

Jul 28th, 2018
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  1. command /rule:
  2. trigger:
  3. send "&9------------------------------------"
  4. send "&cOPkrkr禁止!!"
  5. send "&a忙しい時もあります:&e質問を受け付けないときもあります"
  6. send "&a荒らしは&c&l絶対禁止&f&a!!"
  7. send "&a楽しいRPG生活を!!&8:&eMenuでメニューを開けます!"
  8. send "send "&9------------------------------------"
  10. on join:
  11. broadcast "&4&l[&e&lJoin&4&l]&b%player%"
  13. on quit:
  14. broadcast "&7&l[&eLogout&7&l]&8%player%"
  17. #+------------------------------------------------------+
  18. #| PlayerCommandLog |
  19. #+------------------------------------------------------+
  20. #
  23. options:
  24. prefix: &b&l[&7&l>>&e&lcmd-log&7&l<<<&b&l]&a&l
  25. on command:
  26. loop all players:
  27. if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
  28. if {log.%loop-player%} is not set:
  29. set {log.%loop-player%} to true
  30. if {log.%loop-player%} is true:
  31. if player is not set:
  32. stop
  33. message " {@prefix} &7%player%: /%full command%" to loop-player
  34. command /cmd [<text>]:
  35. permission: sk.cmd
  36. trigger:
  37. if arg-1 is set:
  38. if arg-1 is "on":
  39. set {log.%player%} to true
  40. message " {@prefix}&7Log表示を&aon&7にしました。"
  41. stop
  42. if arg-1 is "off":
  43. set {log.%player%} to false
  44. message " {@prefix}&7Log表示を&coff&7にしました。"
  45. stop
  46. else:
  47. message "{@prefix}&7/cmd <on,off>"
  48. #Ip-Checker#
  49. #指定したプレイヤーのipをチェックします。同一のIPがあった場合、そのプレイヤーのIDも表示されます。#
  50. command /aip [<offline player>]:
  51. permission: Command.IP
  52. permission message: &cパーミッションがありません。
  53. trigger:
  54. if arg is not set:
  55. message "&a[IP-log]&ePlayer名を記入してください。"
  56. stop
  57. if arg is "all":
  58. loop all players:
  59. set {ip::%loop-player%} to ip of loop-player
  60. message "&a[IP-log]&b---------------------------------------------"
  61. message "&a[IP-log]&e%loop-player%'sIP&a: &6%{ip::%loop-player%}%" to player
  62. loop {ip::*}:
  63. if {ip::%loop-index%} is {ip::%loop-player%}:
  64. message "&a[IP-log]&e同じIPを使用しているPlayer&a: &6%loop-index%"
  65. else:
  66. set {ip::%arg%} to ip of argument
  67. message "&a[IP-log]&e%arg%'sIP&a: &6%{ip::%arg%}%"
  68. loop {ip::*}:
  69. if {ip::%loop-index%} is {ip::%arg%}:
  70. message "&a[IP-log]&e同じIPを使用しているPlayer&a: &6%loop-index%"
  71. on join:
  72. set {ip::%player%} to ip of player
  73. loop all players:
  74. if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
  75. message "&a[IP-log]&e%player%'sIP&a: &6%{ip::%player%}%" to loop-player
  76. loop {ip::*}:
  77. if {ip::%loop-index%} is {ip::%player%}:
  78. message "&a[IP-log]&e同じIPを使用しているPlayer&a: &6%loop-index%" to loop-player
  79. command /aipreset [<offline player>]:
  80. permission: command.ip.reset
  81. trigger:
  82. send "&c%arg%さんのIP&a: &e%{ip::%arg%}% &cをリセットしました"
  83. clear {ip::%arg%}
  85. options:
  86. pointsadd: 1 #キルしたときポイントをどれだけ獲得するか指定できます
  87. pointsremove: 1 #デスしたときポイントをどれだけ失うかするか指定できます
  88. resetpermission: skript.status.reset #ステータスをリセットするのに必要なパーミッションを指定できます
  89. permission messagestats: &c[Error] &7You do not have the required permission to perform this command
  91. variables:
  92. {status.kills.%player%} = 0
  93. {status.deaths.%player%} = 0
  94. {status.killstreak.%player%} = 0
  95. {points.%player%} = 0
  96. {second::%player%} = 0
  97. {minute::%player%} = 0
  98. {hour::%player%} = 0
  100. command /status [<offline player>]:
  101. trigger:
  102. if arg-1 is not set:
  103. message "&2» &a&lStats &2&m-----*-------------------------*-----"
