
[???] A Gift

Jun 2nd, 2018
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  1. Dan the Giant is offering you a gift. Look through the spoilers carefully and follow the instructions:
  3. ~~~SPOILER 1~~~
  4. Dan offers you the ability to read at 3X your normal speed. This ability can be used for any kind of reading material such as novels and text books. If you accept this gift, stop now, if not, scroll down to the next spoiler but you will permanently lose this gift.
  6. Dan has a nervous look on his face...
  10. ~~~SPOILER 2~~~
  11. Dan offers you the ability to communicate with your doki by hand-written letter indefinitely. You both are limited to 1 page per letter and each letter takes 1 week to reach their destination. If you accept this gift, stop now, if not, scroll down to the next spoiler but you will permanently lose this gift.
  13. Do you hear a girl's voice in the distance?
  14. Dan seems to notice it too...
  18. ~~~SPOILER 3~~~
  19. You can clearly see fear in Dan's eyes, something is definitely wrong... At least for him... Dan drops his act and speaks candidly:
  20. "I'm sure you've noticed that voice and you'll have to trust me when I say it's not what you think it is. It's in our best interest for you to accept this final offer. I know it's not exactly what you want, but it's the best I can do."
  22. Dan offers to bring your doki to your reality, but she will be a ghost. She's still a fully sentient being and you will be able to see and talk with her, but you will never lovingly hold her in your arms. Do you accept this gift? You know the drill...
  24. A loud banging sound echos through the walls
  25. Is someone trying to break in?
  29. ~~~SPOILER 4~~~
  30. *BANG*
  31. A cloud of dust floods the room
  32. The giant collapses to the floor
  33. "Well that takes care of that tiny problem!"
  34. As the dust settles her identity becomes clear
  35. The doki...
  36. "Now for my eternal reward~"
  37. Her eyes contract to tiny dots
  38. "You know... I know how you feel about me..."
  39. "Being your 'least favorite' doki really hurts..."
  40. "But don't worry! We have plenty of time to fix that!"
  41. An ominous grin forms on her face
  42. "You're mine now~"
  43. <3
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