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a guest
Apr 6th, 2010
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text 94.70 KB | None | 0 0
  2. AB CA A5 CA 8A BB 20 AB D8 D1 4C A5 BB
  8. incompatible version
  9. buffer error
  10. insufficient memory
  11. data error
  12. stream error
  13. file error
  14. stream end
  15. inflate 1.2.2 Copyright 1995-2004 Mark Adler
  16. Snl
  17. stack overflow (%s)
  18. __mode
  19. cannot read %s: %s
  20. =stdin
  21. _ALERT
  22. bad argument #%d to `%s' (%s)
  23. calling `%s' on bad self (%s)
  24. method
  25. %s expected, got %s
  26. value expected
  27. no value
  28. Lua 5.0.2
  29. traceback
  30. debug
  31. setupvalue
  32. setlocal
  33. sethook
  34. getupvalue
  35. gethook
  36. getinfo
  37. getlocal
  38. function or level expected
  39. func
  40. namewhat
  41. nups
  42. currentline
  43. what
  44. linedefined
  45. short_src
  46. source
  47. invalid option
  48. flnSu
  49. level out of range
  50. tail return
  51. count
  52. line
  53. return
  54. call
  55. external hook
  56. cont
  57. lua_debug>
  58. in function <%s:%d>
  59. in main chunk
  60. in function `%s'
  61. stack traceback:
  63. randomseed
  64. random
  65. rad
  66. pow
  67. deg
  68. exp
  69. log10
  70. max
  71. min
  72. sqrt
  73. ldexp
  74. frexp
  75. mod
  76. floor
  77. ceil
  78. atan2
  79. atan
  80. acos
  81. asin
  82. tan
  83. cos
  84. sin
  85. abs
  86. .eBinterval is empty
  87. wrong number of arguments
  88. __pow
  89. math
  90. gsub
  91. gfind
  92. find
  93. dump
  94. format
  95. byte
  96. char
  97. sub
  98. len
  99. invalid value
  100. unable to dump given function
  101. invalid capture index
  102. invalid pattern capture
  103. malformed pattern (ends with `%')
  104. malformed pattern (missing `]')
  105. unbalanced pattern
  106. too many captures
  107. missing `[' after `%%f' in pattern
  108. unfinished capture
  109. string or function expected
  110. invalid format (too long)
  111. invalid format (width or precision too long)
  112. invalid option to `format'
  113. obsolete option (d$) to `format'
  114. string
  115. not enough memory
  116. yield
  117. resume
  118. wrap
  119. create
  120. require
  121. loadstring
  122. dofile
  123. loadfile
  124. gcinfo
  125. collectgarbage
  126. xpcall
  127. pcall
  128. rawset
  129. rawget
  130. rawequal
  131. unpack
  132. assert
  133. type
  134. tostring
  135. tonumber
  136. print
  137. pairs
  138. ipairs
  139. next
  140. setfenv
  141. getfenv
  142. setmetatable
  143. getmetatable
  144. `tostring' must return a string to `print'
  145. base out of range
  146. __metatable
  147. cannot change a protected metatable
  148. nil or table expected
  149. no function environment for tail call at level %d
  150. invalid level
  151. level must be non-negative
  152. __fenv
  153. `setfenv' cannot change environment of given function
  154. `setfenv' cannot change a protected environment
  155. assertion failed!
  156. table too big to unpack
  157. nil
  158. thread: %p
  159. userdata: %p
  160. function: %p
  161. table: %p
  162. __tostring
  163. boolean or proxy expected
  164. ?;?.lua
  165. too many marks in a path component
  167. could not load package `%s' from path `%s'
  168. error loading package `%s' (%s)
  169. `_LOADED' is not a table
  170. _LOADED
  171. too many results to resume
  172. too many arguments to resume
  173. coroutine expected
  174. Lua function expected
  175. suspended
  176. dead
  177. running
  178. newproxy
  179. _VERSION
  180. coroutine
  181. FILE*
  182. __index
  183. stderr
  184. stdout
  185. _output
  186. stdin
  187. _input
  188. remove
  189. insert
  190. sort
  191. setn
  192. getn
  193. foreachi
  194. foreach
  195. concat
  196. table contains non-strings
  197. invalid order function for sorting
  198. table
  199. main
  200. tail
  201. =(tail call)
  202. global
  203. local
  204. %s:%d: %s
  205. value for `lua_getinfo' is not a function
  206. attempt to %s %s `%s' (a %s value)
  207. attempt to %s a %s value
  208. concatenate
  209. perform arithmetic on
  210. attempt to compare %s with %s
  211. attempt to compare two %s values
  212. error in error handling
  213. stack overflow
  214. C stack overflow
  215. cannot yield a C function
  216. attempt to yield across metamethod/C-call boundary
  217. cannot resume non-suspended coroutine
  218. cannot resume dead coroutine
  219. thread
  220. function
  221. number
  222. userdata
  223. boolean
  224. __call
  225. __concat
  226. __unm
  227. __div
  228. __mul
  229. __sub
  230. __add
  231. __newindex
  232. index
  233. loop in gettable
  234. loop in settable
  235. string size overflow
  236. `__pow' (`^' operator) is not a function
  237. `for' step must be a number
  238. `for' limit must be a number
  239. `for' initial value must be a number
  240. [string "
  241. table overflow
  242. table index is NaN
  243. table index is nil
  244. invalid key for `next'
  245. Lua
  246. memory allocation error: block too big
  247. <eof>
  248. *string
  249. *number
  250. *name
  251. while
  252. until
  253. then
  254. repeat
  255. not
  256. for
  257. end
  258. elseif
  259. else
  260. break
  261. and
  262. %s:%d: %s near `%s'
  263. malformed number
  264. ambiguous syntax (decimal point x string concatenation)
  265. too many %s (limit=%d)
  266. lines in a chunk
  267. unfinished long comment
  268. unfinished long string
  269. unfinished string
  270. escape sequence too large
  271. invalid control char
  272. char(%d)
  273. $a $ a4A
  274. `%s' expected
  275. `%s' expected (to close `%s' at line %d)
  276. <name> expected
  277. local variables
  278. upvalues
  279. arg
  280. parameters
  281. constant table overflow
  282. items in a constructor
  283. <name> or `...' expected
  284. self
  285. ambiguous syntax (function call x new statement)
  286. function arguments expected
  287. unexpected symbol
  288. too many syntax levels
  289. syntax error
  290. `while' condition too complex
  291. (for step)
  292. (for limit)
  293. (for state)
  294. (for generator)
  295. `=' or `in' expected
  296. no loop to break
  297. <eof> expected
  298. unexpected end of file in %s
  299. bad integer in %s
  300. bad nupvalues in %s: read %d; expected %d
  301. bad constant type (%d) in %s
  302. bad code in %s
  303. bad signature in %s
  304. virtual machine mismatch in %s: size of %s is %d but read %d
  305. unknown number format in %s
  306. Instruction
  307. size_t
  308. int
  309. %s too old: read version %d.%d; expected at least %d.%d
  310. %s too new: read version %d.%d; expected at most %d.%d
  311. binary string
  312. control structure too long
  313. function or expression too complex
  314. code size overflow
  315. km>ir!>o
  316. =rO7>z
  317. ?;nH>r
  318. 3L?shQ
  319. RHn
  320. yS?Z
  321. >YRZ
  322. =Nay?
  323. AdY?
  324. W%?S[J>
  325. KxB
  326. G>fgu
  327. C?XX
  328. Djz?
  329. lm?j
  330. R?fN
  331. [>KuM?
  332. :Yj>v
  333. %O?PrG?) ]>6
  334. km>ir!>o
  335. =rO7>z
  336. ?;nH>r
  337. 3L?shQ
  338. RHn
  339. yS?Z
  340. >YRZ
  341. =Nay?
  342. AdY?
  343. W%?S[J>
  344. KxB
  345. G>fgu
  346. C?XX
  347. Djz?
  348. lm?j
  349. R?fN
  350. [>KuM?
  351. :Yj>v
  352. %O?PrG?) ]>6
  353. *>Software\Microsoft\Direct3D
  354. DisableMMX
  355. GenuineIntel
  356. DisableD3DXPSGP
  357. DisablePSGP
  358. AuthenticAMD
  359. UnknownVendr
  360. D3DXDoNotMute
  361. d3d9d.dll
  362. DebugSetMute
  363. d3d9.dll
  364. D3DX: (WARN) D3DX relies upon this behavior.
  365. D3DX: (WARN) least zero bytes. Deletion of a null pointer should quietly do nothing.
  366. D3DX: (WARN) An allocation of zero bytes should return a unique non-null pointer to at
  367. D3DX: (WARN) Overloaded ::new and ::delete operators do not conform to C++ standards:
  368. 4h!"4h!"4h!"4h!"4
  369. @Invalid func.
  370. No callback.
  371. The connection has already been disconnected.
  372. Invalid profile.
  373. \final\
  374. \reason\
  375. \newprofileid\
  376. \sesskey\
  377. \addbuddy\
  378. Invalid reason.
  379. Invalid index.
  380. Invalid status.
  381. \locstring\
  382. \statstring\
  383. \status\
  384. Invalid locationString.
  385. Invalid statusString.
  386. \productid\
  387. \profileid\
  388. Out of memory.
  389. Can't get info on file.
  390. \rate\
  391. CD Key or challenge too long
  392. ctime
  393. dtime
  394. %s_t%d
  395. length
  396. 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  397. Crypt
  398. Software\GameSpy\GameSpy 3D\Registration
  401. final
  402. queryid
  403. ping
  404. final\\queryid\1.1
  406. publicport
  407. publicip
  408. statechanged
  409. natneg
  410. localport
  411. localip%d
  412. No challenge value was received from the master server.
  415. score_t
  416. team_t
  417. pid_
  418. deaths_
  419. team_
  420. ping_
  421. skill_
  422. score_
  423. player_
  424. groupid
  425. roundelapsed
  426. roundtime
  427. timelimit
  428. timeelapsed
  429. teamfraglimit
  430. fraglimit
  431. teamplay
  432. gamemode
  433. numteams
  434. gamevariant
  435. hostport
  436. gamever
  437. %s%d%s
  438. Error saving profiles to disk.
  439. The server has closed the connection.
  440. There was an error reading from the server.
  441. Received an unrecognized, unsolicited message.
  442. No matching operation found for id %d
  443. CMD: %s
  444. gpiInitialize
  445. \fatal\
  446. \errmsg\
  447. \err\
  448. \error\
  449. There was an error checking for a completed connection.
  450. Parse Error.
  451. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
  452. There was an error connecting a socket.
  453. Could not resolve connection mananger host name.
  454. There was an error getting a socket's addres.
  455. There was an error listening on a socket.
  456. There was an error binding a socket.
  457. There was an error making a socket non-blocking.
  458. There was an error creating a socket.
  459. \namespaceid\
  460. \gamename\
  461. \port\
  462. \firewall\1
  463. \response\
  464. \userid\
  465. \user\
  466. \uniquenick\
  467. \authtoken\
  468. \challenge\
  469. \login\
  470. %s%s%s%s%s%s
  471. \cdkeyenc\
  472. \passwordenc\
  473. \nick\
  474. \email\
  475. \newuser\
  476. Unexpected data was received from the server.
  477. Could not authenticate server.
  478. \proof\
  479. Unexepected data was received from the server.
  480. \nur\
  481. \pid\
  482. The server has refused the connection.
  483. \logout\\sesskey\
  484. Invalid firewall.
  485. Invalid connection.
  486. Could not resolve search mananger host name.
  487. No search criteria.
  488. Error reading from the search server.
  489. Could not connect to the search manager.
  490. usdone
  491. last
  492. first
  493. odone
  494. others
  495. nur
  496. cur
  497. statuscode
  498. psr
  499. psrdone
  500. ndone
  501. more
  502. email
  503. lastname
  504. firstname
  505. uniquenick
  506. nick
  507. bsr
  508. bsrdone
  509. \preferrednick\
  510. \uniquesearch\
  511. \others\
  512. \cdkey\
  513. \productID\
  514. \check\
  515. \pmatch\
  516. \pass\
  517. \nicks\
  518. \valid\
  519. \skip\
  520. \icquin\
  521. \lastname\
  522. \firstname\
  523. \search\
  524. conntypeid=%d
  525. ownership1=%d
  526. interests1=%d
  527. childcount=%d
  528. marriedid=%d
  529. incomeid=%d
  530. industryid=%d
  531. occupationid=%d
  532. pic=%d
  533. aimname=%s
  534. publicmask=%d
  535. sex=Pat
  536. sex=Female
  537. sex=Male
  538. birthyear=%d
  539. birthmonth=%d
  540. birthday=%d
  541. countrycode=%s
  542. zipcode=%s
  543. icquin=%d
  544. homepage=%s
  545. lastname=%s
  546. firstname=%s
  547. email=%s
  548. uniquenick=%s
  549. nick=%s
  550. valid=1
  551. userid=%d
  552. \npr\
  553. Failed to open the disk cache file.
  554. Unrecognized key: %s=%s
  555. valid
  556. conntypeid
  557. ownership1
  558. interests1
  559. childcount
  560. marriedid
  561. incomeid
  562. industryid
  563. occupationid
  564. pic
  565. aimname
  566. publicmask
  567. sex
  568. birthyear
  569. birthmonth
  570. birthday
  571. countrycode
  572. zipcode
  573. icquin
  574. homepage
  575. userid
  576. %d: %s=%s
  577. Reading profile %d from disk cache:
  578. Loaded %d profiles from disk cache.
  579. Invalid date.
  580. \updateui\\sesskey\
  581. \updatepro\\sesskey\
  582. \chc\
  583. \mar\
  584. \inc\
  585. \ind\
  586. \occ\
  587. \pic\
  588. \sex\
  589. \zipcode\
  590. \aim\
  591. \countrycode\
  592. \homepage\
  593. \birthday\
  594. \getprofile\\sesskey\
  595. \sig\
  596. \conn\
  597. \pmask\
  598. \loc\
  599. \lat\
  600. \lon\
  601. SENDXXXX(%s): Connection closed
  602. There was an error sending on a socket.
  603. RECVTOTL(%s): %d
  604. RECVXXXX(%s): Connection closed
  605. There was an error reading from a socket.
  606. \len\
  607. \msg\
  608. \fromprofileid\
  609. \authadd\
  610. \delprofileid\
  611. \delbuddy\
  612. Profile not a buddy.
  613. |signed|
  614. \date\
  615. \mtime%d\
  616. \size%d\
  617. \name%d\
  618. \version\%d\num\%d
  619. \file\%d\reason\%d
  620. \num\
  621. \version\
  622. \result\
  623. %sgpt_%d_%d_%d.gpt
  624. \mtime\
  625. \size\
  626. \file\
  627. HNDLDATA(PT): %d
  628. \version\%d\result\%d
  629. %d %u %u
  630. \xfer\
  631. \file\%d\size\%d\mtime\%u
  632. SENTTOTL(PT): %d
  633. \aack\
  634. \anack\
  635. %s%d%d
  636. \auth\
  637. Tried to remove peer not in list.
  638. Error connecting to a peer.
  639. \msg\
  640. \m\%d\xfer\%d %u %u
  641. \len\%d\msg\
  642. Error parsing buddy message.
  643. Error getting buddy authorization.
  644. http://
  645. Content-Type
  646. Content-Length
  647. Connection
  648. close
  649. User-Agent
  650. GameSpyHTTP/1.0
  651. Host:
  652. Host
  653. HTTP/1.1
  654. GET
  655. HEAD
  656. POST
  657. HTTP/%d.%d %d%n
  658. Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  659. Content-Length:
  660. http://%s:%d%s
  661. Location:
  662. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_@-.*
  663. application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  664. multipart/form-data; boundary=Qr4G823s23d---<<><><<<>--7d118e0536
  665. 0123456789ABCDEF
  666. %sContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"
  667. Content-Type: %s
  668. %sContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"
  669. --Qr4G823s23d---<<><><<<>--7d118e0536
  670. --Qr4G823s23d---<<><><<<>--7d118e0536
  671. --Qr4G823s23d---<<><><<<>--7d118e0536--
  672. Query Error:
  674. \basic\\info\
  675. gpiProcessOperation was passed an operation with an invalid type (%d)
  676. >CorExitProcess
  677. mscoree.dll
  678. HH:mm:ss
  679. dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
  680. MM/dd/yy
  681. December
  682. November
  683. October
  684. September
  685. August
  686. July
  687. June
  688. April
  689. March
  690. February
  691. January
  692. Dec
  693. Nov
  694. Oct
  695. Sep
  696. Aug
  697. Jul
  698. Jun
  699. May
  700. Apr
  701. Mar
  702. Feb
  703. Jan
  704. Saturday
  705. Friday
  706. Thursday
  707. Wednesday
  708. Tuesday
  709. Monday
  710. Sunday
  711. Sat
  712. Fri
  713. Thu
  714. Wed
  715. Tue
  716. Mon
  717. Sun
  718. am/pm
  719. Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
  720. (Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)
  721. For information on how your program can cause an assertion
  722. failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts
  723. Expression:
  724. Line:
  725. File:
  726. <program name unknown>
  727. Program:
  728. Assertion failed!
  729. EEE
  730. ppxxxx
  731. (null)
  732. dUu
  733. hUu
  734. SunMonTueWedThuFriSat
  735. JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
  736. dpu
  737. hpu
  738. modf
  739. exp2
  740. exp10
  741. log2
  742. runtime error
  743. TLOSS error
  744. SING error
  745. DOMAIN error
  746. - This application cannot run using the active version of the Microsoft .NET Runtime
  747. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
  748. - unable to initialize heap
  749. - not enough space for lowio initialization
  750. - not enough space for stdio initialization
  751. - pure virtual function call
  752. - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table
  753. - unable to open console device
  754. - unexpected heap error
  755. - unexpected multithread lock error
  756. - not enough space for thread data
  757. This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
  758. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
  759. - not enough space for environment
  760. - not enough space for arguments
  761. - floating point not loaded
  762. Runtime Error!
  763. Program:
  764. A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's
  765. internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must
  766. now be terminated.
  767. Buffer overrun detected!
  768. A security error of unknown cause has been detected which has
  769. corrupted the program's internal state. The program cannot safely
  770. continue execution and must now be terminated.
