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Aug 12th, 2019
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  2. ch0020_00_toya_en.lsd
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  4. [ch0020_00_toya/0101_0701_01_10] Hey, [Name:PlayerNickname ]!\nI figured you’d be coming soon.
  5. [ch0020_00_toya/0101_0701_02_10] Battles seem more fun when you’re around.\nLet’s do our best today, too!
  6. [ch0020_00_toya/0601_0701_01_10] I’ve been traveling all over the place, \nand then I was called here to Pasio.
  7. [ch0020_00_toya/0601_0701_02_10] Traveling is good for you. You get to see new\nsights and meet new people and Pokémon.
  8. [ch0020_00_toya/0601_0701_03_10] You’re one of the new people I’ve met \nduring my travels, you know? \nAnd I’m very happy for that!
  9. [ch0020_00_toya/0601_0702_01_10] Don’t you think it’s kind of miraculous when\nwe meet new people or Pokémon?
  10. [ch0020_00_toya/0601_0702_02_10] The world is so big, there are so many people\nand Pokémon that’ll never meet each other...
  11. [ch0020_00_toya/0601_0702_03_10] And yet we’ve met here, and now we’re\ntalking and becoming friends!
  12. [ch0020_00_toya/0601_0702_04_10] I hope we can make this meeting something\nreally special.
  13. [ch0020_00_toya/0602_0701_01_10] I like Pokémon battles because I really want to\nexperience the joy of victory, I guess.
  14. [ch0020_00_toya/0602_0701_02_10] So much goes into winning a battle.\nYou have to plan your strategy, raise your\nPokémon, read your opponent’s moves...
  15. [ch0020_00_toya/0602_0701_03_10] It just feels wonderful when you can bring\nall those factors together and seize victory!
  16. [ch0020_00_toya/0602_0702_01_10] When we win, my Pokémon get really\nhappy, too!
  17. [ch0020_00_toya/0602_0702_02_10] That goes for that frustrating feeling when we\nlose, too, of course.
  18. [ch0020_00_toya/0602_0702_03_10] I think Pokémon battles are a form\nof communication.
  19. [ch0020_00_toya/0603_0701_01_10] I know my Oshawott is pretty tiny,\nbut he’s really good at Pokémon battles.
  20. [ch0020_00_toya/0603_0701_02_10] He’s defeated much larger Pokémon by using his\nsmaller size as an advantage.
  21. [ch0020_00_toya/0603_0701_03_10] He’s the best partner I could have for my travels!
  22. [ch0020_00_toya/0603_0702_01_10] My Oshawott is, what do you call it...\nStoic, I guess.
  23. [ch0020_00_toya/0603_0702_02_10] He wakes up earlier than even I do and\ngoes out on his own to train.
  24. [ch0020_00_toya/0603_0702_03_10] I guess he’s strong because he takes battles\nso seriously...?
  25. [ch0020_00_toya/0604_0701_01_10] Even if it’s a place you’ve been to many times\nbefore, you can discover new things if you just\npay a little closer attention.
  26. [ch0020_00_toya/0604_0701_02_10] I really enjoy looking for little secrets\nlike that, you know?
  27. [ch0020_00_toya/0604_0701_03_10] You might discover a path you never saw before\nor meet new Pokémon. It’s hard to quit exploring\nonce you get into it!
  28. [ch0020_00_toya/0604_0701_04_10] I’d love it if we could go exploring together, too!
  29. [ch0020_00_toya/0604_0702_01_10] Forests and mountains are fun to explore, sure,\nbut cities can also be really exciting.
  30. [ch0020_00_toya/0604_0702_02_10] My favorite thing to do is look for great\nrestaurants that are off the beaten path!
  31. [ch0020_00_toya/0604_0702_03_10] Besides, if the Pokémon I meet seem like they’re\nhaving fun, it makes me smile, too!
  32. [ch0020_00_toya/0605_0701_01_10] I feel comfortable when I’m with you.\nYou’re reassuring, somehow.
  33. [ch0020_00_toya/0605_0701_02_10] So, y’know, even if you become an\namazing Trainer...
  34. [ch0020_00_toya/0605_0701_03_10] I hope our relationship won’t change.\nI hope we’ll stay friends.
  35. [ch0020_00_toya/0605_0701_04_10] So, uh, this is a little embarrassing, but...\nLet’s stick together, [Name:PlayerNickname ]!
  36. [ch0020_00_toya/0605_0702_01_10] When I watch your Pokémon battles,\nit makes me feel...
  37. [ch0020_00_toya/0605_0702_02_10] It’s hard to explain. Like my heart’s on fire?\nIt makes me want to battle, too.
  38. [ch0020_00_toya/1701_0701_01_10] Hey, I found something good, so I figured\nI’d share it with you!
  39. [ch0020_00_toya/1701_0701_02_10] It’s best to share happiness with another\nperson, after all!
  40. [ch0020_00_toya/1701_0702_01_10] I’m pretty good at finding items, since\nI’ve traveled so much.
  41. [ch0020_00_toya/1701_0702_02_10] I’ll let you know if I find anything else good!
  42. [ch0020_00_toya/2501_0701_01_10] I’m really looking forward to \nthe Pokémon battles on Pasio.
  43. [ch0020_00_toya/2501_0701_02_10] Each place has its own powerful Trainers.
  44. [ch0020_00_toya/2501_0701_03_10] So whenever I’m going to face strong Trainers, I\nalways wonder how far I’ll be able to go.
  45. [ch0020_00_toya/2501_0702_01_10] Seeing you get stronger and stronger... It really\nmakes me feel like I can’t lag behind, either!
  46. [ch0020_00_toya/2501_0702_02_10] In other words, you are a great inspiration\nfor me!
  47. [ch0020_00_toya/2511_0701_01_10] I’m a bit of a sore loser.\nI try not to let it show, since I don’t want\npeople thinking I’m childish.
  48. [ch0020_00_toya/2511_0701_02_10] But that does mean I battle to win, even if\nit’s against you!
  49. [ch0020_00_toya/2511_0701_03_10] You’re my friend, and that’s why I want to go\nall out in our battles!\nNo holding grudges, even if you lose!
  50. [ch0020_00_toya/2511_0702_01_10] It’s like, we’re together a lot...but that’s\nexactly why I don’t want to lose.\nDo you have that kind of competitiveness, too?
  51. [ch0020_00_toya/2511_0702_02_10] I guess having this kind of feeling about\neach other is what you’d call a rivalry.
  52. [ch0020_00_toya/2511_0702_03_10] Well, I hope we can stay good friends—and\ngood rivals!
  53. [ch0020_00_toya/3001_0701_01_10] Morning! Did ya eat a good breakfast?\nYou’ll feel better if you eat.
  54. [ch0020_00_toya/3002_0701_01_10] Morning! Sleep well? I can’t wait to have\na ton of Pokémon battles today!
  55. [ch0020_00_toya/3003_0701_01_10] Good afternoon! Eating lunch made me sleepy...
  56. [ch0020_00_toya/3004_0701_01_10] Afternoon! Wanna go for a walk or something?\nOh, and while we’re at it,\nI also want to do some Pokémon battles.
  57. [ch0020_00_toya/3005_0701_01_10] Good evening! It’s a nice night, right?\nQuiet, calm, and pleasant.
  58. [ch0020_00_toya/3006_0701_01_10] Evening. A day goes by fast, huh.\nI’m not done having fun yet!
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