

Dec 22nd, 2015
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  1. alias spamz0r dialog -m spamz0r spamz0r
  2. alias error dialog -mo error error
  3. alias Cerror dialog -mo Cerror Cerror
  4. alias Interror dialog -mo Interror Interror
  6. menu channel {
  7. Simple Spam:spamz0r }
  9. dialog -l spamz0r {
  10.   title "Simple Spam"
  11.   size -1 -1 246 200
  12.   option dbu
  13.   box "Cycle Spam", 1, 2 0 160 37
  14.   text "How Many Cycles?", 2, 4 10 50 13, right
  15.   edit "", 3, 58 9 15 9
  16.   text "What channel?", 4, 0 22 45 13, right
  17.   edit "", 5, 50 21 70 9 autohs
  18.   check "Set", 6, 115 5 30 13, right disabled
  19.   button "Begin Cycle", 7, 125 18 35 13, disabled
  20.   box "Msg(Pm)\Notice Spam", 8, 2 40 240 53
  21.   text "How Many Lines?", 9, 0 50 50 13, right
  22.   edit "", 10, 52 50 15 9
  23.   text "Who? (#Channel\Nick)", 11, 67 50 65 13, right
  24.   edit "", 12, 135 50 67 9 autohs
  25.   box "Spam Msg", 13, 8 60 195 30
  26.   edit "", 14, 11 68 190 20, multi disabled autohs
  27.   radio "Notice", 15, 205 45 50 13, right group
  28.   radio "Msg", 16, 205 55 50 13, right
  29.   check "Set", 17, 205 67 30 10, right disabled
  30.   button "Begin Spam", 18, 205 80 34 11, disabled
  31.   box "Ctcp", 19, 2 98 240 60
  32.   radio "Ping", 20, 5 108 20 13, right group
  33.   radio "Version", 21, 5 118 28 13, right
  34.   radio "Msg", 22, 5 128 29 13, right
  35.   text "How Many?", 23, 5 145 30 13
  36.   edit "", 24, 35 145 15 9
  37.   box "Ctcp Msg", 25, 55 105 185 32
  38.   edit "", 26, 57 114 158 20, multi disabled autohs
  39.   check "Set", 27, 216 119 30 10, right disabled
  40.   text "Who? (Nick)", 28, 55 145 30 13
  41.   edit "", 29, 87 145 65 9
  42.   button "Begin Ctcp Spam", 30, 170 141 60 13, disabled
  43.   Box "Other Features", 31, 2 160 240 37
  44.   button "Halt All Timers", 32, 4 169 50 12
  45.   check "Protect Me From Ctcp", 33, 4 183 60 12
  46.   box "Spam Interval", 34, 70 166 100 27
  47.   text "Enter The Interval [Seconds] (Default 0)", 35, 73 176 90 15
  48.   edit "", 36, 147 175 15 9
  49.   button "OK", 37, 190 174 30 15, flat ok
  50.   Text "1) If interval is 0-3 you generally can't halt the timers.", 38, 165 3 77 13, centre
  51.   text "2) Protection from ctcp should be enabled at all times.", 39, 165 18 77 13
  52. }
  54. dialog -l error {
  55.   title "Error"
  56.   size -1 -1 99 50
  57.   option dbu
  58.   box "Invalid Command", 1, 3 0 93 45
  59.   text "The Number You Entered Is Invalid." 2, 5 10 95 13
  60.   text "It must be within the range of 1-999." 3, 5 17 100 13
  61.   button "OK", 4, 35 27 30 15, flat ok
  62. }
  64. dialog -l Interror {
  65.   title "Error"
  66.   size -1 -1 99 50
  67.   option dbu
  68.   box "Invalid Command", 1, 3 0 93 45
  69.   text "The Number You Entered Is Invalid." 2, 5 10 95 13
  70.   text "It must be within the range of 0-999." 3, 5 17 100 13
  71.   button "OK", 4, 35 27 30 15, flat ok
  72. }
  74. dialog -l Cerror {
  75.   title "Channel Error"
  76.   size -1 -1 128 50
  77.   option dbu
  78.   box "Invalid Command", 1, 3 0 122 45
  79.   text "The Channel You Entered Is Invalid." 2, 22 10 120 13
  80.   text "All Channels Must Begin With #." 3, 26 17 120 13
  81.   button "OK", 4, 48 27 30 15, flat ok
  82. }
  84. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:edit:3:{ if ($len($did(3)) > 0) && ($did(3) !isnum 1-999) { error | did -r spamz0r 3 | Halt } | if ($did(5) == $Null) { Halt } | if ($len($did(3)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 6 | Halt } | else { did -be spamz0r 6 } }
  86. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:edit:5:{ if ($len($did(5)) > 0) && ($left($did(5),1) != $chr(35)) { cerror | Halt } | if ($did(3) == $Null) { Halt } | if ($len($did(5)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 6 | Halt } | else { did -be spamz0r 6 } }
  88. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:6:{ inc %CSet | if (%Cset == 1) { did -b spamz0r 3 | did -b spamz0r 5 | did -be spamz0r 7 | did -a spamz0r 6 Unset } |   if (%Cset == 2) { did -be spamz0r 3 | did -be spamz0r 5 | did -b spamz0r 7 | did -a spamz0r 6 Set | unset %CSet } }
  90. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:7:{ if (%Timer >= 4999) { set %timer 4000 } | inc %Timer | timer $+ %Timer $did(3) %Inter /cycle $did(5) }
  92. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:edit:10:{ if ($len($did(10)) > 0) && ($did(10) !isnum 1-999) { error | did -r spamz0r 10 | Halt } | if ($did(12) == $null ) { Halt } | if ($len($did(10)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 14 | did -b spamz0r 17 | Halt } | if ($len($did(12)) > 0) && ($len($did(14)) > 0) { did -be spamz0r 17 | did -be spamz0r 14  } | else { did -be spamz0r 14 } }