  771. Unknown security failure detected!
  772. GAIsProcessorFeaturePresent
  773. KERNEL32
  774. Illegal byte sequence
  775. Directory not empty
  776. Function not implemented
  777. No locks available
  778. Filename too long
  779. Resource deadlock avoided
  780. Result too large
  781. Domain error
  782. Broken pipe
  783. Too many links
  784. Read-only file system
  785. Invalid seek
  786. No space left on device
  787. File too large
  788. Inappropriate I/O control operation
  789. Too many open files
  790. Too many open files in system
  791. Invalid argument
  792. Is a directory
  793. Not a directory
  794. No such device
  795. Improper link
  796. File exists
  797. Resource device
  798. Unknown error
  799. Bad address
  800. Permission denied
  801. Not enough space
  802. Resource temporarily unavailable
  803. No child processes
  804. Bad file descriptor
  805. Exec format error
  806. Arg list too long
  807. No such device or address
  808. Input/output error
  809. Interrupted function call
  810. No such process
  811. No such file or directory
  812. Operation not permitted
  813. No error
  814. _nextafter
  815. _logb
  816. fmod
  817. _hypot
  818. _cabs
  819. fabs
  820. tanh
  821. cosh
  822. sinh
  823. GetProcessWindowStation
  824. GetUserObjectInformationA
  825. GetLastActivePopup
  826. GetActiveWindow
  827. MessageBoxA
  828. 1#QNAN
  829. 1#INF
  830. 1#IND
  831. 1#SNAN
  832. DrawTextW
  833. FindFirstFileW
  834. FindNextFileW
  835. CreateDirectoryW
  836. DeleteFileW
  837. GetFullPathNameW
  838. LCMapStringW
  839. GetCurrentDirectoryW
  840. FreeEnvironmentStringsW
  841. GetEnvironmentStringsW
  842. CompareStringW
  843. GetStringTypeW
  844. CreateFileW
  845. UYVY
  846. RGBG
  847. YUY2
  848. GRGB
  849. DXT1
  850. DXT2
  851. DXT3
  852. DXT4
  853. DXT5
  854. Saved by D3DX
  855. #?RADIANCE
  856. #File created by Microsoft (R) D3DX library
  857. FORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe
  858. #Timestamp:
  859. Application transferred too many scanlines
  860. Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG
  861. Corrupt JPEG data: found marker 0x%02x instead of RST%d
  862. Premature end of JPEG file
  863. Warning: unknown JFIF revision number %d.%02d
  864. Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code
  865. Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
  866. Corrupt JPEG data: %u extraneous bytes before marker 0x%02x
  867. Inconsistent progression sequence for component %d coefficient %d
  868. Unknown Adobe color transform code %d
  869. Obtained XMS handle %u
  870. Freed XMS handle %u
  871. Unrecognized component IDs %d %d %d, assuming YCbCr
  872. JFIF extension marker: RGB thumbnail image, length %u
  873. JFIF extension marker: palette thumbnail image, length %u
  874. JFIF extension marker: JPEG-compressed thumbnail image, length %u
  875. Opened temporary file %s
  876. Closed temporary file %s
  877. Ss=%d, Se=%d, Ah=%d, Al=%d
  878. Component %d: dc=%d ac=%d
  879. Start Of Scan: %d components
  880. Start of Image
  881. Component %d: %dhx%dv q=%d
  882. Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d
  883. Smoothing not supported with nonstandard sampling ratios
  884. RST%d
  885. At marker 0x%02x, recovery action %d
  886. Selected %d colors for quantization
  887. Quantizing to %d colors
  888. Quantizing to %d = %d*%d*%d colors
  889. %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u
  890. Unexpected marker 0x%02x
  891. Miscellaneous marker 0x%02x, length %u
  892. with %d x %d thumbnail image
  893. JFIF extension marker: type 0x%02x, length %u
  894. Warning: thumbnail image size does not match data length %u
  895. JFIF APP0 marker: version %d.%02d, density %dx%d %d
  896. %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d
  897. End Of Image
  898. Obtained EMS handle %u
  899. Freed EMS handle %u
  900. Define Restart Interval %u
  901. Define Quantization Table %d precision %d
  902. Define Huffman Table 0x%02x
  903. Define Arithmetic Table 0x%02x: 0x%02x
  904. Unknown APP14 marker (not Adobe), length %u
  905. Unknown APP0 marker (not JFIF), length %u
  906. Adobe APP14 marker: version %d, flags 0x%04x 0x%04x, transform %d
  907. Caution: quantization tables are too coarse for baseline JPEG
  908. 6b 27-Mar-1998
  909. Copyright (C) 1998, Thomas G. Lane
  910. Write to XMS failed
  911. Read from XMS failed
  912. Image too wide for this implementation
  913. Virtual array controller messed up
  914. Unsupported marker type 0x%02x
  915. Application transferred too few scanlines
  916. Write failed on temporary file --- out of disk space?
  917. Seek failed on temporary file
  918. Read failed on temporary file
  919. Failed to create temporary file %s
  920. Invalid JPEG file structure: SOS before SOF
  921. Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers
  922. Unsupported JPEG process: SOF type 0x%02x
  923. Invalid JPEG file structure: missing SOS marker
  924. Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOF markers
  925. Cannot quantize to more than %d colors
  926. Cannot quantize to fewer than %d colors
  927. Cannot quantize more than %d color components
  928. Insufficient memory (case %d)
  929. Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x
  930. Quantization table 0x%02x was not defined
  931. JPEG datastream contains no image
  932. Huffman table 0x%02x was not defined
  933. Backing store not supported
  934. Requested feature was omitted at compile time
  935. Not implemented yet
  936. Invalid color quantization mode change
  937. Scan script does not transmit all data
  938. Cannot transcode due to multiple use of quantization table %d
  939. Premature end of input file
  940. Empty input file
  941. Maximum supported image dimension is %u pixels
  942. Missing Huffman code table entry
  943. Huffman code size table overflow
  944. Fractional sampling not implemented yet
  945. Output file write error --- out of disk space?
  946. Input file read error
  947. Didn't expect more than one scan
  948. Write to EMS failed
  949. Read from EMS failed
  950. Empty JPEG image (DNL not supported)
  951. Bogus DQT index %d
  952. Bogus DHT index %d
  953. Bogus DAC value 0x%x
  954. Bogus DAC index %d
  955. Unsupported color conversion request
  956. Too many color components: %d, max %d
  957. CCIR601 sampling not implemented yet
  958. Suspension not allowed here
  959. Buffer passed to JPEG library is too small
  960. Bogus virtual array access
  961. JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is %u, caller expects %u
  962. Improper call to JPEG library in state %d
  963. Invalid scan script at entry %d
  964. Bogus sampling factors
  965. Invalid progressive parameters at scan script entry %d
  966. Invalid progressive parameters Ss=%d Se=%d Ah=%d Al=%d
  967. Unsupported JPEG data precision %d
  968. Invalid memory pool code %d
  969. Sampling factors too large for interleaved scan
  970. Wrong JPEG library version: library is %d, caller expects %d
  971. Bogus marker length
  972. Bogus JPEG colorspace
  973. Bogus input colorspace
  974. Bogus Huffman table definition
  975. IDCT output block size %d not supported
  976. DCT coefficient out of range
  977. Invalid component ID %d in SOS
  978. Bogus buffer control mode
  979. MAX_ALLOC_CHUNK is wrong, please fix
  980. ALIGN_TYPE is wrong, please fix
  981. Sorry, there are legal restrictions on arithmetic coding
  982. Bogus message code %d
  983. 0123456789ABCDEF
  984. PNG
  985. IHDR
  986. IDAT
  987. IEND
  988. PLTE
  989. gAMA
  990. sRGB
  991. tRNS
  992. vs_3_sw
  993. vs_2_x
  994. vs_2_sw
  995. vs_2_a
  996. vs.3.sw
  997. vs.2.x
  998. vs.2.sw
  999. vs.2.a
  1000. ps_3_sw
  1001. ps_2_x
  1002. ps_2_sw
  1003. ps_2_b
  1004. ps_2_a
  1005. ps.3.sw
  1006. ps.2.x
  1007. ps.2.sw
  1008. ps.2.b
  1009. ps.2.a
  1010. jHq
  1011. PNG
  1012. IHDR
  1013. IDAT
  1014. IEND
  1015. PLTE
  1016. deflate 1.1.4 Copyright 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly
  1017. IDAT
  1018. def
  1019. endif
  1020. vFace
  1021. vPos
  1022. oDepth
  1023. oFog
  1024. oPts
  1025. oPos
  1026. break_c
  1027. if_c
  1028. phase
  1029. texldl
  1030. setp
  1031. texldd
  1032. dsy
  1033. dsx
  1034. dp2add
  1035. bem
  1036. cmp
  1037. texdepth
  1038. texm3x3
  1039. texdp3
  1040. texm3x2depth
  1041. texdp3tex
  1042. texreg2rgb
  1043. defb
  1044. defi
  1045. cnd
  1046. logp
  1047. expp
  1048. texm3x3vspec
  1049. texm3x3spec
  1050. texm3x3tex
  1051. texm3x3pad
  1052. texm3x2tex
  1053. texm3x2pad
  1054. texreg2gb
  1055. texreg2ar
  1056. texbeml
  1057. texbem
  1058. texldb
  1059. texldp
  1060. texld
  1061. tex
  1062. texkill
  1063. texcrd
  1064. texcoord
  1065. mova
  1066. breakp
  1067. endrep
  1068. sincos
  1069. nrm
  1070. sgn
  1071. crs
  1072. dcl
  1073. endloop
  1074. ret
  1075. loop
  1076. callnz
  1077. frc
  1078. lrp
  1079. dst
  1080. lit
  1081. sge
  1082. slt
  1083. rsq
  1084. rcp
  1085. mul
  1086. mad
  1087. add
  1088. mov
  1089. nop
  1090. DEPTH
  1091. COLOR
  1092. TEXCOORD
  1093. PSIZE
  1094. POSITION
  1095. UNKNOWN
  1096. bias
  1097. POz
  1098. LOz
  1099. DOz
  1100. tNz
  1101. hNz
  1102. TNz
  1103. LNz
  1104. DNz
  1105. DNz
  1106. xMz
  1107. lMz
  1108. transpose
  1109. texCUBEproj
  1110. texCUBElod
  1111. texCUBEgrad
  1112. texCUBEbias
  1113. texCUBE
  1114. tex3Dproj
  1115. tex3Dlod
  1116. tex3Dgrad
  1117. tex3Dbias
  1118. tex3D
  1119. tex2Dproj
  1120. tex2Dlod
  1121. tex2Dgrad
  1122. tex2Dbias
  1123. tex2D
  1124. tex1Dproj
  1125. tex1Dlod
  1126. tex1Dgrad
  1127. tex1Dbias
  1128. tex1D
  1129. step
  1130. smoothstep
  1131. sign
  1132. saturate
  1133. rsqrt
  1134. round
  1135. refract
  1136. reflect
  1137. radians
  1138. normalize
  1139. noise
  1140. lerp
  1141. isnan
  1142. isinf
  1143. isfinite
  1144. fwidth
  1145. frac
  1146. faceforward
  1147. dot
  1148. distance
  1149. determinant
  1150. degrees
  1151. ddy
  1152. ddx
  1153. cross
  1154. clip
  1155. clamp
  1156. any
  1157. D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4
  1158. VPos
  1159. VFace
  1160. Psize
  1161. Tessfactor
  1162. Specular
  1163. Diffuse
  1164. Sample
  1165. Depth
  1166. Fog
  1167. Color
  1168. PositionT
  1169. Binormal
  1170. Tangent
  1171. Texcoord
  1172. PSize
  1173. BlendIndices
  1174. BlendWeight
  1175. proj
  1176. SPECIAL
  1177. VOID
  1178. inflate 1.1.4 Copyright 1995-2002 Mark Adler
  1179. DEST
  1180. DEST
  1181. DEST
  1182. DEST
  1183. DEST
  1184. DEST
  1185. DEST
  1186. DEST
  1187. DEST
  1188. DEST
  1189. DEST
  1190. oNJA
  1191. :DEST
  1192. oNJA
  1193. :DEST
  1194. R62)cB
  1195. b`NO
  1196. UYZ
  1197. qauds
  1198. kNv
  1199. oNv
  1200. fOv
  1201. jOv
  1202. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
  1203. TSv
  1204. XSv
  1205. GetLocaleInfoW
  1206. =IFaceSoldierAnimator
  1207. ;Asteroid
  1208. AsteroidClass
  1209. ;EntityCloth
  1210. EntityClothClass
  1211. 8Entity
  1212. EntityEx
  1213. EntityClass
  1214. ;EntityBuilding
  1215. EntityBuildingClass
  1216. ;EntityBuildingAnimated
  1217. EntityBuildingAnimatedClass
  1218. AEntityBuildingAnimatedArmed
  1219. EntityBuildingAnimatedArmedClass
  1220. AEntityBuildingArmed
  1221. EntityBuildingArmedClass
  1222. AEntityBuildingArmedDynamic
  1223. EntityBuildingArmedDynamicClass
  1224. AEntityCarrier
  1225. EntityCarrierClass
  1226. AEntityDefenseGridTurret
  1227. EntityDefenseGridTurretClass
  1228. AEntityDoor
  1229. EntityDoorClass
  1230. DEntityDroid
  1231. EntityDroidClass
  1232. DEntityDroideka
  1233. EntityDroidekaClass
  1234. ;EntityEffectClass
  1235. `AEntityFlyer
  1236. EntityFlyerClass
  1237. ;EntityGeometry
  1238. EntityGeometryClass
  1239. ;EntityHologram
  1240. EntityHologramClass
  1241. Afff?
  1242. DEntityHover
  1243. EntityHoverClass
  1244. ;EntityItem
  1245. EntityItemClass
  1246. ?EntityLight
  1247. EntityLightClass
  1248. AEntityMine
  1249. EntityMineClass
  1250. AEntityPortableTurret
  1251. EntityPortableTurretClass
  1252. ;EntityProp
  1253. EntityPropClass
  1254. AEntityPropAnimated
  1255. EntityPropAnimatedClass
  1256. AEntityRemoteTerminal
  1257. EntityRemoteTerminalClass
  1258. @EntitySoldier
  1259. EntitySoldierClass
  1260. >fff?ff&?
  1261. Q8?ff
  1262. ;EntityTrap
  1263. EntityTrapClass
  1264. DEntityWalker
  1265. EntityWalkerClass
  1266. AGameObject
  1267. GameObjectClass
  1268. =MountedTurretClass
  1269. MountedTurret
  1270. ;PassengerSlot
  1271. ;RotatingModel
  1272. M>Qn
  1273. AController
  1274. APlayerController
  1275. @UnitController
  1276. AUnitFlyController
  1277. AUnitMobileController
  1278. AUnitStationaryController
  1279. ANavigator
  1280. ANavigatorFollowTarget
  1281. ANavigatorGraphFollower
  1282. ANavigatorPathFollower
  1283. ANavigatorSlide
  1284. Agent
  1285. @UnitAgent
  1286. AUnitBoardAgent
  1287. AUnitCaptureCPAgent
  1288. AUnitCombatAgent
  1289. AUnitCTFOffenseAgent
  1290. AUnitDeathmatchAgent
  1291. AUnitDefendAgent
  1292. AUnitDestroyAgent
  1293. AUnitFlyAgent
  1294. AUnitFollowAgent
  1295. AUnitHoldAgent
  1296. AUnitRandomAgent
  1297. AUnitTrooperAgent
  1298. AUnitUnBoardAgent
  1299. AUnitWaitAgent
  1300. AUnitWaitSecondaryAgent
  1301. thV
  1302. AAIGoal
  1303. AConquestGoal
  1304. ACTFGoal
  1305. ACTFGoalD
  1306. ADeathmatchGoal
  1307. ADefendGoal
  1308. ADestroyGoal
  1309. AFollowGoal
  1310. RSB
  1311. @Ordnance
  1312. OrdnanceClass
  1313. AOrdnanceBeacon
  1314. OrdnanceBeaconClass
  1315. AOrdnanceBeam
  1316. OrdnanceBeamClass
  1317. AOrdnanceBullet
  1318. OrdnanceBulletClass
  1319. AOrdnanceEmitterClass
  1320. AOrdnanceFatRay
  1321. OrdnanceFatRayClass
  1322. AOrdnanceGrapplingHook
  1323. OrdnanceGrapplingHookClass
  1324. AOrdnanceGrenade
  1325. OrdnanceGrenadeClass
  1326. ;OrdnanceHaywire
  1327. OrdnanceHaywireClass
  1328. AOrdnanceLaser
  1329. OrdnanceLaserClass
  1330. L>OrdnanceMeleeThrow
  1331. OrdnanceMeleeThrowClass
  1332. AOrdnanceMissile
  1333. OrdnanceMissileClass
  1334. AOrdnanceShell
  1335. OrdnanceShellClass
  1336. AOrdnanceSticky
  1337. OrdnanceStickyClass
  1338. AOrdnanceTowCable
  1339. OrdnanceTowCableClass
  1340. AWeapon
  1341. WeaponClass
  1342. AWeaponAreaEffect
  1343. WeaponAreaEffectClass
  1344. AWeaponBinoculars
  1345. WeaponBinocularsClass
  1346. AWeaponCannon
  1347. WeaponCannonClass
  1348. AWeaponCatapult
  1349. WeaponCatapultClass
  1350. AWeaponDestruct
  1351. WeaponDestructClass
  1352. AWeaponDetonator
  1353. WeaponDetonatorClass
  1354. AWeaponDisguise
  1355. WeaponDisguiseClass
  1356. =WeaponDispenser
  1357. WeaponDispenserClass
  1358. AWeaponGrapplingHook
  1359. WeaponGrapplingHookClass
  1360. =WeaponGrenade
  1361. WeaponGrenadeClass
  1362. AWeaponInvisibility
  1363. WeaponInvisibilityClass
  1364. AWeaponLaser
  1365. WeaponLaserClass
  1366. AWeaponLauncher
  1367. WeaponLauncherClass
  1368. =WeaponMelee
  1369. WeaponMeleeClass
  1370. =WeaponMeleeThrow
  1371. WeaponMeleeThrowClass
  1372. AWeaponRemote
  1373. WeaponRemoteClass
  1374. AWeaponRepair
  1375. WeaponRepairClass
  1376. AWeaponShield
  1377. WeaponShieldClass
  1378. AWeaponTowCable
  1379. WeaponTowCableClass
  1380. ;CommandBuilding
  1381. CommandBuildingClass
  1382. ACommandBuildingAnimatedArmed
  1383. CommandBuildingAnimatedArmedClass
  1384. ACommandBuildingArmed
  1385. CommandBuildingArmedClass
  1386. ;CommandFlyer
  1387. CommandFlyerClass
  1388. ACommandHover
  1389. CommandHoverClass
  1390. ACommandWalker
  1391. CommandWalkerClass
  1392. AFlagItem
  1393. FlagItemClass
  1394. APowerupItem
  1395. PowerupItemClass
  1396. APowerupStation
  1397. PowerupStationClass
  1398. f@l0b
  1399. Jso.W
  1400. 4qE<w|
  1401. y?!vJ?l
  1402. pI?V
  1403. V0??W'?wjb?
  1404. Z?4Hu?
  1405. :?tz.>C
  1406. >#jb>I
  1407. x?Hmz?
  1408. ?MHG?&p
  1409. 8EntitySound
  1410. EntitySoundClass
  1411. 8EntitySoundStatic
  1412. EntitySoundStaticClass
  1413. ;EntitySoundStream
  1414. EntitySoundStreamClass
  1415. >FoleyFX
  1416. >FoleyFXImpact
  1417. >FoleyFXSoldier
  1418. >FoleyFXWalker
  1419. Efff?
  1420. L>fff?
  1421. ;fff?
  1422. ;[NULL]
  1423. [NULL]
  1424. [NULL]
