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propertysystem translations

a guest
Dec 20th, 2023
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  3. <Translation Id="BuyProperty" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;You have successfully bought this property!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  4. <Translation Id="RefreshProperty" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;You have successfully refreshed the property to your current group!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  5. <Translation Id="AbandonProperty" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;You have successfully abandoned this property!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  6. <Translation Id="LimitReached" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;You already own the maximum amount of properties!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  7. <Translation Id="TopText" Value="Property System" />
  8. <Translation Id="BuyButtonText" Value="Purchase Property" />
  9. <Translation Id="RefreshText" Value="Refresh Group" />
  10. <Translation Id="AbandonText" Value="Abandon Property" />
  11. <Translation Id="OwnerText" Value="Owner: {0}" />
  12. <Translation Id="PriceText" Value="Price: ${0}" />
  13. <Translation Id="PropertyIdText" Value="Property ID: {0}" />
  14. <Translation Id="SalvageCanceled" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;You can not salvage barricades that are part of a property.&lt;/color&gt;" />
  15. <Translation Id="DamageCanceled" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;You can not damage barricades that are part of a property.&lt;/color&gt;" />
  16. <Translation Id="FailedToConvertNumber" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Failed to convert to a number!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  17. <Translation Id="BarricadeNull" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;You are not looking at a barricade!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  18. <Translation Id="PropertyNull" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;You must specify a valid property ID!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  19. <Translation Id="PropertyNullLook" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;You must be looking at a property barricade!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  20. <Translation Id="Property_MissingArgs" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Missing arguments, /property [add/remove/reset/addbarricade/removebarricade]&lt;/color&gt;" />
  21. <Translation Id="Property_Reset_MissingArgs" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Missing arguments, /property reset [id]&lt;/color&gt;" />
  22. <Translation Id="Property_Reset_Success" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Successfully reset the owner and group of this property and put it back for sale!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  23. <Translation Id="Property_Remove_MissingArgs" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Missing arguments, /property remove [id]&lt;/color&gt;" />
  24. <Translation Id="Property_Remove_Success" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Successfully removed this house!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  25. <Translation Id="Property_Add_MissingArgs" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Missing arguments, /property add [price]&lt;/color&gt;" />
  26. <Translation Id="Property_Add_Success" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Successfully added a new property!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  27. <Translation Id="Property_AddBarricade_MissingArgs" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Missing arguments, /property addb [PropertyId]&lt;/color&gt;" />
  28. <Translation Id="Property_AddBarricade_Success" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Successfully added a new barricade to this property!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  29. <Translation Id="Property_RemoveBarricade_MissingArgs" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Too many arguments, /property removeb&lt;/color&gt;" />
  30. <Translation Id="Property_RemoveBarricade_Success" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;Successfully removed this barricade from this property!&lt;/color&gt;" />
  31. <Translation Id="Property_RemoveBarricade_LastBarricade" Value="&lt;color=white&gt;You can not remove every barricade from a property! If you want to delete the property use /property remove [id]&lt;/color&gt;" />
  32. <Translation Id="Error" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;An error has occured.&lt;/color&gt;" />
  33. </Translations>
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