

May 4th, 2014
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  1. <small>[On the much clearer channel of the radio, Septimus’ rich baritone is calm, confident, with much of it in a tone of precise detachment.]</small>
  3. In case anyone had not heard, I’m very sorry to confirm that Bianca Reyes disappeared about the time the attacks started. We have no concrete reason to believe, at this point, that she did not simply go home. <small>[His voice hardens briefly. No revenge, anyone who hasn’t already tried.]</small>
  5. As such, the responsibility of the Eshai Memorial Hospital has fallen to my shoulders. Despite being targeted during attacks, we are running as fully as we can. If anyone is still suffering the side effects of spores or other injuries, come to the hospital and we’ll take care of you.
  7. First aid classes are still offered. Given that we are now functionally at war, extra training for serving as a medic in combat is also available, including discussions of strategy, assessment of priorities, and self-defense if necessary as well treating injuries.
  9. Furthermore, I am taking volunteers with that training or equivalent experience to go a step further for active field duty. Volunteering for as an active field medic does not require you to work or volunteer at the hospital on a regular basis, if you have prior commitments. The list of field medics will be available. Anyone undertaking an expedition can and should make arrangements with one of us to accompany them; if we have some idea of your goal, we may also be able to point you to who might be best suited to the task. There will be a standing rotation of field medic-on-call as well in case you need one. We’re a resource; use us.
  11. A request: if anyone has particular skill purifying water, the current contamination is hurting us badly. <small>[For the first time strain is audible in his voice before he collects himself.]</small> If you have another job, I’ll be happy to compensate you for whatever time you take off of it to help us.
  13. We are working with Imperial resources as closely as we can. That said, we can always use more help, both in full-time workers and volunteers. If you want to volunteer for active duty, come speak with me.
  15. <small>[Yes, he does sound more like a military commander than a medical professional at the moment.]</small>
  16. <hr>
  17. <small>[There <i>is</i> a static-filled video feed of the same message on the network. Assume it is rather less complete than the radio broadcast. The static makes it difficult to gauge Septimus’ tone of voice, but those who know him particularly well may be able to tell he’s far more tired than he’s letting on. It’s in the almost unnoticeable lines around and dark circles under his green eyes, a little dimmer than usual.
  19. As the video is from inside the radio headquarters, he won’t be responding to it.]
  21. [[ooc: second radio post, same drill! Responses are action-only and can be here or in the <a href=>hospital open log</a>.]]</small>
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