  1425. ;Red3DModelAnimator
  1426. Unknown Error!
  1427. Feb 7 2006 08:56:07
  1428. main : PC Final UKSPIT
  1429. EUR
  1430. JAP
  1431. Arg %i: %s
  1432. %i Arguments Found
  1433. Hardware
  1434. TAT
  1435. Data\_LVL_PS2
  1436. lvl
  1437. tat2
  1438. script
  1439. AddDownloadableContent
  1440. shell\eng\shell.lvl
  1441. addme
  1442. AddOn
  1443. Temp
  1444. Runtime
  1445. Artist
  1446. Lua
  1447. Gamespy
  1448. Application
  1449. Movies\
  1450. type_%s
  1451. common.lvl
  1452. core.lvl
  1453. SpecialFont
  1454. ScriptPreInit
  1455. Could not open %s
  1456. MISSION\%s.lvl
  1457. Could not open mission.lvl
  1458. MISSION.lvl
  1459. Could not initialize sound engine!
  1460. .\Source\GameState.cpp
  1461. Feb 6 2006
  1462. flag
  1463. remoteterminal
  1464. cloth
  1465. asteroid
  1466. effectprop
  1467. rumbleeffect
  1468. hologram
  1469. light
  1470. leafpatch
  1471. grasspatch
  1472. cloudcluster
  1473. dusteffect
  1474. mine
  1475. powerupitem
  1476. powerupstation
  1477. vehiclepad
  1478. vehiclespawn
  1479. commandflyer
  1480. commandwalker
  1481. commandhover
  1482. commandarmedanimatedbuilding
  1483. commandarmedbuilding
  1484. commandpost
  1485. SoundAmbienceStreaming
  1486. SoundAmbienceStatic
  1487. defensegridturret
  1488. portableturret
  1489. treaded
  1490. hover
  1491. carrier
  1492. flyer
  1493. walkerdroid
  1494. walker
  1495. droid
  1496. soldier
  1497. trap
  1498. door
  1499. armedbuildingdynamic
  1500. armedbuilding
  1501. armedanimatedbuilding
  1502. animatedbuilding
  1503. destructablebuilding
  1504. animatedprop
  1505. building
  1506. prop
  1507. towcableweapon
  1508. shield
  1509. remote
  1510. meleethrow
  1511. melee
  1512. repair
  1513. launcher
  1514. invisibility
  1515. grapplinghookweapon
  1516. dispenser
  1517. disguise
  1518. detonator
  1519. destruct
  1520. catapult
  1521. cannon
  1522. binoculars
  1523. areaeffectweapon
  1524. weapon
  1525. towcable
  1526. sticky
  1527. shell
  1528. missile
  1529. meleethrowordnance
  1530. laser
  1531. haywire
  1532. grenade
  1533. grapplinghook
  1534. fatray
  1535. emitterordnance
  1536. bullet
  1537. beam
  1538. beacon
  1539. bolt
  1540. explosion
  1541. soundstream
  1542. soundstatic
  1543. soundspace
  1544. damage
  1545. IFaceSoldierAnimator
  1546. Memory File
  1547. raw:
  1548. \Data\_lvl_pc\
  1549. mission.lvl
  1550. data\_lvl_pc\sound\common.bnk
  1551. %s%s%s
  1552. %s%s%s.%s
  1553. _lvl_pc\
  1554. %s\Data\
  1555. data\
  1556. data\_lvl_pc\
  1557. Attract mode launching %s
  1558. end1a
  1559. Team2
  1560. Team1
  1561. Side
  1562. Map
  1563. %Y-%m-%d %H%M
  1565. ifs.gsprofile.bademail
  1566. gamespy.errors.nick_validchars
  1567. gamespy.errors.nick_nospaces
  1568. gamespy.errors.nick_nonumber
  1569. ifs.gsprofile.badchars
  1570. %02d:%02d:%02d
  1571. BeginScreenTransition
  1572. ScriptCB_PostLoadHack
  1573. ScriptCB_EnableScene
  1574. DrawParticleAt
  1575. DrawBeamBetween
  1576. ScriptCB_DisableFlyerShadows
  1577. SetDefeatMovie
  1578. SetVictoryMovie
  1579. ScriptCB_MetagameSetSide
  1580. ScriptCB_MetagameSetBonus
  1581. ScriptCB_SetLastBattleVictoryValid
  1582. ScriptCB_GetLastBattleVictory
  1583. ScriptCB_UnlockUnlockable
  1584. ScriptCB_UnlockableState
  1585. ScriptCB_SetSPProgress
  1586. ScriptCB_GetSPProgress
  1587. ScriptCB_UpdateScreen
  1588. ScriptCB_GetBuildStr
  1589. ScriptCB_GetTeamName
  1590. ScriptCB_Freecamera
  1591. ScriptCB_GetMissionTime
  1592. ScriptCB_CheckPlayerListDone
  1593. ScriptCB_ResetSkipToPlayerList
  1594. ScriptCB_SkipToPlayerList
  1595. ScriptCB_Unpause
  1596. ScriptCB_MinimizeWindow
  1597. ScriptCB_QuitFromStats
  1598. ScriptCB_QuitToWindows
  1599. ScriptCB_QuitToShell
  1600. ScriptCB_IsGameOver
  1601. ScriptCB_Reboot
  1602. ScriptCB_PausingIsPrimary
  1603. ScriptCB_GetPausingJoystick
  1604. ScriptCB_GetPausingViewport
  1605. ScriptCB_RestartMission
  1606. ScriptCB_LaunchDemo
  1607. ScriptCB_EnterMission
  1608. ScriptCB_HideDownloadableContent
  1609. ScriptCB_SetDCMap
  1610. ScriptCB_ShowMultipageText
  1611. ScriptCB_IndexMultipageText
  1612. ScriptCB_DoneCheckPatch
  1613. ScriptCB_ShouldCheckPatch
  1614. ScriptCB_SetHasSeenDNASEULA
  1615. ScriptCB_HasSeenDNASEULA
  1616. ScriptCB_DoneCheckDNAS
  1617. ScriptCB_ShouldCheckDNAS
  1618. ScriptCB_ShouldShowDemoPostscreen
  1619. ScriptCB_PauseDemoTimer
  1620. ScriptCB_ShouldShowLegal
  1621. ScriptCB_GetQuitPlayer
  1622. ScriptCB_SetQuitPlayer
  1623. ScriptCB_GetAutoNetScript
  1624. ScriptCB_SetupAutoNetIsLan
  1625. ScriptCB_SetupAutoNetMissions
  1626. ScriptCB_GetAutoGetPlayerCount
  1627. ScriptCB_GetAutoNetGameName
  1628. ScriptCB_GetAutoNetIsDedicated
  1629. ScriptCB_ReadLeftstick
  1630. ScriptCB_GetMaxControllers
  1631. ScriptCB_GetNumControllers
  1632. ScriptCB_SetIgnoreControllerRemoval
  1633. ScriptCB_RestorePrimaryController
  1634. ScriptCB_SetHotController
  1635. ScriptCB_SwapPrimaryController
  1636. ScriptCB_IsControllerBound
  1637. ScriptCB_IsControllerConnected
  1638. ScriptCB_GetSecondaryController
  1639. ScriptCB_GetPrimaryController
  1640. ScriptCB_UnbindController
  1641. ScriptCB_ReadAllControllers
  1642. ScriptCB_SetAutoAcquireControllers
  1643. ScriptCB_GetShellActive
  1644. ScriptCB_GetDateStr
  1645. ScriptCB_random
  1646. ScriptCB_srand
  1647. ScriptCB_ustrupper
  1648. ScriptCB_usprintf
  1649. ScriptCB_getlocalizestr
  1650. ScriptCB_UnicodeStrCat
  1651. ScriptCB_ununicode
  1652. rote
  1653. profile
  1654. G K`KpK
  1655. ScriptCB_tounicode
  1656. ScriptCB_GetMaxMissionQueue
  1657. ScriptCB_SetMissionNames
  1658. ScriptCB_SetTeamNames
  1659. ScriptCB_IsLegalGamespyString
  1660. ScriptCB_GetVKeyboardCharacter
  1661. ScriptCB_FormatTimeString
  1662. ScriptCB_GetLanguage
  1663. ScriptCB_GetPlatform
  1664. ScriptCB_DoFile
  1665. color
  1666. direction
  1667. directional
  1668. bottom
  1669. top
  1670. ambient
  1671. blue
  1672. green
  1673. red
  1674. keyStr
  1675. actionStr
  1676. ifs_opt_pckeyboard_listbox_contents
  1677. RepaintListbox
  1678. LongestLiving
  1679. LastGamePlayed
  1680. TotalTimePlayed
  1681. HeroPoints
  1682. Deaths
  1683. Kills
  1684. Finishes
  1685. Starts
  1686. ratingfield
  1687. namefield
  1688. rankfield
  1689. leaderboard_listbox_contents
  1690. overall
  1691. title
  1692. level
  1693. name
  1694. leaderboarddetails_data
  1695. baitKills
  1696. bait
  1697. nemesisDeaths
  1698. nemesis
  1699. favoriteWeapon
  1700. favoriteVehicle
  1701. favoriteClass
  1702. skill
  1703. experience
  1704. game_rank
  1705. game_finish
  1706. game_start
  1707. hero_points
  1708. points
  1709. pointMan
  1710. deadEye
  1711. meat
  1712. publicEnemy
  1713. traitor
  1714. survivalist
  1715. camper
  1716. killingSpree
  1717. tankBuster
  1718. losses
  1719. wins
  1720. totalTimePlayed
  1721. lastGamePlayed
  1722. %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  1723. vehiclesDestroyed
  1724. captures
  1725. deaths
  1726. kills
  1727. narrowEscapes
  1728. livingStreak
  1729. headShots
  1730. accuracy
  1731. ShowStr
  1732. debugmenu
  1733. gConsoleCmdList
  1734. ingamegr.mvs
  1735. ingamefr.mvs
  1736. ingame.mvs
  1737. lower
  1738. upper
  1739. ScriptCB_SetInputRepeat
  1740. ScriptCB_ShowLoadDisplay
  1741. ScriptCB_RemoveTexture
  1742. ScriptCB_SetIFaceLighting
  1743. ScriptCB_GetIFaceLighting
  1744. ScriptCB_GetEntityLabel
  1745. ScriptCB_GetEntityWeaponMesh
  1746. ScriptCB_GetEntityMesh
  1747. ScriptCB_MrMrsEval
  1748. ScriptCB_EnableCursor
  1749. ScriptCB_ResetControl
  1750. ScriptCB_GetActionFromIdx
  1751. ScriptCB_SetBinding
  1752. ScriptCB_GetKeyBoardCmds
  1753. ScriptCB_DoConsoleCmd
  1754. ScriptCB_GetConsoleCmds
  1755. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetLighting
  1756. ScriptCB_SetSunlight
  1757. ScriptCB_IsEnableLeaderBoard
  1758. ScriptCB_GetEnumerateLeaderBoardData
  1759. ScriptCB_EnumerateLeaderBoardDone
  1760. ScriptCB_EnumerateLeaderBoard
  1761. ScriptCB_SetLeaderBoardID
  1762. ScriptCB_ResetLeaderBoardPlayerData
  1763. ScriptCB_CancelLeaderBoardPlayerData
  1764. ScriptCB_DownloadLeaderBoardData
  1765. ScriptCB_LeaderBoardDownloadDone
  1766. ScriptCB_GetLeaderBoardPlayerData
  1767. ScriptCB_GetSafeScreenInfo
  1768. ScriptCB_GetScreenInfo
  1769. ScriptCB_GetErrorLevel
  1770. ScriptCB_CloseErrorBox
  1771. ScriptCB_OpenErrorBox
  1772. ScriptCB_StopInGameMovie
  1773. ScriptCB_PlayInGameMovie
  1774. ScriptCB_IsPropertyPlayingNow
  1775. ScriptCB_SetMovieAudioBus
  1776. ScriptCB_StopMovie
  1777. ScriptCB_AreMoviePropertiesPlaying
  1778. ScriptCB_IsMoviePlaying
  1779. ScriptCB_PlayMovie
  1780. ScriptCB_CloseMovie
  1781. ScriptCB_OpenMovie
  1782. ScriptCB_SetIgnoreInputs
  1783. ScriptCB_IsPopupOpen
  1784. ScriptCB_IsErrorBoxOpen
  1785. ScriptCB_ClosePopup
  1786. ScriptCB_OpenPopup
  1787. ScriptCB_IsScreenInStack
  1788. ScriptCB_PopScreen
  1789. ScriptCB_PushScreen
  1790. ScriptCB_SetIFScreen
  1791. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetUseSafezone
  1792. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetScreenPosition
  1793. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetAnimationLooping
  1794. ScriptCB_IFModel_UpdateAnimation
  1795. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetOmegaY
  1796. ScriptCB_IFModel_GetDepth
  1797. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetDepth
  1798. ScriptCB_IFModel_GetTranslation
  1799. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetTranslation
  1800. ScriptCB_IFModel_GetRotation
  1801. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetRotation
  1802. ScriptCB_IFModel_GetScale
  1803. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetScale
  1804. ScriptCB_IFModel_AttachModel
  1805. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetAnimationTime
  1806. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetAnimationBanks
  1807. ScriptCB_IFModel_QueueAnimation
  1808. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetAnimation
  1809. ScriptCB_IFModel_SetModel
  1810. ScriptCB_IFBorder_SetTexCoords
  1811. ScriptCB_IFBorder_GetTexCoords
  1812. ScriptCB_IFBorder_SetRect
  1813. ScriptCB_IFBorder_GetRect
  1814. ScriptCB_IFBorder_SetTexture
  1815. ScriptCB_IFMaskImage_GetMaskTexCoords
  1816. ScriptCB_IFMaskImage_SetMaskTexCoords
  1817. ScriptCB_IFMaskImage_SetMaskTexture
  1818. ScriptCB_IFImage_SetTexCoords
  1819. ScriptCB_IFImage_GetTexCoords
  1820. ScriptCB_IFImage_SetRect
  1821. ScriptCB_IFImage_GetRect
  1822. ScriptCB_IFImage_SetTexture
  1823. ScriptCB_IFFlashyText_StartFlashiness
  1824. ScriptCB_IFFlashyText_SetBackgroundRightJustify
  1825. ScriptCB_IFFlashyText_SetBackgroundSize
  1826. ScriptCB_IFFlashyText_SetBackground
  1827. ScriptCB_IFFlashyText_SetTextColor
  1828. ScriptCB_IFFlashyText_Setup
  1829. ScriptCB_IFText_GetLeading
  1830. ScriptCB_IFText_SetLeading
  1831. ScriptCB_IFText_SetTextStyle
  1832. ScriptCB_IFText_GetDisplayRect
  1833. ScriptCB_IFText_GetTextExtent
  1834. ScriptCB_IFText_GetTextScaleY
  1835. ScriptCB_IFText_GetTextScaleX
  1836. ScriptCB_IFText_SetTextScale
  1837. ScriptCB_IFText_SetTextBreak
  1838. ScriptCB_IFText_SetJustify
  1839. ScriptCB_IFText_GetTextBox
  1840. ScriptCB_IFText_SetTextBox
  1841. ScriptCB_IFText_GetIntercharacterSpacing
  1842. ScriptCB_IFText_SetIntercharacterSpacing
  1843. ScriptCB_IFText_SetFont
  1844. ScriptCB_IFText_SetTextPosition
  1845. ScriptCB_IFText_SetUString
  1846. ScriptCB_IFText_SetString
  1847. ScriptCB_GetFontHeight
  1848. ScriptCB_IFObj_RemoveHotSpot
  1849. ScriptCB_IFObj_CreateHotSpot
  1850. ScriptCB_IFObj_TestHotSpot
  1851. ScriptCB_IFObj_MouseOver
  1852. ScriptCB_IFObj_IsGroup
  1853. ScriptCB_IFObj_IsEnabled
  1854. ScriptCB_IFObj_Enable
  1855. ScriptCB_IFObj_SendToBack
  1856. ScriptCB_IFObj_BringToFront
  1857. ScriptCB_IFObj_GetPosition
  1858. ScriptCB_IFObj_GetWidthHeight
  1859. ScriptCB_IFObj_GetVis
  1860. ScriptCB_IFObj_GetZOrder
  1861. ScriptCB_IFObj_GetColor
  1862. ScriptCB_IFObj_GetAlpha
  1863. ScriptCB_IFObj_GetPos
  1864. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetRotation
  1865. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetRelativeRotation
  1866. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetBasicRotation
  1867. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetPosition
  1868. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetWidthHeight
  1869. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetEnabled
  1870. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetVis
  1871. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetZOrder
  1872. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetColor
  1873. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetAlpha
  1874. ScriptCB_IFObj_SetPos
  1875. ScriptCB_IFObj_GetCPointer
  1876. ScriptCB_IsFileExist
  1877. ScriptCB_IsPAL
  1878. ScriptCB_EndIFScreen
  1879. ScriptCB_SetIFScreenViewport
  1880. ScriptCB_AddIFScreen
  1881. ScriptCB_EndIFObj
  1882. ScriptCB_AddIFContainer
  1883. ScriptCB_AddIFModel
  1884. ScriptCB_AddIFBorder
  1885. ScriptCB_AddIFMaskImage
  1886. ScriptCB_AddIFImage
  1887. ScriptCB_AddIFFlashyText
  1888. ScriptCB_AddIFText
  1889. japanese
  1890. systemfont
  1891. world
  1892. isCurrent
  1893. datestr
  1894. namestr
  1895. filename
  1896. ifs_saveop_DeleteCampaignDone
  1897. ifs_saveop_SaveCampaignDone
  1898. ifs_saveop_LoadCampaignDone
  1899. ifs_saveop_DeleteMetagameDone
  1900. ifs_saveop_SaveMetagameDone
  1901. ifs_saveop_LoadMetagameDone
  1902. ifs_saveop_SaveProfileDone
  1903. ifs_saveop_DeleteProfileDone
  1904. ifs_saveop_LoadProfileDone
  1905. Star Wars Battlefront II v. %s
  1906. ifs_saveop_PreOpDone
  1907. ifs_saveop_InitialMemcardCheckDone
  1908. memslot
  1909. showstr
  1910. ScriptCB_DoesCampaignExistOnCard
  1911. ScriptCB_StartNewCampaign
  1912. ScriptCB_GetSavedCampaignList
  1913. ScriptCB_DoesMetagameExistOnCard
  1914. ScriptCB_StartNewMetagame
  1915. ScriptCB_GetSavedMetagameList
  1916. ScriptCB_IsMissionSetupSaved
  1917. ScriptCB_ClearMissionSetup
  1918. ScriptCB_LoadMissionSetup
  1919. ScriptCB_SaveMissionSetup
  1920. ScriptCB_GetInTrainingMission
  1921. ScriptCB_SetInTrainingMission
  1922. ScriptCB_IsCampaignStateSaved
  1923. ScriptCB_ClearCampaignState
  1924. ScriptCB_LoadCampaignState
  1925. ScriptCB_SaveCampaignState
  1926. ScriptCB_IsMetagameStateSaved
  1927. ScriptCB_ClearMetagameState
  1928. ScriptCB_LoadMetagameState
  1929. ScriptCB_SaveMetagameState
  1930. ScriptCB_IsUniqueLoginName
  1931. ScriptCB_GetUniqueLoginName
  1932. ScriptCB_TrimLoginName
  1933. ScriptCB_Logout
  1934. ScriptCB_GetCurrentPCTitleVersion
  1935. ScriptCB_GetProfileName
  1936. ScriptCB_GetCurrentProfileName
  1937. ScriptCB_GetCurrentProfileNetName
  1938. ScriptCB_IsPlayerLoggedIn
  1939. ScriptCB_SwapActiveProfileSlots
  1940. ScriptCB_AddProfile
  1941. ScriptCB_GetLoginList
  1942. ScriptCB_CheckIfOkToExitMemoryMode
  1943. ScriptCB_SetMemoryProfileMode
  1944. ScriptCB_InMemoryProfileMode
  1945. ScriptCB_DoesProfileExistOnCard
  1946. ScriptCB_IsMemoryCardInsertted
  1947. ScriptCB_IsMemoryCardUnformatted
  1948. ScriptCB_CheckMemoryCardMark
  1949. ScriptCB_MarkMemoryCard
  1950. ScriptCB_StartDeleteCampaign
  1951. ScriptCB_IsCurrentCampaign
  1952. ScriptCB_StartSaveCampaign
  1953. ScriptCB_StartLoadCampaign
  1954. ScriptCB_StartDeleteMetagame
  1955. ScriptCB_IsCurrentMetagame
  1956. ScriptCB_StartSaveMetagame
  1957. ScriptCB_StartLoadMetagame
  1958. ScriptCB_StartSaveProfile
  1959. ScriptCB_StartDeleteProfile
  1960. ScriptCB_HasProfileChanged
  1961. ScriptCB_ReloadMarkedProfile
  1962. ScriptCB_MarkCurrentProfile
  1963. ScriptCB_RestoreDefaultProfile
  1964. ScriptCB_SetProfileAsDefault
  1965. ScriptCB_MakeFakeProfiles
  1966. ScriptCB_StartLoadProfile
  1967. ScriptCB_StartPreOp
  1968. ScriptCB_StartInitialMemcardCheck
  1969. ScriptCB_DoInitialMemcardCheck
  1970. ScriptCB_LoadSavePopupResult
  1971. ScriptCB_SetProfileNotDirty
  1972. ScriptCB_IsProfileDirty
  1973. ScriptCB_IsCurProfileDirty
  1974. Invalid AI Command
  1975. stopfollowchr
  1976. followchr
  1977. waitforpickup
  1978. getoutofvehicle
  1979. getintovehicle
  1980. EntityDroideka
  1981. WalkerBlendUnit
  1982. WalkerBlend
  1983. WalkerLegPair
  1984. EntityWalker
  1985. EntityLight
  1986. SIDE\snw.lvl
  1987. snw_inf_wampa
  1988. false
  1989. true
  1990. _tdm
  1991. _con
  1992. game_interface
  1993. gFinalBuild
  1994. gDemoHost
  1995. gNoControllerChanges
  1996. gDemoBuild
  1997. ingame.lvl
  1998. SetEffectActive
  1999. IsEffectActive
  2000. SetEffectMatrix
  2001. GetEffectMatrix
  2002. AttachEffectToMatrix
  2003. AttachEffectToObject
  2004. RemoveEffect
  2005. CreateEffect
  2006. DisableSmallMapMiniMap
  2007. Print3D
  2008. GetFlagCarrier
  2009. CanCharacterInteractWithFlag
  2010. ForceHumansOntoTeam1
  2011. SetMapNorthAngle
  2012. AddShieldStrength
  2013. TranslateAICommand
  2014. SetAIDamageThreshold
  2015. AICanCaptureCP
  2016. ForceAIOutOfVehicles
  2017. DisableBarriers
  2018. EnableBarriers
  2019. ToggleBarriers
  2020. UnblockPlanningGraphArcs
  2021. BlockPlanningGraphArcs
  2022. TogglePlanningGraphArcs
  2023. AddAIGoal
  2024. DeleteAIGoal
  2025. ClearAIGoals
  2026. SetMissionEndMovie
  2027. MissionDefeat
  2028. MissionVictory
  2029. GetCommandPostTeam
  2030. GetCommandPostBleedValue
  2031. GetCommandPostCaptureRegion
  2032. GetCharacterControllable
  2033. GetCharacterRemote
  2034. GetCharacterVehicle
  2035. GetCharacterUnit
  2036. SpawnCharacter
  2037. SelectCharacterClass
  2038. GetCharacterClass
  2039. AllowAISpawn
  2040. BatchChangeTeams
  2041. IsCharacterHuman
  2042. SelectCharacterTeam
  2043. GetCharacterTeam
  2044. GetTeamMember
  2045. GetTeamClassCount
  2046. GetTeamSize
  2047. SetAnimationStartPoint
  2048. PlayAnimationFromTo
  2049. RewindAnimation
  2050. PauseAnimation
  2051. PlayAnimation
  2052. GetScreenPosition
  2053. GetWorldPosition
  2054. CreateMatrix
  2055. GetNumTeamMembersAlive
  2056. GetPathPoint
