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May 28th, 2017
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  1. [16:03:21] * Schadenfreude sets mode: +m
  2. [16:03:26] <%Schadenfreude> Enjoy
  3. [16:03:32] * CWO_Hunter is now known as PROS|CWO_Hunter
  4. [16:03:47] * SSG_PROS_Jaenna is now known as SSG|PROS_Jaenna
  5. [16:04:39] * FMJR is now known as COM_Shazam
  6. [16:04:56] * COM_Shazam ( has left #Vast_Empire
  7. [16:05:01] * COM_Shazam ( has joined #Vast_Empire
  8. [16:07:44] * Schadenfreude sets mode: -m
  9. [16:07:47] <%Schadenfreude> My bad
  10. [16:07:49] <`2LT_Jaden> FINALLY
  11. [16:07:52] <`2LT_Jaden> Jeesh
  12. [16:07:53] <SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> and that concludes this weeks meeting
  13. [16:07:55] <%Schadenfreude> I gotta run so I wouldn't be able to turn it off
  14. [16:07:58] <SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> jusk kidding
  15. [16:08:03] <PFC_razorsedge> wo
  16. [16:08:04] <%Schadenfreude> hey, I'm multi-tasking here
  17. [16:08:07] <SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> me too
  18. [16:08:08] <PFC_razorsedge> i missed something
  19. [16:08:09] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> SILENCE FOOLS
  20. [16:08:18] * Schadenfreude sets mode: +v SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker
  21. [16:08:21] * `1LT_Stormz slaps Gates
  22. [16:08:23] * Schadenfreude sets mode: +m
  23. [16:08:29] <%Schadenfreude> There, that should work better
  24. [16:08:32] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> aye
  25. [16:08:37] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> Now then
  26. [16:08:55] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> Hello and welcome to this weeks Fabulous Vast Empire Meeting huzzah
  27. [16:10:44] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> as for the Army it was a slow week but all the stories are moving along, I KNOW that ARC and RAIDERS are finishing up stories and that IH started a new story, so yay there
  28. [16:10:59] * COM_Shazam is now known as Shazam
  29. [16:11:12] * Shazam ( has left #Vast_Empire
  30. [16:11:16] * Shazam ( has joined #Vast_Empire
  31. [16:12:14] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> (give me a sec)
  32. [16:14:36] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> And we may be giving you a Navy report here in a sec
  33. [16:14:39] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> another sec
  34. [16:14:40] * Schadenfreude sets mode: +v Shazam
  35. [16:14:57] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> AND there we go Navy report from Commodore Shazam
  36. [16:14:59] * Schadenfreude sets mode: -m
  37. [16:15:25] <CPT|JRN|BBQCAT|Riqimo> man of few words
  38. [16:15:28] * CPT|JRN|BBQCAT|Riqimo is now known as Doc
  39. [16:15:41] -> *nickserv* identify 9604306
  40. [16:16:43] <+Shazam> Thanks for the warm introduction
  41. [16:16:55] <+Shazam> if anyone would like to attend the Vast Empire Meeting, they can join us in the room #Overlord
  42. [16:17:08] <+Shazam> it appears that this is no longer under proper provisional control
  43. [16:17:17] <+Shazam> thanks for your patience, folks
  44. [16:17:30] * %Schadenfreude shrugs
  45. [16:17:36] <%Schadenfreude> What a guy gets for trying to help
  46. [16:17:47] * Shazam is now known as COM_Shazam
  47. [16:17:54] * Schadenfreude sets mode: +v `2LT_Jaden
  48. [16:17:56] <SGM_Luckystar> it's all right Snipes
  49. [16:17:58] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> umm so with that thus concludes the VE meeting, drinks on the house, tip your waitresses, good night and good luck
  50. [16:18:05] * +COM_Shazam ( has left #Vast_Empire
  51. [16:18:16] * %Schadenfreude shrugs
  52. [16:18:19] * PROS|CWO_Hunter is now known as Hunter
  53. [16:18:28] <%Schadenfreude> takes a little more than that to ruffle my feathers
  54. [16:18:33] * PVT_Tetsuo_Takamoto is now known as Tetsuo
  55. [16:18:33] <+`2LT_Jaden> . . .
  56. [16:18:56] <+`2LT_Jaden> Look, the meeting wasn't over so great job there.
