
seems to be all of it for 11-12.11.

Nov 12th, 2018
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  2. [02:24:32] Ratty_GM pulls the curtains up.
  3. [02:25:19] <Ratty_GM> The Callidus's eyes wander around the ceiling, seeing what only she can.
  4. [02:26:05] <Ratty_GM> "...There's more than twenty girls on that ship. They're all jumping over here, on that platform, right now." Eriko explains further.
  5. [02:26:18] <Ratty_GM> "I could ping them, but someone could notice."
  6. [02:27:28] <Ratty_GM> Trinity looks suddenly white as chalk, while the other cultists in the room suddenly seem very busy checking on the local equipment.
  7. [02:28:12] <Ratty_GM> "That - I didn't ask anyone to come here! I swear it." she insists, while the clairvoyant girl tries to pick out more details.
  8. [02:28:55] <Ratty_GM> "They're all transformed and wielding weapons." she says, loud enough for the whole warehouse to hear.
  9. [02:29:19] <Ratty_GM> "They're also carrying a big canister of some sort."
  10. [02:29:51] <Ratty_GM> The cell leader's head rests in her head. "That's bad. Real bad. They're cutting corners."
  11. [02:30:19] <Jordan_Tenko> "They're yours then?"
  12. [02:30:35] <Ratty_GM> One of her girls speaks up: "I mean, they'll probably give us the cure -". Trinidad answers with a furious glare. "Shut up!"
  13. [02:32:02] <Ratty_GM> "If we help you guys here, we are done ourselves." Trinity holds up her arms toward you, as if to defend herself.
  14. [02:32:17] <Jordan_Tenko> "Who are these guys?"
  15. [02:32:32] <Ratty_GM> Eriko keeps staring at the ceiling. "They're almost to the elevator. Think fast."
  16. [02:32:55] Liese_Brandt lets out a heavy sigh and rubs her forehead slowly and thoroughly. "I am so, so far too sober for this. I want an explanation, now, because I am really through with being randomly attacked by people for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON."
  17. [02:33:06] Jordan_Tenko reaches for her knife, unsure of the situation.
  18. [02:33:15] <Ratty_GM> "They're, they're a faction in the cult." the leader tries to explain feverishly. "They're the people who needed civilians shipped to them."
  19. [02:33:30] <Ratty_GM> "They deal in biological weapons."
  20. [02:33:33] <Jordan_Tenko> "Are they higher up?"
  21. [02:33:37] Liese_Brandt takes out a fistful of grenades from her inventory and moves next to the elevator, her tail ready to unpin all the pins at once and toss the whole lot into the elevator, if need be.
  22. [02:33:44] <Ratty_GM> "Y-yeah." she nods.
  23. [02:33:51] <Jordan_Tenko> "Oh, that's good."
  24. [02:34:35] <Ratty_GM> "Hmm." Eriko assesses the situation. "They're only sending the canister down. A girl just pressed the button and then walked through the door."
  25. [02:35:15] <Liese_Brandt> "Jordan, could you please be a dear, hold your breath, and when this thing open, teleport it right back from whence it came?"
  26. [02:35:45] <Liese_Brandt> "I don't care who they are or what their plan is, if they're trying to use chemical weapons on us, they deserve to be hoisted by their own petard."
  27. [02:36:16] <Ratty_GM> "They all put on gas masks now." Eriko nods, confirming what Trinidad said. "I count about two dozen now."
  28. [02:36:21] <Jordan_Tenko> "Uh, I think you-oh hmm. Sure. I'm counting on you though to prevent an incident though."
  29. [02:36:35] <Liese_Brandt> "This is already an accident."
  30. [02:36:47] <Ratty_GM> Since one of Trinidad's girls returned back up after you started investigating, that would be why the cage was up to begin with. That is a little suspicious.
  31. [02:37:30] <Jordan_Tenko> "Yes, but I don't want them blowing up the wrong guys!"
  32. [02:37:40] Jordan_Tenko hurries to the elevator.
  33. [02:38:48] <Ratty_GM> The room you are in is about five stories tall, with some additional earth between you. For Jordan, it's a short blink.
  34. [02:39:29] <Ratty_GM> "There's people standing around in the base." Eriko warns you. "And the canister thing started spraying about."
  35. [02:40:05] Liese_Brandt shoves the grenades back into her inventory for the time being. That's not going to be working out against an unliving box.
  36. [02:40:14] <Fuyuki_Ramses> "Wait what?" Fuyuki stares at Eriko, having finally caught up with them. She only faintly smelled of river water by now.
  37. [02:41:46] <Jordan_Tenko> "I'll take care of the can. They can't really storm in here, so just work on diffusing the situation."
  38. [02:42:43] <Ratty_GM> "They might throw more stuff down the shaft." Veronica warns you. "Though they probably don't want to break the rocket."
  39. [02:43:09] <Jordan_Tenko> "Good thinking. Liese, point your bazooka thing at the rocket."
  40. [02:43:12] <Jordan_Tenko> Ratty_GM: Get better internet already.