  2057. EnableFlyerPath
  2058. ExitVehicle
  2059. EnterVehicle
  2060. EntityFlyerInitAsLanded
  2061. EntityFlyerInitAsFlying
  2062. EntityFlyerLand
  2063. EntityFlyerTakeOff
  2064. SetClassProperty
  2065. GetEntityClassPtr
  2066. DeleteEntity
  2067. CreateEntity
  2068. SetProperty
  2069. GetEntityMatrix
  2070. SetEntityMatrix
  2071. GetEntityClassName
  2072. GetEntityClass
  2073. GetEntityName
  2074. GetEntityPtr
  2075. RespawnObject
  2076. KillObject
  2077. GetObjectLastHitWeaponClass
  2078. GetObjectShield
  2079. GetObjectHealth
  2080. IsObjectAlive
  2081. GetObjectTeam
  2082. SetObjectTeam
  2083. DeactivateObject
  2084. ActivateObject
  2085. GetObjectPtr
  2086. SetVictoryTimer
  2087. SetMissionTimer
  2088. SetDefeatTimer
  2089. GetTimerName
  2090. GetTimerRate
  2091. SetTimerRate
  2092. GetTimerValue
  2093. SetTimerValue
  2094. StopTimer
  2095. StartTimer
  2096. DestroyTimer
  2097. CreateTimer
  2098. FindTimer
  2099. EnableBuildingLockOn
  2100. MapHideCommandPosts
  2101. MapRemoveClassMarker
  2102. MapAddClassMarker
  2103. MapRemoveEntityMarker
  2104. MapAddEntityMarker
  2105. MapRemoveRegionMarker
  2106. MapAddRegionMarker
  2107. SetParticleLODBias
  2108. SetMaxCollisionDistance
  2109. ScriptCB_PlayerSuicide
  2110. BroadcastVoiceOver
  2111. ShowSelectionTextPopup
  2112. ShowTimer
  2113. ShowObjectiveTextPopup
  2114. ShowPopup
  2115. ShowMessageText
  2116. GetWorldFilename
  2117. IsCampaign
  2118. SpaceAssaultGetScoreLimit
  2119. SpaceAssaultSetupBitmaps
  2120. SpaceAssaultSetupTeamNumbers
  2121. SpaceAssaultLinkCriticalSystems
  2122. SpaceAssaultAddCriticalSystem
  2123. SpaceAssaultEnable
  2124. SetFlagGameplayType
  2125. AddMissionHint
  2126. CompleteObjective
  2127. ActivateObjective
  2128. AddMissionObjective
  2129. SetAIDifficulty
  2130. DisableAIAutoBalance
  2131. EnableAIAutoBalance
  2132. SetGroundFlyerMap
  2133. AISnipeSuitabilityDist
  2134. SetAIViewMultiplier
  2135. SetAIVehicleNotifyRadius
  2136. AddWalkerType
  2137. ClearWalkers
  2138. RemoveRegion
  2139. AddLandingRegion
  2140. AddDeathRegion
  2141. FillAsteroidPath
  2142. FillAsteroidRegion
  2143. SetFishType
  2144. SetNumFishTypes
  2145. SetBirdFlockMinHeight
  2146. SetBirdType
  2147. SetNumBirdTypes
  2148. SetMemoryPoolSize
  2149. SetStayInTurrets
  2150. SetDefenderSnipeRange
  2151. SetAttackerSnipeRange
  2152. SetDenseEnvironment
  2153. SetUrbanEnvironment
  2154. SetSpawnDelayTeam
  2155. SetSpawnDelay
  2156. SetCarrierClass
  2157. GetBleedRate
  2158. SetBleedRate
  2159. ActivateBonus
  2160. ShowTeamPoints
  2161. ShowAllUnitsOnMinimap
  2162. AcceptHero
  2163. UnlockHeroForTeam
  2164. EnableSPScriptedHeroes
  2165. SetHeroRespawnRule
  2166. SetHeroPlayerRule
  2167. SetHeroTeamRule
  2168. SetHeroUnlockRule
  2169. EnableSPHeroRules
  2170. SetHeroClass
  2171. AddUnitClass
  2172. GetTeamFactionId
  2173. AddSpaceAssaultDestroyPoints
  2174. AddAssaultDestroyPoints
  2175. AddFlagCapturePoints
  2176. AddTeamPoints
  2177. GetTeamPoints
  2178. SetTeamPoints
  2179. AddReinforcements
  2180. GetReinforcementCount
  2181. SetReinforcementCount
  2182. GetUnitCount
  2183. SetUnitCount
  2184. SetTeamAsFriend
  2185. SetTeamAsNeutral
  2186. SetTeamAsEnemy
  2187. SetTeamIcon
  2188. SetStationaryWaitTime
  2189. SetAllowBlindJetJumps
  2190. SetUberMode
  2191. SetMaxPlayerFlyHeight
  2192. SetMinPlayerFlyHeight
  2193. SetMaxFlyHeight
  2194. SetMinFlyHeight
  2195. SetTeamAggressiveness
  2196. SetTeamName
  2197. SetHistorical
  2198. SetState
  2199. SnapMapCamera
  2200. GetMapCameraZoom
  2201. SetMapCameraZoom
  2202. SetMapCameraPitch
  2203. SetMapCameraOffset
  2204. SetMapCameraPosition
  2205. GetMapCameraPosition
  2206. MoveCameraToEntity
  2207. SetCameraPosition
  2208. SetCameraRotation
  2209. AddCameraShot
  2210. ClearTempHeap
  2211. SetupTempHeap
  2212. ReadDataFileInGame
  2213. ReadDataFile
  2214. StealArtistHeap
  2215. SetWorldExtents
  2216. SetPS2ModelMemory
  2217. FindEntityClass
  2218. HTTP
  2219. 2.0 Final
  2220. GameVersion =
  2221. Content-Length:
  2222. GET /games/swbattlefrontii/auto_updates/auto_updates.htm HTTP/1.1
  2223. Host:
  2225. BACK
  2226. REMOVE
  2227. FEEDBACK
  2228. NOINVITE
  2230. NEVER
  2231. DECLINE
  2232. ACCEPT
  2233. JOIN
  2234. ADDVOICE
  2235. ADD
  2236. UNINVITE
  2238. INVITE
  2239. StateIcon
  2240. VoiceIcon
  2241. gsfriends_listbox_layout
  2242. CursorIdx
  2243. iMaxPlayers
  2244. iNumPlayers
  2245. iNumSessions
  2246. pingint
  2247. servertype
  2248. bWrongVer
  2249. bLocked
  2250. bFavorite
  2251. mapname
  2252. numplayers
  2253. ClearListbox
  2254. eli
  2255. ass
  2262. common.era.gcw
  2264. ifs.gsprofile.all
  2265. heropoints
  2267. _eli
  2269. _hunt
  2271. _ass
  2273. _obj
  2275. _ctf
  2277. _1flag
  2279. text
  2280. RepaintExtraInfo
  2281. mpsessionlist_playerlist_contents
  2282. mpsessionlist_serverinfo_contents
  2283. fnFindReady
  2284. ifs_mp_sessionlist
  2285. sessionIdx
  2286. mpsessionlist_listbox_contents
  2287. SelectedIdx
  2288. mpsessionlist_listbox_layout
  2289. boot
  2290. ifs_mp_lobby_quick.launching
  2291. ifs_mp_lobby
  2292. ColorB
  2293. ColorG
  2294. ColorR
  2295. iViewport
  2296. bIsLocal
  2297. iTeam
  2298. iQOS
  2299. bwstr
  2300. killsstr
  2301. pingstr
  2302. indexstr
  2303. %s_listbox_contents
  2304. launchflag
  2305. AUTONET
  2308. LAN
  2309. direct
  2310. wan
  2311. lan
  2312. ScriptCB_SetPlayerAwardsEnabled
  2313. ScriptCB_GetPlayerAwardsEnabled
  2314. ScriptCB_SetBandwidth
  2315. ScriptCB_GetBandwidth
  2316. ScriptCB_SearchStatsRank
  2317. ScriptCB_CanClientLeaveStats
  2318. ScriptCB_GetVoiceTVGain
  2319. ScriptCB_GetVoiceCaptureConnected
  2320. ScriptCB_GetVoiceRenderConnected
  2321. ScriptCB_GetVoiceReceiveStatus
  2322. ScriptCB_SetVoiceReceiveEnable
  2323. ScriptCB_GetVoiceSendStatus
  2324. ScriptCB_SetVoiceSendEnable
  2325. ScriptCB_GetVoiceReceivePreset
  2326. ScriptCB_SetVoiceReceivePreset
  2327. ScriptCB_GetVoiceSendPreset
  2328. ScriptCB_SetVoiceSendPreset
  2329. ScriptCB_SetVoiceLocalEchoEnable
  2330. ScriptCB_GetVoiceEnable
  2331. ScriptCB_VoiceEnable
  2332. ScriptCB_GetLobbyPlayerCount
  2333. ScriptCB_ResetSkipToNTGUI
  2334. ScriptCB_GetSkipToNTGUIProfileName
  2335. ScriptCB_SkipToNTGUI
  2336. ScriptCB_GetFriendListIcon
  2337. ScriptCB_DoFriendAction
  2338. ScriptCB_GetFriendActions
  2339. ScriptCB_GetFriendStateStr
  2340. ScriptCB_UpdateFriends
  2341. ScriptCB_CancelFriends
  2342. ScriptCB_BeginFriends
  2343. ScriptCB_CheckForPatch
  2344. ScriptCB_AllowSkipDNAS
  2345. ScriptCB_GetIPAddr
  2346. ScriptCB_SetNoticeNoCable
  2347. ScriptCB_IsNetCableIn
  2348. ScriptCB_IsNetHWPresent
  2349. ScriptCB_IsLeaveDone
  2350. ScriptCB_CancelLeave
  2351. ScriptCB_LaunchLeave
  2352. ScriptCB_UpdateLeave
  2353. ScriptCB_BeginLeave
  2354. ScriptCB_IsJoinDone
  2355. ScriptCB_CancelJoin
  2356. ScriptCB_LaunchJoin
  2357. ScriptCB_UpdateJoin
  2358. ScriptCB_BeginJoin
  2359. ScriptCB_CanSupportMaxPlayers
  2360. ScriptCB_IsBadNetworkConnection
  2361. ScriptCB_IsQuickmatchPassworded
  2362. ScriptCB_IsQuickmatchDone
  2363. ScriptCB_CancelQuickmatch
  2364. ScriptCB_LaunchQuickmatch
  2365. ScriptCB_UpdateQuickmatch
  2366. ScriptCB_BeginJoinSpecial
  2367. ScriptCB_BeginJoinIP
  2368. ScriptCB_BeginQuickmatch
  2369. ScriptCB_IsGamespyArcadePasswordReady
  2370. ScriptCB_GetCmdlineLogin
  2371. ScriptCB_IsCmdlineJoinPending
  2372. ScriptCB_IsSpecialJoinPending
  2373. ScriptCB_PreviousHost
  2374. ScriptCB_NextHost
  2375. ScriptCB_SetAsFavorite
  2376. ScriptCB_SetSessionSortMode
  2377. ScriptCB_GetSessionSortMode
  2378. ScriptCB_ApplyFilters
  2379. ScriptCB_SetFilters
  2380. ScriptCB_GetFilters
  2381. ScriptCB_GetExtraSessionInfo
  2382. ScriptCB_GetSessionListPercent
  2383. ScriptCB_IsSessionReady
  2384. ScriptCB_GetSessionList
  2385. ScriptCB_PauseSessionList
  2386. ScriptCB_CancelSessionList
  2387. ScriptCB_LaunchSessionList
  2388. ScriptCB_UpdateSessionList
  2389. ScriptCB_BeginSessionList
  2390. ScriptCB_ClearPrevSessionId
  2391. ScriptCB_VoteOrNominate
  2392. ScriptCB_VoteKick
  2393. ScriptCB_LobbyAction
  2394. ScriptCB_CancelLobby
  2395. ScriptCB_LaunchLobby
  2396. ScriptCB_HasServerLaunched
  2397. ScriptCB_UpdateLobby
  2398. ScriptCB_BeginLobby
  2399. ScriptCB_IsGuest
  2400. ScriptCB_TrackLoginErrors
  2401. ScriptCB_CancelLogin
  2402. ScriptCB_StartLoginDedicatedServer
  2403. ScriptCB_StartLogin
  2404. ScriptCB_GetLoginName
  2405. ScriptCB_IsLoggedIn
  2406. ScriptCB_IsLoginDone
  2407. ScriptCB_SetGSProfileInfo
  2408. ScriptCB_GetGSProfileInfo
  2409. ScriptCB_ClearError
  2410. ScriptCB_GetError
  2411. ScriptCB_GetLatestError
  2412. ScriptCB_EnablePlayback
  2413. ScriptCB_EnableJournal
  2414. ScriptCB_GetConnectType
  2415. ScriptCB_SetConnectType
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  2417. ScriptCB_IsBootInvitePending
  2418. ScriptCB_CloseNetShell
  2419. ScriptCB_IsNetworkOn
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  2421. ScriptCB_GetAutoNetMode
  2422. ScriptCB_EndAutoNet
  2423. ScriptCB_IsAutoNet
  2424. ScriptCB_IsInShell
  2425. ScriptCB_IsDedicated
  2426. ScriptCB_SetDedicated
  2427. ScriptCB_NetWasClient
  2428. ScriptCB_NetWasDedicatedQuit
  2429. ScriptCB_NetWasDedicated
  2430. ScriptCB_NetWasHost
  2431. ScriptCB_InNetSession
  2432. ScriptCB_InMultiplayer
  2433. ScriptCB_SetInNetGame
  2434. ScriptCB_InNetGame
  2435. ScriptCB_GetLobbyPlayerFlags
  2436. ScriptCB_GetLobbyPlayerlist
  2437. ScriptCB_GetGameName
  2438. ScriptCB_SetNumBots
  2439. ScriptCB_SetGameName
  2440. ScriptCB_GetWasHost
  2441. ScriptCB_GetAmHost
  2442. ScriptCB_SetAmHost
  2443. ScriptCB_SetNetLoginName
  2444. ScriptCB_GetOnlineService
  2445. ScriptCB_AutoNetJoin
  2446. friends_listbox_contents
  2447. iHeroTeam
  2448. iHeroRespawnVal
  2449. iHeroRespawn
  2450. iHeroPlayer
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  2452. iHeroUnlock
  2453. PasswordStr
  2454. bIsPlayerAwardsEnabled
  2455. bIsDedicated
  2456. bRandomizePlaylist
  2457. iCONTimer
  2458. iCTFTimer
  2459. iHUNTimer
  2460. iHUNTScoreLimit
  2461. iCTFScore
  2462. iASSScoreLimit
  2463. iASSNumBots
  2464. iELINumBots
  2465. iCTFNumBots
  2466. iCONNumBots
  2467. iCONMult
  2468. iDMMult
  2469. iVoiceModeDedicatedMax
  2470. iVoiceModeMax
  2471. iVoiceModeMin
  2472. iVoiceMode
  2473. iMaxDedicatedBots
  2474. iMaxDedicatedPlayers
  2475. bHeroesEnabled
  2476. iStartCnt
  2477. bAutoAssignTeams
  2478. bIsPrivate
  2479. bShowNames
  2480. iAutoAim
  2481. iTeamDmg
  2482. iMaxBots
  2483. iNumBots
  2484. iVote
  2485. iWarmUp
  2486. bAllRegions
  2487. iOnlineIcon
  2488. iTurnsPerSecond
  2489. iPlayersSupported
  2490. iVoicePlayVol
  2491. iVoiceRecordVol
  2492. iTVVoiceVol
  2493. bVoiceMask
  2494. bAppearOffline
  2495. iReticuleAlpha
  2496. bSoldierHints
  2497. bMovieSubtitles
  2498. bObjectiveDetails
  2499. bFlyerRolling
  2500. bStickyReticule
  2501. bAimAssist
  2502. bToolTipAuto
  2503. bToolTips
  2504. iDifficulty
  2505. bHeroes
  2506. iFriendlyFire
  2507. bAutoAim
  2508. bRumble
  2509. bFirstPersonFlyer
  2510. bFirstPerson
  2511. ScriptCB_SetNetHeroDefaults
  2512. ScriptCB_GetNetHeroDefaults
  2513. ScriptCB_SetNetGameDefaults
  2514. ScriptCB_GetNetGameDefaults
  2515. ScriptCB_GetOnlineOpts
  2516. ScriptCB_SetOnlineOpts
  2517. ScriptCB_GetSideSelectButtonSetting
  2518. ScriptCB_GetSpectatorMode
  2519. ScriptCB_SetSpectatorMode
  2520. ScriptCB_SetAIDifficulty
  2521. ScriptCB_GetGameRules
  2522. ScriptCB_SetGameRules
  2523. ScriptCB_SetCanSwitchSides
  2524. ScriptCB_SetMetaAllMapsOn
  2525. ScriptCB_IsMetaAllMapsOn
  2526. ScriptCB_GetControlMode
  2527. ScriptCB_SetControlMode
  2528. ScriptCB_ResetToolTips
  2529. ScriptCB_SetToolTipState
  2530. ScriptCB_PrevToolTipState
  2531. ScriptCB_NextToolTipState
  2532. ScriptCB_GetHUDScale
  2533. ScriptCB_SetHUDScale
  2534. ScriptCB_SetHorizontalSplitScreen
  2535. ScriptCB_IsHorizontalSplitScreen
  2536. ScriptCB_SetGeneralOptions
  2537. ScriptCB_GetGeneralOptions
  2538. ScriptCB_ResetOnlineOptionsToDefault
  2539. ScriptCB_ResetSoundToDefault
  2540. ScriptCB_ResetGameOptionsToDefault
  2541. ScriptCB_ResetControlsToDefault
  2542. ScriptCB_SetControlScale
  2543. ScriptCB_GetControlScale
  2544. ScriptCB_SetMouseTurnAssist
  2545. ScriptCB_GetMouseTurnAssist
  2546. ScriptCB_SetYAxisFlip
  2547. ScriptCB_GetYAxisFlip
  2548. ScriptCB_SetFunctionIdForAnalogId
  2549. ScriptCB_GetFunctionIdForAnalogId
  2550. ScriptCB_SetFunctionIdForButtonId
  2551. ScriptCB_GetFunctionIdForButtonId
  2552. ScriptCB_GetASSNumBots
  2553. ScriptCB_GetCTFNumBots
  2554. ScriptCB_GetCONNumBots
  2555. ScriptCB_GetCONMaxTimeLimit
  2556. ScriptCB_GetCTFMaxTimeLimit
  2557. ScriptCB_SetUberScoreLimit
  2558. ScriptCB_GetUberScoreLimit
  2559. ScriptCB_GetAssaultScoreLimit
  2560. ScriptCB_ShowHuntScoreLimit
  2561. ScriptCB_GetHuntScoreLimit
  2562. ScriptCB_GetHuntMaxTimeLimit
  2563. ScriptCB_GetCTFCaptureLimit
  2564. ScriptCB_GetDifficulty
  2565. ScriptCB_SetDifficulty
  2566. ScriptCB_SetPlayerSide
  2567. ScriptCB_WasSplitscreen
  2568. ScriptCB_IsSplitscreen
  2569. ScriptCB_GetNumCameras
  2570. ScriptCB_SetSplitscreen
  2571. metagame
  2572. campaign
  2573. instantaction
  2575. ifs_opt_pcvideo_fsaalistbox_contents
  2576. %d x %d
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  2578. multisampleQuality
  2579. multisampleType
  2580. resY
  2581. resX
  2582. data
  2583. label
  2584. ScriptCB_GetKeyboardPCFlags
  2585. ScriptCB_CheckMouseMark
  2586. ScriptCB_ResetMouseMark
  2587. ScriptCB_SetMouseMark
  2588. GetMultisamplingModeDescription
  2589. GetNumMultisamplingQualityModes
  2590. GetMaxMultisamplingModeForScreenSize
  2591. GetMaxScreenSizeForMultisamplingMode
  2592. IsMultisamplingModeSupported
  2593. IsMultisamplingModeForcedFromDriver
  2594. IsVideoModeSupported
  2595. ScriptCB_ResetPCVideoOptionsToDefault
  2596. ScriptCB_SetProfileJoinIP
  2597. ScriptCB_GetProfileJoinIP
  2598. ScriptCB_IsPCVideoFixedFunction
  2599. ScriptCB_SetPCBrightnessContrast
  2600. ScriptCB_SetPCVideoOptions
  2601. ScriptCB_GetCustomVideoOptions
  2602. ScriptCB_GetAutodetectPCVideoOptions
  2603. ScriptCB_GetPCVideoOptions
  2604. ScriptCB_GetCustomResolution
  2605. ScriptCB_GetIdealResolution
  2606. ScriptCB_SetResolution
  2607. ScriptCB_FillMultisampleTable
  2608. ScriptCB_FillResolutionTable
  2609. ScriptCB_GetReticuleTransparency
  2610. ScriptCB_SetReticuleTransparency
  2611. ScriptCB_SetJoystickEnabled
  2612. ScriptCB_IsJoystickEnabled
  2613. ScriptCB_SetDeadZone
  2614. ScriptCB_SetJoySensitivity
  2615. ScriptCB_SetMouseSensitivity
  2616. ScriptCB_GetDeadZone
  2617. ScriptCB_GetJoySensitivity
  2618. ScriptCB_GetMouseSensitivity
  2619. ScriptCB_TriggerSoundRegionEnable
  2620. ScriptCB_EnableHeroVO
  2621. ScriptCB_EnableHeroMusic
  2622. ScriptCB_EnableCommandPostVO
  2623. ScriptCB_StopInGameMusic
  2624. ScriptCB_PlayInGameMusic
  2625. ScriptCB_SetDopplerFactor
  2626. ScriptCB_SoundDisable
  2627. ScriptCB_SoundEnable
  2628. ScriptCB_ShellPlayDelayedStream
  2629. ScriptCB_IsShellMusicPlaying
  2630. ScriptCB_SetShellMusicInterval
  2631. ScriptCB_SetShellMusic
  2632. ScriptCB_PlayAuditionEffect
  2633. ScriptCB_GetBassManagement
  2634. ScriptCB_SetBassManagement
  2635. ScriptCB_GetMixConfigChanged
  2636. ScriptCB_GetEAXVersion
  2637. ScriptCB_NextMixConfig
  2638. ScriptCB_PreviousMixConfig
  2639. ScriptCB_SetMixConfig
  2640. ScriptCB_GetMixConfig
  2641. ScriptCB_SetOutputMode
  2642. ScriptCB_NextOutputMode
  2643. ScriptCB_PreviousOutputMode
  2644. ScriptCB_GetOutputMode
  2645. ScriptCB_HWSupport
  2646. ScriptCB_ToggleEffects
  2647. ScriptCB_EffectsEnabled
  2648. ScriptCB_SetVolumes
  2649. ScriptCB_GetVolumes
  2650. ScaleSoundParameter
  2651. SetOutOfBoundsVoiceOver
  2652. SetDefeatMusic
  2653. SetVictoryMusic
  2654. SetAttackingTeam
  2655. SetAmbientMusic
  2656. ScriptCB_SetSpawnDisplayGain
  2657. SetSoundEffect
  2658. SetLowReinforcementsVoiceOver
  2659. ScriptCB_SetBleedingRepeatTime
  2660. SetBleedingVoiceOver
  2661. SetReservesVO
  2662. SetPlanetaryBonusVoiceOver
  2663. AudioStreamAppendSegments
  2664. AudioStreamComplete
  2665. CloseAudioStream
  2666. OpenAudioStream
  2667. StopAudioStream
  2668. PlayAudioStreamUsingProperties
  2669. PlayAudioStream
  2670. ScriptCB_SndPlaySound
  2671. ScriptCB_SndBusFade
  2672. point_gain
  2673. stats_medalbox_right_contents
  2674. stats_medalbox_left_contents
  2675. medaltype
  2676. ifs_awardstats_seticonstartside
  2677. ifs_awardstats.IconModels.%d.model
  2678. teamstats_awardsListbox_contentsR
  2679. teamstats_awardsListbox_contentsL
  2680. stats_listbox_contents
  2681. com_icon_CIS
  2682. com_icon_republic
  2683. com_icon_imperial
  2684. com_icon_alliance
  2685. fix MP stats
  2686. teamstats_listbox_contentsR
  2687. teamstats_listbox_contentsL
  2688. val4str
  2689. val3str
  2690. val2str
  2691. val1str
  2692. contentsustr
  2693. contentsstr
  2694. labelustr
  2695. ScriptCB_GetPlayerIDAtRank
  2696. ScriptCB_GetRank
  2697. ScriptCB_SetPlayerStatsPoints
  2698. ScriptCB_PersonalStatsSetTitles
  2699. ScriptCB_TeamStatsSetTitles
  2700. ScriptCB_TeamStatsGetTeamColor
  2701. ScriptCB_TeamStatsGetTeam1
  2702. ScriptCB_TeamStatsValidatePos
  2703. ScriptCB_GetCareerMedalLevel
  2704. ScriptCB_GetCareerMedals
  2705. ScriptCB_GetCareerRank
  2706. ScriptCB_GetCareerPersonalStats
  2707. ScriptCB_GetMedalStats
  2708. ScriptCB_GetAwardStats
  2709. ScriptCB_GetPersonalStats
  2710. ScriptCB_SetTeamStatsSortMode
  2711. ScriptCB_GetTeamstats
  2712. ScriptCB_ClientGotStats
  2713. .lua
  2714. Lua out of memory (%d used in %d blocks, trying to alloc %d)
  2715. Lua%d
  2716. Portal
  2717. Sector
  2718. Sector2
  2719. Sector1
  2720. height
  2721. width
  2722. Rotation
  2723. Position
  2724. UpperCorner
  2725. LowerCorner
  2726. Object
  2727. Point
  2728. Height
  2729. Base
  2730. util::NewAllocator::Allocate failed - new[] failed - out of memory!
