
Promenom Shenanigans

Nov 3rd, 2017
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  1. Smokeless: [i gotta make dinner soon so im going to be slow[
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley held her books to her chest as she walked down the hallway of the school and went towards the set of doors that led to the parking lot. "Hey Bliss." She greeted, not stopping as they strolled down the side of the building. "Thanks for letting Adam and I stay last night. Hopefully the house is nice and clean. Right?" // Bliss smiled at the sight of Hayley. "Oh you're very welcome. You're always welcome. Gram loves you." She said. "Now the issue is when to take down the decorations and begin to get things prepared for Christmas. The house is fine. Much better than my last party. Renting furniture was a wise decision."
  3. Smokeless: Dori walked out of class and smiled to Betty"ok so I will text you later ok see ya." she headed the opposite direction then betty and she sa bliss and Hayley up ahead."hey guys" she smiled jogging up to the two."hey Bliss thanks again for inviting me to your party I had a blast even though I didn't stay for long. I'm sorry about that." she looked at Hayley and smiled."oh you got all that make up off with no stains I need to know your secret" she chuckled a little.-
  4. Tsaaq: ((Sorry Im back.))
  5. Smokeless: [wb]
  6. Covet: Cadence was walking out of her class as it got out with her design portfolio in her arms, she pushed her hair back and fluffed it up, while sauntering down the hall. She was in a good mood, she felt different, mature in a sense now that she was a married woman and all. Seeing Bliss, Haylye and Dori at the end of the hall she walked up to them and gave them a wave, "Hey , how's it going?"
  7. Covet: [Webs.]
  8. Covet: *Hayley
  9. Tsaaq: Hayley bit the inside of her cheek. "Bliss... I have to tell you something." She began to say. "It's about something I saw at the party-" She began to confess but she was interrupted by Dori walking up. She hugged her books to her chest. "Hey Do-Do." She greeted. "You didn't miss much. Not a lot of drama or anything. It was an easy ending to a good night." She said. // Bliss smiled at Hayley but it faded once she spoke. She was caught off guard from Dori and Cadence. "Hey you guys! Thanks for coming to my party. I hope you guys had a good time! How's your Friday thusfar."
  10. Smokeless: Dori smiled at the little nick name hayley had given her"Well that is good. My boss was having a break down because she didnt know what was wrong with her laptop." she chuckled softly and turned seeing cadence and waved."Hey oh my friday is ok just got done with with my visua art class"
  11. Covet: "Halloween party, of course, wouldn't have missed it, and Remy and I both realized that you had a completely sucessful rager last night, Congrats Bliss." She said with a grin, resting her portfolio on her hip. "Friday is going good, Ready to have a relaxing weekend, after a busy week that's for sure. What are you all up to?" // Felix was in the library sitting at the main desk in the middle of the room, working on some homework for one of his classes.
  12. Tsaaq: She nodded along with the other girls. "Yeah I just got out of Musical Theory class." She piped up. "All I know is a million people where at said party in question." Hayley bit the inside of her cheek. "So I guess that makes sense." // "Oh wonderful." She grinned. "Perhaps I should throw more parties? Something for Christmas?" She suggested. "I have to ask Gram though."
  13. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head"Yeah a relaxing weekend sounds good. I might get some wine tonight and just kick back in my room." she smiled and pulled her bag up on her hsoulder more."What are you guys doing for the weekend?"
  14. Alexithymiaa: -After getting out of work at the pool, Steph had gone home to change her clothes and pick up the pumpkin bread she'd baked that morning since she has no class on Fridays which is the best shit ever. Making her way through the building, she heard chatter through the halls of students coming and going from Friday classes, sucks for them. Heading back toward the library, she pushed the door open gently and stepped inside, moving up to the desk and setting the foil wrapped loaf of pumpkin bread down on the counter, watching Felix work. "Hungry?"-
  15. Covet: "Christmas party would be fun, maybe do some sort of cheap, secret santa gift exchange?" Cadence said with a smile, then looked at Hayley, "Yeah there was, were you okay during all of that? I didn't even think about that many people being there, like that." Looking at Dori, "Probably sitting at home enjoying life with my husband and pets. That's the plan at least." // Looking up to see Steph, he smiled and then saw the bread, "Oh fuck yes. What is this?" He asked her excitedly as he opened up the tinfoil.
