
Be mad Noah

Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah was skating around on the ice finishing up practice with the rest of his teammates. He had his stick in his hand and his equipment still on including his helmet and all his padding. He slapped the puck with his stick hard in the direction of the goal, the goalie snatching it out of the air with his glove and tossing it back out onto the ice for the rest of the team to pick up. The mass of guys darted down the ice, all flying at lightning speed to try to get the puck. // Colin walked on down the aisle with a pair of old beat up skates in his hand knowing that as soon as the hockey team vacated the ice, it was open session for anyone to skate. He took a seat on the bench, beginning to pull his sneakers off so he could get his skates on.-
  2. Covet: Tae had come in, pulling her jacket up on her shoulders as she held on to the skates she got from the equipment storage that they have for the students. She looked around and saw Colin, making her way around the rink to him. She saw the hockey team out there, then looked about tryint to Spot Noah, but she didn't know his number or his position, let alone anything about hockey. Getting over to Colin she sat down slipping her shoes off. "Thanks for the invite, I was pretty bored tonight."
  3. Alexithymiaa: -The whistle blew from the couch and most of the team started casually skating toward the team box to exit the ice. Noah circled back with the intention to get a bit more ice time even if none of his teammates were going to play with him. // Colin smiled at Tae as she sat down beside him, pulling on the laces of his skates to tighten them. "You're welcome. If anything, you're doing me a favor because I was pretty bored too."-
  4. Covet: "Oh, a win win for us both. Can't really complain with that." Tae said with a smile, finishing getting her skates laced up nice and tight. "I just hope you don't mind me holding onto you, in case I fall. Which is going to happen. Probably a lot."
  5. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -Fishing for the puck by the boards, he started up the ice with it floating next to his stick, taking a huge shot at the goal and putting it right in the net since there was no one there to block it. // "Why would I mind? That sounds like a good way to spend my night." He pushed up to his feet and turned to offer her a hand to help her up.-
  6. Covet: "I mean.. I could think of better ways, but this is definitely a good start." She told him as she stood up, taking his hand so they could make their way onto the rink.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Fetching the puck from the net, he turned to start making his way back up the ice to the other side, seeing Tae and Colin approaching the entrance to the ice with skates on. Starting to slow, he furrowed his brows, just gliding as he watched them. // Colin walked carefully with her to the entrance, stepping onto the ice first and then turning to offer her both hands to help her onto the ice without slipping. "Every good night needs to start somewhere."-
  8. Covet: "Okay Mr. Halmark." Tae said with a laugh, still holding on to his hands so that she could step onto the ice as well, getting her balance before she started to push off a little bit for some momentum.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Seeing them on the ice together and holding hands, his already overheated face started to get hot, genuinely annoyed and upset that she hadn't fallen prey to any of his 'traps' he'd been pulling lately to get her attention. Starting over in their direction, he raised his voice from across the rink. "This is closed ice." // "Is that bad?" Colin aked her with a laugh, keeping a hold of her hands as he glided slowly backwards, trying to help her stay on her feet. When he heard Noah's voice, he turned to look at him. "The website says it's open session after hockey practice ends."-
  10. Covet: [Traps...'re adorable trying to manipulate a woman XD]
  11. Alexithymiaa: (Hes a slow little boy)
  12. Covet: "No, just means you're pretty cheesy and come off sounding like a fortune cookie, but I like fortune cookies, so it works for me." She said with a laugh then turned hearing Noah's voice. "Yeah, what Colin said. After your practice is over it's open to the rest of the campus. That's why they let us get skates."
  13. Alexithymiaa: -He glided up to them, turning his skate to drag behind him as he got closer to slow himself to a stop. "Well I'm still practicing so that means practice isn't over and it's closed ice. So get lost." // "I do like cheese and fortune cookies so I guess it's a good thing." He smiled to her and then looked at Noah. "Come on man, what if we just stay over here and you have that entire side to yourself? We won't bother you."-
  14. Covet: "Your coach blue the whistle. You aren't the whole team and you don't need the whole rink to yourself." Tae said putting her hand on her hip. "Can you just leave us alone? We're just trying to kill some boredome here."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "How am I supposed to practice with only half of the ice? Most of our plays utilize a full ice spacing. No, this is the hockey team's ice and you can do whatever you want to do somewhere else." He spoke firmly, his face scrunching. // Colin let out a sigh, not really wanting to get into it with him over this, especially not in front of Tae. "Alright fine, we'll just go somewhere else and hangout. I'm sorry Tae, I didn't think anyone would prevent us from skating right now."-
  16. Covet: "No, we're not leaving. We're allowed to be here, if he's such a great hockey player, then he can play around us like we're not even here." Tae said crossing her arms, glaring at Noah. "This is the school's ice, you jack ass."