  41. [02:43:57] <Fuyuki_Ramses> "That'd just disable the rocket. At best."
  42. [02:44:06] <Ratty_GM> "...One of them is taking out a megaphone." Eriko says, a bit surprised.
  43. [02:44:11] <Jordan_Tenko> "Don't shoot it! Just make them stalemate."
  44. [02:44:20] <Liese_Brandt> "I don't have any rockets left."
  45. [02:44:30] <Jordan_Tenko> "You don't need any! Just act!"
  46. [02:44:31] <Liese_Brandt> "I used all of them fighting Walpurgis."
  47. [02:44:45] <Ratty_GM> As the door of the elevator is soon to open, the local cultists take a lot of steps back. In fact, they seem to want to stand on the entire other side of the room from you.
  48. [02:44:59] Liese_Brandt shrugs and summons her weapons in each hand.
  49. [02:45:22] Liese_Brandt stands forward by contrast, not appearing afraid.
  50. [02:45:53] <Ratty_GM> The door opens, and words come thundering from above, a bit mangled traveling through the shaft.
  51. [02:46:01] <Ratty_GM> "THE CRIME IS LIFE!!!"
  52. [02:46:06] <Ratty_GM> "THE SENTENCE IS DEATH!!!"
  53. [02:46:43] Liese_Brandt stands unimpressed.
  54. [02:47:10] Jordan_Tenko darts in expecting to grab a hissing can. "I'M ALREADY DEAD!!!"
  55. [02:47:39] <Ratty_GM> The canister seems to contain something highly pressurized and has a top similar to an inverted fire extenguisher. The elevator cage walls are already all green, and everyone realizes they'll probably have to travel up through that eventually.
  56. [02:47:42] <Liese_Brandt> "Why throw your lives away so recklessly?"
  57. [02:47:44] <Fuyuki_Ramses> "Dammit." Fuyuki mutters under her breath as she draws her Saber, slipping up behind the two other Magical Girls while looking frantically for a vantage point to Blink to.
  58. [03:07:14] <Ratty_GM> Unfortunately, you have not been to much of the building. You could move onto one of the parts in the back, to perhaps avoid fumes, but that can be done with just a leap.
  59. [03:08:19] <Ratty_GM> Jordan disappears with the can, leaving a few sparks of static electricity in the elevator cage, and Eriko still tries to provide information.
  60. [03:08:40] <Ratty_GM> "The courtyard is mostly clear, but some of the girls are still there, three or four."
  61. [03:09:02] <Ratty_GM> "There isn't anyone outside the walls - and there's two girls on the ship, and now Jordan."
  62. [03:09:13] Liese_Brandt does not attempt to avoid the fumes as she is more than confident in her abilities. She stands there, near the elevator door, weapons drawn, eyes narrowed and hat tipped. She awaits.
  63. [03:12:39] Fuyuki_Ramses was, unfortunately, stuck in the lurch. Jordan already had the Canister handled and unlike Liese, she couldn't just wade into the cloud unfazed.
  64. [03:14:39] <Fuyuki_Ramses> "Errr, Sis?" She turns to Eriko. "Is there any place in there that *isn't* flooded with gas?"
  65. [03:16:02] <Ratty_GM> "Hrm." her eyes narrow to slits. "They are wearing masks, but everywhere they didn't walk through seems clear."
  66. [03:16:04] <Liese_Brandt> "Meanwhile, is someone going to fill me on on what's going on or am I going to have to ride this thing up there to ask your guests myself?"
  67. [03:16:24] <Ratty_GM> "Try teleporting behind some of the door we saw on the way here, there's a few. Or the courtyard." Eriko proposes.
  68. [03:16:46] <Ratty_GM> "Some sort of a hit squad arrived." Christina fills Liese in.
  69. [03:17:36] <Liese_Brandt> "No shit."
  70. [03:18:15] <Liese_Brandt> "Why is the hit squad presumably -their friends- and why are they attacking -us- when -they-'re still inside when did -nothing- against the 16!?"
  71. [03:19:29] <Ratty_GM> "I don't know anything!" Trinity insists, her palms raised again, to perhaps show some honesty.
  72. [03:19:41] <Fuyuki_Ramses> "They didn't get the memo that we're friendly, it seems." Fuyuki snarks. "I'll flank around where Eriko mentioned. I trust no one's stopping me?" She asks, looking to Trinidad and the other Cultists in particular.
  73. [03:20:20] <Ratty_GM> They look elsewhere as your gaze meets theirs. It seems they want to be wholly uninvolved in this skirmish, if at all possible.
  74. [03:20:47] <Ratty_GM> "...Are you really going to fight two dozen killers?" Trinity asks, full of uncertainity.
  75. [03:21:49] <Ratty_GM> "You know," Christina summons her anchor, and drops thuds the ground with the tip. "I am getting really sick of how defeatist you guys are."
  76. [03:21:54] Liese_Brandt 's fingers tap the shaft of her scythe with rising impatience. "Well if we don't have any other choice we'll have to. Kind of stuck here and all. I'm more interesting in giving them an earful right now, though."
