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Nice shit staff mate/

a guest
Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. Miikie[Mike] - Today at 7:10 PM
  2. you cant learn java in 2 month and call yourself an developer.
  3. Torrider - Today at 7:11 PM
  4. 1. He isn't developing the server
  5. Miikie[Mike] - Today at 7:11 PM
  6. 1. "Dev". He not a developer.
  7. Torrider - Today at 7:11 PM
  8. 2. He is developing the website
  9. Miikie[Mike] - Today at 7:12 PM
  10. He can't code lmao
  11. Torrider - Today at 7:12 PM
  12. You just keep changing your answer, stop being disrespectful towards the team, there will be consequences
  13. Miikie[Mike] - Today at 7:13 PM
  14. HOw am i changing my answers? Its a fact im stating facts, i will be talkign to james about this and he will be demoted. Someone like him shouldn't even be called a developer while he cant code.
  15. Torrider - Today at 7:15 PM
  16. Funny enough he done a great job on the server, I'm sorry but please shut the Fuck up, you honestly piss me off so much and I don't care so the owners how rude I am, you had no right to just say he is a shit dev you are a shit senior but Jamie gave you it back on venix and that's a fact ask anyone e.g swaqq next time please keep your opinions! To yourself.
  17. Miikie[Mike] - Today at 7:17 PM
  18. He can't fucking code so again you are just being a fucking retard here, "Bad senior" at least I didn't buy fucking admin lmao dumbass and I am a bad senior? You brought fucking admin while you shouldn't even gotten that rank. You just sucked they dick for it. Swaqq was a terrible staff member so his opinion is irrevlant to me. And nah, im good Im not going to keep my opinions to myself while its a fact. You shouldn't even be fucking manager if you going to be a prick like always. You brought admin. Case close. Now plese shut the fuck up. :smiley:
  19. Torrider - Today at 7:21 PM
  20. Hold on?xD I bought Admin, 1 I'm a manager 2 swaqq got more bans then you ever got in your fucking lifetime, make a complaint to fucking james if you think he likes you, I'm normally such a nice guy, but you are a complete asshole, you are a stuck up cunt and you think you are the shit, the only thing you are is shit. Now if you have a problem with drge I don't care you keep it to yourself no one gives a fuck.
  21. Miikie[Mike] - Today at 7:24 PM
  22. You did buy admin on venix so you really can't say shit. 2. Swaqq okay? Why do i give any fucks? 3. You will be demoted i will make sure you and drge are demoted. "nice guy" nah you are normally a arrogrant asshole. . "Stuck up cunt" I am actually not stuck up lmao. "Think you are the shit" When did i ever say I was the shit or if i was better then everyone? Right I didn't. "Problem with drge" He can't code, i will make sure he is going to be demoted as well as you. Goodbye. :smiley:
  23. Torrider - Today at 7:26 PM
  24. I was a full staff member on venix xD I wasn't a admin retard, shut your fucking mouth honey, demote me, get James to demoted, get tom to demoted me get hrguy get Adam get the entire staff team, the difference is if they had to choose between picking you and fucking keeping me xD they are going to choose me, you are a lowlife wanker that deserves a fucking box below the highway "Xo"
  25. Miikie[Mike] - Today at 7:29 PM
  26. You were admin on venix what the fuck are you talking about you fucking brought admin, and why the hell would they pick you while you being a fucking cunt right now? "Lowlife wanker that deverse a fucking box below the highway the way you are just acting right here shows you are immature. This will all be going to james and you be demoted. good bye.
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