  104. message "&aKills: &f%{status.kills.%player%}%"
  105. message "&aDeaths: &f%{status.deaths.%player%}%"
  106. message "&aKDR: &f%{status.kills.%player%}/{status.deaths.%player%}%"
  107. message "&aKillstreak: &f%{status.killstreak.%player%}%"
  108. message "&aPoint: &f%{points.%player%}%"
  109. message "&aLoginTime: &f%{hour::%player%}% h, %{minute::%player%}% m, %{second::%player%}% s,"
  110. message "&2&m----*---------------------------------*-----"
  111. else:
  112. if player have permission "":
  113. set {_player} to arg-1
  114. wait 1 tick
  115. if {_player} has played on this server before:
  116. message "&2» &a&lStats &2&m-----*-------------------------*-----"
  117. message "&aPlayer: &f%{_player}%"
  118. message "&aKills: &f%{status.kills.%{_player}%}%"
  119. message "&aDeaths: &f%{status.deaths.%{_player}%}%"
  120. message "&aKDR: &f%{status.kills.%{_player}%}/{status.deaths.%{_player}%}%"
  121. message "&aKillstreak: &f%{status.killstreak.%{_player}%}%"
  122. message "&aPoint: &f%{points.%{_player}%}%"
  123. message "&aLoginTime: &f%{hour::%{_player}%}% h, %{minute::%{_player}%}% m, %{second::%{_player}%}% s,"
  124. message "&2&m----*---------------------------------*-----"
  125. else:
  126. message "&7&l<< &4&lError&7&l >> &r&6&l%{_player}% &chas never been on this server before"
  127. else:
  128. message "&7&l<< &4&lError&7&l >> &r&cYou do not have the required permission to perform this command"
  130. command resetstats [<offline player>]:
  131. permission: {@pesetpermission}
  132. permission message: {@permission messagestats}
  133. trigger:
  134. if arg-1 is not set:
  135. message "&c/restatus <Player>"
  136. else:
  137. set {_player} to arg-1
  138. wait 1 tick
  139. if {_player} has played on this server before:
  140. set {status.kills.%{_player}%} to 0
  141. set {status.deaths.%{_player}%} to 0
  142. set {status.killstreak.%{_player}%} to 0
  143. set {points.%{_player}%} to 0
  144. message "&f%{_player}%のステータスをリセットしました"
  145. else:
  146. message "&7&l<< &4&lError&7&l >> &r&6&l%{_player}% &chas never been on this server before"
  148. on death:
  149. victim is a player:
  150. attacker is a player:
  151. add 1 to {status.kills.%attacker%}
  152. add 1 to {status.killstreak.%attacker%}
  153. add {@pointsadd} to {points.%attacker%}
  154. add 1 to {status.deaths.%victim%}
  155. set {status.killstreak.%victim%} to 0
  156. remove {@pointsremove} from {points.%player%}
  158. on quit:
  159. set {status.killstreak.%player%} to 0
  161. every second:
  162. loop all players:
  163. add 1 to {second::%loop-player%}
  164. if {second::%loop-player%} is 60:
  165. subtract 60 from {second::%loop-player%}
  166. add 1 to {minute::%loop-player%}
  167. if {minute::%loop-player%} is 60:
  168. subtract 60 from {minute::%loop-player%}
  169. add 1 to {hour::%loop-player%}
  171. command /menu:
  172. trigger:
  173. open chest with 3 rows named "&e&lSurvival-Menus" to player
  174. wait 1 tick
  175. format slot 0 of player with grass named "&2&l初期スポーン" to close then run [execute console command "/tp %player% -607 5 401"]
  176. format slot 1 of player with beacon named "&1&lショップ" to close then run [execute console command "/tp %player% -617 6.5 349"]
  177. format slot 5 of player with diamond_block named "&b&lガチャエリア" to close then run [execute console command "/tp %player% -610 5 329"]
  178. format slot 19 of player with diamond_sword named "&c&lステータス" to close then run [make player execute "/status"]
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