  77. [03:21:56] <Ratty_GM> "Does Itzli do that?"
  78. [03:22:30] <Liese_Brandt> "These people don't have any of the chill I've seen from the cult before." She points up to precise her words.
  79. [03:22:43] <Fuyuki_Ramses> "I hope not, but unless you can talk them down from trying to kill us." Fuyuki finally answers Trinity.
  80. [03:23:01] <Ratty_GM> "Well, all I'm saying, it would be more reasonable to run away." the cultist shrugs. "We're going to be fine here."
  81. [03:25:21] Fuyuki_Ramses glances at Liese.
  82. [03:25:44] <Ratty_GM> Eriko tries to ascertain the situation. "Jordan threw it back on their ship and is taking a bath in the river now."
  83. [03:26:05] <Liese_Brandt> "...That sounds like a good way to get UNclean."
  84. [03:26:08] <Ratty_GM> "There's no way we can go back through the elevator, they can cut the pulleys from there easily." she reasons.
  85. [03:26:22] <Liese_Brandt> "I can fly through it."
  86. [03:26:33] <Ratty_GM> "But the building is full of chokepoints."
  87. [03:26:40] <Fuyuki_Ramses> "And I can Blink up the other end."
  88. [03:27:03] <Ratty_GM> "But it's also mostly sprayed over..." she goes on.
  89. [03:27:08] <Liese_Brandt> "And Jordan can bring other people with her own teleportation magic in one trip too."
  90. [03:27:58] <Ratty_GM> "Can you open the silo from here, Trinity?" Jordan's wife asks. The girl makes a sour expression.
  91. [03:28:31] <Ratty_GM> "There is a room up there for that. If you can get there, you could leave that way, there's a few meters of no ladder, but maybe."
  92. [03:28:47] <Ratty_GM> Eriko scans the ceiling for the control room.
  93. [03:29:51] <Ratty_GM> "Oof." she concludes. "It's next to the main corridor, which is full of the stuff."
  94. [03:30:27] <Ratty_GM> As the conversation goes, everyone slowly takes steps away from the elevator, and tries to hold their breath with varying success.
  95. [03:31:11] Liese_Brandt decides to get started on opening the maintenance hatch of the elevator while people are doing their people things.
  96. [03:32:50] <Ratty_GM> The door budges only a bit when pushed, clearly meant to be opened with the help of a mechanic's tool - but with your strength, you open it with a few good hits.
  97. [03:33:18] <Ratty_GM> The path up is open for you, though the shaft isn't exactly wide enough for your hits, you could probably drive the elevator up and surprise them.
  98. [03:33:39] <Ratty_GM> Alternatively, half-fly, half-climb up there.
  99. [03:35:41] <Fuyuki_Ramses> "Fuck it." Fuyuki grumbles as she Conceals herself, Blinking up to the Courtyard.
  100. [03:37:19] Liese_Brandt curses innerly. She had no idea what Fuyuki plans to do once she gets there, and she doesn't think it'll go over well if she attempts to fight on her , so she's left with no choice but to hurry up the elevator shaft.
  101. [03:45:54] <Ratty_GM> "There's only two girls up there right now!" Eriko shouts, just so the girls up there would not hear it. "But there's more behind the door they're in front of!"
  105. [03:47:24] <Ratty_GM> You appear in a corridor, facing a wall. It doesn't look like one you have been to before.
  106. [03:47:50] <Ratty_GM> On your left is a door - with a hand-written note 'WMD' on it.
  107. [03:48:16] <Ratty_GM> It seems you've made it close enough, but surprising whoever is inside won't be easy this way.
  108. [03:49:45] <Fuyuki_Ramses> Blinking past the door with the ostensibly doodled "WMD" on it was trivial in comparison with Fuyuki keeping up her Cloak as she does so. She needed to take the Control Room and then send the Elevator down for Trinidad.
  109. [03:50:58] <Ratty_GM> There are two girls in there, apparently having already turned on the console. They're both wearing gas masks.
  110. [03:50:58] Fuyuki_Ramses is away: Away
  111. [03:51:09] <Ratty_GM> There are two girls in there, apparently having already turned on the console. They're both wearing gas masks.
  115. [03:48:44] <Ratty_GM> You rise bit by bit, through the six stories and some.
  116. [04:06:58] <Ratty_GM> Soon enough, you see the pair of girls in gas masks. They seem to be wearing triangle poncho-uniforms of some sort, with some sort of a triangle sign on them.
  117. [04:07:09] <Ratty_GM> It's similar to the Mark of Itzli, but a little different.
  118. [04:10:07] Liese_Brandt pries the elevator door open and lands on the edge of the hallway, sunless eyes staring off with a most unamused expression, obsidian scythe in the left hand, rifle in the right. "That wasn't very polite, amigas. What happened to introducing yourselves like civilized people?"
  119. [04:12:37] <Ratty_GM> "Eeeh?" they hum in unison, seeing you rise from the shaft.