  94. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:edit:12:{ if ($len($did(12)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 14 | did -b spamz0r 17 | Halt } | if ($did(10) == $null ) { Halt } | if ($len($did(10)) > 0) && ($len($did(14)) > 0) { did -be spamz0r 17 | did -be spamz0r 14  } | else { did -be spamz0r 14 } }
  96. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:edit:14:{ if ($did(10) == $Null) { Halt } | if ($len($did(14)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 17 | Halt } | if (%Stype == $null) { Halt } | if ($len($did(10)) > 0) && ($len($did(12)) > 0) { did -be spamz0r 17 | did -be spamz0r 14 } | else { did -be spamz0r 17 } }
  98. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:15:{ set %Stype $did(15) | if ($len($did(14)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 17 | Halt } | did -be spamz0r 17 }
  100. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:16:{ set %Stype $did(16) | if ($len($did(14)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 17 | Halt } | did -be spamz0r 17 }
  102. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:17:{ inc %SSet | if (%Sset == 1) { did -b spamz0r 10 | did -b spamz0r 12 | did -b spamz0r 14 | did -b spamz0r 15 | did -b spamz0r 16 | did -be spamz0r 18 | did -a spamz0r 17 Unset } | if (%Sset == 2) { did -be spamz0r 10 | did -be spamz0r 12 | did -be spamz0r 14 | did -be spamz0r 15 | did -be spamz0r 16 | did -b spamz0r 18 | did -a spamz0r 17 Set | unset %SSet } }
  104. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:18:{ if (%Timer >= 4999) { set %timer 4000 } | inc %Timer | timer $+ %Timer $did(10) %Inter /$+ %Stype $did(12) $did(14) }
  106. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:20:{ set %Ctype $did(20) | did -b spamz0r 26 | if ($did(24) != $null) || ($did(29) != $null) { did -be spamz0r 27 } }
  108. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:21:{ set %Ctype $did(21) | did -b spamz0r 26 | if ($did(24) != $null) || ($did(29) != $null) { did -be spamz0r 27 } }
  110. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:22:{ set %Ctype $did(26) | did -be spamz0r 26 | if ($did(24) != $null) || ($did(29) != $null) { did -b spamz0r 27 } }
  112. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:edit:24:{ if ($len($did(24)) > 0) && ($did(24) !isnum 1-999) { error | did -r spamz0r 24 | Halt } | if ($did(29) == $Null) || (%Ctype == $null) { Halt } | if ($len($did(24)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 27 | Halt } | else { did -be spamz0r 27 } }
  114. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:edit:26:{ set %Ctype $did(26) | if ($did(24) != $null) || ($did(29) != $null) { did -be spamz0r 27 } | if ($len($did(26)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 27 } }
  116. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:edit:29:{ if ($did(24) == $Null) || (%Ctype == $null) { Halt } | if ($len($did(29)) <= 0) { did -b spamz0r 27 | Halt } | else { did -be spamz0r 27 } }
  118. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:27:{ inc %CTCPSet | if (%CTCPset == 1) { did -b spamz0r 20 | did -b spamz0r 21 | did -b spamz0r 22 | did -b spamz0r 23 | did -b spamz0r 24 | did -b spamz0r 26 | did -b spamz0r 29 | did -be spamz0r 30 | did -a spamz0r 27 Unset } | if (%CTCPset == 2) { did -be spamz0r 20 | did -be spamz0r 21 | did -be spamz0r 22 | did -be spamz0r 23 | did -be spamz0r 24 | did -be spamz0r 26 | did -be spamz0r 29 | did -b spamz0r 30 | did -a spamz0r 27 Set | unset %CTCPset } }
  120. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:30:{ if (%Timer >= 4999) { set %timer 4000 } | inc %Timer | Timer $+ %Timer $did(24) %Inter /ctcp $did(29) %Ctype }
  122. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:32:{ timer4??? Off }if ($did(38).state == 1) }
  124. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:sclick:33:{ if ($did(33).state == 1) { Mode $me +T | Set %CtcpPro True } | if ($did(33).state == 0) { Mode $me -T | unset %CtcpPro } }
  126. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:edit:36:{ if ($len($did(36)) > 0) && ($did(36) !isnum 0-999) { Interror | did -r spamz0r 36 | Halt } | else { set %Inter $did(36) } }
  128. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:close:*:{ unset %SType | Unset %CSet | unset %SSet | unset %ctype | unset %CTCPSet | unset %ctcppro | unset %timer }
  130. on *:DIALOG:spamz0r:*:*:{ if ($devent == init) && (T isin $usermode) { set %CtcpPro True } | if ($devent == init) && (%CtcpPro == True) { did -c spamz0r 33 } | if ($devent == init) && (%Inter == $null) { set %Inter 0 } | if ($devent == init) && (%Timer == $null) { set %Timer 4000 } | if ($devent == init) { did -a spamz0r 36 %Inter } }
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