  16. Tsaaq: "I'm usually home for Christmas though. Maybe you can do it like, around Christmas time?" Hayley suggested. "Uh. I have to text Ta-" She cleared her throat. "Well, I have a few things I have to do." Hayley announced. "Cadence. Can I pull you aside for a sec?" She asked as she walked over to the older female and attempted to lead her away. // "This weekend? Well Grandmother will be home. I'll spend time with her. Slack about with Eli. Console Persephone." She shrugged. "Oh, you two are so sweet." She smiled at Cadence then looked over her shoulder as she and Hayley stepped away. "We should talk about SGA." Bliss said immediately. "You're Treasurer after all."
  17. Smokeless: Dori smiled and she watched as Hayley and Cadence walked off. Her attention was brought to Bliss as she spoke to her and she smiled."Oh that is sweet of you to spend time with your grandmother." Dori forced a smile on her face as she was starting to feel the weight on her shoulders again at the word grandmother."Yeah I am. How I even got nominated I have no clue." she chuckled a little.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Pumpkin bread." She said quicky, shifting to look around the library aimlessly. "You seem awfully busy. And by awfully busy I mean you look like you're doing absolutely nothing. So I take it library shift will be my opportunity to study." She turned back to look at him, fixing a smile on her face. "See, I have a plan. Everythings working out perfectly."-
  19. Covet: "Wouldn't have to be on Christmas, but around then for sure. I've still got to get with Steph and figure out when she wants to go to NYC, maybe we can plan that and getting together with the family around the same time so we don't have to make two trips." She said then looked at Hayley, "Uh yeah, sure thing." She told her as they walked off, "What's up?" Cadence asked looking at Hayley with a bit of concern. // "Mmmm Pumpkin Bread. It smells fucking awesome." Pretty much, you just have to put books away when college kids are too lazy to do it themselves, fill the paper on the printers, push in chairs. Check out people when they need it. Laid back job, I usually do homework when I'm here." He said before he broke off a piece of bread and shoved it into his mouth.
  20. Tsaaq: "Remember the night of your wedding and Uncle James' kids blabbing about my miscarriage?" She asked quietly before looking around. "Well when mom pulled me away it was to tell me that I should go to a vagina doctor or something." Hayley explained awkwardly. // "Well none of that matters now." Bliss began to grin. "What matters is the budget, projected spending and what we should do as our charity even for this year?" She began to list. "If we do the party in NYC we can go to Gram's old building on the lower east side. That is actually a perfect suggestion." Bliss tapped her chin. "Sorry." She said quickly to Dori.
  21. Smokeless: Dori thought for a moment as she was listening to Bliss."Well I was thinking of a fall bake sale. I mean there are alot of things eopke want to buy. Like pumpkin rolls and stuff. I was also thinking of having a charity for umm kids who can't speak english or even adults who are wanting to learn english. It is actually a problem that needs to be addressed in my opinion."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Seems easy enough." She spoke with a nod, leaning back against the counter as she watched him eat the pumpkin bread. "I only made one loaf so that has to last you until the next time I bake. Which... seems to be fairly often now since you're so appreciative of BAKED goods." She put extra emphasis on the word baked, eyeing him since the typo mishap.-
  23. Covet: "Yeah..."Cadence said at first as Hayley spoke to her. "Oh, she wants you to go to an OBGYN?" she asked, "Shit.. Yeah.. I should have added that to the things we needed to do. Sorry Hayley... Remy and I were just focused on getting you feeling better mentally." // Felix smirked, "Yeah this isn't lasting past tonight, so you're going to need to do bigger batches next time." He told her taking another chunk off the bread.
  24. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head. "Yeah so... I set up an appointment at Planned Parenthood or whatever." She shrugged. "It's fine. Don't be sorry. What could be the worst thing?" She asked with a shrug. "I didn't tell Adam or whatever... I just wanted to make sure you weren't worried or anything." Hayley pouted. // Bliss nodded her head slolwy. "Perhaps we should talk to Adam and Eli about it? Are you free after this?" She asked.