  2731. incorrect data check
  2732. need dictionary
  2733. incorrect header check
  2734. invalid window size
  2735. unknown compression method
  2736. invalid literal/length code
  2737. invalid distance code
  2738. invalid bit length repeat
  2739. too many length or distance symbols
  2740. invalid stored block lengths
  2741. invalid block type
  2742. TreeGridStack
  2743. Display Next Frame Data
  2745. Display Previous Frame Data
  2747. Expand Current Sample
  2748. ALT+W
  2749. Highlight Next Sample
  2751. Highlight Previous Sample
  2753. Pause Profile Data
  2754. ALT+P
  2755. Toggle Summary
  2756. ALT+H
  2757. Toggle Profiler
  2758. ALT+E
  2759. PCE
  2760. PCE
  2761. %f %f %f %f
  2762. %f %f %f
  2763. ppE
  2764. droidekafp
  2765. humanfp
  2766. droidekafp_rifle_reload
  2767. droidekafp_rifle_shoot
  2768. droidekafp_rifle_walk
  2769. droidekafp_rifle_idle
  2770. humanfp_grenade_charge
  2771. humanfp_grenade_shoot2
  2772. humanfp_grenade_shoot
  2773. humanfp_tool_jump_land
  2774. humanfp_tool_flail
  2775. humanfp_tool_jump
  2776. humanfp_tool_repair
  2777. humanfp_tool_reload
  2778. humanfp_tool_shoot
  2779. humanfp_tool_run
  2780. humanfp_tool_idle
  2781. humanfp_bazooka_jump_land
  2782. humanfp_bazooka_flail
  2783. humanfp_bazooka_jump
  2784. humanfp_bazooka_reload
  2785. humanfp_bazooka_shoot
  2786. humanfp_bazooka_run
  2787. humanfp_bazooka_idle
  2788. humanfp_rifle_jump_land
  2789. humanfp_handsdown
  2790. humanfp_rifle_flail
  2791. humanfp_rifle_jump
  2792. humanfp_rifle_reload
  2793. humanfp_rifle_shoot
  2794. humanfp_rifle_run
  2795. humanfp_rifle_idle
  2796. coll_
  2797. PCE
  2798. PCE
  2799. POF
  2800. pMF
  2801. pMF
  2802. Pta
  2803. pPF
  2804. PNF
  2805. main_body
  2806. CollisionMesh
  2807. AsteroidClass
  2808. Asteroid
  2809. %s %f %f
  2810. ClothData
  2811. EntityClothClass
  2812. EntityCloth
  2813. EnergyBar
  2814. PMF
  2815. pMF
  2816. pMF
  2817. PCE
  2818. entity.%s
  2819. EntityClass
  2820. EntityEx
  2821. Entity
  2822. pMF
  2823. pMF
  2824. Pta
  2825. PNF
  2826. UnbuiltCollisionMesh
  2827. DestroyedCollisionMesh
  2828. EntityBuildingClass
  2829. EntityBuilding
  2830. PNF
  2831. Pta
  2832. EntityBuildingAnimatedClass
  2833. EntityBuildingAnimated
  2834. Pea
  2835. Pta
  2836. pBG
  2837. pHG
  2838. PNF
  2839. EntityBuildingAnimatedArmedClass
  2840. EntityBuildingAnimatedArmed
  2841. pKG
  2842. pOG
  2843. pMF
  2844. pMF
  2845. Pta
  2846. pLG
  2847. PNF
  2848. EntityBuildingArmedClass
  2849. EntityBuildingArmed
  2850. pOG
  2851. pMF
  2852. pMF
  2853. Pta
  2854. PNF
  2855. EntityBuildingArmedDynamicClass
  2856. EntityBuildingArmedDynamic
  2857. pkG
  2858. PNF
  2859. PaG
  2860. plG
  2861. pvJ
  2862. pvJ
  2863. PlG
  2864. pMF
  2865. pMF
  2866. paG
  2867. EntityCarrierClass
  2868. EntityCarrier
  2869. ppG
  2870. PpG
  2871. pOG
  2872. pMF
  2873. pMF
  2874. Pta
  2875. PoG
  2876. PNF
  2877. EntityDefenseGridTurretClass
  2878. EntityDefenseGridTurret
  2879. PuG
  2880. pqG
  2881. PqG
  2882. PNF
  2883. EntityDoorClass
  2884. EntityDoor
  2885. pvJ
  2886. pvJ
  2887. pMF
  2888. pMF
  2889. PNF
  2890. player_shadow
  2891. EntityDroidClass
  2892. EntityDroid
  2893. pvJ
  2894. pvJ
  2895. pMF
  2896. pMF
  2897. PBH
  2898. pbH
  2899. PNF
  2900. unfold
  2901. roll
  2902. fold
  2903. death01
  2904. turnr
  2905. turnl
  2906. rightfoot_to_idle
  2907. leftfoot_to_idle
  2908. walk_rightfoot_leftfoot
  2909. walk_leftfoot_rightfoot
  2910. idle_to_leftfoot
  2911. idle
  2912. coll_ball
  2913. RollToIdle
  2914. Rolling
  2915. IdleToRoll
  2916. RightToIdle
  2917. LeftToIdle
  2918. RightToLeft
  2919. LeftToRight
  2920. IdleToRight
  2921. IdleToLeft
  2922. Dead
  2923. Dying
  2924. TurnRight
  2925. TurnLeft
  2926. Idle
  2927. EntityDroidekaClass
  2928. EntityEffectClass
  2929. PaG
  2930. pvJ
  2931. pvJ
  2932. pMF
  2933. pMF
  2934. paG
  2935. PNF
  2936. fins
  2937. takeoff
  2938. flyer.contrailsActive
  2939. EntityFlyerClass
  2940. EntityFlyer
  2941. PNF
  2942. PyI
  2943. pMF
  2944. pMF
  2945. static
  2946. dynamic
  2947. %s %s %s %f %f %f %f %f %f
  2948. EntityGeometryClass
  2949. EntityGeometry
  2950. pMF
  2951. pMF
  2952. build
  2953. aligned
  2954. %u %u %u %u
  2955. EntityHologramClass
  2956. EntityHologram
  2957. PJJ
  2958. PvJ
  2959. pvJ
  2960. pvJ
  2961. PCJ
  2962. pMF
  2963. pMF
  2964. PNF
  2965. SpringBody%d
  2966. EntityHoverClass
  2967. EntityHover
  2968. pMF
  2969. pMF
  2970. Pta
  2971. pwJ
  2972. PNF
  2973. %d %d %d %d
  2974. EntityItemClass
  2975. EntityItem
  2976. EntityLightClass
  2977. PNF
  2978. pMF
  2979. pMF
  2980. Pta
  2981. EntityMineClass
  2982. EntityMine
  2983. pOG
  2984. pMF
  2985. pMF
  2986. Pta
  2987. PNF
  2988. EntityPortableTurretClass
  2989. EntityPortableTurret
  2990. pMF
  2991. pMF
  2992. PNF
  2993. %i %i %i %i
  2994. EntityPropClass
  2995. EntityProp
  2996. PNF
  2997. %s %s %f
  2998. %s %f %s %s %f %s %s
  2999. EntityPropAnimatedClass
  3000. EntityPropAnimated
  3001. pvJ
  3002. pvJ
  3003. pMF
  3004. pMF
  3005. PZa
  3006. Pta
  3007. PNF
  3008. EntityRemoteTerminalClass
  3009. EntityRemoteTerminal
  3010. pML
  3011. pvJ
  3012. pvJ
  3013. PsL
  3014. pMF
  3015. pMF
  3016. pqL
  3017. PzL
  3018. PiK
  3019. pwL
  3020. pxL
  3021. PNF
  3022. %s %f %f %f
  3023. coll_body_medium2
  3024. coll_body_medium
  3025. coll_body_upper
  3026. coll_body_lower
  3027. coll_body
  3028. geo_inf_acklay%d
  3029. humanlz
  3030. human
  3031. jawalz
  3032. jawa
  3033. zcoll_torso
  3034. coll_head
  3035. acklaystepright
  3036. acklaystepleft
  3037. AcklayData
  3038. SoldierPolyCount
  3039. EntitySoldierClass
  3040. EntitySoldier
  3041. pMF
  3042. pMF
  3043. pqL
  3044. Pta
  3045. PNF
  3046. EntityTrapClass
  3047. EntityTrap
  3048. pvJ
  3049. pvJ
  3050. pMF
  3051. pMF
  3052. PNF
  3053. turnr turnr_leftup turnr_rightup
  3054. turnl turnl_leftup turnl_rightup
  3055. rightfoot_to_idle rightfoot_to_idle_leftup rightfoot_to_idle_rightup
  3056. leftfoot_to_idle leftfoot_to_idle_leftup leftfoot_to_idle_rightup
  3057. walk_rightfoot_leftfoot walk_rightfoot_leftfoot_leftup walk_rightfoot_leftfoot_rightup
  3058. walk_leftfoot_rightfoot walk_leftfoot_rightfoot_leftup walk_leftfoot_rightfoot_rightup
  3059. idle_to_rightfoot idle_to_rightfoot_leftup idle_to_rightfoot_rightup
  3060. idle_to_leftfoot idle_to_leftfoot_leftup idle_to_leftfoot_rightup
  3061. idle idle_leftup idle_rightup
  3062. attack4
  3063. attack3
  3064. attack2
  3065. attack1
  3066. walker.ShowDamage
  3067. EntityWalkerClass
  3068. PNF
  3069. pMF
  3070. pMF
  3071. Pta
  3072. FLYER
  3073. HUGE
  3074. MEDIUM
  3075. SMALL
  3076. HOVER
  3077. SOLDIER
  3078. GameObjectClass
  3079. GameObject
  3080. pMF
  3081. pMF
  3082. MountedTurretClass
  3083. MountedTurret
  3084. PDN
  3085. PDN
  3086. pBN
  3087. pMF
  3088. pMF
  3089. PCE
  3090. PassengerSlot
  3091. RotatingModel
  3092. Q8>TentacleSimulator
  3093. runforward
  3094. SoldierAnimation
  3095. alert
  3096. noalert
  3097. right
  3098. left
  3099. backward
  3100. forward
  3101. prone
  3102. %s_full
  3103. %s_%s_%s
  3104. full
  3105. NONE
  3106. pjO
  3107. pjO
  3108. pjO
  3109. _full
  3110. rifle_stand_death_backward
  3111. rifle_stand_runforward
  3112. rifle_thrown_flail
  3113. rifle_diveforward
  3114. rifle_jetpack_hover
  3115. rifle_crouch_idle_takeknee
  3116. rifle_crouch_idle_emote
  3117. rifle_stand_idle_emote
  3118. [INVALID]
  3119. _lower
  3120. _upper
  3121. pronealert
  3122. crouchalert
  3123. standalert
  3124. crouch
  3125. stand
  3127. reload
  3128. charge
  3129. shoot_secondary2
  3130. shoot_secondary
  3131. shoot2
  3132. shoot
  3133. idle_takeknee
  3134. runleft
  3135. walkleft
  3136. runright
  3137. walkright
  3138. runbackward
  3139. walkbackward
  3140. walkforward
  3141. turnright
  3142. turnleft
  3143. idle_lookaround
  3144. idle_checkweapon
  3145. idle_emote
  3146. stand_hitright
  3147. stand_hitleft
  3148. stand_hitback
  3149. stand_hitfront
  3150. stand_death_right
  3151. stand_death_left
  3152. stand_death_backward
  3153. stand_death_forward
  3154. prone_getup_crouch
  3155. crouch_getdown_prone
  3156. prone_getup_stand
  3157. stand_deadhero
  3158. jetpack_hover
  3159. diveforward
  3160. thrown_restbacksoft
  3161. thrown_restfrontsoft
  3162. stand_getupback
  3163. stand_getupfront
  3164. thrown_landbacksoft
  3165. thrown_landfrontsoft
  3166. thrown_bouncebacksoft
  3167. thrown_bouncefrontsoft
  3168. thrown_tumbleback
  3169. thrown_tumblefront
  3170. thrown_flyingright
  3171. thrown_flyingleft
  3172. thrown_flyingback
  3173. thrown_flyingfront
  3174. thrown_flail
  3175. fall
  3176. landhard
  3177. landsoft
  3178. jump_right
  3179. jump_left
  3180. jump_backward
  3181. jump_forward
  3182. jump
  3183. sprint
  3184. aivis
  3185. danger
  3186. Controller
  3187. PlayerController
  3188. pXP
  3189. pXP
  3190. UnitController
  3191. pXP
  3192. UnitFlyController
  3193. pXP
  3194. PwP
  3195. UnitMobileController
  3196. pXP
  3197. pxP
  3198. UnitStationaryController
  3199. Navigator
  3200. NavigatorFollowTarget
  3201. NavigatorGraphFollower
  3202. NavigatorPathFollower
  3203. NavigatorSlide
  3204. Agent
  3205. UnitAgent
  3206. UnitBoardAgent
  3207. UnitCaptureCPAgent
  3208. UnitCombatAgent
  3209. UnitCTFOffenseAgent
  3210. UnitDeathmatchAgent
  3211. UnitDefendAgent
  3212. UnitDestroyAgent
  3213. UnitFlyAgent
  3214. UnitFollowAgent
  3215. UnitHoldAgent
  3216. UnitRandomAgent
  3217. PJQ
  3218. UnitTrooperAgent
  3219. PXQ
  3220. UnitUnBoardAgent
  3221. PZQ
  3222. UnitWaitAgent
  3223. UnitWaitSecondaryAgent
  3224. PjQ
  3225. BaseHint
  3226. RayRequest
  3227. VOUnitNum
  3228. AIGoal
  3229. ConquestGoal
  3230. CTFGoal
  3231. CTFGoalD
  3232. DeathmatchGoal
  3233. DefendGoal
  3234. DestroyGoal
  3235. FollowGoal
  3236. ConnectivityGraphFollower
  3237. PathNode
  3238. Obstacle
  3239. PathFollower
  3240. PathRequest
  3241. AIPath
  3242. AIPathNode
  3243. %i %f %f %f
  3244. entitypathbranch
  3245. Aimer
  3246. AmmoCounter
  3247. Combo::Deflect
  3248. Combo::DamageSample
  3249. Combo::Attack
  3250. Combo::Condition
  3251. Combo::Transition
  3252. Combo::State
  3253. Combo
  3254. l?PZT
  3255. PZT
  3256. LightFlash
  3257. PdT
  3258. OrdnanceClass
  3259. Ordnance
  3260. PdT
  3261. pKU
  3262. OrdnanceBeaconClass
  3263. OrdnanceBeacon
  3264. PdT
  3265. OrdnanceBeamClass
  3266. OrdnanceBeam
  3267. PdT
  3268. OrdnanceBulletClass
  3269. OrdnanceBullet
  3270. OrdnanceEmitterClass
  3271. PdT
  3272. OrdnanceFatRayClass
  3273. OrdnanceFatRay
  3274. PdT
  3275. OrdnanceGrapplingHookClass
  3276. OrdnanceGrapplingHook
  3277. PdT
  3278. OrdnanceGrenadeClass
  3279. OrdnanceGrenade
  3280. PdT
  3281. pKU
  3282. OrdnanceHaywireClass
  3283. OrdnanceHaywire
  3284. OrdnanceLaserClass
  3285. OrdnanceLaser
  3286. PdT
  3287. fromedge
  3288. OrdnanceMeleeThrowClass
  3289. OrdnanceMeleeThrow
  3290. PdT
  3291. OrdnanceMissileClass
  3292. OrdnanceMissile
  3293. PdT
  3294. OrdnanceShellClass
  3295. OrdnanceShell
  3296. PdT
  3297. pKU
  3298. OrdnanceStickyClass
  3299. OrdnanceSticky
  3300. PwU
  3301. pQU
  3302. PdT
  3303. OrdnanceTowCableClass
  3304. OrdnanceTowCable
  3305. StickInfo
  3306. pxU
  3307. weapons.%s
  3308. WeaponClass
  3309. Weapon
  3310. pxU
  3311. WeaponAreaEffectClass
  3312. WeaponAreaEffect
  3313. pxU
  3314. WeaponBinocularsClass
  3315. WeaponBinoculars
  3316. pxU
  3317. WeaponCannonClass
  3318. WeaponCannon
  3319. pxU
  3320. WeaponCatapultClass
  3321. WeaponCatapult
  3322. pxU
  3323. WeaponDestructClass
  3324. WeaponDestruct
  3325. pxU
  3326. WeaponDetonatorClass
  3327. WeaponDetonator
  3328. pxU
  3329. WeaponDisguiseClass
  3330. WeaponDisguise
  3331. pxU
  3332. WeaponDispenserClass
  3333. WeaponDispenser
  3334. pxU
  3335. pLV
  3336. WeaponGrapplingHookClass
  3337. WeaponGrapplingHook
  3338. PMV
  3339. pMV
  3340. pxU
  3341. pVV
  3342. WeaponGrenadeClass
  3343. WeaponGrenade
  3344. pxU
  3345. PYV
  3346. pYV
  3347. WeaponInvisibilityClass
  3348. WeaponInvisibility
  3349. pxU
  3350. WeaponLaserClass
  3351. WeaponLaser
  3352. ptV
  3353. PnV
  3354. poV
  3355. WeaponLauncherClass
  3356. WeaponLauncher
  3357. pxU
  3358. PvV
  3359. %s %f %f %f %f %f %f
  3360. %f %f %s
  3361. %2x%2x%2x%2x
  3362. stand_block_rear2
  3363. stand_block_rear1
  3364. stand_block_left2
  3365. stand_block_left1
  3366. stand_block_right2
  3367. stand_block_right1
  3368. stand_block_front2
  3369. stand_block_front1
  3370. RECOVER3
  3371. ATTACK3
  3372. RECOVER2
  3373. ATTACK2
  3374. RECOVER1
  3375. ATTACK1
  3376. IDLE
  3377. stand_attack1b
  3378. stand_attack1a
  3379. default
  3380. WeaponMeleeClass
  3381. WeaponMelee
  3382. pxU
  3383. WeaponMeleeThrowClass
  3384. WeaponMeleeThrow
  3385. pxU
  3386. WeaponRemoteClass
  3387. WeaponRemote
  3388. pxU
  3389. WeaponRepairClass
  3390. WeaponRepair
  3391. pxU
  3392. WeaponShieldClass
  3393. WeaponShield
  3394. pxU
  3395. WeaponTowCableClass
  3396. WeaponTowCable
  3397. IsCharacterInRegion
  3398. GetRegionName
  3399. DeactivateRegion
  3400. ActivateRegion
  3401. GetRegion
  3402. ActiveRegion
  3403. rep
  3404. imp
  3405. cis
  3406. all
  3407. _them_
  3408. sensor_array
  3409. advanced_blasters
  3410. combat_shielding
  3411. garrison_used_by
  3412. garrison
  3413. autoturrets
  3414. supplies
  3415. energy_boost
  3416. sabotage
  3417. bacta_tanks
  3418. leader
  3419. team_bonus_
  3420. Player %d
  3421. psW
  3422. PsW
  3423. Pta
  3424. pvW
  3425. puW
  3426. prW
  3427. PNF
  3428. CommandBuildingClass
  3429. CommandBuilding
  3430. SaveGames
  3431. c[NULL]
  3432. w w@w`wpw
  3433. ppa
  3434. Pta
  3435. PNF
  3436. CommandBuildingAnimatedArmedClass
  3437. CommandBuildingAnimatedArmed
  3438. pMF
  3439. pMF
  3440. Pta
  3441. PNF
  3442. CommandBuildingArmedClass
  3443. CommandBuildingArmed
  3444. PaG
  3445. pvJ
  3446. pvJ
  3447. pMF
  3448. pMF
  3449. PNF
  3450. CommandFlyerClass
  3451. CommandFlyer
  3452. PJJ
  3453. pvJ
  3454. pvJ
  3455. PCJ
  3456. pMF
  3457. pMF
  3458. PNF
  3459. CommandHoverClass
  3460. CommandHover
  3461. defer
  3462. level.%s.%s
  3463. pvJ
  3464. pvJ
  3465. pMF
  3466. pMF
  3467. pla
  3468. PNF
  3469. CommandWalkerClass
  3470. CommandWalker
  3471. buildingunbuiltscale
  3472. buildingdeadscale
  3473. buildingscale
  3474. vehiclescale
  3475. droidscale
  3476. animalscale
  3477. personscale
  3478. damagerate
  3479. PNF
  3480. pMF
  3481. pMF
  3482. Pta
  3483. FlagItemClass
  3484. FlagItem
  3485. game.awards.bonus.
