

Jan 28th, 2024
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  1. The formation of the Federative States of America is indeterminate, although a few general trends are visible when looking back on past affairs. One could say it stems as far back as the 1980s. The increased economic stagnation and political polarization in the old United States government is one common point of focus. As Republicans and Democrats became more radical, many people began to look for new solutions to the dying system. After two scandalous Republican Presidencies, the Democrats became more emboldened to win the presidency - and so they had drafted the most talented of minds to win the following election successfully.
  3. After winning the election, the Democrats would then go on rule over a shaky and dying system. The Democratic President that had won the election had proved to be no better than their Republican opponents, and the following election would see another prominent Democratic candidate abandon the party to create their own party known as the National Party. The election proved to be the most divided in American history, now divided between the old two parties and the "new upstarts'.
  5. The new upstarts managed to clench victory, however the fallout of the election results came to pass - with organized rebellion and limited state secession from the union. Over the first term of the new upstarts, the attempts at rebellion would be put down forcefully. The states that had left the union would be brought back into the fold, and the National Party had won the hearts and minds of the desperate people - who were desperate for a new system.
  7. The National Party would pass many liberal ideas into law such as Universal Healthcare and Business regulations, however to appeal to the right-wingers, they would embrace social conservatism and break with the progressive factions. Subsequent elections would cement the National Party, which would see victory over the Progressive and Conservative parties.
  9. Thanks to various emergency situations, such as a mass pandemic resulting in the deaths of millions, and the various crises across the world, the National Party would begin to have more influence over the government. Subsequent presidents within the party would see the repealing of the 22nd amendment, which was defended by the idea of a strong man leading to a more ordered and organized society.
  11. Territorial Expansion also became the focus of the party, while the US had been put into a better position domestically - it's northern neighbor floundered in the winds of chaos. Seeing the chaos up north, the US would adopt a "Special Military Operation" into Canada which was widely condemned by the rest of the world. The western provinces proved more eager to join, without much organized resistance. The Eastern provinces of Canada proved to be more resistant - with the idea of an external enemy being appealing to that of the National Party - as a zeitgeist to clamp down on internal dissent.
  13. Eventually, Canada was brought into the Union and divided. The provinces of Ontario, Quebec, and the Eastern Atlantic Provinces were put under military occupation for a period of time, with the Western Provinces proving more eager and accepting of American rule. Vancouver Island was divided from British Columbia (now just American Columbia), as well as the territory of Athabasca being created. Out of the Northwest territories and Nunavut, the 'Arctic' territory was created. Northern Quebec was torn away, creating the Ungava territory.
  15. Eventually, Ontario and Quebec would join the Union, followed by the Atlantic Provinces. The fear of internal unrest would allow the National Party to further clamp down on elections, in all essence - forming a one party state. Out of the final Canadian Provinces joining the Union - the Federative States of America was founded. Unveiling a new flag and creating more states out of it's own, the FSA proved to be a different breed than the USA.
  17. The USA saw itself as a champion of freedom, individual liberty, while the FSA that had been created out of it's death saw itself as the champion of order, peace, and security. The American Citizens had welcomed the formation of the one party state, which they had seen that brought food onto the table and secure jobs to the workers.
  19. The year is now 2038. The Federative States of America now looks across the pond, for likeminded powers. In it's search, it bought Greenland off of the newly formed "Federal Europe". While similar in character, the FSA and FE are not allies. The NATO split occurred a few years back, leaving each sides with a bone to pick with the other.
  21. The FSA is not like authoritarian states of the past. They won't drag you away in the night, but they will manipulate your career and get you to come to certain conclusions of things through careful manipulation. With the populace in largely a state of blissful euphoria and ignorance - the more hard-nosed elites plan the foundation of their next project.
  23. One that will shape the lives of the globe.
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