  25. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head."oh yeah I am free I have nothing to do.I mean I was jsut going to go home and do laundry and be bored."she chuckled softly and brushed her hair from her face."I'm still thinking on things though like the budgetand all. I mean we have alot of dances and I was trying to think of something that would raise money."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I dont have the time to do batch after batch just to feed your insatiable need to be a human garbage. Next time I bake, why don't I just teach you, and you can bake for yourself if a dozen cookies or one load of bread isn't enough?" She asked him, raising a brow. "Not that a mind baking for you, but you're like halfway through that bread already."-
  27. Covet: "Oh okay. Do you want someone to go with you?" Cadence asked her, "Adam would probably be pretty uncomfortable with it, but I'd be happy to go along with you for support." Cadence said, watching her, "Don't look so sad, I'm more concerned than worried, I'd rather you had someone there so that you didn't have to deal with that all on your own."// Felix blinked at her, "Yeah, that's asking for your house to burn down. What if you just did a bunch of loaves and we freeze them? I'll help you, but then you don't have to do it all the time when I need them." He said then scoffed, "Don't blame me, it's good bread."
  28. Tsaaq: "Well... I wasn't gonna ask but. If you're offering." Hayley leaned on the brick wall of the school and forced a smile. "I'm not sad. I'm just not stoked to put my legs in those stirrup things. Or get the weird looking thing shoved inside of me." She told her. "I'd like it if you came. Since you know about my situation already and it won't be weird or awkward." // She pulled out her cellphone and nodded along with Dori. "We can have an impromptu meeting now if it's possible. I'll just say by to Cadence and Hayley and we can hop in my prius. Hopefully those two are only at work."
  29. Smokeless: She nodded her head."I actually have my car here so I can jsut follow you if that is okay." she smiled and pulled her own cellphone out seeing she had a few messages from her mom."I still have to meet up with hayley later now that im thinking of her." she looked over at cadence and hayley and bit the inside of her cheek."I hope everything is ok. OH hey is kelsey okay? I know she wasnt to happy to see Jason last night. Neither was I. He is so rude."
  30. Alexithymiaa: "When you need them?" She gawked at him, planting her hands on her hips. "Arizona... you don't need them. You just like them. There is plenty of other food for you to eat. I just bake you fresh things because I know you like them. Don't start getting pushy, you brat."-
  31. Covet: "Yeah, it's kind of a weird place and thing to have to do. But the doctors are very professional and usually explain everything that their doing, so nothing is unexpected. I'll happily go with you. When's the appointment?" Cadence asked. // "I do need them, though. Got to start carb loading before the gym to get ready for basketball season." Felix told her matter of factly, before sticking his tongue out. "I bet we could protein boost these loafs too."
  32. Tsaaq: "Tomorrow, I have to check the time. It's weird." Hayley shrugged. "I sort of called the day after the wedding when my mom said it was important that I got everything checked out." She bit her lip. "Thanks Cadence... Can I ask you something?" Hayley's voice began to quaver. "This is totally weird. Say no any time but can I call you sis?" She asked anxiously. // Bliss gasped at the mention of Jason. "Kelsey and Bradley are fine." She answered firmly. "But guess who my lovely housekeeper complained about when he practically ruined our culutured marble bathtub with his black and red paint!" She complained. "What's more, he was found sleeping in my cousin's bed. Half naked." She put her hands on her hips. "I suppose she invited him upstairs." Bliss scoffed.
  33. Smokeless: Dori rolled her eyes hearing about Jason."oh wow. I knew he was that type. I met him at the cafe and he just asked me if I wanted to go to the lots to give him a blow job. I went off on him and he acted like I was in the wrong. Who does that?"she shook her head."I'm glad Kelsey and Brad are ok though. I actually bought my car from brad. I love it."
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Carb loading?" She asked with a bit of a cringe because the idea of intentionally doing that was absolutely horrifying. "Why? Why would you aim for that? I don't understand..." She trailed off, her mind wandering in clear distress as she tried to wrap her brain around the idea if deliberately overeating carbs.-
  35. Covet: "Okay, I'm not doing anything tomorrow, so just give me a heads up. I can pick you up if you want." She told her and nodded her head, "Yeah, it's pretty important, and I feel guilty for not thinking of it sooner." Looking over at Hayley she smiled at her question, "It's not weird at all, I'd actually like that a lot, you're the closest thing I'll have to an actual sister, outside of Steph, but we're actually related by marriage now, so it's different.. more special." Cadence told her. // "Because... Carbs convert to energy, which means you can work out more and that means more tone and muscle. Duh Red, It's science. You overeat then burn it all off before it can turn to fat." Felix explained as he wrapped up the other half of the bread.