  120. [04:13:28] <Liese_Brandt> "I come here to help people I like deal with some pests, and I get gassed like a miscreant. Not really nice of you all."
  121. [04:14:24] <Ratty_GM> They get their bearings quickly, responding with raising their weapons against you - an assault rifle, and a rapier.
  122. [04:14:41] <Ratty_GM> It seems they are banned from talking on the job.
  123. [04:15:03] <Liese_Brandt> "Are you sure you want to do that? If you haven't figured out already from my whole walking through your gas thing, I am not exactly easy to kill."
  124. [04:15:11] Liese_Brandt steadies both weapons in turn
  125. [04:21:03] Liese_Brandt 's rifle does as her rifles are wont to and jams most innoportunously. There would be no other way to miss two targets in a cramped environment with an automatic weapon otherwise. She clicks her tongue and makes a powerful swipe with her scythe next before her opponents have time to laugh at her misfortune.
  126. [04:26:15] <Ratty_GM> The girl with the assault rifle sprays you with bullets, which mostly dissolve against your defenses. It does not help the ammo that it's hollow-point, making it even less effective at you. That is a dangerous trend, though.
  127. [04:28:58] <Ratty_GM> The stab that comes afterward is more dangerous. With the Eversor now blocking the way, the Vindicare steps back to the door, and kicks it, while popping off the safety pin of a grenade with her teeth.
  128. [04:33:25] Liese_Brandt barely reacts to the slash, nor the shot to the face that follows. "Told you that was a bad idea." She performs percussive maintenance on her rifle via Wall, then fires through the rapier-wielding foe at point blank before making a leap for her other foe, just barely missing.
  129. [04:38:01] Liese_Brandt recoups quickly and her large rifle is dispelled, replaced with a smaller, more accurate one from inventory. Another point-blank burst takes the magical girl off-balance for a finishing downward slash. Liese then kicks the grenade away before letting out a heavy sigh. "Bloody thick..."
  130. [04:44:49] Fuyuki_Ramses [~Mibbit@27FA5BE1.CFD44D07.F7046BB.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: ajax IRC Client
  131. [04:55:37] <Ratty_GM> A group of three girls you can see is already waiting for you, and unleashes a hail of bullets.
  132. [04:56:11] <Ratty_GM> Some bullets get through the concrete wall you used as cover, but they are basically harmless to you after they do.
  133. [04:56:30] <Ratty_GM> You can hear someone shout "AP! AP!" in there.
  134. [05:25:26] Liese_Brandt is quick on the offending invaders' heels, kicking the grenade she had tossed earlier down the hallway and shooting down one of the squadmembers
  135. [05:29:15] <Ratty_GM> The girl is dragged out of the hallway by someone - a girl with a more detailed poncho, wielding a staff.
  136. [05:29:56] <Ratty_GM> While the four remaining girls aside of her take up position to shoot you, a front row on their knee and the back row standing, she summons a ball of green fire.
  137. [05:30:45] <Ratty_GM> A barrage of bullets that would be deadly for anyone other than you pierces through it, and roughens you up quite a bit, while the big thing still tumbles toward you.
  138. [05:36:14] Liese_Brandt stands her ground steadfast firing two controlled bursts and taking out the front-most hostile while weathering the hailstorm. She grits her teeth, but seem very much so to still have some fight in her. Not intent on taking the magical blast for no reason, she falls back behind cover and takes advantage of the lull to prime a new grenade
  139. [05:41:48] <Rattop> The now two members short squad follows you down the corridor. From behind the wall, you can see something exploding on the other side, and green light shines through its now numerous cracks.
  140. [05:42:06] <Rattop> This wall won't hold out for long. You should end this soon, or get out.
  141. [05:48:46] Liese_Brandt will remember the valiant and commendable services the wall has provided. It was truly her greatest ally in this moment of darkness. She darts out of cover and chucks the primed grenade at nearly point-blank with her tail, unfurling like a whip, then lets out a burst of her G3, finishing off the frontmost hostile.
  142. [05:54:59] Liese_Brandt then quickly insteps forwards and tries to deny the squad leader any more tricks, but her scythe's descending swing just barely misses. She passes her frustration by finishing off a nearby cultist with her HK416 instead and clicks her tongue. "I told you this was a bad idea."
  143. [05:58:57] <Ratty_GM> Someone familiar appears at the end of the corridor - Jordan teleports in, in a flash!
  144. [06:04:39] Jordan_Tenko really delivers on the term 'sparkly'. Arcs of electricity dance around her, and her sword is at the ready.
  145. [06:10:05] <Ratty_GM> The Squad Leader, meanwhile, empties her shotgun into Liese with reckless abandon, until there is nothing left.
  146. [06:11:09] <Jordan_Tenko> "HEY!" She shouts once there's a split second lull in ear shattering noise.
  147. [06:11:27] <Jordan_Tenko> "I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER!"
  148. [06:13:27] <Ratty_GM> The Squad Leader turns to Jordan with her empty shotgun, being hit by Liese because of this misstep.
