

Oct 14th, 2013
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  1. 02:54 <+Ryan_Cordell> Who cares about joysticks :v
  2. 02:54 < rf`> heh
  3. 02:54 < ijon> Joy4
  4. 02:54 < ijon> JoyHatUp maybe
  5. 02:55 < Edward850> I use my 360 controller on my laptop for zdoom sometimes.
  6. 02:55 < rf`> ijon: Actually I've been working on this mod for a few years now
  7. 02:55 < ijon> I dunno, joysticks are dum
  8. 02:55 < rf`> mostly because I'm super slow making maps and get distracted working on other stuff
  9. 02:55 < ijon> unless you're playing arcade/console games
  10. 02:55 < rf`> like this
  11. 02:55 < ijon> then they're cool
  12. 02:55 < Edward850> So joysticks are dumb unless you need them? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  13. 02:55 < rf`> heh
  14. 02:56 < ijon> rf`: I have all my development shit halt instantly because obliviom
  15. 02:56 < ijon> oblivion*
  16. 02:56 < ijon> WORK ETHICS
  17. 02:56 < rf`> heh
  18. 02:56 < rf`> so your development was sent to oblivion
  19. 02:56 < rf`> that explains things
  20. 02:56 < ijon> I meant the game but sure
  21. 02:56 < ijon> that means I can kill it and put it in a soul gem!
  22. 02:57 < rf`> sheeeeeep
  23. 02:57 <+Ryan_Cordell> .. TDA!
  24. 02:57 < Edward850> rf`: I assume this is an ACS script of some kind? Similer to Psychic's buy menu?
  25. 02:57 < rf`> yeah
  26. 02:57 < rf`> it kinda had to be
  27. 02:57 < ijon> what else would it be
  28. 02:57 < Edward850> Ah. That'll be fun in multiplayer. :P
  29. 02:57 < rf`> the strife popups just display various data, they don't have to change anything
  30. 02:57 < rf`> ed: halsdkjfojf, I don't even want to think about multiplayer
  31. 02:58 < ijon> >using zdoom for multiplayer
  32. 02:58 < ijon> heeeeh
  33. 02:58 < rf`> or coop
  34. 02:58 < ijon> eh, shouldn't be a big deal
  35. 02:58 < Edward850> ijon: Kinda the wrong person to suggest that to. Do I hvae to start posting all of the youtube videos again?
  36. 02:58 < ijon> unless you're for some reason you only have support for one player
  37. 02:59 < ijon> in which case, uh
  38. 02:59 < ijon> YEAH YOU GOT A PROBLEM
  39. 02:59 < Edward850> IT BEGINDS
  40. 02:59 < ijon> Edward850: I have
  41. 02:59 < ijon> no fucking clue
  42. 02:59 < rf`> oh, have this too
  43. 02:59 < ijon> what you're going on about
  44. 02:59 < rf`> I did the shopping script a while ago
  45. 02:59 < rf`> ...somehow it broke when i wasn't looking
  46. 02:59 < Edward850> [07:57.27] <ijon> >using zdoom for multiplayer
  47. 02:59 < Edward850> [07:57.32] <ijon> heeeeh
  48. 03:00 < Edward850> I'm going on about that.
  49. 03:00 < ijon> rf`: put an arrow duplication glitch
  50. 03:00 < ijon> put in an*
  51. 03:00 < ijon> it'd totally be worth it
  52. 03:00 < rf`> what
  53. 03:00 < ijon> you never did the arrow duplication glitch in oblivion? :(
  54. 03:01 < rf`> I never played oblivion :(
  55. 03:01 < ijon> oh
  56. 03:01 < ijon> you're missing out on flooding towns with watermelons
  57. 03:01 < ijon> how can you live with this
  58. 03:01 < rf`> rather well actually
  59. 03:02 < ijon> but
  60. 03:02 < ijon> flooding towns with watermelons ;-;
  61. 03:03 < ijon> anyway, I don't understand why zdoom multiplayer is important in the slightest, aside from playing mods zanzan can't run with people
  62. 03:04 < ijon> as someone who's figured out z&'s client-server rules pretty well, I MIGHT BE BIASED, but still
  63. 03:05 < Edward850> And by "rules", you mean brute forced to fuck?
  64. 03:05 < ijon> wat
  65. 03:06 < Edward850> -- -- -- <-- Sure. Nobody plays zdoom in multiplayer.
  66. 03:06 < ijon> "aside from playing mods zanzan can't run with people
  67. 03:06 < Edward850> Gah, one of the links duplicated.