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He set his jaw, letting out a huff. "Fine, I'll just practice around you." He turned and skated off, going to scoop up the puck on his way. // Colin watched him as he skated off, shaking his head. "What a jerk. That's just not necessary. Come on." He offered her a hand again, starting to skate slowly.-
  18. Covet: "He's just dramatic, and mad because you're here with me." Tae said quietly, following along with Colin, holding onto his hand, more or less being pulled along by him, occasionally picking up her skate.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Noah got a good start going, picking up speed as he tore down the ice with the stick in his hands, moving the puck. He angled himself toward them, whizzing by in a flash, but getting a little close to Tae as he did. // "Why? It's not like he's your boyfriend, right?" He asked, glancing down at her shirt because it amused him. When Noah went by her, he lifted his hand, giving him a dirty look.-
  20. Covet: "Nope...He's not. But that doesn't stop him from apparently staking a claim or some crap." Tae said catching Colin's look then felt Noah blow past them, "Oh my god, he's such a dick.... Cause it's not like you don't have this whole stupid rink!"
  21. Alexithymiaa: -Noah ignored her yelling at him because he was pissed and he was going to do what he wanted to do. Which was ruin their date. He turned to chase the puck, shooting it at the net and then circling back. He slowed his skating a bit and aimed right for them, intentionally skating into their arms to break their contact and continuing past. // "Well he can be mad all he wants then." Colin said until Noah literally skated into their hands. And then he was pissed. "Bro stop. Just leave us the hell alone. You're going to end up getting someone hurt. Like yourself."-
  22. Covet: "Noah!" Tae yelled out as she stumbled a bit when he broke through their arms. "What the hell is your problem now?" She asked him as he continued past them, then slowly made her way back over to Colin. "I'm sorry, I didn't think about him being here, or causing issues like this."
  23. Alexithymiaa: -He snickered to himself after he passed because he intended to get a rise out of them and he sure got it. Hearing Colin's words, he turned, beginning to skate back. "Are you threatening me?" // "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known." He said to her and then looked at Noah. "I'm just saying that if you don't leave us alone, something bad is bound to happen."-
  24. Covet: "Can you just... Not? Is it really worth someone getting seriously hurt, just because you feel the need to be an ass? We're not even bothering you." She said standing close to Colin still holding on to him.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah? Like what? What are you going to do?" He shot back, his oversized gloved hands coming out in front of him to shove in Colin's chest. // Because Colin was on skates and not quite as strong of a skater as Noah, he slid backwards on his skates when Noah pushed him, wobbling just a bit. "We just want you to leave us alone. If you want to be jealous, that's your problem, not ours."-
  26. Covet: Tae moved in the way after he shoved Colin and starte at him. " Stop it. You're being nothing but a jack ass right now. But I guess somethings don't change." She said mostly out of spite.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Jealous?" He stammered, getting all riled up. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Some things don't change. You still don't give a shit about anyone, but yourself. You're a waste of fucking time." He essentially growled the words at her, pushing off on his skates to start for the exit of the ice. // Colin watched Noah carefully as he skated around them and toward the exit, exhaling deeply because he hadnt wanted to get into a fight. "What was that all about?'-
  28. Covet: "Well it's not like anyone else is caring about me right now, so myself is better than nobody." Tae told him rolling her eyes "Thanks for reminding me...." She added in regards to being a waste of time. Turning to look at Colin, "You called him out on his real problem. But... it's whatever... Clearly if that's how he's going to act, he doesn't care."
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Stepping off the ice, he turned to head toward the locker room, kicking one of the chairs over as he walked off. // Colin shook his head. "Ignore him. He's just bitter. I'm sorry that he's ruining your night. Can I make it up to you?"-
  30. Covet: Tae turned a bit to face Colin, "I know he is. I'd like to feel sorry for him, but he makes it hard when he's being an ass like this." She said then tilted her head, "Make it up to me how?"
  31. Alexithymiaa: "It's his own problem, not yours." He said, leaning in closer to her and brushing his hand over her cheek before dipping his head down to press a kiss to her lips.-
  32. Covet: Tae smiled, then totally met him for the kiss, leaning in a little too much before feeling her skates slip out from under her, so she fell against Colin's chest, wrapping her arms around his neck for both stability and because well it obviously felt nice. After a few long moments, she pulled back, "Did you mean make it up, or Make out? Because I'm definitely game for both."
  33. Alexithymiaa: -He started to laugh, wrapping his arms around her back to help keep her steady. "Hey, both is good. Do you want to go get food and we can hangout somewhere else? I'm buying dessert."-
  34. Covet: "That sounds awesome. You opposed to the cafe at all?" She asked him with a tilt to her head.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Not at all. I actually prefer it." He took her hand again, beginning to slowly glide toward the exit of the ice, being mindful of her lack of skating skills.-
  36. Covet: Tae held onto his hand smiling as she followed behind him, happy to have the night perk up a little bit since Noah was a douche right now.
  37. Alexithymiaa: -He stepped off the ice and helped her off as well, walking to the bench where there things were and beginning to unlace his skates, pulling his feet out of them and pushing them down into his sneakers.-
  38. Covet: Tae got her own skates off and put her shoes back on so that they could return them and go do their sweet things.
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