  149. [06:16:35] <Ratty_GM> The other girl, unfortunately, does not.
  150. [06:20:13] Jordan_Tenko leaps at the closest girl to her. "Out of the way! Big girls are talking!" And brings down her holy* sword in a blur with accompanying burst of thunder.
  151. [06:21:00] <Ratty_GM> The squad leader, now squadless, ressumons her squad foolishly. You might have to knock her out first, before any good talking can be done.
  152. [06:21:17] <Ratty_GM> *resummons her staff
  153. [06:21:46] <Ratty_GM> You can hear footsteps in the corridors around you. They're organizing their next move. This is far from over.
  154. [06:22:46] Jordan_Tenko takes a second to note the carnage in this modest section of hallway. The burnt and slightly off smell of singed something, the defeated bodies strewn across the floor.
  155. [06:28:30] Liese_Brandt takes advantage of the distraction to shift her angle of attack. She fires a first barrage to soften up her target then moves in with her scythe, finally managing to score a hit. She exhales heavily as her magic does its work, she really needed that.
  156. [06:29:19] <Jordan_Tenko> "Did you fight all these yourself?"
  157. [06:29:24] <Liese_Brandt> "...That could have gone better... where have -you- been?"
  158. [06:29:26] <Liese_Brandt> "And yes."
  159. [06:29:33] <Ratty_GM> The squad leader collapses, her knees failing her, and the staff falling out of her hand and fizzling away.
  160. [06:29:49] <Jordan_Tenko> "I've been returning what they so carelessly dropped."
  161. [06:30:25] <Jordan_Tenko> "Also wrangled the intel crew and got some disturbing news."
  162. [06:30:25] <Liese_Brandt> "I swear to the Lady I'm going to have some very strong words for whoever set this up once this is over. I don't have the grief seeds to pay for all this."
  163. [06:30:32] <Liese_Brandt> "hm?"
  164. [06:30:43] <Ratty_GM> Speaking of Grief Seeds, it doesn't escape your notice that the large ring on the hand which held the stuff is quite dark.
  165. [06:31:20] <Jordan_Tenko> "There's another maerorus operating here."
  166. [06:31:53] <Liese_Brandt> "Oh fuck my life we have a Gembomb situation here..."
  167. [06:32:25] <Ratty_GM> It is not glittering, like when the girl tried to take you out with you before.
  168. [06:32:28] Jordan_Tenko pulls the knocked out cat out of her shirt. Looks amost like her own, if not for the yellow yarn all over it.
  169. [06:32:44] <Jordan_Tenko> "Say what?"
  170. [06:32:47] <Liese_Brandt> "...This is new."
  171. [06:33:18] Liese_Brandt points over to the Soul Gem. "This one won't last long this dark. If she goes, it'll spring a Barrier, and we really don't need that right now."
  172. [06:33:21] <Ratty_GM> The cat corrects itself. [Not like you in that way.]
  173. [06:33:51] <Ratty_GM> (Indeed, if the girl managed to use any more magic today, you could have been in a lot more trouble)
  174. [06:34:59] <Ratty_GM> It tries to articulate it like, well, a cat. [It means they are of the other world, and not this one.]
  175. [06:35:25] <Ratty_GM> [These cats are predators, not opportunists such as I.]
  176. [06:35:38] <Ratty_GM> [They must have been looking for prey in the forest.]
  177. [06:35:53] <Liese_Brandt> "Big Cat, I assume."
  178. [06:36:09] <Ratty_GM> It may be a good idea to work on your Familiars some more. Aside of Phyto, they seem to have trouble expressing themselves.
  179. [06:36:15] <Ratty_GM> [Or a big bag of yarn.]
  180. [06:36:26] <Liese_Brandt> "Might want to have this discussion somewhere else. I don't really think I have enough energy left to take two more squads in this state."
  181. [06:36:35] <Ratty_GM> This is true.
  182. [06:37:17] <Ratty_GM> Fuyuki has already opened the blast door, so it can be expected the others will be in the courtyard. Whether you are tackling the forces as a group, taking them in a pincer, or simply legging it, that is your choice.
  183. [06:37:26] <Ratty_GM> One way or another, you should not be standing here.
  184. [06:37:45] Jordan_Tenko nods at the clarification, then she looks around. "So this is...six? Whoever was in the boat is not going to be feeling like fighting. Outside is clear now, they all went inside. How are the others?"
  185. [06:37:54] <Liese_Brandt> "8, actually."
  186. [06:38:19] <Liese_Brandt> "Fuyuki blinked somewhere I have no idea, I was trying to find her, but I found these clowns instead."
  187. [06:39:08] <Jordan_Tenko> "Well they got hit pretty hard then, and we haven't even spun up to full."
  188. [06:39:41] <Ratty_GM> The footsteps get closer. They have a plan now.
  189. [06:40:03] <Ratty_GM> There is the shaft, and there is Jordan, who could get you out even faster.
  190. [06:40:14] <Ratty_GM> But for now, let us hang on that cliff for another day, shall we?