  57. [16:19:26] * Hunter is now known as PROS|CWO_Hunter
  58. [16:19:36] <PSC_Atoll> the army report was a little... short, wasn't it?
  59. [16:19:36] * Tetsuo is now known as PVT_Tetsuo_Takamoto
  60. [16:19:42] <+`2LT_Jaden> most emberrasing, we will be holding the naval meeting in #overlord if anyone would like to be present.
  61. [16:20:27] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> you have something to add Atoll?
  62. [16:20:31] * PFC_razorsedge is now known as razorsedge
  63. [16:20:50] <PSC_Atoll> of course
  64. [16:20:54] * PSC_Atoll steps forward
  65. [16:21:02] <PSC_Atoll> I am the greatest
  66. [16:21:04] <PSC_Atoll> that is all
  67. [16:21:07] * PSC_Atoll steps back
  68. [16:21:08] <SGM_Luckystar> lol
  69. [16:21:35] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> aye well saying RAIDERS is the greatest would have just been redundant since you all already know and deal with that fact
  70. [16:21:38] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> ;)
  71. [16:21:42] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> Bah
  72. [16:21:50] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> Blackjack is greatest
  73. [16:21:50] * +SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker huggles Garryll
  74. [16:21:59] <razorsedge> WE STOLE YOUR OVENS AND COOKIES
  75. [16:22:02] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> But we can agree to disagree
  76. [16:22:04] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> pfft
  77. [16:22:06] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> aye
  78. [16:22:07] <razorsedge> YOU CANT BE THE GREATEST!
  79. [16:22:10] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> ....right after I gag Razor
  80. [16:22:16] <Doc> Standards have definately degraded for meetings since I've left :p
  81. [16:22:24] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> Meeting's over, Doc-boy
  82. [16:22:28] <Sgt_Maze> I'm appaled.
  83. [16:22:34] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> We're now listening politely to the meeting in #Overlord
  84. [16:22:41] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> You should see how well we're behaving
  85. [16:22:47] * Sgt_Maze is now known as Sgt_Eviscares
  86. [16:22:47] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> Doc: That it has, that it has
  87. [16:22:51] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> Hey Eviscares
  88. [16:23:06] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> Eh
  89. [16:23:14] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> Screw you guys, Jester was the greatest
  90. [16:23:27] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> I was going to say, you weren't in Jester
  91. [16:23:29] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> i found out i was doing the meeting literally the minute it started
  92. [16:23:33] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> so bite me
  93. [16:23:34] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> Then I rememberedy you had Jori
  94. [16:23:37] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> :D
  95. [16:23:39] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> Mhm
  96. [16:23:40] <%Schadenfreude> I was, and Jester was fun.
  97. [16:23:45] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> That it was
  98. [16:23:47] <Doc> There doesn't have to be a meeting, you know :p
  99. [16:23:50] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> heh
  100. [16:24:06] <Doc> But hey, I'm not classified as active, so what do I care
  101. [16:24:11] <+SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker> exactly
  102. [16:24:12] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> I think the only reason I failed with Jori was because I didn't put enough thought into his character
  103. [16:24:31] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> Well, reinvent him!
  104. [16:24:37] <FSG_UNDRWR_Gates> That always works
  105. [16:24:52] <%Schadenfreude> Snipes was reinvented several times
  106. [16:24:58] <%Schadenfreude> and he's still evolving
  107. [16:25:02] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> heh
  108. [16:25:17] <PROS|CWO_Hunter> I'm actually thinking about scrapping his whole background and starting again
  109. [16:26:38] * PSC_Atoll is now known as Atoll
  110. [16:27:07] * Sgt_Eviscares is now known as Eviscares
  111. [16:27:20] <Eviscares> well, this was a bummer for my first meeting in a long time
  112. [16:27:43] <WO1_Drac> it's still going on in #Overlord, you know
  113. [16:27:57] <Eviscares> why?
  114. [16:28:24] <WO1_Drac> no more muting/voice problems
  115. [16:28:38] <WO1_Drac> you're welcome to come if you like
  116. [16:28:45] <Doc> Evis: I don't consider a meeting, so that helps a little
  117. [16:29:45] * Atoll is now known as PSC_Atoll
  118. [16:30:16] * +SGM_Havock|CPO_Tinker ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  119. [16:30:27] <SSG|PROS_Jaenna> Wow. Assholes.
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