  13. It's so cheap so lots of people can buy it.
  15. The owner of LMAOBOX made it so cheap because Valve pays the owner of LMAOBOX too.
  16. When Valve finally strikes with their VAC3 to ban everyone who uses the hack at once, Valve pays an additional fee of several hundred dollars to both the owner of LMAOBOX and Max Box to thank them for what they've done.
  18. When I added Max Box and said "Valve hired you, right?", Max removed me instantly.
  20. Shame on you, Max Box. Shame on you!
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