  191. [06:40:15] <Liese_Brandt> "Let's get back down for now, funnel them into the elevator."
  192. [06:40:32] Ratty_GM pulls the curtains down.
  199. 02:18:12] <Ratty_GM> The console where you searched for the controls seemed to be a pretty complicated system - none of your War Games dos boxes.
  200. [02:19:14] <Ratty_GM> If you had the time to investigate it, you might be able to pull out something interesting, since it seemed to contain information of more sites of the 11th. Who knows how up to date it is, though, and the locals could protest.
  201. [02:20:13] Fuyuki_Ramses scans the Console in the hopes of finding the Elevator controls
  202. [02:22:14] <Ratty_GM> Those would be in the same section as the silo blast door controls.
  203. [02:22:35] <Ratty_GM> Curiously, there is an Elevator 1 and Elevator 2, but you have only seen one in here.
  204. [02:22:44] <Ratty_GM> Eriko didn't mention anything about a second one, either.
  205. [02:24:18] Fuyuki_Ramses scratches her head, sending both down
  206. [02:24:57] <Ratty_GM> Elevator 1 blicks red, and announces that it is already down.
  207. [02:25:05] <Ratty_GM> Elevator 2 seems to accept the input.
  208. [02:28:45] Fuyuki_Ramses sighs in relief, making note of that. Elevator 2 was the one where Trini and the others were.
  209. [02:30:20] <Ratty_GM> (It is the opposite, Liese kicked out the hatch from the elevator which was already at the bottom level, and climbed the shaft to get up.)
  210. [02:30:35] <Ratty_GM> (But Fuyuki might not know that, since she left before that happened)
  211. [02:30:39] <Fuyuki_Ramses> (So it's Elevator 1 that's where Trini are?)
  212. [02:30:46] <Fuyuki_Ramses> (Yuki doesn't know, no.)
  213. [02:30:48] <Ratty_GM> (Well, yes)
  214. [02:31:08] Fuyuki_Ramses checks to see the condition of the two Cultists. Hopefully she didn't accidentally Gem them in her haste to take them out.
  215. [02:32:38] <Ratty_GM> One of them is in pretty big danger of bleeding out, the other was sturdier. She took some finishing with a baton, but at least she is dying less from it.
  216. [02:36:18] Fuyuki_Ramses tears out a bit of clothing whoever had more fabric from their Costume, using it as a make-shift bandage for the one bleeding out.
  217. [02:37:35] <Ratty_GM> The magic fabric fizzles out quickly when removed, but there is fortunately real fabric on those ponchos.
  218. [02:38:03] <Ratty_GM> They seem to have cloak-ey uniforms of some sort, with triangle insignia on them, which look a little like Debbie's tatoo, but not quite.
  219. [02:38:32] <Fuyuki_Ramses> "Sorry." The Callidus mutters as she tries to patch up the wound best as she can. She pulls out her Smartphone, taking a picture of the insignia. Trini might know what it means.
  220. [02:39:07] <Fuyuki_Ramses> (Fuyuki'll mostly put pressure on the blood and cover it up. She's no Medic. :( )
  221. [02:40:20] <Ratty_GM> (You can give me a d10 under uhhh 4 if you want to, to stop the bleeding)
  222. [02:40:31] <Ratty_GM> (It would be easy to stabilize her but you are untrained)
  229. [02:14:39] Ratty_GM pulls the curtains up.
  230. [02:15:45] <Ratty_GM> Sliding down the wire, you get back to the missile assembly plant, and the silo. There don't seem to be any tracks of the bio-weapon cloud left, but there wasn't that much in the first place.
  231. [02:16:31] <Ratty_GM> The whole space is much better lit now, when the silo is open. You can see Carmen's behind ascending the ladder at the end of it, but aside of her, there are only cultists left down here.
  232. [02:16:55] <Ratty_GM> As before, they don't want to have anything to do with this, and don't seem to be blocking your way, either.
  233. [02:18:03] Jordan_Tenko finger whistles sharply. "Carmen!"
  234. [02:18:14] Liese_Brandt hops back down from the hatch and into the elevator proper before entering the room itself. She notices the lack of friendly people present, and the lack of friendliness of the people present. "..That was not the plan scheisse." Her outfit also may or may not look like swiss cheese from literally dozen upon dozens of bullet impacts.
  235. [02:19:39] <Ratty_GM> The Eversor stops ascending. "Oh, they're back!"
  236. [02:20:25] <Ratty_GM> She then comes down a bit, to meet you, so she won't have to shout.
  237. [02:20:54] <Ratty_GM> "Eriko said there's fourteen more girls left, last I heard. And the courtyard's mostly empty." she says from up above.
  238. [02:21:32] <Ratty_GM> "What's the plan? You're taking the same way out, right?"
  239. [02:21:52] <Jordan_Tenko> "Fourteen out of what?" She flips her wet and still slightly muddy hair behind her.