  68. 03:06 < rf`> duke, wtf are you doing
  69. 03:07 < ijon> now instead of changing my statement from 'I don't see why zdoom multiplayer's important' to 'no one plays zdoom multiplayer'
  70. 03:07 < Edward850> And the only link there that quilifies is the reelism one. Explain the rest.
  71. 03:07 < ijon> mind actually addressing what I actually said
  72. 03:08 <+Ryan_Cordell> ijon, "aside from playing mods zanzan can't run with people" that's basically my reason
  73. 03:08 < rf`> ZanZan was always fun
  74. 03:09 < ijon> that I understand, but if it runs in zandronum, why not play it in zandronum
  75. 03:09 < ijon> and get the advamtage of 64 max players for one
  76. 03:09 < Edward850> Because zandro's netcode is not as good?
  77. 03:09 < ijon> 'not as good'
  78. 03:09 < ijon> except, y'know
  79. 03:09 < Edward850> It's implemented in such a way that makes optimization almost impossible.
  80. 03:09 < ijon> for all the people who play duel and ctf and DM and aow and shit with it
  81. 03:09 < Edward850> If not acturally impossible.
  82. 03:10 < ijon> and not with zdoom
  83. 03:10 < Edward850> Do you want me to upload some DM videos?
  84. 03:10 < ijon> want me to show you DM with more than 8 players?
  85. 03:10 < ijon> aow often breaks 32 clients on its own
  86. 03:11 < ijon> FNF has broken that repeatedly
  87. 03:11 < ijon> zdoom simply cannot support that
  88. 03:11 < ijon> unless a change was made - probably would just be changing a constant, if I had to guess
  89. 03:11 < Edward850> On AOW? HAH. Doesn't that mod abuse the shit out of consolecommand();?
  90. 03:12 < ijon> refuting my point how
  91. 03:12 < Edward850> The mod could only ever work on zandro.
  92. 03:12 < ijon> and FNF could only work on zandronum
  93. 03:13 < ijon> and SNS, and big DM events
  94. 03:13 -!- mno [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  95. 03:13 < Edward850> Neat. What does this have to do with Zdoom's multiplayer being "pointless"?
  96. 03:13 < ijon> when did I
  97. 03:14 < ijon> /ever/
  98. 03:14 < ijon> say that
  99. 03:14 < rf`> he's only talking about zdoom
  100. 03:14 < rf`> not any other port
  101. 03:14 < Edward850> [07:57.27] <ijon> >using zdoom for multiplayer
  102. 03:14 < Edward850> [07:57.32] <ijon> heeeeh
  103. 03:14 < ijon> stop attacking a strawman
  104. 03:14 < rf`> put him in the field to work
  105. 03:15 < ijon> my point is, zdoom multiplayer should not be much of a focus because ports like zandronum are much better suited for it
  106. 03:15 < Edward850> Butter suited? You think broken codebases are somehow better suited?
  107. 03:15 < ijon> and any attempt to argue this will get you slapped in the face with '8 player limit'
  108. 03:16 < ijon> who the fuck cares about the code behind the engine when it works
  109. 03:16 < Edward850> "works".
  110. 03:16 < rf`> works
  111. 03:16 < ijon> and besides
  112. 03:16 < rf`> bro, do you even code?
  113. 03:16 < Edward850> Yes, I do.
  114. 03:17 < rf`> no, ijon
  115. 03:17 < ijon> didn't zdoom break horribly online with GetCVar before the cvar overhaul?
  116. 03:17 < Edward850> Oh.
  117. 03:17 < ijon> I remember that being a big issue with samsara
  118. 03:17 < rf`> zdoom breaks horribly if you look at it funny
  119. 03:17 < Edward850> No, mod authtors just don't know what the fuck getcvar is supposed to do.
  120. 03:17 < ijon> oh boy
  121. 03:17 < ijon> are you going to tell me that I'm not allowed to modify my own custom cvars because your zdoom netcode gets its fucking panties in a knot when it gets conflicting reports
  122. 03:18 < Edward850> Hah?
  123. 03:18 < ijon> are you SERIOUSLY going to say that?
  124. 03:18 < ijon> no.
  125. 03:18 < ijon> ww're done.
  126. 03:18 < ijon> we're fucking done.
  127. 03:18 < Edward850> I'm not sure what the fuck you just said there?
  128. 03:18 -!- ijon [] has left #ZDoom [I'm done]
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