  3486. game.awards.medal.
  3487. warhero
  3488. guardian
  3489. endurance
  3490. regulator
  3491. marksman
  3492. technician
  3493. demolition
  3494. frenzy
  3495. gunslinger
  3496. Team2Name
  3497. Team1Name
  3498. ifs_missionselect
  3499. PHX
  3500. pQX
  3501. PGX
  3502. pMF
  3503. pMF
  3504. Pta
  3505. PNF
  3506. PowerupItemClass
  3507. PowerupItem
  3508. poX
  3509. pMF
  3510. pMF
  3511. pNa
  3512. Pta
  3513. PRX
  3514. PNF
  3515. PowerupStationClass
  3516. PowerupStation
  3517. player%dspaceassaultgroup
  3518. SpaceAssault::ViewportData
  3519. level.%s.local
  3520. level.%s.locals
  3521. %s.lastnames.%02d
  3522. %s.firstnames.%02d
  3523. common.sides.neu
  3524. common.sides.cis
  3525. common.sides.rep
  3526. common.sides.imp
  3527. common.sides.all
  3528. Timer
  3529. PCE
  3530. VehicleSpawn::VehicleTracker
  3531. ParticleEmitter
  3532. ParticleEmitterInfoData
  3533. ParticleEmitterObject
  3534. ParticleTransformer::ColorTransformer
  3535. ParticleTransformer::RotationTransformer
  3536. ParticleTransformer::SizeTransformer
  3537. ParticleTransformer::PositionTransformer
  3538. pAY
  3539. pLY
  3540. pSY
  3541. YouKilledHero%d
  3542. HeroDefeated%d
  3543. HeroSpawned%d
  3544. HeroSelectable%d
  3545. HeroUnlocked%d
  3546. Load\load
  3547. ifs.briefing.%s
  3551. spa
  3552. white
  3553. common.loading
  3554. _off
  3555. cheats.slowmo
  3556. cheats.nohud
  3557. cheats.pow
  3558. cheats.lowres
  3559. cheats.ammo
  3560. cheats.invincible
  3561. ifs_teamstats
  3562. ifs_pausemenu%d
  3563. ifs_pausemenu
  3564. debug.TogglePauseReverb
  3565. SetFlyerControllerConfig
  3566. debugmenu.ToggleQosDisplay
  3567. net.toggleqostext
  3568. U-%d, IO-%dK/%dK
  3569. U-%d, L-%d, TS-%.2f
  3570. P-%d, IO-%d/%d, L-%d
  3571. U-%d, L-%d
  3572. ifs_readyselect%i.Helptext_Back
  3573. FIXME: Localize game.tooltips.leaving_battlefield
  3574. game.squadcommand.%s.%s
  3575. down
  3576. gunner
  3577. passenger
  3578. driver
  3579. field
  3580. PBZ
  3581. TeamAssist
  3582. pKZ
  3583. pgZ
  3584. ifs_pc_Spectator
  3585. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.SlotWindow%i
  3586. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.SlotWindow%i.InfoText
  3587. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.SlotWindow%i.titleBarElement
  3588. ifs_pc_Spectator.change_view.label
  3589. ifs_pc_Spectator.join_game.label
  3590. ifs_pc_spawnselect.Helptext_Back.label
  3591. ifs_readyselect1.Helptext_Back.label
  3592. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.Ok.label
  3593. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.UnitCount
  3594. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.SideModel%i
  3596. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.SideIcon%i
  3597. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.PopupWindow
  3598. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.PopupWindow.titleBarElement
  3599. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info.PopupWindow.Text
  3600. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect_fnInit
  3601. ifs_sideselect1.Info
  3602. ifs_sideselect1
  3603. ifs_readyselect%i
  3604. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect
  3605. ifs_pc_SpawnSelect.Info
  3606. ifs_pc_spawnselect_animateicons
  3607. game.spawndisplay.numtospawn
  3608. paG
  3609. paG
  3610. paG
  3611. Frame
  3612. Viewport
  3613. Screen
  3614. Pixels
  3615. Additive
  3616. Alpha
  3617. paG
  3618. paG
  3619. paG
  3620. paG
  3621. Segment
  3622. paG
  3623. paG
  3624. Bottom
  3625. Top
  3626. Right
  3627. Center
  3628. Left
  3629. Shadow
  3630. Normal
  3631. paG
  3632. Unnamed
  3633. paG
  3634. paG
  3635. map_mask
  3636. %s_map
  3637. hud_map_northpointer
  3638. North%s
  3639. hud_icon_flash
  3640. PostSelect%s
  3641. PostText%s
  3642. Post%s
  3643. Target%s
  3644. PlayerDirection%s
  3645. PlayerFOV%s
  3646. Backdrop%s
  3647. Marker%s
  3648. PostSelected%s
  3649. Rectangle
  3650. Circle
  3651. Spawn
  3652. Large
  3653. Small
  3654. paG
  3655. paG
  3656. paG
  3657. Format
  3658. paG
  3659. paG
  3660. FlagOffScreenBehind
  3661. FlagOffScreen
  3662. FlagOnScreenBehind
  3663. FlagOnScreen
  3664. ObjectiveOffScreenBehind
  3665. ObjectiveOffScreen
  3666. ObjectiveOnScreenBehind
  3667. ObjectiveOnScreen
  3668. HintFlagOffScreenBehind
  3669. HintFlagOffScreen
  3670. HintFlagOnScreenBehind
  3671. HintFlagOnScreen
  3672. HintOffScreenBehind
  3673. HintOffScreen
  3674. HintOnScreenBehind
  3675. HintOnScreen
  3676. LockedOffScreenBehind
  3677. LockedOffScreen
  3678. LockedOnScreenBehind
  3679. LockedOnScreen
  3680. AttackerOffScreenBehind
  3681. AttackerOffScreen
  3682. AttackerOnScreenBehind
  3683. AttackerOnScreen
  3684. paG
  3685. Selected
  3686. Baseline
  3687. Character
  3688. Word Reformat
  3689. No Reformat
  3690. Word
  3691. None
  3692. paG
  3693. paG
  3694. Backdrop
  3695. AIText
  3696. PlayerText
  3697. SelfText
  3698. EmptyText
  3699. Player
  3700. Self
  3701. Empty
  3702. level.%s.hints
  3703. player%d.reticule.alpha
  3704. player%d.missileLockDistance
  3705. player%d.missileLockDisable
  3706. player%d.missileLock
  3707. player%d.lockOnFlagCarrierDisable
  3708. player%d.lockOnFlagCarrier
  3709. player%d.lockOnTeamColor
  3710. player%d.lockOnDirectionDisable
  3711. player%d.lockOnDirection
  3712. player%d.lockOnDistance
  3713. player%d.lockOnDisableShieldName
  3714. player%d.lockOnShieldName
  3715. player%d.lockOnDisable
  3716. player%d.lockOnHealthFraction
  3717. player%d.lockOnHealth
  3718. player%d.lockOnClassName
  3719. player%d.lockOnName
  3720. player%d.commandPost.disputeDisable
  3721. player%d.commandPost.disputeEnable
  3722. player%d.commandPost.disputeColor
  3723. player%d.commandPost.color
  3724. player%d.commandPost.disable
  3725. player%d.commandPost.charge
  3726. player%d.flag.enemy.dropped.number.disable
  3727. player%d.flag.enemy.dropped.number
  3728. player%d.flag.enemy.dropped.disable
  3729. player%d.flag.enemy.dropped
  3730. player%d.flag.enemy.carried.number.disable
  3731. player%d.flag.enemy.carried.number
  3732. player%d.flag.enemy.carried.disable
  3733. player%d.flag.enemy.carried
  3734. player%d.flag.player.disable
  3735. player%d.flag.player.dropped
  3736. player%d.flag.player.carried
  3737. player%d.flag.friend.dropped.number.disable
  3738. player%d.flag.friend.dropped.number
  3739. player%d.flag.friend.dropped.disable
  3740. player%d.flag.friend.dropped
  3741. player%d.flag.friend.carried.number.disable
  3742. player%d.flag.friend.carried.number
  3743. player%d.flag.friend.carried.disable
  3744. player%d.flag.friend.carried
  3745. player%d.heroSelect.disable
  3746. player%d.heroSelect.message
  3747. player%d.heroSelect.timer
  3748. player%d.heroSelect.timerFraction
  3749. player%d.statistic.disable
  3750. player%d.statistic.changed
  3751. player%d.statistic.%sDelta
  3752. player%d.statistic.%s
  3762. player%d.message.disable
  3763. player%d.message.color
  3764. player%d.message
  3765. player%d.tooltips.disable
  3766. player%d.tooltips
  3767. player%d.spawnDisplay.spawninfo
  3768. player%d.spawnDisplay.vehicle
  3769. player%d.spawnDisplay.message
  3770. player%d.spawnDisplay.disable
  3771. player%d.spawnDisplay.enable
  3772. player%d.targetResetPlayer
  3776. player%d.index
  3785. player%d.weaponsDisable
  3786. player%d.weaponsEnable
  3787. player%d.weaponsOverheat
  3788. player%d.weapon%d.lockOnDisable
  3789. player%d.weapon%d.lockOnPosition
  3790. player%d.weapon%d.reticule.position
  3791. player%d.weapon%d.reticule.disable
  3805. player%d.weapon%d.refire
  3806. player%d.weapon%d.charge
  3807. player%d.weapon%d.heat
  3808. player%d.weapon%d.ammoInfinite
  3809. player%d.weapon%d.totalClipFraction
  3810. player%d.weapon%d.totalClipBullets
  3811. player%d.weapon%d.totalAmmoFraction
  3812. player%d.weapon%d.totalAmmoBullets
  3813. player%d.weapon%d.disable
  3814. player%d.weapon%d.change
  3815. player%d.vehicle.hackedTimeDisable
  3816. player%d.vehicle.hackedTimeFraction
  3817. player%d.vehicle.hackedTime
  3818. player%d.vehicle.hackingTimeDisable
  3819. player%d.vehicle.hackingTimeFraction
  3820. player%d.vehicle.hackingTime
  3821. player%d.spaceAssaultStatus.disable
  3822. player%d.spaceAssaultStatus
  3823. player%d.pressSelectToReturn.disable
  3824. player%d.pressSelectToReturn
  3825. player%d.hintsAvailable.disable
  3826. player%d.hintsAvailable
  3827. player%d.objectiveDetails.disable
  3828. player%d.objectiveDetails
  3829. player%d.objectivesUpdated.disable
  3830. player%d.objectivesUpdated
  3831. player%d.objectivelist.disable
  3832. player%d.objectivelist.enable
  3833. player%d.energyDisable
  3834. player%d.energyRegenPulseRate
  3835. player%d.energyOverburn
  3836. player%d.energyFraction
  3838. player%d.jetFuelThreshold
  3839. player%d.jetFuelWarning
  3840. player%d.jetFuelFraction
  3841. player%d.jetDisable
  3842. player%d.vehicle.seatingMesh
  3843. player%d.vehicle.healthDisable
  3844. player%d.vehicle.healthFraction
  3846. player%d.hero.healthDisable
  3847. player%d.hero.healthFraction
  3849. player%d.healthInVehicleFraction
  3850. player%d.healthInVehicleDisable
  3851. player%d.healthInVehicle
  3852. player%d.healthRegenPulseRate
  3853. player%d.bonusHealthFraction
  3854. player%d.healthFraction
  3855. player%d.healthDisable
  3857. player%d.die
  3858. player%d.spawn
  3859. time
  3860. initialize
  3861. levelHintText
  3862. targetResetCommon
  3863. selectionPopup.disable
  3864. selectionPopup
  3865. objectivePopup.disable
  3866. objectivePopup
  3867. hintPopup.pageNumber
  3868. hintPopup.disable
  3869. hintPopup
  3870. defeattimer.disable
  3871. defeattimer
  3872. victorytimer.disable
  3873. victorytimer
  3874. objectivetimer.disable
  3875. objectivetimer
  3876. Vertical
  3877. Horizontal
  3878. paG
  3879. paG
  3880. paG
  3881. %s%s.lvl
  3882. FPM\
  3883. %d.%d.%d.%d
  3884. %d.%d.%d.%d:%d
  3885. %d.%d.%d.%d:%d/%d.%d.%d.%d:%d
  3886. swbfront2pc
  3887. gamespy.status.pending
  3888. Battlefront2 Request
  3889. %s%lu
  3891. Rankings=
  3892. endfaction
  3893. player
  3894. playerpoints
  3895. rating
  3896. timePlayed
  3897. finishes
  3898. starts
  3899. total_rows_count
  3900. %s_%d_%d%s
  3901. .txt
  3903. auth
  3904. pid
  3905. error
  3906. GameMode
  3907. gameComplete
  3908. losingCnt
  3909. winningCnt
  3910. losingTeam
  3911. winningTeam
  3912. gametype
  3913. %d - start
  3914. %s\
  3915. ServerBans
  3916. ServerRotation
  3917. ServerSettings
  3918. /configdir
  3919. /gamename
  3920. /autonet
  3921. %s\%s.cfg
  3922. admin
  3923. %-3d %-3d %-3d %-4d
  3924. 1 "b" Non 112 15 11 120 36b7ae01b85eef9ecea666b441d5acd3
  3925. detected and set bandwidth %d kbps
  3926. score: %s(%d) to %s(%d)
  3927. Unknown
  3928. Game has ended
  3929. game over
  3930. game started: %s
  3931. hello
  3932. OPTION
  3933. ADMIN
  3934. client will keep late updates
  3935. /nodroplateupdate
  3936. client will drop late updates
  3937. /droplateupdate
  3938. not logged in
  3939. command not found
  3940. command not handled
  3941. Heroes : %s
  3942. FF enabled : %s
  3943. yes
  3944. Tickets : %d/%d
  3945. Scores : %d/%d/%d
  3946. Players : %d/%d/%d
  3947. Game mode : %s
  3948. Next map : %s
  3949. Current map : %s
  3950. Password : %s
  3951. Max players : %d
  3952. Version : 1.00
  3953. Server IP : %s
  3954. Server name : %s
  3955. window size %d
  3956. window size not set
  3957. setting window size to %d
  3958. bandwidth: used(%d) limit(%d)
  3959. bandwidth not set
  3960. setting bandwidth to %d kbps
  3961. quitting
  3962. invalid player
  3963. no player id
  3964. done
  3965. map not found
  3966. next map set
  3967. map not dropped
  3968. map dropped
  3969. map '%s' not added
  3970. map added
  3971. booted player %d (%s)
  3972. can't boot player %d
  3973. 36b7ae01b85eef9ecea666b441d5acd3
  3974. ended
  3975. waitlate(%d) lagversion(%d) splitupdate(%d)
  3976. host will split update
  3977. host will not split update
  3978. host will use lag version %d
  3979. host will drop lag jumps
  3980. host will not drop lag jumps
  3981. host will wait for late moves
  3982. host will not wait for late moves
  3983. logged in
  3984. /login
  3985. CON
  3986. ASS
  3987. HUN
  3988. CTF2
  3989. CTF1
  3990. changemap
  3991. restart
  3992. awards
  3993. unbanall
  3994. unbanip
  3995. banip
  3996. unbankey
  3997. bankey
  3998. ban
  3999. swap
  4000. warn
  4001. setnextmap
  4002. idlemap
  4003. mapnext
  4004. whatmap
  4005. paused
  4006. status
  4007. autoannounceperiod
  4008. autoannounce
  4009. autokickpingwarnings
  4010. autokickwordwarnings
  4011. autokickword
  4012. highpingwarnings
  4013. autokickpingvalue
  4014. autokickping
  4015. autokickscorevalue
  4016. autokickscore
  4017. eliaiperteam
  4018. assaiperteam
  4019. ctfaiperteam
  4020. conaiperteam
  4021. bots
  4022. teamvotethreshold
  4023. kickvotethreshold
  4024. pregametime
  4025. spawn
  4026. difficulty
  4027. aimassist
  4028. shownames
  4029. autoassignteams
  4030. banteamkillers
  4031. numtksbeforekick
  4032. forgivetks
  4033. teamdamage
  4034. assreinforcements
  4035. conreinforcements
  4036. huntscorelimit
  4037. assscorelimit
  4038. ctfscorelimit
  4039. huntimelimit
  4040. elitimelimit
  4041. ctftimelimit
  4042. contimelimit
  4043. hrrespawn
  4044. hrteam
  4045. hrplayer
  4046. hrunlockvalue
  4047. hrunlock
  4048. heroes
  4049. voicemode
  4050. videostd
  4051. netregion
  4052. password
  4053. tps
  4054. gameport
  4055. version
  4056. playercount
  4057. playerlimit
  4058. rconport
  4059. gamename
  4060. adminpw
  4061. windowsize
  4062. detectbandwidth
  4063. bandwidth
  4064. shutdown
  4065. randomize
  4066. maps
  4067. adminsay
  4068. say
  4069. settings
  4070. droplagjumps
  4071. lagversion
  4072. endgame
  4073. kick
  4074. players
  4075. splitupdate
  4076. nextmap
  4077. addmap
  4078. dropmap
