
Discord markdown

Feb 27th, 2018
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  1. ------------------------------------------------
  2. Syntax highlighting and formatting:
  3. ------------------------------------------------
  4. *italics* = italics
  5. __*Underline italics*__ = Underline italics
  6. **bold** = bold
  7. ***bold italics*** = bold italics
  8. __Underline__ = Underline
  9. __**Underline Bold**__ = Underline Bold
  10. __***underline bold italics***__ = underline bold italics
  11. ~~strike-through~~ = strike-through
  12. single back-tick = single line block
  13. 3 back-ticks = multi-line block
  14. Use 3 back-ticks
  15. for syntax highlighting
  16. put syntax next to 3 back-ticks at the beginning
  18. asciidoc = asciidoc highlighting
  19. autohotkey = autohotkey highlighting
  20. bash = bash highlighting
  21. coffeescript = coffeescript highlighting
  22. cpp = C++ highlighting
  23. cs = C# highlighting
  24. css = CSS highlighting
  25. diff = diff highlighting
  26. fix = fix highlighting
  27. glsl = glsl highlighting
  28. html = html highlighting
  29. ini = ini highlighting
  30. json = json highlighting
  31. md = markdown highlighting
  32. ml = ml highlighting
  33. prolong = prolong highlighting
  34. py = python highlighting
  35. tex = TeX highlighting
  36. xl = xl highlighting
  37. xml = XML highlighting
  38. apache = Apache highlighting
  39. http = HTTP highlighting
  40. java = Java highlighting
  41. javascript = javascript highlighting
  42. makefile = Makefile highlighting
  43. nginx = nginx highlighting
  44. objectivec = Objective-C highlighting
  45. perl = perl highlighting
  46. php = php highlighting
  47. ruby = Ruby highlighting
  48. shell = Shell Session highlighting
  49. sql = SQL highlighting
  50. arm = ARM highlighting
  51. avr = AVR highlighting
  52. llvm = LLVM highlighting
  53. mips = MIPS highlighting
  54. x86 = x86 highlighting
  55. crmsh = crmsh highlighting
  56. dns = dns zone highlighting
  57. docker = Docker highlighting
  58. dsconfig = dsconfig highlighting
  59. jboss = jboss-cli highlighting
  60. ldif = ldif highlighting
  61. pf = pf highlighting
  62. roboconf = roboconf highlighting
  63. yaml = yaml highlighting
  64. matt mods - 29/10/2017
  65. less = less highlighting
  66. scss = scss highlighting
  67. stylus = stylus highlighting
  68. 1c = 1c highlighting
  69. cacheobjectscript = cache object script highlighting
  70. dsconfig = dsconfig highlighting
  71. livecode = LiveCode highlighting
  72. oraclerules = oracle rules langauge highlighting
  73. clean = clean highlighting
  74. coq = coq highlighting
  75. elixir = elixir highlighting
  76. elm = elm highlighting
  77. erlangrepl = Erlang repel highlighting
  78. erlang = erlang highlighting
  79. filx = filx highlighting
  80. fs = F# highlighting
  81. haskell = haskell highlighting
  82. ocaml = ocaml highlighting
  83. scala = scala highlighting
  84. sml = sml highlighting
  85. xquery = XQuery highlighting
  86. glsl = GLSL highlighting
  87. mel = MEL highlighting
  88. processing = Processing highlighting
  89. rendermanrib = RenderMan RIB highlighting
  90. rendermanrsl = RenderMan RSL highlighting
  91. clojurerepl = Clojure REPL highlighting
  92. clojure = Clojure highlighting
  93. hy = Hy highlighting
  94. lisp = Lisp highlighting
  95. scheme = Scheme highlighting
  96. capnproto = Cap'n Proto highlighting
  97. protocolbuffers = Protocol Buffers highlighting
  98. thrift = Thrift highlighting
  99. fortan = Fortan highlighting
  100. gams = GAMS highlighting
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