  240. [02:22:44] <Liese_Brandt> "My plan right now was mostly take a breather and try to force them to come through the elevator themselves because that'll probably split them in two groups and funnel them into a chokepoint with no retreat."
  241. [02:23:34] <Ratty_GM> "You sure they'll want to do that?" Carmen asks. "Wouldn't want to be the one going first."
  242. [02:23:36] Liese_Brandt does not have the looks of someone who has any right to be alive at the moment, let along be standing and talking.
  243. [02:23:51] <Liese_Brandt> "That's the point."
  244. [02:24:05] <Liese_Brandt> "they probably won't, and that gives us time."
  245. [02:24:12] <Jordan_Tenko> "Not much of a choke point now that the top is open."
  246. [02:24:50] <Liese_Brandt> "I mean, even if they try to take the ladder they'll have to come down one by one and be vulnerable, or try to jump all the way down."
  247. [02:25:09] <Liese_Brandt> "Why did we open this damn thing again?"
  248. [02:25:25] <Ratty_GM> Something hums.
  249. [02:25:35] <Jordan_Tenko> "There's 8 in the hall, and whoever was in the boat probably doesn't want to fight. So at least 9 down. Fourteen left doesn't sound hard, but I'm not trying to make fourteen more casualties."
  250. [02:25:52] <Ratty_GM> The elevator seemed to briefly come online, but did not go up, just now. It has quited back down again.
  251. [02:26:07] <Liese_Brandt> "I don't think I can take that many."
  252. [02:26:09] <Ratty_GM> Still, there is some other hum you hear.
  253. [02:26:36] <Jordan_Tenko> "The fuck are they gonna try now?"
  254. [02:27:00] Liese_Brandt groans and rubs the back of her head. "I thought we had at least a little time."
  255. [02:27:22] <Ratty_GM> The elevator is not moving. It does feel a little like another elevator is, though.
  256. [02:27:38] <Ratty_GM> Trinidad, standing near by, does look a little distressed now, but doesn't say anyhting.
  257. [02:27:58] <Liese_Brandt> "What is it now?"
  258. [02:28:33] <Ratty_GM> "That's the silent room." she explains. "Not much in there. Don't know why the other elevator is moving."
  259. [02:29:03] <Jordan_Tenko> "There's a silent room here!?"
  260. [02:29:16] <Liese_Brandt> "Well, logic would dictate there was someone in there, and that someone is now getting -out- of there."
  261. [02:29:28] <Ratty_GM> "Maybe somebody from The Purge didn't believe me when I told them there's nothing in it, and they're checking." she shrugs.
  262. [02:29:37] <Ratty_GM> "It hasn't even been online in forever."
  263. [02:30:58] <Jordan_Tenko> "Well there better be a medical wing too. Gonna need you guys to pick up the fallen and foolish."
  264. [02:31:23] Liese_Brandt deadpans "I could use some of that myself, but yeah."
  265. [02:31:26] <Ratty_GM> "Uhhh. We have an infirmary, but..." she is clearly divided on this.
  266. [02:31:48] <Jordan_Tenko> "But...?"
  267. [02:33:05] <Ratty_GM> "We're not supposed to help you guys. You know."
  268. [02:33:46] <Jordan_Tenko> "Ok for one, I'm talking about *your* guys bleeding out in the hall."
  269. [02:33:58] <Ratty_GM> "This is all way out of our ballpark. Clear-oh?"
  270. [02:34:10] <Ratty_GM> She looks around, to see if anyone is missing.
  271. [02:34:35] <Liese_Brandt> "Yeah, the 8 girls I just took down."
  272. [02:34:57] Liese_Brandt stares with the most unamused expression she can muster. "You see all those bullet holes. They're not just a fashion statement."
  273. [02:35:00] <Ratty_GM> "Alright. You want us to take care of those." she nods slowly. "That does make a little more sense."
  274. [02:35:28] <Ratty_GM> "Girls, get some sort of a rag over your face at least, and cover your skin." she turns to her own. "We're taking the elevator."
  275. [02:35:57] <Liese_Brandt> "I am so not sharing any of my good stuff with you guys tonight."
  276. [02:36:15] <Ratty_GM> "Better to get shot now than later, eh?" she gestures for the other cultists to follow, and they do.
  277. [02:36:35] <Jordan_Tenko> "And we'll see about what you guys are supposed to do after I get who's in charge of this to settle down."
  278. [02:36:38] <Ratty_GM> Then, another gunshot resounds from up above. It seems you may have taken a little too long.
  279. [02:37:19] <Liese_Brandt> "...If they're executing their own survivors I am going to eviscerate that boss alive..."
  280. [02:38:07] <Jordan_Tenko> "Let's go topside then. Trin's team will handle things down here good enough for our needs."
  281. [02:38:28] <Jordan_Tenko> "Where's Yuki?" she asks, heading for the ladder.
  282. [02:38:44] <Liese_Brandt> "We should try to avoid combat for now, I'm not exactly in the best state to be helpful."
  283. [02:38:58] <Ratty_GM> Carmen seems to have already disappeared up the ladder. Some more banging noises come from up above. Your people seem to already be engaged.