  4079. waitlate
  4080. added player %s
  4081. removed player %s
  4082. Admin
  4084. spec
  4085. auto
  4086. team2
  4087. team1
  4088. CurButton
  4089. ifs_sideselect%d
  4090. mission
  4091. toolong.dat
  4092. .\values_%c_%d.dat
  4093. .\journal_%c_%d.dat
  4094. .\journal_f_0.dat
  4095. .\enbljrnl.dat
  4096. front(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)
  4097. center(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)
  4098. %d: handleId(%d) type(%s) playerId(%d) pos(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) frontCount(%d) frontAngle(%.2f) frontDist(%.2f)
  4099. %s Left
  4100. %s Joined
  4104. chat%d.txt
  4105. net.nearobjects
  4106. HostRemoteTerminal
  4107. HostFlag
  4108. HostAsteroid
  4109. HostOrdnanceTowCable
  4110. HostTreeGrid
  4111. HostEnergyBar
  4112. HostAmmoCounter
  4113. HostWeapon
  4114. HostAimer
  4115. HostWalkerBlendUnit
  4116. HostWalkerBlend
  4117. HostWalkerLegPair
  4118. HostArmedDynamic
  4119. HostPowerup
  4120. HostMountedTurret
  4121. HostCommandHover
  4122. HostHover
  4123. HostCarrier
  4124. HostFlyer
  4125. HostDroideka
  4126. HostCommandFlyer
  4127. HostCommandWalker
  4128. HostWalker
  4129. HostDroid
  4130. HostSoldier
  4131. ClientRemoteTerminal
  4132. ClientFlag
  4133. ClientAsteroid
  4134. ClientOrdnanceTowCable
  4135. ClientTreeGrid
  4136. ClientEnergyBar
  4137. ClientAmmoCounter
  4138. ClientWeapon
  4139. ClientAimer
  4140. ClientWalkerBlendUnit
  4141. ClientWalkerBlend
  4142. ClientWalkerLegPair
  4143. ClientArmedDynamic
  4144. ClientPowerup
  4145. ClientMountedTurret
  4146. ClientCommandHover
  4147. ClientHover
  4148. ClientCarrier
  4149. ClientFlyer
  4150. ClientDroideka
  4151. ClientCommandFlyer
  4152. ClientCommandWalker
  4153. ClientWalker
  4154. ClientDroid
  4155. ClientSoldier
  4156. NetObjState
  4157. NetObj
  4158. gamespy.status.unknown
  4159. gamespy.status.GP_AWAY
  4160. gamespy.status.GP_CHATTING
  4161. gamespy.status.GP_STAGING
  4162. gamespy.status.GP_PLAYING
  4163. gamespy.status.GP_ONLINE
  4164. gamespy.status.GP_OFFLINE
  4165. ifs.error.netcable_removed
  4166. %s://%d.%d.%d.%d:%d/%d.%d.%d.%d:%d
  4167. gamespy.errors.backend_temp_unavailable
  4168. gamespy.errors.backend_unavailable
  4169. SWBFront %s NetVer %d Lang %d
  4171. GP_SEARCH
  4179. GP_BM
  4180. GP_STATUS
  4183. GP_AUTHADD
  4197. GP_NEWUSER
  4206. GP_LOGIN
  4209. GP_NETWORK
  4213. GP_PARSE
  4214. gamespy.errors.%s
  4215. GP_GENERAL
  4216. xlive.errors.nocable
  4217. xlive.errors.nocable_syslink
  4218. maxplayers
  4219. (numplayers < maxplayers) and (swbregion = %d)
  4220. (numplayers < maxplayers)
  4221. hostname
  4222. score
  4223. unknown
  4224. openwaiting
  4225. openplaying
  4226. exiting
  4228. heropoints_
  4229. kills_
  4230. invincibilitytime
  4231. showplayernames
  4232. aidifficulty
  4233. minplayers
  4234. team2reinforcements
  4235. team1reinforcements
  4236. numai
  4237. autoteam
  4238. herorespawnval
  4239. herorespawn
  4240. heroplayer
  4241. heroteam
  4242. herounlockval
  4243. herounlock
  4244. autoaim
  4245. swbregion
  4246. prevsession
  4247. session
  4248. pMF
  4249. pMF
  4250. pMF
  4251. dl_%s
  4252. sendfile.dat
  4253. team
  4254. CD Key
  4255. SOFTWARE\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront II\1.0\
  4257. player %s had crash at 0x%x
  4258. crashes.txt
  4259. Input_Back
  4260. ifs_mp_lobbyds
  4261. ifs_lobby
  4262. hot1i
  4263. ifs_mp_gameopts
  4264. ifs_mp_maptype
  4265. Input_GeneralUp
  4266. Input_GeneralLeft
  4267. ifs_mp_createoptsds
  4268. ifs_mp_createopts
  4269. AcceptString
  4270. <NULL>
  4271. ifs_vkeyboard
  4272. ifs_mp_main
  4273. ifs_mp
  4274. ifs_mpxl_login
  4275. Input_GeneralDown
  4276. ifs_main
  4277. ifs_login
  4278. Input_Start
  4279. ifs_start
  4280. ifs_legal
  4281. Input_GeneralRight
  4282. ifs_mpgs_login
  4283. Input_Accept
  4284. Popup_LobbyOpts
  4285. ifs_mp_autonet
  4287. lobby_listbox_layout
  4288. duel
  4289. Direct
  4290. GameSpy
  4291. dedicated
  4292. client
  4293. host
  4303. gbWantMousedownEvents
  4304. HandleMouse
  4305. fnSetTitle
  4306. fnActivate
  4307. Reactivate
  4308. gCurPopup
  4309. Open
  4310. KeyDown
  4311. GeneralLeft
  4312. GeneralDown
  4313. GeneralRight
  4314. GeneralUp
  4315. DPadLeft
  4316. DPadDown
  4317. DPadRight
  4318. DPadUp
  4319. RAJoyLeft
  4320. RAJoyDown
  4321. RAJoyRight
  4322. RAJoyUp
  4323. LAJoyLeft
  4324. LAJoyDown
  4325. LAJoyRight
  4326. LAJoyUp
  4327. RTrigger3
  4328. LTrigger3
  4329. RTrigger2
  4330. LTrigger2
  4331. RTrigger
  4332. LTrigger
  4333. Action4
  4334. Action3
  4335. Action2
  4336. Action1
  4337. Start
  4338. Select
  4339. Misc2
  4340. Misc
  4341. Back
  4342. Accept
  4343. Update
  4344. Cleanup
  4345. Enter
  4346. Exit
  4347. Init
  4348. Input_
  4349. GuiManager::Event
  4350. Popup_Error.title
  4351. Popup_Error
  4352. Players: {
  4353. Time: %dm%ds
  4354. Score: %d to %d
  4355. Teams: %s vs %s
  4356. Mission: %s
  4357. Game: %s
  4358. %du@%d%c
  4359. Neu
  4360. All
  4361. Imp
  4362. Rep
  4363. CIS
  4364. Loc
  4365. finalscore.log
  4366. common.waitforhost
  4367. ScriptPostLoad
  4368. DedicatedTitleText
  4369. ScriptInit
  4370. Star Wars Battlefront II
  4371. Dedicated
  4372. /autonet
  4373. 952F41D039DB4507A84B40488E76932F 0123456789ABCDECAT0123456IPA
  4374. Debug
  4375. PlayBF
  4376. bEverSkipped
  4377. shell_interface
  4378. gMovieAttractMode
  4379. gDemoHasSplitscreen
  4380. gDemoHasMP
  4381. gE3Demo
  4382. gXBox_DVDDemo
  4383. gNoNewProfiles
  4384. shell.lvl
  4385. fnPostMissingController
  4386. Battlefront II
  4387. Star Wars
  4388. PCE
  4389. rumble
  4390. gPopup_Loadsave2_fnSetTitleStr
  4391. Popup_LoadSave2_SelectButton
  4392. Popup_LoadSave2_ResizeButtons
  4393. ifs.loadsave_pc.save23
  4394. ifs.loadsave_pc.save22
  4395. ifs.loadsave_pc.save17
  4396. ifs.loadsave_pc.save18
  4397. ifs.loadsave_pc.save03
  4398. ifs.loadsave_pc.ok
  4399. ifs.loadsave_pc.save16
  4400. ifs.loadsave_pc.save15
  4402. ifs.loadsave_pc.yes
  4403. ifs.loadsave_pc.save14
  4404. ifs.loadsave_pc.save13
  4405. ifs.loadsave_pc.save11
  4406. common.yes
  4408. ifs.loadsave_pc.save10
  4409. ifs.loadsave_pc.save07
  4410. ifs.loadsave_pc.cancel
  4411. ifs.loadsave_pc.save06
  4412. ifs.loadsave_pc.continue
  4413. ifs.loadsave_pc.freemoreblocks
  4414. ifs.loadsave_pc.save02
  4415. ifs.loadsave_pc.save19
  4416. common.ok
  4417. ifs.loadsave_pc.save08
  4418. %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d.%02d
  4419. Name
  4420. i3dl2reverb
  4421. bus
  4422. soundparameterized
  4423. soundlayered
  4424. sound
  4425. soundtrigger
  4426. TriggerSoundRegion
  4427. TriggerSoundRegion::Properties
  4428. TriggerSoundRegion::Group
  4429. Music
  4430. SoundSpaceRegion
  4431. EntitySoundClass
  4432. EntitySound
  4433. EntitySoundStaticClass
  4434. EntitySoundStatic
  4435. EntitySoundStreamClass
  4436. EntitySoundStream
  4437. render : mix %s, aux %s %s %2d:%2d
  4438. capture: src %s, agc %s, vad %s, enc %s
  4439. No other players connected
  4440. in %2d, bfd %2d:%2d, %s, %s, ltc %04.02f, sfq %04.02f, sct %2d, seq %2d %s %s, dec %2d
  4441. dis
  4442. act
  4443. stv
  4444. total out %2.02f
  4445. out %2d, dsc %04d, dst %04.02f, tsc %04d, tst %04.02f, drp %3d, kps %02.02f : %02.02f
  4446. Headset %d (player id=%d)
  4447. stp
  4448. psg
  4449. psd
  4450. ply
  4451. Stopping
  4452. Stopped
  4453. Starting
  4454. Playing
  4455. Pausing
  4456. Paused
  4457. 0x%08x, %s, %s, 0x%08x, %02.02f, %02.02f, %02.02f
  4458. Active , Cur. PS, Des. PS, Pos., Inact., Play, Pri.
  4459. Height %03.03f
  4460. FH %d %d %d %03.03f
  4461. Acceleration %03.03f
  4462. Speed %03.03f
  4463. 0x%08x, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f, 0x%08x, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f
  4464. voice, pri., dist., 3d gain, play pos., min, max, roll
  4465. ReverbPreset : 0x%08x
  4466. RoomRollOff : %f
  4467. RoomHFGain : %f
  4468. RoomGain : %f
  4469. Priority : %f
  4470. OcclusionLFRatio : %f
  4471. OcclusionHFGain : %f
  4472. ObstructionLFRatio : %f
  4473. ObstructionHFGain : %f
  4474. DirectHFGain : %f
  4475. DirectGain : %f
  4476. Name : 0x%08x %s
  4477. Default
  4478. Space
  4479. %s %f %d
  4480. FoleyFX
  4481. FoleyFXImpact
  4482. foleyfx
  4483. FoleyFXSoldier
  4484. Walker%d
  4485. FoleyFXWalker
  4486. Decal
  4487. FLEffectObject::OffsetMatrix
  4488. PCE
  4489. LightningBoltEffectObject
  4490. pPd
  4491. Ped
  4492. psd
  4493. pwd
  4494. Pxd
  4495. p?ShieldEffect
  4496. water_sink_region
  4497. rainshadow
  4498. pQf
  4499. pMf
  4500. Class
  4501. Team
  4502. On%s%s
  4503. On%s
  4504. Release%s
  4505. ScoreChange
  4506. DeathsChange
  4507. KillsChange
  4508. CharacterIssueAICommand
  4509. CharacterEnterVehicle
  4510. CharacterLandedFlyer
  4511. CharacterDispenseControllable
  4512. CharacterDispensePowerup
  4513. CharacterChangeClass
  4514. CharacterSpawn
  4515. CharacterDeath
  4516. Pjf
  4517. CommandPostRespawn
  4518. CommandPostKill
  4519. FinishCapture
  4520. AbortCapture
  4521. BeginCapture
  4522. FinishNeutralize
  4523. AbortNeutralize
  4524. BeginNeutralize
  4525. TargetChange
  4526. PlayerChange
  4527. TeamChange
  4528. WeaponChange
  4529. FlagReset
  4530. FlagCapture
  4531. FlagReturn
  4532. FlagDrop
  4533. FlagPickUp
  4534. CreateUserEvent
  4535. Trigger%s
  4536. Match
  4537. ShieldChange
  4538. HealthChange
  4539. ObjectDelete
  4540. ObjectRespawn
  4541. ObjectHeadshot
  4542. ObjectKill
  4543. ObjectHack
  4544. ObjectRepair
  4545. ObjectDamage
  4546. ObjectInit
  4547. ObjectCreate
  4548. On%s%s%s
  4549. LeaveRegion
  4550. EnterRegion
  4551. TeamPointsChange
  4552. TicketBleedChange
  4553. TicketCountChange
  4554. TimerElapse
  4555. DummyRoot
  4556. DirectSound Error: Undocumented DirectSound error has occurred.
  4557. DirectSound Error: The IDirectSound8::Initialize method has not been called or has not been called successfully before other methods were called.
  4558. DirectSound Error: A circular loop of send effects was detected.
  4559. DirectSound Error: The caller does not have the priority level required for the function to succeed.
  4560. DirectSound Error: The DirectSound subsystem could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the caller's request.
  4561. DirectSound Error: Another application has a higher priority level, preventing this call from succeeding.
  4562. DirectSound Error: The requested object was not found.
  4563. DirectSound Error: The requested COM interface is not available.
  4564. DirectSound Error: No sound driver is available for use, or the given GUID is not a valid DirectSound device ID.
  4565. DirectSound Error: The object does not support aggregation.
  4566. DirectSound Error: An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function.
  4567. DirectSound Error: This function is not valid for the current state of this object.
  4568. DirectSound Error: An undetermined error occurred inside the DirectSound subsystem.
  4569. DirectSound Error: The effects requested could not be found on the system, or they are in the wrong order or in the wrong location; for example, an effect expected in hardware was found in software.
  4570. DirectSound Error: A DirectSound object of class CLSID_DirectSound8 or later is required for the requested functionality. For more information, see IDirectSound8.
  4571. DirectSound Error: The buffer control (volume, pan, and so on) requested by the caller is not available.
  4572. DirectSound Error: The buffer size is not great enough to enable effects processing.
  4573. DirectSound Error: The buffer memory has been lost and must be restored.
  4574. DirectSound Error: The GUID specified in an audiopath file does not match a valid mix-in buffer.
  4575. DirectSound Error: The specified wave format is not supported.
  4576. DirectSound Error: The object is already initialized.
  4577. DirectSound Error: The request failed because resources, such as a priority level, were already in use by another caller.
  4578. DirectSound Error: The request failed because access was denied.
  4579. .\source\win\sndengine.cpp
  4580. Unable to create semaphore out of system resources!
  4581. Unable to start thread : out of system resources!
  4582. Unable to create semaphore : out of system resources!
  4583. Unable to set primary buffer format
  4584. .\source\win\snddsbuffer.cpp
  4585. .\source\win\snddsbufferrenderer.cpp
  4586. .\source\win\sndstreamauxrenderer.cpp
  4587. .\source\win\sndstreamcapturesource.cpp
  4588. PTh
  4589. .\source\win\sndsoftoutput.cpp
  4590. .\source\win\snddsdeviceenumerator.cpp
  4591. .\source\win\snddsdmo.cpp
  4592. .\source\win\sndstreamdsdmo.cpp
  4593. num >= 0 && denum >= num
  4594. s1 != MIN_WORD
  4595. SO <= 0x3FFC
  4596. SO >= -0x4000
  4597. 0 <= Mc && Mc <= 3
  4598. temp <= 7 && temp >= -7
  4599. *xMc <= 7 && *xMc >= 0
  4600. temp1 >= 0 && temp1 < 16
  4601. exp <= 4096 && exp >= -4096
  4602. temp <= 11 && temp >= 0
  4603. exp <= 6 && exp >= 0
  4604. exp <= 5
  4605. mant >= 0 && mant <= 7
  4606. exp >= -4 && exp <= 6
  4607. temp >= 26112
  4608. temp >= 11059
  4609. temp >= 0
  4610. *r != MIN_WORD
  4611. temp >= 0 && temp < 32
  4612. scalauto <= 4
  4613. smax > 0
  4614. .\source\gsm-1.0.10\gsm_encode.c
  4615. brp != MIN_WORD
  4616. Nr >= 40 && Nr <= 120
  4617. dpp
  4618. Nc <= 120 && Nc >= 40
  4619. scal <= 100 && scal >= -100
  4620. scal >= 0
  4621. dmax > 0
  4622. .\source\gsm-1.0.10\long_term.c
  4623. polish
  4624. thai
  4625. uk_english
  4626. german
  4627. french
  4628. italian
  4629. spanish
  4630. english
  4631. Unsupported
  4632. %d %d %d %d %d
  4633. [Vendor 0x%04X Device 0x%04X Hint 0x%08X]
  4634. %d %d %d %d %d
  4635. vidmode.ini
  4636. Data\_LVL_PC\vidmode.ini
  4637. Athlon
  4638. ProcessorNameString
  4639. ~MHz
  4640. Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0
  4641. device:
  4642. vendor:
  4643. Data\_LVL_PC\device.def
  4644. never
  4645. conditional
  4646. always
  4647. none
  4648. copy
  4649. stretch
  4650. mixed
  4651. hardware
  4652. software
  4653. uncompressed
  4654. fixed
  4655. compressed
  4656. low
  4657. medium
  4658. high
  4659. off
  4660. numTexUsed
  4661. ?normal
  4662. specularlighting
  4663. perpixeldiffuselighting
  4664. pervertexdiffuselighting
  4665. zprepass
  4666. Internal driver error!
  4667. Cannot create Direct3D device! Error: 0x%x
  4668. Get Adapter Identifier failed! Error: 0x%x
  4669. Cannot create Direct3D interface!
  4670. .\Graphics\Pc\pcRedRenderer.cpp
  4671. numSetIndices
  4672. numSetStream
  4673. numSetPShader
  4674. numSetVShader
  4675. numSetTex
  4676. perFrame
  4677. render.Reflections
  4678. render.FarScene
  4679. nearScene.PushInfinite
  4680. mousecursor
  4681. reflection
  4682. Reflections.Draw
  4683. Reflections.Enable
  4684. Interface.Enable
  4685. lightbeam
  4686. _DebugGroup
  4687. Particle
  4688. Message Severity: %s
  4689. Message Severity: %d
  4690. Opened logfile %s %s
  4691. %s_%d.%s
  4692. BFront2
  4693. log
  4694. FATAL
  4695. BUG
  4696. ERROR
  4697. WARNING
  4698. INFORM
  4699. VERBOSE
  4700. param%d
  4701. particle
  4702. _LOCALIZE_
  4703. interface
  4704. Red3DModelAnimator
  4705. pun
  4706. shadow
  4707. pMF
  4708. vis.DebugDraw
  4709. vis.ProximityTest
  4710. vis.BackFaceCull
  4711. vis.SaveCam
  4712. vis.Enable
  4713. pZl
  4714. terrain.ForceFullDetail
  4715. Terrain2
  4716. Interface
  4717. RedShadingPose::Entry
  4718. RedShadingState
  4719. stencilshadow
  4720. RedOmniLight
  4721. numPrims
  4722. numVerts
  4723. numDrawP
  4724. numDrawIP
  4725. Ptm
  4726. pFn
  4727. null_detailmap
  4728. diffuse3
  4729. diffuse2
  4730. diffuse1
  4731. noise0
  4732. terrain_amb
  4733. fractal0
  4734. diffuse0
  4735. height0
  4736. normal_terrain_shader.xml
  4737. ScreenShots\temp%03d
  4738. ScreenShots\screenshot_%04d.tga
  4739. ScreenShots
  4740. Arial
  4741. pFn
  4742. linear_ramp
  4743. terrain_shader.xml
  4744. Terrain
  4745. Clear
  4746. FilterCopy
  4747. pFn
  4748. specularspot
  4749. shield_shader.xml
  4750. Shield
  4751. RedMoviePlayer_0x%08x_0x%08x
  4752. pFn
  4753. stencilshadow_shader.xml
  4754. StencilShadow
  4755. pWn
  4756. Pgn
  4757. pdn
  4758. Pen
  4759. pen
  4760. %d,%d,%d
  4761. FXrippl1
  4762. fx_ringbump
  4763. fx_splash
  4764. Ocean
  4765. Water
  4766. NormalMapAdder
  4767. PreReflection
  4768. pFn
  4769. clear
  4770. PDo
  4771. pEo
  4772. pFn
  4773. normal_shader.xml
  4774. pFn
  4775. hemisphere_normalizationmap
  4776. normalmapadder_shader.xml
  4777. Pno
  4778. pto
  4779. pFn
  4780. refration_shader.xml
  4781. Refraction
  4782. pFn
  4783. filtercopy_shader.xml
  4784. pFn
  4785. interface_shader.xml
  4786. pFn
  4787. rain_shader.xml
  4788. Rain
  4789. VertexShaders
  4790. load
  4791. pFn
  4792. cube_normalizationmap
  4793. ocean_shader.xml
  4794. PixelShaders
  4795. pFn
  4796. particle_shader.xml
  4797. pFn
  4798. flare_shader.xml
  4799. flare
  4800. pFn
  4801. water_shader.xml
  4802. pFn
  4803. default_spotlight
  4804. attenuation_volume
  4805. perpixeldiffuselighting_shader.xml
  4806. pFn
  4807. sample_shader.xml
  4808. sample
  4809. pFn
  4810. specularcubemap
  4811. specularlighting_shader.xml
  4812. pFn
  4813. shadowquad_shader.xml
  4814. ShadowQuad
  4815. pFn
  4816. skyfog_shader.xml
  4817. SkyFog
  4818. pFn
  4819. zprepass_shader.xml
  4820. pFp
  4821. pFn
  4822. flames1
  4823. pervertexdiffuselighting_shader.xml
  4824. pFn
  4825. prereflection_shader.xml
  4826. pFn
  4827. hdr_shader.xml
  4828. hdr
  4829. pFn
  4830. lightbeam_shader.xml
  4831. LightBeam
  4832. Pgp
  4833. pFn
  4834. decal_shader.xml
  4835. zDff
  4836. Jfff?
  4837. @UUU@
  4838. N(knN
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  4846. <ffF@
  4847. Nbp?
  4848. Direct3DCreate9
  4849. d3d9.dll
  4850. WS2_32.dll
  4851. Sleep
  4852. QueryPerformanceCounter
  4853. QueryPerformanceFrequency
  4854. GetTickCount
  4855. CreateThread
  4856. GetCurrentThread
  4857. SetThreadPriority
  4858. FindFirstFileA
  4859. FindClose
  4860. GetThreadPriority
  4861. DeleteFileA
  4862. GetCurrentProcessId
  4863. CreateFileA
  4864. SleepEx
  4865. WriteFile
  4866. CreateDirectoryA
  4867. CloseHandle
  4868. GetLastError
  4869. CreateMutexA
  4870. IsDebuggerPresent
  4871. GetLocalTime
  4872. FreeLibrary
  4873. CompareStringA
  4874. InterlockedExchange
  4875. GetModuleHandleA
  4876. GetModuleFileNameA
  4877. GetWindowsDirectoryA
  4878. GetSystemDirectoryA
  4879. LoadLibraryA
  4880. SetLastError
  4881. GetSystemInfo
  4882. IsProcessorFeaturePresent
  4883. GetProcAddress
  4884. OutputDebugStringA
  4885. KERNEL32.dll
  4886. GetForegroundWindow
  4887. PostMessageA
  4888. ShowWindow
  4889. ReleaseDC
  4890. GetDC
  4891. DrawTextA
  4892. FillRect
  4893. RegisterClassA
  4894. LoadCursorA
  4895. FindWindowA
  4896. DestroyMenu
  4897. AdjustWindowRect
  4898. DispatchMessageA
  4899. GetDesktopWindow
  4900. DefWindowProcA
  4901. PeekMessageA
  4902. CreateWindowExA
  4903. SetRect
  4904. GetMenu
  4905. TranslateMessage
  4906. SendMessageA
  4907. GetClientRect
  4908. LoadIconA
  4909. PostQuitMessage
  4910. SetCursor
  4911. DestroyWindow
  4912. USER32.dll
  4913. GetStockObject
  4914. SelectObject
  4915. SetICMMode
  4916. GetDeviceGammaRamp
  4917. GDI32.dll
  4918. RegQueryValueExA
  4919. RegOpenKeyExA
  4920. RegCloseKey
  4921. RegOpenKeyA
  4922. ADVAPI32.dll
  4923. WSOCK32.dll
  4924. _BinkSetIOSize@4
  4925. _BinkSetSoundSystem@8
  4926. _BinkClose@4
  4927. _BinkOpen@8
  4928. _BinkSetIO@4
  4929. _BinkDX9SurfaceType@4
  4930. _BinkDoFrame@4
  4931. _BinkSetMemory@8
  4932. _BinkWait@4
  4933. _BinkNextFrame@4
  4934. _BinkSetVolume@12
  4935. _BinkCopyToBuffer@28
  4936. _BinkOpenDirectSound@4
  4937. binkw32.dll
  4938. DSOUND.dll
  4939. DirectInput8Create
  4940. DINPUT8.dll
  4941. timeGetTime
  4942. WINMM.dll
  4943. WaitForSingleObject
  4944. CreateSemaphoreA
  4945. ReleaseSemaphore
  4946. GetFileSize
  4947. SetFilePointer
  4948. ReadFile
  4949. GetDiskFreeSpaceA
  4950. GetVersionExA
  4951. InterlockedIncrement
  4952. InterlockedDecrement
  4953. GetUserDefaultLangID
  4954. lstrcpyA
  4955. FileTimeToSystemTime
  4956. FileTimeToLocalFileTime
  4957. FindNextFileA
  4958. GetFullPathNameA
  4959. ExitProcess
  4960. TerminateProcess
  4961. GetCurrentProcess
  4962. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  4963. GetTimeFormatA
  4964. GetDateFormatA
  4965. MoveFileA
  4966. GetFileType
  4967. HeapFree
  4968. HeapAlloc
  4969. GetStartupInfoA
  4970. GetCommandLineA
  4971. RtlUnwind
  4972. GetFileInformationByHandle
  4973. PeekNamedPipe
  4974. HeapReAlloc
  4975. HeapSize
  4976. GetDriveTypeA
  4977. GetCurrentDirectoryA
  4978. GetTimeZoneInformation
  4979. VirtualProtect
  4980. VirtualAlloc
  4981. VirtualQuery
  4982. LCMapStringA
  4983. SetHandleCount
  4984. GetStdHandle
  4985. SetEndOfFile
  4986. SetStdHandle
  4987. FlushFileBuffers
  4988. HeapDestroy
  4989. HeapCreate
  4990. VirtualFree
  4991. IsBadWritePtr
  4992. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  4993. FreeEnvironmentStringsA
  4994. GetEnvironmentStrings
  4995. GetCurrentThreadId
  4996. RaiseException
  4997. GetStringTypeA
  4998. GetACP
  4999. GetOEMCP
  5000. GetLocaleInfoA
  5001. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  5002. IsBadReadPtr
  5003. IsBadCodePtr
  5004. SetEnvironmentVariableA
  5005. SetWindowPos
  5006. GetWindowPlacement
  5007. GetFocus
  5008. ToUnicode
  5009. SystemParametersInfoA
  5010. MapVirtualKeyA
  5011. GetKeyboardState
  5012. GetKeyState
  5013. ToAscii
  5014. DialogBoxParamA
  5015. SetWindowTextA
  5016. EndDialog
  5017. GetDlgItem
  5018. GetCursorPos
  5019. SetCursorPos
  5020. TextOutA
  5021. GetObjectA
  5022. SetMapMode
  5023. CreateCompatibleDC
  5024. DeleteObject
  5025. SetBkMode
  5026. GdiFlush
  5027. SetBkColor
  5028. CreateFontIndirectA
  5029. CreateDIBSection
  5030. DeleteDC
  5031. SetTextColor
  5032. LineTo
  5033. MoveToEx
  5034. RegSetValueExA
  5035. RegCreateKeyExA
  5036. CoCreateInstance
  5037. CoUninitialize
  5038. CoInitialize
  5039. ole32.dll
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  5047. Industries
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  5049. stats.dat
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  5052. pKt
  5053. PMt
  5054. hallenge
  5055. esskey
  5056. xQy
  5057. pQy
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  5060. PQy
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  5081. YUY2
  5082. YUY2
  5083. GRGB
  5084. GRGB
  5085. DXT1
  5086. DXT1
  5087. DXT2
  5088. DXT2
  5089. DXT3
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  5091. DXT4
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  5093. DXT5
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  5117. SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{FE750200-B72E-11d9-829B-0050DA1A72D3}\ServerBinary
  5118. GetInterface
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  5150. KSXs
  5151. GXg
  5152. PIC
  5153. PKC
  5154. pKC
  5155. pMC
  5156. pOC
  5157. PiC
  5158. pjC
  5159. pFD
  5160. PRD
  5161. PYD
  5162. 4DDa|
  5163. human
  5164. humanlz
  5165. rifle
  5166. bazooka
  5167. tool
  5168. pistol
  5169. melee
  5170. Star Wars Battlefront II
  5171. Message
  5172. MS Shell Dlg
  5173. f3fff
  5174. f3fff
  5175. Management Dialog
  5176. MS Shell Dlg
  5177. Current Players
  5178. Banned IPs
  5179. Boot!
  5180. Ban!
  5181. Revoke
  5182. SysListView32
  5183. 0HZV
  5184. L>HH
  5185. xtx
  5186. xpwp
  5187. xwx
  5188. wwx
  5189. wwx
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  5205. BBB
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  5208. Cfllf
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  5210. UUU
  5211. MMM
  5212. BBB
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  5216. CUSTOM
  5217. K]DEFAULT
  5218. sA_@BL
  5219. RSDS=
  5220. e:\Battlefront2\main\Battlefront2\Build\PC Final LTCG\Battlefront2.pdb
  5221. d3d9.dll
  5222. Direct3DCreate9
  5223. WS2_32.dll
  5224. KERNEL32.dll
  5225. CreateFileA
  5226. SleepEx
  5227. WriteFile
  5228. CreateDirectoryA
  5229. CloseHandle
  5230. GetLastError
  5231. CreateMutexA
  5232. IsDebuggerPresent
  5233. GetLocalTime
  5234. FreeLibrary
  5235. CompareStringA
  5236. InterlockedExchange
  5237. GetModuleHandleA
  5238. GetModuleFileNameA
  5239. GetWindowsDirectoryA
  5240. GetSystemDirectoryA
  5241. LoadLibraryA
  5242. SetLastError
  5243. GetSystemInfo
  5244. IsProcessorFeaturePresent
  5245. GetProcAddress
  5246. OutputDebugStringA
  5247. GetCurrentProcessId
  5248. SetEnvironmentVariableA
  5249. IsBadCodePtr
  5250. IsBadReadPtr
  5251. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  5252. GetLocaleInfoA
  5253. DeleteFileA
  5254. GetACP
  5255. GetStringTypeA
  5256. RaiseException
  5257. GetCurrentThreadId
  5258. GetEnvironmentStrings
  5259. FreeEnvironmentStringsA
  5260. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  5261. IsBadWritePtr
  5262. VirtualFree
  5263. HeapCreate
  5264. HeapDestroy
  5265. FlushFileBuffers
  5266. SetStdHandle
  5267. SetEndOfFile
  5268. GetStdHandle
  5269. SetHandleCount
  5270. GetThreadPriority
  5271. FindClose
  5272. FindFirstFileA
  5273. SetThreadPriority
  5274. GetCurrentThread
  5275. CreateThread
  5276. GetTickCount
  5277. QueryPerformanceFrequency
  5278. QueryPerformanceCounter
  5279. Sleep
  5280. LCMapStringA
  5281. VirtualQuery
  5282. VirtualAlloc
  5283. VirtualProtect
  5284. GetTimeZoneInformation
  5285. GetCurrentDirectoryA
  5286. GetDriveTypeA
  5287. HeapSize
  5288. HeapReAlloc
  5289. PeekNamedPipe
  5290. GetFileInformationByHandle
  5291. RtlUnwind
  5292. GetCommandLineA
  5293. GetStartupInfoA
  5294. HeapAlloc
  5295. HeapFree
  5296. GetFileType
  5297. MoveFileA
  5298. GetDateFormatA
  5299. GetTimeFormatA
  5300. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  5301. GetCurrentProcess
  5302. TerminateProcess
  5303. GetOEMCP
  5304. ExitProcess
  5305. GetFullPathNameA
  5306. WaitForSingleObject
  5307. CreateSemaphoreA
  5308. ReleaseSemaphore
  5309. GetFileSize
  5310. SetFilePointer
  5311. ReadFile
  5312. GetDiskFreeSpaceA
  5313. GetVersionExA
  5314. InterlockedIncrement
  5315. InterlockedDecrement
  5316. GetUserDefaultLangID
  5317. lstrcpyA
  5318. FileTimeToSystemTime
  5319. FileTimeToLocalFileTime
  5320. FindNextFileA
  5321. EnterCriticalSection
  5322. GetShortPathNameA
  5323. GetFileAttributesA
  5324. LeaveCriticalSection
  5325. lstrcmpA
  5326. GetTempPathA
  5327. LockResource
  5328. FindResourceA
  5329. LoadResource
  5330. CreateProcessA
  5331. InitializeCriticalSection
  5332. WaitNamedPipeA
  5333. SetNamedPipeHandleState
  5334. ReleaseMutex
  5335. GetProcessHeap
  5336. ReadConsoleInputA
  5337. SetConsoleMode
  5338. GetConsoleMode
  5339. OpenEventA
  5340. OpenMutexA
  5341. SetErrorMode
  5342. lstrcmpiA
  5343. SetPriorityClass
  5344. DeleteCriticalSection
  5345. GetVolumeInformationA
  5346. GetLogicalDrives
  5347. FlushConsoleInputBuffer
  5348. GlobalMemoryStatus
  5349. GetVersion
  5350. UnmapViewOfFile
  5351. CompareStringW
  5352. SetConsoleCtrlHandler
  5353. DeviceIoControl
  5354. ResetEvent
  5355. CreateEventA
  5356. MapViewOfFile
  5357. CreateFileMappingA
  5358. SetCurrentDirectoryA
  5359. QueryDosDeviceA
  5360. FormatMessageA
  5361. lstrlenA
  5362. CompareFileTime
  5363. LocalFree
  5364. SetFileAttributesA
  5365. CopyFileA
  5366. WideCharToMultiByte
  5367. MultiByteToWideChar
  5368. FreeEnvironmentStringsW
  5369. GetEnvironmentStringsW
  5370. LCMapStringW
  5371. GetStringTypeW
  5372. GetCPInfo
  5373. GetPriorityClass
  5374. USER32.dll
  5375. FillRect
  5376. FindWindowA
  5377. SetCursorPos
  5378. GetCursorPos
  5379. GetDlgItem
  5380. EndDialog
  5381. SetWindowTextA
  5382. DialogBoxParamA
  5383. ToAscii
  5384. GetKeyState
  5385. GetKeyboardState
  5386. MapVirtualKeyA
  5387. SystemParametersInfoA
  5388. ToUnicode
  5389. GetFocus
  5390. GetWindowPlacement
  5391. SetWindowPos
  5392. GetForegroundWindow
  5393. PostMessageA
  5394. ShowWindow
  5395. ReleaseDC
  5396. GetDC
  5397. DrawTextA
  5398. DestroyMenu
  5399. RegisterClassA
  5400. DestroyWindow
  5401. SetCursor
  5402. PostQuitMessage
  5403. LoadIconA
  5404. GetClientRect
  5405. SendMessageA
  5406. TranslateMessage
  5407. GetMenu
  5408. SetRect
  5409. CreateWindowExA
  5410. PeekMessageA
  5411. DefWindowProcA
  5412. GetDesktopWindow
  5413. DispatchMessageA
  5414. AdjustWindowRect
  5415. LoadCursorA
  5416. CopyImage
  5417. MessageBoxIndirectA
  5418. GetProcessWindowStation
  5419. GetUserObjectInformationW
  5420. GetWindowTextA
  5421. GetParent
  5422. GetClassNameA
  5423. FindWindowExA
  5424. LoadImageA
  5425. EnumWindows
  5426. LoadStringA
  5427. GetSysColorBrush
  5428. SendDlgItemMessageA
  5429. MessageBoxA
  5430. GetSubMenu
  5431. GetMenuState
  5432. SetSystemCursor
  5433. CharLowerA
  5434. wsprintfA
  5435. RegisterClassExA
  5436. DialogBoxIndirectParamA
  5437. LoadCursorFromFileA
  5438. EnableMenuItem
  5439. CheckMenuItem
  5440. SetWindowTextW
  5441. UpdateWindow
  5442. LoadStringW
  5443. EnableWindow
  5444. SetFocus
  5445. GetSysColor
  5446. SetDlgItemTextW
  5447. SetDlgItemTextA
  5448. GDI32.dll
  5449. CreateCompatibleDC
  5450. SetMapMode
  5451. GetObjectA
  5452. TextOutA
  5453. LineTo
  5454. SetTextColor
  5455. DeleteDC
  5456. CreateDIBSection
  5457. CreateFontIndirectA
  5458. SetBkColor
  5459. GdiFlush
  5460. SetBkMode
  5461. GetDeviceGammaRamp
  5462. SetICMMode
  5463. SelectObject
  5464. GetStockObject
  5465. MoveToEx
  5466. DeleteObject
  5467. ADVAPI32.dll
  5468. RegQueryValueExA
  5469. RegOpenKeyA
  5470. RegOpenKeyExA
  5471. RegCloseKey
  5472. RegCreateKeyExA
  5473. RegSetValueExA
  5474. RegisterEventSourceA
  5475. ReportEventA
  5476. DeregisterEventSource
  5477. RegQueryInfoKeyA
  5478. RegDeleteValueA
  5479. GetSidSubAuthorityCount
  5480. GetSidSubAuthority
  5481. GetSidIdentifierAuthority
  5482. IsValidSid
  5483. RegFlushKey
  5484. RegQueryValueA
  5485. RegEnumKeyExA
  5486. RevertToSelf
  5487. OpenThreadToken
  5488. CloseServiceHandle
  5489. DeleteService
  5490. StartServiceA
  5491. OpenServiceA
  5492. CreateServiceA
  5493. OpenSCManagerA
  5494. OpenProcessToken
  5495. GetTokenInformation
  5496. AllocateAndInitializeSid
  5497. EqualSid
  5498. FreeSid
  5499. QueryServiceStatus
  5500. ControlService
  5501. WSOCK32.dll
  5502. binkw32.dll
  5503. _BinkOpenDirectSound@4
  5504. _BinkCopyToBuffer@28
  5505. _BinkNextFrame@4
  5506. _BinkWait@4
  5507. _BinkSetMemory@8
  5508. _BinkDoFrame@4
  5509. _BinkDX9SurfaceType@4
  5510. _BinkSetIO@4
  5511. _BinkOpen@8
  5512. _BinkClose@4
  5513. _BinkSetSoundSystem@8
  5514. _BinkSetIOSize@4
  5515. _BinkSetVolume@12
  5516. DSOUND.dll
  5517. DINPUT8.dll
  5518. DirectInput8Create
  5519. WINMM.dll
  5520. timeGetTime
  5521. ole32.dll
  5522. CoCreateInstance
  5523. CoUninitialize
  5524. CoInitialize
  5525. SHELL32.dll
  5526. ShellExecuteA
  5527. VERSION.dll
  5528. GetFileVersionInfoA
  5529. VerQueryValueA
  5530. GetFileVersionInfoSizeA
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