  36. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "Yeah I'll shoot you a text... You should probably pick me up. That's a rule isn't it?" She asked. Hayley started to smile as well. "Oh wow. Thanks... Big sis." She said and rocked back and forth on her heels. "You're part of the family and stuff now." Hayley laughed. "Which comes with a lot of fuckery." // "I'm certain Persephone did not sleep with him. She'd never do such a thing. But she is starved for attention. He probably sweet talked her." She sighed. "Icky." Bliss scrunched up her face while frowning. "He wasn't so crass when I knew him. But of course I probably didn't know him very well." She shrugged. "At any rate... Elijah says they're at work so we might as well get on the move." Bliss suggested. "I'll talk to you both later." She waved at Cadence and Hayley.
  37. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head."Well I find him to be rude."she shrugged and she smiled to cadence and hayley" see ya guys later." she smiled to Bliss and nodded her head."oh yeah i'll follow you" she pulled her keys out of her bag and made her way towards her car
  38. Alexithymiaa: -She wrinkled her nose, still completely put off by this concept. "I don't understand why that's necessary. Why can't you just get your energy from eating a normally balanced meal? It just seems like you have to work twice as hard to get to the same place as if you were eating healthy." She chewed on the inside of her cheek, the idea of this tactic stressing her and forming wrinkles in her forehead.-
  39. Covet: "Okay, I'll be there." Cadence said then looked at Hayley, "You're very welcome Little sis." She laughed and gave a shrug, "Hey when you don't have much of your own family to begin with, you don't really look at the fuckery as a bad thing. Better to have some, then none at all." //"You still eat healthy too, and yeah it's kind of working twice as hard, but it's really not at the same time?" Felix said, "Healthy foods, you want to absorb, carbs you want to burn off. So you eat carbs, then work out, then you eat something healthier and lighter for your actual meal."
  40. Tsaaq: "Awesome." Hayley grinned. "Thanks so much again." She sighed. "Well yeah. I guess I've realized that over time. I can definitely agree." She looked voer to Bliss and waved as she went to her car and drove off. "Alrighty, well... I have to text a friend. And take off these jeans." Hayley declared. "But you'll hear from me tomorrow."
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Your actual meal?" She repeated his words, blinking at him. "As in... eat a bunch of carbs... and then eat your meal?" She took a deep breath, uncomfortably wringing her hands out together, repeatedly twisting her fingers around.-
  42. Covet: "Okay, I should probably get headed home, Tyler's supposed to be at the house giving Remy the run down with some financial stuff, God only know how that's going." She said, "Have a good night, get home safe. I'll see you tomorrow." // Felix noticed her gettign a bit anxious at all this food talk, "It's not nearly as daunting as it sounds, I promise. How about we change the subject, and I'll worry about my athletic diet, alright?"
  43. Tsaaq: Hayley slowly nodded her head at Cadence. "Thanks big sis." She said as she went to give her a hurried side hug. "Tell Remy I said hi." She called out, lowering her books so she could carry them in one hand as she walked to her car. Taking out her phone.
  44. Alexithymiaa: "I hope not, because I have to tell you... it sounds incredibly daunting." She took a deep steadying breath, nodding her head. "Yeah.. we can jump suit from one subject I don't like to talk about another one." She spoke matter of factly, wincing as she looked at him again. "Like going to dinner with my dad as per his request?"-
  45. Alexithymiaa: (Jump ship** wtf)
  46. Covet: Cadence hugged Hayley back, and nodded her head, "I will!" She said then made her way out to her own vehicle to go find something for food things to bring home for dinner tonight. // Felix gave her hand a squeeze, "I know it pretty well, just because I've been doing it for years." He raised his eyerows as heard her ask about going to dinner with her dad, "Oh I finally get to meet your old man huh?Is he as bad as your mom?" Felix asked hesitantly, "Just so I can mentally prepare for this."
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