  284. [02:39:13] <Liese_Brandt> "I was -hoping- to get a little bit of recovery done here but --- oh for fuck's sake all these idiots."
  285. [02:39:28] <Ratty_GM> The next shots you hear can be somewhat identified as Alex's gun, and Eriko's sawed off Winchester.
  286. [02:39:35] <Jordan_Tenko> "We'll make it quick then!"
  290. [03:11:06] <Ratty_GM> The silo is placed in the corner of the base. Once you ascend, it's fortunate that the pyramid-like top is mostly covering you from the assault.
  291. [03:11:54] <Ratty_GM> Alex and Eriko seem to be using it as cover, fighting rather defensively. Londe seems to be holding an old-timey rifle, looking for a place to strike.
  292. [03:16:55] <Ratty_GM> The silo is placed in the corner of the base. Once you ascend, it's fortunate that the pyramid-like top is mostly covering you from the assault.
  293. [03:17:06] <Ratty_GM> Alex and Eriko seem to be using it as cover, fighting rather defensively. Londe seems to be holding an old-timey rifle, looking for a place to strike.
  294. [03:18:14] <Ratty_GM> The enemies are hiding behind the wooden platforms, which host sets of monkey bars. In theory getting on the top of those would be possible. They each have little wooden roofs for themselves. It's probably possible to train here when it rains, and stay dry.
  295. [03:18:56] <Ratty_GM> There are two paths around the two buildings leading to the courtyard, and the smaller building seems to have a back door: those are the ways more enemies can come through.
  296. [03:38:11] <Ratty_GM> The training tracks consists of sandpits - which would be difficult to move through indeed, which is sort of the point - as well as a proper obstacle course.
  297. [03:38:35] Liese_Brandt lands back onto solid ground at the top level and lets out a small groan, half in pain from her injuries and half in frustration. She's attempted to coordinate things to create a cohesive defense, but everyone just ran off in their own directive, causing her to feel obligated to pull their asses out of the proverbial fires again and again.
  298. [03:38:36] Liese_Brandt First it was the disappearing callidus, then it was the ambushed kouhais.
  299. [03:39:07] <Ratty_GM> There sure are a lot of those overhead monkey bars here. Those are on rough wooden platforms, about chest - high. Perfect to take cover behind.
  300. [03:39:15] <Ratty_GM> That also seems to be what the enemy is doing here.
  301. [03:39:48] Liese_Brandt 's first action upon gathering her bearing in this new environment is to try to locate where the enemies are and where the sources of dangers are. On first glance, forces seem evenly matched, though if the last squad was any indication, those next foes will be no pushover, so the even numbers don't mean much, plus there are still some more
  302. [03:39:48] Liese_Brandt reinforcements unaccounted for.
  303. [03:42:00] Jordan_Tenko flips onto the courtyard knife drawn. She takes a quick stock of the area from this angle. "Not good."
  304. [03:43:16] <Ratty_GM> "Cover is good, we got metal." Alex announces. "But if they spread out, it can be a crossfire."
  305. [03:44:17] <Liese_Brandt> "Looks like we could do that ourselves. Go behind the hatch, then follow the wall to the far side. That'd catch them into a pincer all the same."
  306. [03:45:08] <Jordan_Tenko> "Let's see...two groups will surround the center and put the squeeze on them. Gunners focus on support and stopping newcomers. The rest will charge in once we have coverage."
  307. [03:47:17] <Ratty_GM> "What about the ones coming from the sides? Carmen asks, pointing those out. They seem to be Eversors, unlike the ones behind the cover, which are firing guns.
  308. [03:48:45] <Jordan_Tenko> "So, this split looks good right here. Eriko, Chris and Veronica head to the other corner. The rest cover from this position. I'm taking the center, and we'll deal with more as they come."
  309. [03:49:38] <Ratty_GM> The girls, already in position, nod.
  310. [03:49:41] <Jordan_Tenko> "Don't get charged yourself. I'm going to take out that middle group and flank anyone that tries to come around. What's your plan, Liese?"
  311. [03:50:01] <Liese_Brandt> "...I just suggested the plan, what do you mean?"
  312. [03:50:34] <Jordan_Tenko> "I mean what are you going to do specifically?"
  313. [03:51:30] <Liese_Brandt> "Probably going to be staying here to shield our supports from those flanking Eversors. I should be close enough to hit the first row of Vindicares once your attack hits if the Eversors get skittish and don't charge us."
  314. [03:52:13] Jordan_Tenko smirks. "Good. Solid plan. Let's hit them hard then."
  315. [03:54:00] Jordan_Tenko moseys around her girls as they get ready, so that she has a good shouting view of the cultists.
  316. [03:54:06] <Ratty_GM> Thus the plan is conceived, and everyone knows their part. After a bit of panic, it seems you're going to do something right, and with deliberation.
  317. [03:54:11] <Ratty_GM> One could say, finally.
  318. [03:54:18] Ratty_GM pulls the curtains down.
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